Page 4 "*» Fridav, November 5, 1943 BE A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Can Tomatoes for School Lundies Real Estate Transiers A group of five ladies from the Josephine Allen to Harry A Alex- Aloha-Huber P. T. A. met in the ander et ux 2.985 acres Steel's add NT CiCCHliA CHURCH school recently and canned over 701 Beaverton. Masses 8 and 10 a. m. quarts of tomatoes to be used for Clarence Vandehey et ux to Law- school lunches Mrs. A. Schlaefli do- rence B Berg et al. kits 1 A 2 blk 20 Ml.(.KIM I.ITI1KRAN CHURCH nated the tomatoes. The ladies also Beaverton Box 097, Beaverton “ *• kltch*n ' helve?' (wa\hed ! Lawrence B Berg et ux to James Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive all the dishes and then enjoyed a F Bo d lot, j & / bllt 20 Beaverton, (Synodical Conference) delicious dinner. In the group were , Lillian Darland to Wm P Miller et Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Mesdames Loar, Struger, Bergstrom,! ux part lot 3 hlk 26 Beaverton. Sunday School 10 a. m. Englerth and Wooten. Harry L Hudson et ux to Ray N Divine Services 11 a. m. ----------------- V----------------- Carlson et ux N ‘v of lot 60 Beaverton Reedville. METHODIST CHURCH Celebrate Anniversary Albert S. Hisey, D. D.. Minister Raymond N Carlson et ux to Chas 9.45 a. m. Sunday School. ' A Curtis et ux N'/fc of lot 60 Beaver- Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Medill, route 2, 11 a. m. Preaching service. Beaverton, held open house Sunday ! ton Reedville W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. D E Wallace et ux to Conrad Lud- afternoon in honor of their golden ; wig et ux pt lot 3 blk 7 Metzger Acr wedding anniversary. WENT SCOPE Mr. Medill and Mary Mills were ■ trs. COMMUNITY CHURCH married in Vinton. Ia., October 31, Glen S Ehle et ux to Oscar S Mar­ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN They came west by wagon tin et ux lots A 1,2,3,4, blk 31 W Port­ SW Gabel Lane and Fairvlew Drive 1893. train In the early 1900’s settling first land Hghts. Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor in Montana and coming to Oregon 23 10:30 a. m., Unified Service. Wm C Hewes et ux to Everett T j years ago, living first in Cornelius Morgan et ux tract 9 Lombaid add and then in Beaverton. ST. CECELIA CHURCH Beaverton. They are the parents of two sons, Masses 8 and 10 a. m. S E Henderson et ux to Alma Kin- James of Beaverton and Robert of sell part sec 26 T2S R1W. Eugene and one daughter, Mrs. Mar­ BETHEA. Allen E Meier et ux to Cornelia LI vin Kline, also of Beaverton. They c o n g r e g a t io n a l c h u r c h have six grandchildren and three Meier lots 11 & 12 A Meier Est add j 9.45 a. m. Church School. Beaverton. great-grandchildren. 11 a. m. Worship. Ernest Erickson et al to Emily Lof- 6 30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. gren et vir part lot 173 Beaverton j Marine Corps to Observe Reedville Beaverton. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENR First Fed Sav A Loan Assn to Law- j SW First at Stott 168th Birthday Nov. 10th rence Berg et ux part blk 9 Mazzei’a j Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor am plat Pleasant Home add Beaver- ‘ 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. On Wednesday, November 10th, the ton. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Mabel I Raymond to Sigurd Peter­ 630 p. m Young people’s hour United States Marine Corps will cele­ brate its 168th birthday. A Corps son et ux part lot 4 Johnson est add and junior meeting. 7:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic of Marines was created by a resolu­ Beaverton tion of the Continental Congress on Cassius Johnson et ux to L A Se-1 services. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer November 10th, 1775. Since that date horn et ux part lot 60 Steel’s add j many thousands of men have borne Beaverton. and Bible study. the name Marine. John F Johnston et ux to Rudolph The record of the corps is one Mueller et ux part lots 54 & 55 Beav-1 CHURCH OF CHRIST which will bear comparison with that erton Reedville. O. W. Springer, Pastor Marguerite to Carl V. G. Brelin et Morning worship 9:45 a. m. Topic of the most famous military organi­ zations in the world's history. Dur­ ux N S of lot 5 North Tigardville add Watchmen. W H Sheeley et ux to John R. Gre- ' Following the sermon, the Lord's ing the greater part of its existence the Marine Corps has been in action in et ux part blk 140 Johnson Est supper will be observed. Since the add Beaverton. Bible School class session 11 a. m. againet the Nation's foes. Battle of Trenton .marines have won Thure S Mellin et ux to W H Shee­ C. E. 6:30 p. