Pape 4 Friilav, October 15, 1943 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Dance Fiesta Set For Hospital Vets T w o E xam inations T o be Held N ovem ber 6 N ow O rderly in H ospital W ill R ogers Field, Okla., Oct. 15— T he prom otion o f R obert Leon Swope | from the rank o f technician 5th I grade to the tank o f tich n icia n 4th grade, has been announced by Col. Bernard S. Thom pson, com m anding o ffic e r o f this United A rm y Air I F orce bom bardm ent base. T-4th Cr. Swope was form erly a resident o f Aloha, Oregon, and is the son o f Mrs K atherine M Swope, Aloha, Oregon. He has been on duty at W ill R o g - e d I ield since January 30, 1942, as a ward orderly in the hospital. j T w o exam inations to be held Nov. 16 have been an nou n ced by the Civil ( 111 K t 'll O F T H F N A Z A K E N K j Service B oard o f P ortla n d —T ypist i SW F irst at Stott A three-night dance fiesta fo r bene- Clerk and K ey P unch O perators. Sal L eonard C. Johnson, P astor fit o f w ounded veterans at B ain es ar*e8 range from $132 to $157 per 9 45 a. m. Sunday Schol A class hospital will be staged at the new | M onth. A pplican ts must be 18 years for You. P a.ais R oyale, 21st and W est B u r n -! °*d- >r 11 a. m. M orning w orship. Rev. H side in Portland, Thursday, Friday, i ~~ V s p .lm q u is t preaching. S u b je c t - and Saturday, O ctober 14, 15 and 16. Doerner Placed c o m in g o f the C om forter. F ifteen per cent o f the proceeds are T n rro»do R a «« Service 7 30 p. m. E vangelistic to g o to the hospital fund fo r the dl- 1 o r P e a o D ase R ev P aimqui8t 8peaking. S u bject rect purchase o f item s that will add j « w ise f'hnire to the co m fo rt o f these veterans. Lieutenant (j g ) W illiam A. D oer- There wiii be evangelistic services’ G o v e in o r Snell is scheduled to o ffi- ' " er *■ now 8‘ a ‘ *oned at a southwest each night next week at 7:30 w ith ! ci i !v open tiie w eek-end program P a cific torpedo base, a ccord in g to the exception o f Saturdays. An or " ,..... received by h i. parents M, u d St. M ary’ s o f the Valley iginal poem com posed by Rev. Pa.m - T hree Portland girl war w orkers ■',IS A im m M DoarMT, M06 BW ______ , . . , . . . : quist will be given in each service. w ill be honored at the dances. Jean- | T r° y He wa» hom e on leave Last week the students o f S t ' are invitfced thege „ervicei| nine Christensen, origin ator o f the ! earlier in the summer, Mary s o the V alley organized tw o which continue until Gct 24. national non-absentee m ovem ent, "N o A graduate o f L incoln high school. hasketba 1 team s. B etty N osack was ____ _____ v ____________ W ork — No W o o ” , will for i he took his indoctrination at Cornel! -------- ..— ...... be — thanked ------------ — . , chosen captain. The guards o f the C H I RITI OF C H R IS T her contribution to the war e ffo rt by O rlv o n StaYe r o H ^ ^ m m flr8t team a ,e Helen M aschlno. Shir- | M arilyn Caron Oregon State college In 1942. V m a a *7 m i , V u w Springer, Pastor G overn or Snell H e took his naval training at the J L . J ? . ; M orn ‘ n* w or» hiP 9 45 a m. T opic Miss Shipbuilder o f ’ Am erica, and Cioè Danek, Miss W elderette o f Am San D iego torpedo sch ool and at the 7 “ "* ’ f ’o rty Days o f F eíiow .h ip with Christ. 1 , / U ' ' ■ "l8 F ollow ing the sermon, the L ord’s erica, will be Introduced by the g ov - | torpedo station at^N ewport, R . I. o f the second team are Betty Lou wiU be observed. 1 Bernai ds P atricia Barron and B etty Bjble S ch oo, cla88 8ession n a m M odern music by tw o bands, the Y outh Meet Postoned Claire Hand; the forw ards, R osem ary C. E. 6:30 p. m. A lbina H ellcats and S h u rtleff’s Ma- v ! R oos, L ois Boyce, Carolyn Sadler, E vening worship, serm on by pas p strns w i ill ll h p f featured. pfltnrprl T p h nnHa ^ estros, w he T h he hands Betty Jean G race, and R osalita tor. 7:30 p. m. will alternate at h alf hour intervals, i r T opic- -G ood and • F aithful Service. The annual con vention o f the Ore- I _ ; , Yes, it will be a big w eek in Port- 1 , h nw tim e