B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon F rid a y , O c to b e r 15, 1943 Early Auto License Application Urged Classified Rates TWO Cents a word per Issue. NOTHING LESS THAN 2Sc CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS NO ADS TAKEN OVER PHONE We i’uotlsb the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TIGARD SEN l IN EL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon­ sibility for errors which may ap­ pear In advertisements published In these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. Secretary of State Robert S. Far­ rell Jr asks Oregon motorists to be­ gin .filing applications for 1944 auto- mobile licenses, which must be pur­ chased by January 1. Page 3 RATION BOOK REMINDER RATION BOOK NO. 4— Registration for new ration book No. 4 will be October 26 to 29 at the public schools. Applicants must present their copies of book No. 3 to . obtain new books. One member may obtain all of a family’s books. RATION BOOK NO. 3— COM E - A lONffil w it h B ^ H ¿ united nations Ox ___ _ „ T H £ y £> ££/ £? RO M M £L / S urrounped *r S ir kacheim , the fighting eseno I. . first brigade held off the africa corps fou i 6 p a y s - f / he tim es r efu s in g t o “ surrender ! r ***>. BED STAMPS— -, By Fred P. II. Clyde October 30—Expiration date of 71 - TB Another Potato Dehydrator brown stamps C, D, E andF in ra­ This publication assume» no re«- _____________________ .______________ . I tion book No. 3, C valid on Sept. 26. ponsihillty for views expressed In this column. Sentiments are cred­ A small potato dehydration plant is D on Oct. 3, E on October 10 and ■ I 't f i ited to the columnist, Clyde, and do now operating at Freewater, utilizing F on Oct. 17. not necessarily coincide with our 600 sacks of potatoes daily, reports November 20—Blue stamps X, Y Vic Nygren. shipping point supervisor Z valid from October 1 to Novem­ editorial policy. ‘•A * ^ w in that area for the state department ber 20. of agriculture. The plant has facili­ SUGAR— What's it About? ties to double its present operations There's always some guy around August 16—Sugar stamp No. 14, if conditions warrant. It is oper­ who is yelling his head off that he book No. 1, good for five pounds. ated by a Yakima, Wash., concern. didn't hear about this or that. He October 31—Canning sugar stamps wails: ‘‘Why don’t people tell me No. 15, 16 in book No. 1, each good those things?" for five pounds, expire. , FRFHCH PATRLOTS W ANTED There's the little woman who gets Housewives may apply at local )IN ST. NAZA'iRE. MELO THE TOWN caught with a batch of very dead ra­ I FOR 46 HOURS AFTER A UNITEO W'ANTED—Position by thoroughly boards for supplemental home cann­ tion coupons on her hands and a hun­ FOR SALE NATIONS COMMANPO RAID. experienced Bookkeeper & ac­ ing rations, if essential. gry table to set on the other. v She NAZIS EXECUTED 400 IN > countant, Ervin Kline, box 105, BLUE STAMPS— is hurt that the world has passed her L inoleum and C arpet L a y -! REPRISAL m Portland, 7. Oregon. 37 October 20—Expiration date of blue by. ing. S U n set 3459, 6110 SE War Time organizations send out stamps U. V, and W in book No. 2 calls that are the very heart of ne­ W'ANTED—Riders to Swan Is­ (processed fruits and vegetables.) G ladstone, P ortla n d , Ore. cessity but they go unheeded and land shipyard day shift. H. J. GASOLINE— those same people yell some more. Becker Naeve road, 2 mi SW Ti­ November 21 — Expiration date FOR SALE—WEANER PIGS, Po­ gard, Rl, Bx 243. 37 | stamps No. 8 in A book (three gal­ When ever I meet up with a mem­ land Sc Chester around $7.50 each ber of that clan—I ask if he takes lons each). y,.u Gutter at Scholls. 39 his local paper -the paper that cov­ W'ANT—About 5 acres around Alo- SHOES— Usually the Stamp No. 18 in book 1, originally ers* his own backyard. ha-Huber or Beaverton district. FOR SALE- "Monarch” Range, Partly cleared. Would like high scheduled to expire October 31, is answer is “No.” combination Electric-W'ood. Price That’s the answer: “To be a good or sloping ground, 5706 N. Denver extended indefinitely to provide for $75. iCash. 2 miles Northwest of avenue, 1, Portland. an overlap period. Familes may and well-informed citizen of the com­ 'T H £ FLAM £ SHALL H O T P / £ F Beaverton, Phone Beaverton munity in which you live—take the j pool stamps. \ FR A N C E W ILL FIO H T UNTIL V IC T O R Y 2104 36-37 W'ANTED- Small furnished home paper. A lousy buck is cheap edu May 1—Stamp No. 1 on airplane ^ G E N E R A L DE G A U LLE HAS P R O M IS ED or apartment in the vicinity of sheet in book No. 3 valid for one pair cation. I ’OR SALE—12 ft. Trailer house Ä» Multnomah. Write Norman Har- of shoes from November 1 until May $175. Phone Beaverton 2253. 37 rang Rtl, Box 147-B, Vancouver, 1, 1944. M y H e a d 's F a s t e n e d 4 Washington. 