Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1943)
Friday, November 26, 1943 B EAVERTO N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon P â tr e 2 Babson Says. . . . Should Register Cars Before 1944 Continued O regon motor vehicle owners were from Page 1 or travels will be based upon his purchasing power. For a while at least, this will be far greater than in pre-war days due to accumulated sav ings. As these ate spent rather than saved, there w ill be a large de rixand for goods. This is particu larly true of luxury and semi-luxury items. Retail outlets, inactive dur ing the W ar, w ill take on a new im portance. reminded to Register their cars t or Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton» 1944 in a letter sent out from the Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the pastofflce at Beaverton. Oie. ! secretary o f state's o ffice this week I The letter contains a blank which «.(JO Three M o n th s __________ $ Son: may be used us an application form One Year — _ 00 Subscription Payable in Advance. for the 1944 registration. Six Months No new license plates w ill be issued Beaverton O ffice— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 for 1944. Instead, windshield stick Hillsboro O ffice— Room S, Della Bldg., Phone 1041 ers w ill be used to validate the 19*2 Portland O ffice— *08 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone A Tw ater 6591 plates on Oregon cars. The design o f the new stickers features a map FrofesHional Services U __ ! . . Doctors, lawyers, beauty parlor op fwj PVNWwS of Oregon in green, with the state erators, specialty shop owners, gas seal and a space in which the regis O reg 1 station attendants and all who serve tration number is printed. P ublisher Persons who have come back to the requirements of the in dividual This especially Oregon recently and do not have Ore should be very busy. 1 applies to those businesses which gon license plates, w ill receive a set I j of 1942 plates together with the wind- j have suffered during the W ar due to must be corrected But in correct-i shield sticker for the 1944 registra- priorities price fixing and rationing. | They should have a good comeback. ing it, the belief should not be al- j tion. Household servants w ill again be I lowed to develop that there is some- Anticipating heavy congestion In They may however find i thing wrong In size alone. This Is a the mails during the year-end holiday plentiful. Many fam i ! big country. It w ill always need the season, Secretary o f State Bob Far themselves out o f luck. i productive effort o f big industry just rell urged owners to send in their lies have been getting along with The trend of postwar liv as It w ill need the productive effort applications early so that stickers out help. o f little industry. M oreover the prob may be returned promptly. Those ing w ill be toward sim plification aid lems o f both big and little industry who send their applications in near ed by new and efficient household The appliance business will to a large extent always be in- the end o f the year may have to wait devices. This offers j separable. F o r example, the small several days fo r their stickers, he should be very active. great opportunities in manufacturing man cannot remain indifferent to the warned. and in distribution. present danger o f permanent sociali Retail Trade zation o f Industries. The Low Down I see no signs o f any slackening. ---------------- V ---------------- The Holiday trade w ill be good. The From Hickory Grove WHY ADD TO CONFUSION? trend seems toward larger outlets. Concentrated shopping areas may be PENALIZING ECONOMY The problem o f eating become daily ' X been hankering to reel o ff an broken up. N ew suburban stores more complicated. The O ffice of Price f “ i iyI 0,! . ° rt0C« r_y_ St? will be opened. This w ill avoid tra f like I can’t stop preaching AEsop, Many absurdities have been brought Administration plans to Issue ration ....... .............. fic condition bound to be terrible. and how not to be a sucker,” long to light In the price and rationing tokens before the firs t o f the year. The trend in real estate development rules o f O PA. None has been more W illiam H. Albers, President o f the enough to do so. may also head