rinneora uttor 8 °n Christian E ndeavor union, w hich . ul n*f he week, the students o f S " d; lnveri n n ,f ^nHer'n I was to have been conducted in R ose- ‘ he academ y form ed a L iving R osa ry ; P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U R C H f ' ' ' ! **1 °* burg from O ctober 14 to 17. inclusive, a" d , P" ° C» » ‘ A c2]aplaln’ * e„V B ox 697, B eaverton i n - f i n ' s m i st i n t lf n l hull nn t was poatponed Indefinitely Tuesday ' ' war ‘ ‘ V ' n’ P , maJc h e d .to F arm ington R d. at Menlo Drive the thf hnv. ! „ at request o f the state board o f the Lourdes G rotto A fter finish in g (S yn odical C on feren ce) the benefit o f the boys w ho took it . ... the rosary and singing a hymn the W alter R. Buhl, P astor t°o daneehm m 'ght * fr6e The request w a , intended solely as ? ‘ rl8 a* a i" represented a rosary a s 1 Sunday School 10 a. m. a preventative m easure against any * ey ™arched to chapel for Benedic- Divine Services 11 a. m. -V tion. The appeal was for peace. possible spread o f disease. Mrs. Leonard B arrett organized her ------------------- V - K IN T O N , . ... . .. „ . .ballet classes in the auditorium W ed- M E T H O D IST C H U RCH C i OU|nesday Bernadlne Smith 44 and A lbert S. Hisey, D. D , M inister The com m ittee selling war bonds in place your wish in the W ant * Ads. R ita Schneider '44 furnished the m u 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. K inton finished their drive Saturday j ____________ v _____________ sic. 11 a. m. P reachin g service. with a total o f $6720 worth o f Bonds p c T he student body met W ednesday W . S. C. S. m eets W ednesday. old. Besides th is the K inton school ^ to plan social activities and to or old $31 o f war savings stam ps Iasi I n S e r v i c e ganize a Student B ody Council. The W E ST SLO PE week. Most o f the pupils e it h e r ' , ... C O M M M T V ( il l R ( il bought bonds o r five dollars worth o f Mr. and Mrs. Adolph M ohr o f Mult- i . T A ' officers, class presidents and another U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N ir stnmps so the school was dl*- j nomah, form erly o f H illsboro, have representative from each class. SW Gabel Lane and F airview Drive lissed Tuesday m orning so the p u -lfo u r sons in the s e r v lc e H R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor n:ls could attend the bond show at Ensign H erbert A. M ohr has recent- , ii l 10:30 a. m., U nified Service. Beaverton. 1 ly received his com m ission and is in A i a r d e n H o m e v j i r l I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E llig .r of As- |he civil engineering corp s attached , . . . . , A , to the 12th naval con stru ction bat- ton a , spent several days last week . .. .... . , „ . . visiting Mr. and Mrs. John W iniger JLl ° n’ EBna|„„n Mohi” h«H°ius» snent^.i Me. Ensign M ohr has just spent a Mrs. W O. Hansen and children leave wlth hia w li e and daughter went to Bonneville last Tuesday to and his parents at M ultnomah. attend a birthday party at the hom e Other M ohr boys serving in the o f Mrs. J. Rusher The party was In navy are Alvin, D elm ar and Irvin. honor o f Billy H ansen and three o th -1 ___ 1 _ . \ I or children born at a Portland hospl- T igard Men Arrive tal a year ago and w hose m oth er, A | T ra in jng Center were in the same ward. Mr. and Mrs Elw ood W ilson are the prmid parents o f a 9 4 pound boy born M onday m orning in Portland. spent Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ludw ig the past week at the coast. H unters from this com m unity that are in the w oods look in g for their winters meat supply are: S. H. P om eroy, Ed Hansen, R ich ard Teufel, R obert T eufel, W ald o Flint, R obert P om eroy, E verett W right, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R outwell and Ira Mullen- berg. I ! ARKY E A R L B AR TLE TT Funeral services were held Tuesday at F inley's R ose Ciiapel fo r H arry Earl Bartlett o f route 6, box 968, who died Oct. 10. F ather o f Virgil E Bartlett. M arian R ohleder, M aggie Schm itz, Louise Finzer, P ortlan d; brother o f R . R. Bartlett, Astoria. C om m itm ent Crescent G rove cem e tery. RITZ T H E A T R E Beaverton, Oregon A dm ission 30 and 9c, tax Included Even. Show starts 7 P.M .; Mat. 2 I’ .M. \\,ii rh a ra .