Page 4 *1 F rid a y , O cto b er 29, 1943 B E A V E R T O N ’ E N T E R P R IS E , B eaverton, O regon KINTON WOMEN MAKE TROUBLE RATION BOOK REMINDER RATION BOOK NO. 4— D istribution of W ar R ation Book —"Sure, w e know w hat W. C. T. U. R egistration for new ration book No. 4 took place at the K inton school m eans". So said th e old-tim e saloon ; No. 4 w ill be October 26 to 29 at the keeper. O ctober 28 and 2». public schools. A pplicants m ust It m ean s— Mrs. A lex K arpstein w ill have six W EST HILLS present their copies of book No. 3 to sta rs on her se r v ic e -fla g from now LU T H E R A N CHURCH —"W om en C ontinually Trouble Us." obtain new books. One m em ber on. Her grandson, K enneth Brown, And w ell m ight the m others, s is SW C anyon Ra., near Sylvan r may obtain all of a fa m ily ’s books I w ho has lived w ith Mrs. K arpstein ters, w ives and sw eet h earts go a ftei W erner J. Fritz, M inister j, R eform ation Sunday, October 31 i RATION BOOK NO. 3—.. tiie past eigh t years le ft to join the old John Barleycorn. ! M EAT-FATS — 8. S. 9:45 a. m. TR E A SO N AT HOM E navy Thursday. October 30—E xp iration date for Mrs. E. L. R ick s w as d eligh tfu lly It is treason to send our boys over- ' D ivine S ervice 11 a. m. N eeded brown stam ps. C, D, E and F in book Serm on The R eform ation surprised Saturday afternoon, on her sea s and then lea v e them out on a No. 3. Series G valid O ctober 24 to j Treason, w e say, to let them j Today, 75th birthday w hen a group of her lim b. Series H valid Oct. 31 to E veryone invited and w elcom e. j Gee. 4. n eighbors gathered a t Mrs. I. J. down here at hom e w hen we ought to U nited Lutheran R eform ation ser- Dec. 4 Xiehers hom e to help her celebrate. be turning out the w eapons. Treason The afternoon w as sp en t quilting to put them up a g a in st the Japm an vice, 7 30 p. m. at W estm in ister Pres- PROCESSED FOOD? Expiration date for blue stam ps ' Ira. Marvin R ick s baked a beautiful and H itler, to be killed for w ant of byterian Church, N E 17th and Schuy ler. Dr. S. E. E astvold, Pres. P a cific X, Y and Z iin book No. 2, w hich be powder and guns. birthday cake for th e occasion. Tacom a, w ill cam e va:id October 1. The children o f the K inton school So hear Dr. M eyers as he tells us Lutheran College, N ovem ber 1—Green sta m p s A, B, are busy p racticin g for their annual [ that one m illion A m ericans are held preach. and C in new ration book No. 4 be H ollaw een program , w hich w ill b e ) back by alcohol from doing w hat com e valid for purchasing processed given F riday afternoon at the school, they ou ght in the w ar effort. W hat CHURCH OF C H R IST foods. T his series valid through Sgt. H erbert W ard returned home I shape they are in —so m any of them G. W. Springer, P astor D ecem ber 20. from N ew M exico T hursday w ith , a , —as they sta rt . the day, sick en s those i Morning w orship 9:45 a. m. Topic R etail sales of jam s, jellies, pre m edical d isch arge from the arm y due who know the facts. Dr. Thos C hristian G rowth and F ortitude serves and fruit spreads frozen until to poor health. , ,_ , , I Meyers, who rep o rt, th is deadly peril. F ollow in g the serm on, th e Lord’s Oct. 11, w hen rationing starts with Mrs. D. W ard and Mrs. J. H. A ten is P resid en t of The A m erican College : gupper w m be observed ,_. , , use of blue and green stam ps. entertained w ith a stork show er In of N eu ro-P sych ologists. D isea ses of i honor o f Mrs. C harles O w ens on | the nerve system is their field.. And i c E 6 30*0 Vi*8** SCSSlon *' m ’ SUGAR— T hursday afternoon. T he party w as who shall handle our in tricate ma-J E v e n i n g w orship 7 30 p m T opic— ' N ovem ber 1 to January 1—Stam p held at Mrs. A tens hom e. Mrs. Ow- j chlnery by w hich we are to loose or J T^e C om forter • v- ■ P No. 2g ?n book 4 valid for five pounds, «ns received m any u seful and beauti- w in? Shall m en w ho are only part M idweek Bible studv Wed 8 d m October 31—C anning sugar stam p s ul g ifts from th e fifteen gu ests pres- th e re ? ____ at the c h urch y " ¡ N o . 15, 16 in book No. 1, each good 4401) B L E SS AMERICA ¡for five pounds, expire. ent. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Miller of Forest You sin g it and fa n cy A m erica to CHURCH OK TILE N A Z A R E N E Grove are stayin g at the Leland F lin t be so needfpl to the alm igh ty God FOR SA L E —About four tons loose SW F irst at S tott hom e during his absence. that w icked or not, he w ill bless us. hay in barn. Can be D elivered Leonard C. Johnson, P a sto r R oy Van K leek and H enry H ay H ow can God bless us? Ilis edict T elephone B eaverton 2792. 39 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, w ith m aker spent the w eek end at Seaside. is that no drunkard shall Inherit the a class for all ages. M iss R osem ary Aten, w ho Is em kingdom o f heaven T hree out of W A N TED To Trade— One 15 cu. j 11 a. m. M orning W orship, P astor ployed In Portland sp en t Saturday every ten who say they can take it or ft frozen food locker at Tigard | S ub ject—A fter a R evival, and Sunday v isitin g her parents, Mr. leave It alone, are to fill the d ru nk speaking. plant for a 10 cu ft. locker in P ort -1 W hat? and Mrs. 3. H. Aten. land.. 2115. N E D ekum Ave. Port-1 ard’s grave. And w e have the front to ask God to bless us a s w e send ’ (>, '**) P' m ’ ^ ounS p e o p le s houi'i land, Ore. 40 ------------------V------------------ h is earth people into the pit by th e I a 7 °‘ . T ell it w ith a w ant ad. I t’s an ef- drink road 7 30 P m E ven in g e v a n g e lis tic 1 FO R SALE—G uernsey Jersey Cow fec tiv e w ay. Good m ilker $75. A. V. Jen k ins And for you on Ju dgm en t D ay? ” '\ h ^ , r apeakinf ° o s Pel R t 6, box 625, Portland, Or. 39 ..................... B elieve on the Lord J esu s Christ and * "k‘nK and 8petlal mualc at a11 8er- i thou sh alt be saved. B elieve that FO R S A L E - •Wood H eater. Beav-1 W ednesday 7:30 p. m. P rayer the blood of Jesu s Christ clean ses erton 2554. 391 from all sin. B elieve th a t the record | a fnd ®‘bl* ,?.tUdy The second chapter a g a in st your nam e being cleared, 1 of A cts w ill form the portion for study W ednesday. Come. God next breathes his own eternal life into your soul. H e becom es ST CECELIA C H URCH A tten tio n your new F ath er and—"E xcept a man T H E A T R E M asses 8 and 10 a. m. be born again, he cannot see the C hevrolet O w ners kingdom of God.” So said Jesus PILGRIM LU T H E R A N CHURCH Christ w ho cam e to seek and to save B ox 697, B eaverton For Prom pt and E fficien t A dm ission 30 and 9c, tax included that w hich w as lost. F arm in gton Rd. at Menlo D rive 1 w n . Slimv starts 7 I'.M.; Mat. 2 I'.M. (Synodical C onference) W alter R. Buhl, P astor W ed.-Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Oct. 27-30— Sunday School 10 a. m. C latskanie, O regon Jack Benny — Ann Sheridan D ivine S ervices 11 a. *m. T h is sp ace paid for by an Oregon GKO. W A SH ING TON S L E P T H E R E businessm an. London B lackout Murders M ETH O DIST CHURCH AND Albert S. H isey, D. D , M inister Sun.-Mon.-Tue»., Oct. 81-Nov. 2— 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. D on’t throw out sm all b its of un M ISSION TO MOSCOW 11 a m. P reach in g service. Make them into soap C artoon I Dood It Again, N ew sreel used soap. i jelly w ith b oiling w ater. T h is is j W. S. C. S. m eets W ednesday. * Grade« 1 or 3— Most Sizes | splendid for w a sh in g stock in gs, W EST SLOPE Cut th is out for F uture R eferen ce ¡gloves, lingerie and other finery.. COMMUNITY CHURCH U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N SW Gabel Lane and F airview D rive W . B urnside a t 13th Ave. U nited Spanish War V eterans R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor S y m p t o m s o f D is t r e s s A r is in g fr o m P o rtlan d A T . 5161 10:30 a. m., U nified Service. Beavqrton Camp No. 31 "A GR EA T PLACE TO B U Y ” ST. CEC ELIA CHURCH M eets 2nd S at. each Mo. d u e t o M asses 8 and 10 a. m. F ro o B o o k T e llso f Hom e Treatm ent that At I. O. O. F. H all at 6:30 p. m. M u s t H olp o r it W ill C o st You N o th in g BETHF.’I. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH O v e r t w n m illio n b o l t I*'« o f t h e W 11,1, A R D TREATM ENT ......... n m .M f o r n il. I o f 9:45 a. m. Church School. ■y niptn,ti* of clintress arlnliiK from S t o m a c h 11 a. m. W orship. and D u o d e n a l U lc er« due to Exce«» A c i d - 6:30 p. m. P ilgrim Fellow ship. P o o r D lg o « tlo n , S o u r or U p t o t S t o m a c h , Beaverton CHURCH of the Nazarene, 1st at Stott IN V IT E Y O U T O W O R S H IP Sunday Services: 9 :4 5 — S undav School. 11— M o rn in g W o rship p a sto r speaking. “A fter a Revival, W h a t? ’ 6:30— Y o u n g people and Ju n io r m eeting. 7 :3 0 — E vangelistic Service, special m usic. L eonard C. Johnson, P a sto r SPEEDY FREEZE on highway in Beaverton will have Bine Ribbon Beef SATURDAY, October 30th i • • These heel were raised by Donald Heinemann oi Ritzville, Wash., and won prizes at International Livestock Show 1943. They were bought and dressed by Swift & Company. RITZ Beaverton, Oregon GREYHOUND COFFEE SHOP CHEVROLET Service and Parts H eadquarters for OREG ON MOTOR STAGES \ and HOM E-COOKED GOOD EATS LYLE C. TAYLOR TIRES and TUBES O P E N 7 A. M to 10 P. M. Only Lunches Served on Sunday A.B.Smith Chevrolet Co. QUICK RELIEF FROM STO M ACH ULCERS E X C E S S A C ID 111 II I II I If f Iff I I T o d ay ... when you ask for it maybe you’ll £et this sign . . . tomorrow or the next day you're hound to get this... JOIN TRIANGLE’S W. E. PEGG t i a i i l n n t . H e a r t b u r n . S l M p l . a t n . « » , e t c ., due to C ic o « « A c id . Sold on I 5 day»' trial I A uk f o r ‘‘ M illia rd ’« M « « « a f« '* w h ic h f u l l y explains till« t r u a t u i u u t — tro w - at M ORTICIAN B eaverton, Oregon E stab. 1910 S erving 33 years P IIO N E B E A V E R T O N 3411 B eav erto n P h a rm ac y B eaverton, O reg o n H undreds need used furniture — | place a Sale Ad, If you need the cash | *Vit<z*HLHä (^Áanye I GRAY HAIR? R E P O R T O F CO N D ITIO N O F Im p artial Investigator« h av e fo u n d v ita m in L alcium I ’a n to lh e n a ta of some value in chann el!? g ray h air, where a deficiency of th is v ita m in m ay have caused gray or graying lunr. F o r exam ple, one teat conducted by Good Housekeeping m agazine on a num ber of people, •hoi d 68% of thiwe tested (all age» were in clude! i had positive evidence of a re tu rn of •om e h r r color. First Security Bank OF B E A V E R T O N , OREG ON At th e clone o f b usin ess O ctober 18, 1943 A S tate banking in stitu tion organized and op eratin g under the banking law s of this State and a m em ber of th e F ederal R eserve System . P ub lished in accordance w ith a call m ade by th e S tate B anking A uthori ties und by the F ederal R eserve B ank of th is D istrict. N ow t. u s a n d s use G R A Y V IT A . w hich co n A SSE T S ta in « 10 t. m o f C a lc iu m 1‘a n t o t h r i u t e (th e u r n a m om j u sed in a b o v e teat») P L U S 450 $ 142,788.25 Loans and d iscou n ts (inclu din g (156014 overdrafts) U.S P . u n it« o ( H i. th e v ita m in n eeeaaary t# U nited S tates G overnm ent ob ligations direct and guaran teed ---- . 1,400.969.80 n_ h e a lth y nerve«. T r y G R A Y VI I'A. See w h a t a 4 8 ,8 1 1 '.IN différence i t m a y m a k e in th e w a y y o u lo o k . O bligations of S ta tes and politioal su bdivisions ------- ---- —......— 1,050.00 ! 3 0 d a y «upply, $1 50. 100 d a y s u p p ly . 44 00. C orporate stock s ....................................... -■ Cash, balances w ith othfcr b anks Including reserve balance, and 594,188.05 Thousands Use GRAYVITA cash item s in process o f collection ...... .......... ................. - ................ 8.175.00 1 B an k prem ises owned, $4,250.00, furn. fixtu res $3,925.00 P h o n « , w rit« or c o ll a t $2,195.989.17 TOTAL A SSE T S L IA B IL IT IE S D em and d eposits o f Individuals, partnerships, and corporaU ons $1.254,417 15 Tim e d ep osits o f In d iv id u a ls, partnerahlipSA tnd c o rp o r a tio n s ... 626,366 37 D ep osits of U. S. G overnm ent, Including postal sa v in g s) 202,788.40 D ep osits o f S tates and P o litica l su bdivisions .......................... 