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Topic— foremost honors in war, and in the ley et ux lots 2 & 9 blk 4 Venns add long eras of tranquility at home gene­ Beaverton . There is Joy. Midweek Bible study Wed. 8 p. m. ration after generation of marines Freda Miller to J J McMahon 11.50 have grown gray on both hemis­ acres Sec 23 T1S R1W. at the church. pheres and in every corner of the O J Tofte et ux to Otto A Lamb et seven seas that our country and its ux lot 89 4 pt 88 3rd add Benz Park. WENT I1IIJJ4 citizens might enjoy peace and se­ G. P. Fordney et ux to Earl E. j LUTHERAN CHURCH curity. Fisher part lot 8 Steels add Beaver­ SW Canyon Rd., near Sylvan In every battle and skirmish since ton. Werner J. Frits, Minister the birth of the corps marines have John D Scrugg et ux to Lyle C 20th Trinity, Nov. 7 acquitted themselves with the great­ Taylor et ux lot 1 Lombard add Beav- ! S. S. 9:45 a. m. est distinction, winning new honors erton. Divine Service 11 a. m. Paul Holmes Gardner et ux to Ar­ Sermon: Many Called but Few on each occasion until the term "ma­ rine'.'has come to signify all that Is thur L Behringer et ux tract 12 1st j are Chosen. highest In military efficiency and sol­ add Benz Park . Welcome. dierly virtue. -----------------V---------------- - Liu Biggi to Everett T Morgan et ! -------------- V-------------- ALOHA BAPTIST ux lot 12 Lombard add to Beaverton.1 Beach in Town! COMMUNITY CHURCH William G Dickinson to Reuben E j Grayden D. Loree, Pastor C. J. Beach, Mrs. Beach and Laura Brown, et ux tract 3 Franklin Ave I Sunday School 10 a. m. J. G. Vin­ after spending a glprious (vacation add to Beaverton. Inez DeLashmutt to Otto F Mell- with their daughter Dorothy and cent, Supt. family down at Seaside during the ecker part tract 54, Witch Hazel Morning worship 11 a. m. past month, are home again feeling Little Farms. Sermon: Wanted—Fishermen. Wash Co to Wm H Hunter lots 3 4 One trip to the Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. Gordon fine and dandy! beach, when the tide was going out, blk 30 Beaverton. Rydman, president. Newton B Whitford et ux to L . F they got a lot of big razor-back Evening service 8 p. m. clams. Oh Boy! next night the whole Humburg part lot 20 Lombaid add S. i rnon The Light of the World. gang went, also Kenneth the expert Beaverton. KEEOVILLE COMMUNITY Selma Lindahl to Alice Wright, clam-dlgger of Seaside. They had I’ Kl.SBYTBRIAN CHURCH Sunuay School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto fried cams, clam soup, clam chowd­ part tract 39 Johnson Est add Beav­ er and clams on the half shell! So erton Reedville. , George, Supt. If you want to see the guy who staid Ida C Meats et vir to Vernon D Worship Service 11 a. m. on the Job for 14 years--the old corn Amell et ux lots 6 4 7 Hockens 3rd Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. If someone wants it. you Human affection is not poured forth Prayer Meeting and Bible study, grower from Nebraska with three add to Beaverton. corn cobs hanging on the wall tor Daniel Shaw et ux to Max E Block vainly, even though It meet no re­ Thursday, 7 p. m. Love enriches the nature, en­ it with a classified ad. good luck—you will find him at the lots 165, 166 4 167 Beaverton Reed turn. larging, purifying, and elevating it. old lUnd at corner East and Broad­ ville. ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD way, Beaverton. N B Whitford et ux to Ira H —Mary Baker Eddy. Sunday School 10 a. m. -----------------T --- . --------- --- Naught et ux pt lot 20 Lombard add Worship 11 a. m. Beaverton. Young people 6:30 p. til. Senior High Students May Roy S Slack et ux to Eric Pantzer Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Compete for $2,000 in Prizes et ux lot 12 Nichols add Garden Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. Home. Thursday. Senior high school students will be -----------------V----------------- Tell It with a want ad. It’s an ef­ Invited to compete for $2,000 In prizes j fective way. Spends Leave at Home in two new contests announced by j ----------------- V— ----------- the National Graphic Arts Education A loaf from an extension table or T H E A Second Lieutenant Garry Gordon association of New York City, spon- i any board set on chair backs Gallien of the medical administration sore of this event. Essays must be In 1 placed at either side of the bed corps of the army has returned to their office by Dee 31 midnight. International Printing Ink, New ! makes a very good bed table for a Camp Berkeley. Texas, after spend­ York City, is offering $1000 in prizes patient. Admission 30 and 9c. tax included ing a fifteen day furlough at the for the best essay in Printing and a Even. Show »tarts 7 P.M.; Mat. 2 P.M. home of his parents Mr and Mrs. E. Thirty thousand tons of steel are H. Gallien of Raleigh Hills. Prior to Free Press, and Mergenthaler Lino­ entering the service. Lieutenant Gal- type Company, New- York City. $ 1,006 required per month to provide gaso­ Wed.