toward the suburbs! I have a skookum tim e every | absurd than the order declaring that Supermarket Institute, says that and actual countryside. This ties in Tuesday and Friday when Susie and j no seller o f women’s and children’s organization is definitely opposed to with our coming simpler form of liv I go into town. Moseying up and ! coats, suits, and dresses may carry a the scheme and that while "the idea ing. higher price line that top carried In has some advantages . . . its disad- down the store aisles, like at a county ! Good retailers are always < progres rushing me into sive. that particular store in the base per vantages far out weigh the desirable *a ir; and They were among the first to Because o f wartim e con- buyln« something, Brother, these adopt the iod of March, 1942. It means that features. telephone and electric overburdened »erve-yourself-outfiU are my dish, lights and to use m otor vehicles for stores which have centered their ef ditions, we are already So W hy we call them Chain Stores is forts on selling to the public at the with a multitude of problems. deliveries. They have an inexhaust C ou rtesy’ Food Em- ible clientele. lowest possible prices, are now pen far as I can determine, nobody in the . bey‘,nd mTe More than any group alized fo r their efficiency. industry favors this plan, but because | P ° ^ ums. I calls em. they mould our thoughts, lives and places where we Down at the 2 H ow the order affects the public Is somebody in Washington is taken by habits. They should continue to best illustrated by the case o f a re the idea, we and the consumers must trade, the managers sure know how keep ahead of the times. The entire to make you feel 100 per cent w el tailer who In March, 1942, was selling prepare to adjust ourselves to a come to browse around. And the retail picture is most interesting. It children's skirts fo r *1. Today he whole new ration procedure.” more you sn iff at something like offers many opportunities fo r mer finds that manufacturing costs make In states where sales tax tokens chants and investors. maybe a cantalope or a smoked it impossible to replace this same are now In use, consun^rs would car New Products mackerel or even the coffee grinder, skirt for less than *1.19, but he can ry such tokens, plus »food tokens, Considerable research work is b e - . the more you w ill buy. not adjust his price to cover this rise point stamps and money, to buy a The boys running stores like that, in cost. Therefore, he is forced to can o f beans. drop the cheap item altogether, and Many trade groups are expected to know the value o f browse and sniff. W A N TED when Mrs. Consumer drops In to buy join in opposition to the token plan In today's vernac, they know their T h ey savvy how to sell gro a skirt for daughter, she finds and consumer organizations w ill be onions. no skirt. She must go to a higher- enlisted to oppose this further com- | ceries. Yours with the low down, priced store where she will have to plication in dally marketing. JO S E R R A buy a more costly garment. By not ---------------- V ---------------- ---------------- V ---------------- allowing a modest increase In the The people o f Germany, Ita ly and A study o f dark ages w ill teach us cheap line, the O P A actually forces Japan were w illing and anxious to the customer to pay higher prices. share the loot o f war, promised them how to avoid a repetition o f that era Essential Industry The low-cost distributor can no long by their leaders; they must expect o f ignorance. ----------------V --------------- - er serve at low cost and the consum to share the burden o f defeat. Since w e got Into the w ar more E X P E R IE N C E er pays the bill. ---------------- V ---------------- Americans have died on our high According to news reports, the The Italian lake Is now being used NOT N ECESSA RY O P A has est&blshed the same proced almost exclusively by ships o f the ways than on the fields o f battle. ---------------- V ---------------- ure In the restaurant business. Low- United Nations. Most people who think they have Steady Work with Overtime priced restaurants that sold pie at 10 to say something say nothing. cents a cut during the base period, APPLY AT aro prohibited front raising their W ANTED prices to