P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N VOL. 16, NO. 39 S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, October 29, 1943 County Tax Cost Given For Relief Tima Out For A D«p Here and There ESTABLISHED 1927 Register Friday For Book No. 4 Friday is the last day to register for War Ration Book 4 at the Beav­ erton grade school 3:30 to 8:30 p. m. Failure to register means forfeit of two weeks ration. Boards have been Instructed NOT to issue Book 4 until November 15. Register TODAY. War Surpluses Civilian Goods Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hughes returned to their home in San Fran­ cisco Sunday evening. Mrs. Hughes spent a few days with her parents, Expenditnres Exceed Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pegg and family. Babson Says Excess Army and Mr. Hughes was called to Long View Budgeted Allowance ---------------— - V ---------------------------- Navy Supplies May Washington, on account of the death For Fiscal Yeai of a younger brother, Desmond Lt. Starr Visits Sister Present a Problem Hughes. At Beaverton New shelving and tables are being Washington county, for 1942-t3, Babson Park, Mass. Oct. 29 At cud) in the new addition to Millers budgeted $11,000 for general relief the end of World War I the Govern­ grocery and meat shop, and it looks of unemployed, and spent $9,484, or Lieut. Harlan H. Starr, stationed ment held a bag containing $6,000,- as though there would soon be a at the replacement depot at Fort Old, 86.2% of the taxes levied on property 000,000 worth of goods of every kind grand opening. for this welfare purpose. Calif., recently spent a brief furlough j , _ We all remember Dinner guests at the Dewey Dior- at the hoIlle 'of sister, Mrs. T. B. | lrU* l1' s‘ 1 -Pf the time! I'm writing this in vice registrants who failed in their fee and cake was served. Seventh-day Adventist church on Frank Magathan was home several November 20, 1943, which means that 8*ead of doing that chore. The work Saturday, October 30. duty. | days this week with a badly injured stamps in both Book Four and Book ls really “ poured to” us It's like Chairmen Rueben W. Well pointed | foot when a weight dropped on it The °P en house at the Cedar Mill Eighty-nine adults and twenty Two will be valid from November I i the story you've probably heard out of that local boards are now reclas- ! at the Oregon shipyard. school was attended by over 100 per- j seven children, members of Adventist to November 20th. i the fellow in a school similar to this sifying fathers to fill calls and that j Leo Huber of the navy, stopped ! sons‘ many old time pupils and teach- missionary families and parts of Green stamps in War Ration Book who dropped his pencil in class, and delinquents will not be allowed to over for a few days visit with his ers f rom ad parts of the county, j families left In fields afar when war Four will be used in exactly the same j hy the time he picked it up he had play a game of hide-and-seek with aunt Mrs. .A T. Cavaness. on his way ! Paul Sayre of the Portland school broke , are still interned in Germany, manner as the Blue stamps in War missed two years of college algebra local boards. Asserting that many back to Fresno, after visiting his par-1 ,,oard' the nlain speaker, took as his India, Japan, North Borneo, Chinn, Ration Book Two. Stamps A, B. Excuse the pencil but I'm out of ink of the delinquents may be delinquent ents in Idaho on a furlough He has j theme 'The Public School, an Amert- and the Philippines, W, D. Hunting- and C will become valid November 1 and haven’t time to look some up. through neglect rather than wilful­ been in several actions in the South ! can Institution He stated that the ton, elder, said when announcing this and will remain valid until December We have lots of Math and I find ness he said that the best time to Pacific and was-in a hospital f o r ' f ef ond act of the Oregon State legls- special service. Among these, he 20, 1943. myself quite rusty. Electricity, slide lature was to set up a public school sifld, there are mission directors, phy clear up any misunderstandings In addition to the Green stamps in ru'e and shop work. I f I survive which have arisen through neglect some time with malaria fever. system in this state and urged that slcians nurses, evangelists, teachers V --------------- W ar Ration Book Four which will be ,his pre-radio course there are sev- is now. the present school system be main-, and secretaries. used for processed foods as explained eral interesting places to go for pri- The list of registrants now carried Enrolled in Pre-Radio tained and the trend towatd leaning Reports thus far Indicate that