Friday, November 12, 1943 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates # TWO CenU a word per Issue. NOTHING LESS THAN 25c CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS NO ADS TAKEN .OVER PHONE We PuoUati the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TIGARO SEN11NEL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County und Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon sibility for ertors which may ap pear In advertisements published In these columns but In case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. • HELP W A N T E D Wanted Oregon Trail Subject for Essay RATION BOOK REMINDER The Oregon Historical Society has Printer, part time for selected “The Oregon Trail" as the subject for the 1944 C. C. Beeknmn weekly newspaper. Even essay contest. The prizes offered ing or afternoon work. Pi-1 are four in number, and will be for the best four original oneer Pub. Co.. Beaverton awarded essays on the above named subject phone 2321 or 308 Pana written and submitted by girls or over fifteen years of age and ma Bldg., Portland, AT. bpys under eighteen years of age, attend ing any public or private school, water 6591. WANTED—Bookkeeper or good office Clerk. H. M. Barnes, Oil Plant. Phone Beaverton 3231 41-42 _____________________________________ I Steady Employment M ISCE LLAN EO U S Good Hours, NOTICE—I will give $5 to any one who may have found and can return my Grey Eversharp Foun tain Pen. Mis. J. V. Chandler. Beaverton. Ore. 41 Essential Industry Butchers for Slaughtering plant; beef boners, trimmers,! D e a d stock picked up free of laborers. academy, seminary, college, univer sity or other educational institution within the State of Oregon. Each of the four prize winners will also receive a handsome bronze medal. In order to be considered in com petition the essay must be delivered my mail or person to the Oregon His torical Society, Public Auditorium, 235 SW Market Street. Portland. Or., not later than Monday, March 13, 19*4. -------------- V-------------- CASH must accompany A L L CLASSIFIED ADS. Mail or leave at our office. RATION H O O K NO. 2— November 20- Expiration date of blue stamps X, Y and Z tprocessed foods, jams and jellies) RATION BOOK NO. 3— Brown Stamps—meats, fats, etc Dec. 4—Expiration date of brown stamps G, H J. and K. J becomes valid Nov. 7, K on Nov. 14. RATION BOOK NO. 4— Pro. fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies Dec. 20 Expiration date of green stamps A, B and C. SUGAR— Jan. 15, 19*4- Expiration date of stamp 29, Book Four, good for 5 lbs. TIRE INSPECTION— A card autos every 6 months or by September 30 (inspections) must be at least 90 days apart.) B card autos every 4 months or by October 31 (inspections) must be at least 60 days apart.) C card autos every 3 months or by Nov. 30 (inspection must be at least 45 days apart.) Commercial vehicles every six months or every 5000 miles, which ever occurs first. Page .1 STOVES— You can always dispose If it, If Purchase certificates obtainable at you use a want ad. local ration board. WOOD, SAWDUST, COAL ll3 llls llls U ts lll= lA = m S III£ ll|S |U = |||H IIIS III! Fuel dealers must deliver wood, sawdust and coal on priority based on consumer need, with those having less than three months’ supply com in g first. SKILLED AND UNSKILLED GASOLINE— Men Wanted November 21 — Expiration date stamps No. 8 in A book (three gal lons each). SHOES— Stamp No. 18 in book 1, originally scheduled to expire October 31, is extended indefinitely to provide for an overlap period. Familes may pool stamps. May 1 Stamp No. 1 on airplane sheet in book No. 3 valid for one pair of shoes from November 1 until May 1. 1944. News items must be in our office by Wednesday midnight. Due to la bor shortage, we cannot accept copy Thursday unless for next weeks Issue. Would appreciate your cooperation. Good Sawmill and Lumber Jobs TOP WAGES. OVERTIME PAY Steady jobs after the war; inside jobs; draft deferment; good chance for advancement; good board and room, family style, $11 and $12 per week; clean, modern houses; move in today INMAN POULSEN LUMBER CO. PORTLAND, OREGON Apply days, 1109 SW Stark St. Phone evening, TA. 4854 S in 3 IIIZ in » M S a iS IH B N IM IW H « N 9 M » N charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call We will Train You for skilled jobs DENLEY RENDERING CO., CALL OR WRITE FITZPATRICK Portland. ARMOUR & CO.