-F rt.-S u U , Oet. i:t-i8— A GREAT PERFORM ANCE By Lionel B arrym ore T E N N E S S E E JOH NSON Feature No. 2 and new sreel— IIIG II E X P L O S IV E S Sun.-Mon.-Tue»., Oct. 17-19 C olm an and (¡arson in RANDOM H ARVEST Also Cartoon, Barnyard B lackout and Newsreel. fo r Future R eference M arries U. S. Marine W E ST IIIIJ-S --------- L U T H E R A N C H U R CH w h i,e gladioli, delphinium s an d , SW C anyon R d., near Sylvan dah„ na decorated the home o f Mr. W erner J. Fritz, M inister Rnd Mr9 W llliam j . Sm an at Garden ’ O ctober 17 H om e for the m arriage on Sunday ! S. S. 9:45 a. m. afternoon, Septem ber 26, o f their M orning Service 11 a m. daughter, Miss M arjorie Jeanne Flint I Serm on T h e C ty o f T he Heart to S-Sgt. Jack Marquis Bushnell, U. j Open H ouse for the public 4 to 5 S. M. C., son o f Mrs. W innifred i p. m. Bushnell o f Portland. ------- V - The Rev. J. A. R ippey read the ser A LO H A A S S E M B L Y O F GO D vice at 3 o ’clock in fron t o f the fire Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. j Farrmgut, Idaho. Oct. 15 A num- place In the living room , w hich was | W orship 11 a. m. I ^ o f TlKHrd men reported this week lighted by candles. Mr. Small gave Y oung people 6:30 p. m. at this second largest U. S. Naval the bride in m arriage, E van gelistic 7:45 p. m. T raining Station fo r training prelim- ' The bride wore a traveling costum e, P rayer and B ible study 7:45 p. m. inary to b ecom ing a m em ber o f the a w ool suit in m ilitary blue with Thursday. fighting fleet. squirrel trim and blue accessories ------------- ------v ------------------- These new recruits will be given an and an orchild corsage. She was a t-i R E E D V IL L E C O M M U N IT Y intensive training program that will tended by Mrs. Ja ck Hamill. PR..SBYTEUIAN CHURCH | Include physical fitness, various Mr. M aurice E dson B urke o f San Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto phases o f seam anship and actual ex- F runcisco was best man. George. Supt. i perience with boats on beautiful An inform al reception follow ed the W orsh ip S ervice 11 a. m. I^ake Pend Oreille. cerem ony. Mrs. R obert A. L ow Y ou n g P eop le’s C. E. 7 p. m. These new T igard recruits are: poured and Mrs. M. E. Allen assist P rayer M eeting and Bible stuf y, J ack R olan d Quick, husband o f Mrs. ed in serving. Thursday. 7 p. m. Mary N ora Quick, 112 H olliday On their return N ovem ber 1 from a ------------------- V ------------------- Drive, Seaside, Ore., and son o f Mr w edding trip to Seattle and coast ST. C E C E L IA C H U R CH Livings- ! points, Sgt. and Mrs. Bushnell will be and Mrs. Merle Quick, 322 M asses 8 and 10 a. m. G raham at hom e in B rem erton. toh Ave., Des Moines, la., -V - Stewart Young, husband o f M is. Car ol Y oung, Tigard. ‘Z 't f a r t t i n d M ultnom ah C ounty T ax i i -------------- V-------------- Y ou can alw ays you use a -«an t ad. dispose if it, if Beaverton Revival Continues AT Church bf the Nazarene c \ ?sn r" F IR S T A T S T O T T STS. H. S. PALMQUIST P O E T -E V A N G E L IS T S E R V IC E S S U N D A Y : 11 a. m.— "C om in g o f the C om forter" 7:30 p. m .—"A W ise C h oice". Services E ach night at 7:30 (E xcep t Saturdays) L E O N A R D C. JOH N SON , P astor GREYHOUND COFFEE SHOP H eadquarters Listen to your for O R E G O N M O TO R ST AG ES and H O M E -C O O K E D G O O D E A T S L Y L E C. T A Y L O R O P E N 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. Only Lunches Served on Sunday Attention Chevrolet Owners F O R P R O M P T A N D E F F IC IE N T Chevrolet Service and Parts Tires and Tubes AND (¡rad es 1 or 3— Most Sizes A. B. Smith Chevrolet Co. W est Burnside at 13th Ave. Portland A T . 5161 "A G R E A T PI^ACE TO B U Y ” Beaverton Sale Auction Thurs.-Fri.