37 TIRE INSPECTION— WINDFALL A P P L E S -F or Cider After several months of hecklin installed properly you will gain a Private first class Charles M. A card autos every 6 months or by , full years growth and |ess set-back —you Pick Beaverton 2945. 37 WANTED—Glass China Closet; September 30 (Inspections) must be the little .woman about losing both i by doing your lay out in the nexy, Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith, Hillsdale, completed aviation keys to our safety deposit box—I am will exchange 8 tube table model at least 90 days apart.) BEAUTIFUL Inner Spring, special­ mechanic training course at Amarillo ; set down for a count. In one week several weeks. Radio in good condition. Phone B card autos every 4 months or by I proceeded to lose: 1 library book. ly constructed, Davenport and army airfield, Texas. CHerry 2393, Multnomah. 37 October 31 (inspections) must be at | «don’t sell for hay either), 1 war chair $190 In appreciation for his faithful -----------------V----------------- Beaverton Furniture Company Mrs. J. J. Hae, 8938 SW 28th I bond, 1 filter type well-broken-in l ministry the young people of the WANT — -8 Inch Electric Bench least 60 days apart.) Broadway at Watson 37 C card autos every 3 months or by pipe, and a set of ration books for ! Church of Christ remembered their ave, was a first class winner in the Saw. Call after 5 p. m. Allen I to.d Pepper and pastor Elery Parrish on his birthday amateur division at the 16th annual Av., and Menlo Dr., Rl, Bx 797C Nov. 30 (inspection must be at least my o]d Chrysler. FOR SALE — Combination range ! 45 days apart.) Pup tonight that I was moving in. j October 1st by giving a party at the dahlia show held in Portland last 37 AB Gas and Wood. Fordney, 308 Many mem- week. Pepper does not seem too enthusias­ ' church in his honor. Commercial vehicles every six Broadway, Beaverton. 37 _____ ___ .._v ____ m _____ , RIDERS Wanted—To Swan Is­ months or every 5000 miles, which­ tic about the prospect. One of those I bers and friends of the congregation | participated in a very pleasant even- land swingshift, Beaverton, Hu­ ever occurs first. particular mutts. SPOILED SPUDS SEALY W'hite Swan Mattress I ing. A highlight of the ocension was ber or Huber ave., to Farmington RATION BOOK NO. 4— New York reports that additional Regular $34.75 $29.75 | the presentation of a desk and chair carloads of potatoes, rotten because Rd ' I. B. Deland. R3, Bx 1538, Beaverton Furniture Company Nation wide registration for war Fall Rain Work ! set for use in the pastors study. Phone Beaverton 2242 337 ration book No. 4 is slated for Octo­ of lack of refrigeration, have arrived. Broadway at Watson 37 Now we usually get all worked up ODT blames ICC and ICC probably ber 20 to November 1. with the coming of Spring. Every­ W'ANTED—Wood saw or model $600 Cash Buys 4 room house at I You can always dispose if it, if blames OPA. Another instance of one goes stark mad and buys any­ A motor and chassis for Chevrolet STOVES— Multnomah. You move onto your divide«! authority. thing that's green and might have i you use a want ad. Purchase certificates obtainable at 4 cyl. Phone after 5, Beaverton own property. Call CHerry 2487. a flower or fruit. Wise Spade Toss- 2942. 37 local ration board. 37 ers know better. The time to make WOOD, SAWDUST, COAL plantings, perennial Fuel dealers must deliver wood, ornamental FOR SALE—Nanny and two kids PERSONAL Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS sawdust and coal on priority based plantings, fruit tree layouts is with $15. Biliy Lyons, Forest Ave., the first fall rains. Get your cata­ Or«*gon Mutual Policies ure NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay on consumer need, with those having Garden Home, Oregon. 37 HELP for Sything and general log out or better yet—visit your local more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual clean up; garage for rent. Phone! less than three months' supply com­ source of planting materials and get maintains more than three tliii«>a the surplus required hy Oregou SEALY Tuftless Mattress — Beaverton 2728. 37 ing first. set. Many stocks are really short Insurance I .aw*. ------------------V------------------ Reg $42.50 Now $39 this year. A smart way is to order Beaverton Furniture Company You can use classified advertising now and then tell your nurseryman Broadway at Watson 37 Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company to an advantage, plant one in your or dea|er to ship when he figures o f M c M i n n v i l l e local newspaper. FOR SALE—50 lb. ice porce­ the time is ripe. The gent makes Organized 1894—. 40 years of Reliable Service Chas. L. Walker, Agent --------------------V — --------------- - his order that way and its just pos­ lain refrigerator, ex .condition. New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 CASH must accompany A L L sible he might know the right time CH. 3542. 