43,561.20 O ther D ep osits (certified and o fficers checks, etc 16,812.99 TOTAL D E P O SIT S _____________________ $2.148,946.11 TO TAL L IA B IL IT IE S (not Includ Ing subordinated tlona show n below ) _________ _ obliga- $2.146 946.11 C A P IT A L ACCOU N TS C apital t (B efore P roviding for Cap. N otes and D eben.) Surplus (B efore P roviding for C apital N otes A D ebentures) U ndivided p r o f i t s __ — ----------------------- — ------------------- ------- — ....... R eserves (and retirem ent account for preferred cap ital) ------ TOTAL ( 'A I U T A I , ACCOUNTS TOT,VI. L IA B IL IT IE S A N D C A PITA L ^ACCOUNTS t 25,000 00 5,000.00 12,943 0« 6,100.00 49,043 06 $2.195.989 17 T h is b a n k s capital con sists of $8,600 00 of capital n otes and debentures; first preferred stock w ith total par val ue o f none .total retirable val second preferred ue of none, stock w ith total par value of. none, and com m on stock w ith total pat value o f $25.000.00. SHARE the FEED PROGRAM W ARTIM E CO N D ITIO N S have af- letted the nation's feed supply. Due lo the tremendous nation-aide f e e d ing program and to the irregularities of our transportation systems— poul try and dairy feeds are not alwa>s available in the exact amounts de manded by feeders. You can help by cooperating with your Triangle Feed dealer. Remem ber that both your dealer and our selves are making every effort to see that all of our customers get their fair share. H elp by accepting smaller amounts when stocks are low. TRIANGLE MlcLoL,NC 6 6 5 N Tillamook St., Portland, Ore. B eav erto n P h arm acy B eaverton, O regon These men have the right of rail" with us ...h o w about y o u ? MEMORANDA TOTAL I. H. D. K O E N EC K E. cashier certify that th s above statem en t Is belief. $218,000.00 $218.000 00 3.774 61 $221.774 61 o f the above-nam ed bank, hereby true to the best o f m y know ledge and H D K O EN EC K E C orrect.—At tw l: H A R R IS H HANSON E R N E S T D H IT E JAY G IBSO N D irectors Rtate o f Oregon, C ounty o f W u h Ington ■■ Sworn to and »ubecrlbed before me thle 26th d»y of October. 1943 W E. PEQO, N otary P ub lic for Oregon. M y com m ieeton expiree Ju ne 21. 1944 ( H E E R F V L A S IT S X A M E O ! ^ ” L D S unny B rook K entucky Strai . N Di-tillers N ational a tio n a l D i s t i l l e r à P P ro ra d d u a i l . ÜRAND :t B ourbon Whiskey o r p ., N . Y . • 90.4 P r o o f 11 a i j 11 it i tu i Beaverton Sale Auction at Beaverton Pledged a sse ts (and secu rities loan ed ) (book valu e): U. S. Gov. obligations, direct and guaranteed .pledged to secure d ep osits and other liab ilities $214.(a«> ih ' O ther a sse ts pledged to secu re d ep osits and other liab ilities (Including n otes and bills rediscounted and secu rities sold under repui ch ase agree m en t _______________ ____ $ 4,000.00 TOTAL ___ Secured and preferred liab ilities. D ep osits secured by pledged a sse ts pursuant to require m en ts o f l a w _______ _____________ __ _______ D ep osits preferred under provisions of law but not secured by pledge of a s s e t s ______ —__________ ____________ _____ It's a “sign of the times”—that store keeper gesture which means “we're all out of it.” Hut don't despair! Just keep asking for Old Sunny Brook. There’ll he another delivery before long. w,’ re doing our I*est to carry nenricf men oil furlough wherever they need to go. And Alexander Barn on Highway SOME BARGAINS 3 Double Iro n Beds. Springs, .1 Sim m ons Bed, & Coil S prings, 6 D m m g C hairs 1 S quare D ining T able, 1 Oa R ound D ining T able, 2 D ressers, 2 Single Iron B ed steads, E lectric V acuum C leaner, p ractically new, K ange sm all, coal & wood. -p rac. new, 1 Ice Box, good shape_ b M ixed D airy C ow ,. 15 Feeder P ig ,. 35 to 40 R. J* * ed ju st s ta rtin g to lay, 1M ft. No. 1— 1x12 & 1x8, com m on, new. F ru it Jars, H ousehold A rticle», t arm M achinery. during this wartime there are many other people who deserve to travel without delay. Our trains are full—to we ask vou not to Will handle all farm sales travel unless your trip is really ini[K)rtant. S’P The friendly Southern Pacific jiit i' 0 m v r r tr m u iu w rryuirei fo r & P. coach »pato Bring Articles in by Noon Saturday Sale Every Saturday at 1 P. M. F R A N K ULRICH. A uctioneer B R. 6135, P o rtla n d