-SaL, Oct. 14-15-16 B arnes H o s p ita l B e n e fit 2 M odern Dance Bands A L B IN A H E L L C A T S G eorge S hurtleff’ s M asters o f Sweet Music A M O N G T H E A T T R A C T IO N S W IL L BE Gov. Snell and Many Notables Alexander Barn conscience on Highway before you take the ,.Ja m Will Sell Every Thing—Furni ture, 2 1 s t and W . B u rn sid e O F T IIE Y E A R "s AT The Palais Royale Invites you to the B IG G E S T D A N C E A T T R A C T IO N W OO D S A W IN G W. E. PEGG W A N T E D One hand feed cutter Call I.andingtmm, T igard 3383 . 37 ^ Grand Openinq PORTLAND'S SELECT BALLROOM Sutherland & M ott a III C A L L C H E R R Y 2494 A LO H A B A P T IS T O R C H E R R Y 9087 COMMUNI rV C H U R CH M l 8019 SW S7th Ave., Multnomuh IJJ G rayden D. L ore«, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m J. G. Vin- :ili=lll=ill=IU=lil5lll=HI5lll5lll=lll=lll=HI5lll3 cent pastor. W orship 11 a. m. R ev. E dw ard B- Payne, a returned m issionary, will 8Peal1 at bot0 m orning and evening services. Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. G ordon M O R T IC IA N P ^ d en t. B eaverton, O regon E v m ng service^ p. m. Estab. 1910 Serving 33 years PIIO N E B E A V E R T O N 3411 Y our hom e tow n paper is only $1 a yea.r Subscribe now. % F O R SA L E R easonable W ood and Coal Heater, In good condttion T. Saddler, 4 mi South o f Lone Oak. H unzlcker Rd. Tigard. 37 ! ih .11 ¡H R ecords Show Decrease All past records in property tax Impartial invcstiijators collection s in M ultnom ah cou n ty h a v e fo u n d v i 'a m i n T O O L A T E T O C L A S S IF Y were broken in the tax year ending C alcium Pantothenate o f Kimt value in chan c August 15, w h en a total o f $18,496,534 TRUCK DRIVER foi daltrary Mr or an umount approxim atin g 108.18 ing gray hair, where a deficiency o l tins vita- vice. Francis R ios. Hillsdale A T per cent o f the current 1942-43 roll nun may have caused 7309. 37 gray or graying hair. o f $17,097,801 77, w as collected in cu r For example, one tC3t conducted by C.ond rent and delinquent taxes, it w as an- ... ., H ou -c’i.'cping on a number of people, F O R S A L E - One milk cow , one nounced recently by S h eriff M artin ,h o « c d ; of thoee t. led (ali ages were m- h eifer 14 m o old, D avenport and T . Pratt. eluded) had positive evidence o i a return ot chair, newly covered. Call B eaver Current collection s totaled $16,158,-i some hair color, r, , »Vs« j _ njj u | ftn nan qri N ow thousands u?e GRAYVITA, which con* ton 3468 37 tun 180 fo r the year In addition. $2.338.354 laina 10 mRm Calcium P » n v a t e (the was c> ifc tM in (Ulinquent iaxi n > tesi i i > W A N T B D rW tori A W alnutPftek JJ* trho .o l 1 ' 1 .. f , n s W ill pick up in trucks Call Tax bills for 1943-44 property ta x -' m, v ,Lke in ,»,e w .y/.,u '^.k T igard 3515 John J. Bushnell 37 p" wil1 hp ready O ctober 15 and will 30 day tupply. >1 50 iou day supply Si oo ___" ______ ___________________________ be m ailed to property ow ners tm- F O R S A L E One Jersey Cow, 4 m ediately thereafter. The first yrs o ld — T. B A A B tested. 2nd quarter will be due on or before N o Pnene, writ« or «.all at ca lf due In April. Up B onita R oad vem ber 15 The usuiU 3 per cent to new Salem H lway, sign on road, j rebate will be given on all full-year also rabbits and hutches cheap 37 paym ents made b efore N ovem ber 15. Beaverton Pharm acy ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- V ------------------- W A N T E D Baby B*d 6 year size Beaverton, Oregon Turn war stam ps into Bonds T lg a r6 8863 3T =11151« M tglUcm EUiSIIISHiaBBUBW W IM -J. BIVI H E :. C O N G R E G A T IO N .IL C H IK C II s 45 a. m. C burcn ScLooi. 11 a. in. W oish ip 6 30 p. ni. P ilgrim Fellow snip. Farm Implements, etc. t A furlough ¡8 not tmich good to a soldier unless he can visit home. And vital *ar business may be delayed if war plant e\* perts can't get on the train. All train« are full, so please don't make unneevssary trips. Before you plan a train tri|s liateu to your conscience! S-P The friendlv Southern Pacific A di rine» retrm u irin t rr./uirrd f o t S. P. coa ch tpacO Bring Articles in by Saturday Morning Sale Starts 1 P. M. FRANK ULRICH Auctioneer