Friday, November 19, 1943 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Pa er 2 You can use classified advertising 'ited service in the army which i3 go­ he says, but a little too costly at vVell, I says, to an advantage, plant one in your ing to make it kind of tough on some present prices for oil. of us Fappies who act, feel, and look if pork chops and steaks are up, how local newspaper. like a lot older than we are (under come oil is held down? It you have 36.) Some of the kids can bang any readers, ask them, or the Govt, around at ungodly hours, adapt , or somebody—not me, he says. Yours with the low down, themselves to adverse conditions ! H. II. J E in U K H , Publisher JO SE R R A (and new ones), sleep anywhere and | Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co.. at Beaverton, come right back raring for more. j Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Beaverton. Oie. In something along our line we old Should Mail Xmas Packages By Fred P. H. Clyde For 1 to 10 Acres Improved duffers could probably do as well (old « aoo Three Months -41.00 One Year — 'I his publication assumes no res­ dogs-new tricks) providing we got j End of November Subscription Payable In Advance. List With Us For Quick Sales . M Bis Months ponsibility for views «-«pressed In our 8 hours of shut eye in the usual this column. Sentiments are cred­ The postoffice department would , ideal surroundings. Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 ited to t.he columnist, Clyde, and do Yessir—I can see myself now—its like to see all Christmas packages Hillsboro Office— Room 6, Della Bldg., Phone 1641 not n«*cessurily coincide with our i about 6 a. m. on a dark, rainy morn, j well on their way by the end of No­ Portland Office--308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6691 editorial policy. The postoffices everywhere There I am; sleepy, but there with vember. 4616 N E Sandy Blvd. ------ ------ \ bells on slightly muffled at this are suffering a shortage of manpow­ M d m id * er and would appreciate the kind Tolerance * hour, of course) corns, lumbago and TR. 3769 . Res. GA. 0648 I am tolerant of all things, except ¡all (draft board please note this last.) thoughtfulness of early package mail­ 0«Ec|o©NLrf$p] PO R TLA N D , OREGON that fiitny product of egotism and | I have an eighty pound pack on my ing. P u b l is m | e u 4 4 soi --------------- V--------------- conceit—intolerance. back. Maybe its only sixty—but no ' Intolerance of a race, a religion, a matter it’ll feel like 200 before I go , Reduce Xmas Lighting j creed, or, a man's color is back-hand- 1 a block. I cd way of saying how much better The sergeant barks an order—I ' The American p«*>ple have been Decrees Don't Produce Cows you are than the other guy you single 1 don't like that guy)—we’re on the | asked by the Office of W ar Utilities to confine C h risties lighting decora­ out for your abuse. j move. c. V. W A L L A C E Who are you to say that the Al- I shall spare you the painful inter- tions to Christmas trees inside pri­ For sometime past the American vate homes. Saving of electricity — Signs & Card»— It will prob- 1 people have been reading that they mighty has created you better than ! vening three miles. | ably happen on the fourth. There witl mean direct saving of fuel, man­ can expect butter and milk rationing. your fellows? Itl, Bx 1, Tigard, Oregon. power, transportation, and materials. It is upon this sad, human fraility will be a cry: • They are therefore partially prepared Opposite the Joy Theatre "Man down—tongue hanging out— I for such drastic steps. The civilian that demagogues as Hitler prey as PHONE TIG A R D 2381 butter reserve is at the vanishing they foist their way to unholy power, bring water and stretcher bearers, NOTICE Just a minute, point, which means that our milk Politicians .who are covering filthy What's his name? | ------------------------------------------------------------- linen of their own, often bring race I Surge—till I spot his tag. It’s No. , supply us below needed amounts. Laborers wanted at once. You can always dispose if It, If and religion into the government as 1 6 and 7-8. That’s Clyde. Yep—one! Farm labor costs., dairy feed, seed you use a want sd. and everything tho dairy farmer us­ red herrings across trails of fact, j of these guys they got when they | Immediate job placement !