cover rises in wholesale MEN AND WOMEN pie costs. Higher-priced restaur for ants that form erly sold pie at fifteen cents, are not affected. Again the SHIP SCALERS efficient, low-priced operator and the small operator have been penalized F O R L O C A L S H IP Y A R D S , E X by a bureaucratic absurdity. It Is P E R IE N C E U N N E C E S S A R Y , 95c 1320 S. E. W ater Ave., Portland a curious w ay to fight inflation! A N D U P P E R H O U R ON D A Y S H IF T , C L E A N IN G A N D P R E ------------- V ------------- P A R IN G S U R FA C E S BEFORE Only This Newspaper Can Offer YOUR PROBLEM P A IN T IN G . S E P A R A T O R S — M il.K E K S Such Reading Bargains Women must be age 16 and not C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T A N D A well-founded fear is grow ing over 43, and birth certificate re As a special service and convenience to S U P P L IE S FO R T H E D A IR Y concerning the future of small busi quired up to 24 years. our subscribers, we are offering bargain IN D U S T R Y ness. Total w ar has tended to cen prices on your newspaper and favorits Apply basement o f Labor Temple tralize Industry. Somehow the trend magazine*. You can get this paper either Local No. 1404 in combination with any one of these Portland. Oregon great popular magazines, or with the 5- Magazine Special below. Select the offer you like best . . . then 611 in the coupon NOTICE Nanafaffurm k Piitrlbeton and send it to us. Please do it right away, tVIRYTH IN b be. re paper shortages make it impossible L a b o r e r s w a n te d at on ce. to 6 1 1 all subscriptions! Suits— Coats— Dresses— ing done o f an industrial and scien-! Jannsens Return from tific nature to develop l.ew products and bring together inventors and Six Week* Trip manufacturers. It is necessary to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jan risen have supply retail and industrial markets with new gadgets. Then production returned from a six weeks’ trip by may take the place of a latge part of ' train during which they viaited their our present output o f war materials. son and daughter in law, Captain Industry is paying more attention to and Mrs. Edward Jannsen at Tampa, iesearch departments today than ever Fla., and son W ilbur, at Alva, Okla. Captain Jannsen has been transfer before. The scientists, whatever his specialty, w ill be the “ great man” of 1 red to Lake Charles Field, La., where he is operations o ffic e r In the air uur postwar era. Mrs. Jannsen returned to Merchandising these new products, corps. w ill require large advertising cam Oregon, when her husband was trans is staying paigns. Newspapers, magazines and ferred to Louisiana, and other forms o f communicative media with her parents. H r. and Mrs. Law w ill be in demand. More people w ill rence W olfe, of Raleigh station. be employed in distributive work. Side-tracked sales managers will again build up sales forces. We need, however, lower distributing costs. The costs of selling, not of manufacturing, have kept up the prices o f retail goods. The reduc tion of such costs is becoming, how ever, a spiritual rather than an eco List W ith Us For Quick Sales nomic problem. I, therefore, pray that the postwar era w ill be accom panied by a return to religion. Cash Buyers For 1 to 10 Acres Improved Victory Real Estate Co. 4616 N E Sandy Blvd. R A D IO S \ ) | ) | | ) De Laval Im m e d ia te jo b p la c e m e n t! A p p ly w e e k d a v s o n ly . HOD CARRIERS Millinery 0 AND Finest Garments from the best stocks In this country. BUILDING 0 Unequalled personal service. 0 Tim e fo r you to eelect exactly U n io n 0 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th A T J E F F E R S O N C K N T R A IJ .Y LO CATED Close to bus trans portation and w alking distance from downtown. Out of the high rent district. Ten minutes from downtown and more for your money. Tw enty y e a n at thie cation Tw en ty Third W illam ette H eights Northrup and N. W. Third Ave. LABORERS L o cal No. 296 0 Ample stocks and variety o f stylish and quality garments for the careful buyer. 0 0 American Fruit G row er $1.7 5 American G i r l .............. 2.50 American H o m e .......... 2.2$ American Poultry JrnL l.d* Better Cooking & H om em a k in g ................ 