Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1943)
Page 4 National Newspaper Week October 1 to 8 ST CECHUA CHURCH Masses 8 and 10 a. m. -----------------V-----------------. i ’ll.(■KIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Box 697, Beaverton Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive (Synodical Conference) Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Divine Services 11 a. m. ----------------- V---------------- - BETHEL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 9:46 a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. Worship. 6 30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. -----------------V----------------- METHODIST CHURCH Albert S. Hisey, D. D , Minister 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Preaching service. W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. -----------------V----------------- WEST SLOPE COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED PRESBYTERIAN SW Gabel Lane and Fairview Drive Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor 10:30 a. m., Unified Service. -----------------V----------------- WEST HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCll SW Canyon Rd., near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz, Minister 16th Sunday after Trinity S. S. 9:45 a. m. Divine Service 11 a. m. Holy Communion. -----------------V----------------- CHURCH OP TILE NAZARENE SW First at Stott Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Rally Day—Sunday School 9:45. Morning worship 11, subject—What Kind of a Revival You) Want vs The Kind We Need. Young Peoples Service 6:30. Junior meeting 6:30. Evangelistic service 7:30. A series of revival services with Rev. H. S. Palmquist begins Tues day night at 7:30. Rev. Palmquist is a poet, giving one of his poems in each evening service. Sunday is Rally Day. Come if you can. CHURCH OF CHRIST G. W. Springer, Pastor Morning worship 9:45 a. m. Topic Thou God Seest Me. Following the sermon, the Lord's supper will be observed. Bible School class session 11 a. m. C. E. 6:30 p. m. . Evening worship, sermon by pas tor, 7:30 p. m. Notice The Vedanta Society of Portland, Oregon, has recently purchased one of Portland's old and beautiful homes The Watson home—located at 1877 SW Park Ave., corner Hall St. Formal dedication will be held Fri day, October 8, at 7:30 p. m., when Swaml Devatmananda, leader of the Portland Chapter of Vedanta, will be asssited by Swami Vishwananda of the Vedanta Society of Chicago, 111., Swaml Ashokananda of the Vedanta Society of San Francisco, and Swami Vivldishananda of the Vedanta So ciety of Seattle. The Vedanta Society will also ob serve the Golden Jubilee of the Ve danta Movement in America, inaugu rated by Swaml Vivekananda in the year 1893 in connection with the Chi cago World's Fair. As a fitting memorial, a corner stone of a temple to be erected and dedicated to the Universal Spirit as represented by Vedanta, will be laid, at the Vedanta Retreat, called Sri Ramakrishna As- hranm, Saturday, October 9th, with the four Swamls participating. The Retreat is located about 22 miles from Portland, north. In the West Hills On Sunday, October 10th, at 6:30 p m., a Memorial meeting will be held, when the four Swamis will speak, at 1877 SW Park Ave., corner Hall St., also two American friends who heard Swami Vivekananda 50 years ago at the Parliament of Re- h «ion In Chicago and another friend who heard him later. ----------------- V------------------ Moved to Chehalem Mt, Mr. and Mrs: J. Conklin and granddaughter have moved from Beaverton to the farm formerly own ed by the Kotera family. Mr and Mrs J Marsden. who sold the farm to the Conklin's son in law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Peek, have moved to an 25 acre farm near Salem which they have bought. -------------- —V ----------------- Dave Goldman Re-open» His Business Dave Goldman, Portland advertie- Ing and publicity specialist, this week announced