-Thura.-Fii.-Sat, Nov. 5-tt— HAPPY GO LUCKY lien was a pre-medics student at the for the beet drawing depicting Free­ line containers used in the theatres dom of the Prees. of war operations. In Technicolor University of Portland. i Henry Aldrich Get» Glamour He has completed courses In Red Cross life course and an Instructors Sun.-Mon.-Tue».. Nov. 7-9— course In first aid and la now an In­ One of this year's “Ten Best"! Life structor at Camp Barkeley. AIK FORCE Cartoon—The I .ant Round Iji, News General Opening TOILIND J 750 sq. ft. New Floor Space Hundreds of new, novel & exciting Toys, Games; Mechanical Toys, Wagons, Toys to Ride, Dolls Galore Come it and Shop while Stocks are New Fresh and Complete W alker Dept. Store ON BROADWAY, BEAVERTON RITZ can sell Where did you get It , From a Want Ad of course. ;iii= lll=lll=lll=lll=H I=tll=lll=lll=lll=lll=ia Sutherland & Mott WOOD SAWING Ili = !ì! CALL CHERRY 2494 w OR CHERRY 9087 I III 8019 SW 37th Ave., Multnomah in 1 : iii = iiieiii = iii = iii = iii = iii = iii = iii = iii = iii = ih ; Beaverton, Oregon Will be Communications Specialist Private First Class Fred A. Karp stein, 18, son of Mrs. Antonia Karp- steln, route 1, Beaverton, has com­ pleted a course of instruction at the field telephone school .Marins Base. San Diego. Calif. The former Beav­ erton high school athlete has been a Marine since last April. He is now ready for assignment to a combat unit aa a communications specialist. ---------------- V------------------ Decorated with Air Medal And Oak Leaf Cluster It has been officially reported that Captain Lewis F Parsons of Bomber Squadron 487, Army Air Corps, has been decorated with the Atr Medal and Oak I-eaf Clutter for merltortoua service In bombing raids over Sicily This young hero's father is John E Parsons, well known in Beaverton as Senior Vice Commander of Beaverton Camp No 31. United Spanish War Veterans. -----------------V----------------- Retained as Instructor At Fort Myers Fort Myers. F la , Oct. 2» Sgt Wtl- j liam Andrews, son of Mrs. Fern An drew«, route 2, box 335, Beaverton Oregon. who was graduated this week from the Army Air Forces Flex ible Gunnery School at Fort Myers. | Fla., will be retained as an Instmc tor at the school. He was selected because of hie high standing In the class and hts natural qualities of leadership which were observed by the officers here during the course of instruction. He ! will now join one of the squadron hereaa an instructor on one of the many ranges In this school Beaverton Sale Auction Theo. Erickson, Owner ■«MTHfWffflrarareyrarwray Cut this out ERICKSON CABINET SHOP QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Free Booh Tells of HomeTrestmcnt tV t Must Help or it Mill Cost You Nothing O v er tw o m illion b o ttle « o f th e W I I.t. \ n i> T R E A T M E N T have l» « n «oM for r< In ( o f sy m p to m s o f din tee.«« s r 1 «Ing from s t o m a c h and O u o d o o l Ulcer* due t o C icrsc Acid — S eer D igestion . Sour o r U p*rt St m u h . t i m l i m i . H eartbu rn . U n p l l l f m etc., d u e to C ic » « t A cid. >old on 15 da> t d! Auk fo r "W iU a r d 't a im J fu lly • ip la iu * tills treat m o ld — tree— a t Kitchen Cabinets Our Specialty Beaverton Pharmacy Beaverton. Oregon Broadway & Watson Street Attention Beaverton, Oregon Chevrolet Owners For Prompt and Efficient CHEVROLET Service and Parts Beaverton CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE AND ACROSS FROM GRADE SCHOOL INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP SUNDAY Morning Worship Evangelistic Service Enjoy Friendly A tm osp h ère................................... Spettai Alexander Barn on Highway Sym ptom » of Distress Arising from Built Ins o f A ll Kinds Sunday School 9 45 a. m. Young People 4 Jun 6 30 p m at Beaverton for Future Reference 11 a m. 7 30 p m Singing "I was glad when they said unto me Let us go Into the House of the Lord" LEONARD C. JOHNSON. Psatnr PIIONK TIRES and TUBES Grade* 1 or S—Moat Sire» A.B.Smith Chevrolet Co. W . Burnside at 13th Ave. Portland AT. 5161 • A OREAT PLACE TO BUT" SOME BARGAINS Double Iron Beds. Springs, 1 Simmons Bed, & Coil Spring,. 6 D ining'C hairs, 1 Square Dining Table, 1 Round Dining Table. 2 Dressers, 2 Single Iron Bed- stec.s. Electric Vacuum Cleaner, practically new, Range small, coal & wood. prac. new, 1 Ice Box, good S ?H d P j d „ ed. Da,ry Cows* 15 Feeder Pi?*. 35 to 40 R I. Ked rul.ets, just starting to lay, 1M ft. No 1— 1x12 &