3,45 □ Better Homes & Gardens 2.23 □ Boy’s L i f e ...................... 3.10 □ Child L i f e ...................... 2.95’ □ Christian H e r a ld ......... 2.50 □ Column D ig e s t.............. 2.95 □ Country Gentlem an. . . 1.65 □ D og W o r l d .................... 2.50 □ Farm Jrl. & F'rra'rs W ife 1.65 □ Flower G r o w e r .......... 2.50 □ Flying A cea .................... 2.50 □ H o u s e h o ld .................... 1.90 □ Xlygeia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.95 □ Liberty .......................... 393 □ Nature (10 Iss^ 12 M o.) 3.45 □ Open R'd (12 Iss., 14 M .) 2.25 C lO u td rs (12 Iss„1 4 M o.) 2.25 □ Parents' Magazine . . . . 2.50 □ Pathfinder...................... 2.00 □ Photoplay - M ovie M irr. 2.50 □ Popular Mechanics . . . 3.25 □ Poultry I f r b u n * .......... 1.65 □ Sports A fie ld .................. 2.25 □ Sunset M agazine.......... 2.00 □ True Story ...................... 2.25 □ The W o m a n .................. 2.10 □ Your L i f e ...................... 3.43 RO O M 215 what you want. N o rush, a friendly helpful way o f serving you. same lo Ave., or car to Tw enty I. P. Finley & Son Quality at moderate p rice* 1129 N. W. 23rd Ave. MORTICIANS SW KOI R T D A T M O N T G O M E R Y PO R TLAN D . OREGON A Tw ater 2181 ¿ --------------- AT FIRST ^ ! MECHANICS ^ Mechanics work 48 hr* I 1 hem* per week! stiatgtit. 8 hours t l ma j k and a half Good working condl-j £ t lona Permanent employment OREGON MOTOR STAGES i 506 SW Mill BE. 3021 PORTLAND 6 6 R l, Bx 1, Tigard, Oregon. Opposite the Joy Theatre P H O N E T IG A R D 2381 Riverview Cemetery W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY A. B. SMITH C H EV R O LET CO. Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost R iverview is a co-operative & m o - clation with assets o f over *800,000 West Burnside at 13th “A Great Place to Buy” PAINTERS Experienced For Steady Work on Housing Projects, $1.32 Per Hr. Shipyards $1.20 Per Hour Also Inexperienced AT. «461 May Be Trained Apply Painters' Union Room 207 Labor Temple TH E OLD JUDGE S A Y S ... g u - « I 5- Ma gazine Special! \m washer ^ y o V ® u se ISO NW Park □ □ □ □ O V. WALLACE — Signs & Card*— 5 Push Button Controls 6 tubes 3 Position Tone Control 3 Gang Perm eability Tuning Elliptical Speaker Sensitivity Control Automatic D rift Compensation Dial Dimmer N ew Full Vision Dial Autom atic Volume Control ifìmmk (riseli ALMA'S DRESS SHOP OREGON c. Limited Supply Just Received p | | Res. GA. 0648 PO RTLAND , Table Cabinet Models BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS SAVE MONEY ON [ SYLVAN PLANT YOUR NEWSPAPER COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS AND MAGAZINES TR. 3769 T h is N s « i s a s * r a a S * f ir M I P ath fin der........ 1 Y f . M l(a , Household Mag. 1 Yr. " True Score ___ I Yr. Wl • Poultry # au 7 r Journal .......I Yr. 9 ® Paia» Journal * Farmet • Wife 1 Yr. ™ 6 TABLETS. < A IVE. NOSE DROPS USE T H I S C O U P O N TIRE CAPPING Highest quality material*, modern equipment, skillful workmanship. Cheek magasines desired and I ca s s a , te Mia Cedavi j Gentlemen- t enclose I Please me dm magazine checked, or the tacine Special, » i ch a years sub- PROMPT SERVICE la rg e Truck Tire« Done at Once I-arge Stock New Metherltng T ire« Immediate Delivery U T GRIMSHAW MS S. K. ra io n Ave. Portland. Ore. EA. 1171 ! J st. f ä . r. d _ (>£!<-#. SEND ALL = 1 ORDERS TO Beaverton Enterprise Beaverton, Oregon , “ Th at’s really a great editorial you just read to us. Judge. Where did you say it appeared?” " I n ’ The Stars and Stripes’ e news paper o f the U.S. Armed Forces in Europe. Kind of gives us folks back home something to about, doesn’t it. Bill?” *’ It certainly does. Judge- Particularly the last paragraph. Would you mind reading that again?” "G la d to. Bill. It says, ’ We can remember r*u. the days o f prohibition, when moonshine whiskey made quick fortunes (oi bootleggers, crooked politicians and dishonest police offi cials. As a result, w e claim we know w hat we want in the w ay o f liquor legislation and feel those at home should trail until ve return before mUiatint furlher legislation on liquor controC. ” "O u t o f fairness to our boys over there fighting. Judge, how could we disobey such a w ish ?" •tutmtni $ p fu r N I» Ak+èmr # «r«| » im i**, im