three above. Sugar stamp number 29 be- 'nary school, then secondary if---- *— too much on the federal govern- of those restrained in China may pos- by Washington County Local Board School in Indiana comes valid on November 1. It can ' Hope everything is going along No. 1 as delinquent or supected of inent be curbed. He urged that slbly be repatriated and returned on be used for the purchase of 5 lbs. of smoothly for you. Have you started being delinquent is as follows: schools cater more to training of in- the MS Grlpbolm now on her second sugar. It remains valid until Janu- the fathers yet? Must be on my D ELINQ UENTS Porter Peck Underwood, 28, son of i divlduals in vocation for life. Mrs. trip. They are Rev. B. L. Anderson, ary 15, 1944. Sugar stamp 29 is on way to class. Sincerely Last Known Address Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Underwood, j Stroeve is principal of the Cedar Mill Amoy; Dr. C. L. Dale, Shanghai and the bottom right hand corner of the ' PO R TE R UNDEI^VOOD Joe Albany Kessler Mrs. D. D Coffin. Canton. Mr. Hunt 52 Youkon St rural route No. 2, Box 450, Beaver- school. last page of stamps. ^ 2-C Section 1 Naval ^»rmory. ------------------- V -------------------- San Francisco, Cal ton, Oregon, was enrolled recently in j ington says that the service here is - ■ -V— ___— — Michigan City» Indiana. Frederic Ralph Lusty Nehalem, Or the Pre-Radio Naval Training School part of a world-wide prayer program Officers Announced Roger William McConnel, R6, Box 624 ! located at the U. S. Naval Armory In J that will be carried out in all adven- “Mission to Moscow” Dear 9 M m Portland, Oregon j Michigan City, Ind., where he is re- A growing Mrs. LaRue, president ol^ the Rced- 1 tist churches this week. I thought I'd drop you a line or two At Ritz Sunday Ruben Christen Drew, R1 Gaston, Or cetving a month's "refresher" 'course | ville P. T. A. has announced her anxiety and feeling of concern for i just to let you know what an old Charles Westly Madison, R3 Beav before being sent on to advanced ra- ; committees for the year. They are the safety and welfare for their mis­ ‘ Mission to Moscow" Warner Bros. Army Veteran is doing! So far this erton. Ore j dio specialist school. sionaries has prompted the executive j as follows: precedent-shattering screen version has been a pretty deal. I like it, and committee of the general conference Ways and means — Mrs. Oscar of the best-selling book by Joseph E. | it likes me ! (I hope). Hagg, Mrs. Archie Brownlee, Mrs. at Washington. D. C., to recommend C A M P FIRE G IR L S Church to Hold Davies, former American Ambassador j I finished my basic training about Harold Bergquam; membership— Mrs. I tne devoting of the day appointed for The Camp Fire Girls met at the | to the Soviet Union will have its pre- three weeks ago and now I'm down lTh ey Hallowe’en Party Ida Kirkwood, Mrs. Grant Brown; special prayer in their behalf. Kiwanis hall Tuesday, Oct. 26. miere on screen at the Ritz Theatre. ] South. I was in the M P i but now ----- .------—V ------------- elected the following officers: The young people of the Church of Publicity Mrs. Anna Taylor, Mrs. M. The theme of “ Mission to Moscow” I'm unisigned again, President—Jean Hansen; vice-pres. the Nazarene, Beaverton, will hold a Vandermost; hospitality Mis* Grace Large Supplies on Hand is America's discovery, through the One thing I can say for the Army- June Myers; secretary—Janet Daw­ Hallowe'en party at the West home McCormick. M r*i A r;iyl°^ bl*dkPt eyes of a typical American and his , is, that you really get around' For Saturday Auction Sale mlnvr Mro i I roivn » es; treasurer,— Barbara Schurman; in North Beaverton. It will be mas- ; v,rg- Charles Imlay, Mrs. G. R Brown family, of the greatness of our Rus- ; Well I must close now. So Long scribe Janice Ostram; sergeant at querade with prizes given for best 'Mrs. I Kirkwood; magazine- Mrs. El- sian ally whose armies checked the Sincerely There will be a large stock of goods costuming. mef Oray; program— Mrs. Henry of all kinds on hand Saturday at 1 Nazi blitz. Private JIM E SMITH ■arm*—Janice Osfield; song leader {pianist—Pat Wil- Mrs West as hostess will serve f ’lasaen, Mrs. Charles Stubbs. Mrs p. m. at the Beaverton Sale Auction The film which stars Walter Hus- 3933323-1 Co B Class 14 AAS, Miss | Louise Jennings; pumpkin pie, doughnuts and cider as | Peter Lambing, Miss Vivian Hesse; at Beaverton, at the Alexander barn ton and Ann Harding in the roles of i Southern College. Hattiesburg, Miss ! helms. social Mrs. A. Carlson, Mrs. A. M. I At this meeting the girls planned refreshments. Ambassador and Mrs. Davies, ha- ' Among the articles Mathiesen, Mrs. A. I ’. Molek, Mrs. on the highway. their Hallowe’en party which will be large and t&iented supporting cast. Beaverton Bank Assets are Iron beds, dining room chairs, R. Hannaford; round-up- Mrs. Ixniis | given on October 30th. Harris; safety and war emergency— tables, dressers, range, oil stove, va­ Reach $2.146.946.11 Mark Pioneer Passes The sergeant at arms was called Oscar Hagg .Charles Imlay and Char­ cuum cleaner, dairy cows, pigs, chick­ ! upon to escort one of the girls to the ny and Ann Sheridan plus the sec The First Security Bank of Beav ens, farm machinery, etc. Everyone les Stubbs. ond feature London Blackout Mur- erton assets have reached the $2146 I closet and we hope this will be a les­ attending can be assured of finding Charles Bilstln, pioneer of the -------- 1 --- - . ders a mystery drama of happenings , 946 11 mark as of October 18. 194$, son to the other girls. something they need. Beaverton area, who passed away They also gave a tea last Thursday, during London blackouts, is the cur- according to Jay Gibson, president of Cereal Burns Boy last Sunday, was buried on Wednes­ Remember articles to be sold must October 21. at the Kiwanis hall. They day at Rose City cemetery. rent program at Ritz which ends the bank. funeral be in place by noon. Sale start* at Gibson reveals that the assets have j invited their mothers, teachers and a services were held at Pegg’* on Wed­ Saturday. John Boliman, 7, route No. 8 was 1 p. m. At this tea the girls i climbed $762.071.70 during the past few sponsors. V- nesday at 1 30 p. m with the Rev W. treated at a Portland hospital T u t » Frank Ulrich, auctioneer, will also months. In January. 1943. the presented a little skit explaining J. Fritz, pastor o f West Hills Luther- j day for second degree burns to his handle farm sales at anytime, Will Hold White Elephant ' nine Call Assets were $1.384.874 41 and October j What is Camp Fire. an church, officiating. He is aur- I face and shoulder, suffered when hot BR. 6135, Portland. Janice Ostram. scribe I 1943, $2,146.94611 while in January. Sale October 29 vlved by his widow, Mrs Anette Bill- cereal tipped over on him, attend- - V ----- — From the guardian—We wish to ex­ Cooper Mt P. T. A. is sponsoring a 1942. they were $876.687.91 stin. Miss A. Billstin and Mrs. C. I ants reported. L LO Y D E. BURTON white elephant sale on Friday evening The growth for the past year is at- press the urgent need of a lady over , ---------------- v -----------------Funera! services were )i • 1.1 Wed­ at the school house. A free program tributed to sharp government spend- 18 years to take a blue bird group nesday at Finley's Rose Chapel for Brownie« Scout Meeting will be presented and refreshments ing and the good crops that were Please get in touch with one of us or Infant Baptismal Rites All ({Iris between ages of 7 to 10 Lloyd E. Burton of 221 SW Montgom­ Miss Davies at the grade school sold Everyone weicome. harvested In this section last fall. Father o f Oliver ----------- --------V ---------- --------- I who wish to be Brownie Scouts, will ery st., Portland. A new play club, sponsored by the ——------- -▼ 1 - ■ ■ E. Burton of U. S. armv and son o? The infant son of Mr. and Mrs have their first meeting at the horns CHARLES HI LUSTIN' P T A is a pl*y f'ub for children R a t i o n S t a m D Geo. E Burton and brother,of Geo. Funeral services were held Wednes- Adam Heimhigner and infant daugh- of Mrs. H K. Ward, Wed. Nov. 3 and young folks of the P. T A. Dues p . . ri * day at Pegg's Chapel for Charles Bill- ter of Mr and Mrs. Orin Gredvig about 3 30 p m Mrs. Ward lives on A. Burton of Beaverton, Oregon. In­ are 25 cents a year The money from t x p i r a t i o n U a t f S D. stir, aged 6b years of Beaverton He were baptized last Sunday bv the Murray Av., 3rd house on right from | terment Riverview cemetery. the dues is used for games and October 30—Brown «tamps. C ------------ V ------------ was husband of Nestle and brother of Rev. Werner Fritz of West Hills la i - 1 Bertha-Beaverton highway. This Is amusement of members. The meet- E and F expire, Marriage Licence* 15 Clara 'Nattie Pikei Abble Billstin, theran church Both fathers are 1 about one half mile east of Beav-1 ings will be held on the regular P T ' October 31- Sugar stamps 14 Interment Rose City members of the U. 8. armed forces i erton. Please call Mrs. Leonard] James W. Crltcher, Redmond,- Or., A. meeting nlfht, the third Friday of and 16 (5 Ibe each. 15 and 16 for Beaverton. cemetery. xnd were home for the church ritee. Adame for particulars, Beaverton 38S1 and Esther H. Peoples, Beaverton, Or, each month. canning purpoeee) expire. Bits of News About Our Boys ,on