the re-opening of hia busi ness after spending the past 15 months with the Kaiser Co. swan is land shipyard. He has opened offi ces In his former location at 710 SE Grand avenue. Goldman, before Joining the Kai ser Co., waa 1 dentifled in Pacific coast advertising and publicity cir cles for nearly 12 years. He is a former vice-president of the Port land East Side Commercial club. JI5III5III3 $58.96 per week GREYHOUND COFFEE SHOP Revival Campaign RITZ W. E. PEGG MORTICIAN Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910—Serving 33 years 1‘ IIONK BEAVERTON 3411 T H E A T R E Beaverton, Oregon Admission 30 and 9c. tax included Even. Show start« 7 l’.M.; Mat. 2 P.M. Legal Notices Wed.-Thur».- Fri.-Sut., Oct. 6-9— SUMMONS Ann Sothern, Melvyn Douglas HEARTS FOR JULIA M-12728 Newsreel and Lucky Jordan In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Washing Sun.-Mo r.-Tne*., Oct. MM2— ton Spsncsi Cracy Katharine Hepburn DOROTHY EVELYN LANKERD, KEEPER or THE KI.AME Plaintiff vs. James Edward Lankard Cartoon, Scraps for Victory news Defendant. To JAMES EDWARD U N K E R D , » Defendant. Cut this out for Future Reference You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed =,,,s isiii3 iii5 iii=m 3iii=iiisiii3iN sm æ iiism against you In the above entitled = Sutherland & Mott court and cause on or before the ex- U! 9 I piration of four weeks from the date ¡¡j WOOD SAWING HI of the first publication of this Sum- £ CAU , CHERRY 2494 mons ;lf you fall to so appear and ÜJ answer or otherwise appear, plain- [ft OR CHERRY 9087 ■ tiff for want thereof will apply to Multnomah HI the above entitled court for the re ¡¡¡8019 SW 37th Ave.. lief prayed for in her complaint, to- ¿Tli=IH=Hl=Hl=lH=Hl=m=lH=lH=Hl=Hl=Hl=Hli wit: ! For a decree of divorce absolute from defendant and for such other and further relief as to the court Golden Jubilee may be deemed Just and equitable. Memorial Meeting This summons is published by or der of the Honorable R. Frank Pet of the ers, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 7th Vedanta Movement In Aniertea day of September, 1943. directing publication of this summons once SU N D A Y 6:30 I*. M. each week for four consecutive weeks AT In a newspaper of general circula tion In Washington County, State of Oregon. Date of first publication September 1877 S. W. Park Ave., 10, 1»43 Corner Hall St. Date of last publication October 8, SPEAKERS; 1943. Swaml Yl*hwananda of ( hieago W. H FITZGERALD, Attorney for Swaml Aahokanunada of San plaintiff, 309 Corbett Bldg , Portland, Kranetaeo Oregon. The Vedic Temple 1511 ■ = HI HI = in L W eil Burnside at 13th "A GREAT PLACE ill £ ■ m 5 HI 3 3 ■ I in || Phone AT. 5161 TO BUY" All Welcome BE. 1688 I H C m > m £ I N £ m £ lll£ lll£ llllll| * HI WHY BE FAT slimmer without exercise G et You may I «*** pound« and have a it* ** «lender, cracelui heurv No rirumni Nolsuiivn Nodrug* W ith th»« A Y l> S p lan you d on t cu t ou t any m eals, • torches, p o i.tin rv me its o f butter, you a m - piy cu t th -m d o w n I t * rn n rr •rhrn y< vi e n jo y d t l m u « (vita min tort i hh 1 > AYl>N betore meal* A bsolutely harmless Try .* larce -t t r h o i <>f A Y D S .10 d a y supply« K,’ 25 M . r«ev ha* K if you d o n t *et results f ii Beaverton Pharmacy Beaverton, Oregon Services Each night at 7:30 (Except Saturdays) S ^Mechanics work 48 hrs. per week^ k 40 hours straight; 8 hours timejl k and a half. Good working condi M tlons. Permanent employment. I Church of the Nazarene BEAVERTON, OREGON Across from Grammer School OREGON MOTOR STAGES 506 SW Mill LEONARD C. JOHNSON, Pastor BE. 3021 PORTLAND ll5HlsHI5HtslH5HI5HI5lll5lll5HI=IH5HI5lir Men Wanted SKILLED AND UNSKILLED Good Sawmill and Lumber Jobs TOP WAGES. OVERTIME PAY Steady jobs after the war; inside jobs; draft deferment; good chance for advancement; good board and room, family style. 