— SCHLESSER PLANT HIDES A WOOL, CASCAHA—A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Clay. Portland. Atwater 5334. COLUMBIA BLVD., & TYNDALL UNiversity 0651 FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE PORTLAND MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. Or Contact U. S. Employment Service • t OK ¿ALE CASH must accompany A L L CLASSIFIED ADS. Mail or leave FOR SALE Family Cow Jersey at our office. Guernsey $75. See Cullen, Beav erton, Farmington rd., at Spencer Vi mile west of Beaverton bank. NOTICE 41-42 FOR SALE—22 Head, 3-year-old | sheep, medium grade wool, W. S. Baumgartner, Beaverton, R2, 1 mi N of Keedville. 41-42-43 ' Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement! Apply week davs only. ‘ HOD CARRIERS ' AND DRY SU BW O O D for Sale—$12.50 I load in 2-cord loads. Ruben John son, Newberg Star route. Phone : i93j. 4i tf ; BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 296 FOR SALE—l ‘i yr. old Colt. M. L. Hansen, Rt 1, Box 581, Sattler rd. \ Tigard. 41 I SW 4th AT JEFFERSON ROOM 215 LABOR W A N TE D FURNACE A Sawdust Burner ser- i vice and installation. Phone ' CHerry 1236. 41 tf | SALE or TRADE—For sow Pig — Female Red Cocker Spaniel. BE. 0772, Bx 436, Barnes Rd. 41 FOR SALE—Weiner Pigs, Durock breed. Phone Tigard 3549, Rt 1, •box 378. 41 FOR SALE!—Grapes, Apples, Wal- Nuts, Pumpkins, Squash. Fred Leuthi, Walnut Ave., Tigard. 41 FOR SALE—Team of Perchin Mares, 8 and 10 years, with good harness $250. Phone Tigard 2190 41 TEM PLE M EN A N D W O M E N for SHIP SCALERS FOR LOCAL SHIPYARDS, EX PERIENCE UNNECESSARY, 95c AND UP PER HOUR ON DAY SHIFT, CLEANING AND PRE PARING SURFACES BEFORE PAINTING. Women must be age 16 and not over 45, and birth certificate re quired up to 24 years. Apply basement of Labor Temple Local No. 1404 Portland, Oregon W ANTED FOR SALE—Cow fresh Dec. 4th. $100—5 years old. Tigard 2190 41 BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS FOR SALE—Double Harness, good condition $25. Phone Tigard 2190 41 FOR SALE—Full Blood Jersey Cow, fresh in Jan. Ralph Catch- pole, Rl, Bx 386, Tigard. 41 Essential Industry E XP E R IE N C E FOR SALE-Green slab old growth , N O T NECESSARY 4 ft Delivered in Beaverton or j Multnomah $8 in 3 cord loads, $7 | del. to Tigard, Sherwood or Aloha, j Steady W ork with Overtime C J. Staser, Carlton, Oregon, Bx. I 373. «1-42-43-44 j A PPL Y AT • WANT—About 5 acres around Alo- ha-Huber or Beaverton district. Partly cleared. Would like high or sloping ground, 5706 N. Denver avenue, 1, Portland. News items must be In our office by Wednesday midnight. Due to la bor shortage, we cannot accept copy Thursday unless for next weeks issue. Would appreciate your cooperation. # COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS 1320 S. E. Water Ave., Portland c AT FIRST SIGN OF A PAINTS________________ I m la y ’s Fresh Mixed Feeds riSHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons REEDVILLE • SYLVAN PLANT W ANTED ALOHA. ORE WANTED—Live Rabbits, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. USE 6 6 6 TABLETS. « U V E . NOSE DROPS You can always I you use a want ad. dispose If it. If Riverview Cemetery RABBITS W A N T E D BEST PRICE for Rabbit fryers. D. P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We pick up. OVP w 666 WEST END 8ELLWOOD BRIDGE 1 \ CREMATORIUM ] MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra coat Riverview la a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 IS A HAPPY YARD! ★ 80% O F A L B I N A Workers Own Their Home ★ A L B I N A F L Y S 3 S T A R S in the Arm y-Navy E Flag ★ A L B IN A ★ A L B I N A Is Doing Its Damndest to Lick Hitler and Tojo Has Cut Absenteeism Below Peace Time Normal NOW OPEN ALBINA’S INFORMATION OFFICE % FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC WHO HAS SHOWN SUCH INTER EST IN ALBINA'S MANY ACTIVITIES, OUR DOWNTOWN INFORMATION OFFICE SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY Atwater t i l l IS OPEN EVERY DAY FOR QUESTIONS. 1109 S. W. STARK ST. PHONE BE 2324.