* es. have shown either normal or ab­ Hitler first cast the Jews into his j dragged the bottom of the manpow- Apply week davs only. Look's like we got a new normal rises. No matter how fine maelBtrom of brewed hate, a minor- er pot. ity tossed into a bottomless pit of j digger for our sanitqry facilities.” j ' HOD CARRIERS ' our economic planners spin their This wasn’t i ____________ y ____________ AND theories, all of them combined can­ human heartlessness. Next came I rt c not produce a milk cow in less than the end by a long shot. BUILDING LABORERS CROOKED THINKING Then came the Ma- 1 n e L O W U O W n I* TOITI three years, by law, executive decree the Catholics. W E ST END sons. Minorities all, but one by I H i c k o r y G f O V e or otherwise. Union Local No. 296 . W. Ll,> he R a f I ’ 8ELLW OOD BRID G E ' one he cast them to the rabble It has been said countless times There is just one way to get more ROOM 215 By then, he was firmly , that the strikes in war industries of milk, and that is to allow the farmer created. I been researching. Lit out to see LABOR TEMPLE this nation were the result of labor who produces it a fair and reason­ in the seat, and the self-respecting CREMATORIUM elsewhere. 1 SW 4th A T JEFFERSO N leadership and did not represent the able profit based on the cost of pro­ i could do nothing except weep bitter, what was taking place Found out 3 things. The first thing hidden tears of self-redress for not will of the individual workman. The duction and the labor involved. Un­ MAUSOLEUM coal miners have proved that theory til that is done, the milk, butter and observing the rotten taste of intoler­ was that everybody had skads of foldin’ money. And the second thing CEMETERY doesn't hold water. And the railroad cheese supply will grow shorter and ance and secretly wonder as many W ANTED ■ Did was that everybody was mad, and ---- workers threaten to follow suit. there is no use in kidding the Ameri­ Germans must wonder today:: God create me better than my fel- unhappy, It gives one a sick feeling to read can people about the issue. M EN AN D W O M EN Complete Funeral Service In New lows?” 1 “ Most * folks were mad about how the headlines, “60 U. S. Bombers and for Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost many steaks they can have—if any— 600 fliers Dost in Record Attack," Riverview is a co-operative asso­ i or how much gas is on a coupon. S H IP S C A L E R S “ Miners’ Strike Spreads.” “Strike ciation with assets of over 3800,000 Who Tak**s a IP-atlng? Nobody was mad about the price. Paralyzes Shipyard,” "Walkout Clos­ F'OR LO CAL SH IPYARD S, EX­ Now I ’m wondering (like a lot of Any notion that anybody is lugg- es Steel Furnace.” P E R IE N C E UNNECESSARY. 95c ' other draft age pappas) about a lot ! ing around, "that just money, or Continued From Page 1 There is something wrong with the AND U P P E R HOUR ON DAY of things. Those that say otherwise | something like “ security from the thinking of any mun on the home SH IFT. C LE A N IN G A N D P R E ­ are prevaricators of the first order. cradle to the undertaker” will make front who enjoys all the blessings of j fire insurance stocks and chain store j (This last is defined as liars—only yOU happy, is all wet. That is a good j P A R IN G SURFACES B EFO RE company preferreds. A T F IR S T personal liberty, and then strikes in PA IN T IN G . That is progress My appeal today, however, is not i prevaricators is considered to bei thing to find out. wartime instead of staying on his Job SIGN OF A more “a la Emily Post.” I And the third thing I dug up was Women must be age 16 and not and backing the men on the war so much to the banks and trustees First—after all the solo gents and about gasoline. The gent I talked over 45, and birth certificate re­ fiont who risk their lives to pre- as to my readers, who should get childless eligibles have gone over the to savvied oil—backwards and for- ; quired up to 24 years. busy to get state laws changed. The seive the liberty he enjoys. One place where we could | Apply basement of I,abor Temple fact is that the banks may be tied hurdles that start with "Greetings wards. —W ill the lit­ get znore oil, he says—and maybe in­ Local No. 1404 down too much by state laws regard­ from the President.” woman and the kids be able to crease your coupon a gallon or sa Portland, Oregon GET THE "FEARS1' STRAIGHT ing the investment of trust funds. j tle gone? and quick, is by rehabilitating a lot 6 6 6 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS In view of impending inflation, in­ tough it along after we’re of our old wells. Easy as pie to do, stead of all these laws protecting | (Or are we conceited?) A recent advertisement shows the widows and orphans, some of them Second: While they’re breaking! W ANTED picture of a wife plowing in 1777 may be penalizing these deserving us In that’s what they call it in bus , CENTRALLY while her husband was away fighting beneficiaries. : driving)—I ’ll bet we get out in some Surely, if we are go­ LOCATED for their country's independence. The ing into a period of inflation, cer­ Forsaken Camp at F'usheat’s Creek, Close to bus trans­ advertisement then stressed that by tain stocks