37 % For 1 to 10 Acres Improved CLASSIFIED ADS. Mall or leave as well as you—probably better. “Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon LARGE Selection of Linoleum & at our office. In many planting stocks that are »M , List With Us For Quick Sales Linoleum Rugs. Beaverton Furniture Company Broadway at Watson 37 Cash Buyers FOR SALE 24 White Pullets sad Cockerals 10 weeks old. *4 mile N Signal Sta., Airport, Beaverton 37 Victory Real Estate Co. 4616 NE Sandy Blvd. TR. 3769 PAINTS HOW PORTLAND GAS IS HELPING TO SPEED WAR PRODUCTION Res. GA. 0648 PORTLAND, OREGON Sfijss» cm I m la y ’ s Fresh Mixed Feeds > RABBITS W A N T E D FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons REEDVILLE ALOHA. ORE. » M ISC ELLAN EO U S D e a d 8toc*t plcke<1 up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221: night call DENLEY RENDERING CO„ BEST PRICE for Rabbit fryers, D. P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver­ ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We pick up. WANTED- Live Rabbits, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. ...a n d you know from experience how difficult it is to lay out even a dress pattern accurately with cold hands ft HELP W A N T E D Portland. HIDES Jt WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Clav. Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. NOTICE L a b orers w anted at once. Im m ediate jo b placem ent I A p p ly w eek davs only. HOD CARRIERS n M AND BUILDING De Laval SEPARATORS — MILKERS U n ion L o ca l N o. 296 COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY Monroe M e li , J * . ... 1VIRYTMING • d a i r Y m a n ROOM 215 LABOR AT. »4«! CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation SW 4th AT JEFFERSON W ANTED M EN A N D W O M E N SHIP SCALERS FOR LOCAL SHIPYARDS, EX­ PERIENCE UNNECESSARY, 95c AND UP PER HOUR ON DAY SHIFT, CLEANING AND PRE­ PARING SURFACES BEFORE PAINTING. Women must be age 16 and not over 45, and birth certificate re­ quired up to 24 years. Apply basement of Ihbor Temple ' Local No. 1404 Portland, Oregon J. P. Finley & Son SW TEMPLE for r««m suo C m .- I ait L a m (nr 135 N'W Park LABORERS FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 Riverview Cemetery W EST END 8E L L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Servire In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview Is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets of over $800.000 W ANTED BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS E ssential Industry E XP E R IE N CE N O T NECESSARY Steady Work with Overtime APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS ISM a. E. Water Ave., Portland I That’s why Willamette Iron £ Steel Corporation keeps its huye'mold loft” warm and comfortable with dependable GAS heat l The first aircraft carrier produced in P o la n d was built by Willamette Iren A Steel. HERE IS THE STORY. The ' mold lolt" at Willamette Iron & Steel Corpo­ ration is a mammoth room 440 feet lung — that's over 2 city blocks in length — and 80 feet wide. On the floor o f this room, the designs o f the major parts o f every ship built are drawn actual size. And from these designs wood patterns or templates are assembled to serve as guides for cutting the steel plates. The design on the floor must be exact to the S tb degree, so the ship's parts will go together properly. Naturally, cold fingers — or general discomfort — don't facilitate such precise work. And the extraordinary size o f the room as well as the 9-foot windows that sur­ round three sides make heating a prob­ lem. But five ceiling-type furnaces oper- , ated by dependable, controllable Port­ land gas keep the lo ft— and particularly the vital floor area — at a comfortable working temperature. Willamette hat uted gat for 71 geart Gas has been used by this firm for a variety o f heating and heat treating proc­ esses ever since it was founded in 1865— six years after the gas company started business. In its 78 years o f operation, Willamette has contributed much to the growth and prosperity o f this territory. During W orld W ar I, it set records for both freighter and boiler construction. In this war, Willamette is carrying on its tradition o f outstanding service by building Liberty ship engines and sev­ eral types o f Navy snips. GAS Why you are diked to conserve gat This plant is just one o f many w ar indus­ tries and military establishments in this area that must have an unending flow o f gas for vital war activities. The gas they use to build ships and airplanes is exactly the same gas you use for cook­ ing, water heating and other household purposes. So you see u h y you are asked to use only uhal gas you need . . . and to use it w isely! IS WAR MATERIAL Use it wisely • T V huge cat-heated "mold loft" at Willamette iron it Steel. The drsien of ship it drawn on the floor, and the templates or pa* terns shown are constructed over the design. Buy War Bondt up to the hilt I PORTLAND GAS è COKE COMPANY