may be safer than the | Kansas, and not be able to get a good* portation and building up certain financial reser- l very best of bonds. home cooked meal In case the camp walking distance ves, one can gain “ freedom from the 1 Trust Funds Rapidly Increasing | grub’s lousy—it always Is to us mar- Suits— Coats— Dresses— from downtown. ugliest fear of all—want.” Another thing:* Trust funds are i rted “ ball and chainers.” Nowhere was the point made that | growing at a tremendous rate. T H IR D — Now to get to the cru x1 So Essential Industry M illinery the woman plowing was doing a Job far as the beneficiaries are concerned of this whole thing -they say there’s to help free herself and her husband this is a good thing; but is it good | not going to be any more of this lim- I E X P E R IE N C E nd her country of a fear much for the community? Owing to state 0 Finest Garments from the best renter than that of financial want, laws regarding trust funds, trustees NO T NECESSARY stocks in this country. , amely, fear of tyranny, fear of op­ are frightened o f their shadows. pression, fear of injustice. 0 Unequalled personal service. Steady W ork with Overtime Hence, they put no money into new “ Freedom from fear’ ’and “ freedom enterprlsea to help the community or 0 Time for you to select exactly from want”, as they are generally the nation. This is bad practice. A APPLY AT present«*! to our people today, seem dog cannot live Indefinitely by chew­ what you want. No rush, a to be bnsed entirely on material ing his own tall. friendly helpful way of serving A country cannot things, os if easy living and a full survive without continually putting you. stomach were the principal guarantee new money Into new enterprises. which we should worry about. 0 Ample stocks and variety of State laws should compel trustees to The right to be independent and Only This Newspaper Can Offer put \0%~ot their money into “ ven­ stylish and quality garments free of domination by any govern­ ture capital.” ATwater 2181 for the careful buyer. Such Reading Bargains ment, any king, or any bureaucracy, 1320 S. E. \Vat«-r Ave., Portland We should encourage thrift and is what the 1777 yoman and her hus­ At a tpecial service and convenience to the best way to encourage thrift Is to 0 Out of the high rent district. band were fighting for. A full stom­ our subscribers, we are offering bargain give a fair Interest rate to those who ach or financial security were the prices on your newspaper and favorite 0 Ten minutes from downtown will save. Interest is merely a wage magazines. You can get this paper either least of their fears. and more for your money. paid f6r sacrifice and saving. The in combination with any one of these ------------ V ------------ Administration at Washington, how­ teal popular magazines, or with the 5* 0 Twenty years at this same lo­ ever, is apparently following a direct lagazine Special below. Select the offer cation. Twenty Third Ave., or opposite program. It has forbidden you like best . . . then fill in the coupon banks to pay Interest on current de­ Willamette Heights car to end tend it to us. Please do it right away, posits: and it has beaten down the bel.'re paper shortages make it impossible • Northrop and N. W. Twenty interest rates on government bonds to hit all subscriptions! Third Ave. The high tax rates have forced the RPRISE Cash Bayers Victory Real Estate Co. Riverview Cemetery Babson Says. . . . c ALMA'S DRESS SHOP SAVE MONEY ON YOUR NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES S car w ash er s ! MECHANICS I I Mr. hames work 48 hrs per w rtk n 40 hours straight; 8 hours t l m » l ¡and a half. Good working condl-^ * ns Prrmznrnt employment ^ t OREGON MOTOR STAGES SO« S W Mill BE. 3021 PO R TLAND Quality at moderate prices. 1129 N. W . 23rd Ave. American Fruit G row er$I.75 American G i r l ............ 2.50 American H o m e .......... 2.25 American Poultry Jrnl. 1.64 Better Cooking 3c H om em a k in g .............. 3.45 Better Homes 3c Gardens 2.25 Boy’s L i f e .................... 3.10 Child L i f e .................... 2.95 Christian H e r a ld ........ 2.50 Column D ig e s t............. 2.95 Country Gentlem an. . . 1.65 D og W o r ld .................. 2.50 Farm J rl.S F’rm’rs W ife 1.65 Flower G r o w e r .......... 2.50 Flying A c e s .................. 2.50 Household .................. 1.90 Hygeia ........................ 2.95 Liberty ........................ 3.95 Nature (10 1st, 12 M o .) 3.45 Open R ’d (12 1st., 14 M .) 2.25 Outd rs (12 Its.. 14 M o.) 2.25 Parents' Magazine . . . . 2.50 Pathfinder.................... 2.00 Photoplay - M ovie M irr. 2.50 Popular Mechanic* . . . 3.25 Poultry H ib u n a .......... 1.65 Sports A fie ld ................ 2.25 Sunset M agazine.......... 2.00 Thie S to ry .................... 2.25 The T o m a n ................ 2.10 Your L i f e .................... 3.45 PO R TLA N D , OREGON SEPARATORS — M il.KEKS COMPLETE EQ U IPM ENT \NI1 SUPPLIES FOR TIIE DAIRY INDUSTRY ìììotmn Criiell Ndn*f«*turns 4 Dti tributari 135 NW Park Table Cabinet Models Limited Supply Just Received M • ■ • lin n s 0 Ml » fnr only 0 $075 0 0 Check magaainaa d a tlra d and aand tam pan ta this mamapmpar ta d ay I Highest quality material*, modern equipment, skillful workmanship. Gentlemen- I encloee } __________ _ P l m t 0 0 0 RAT GRIM5HAW 823 S r. Union Ave. EA. 1171 Portland, Ore. 0 0 0 * I me the magazine checked, or the * Magazine Special, with a year • nib- h • «cription to your nrwvpaper. N a a r ___ Pai» Oflrr ’ i I I . J SEN D ALL ORDERS TO Beaverton Enterprise Beaverton, Oregon AT. «461 RADIOS This News papar and S Créât Si er K P. D .. * * it tYlRYTMING U in m v . 4 / * ' rom tm R Y MANS, DAIRY V- 'foRTiANO Cm.-I ait L ake C ity T1BE CAPPING PROMPT SERVICE a 721/2‘ lb. Light Halves D e La va l 5 - M a g a z i n e Speci al ! Pathfinder . , , .1 Y r. H ou «e hold M z* I Yr. Tru« S to ry .......... I Yr. A im tH W Poultry Journal .1 Yr. f i r n Journal a Farmrr i ET if* I Yr. P’ Ï Â ? Son WALNUT MEATS WANTED USE T H IS COUPON l a r i » Truck Tire« I »on.- at Once Large Stock New Set berline Tlren Immediate Delivery * □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 666 COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS sw F° l BT" AT MONT,iOMEKÏ Anyftyjagazine Listed and This Newspaper, Both for Price Shown □ □ O □ □ f use BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS SYLVAN PLANT S prices of municipal bonds to sky- high figures so that thrifty people can no longer afford to buy these. While the farmers are demanding a Westward H o ! floor for farm prices, the widows and orphans of the country should ha^v a lobby and get a floor under inter­ Hello Folks: Well, In the mornln' I'm a startin’ est rates. way out west to Lot Angeles! You What Can W> l»o? The most honest and safe method know way back yander there wus a wise ole feller by the name of Hor­ o f getting security for old age is by ace Greely, who said, “ Young Man go saving money and taking care o f It Out West and Grow Up with tbs either directly oneself or by putting The Country.” Every time 1 start West it Into a revokable trust fund. I think of ole Horace and how I present Boclal Security program of struck western Kansas in Grover the U. S. Government is questionable Because the money which is Cleveland time and “ Blowed Up with Why? The Country"—fer they wu* a aand- taken out of your pay envelope every dust storm on! Now I'm not a try- week is not “ saved" for you by in' to be Stelnbeak er whatever hix Washington, but is spent by the gov­ name wuz that made all us Okies ernment which gives you only a When you get mad os blazes! Anyway, I git a credit on its books. thrill everytime I start West! This old the government may be obliged time I may be runnin’ into an Earth­ to print new money In order to pay How much these new green­ quake but I'll Just be a gittin' more j you. rience! I have been out in the! backs will then he worth la a ques­ Californey country two times be- j tion. fore and they wusent any earth- j Another thing you can do is this: quakes' Rut you know the further | When making a new trust for your west you go the more thrills us East­ family or relatives, insist that the ern Oakies think you ought to git! j money shall be invested in securities About the biggest thrill would be to | netting at least 4% or 2% above the see the telegraph lines a breakin' i current rate for U. 8. Government down with words about Hitler and bond* maturing after twenty years. I think you will find banks willing hix bunch a "Blowtn' U p!” to take trusts under these con­ B A R B W IR E B IIX ditions provided you agree that they shall not be held liable for losses by following eueh a policy You should also stipulate that you will look to the bank only for the total valuation of your trust account allowing the hank to use profits to balance losses which, under present legislation, of­ ten cannot be done. --------------- V--------------- Turn war stamps into Bonds A V ® 5 Push Hutton Controls 8 tube« 3 Fonltlon Tone Control 8 Gang Permeability Tuning Elliptical Speaker Senaltlvlty Control Automatic Drift Compensation IMal Dimmer Wmm Full 1 i»ion Dial liitcmattr Volume Control A. B. SMITH C H E V R O L E T CO. West Burnside at 13th “A Great Place to Buy" HUDSON-DUNCAN CO. Received at Forest Grove Plant Forest Grove Phone 51 325 SE Water. Av., Portland Phone EAst 5161 PAINTERS Experienced For Steady Work on Housing Projects, S1.32 Per Hr. Shipyards S1.20 Per Hour Also Inexperienced May Be Trained Apply Painters' Union Room 207 Labor Temple