311 and 312 per week; clean, modern houses; move in today INMAN POULSEN LUMBER CO. Beaverton Sale Auction AT Alexander Barn on Highway PORTLAND, OREGON Apply days, 1109 SW Stark St. Phone evening. TA. 4854 • iH=Hi=m=iii=m=Hi=m=m=Hi=m=Hi=Mi=iit PLANING MILL machine off-bearers, factory workers 54 hours per week Averaging $237.90 per mo. WORK IN Farm Implements, etc. • Bring Articles in STARTING WAGE PERMANENT Will Sell Every Thing—Furni ture, needs lumber pilers, 90c per Hour 3 III £ III A. B. SMITH CHEVROLET CO. Swaml Ylvldiahananda of Seattle Swaml De» atniananda of Portland Mrs. W alter lim i» of Portland Dr. Strath-tiordon of Portland Mr. Andrew Anderoon of Portland Rev. H. S. Palmquist S c a b w a s h e r s I MECHANICS hi •'* Push Button Controls— 0 tubes—3 Position Tone Control—3 Gang Permeability Tuning— Elliptical Speaker — Sensitivity Control— Automatic Drift Compensator--Dial Dimmer— New Full Vision Dial — Automatic Volume Control. HI = 3 III Tires and Tubes A. B. Smith Chevrolet Co. Ill III Assigned to Another Post Couple Celebrates Golden Wedding Day Chevrolet Service and Parts Limited Supply Just Received s At Training Camp Francis H. Slater, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Slater, Tigard, has ar rived at Ouachita college, Arkadei- phia, Ark., for five months air force instruction prior to appointment as aviation cadets. ----------------- V ------ ----------- Attention Chevrolet Owners Table Cabinet Models III Aloha-Huber Boy In Many Engagements A-C Edwin H. Heezel, 3133 SW Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin of Alice street, has recently finished Lowell L Hamel, ship's cook 1-C, Glencullen celebrated re. ntly theii primary flight training at the naval October 1 to 8 has been designated who attended A oha-Huber school, Livermore, Cal., has golden wedding anniversary at the air station. has been seeing things and going as National Newspaper week. It has home of u son, Dewey Martin, 3926 been assigned to anpther post for in long been claimed that a free press I places since iie joined ine navy Feb- Heezel is a SE 47th avenue. Six grandchildren termediate training. and a free people are an unbeatable ruary 14, 1938. tie has been in nine Lincoln graduate. were among re.atives present. team. Donald J. Sterling, formerly major Pacitic engagements, including Mr. Martin, 72, and his wife, 69, ----------------- V----------------- consultant to the chairman on the , five on the ill-fated aircraft carriei Major on Visit Newspaper and Publishing Industries, Hornet and tour on small FT boats Major Dwain A. Rockie of the ar were married September 3, 1893, in “To me it is an abdominable cir They have four War Production Board says that the j *n South Pacitic. He was on my air force bombardier school at Mound City, Kas Mrs. Dwight Haley of cumstance that in this country in fighting for freedom of ideas, now | the Hornet from the time she was Big Spring, Texas, visited his par children Press Bolsters U. S. Morale. j commissioned October 20, 1941, until ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rockie, 634 Vancouver, Mrs. Godfrey Priddy of time of war, when we need the food, Silverton, Perry Martin of Oakland, when we acknowledge that we need "For years the newspaper has been “ year ‘«ter when she was sunk off SW Alice street last week. it, when we know that we need it, It Is engaged in the common fight ¿anta Cruz island. He was in the Coming here on a navigation train Cal., and Dewey Martin of Portland. the Secretary of Agriculture is vest ------------- — v ---------------- for ideas of freedom. The formu- celebrated Shangri-la raid on Tokyo; ing flight, he was accompanied by ed with the power of placing a pen lation of these ideas in the hellish |the batt.c o f Midway; the battle of First Lieut. C. L Wride, navigator, alty upon a farmer for raising a Appointed Major furnace of war requires men, mater- | Bougainville island; another battle on and George Wilson; co-pilot and Ser Albert F. Clauss, Jr., 8406 SW 58th needed crop such as wheat.”—Sena ial, and morale, each of equal and ! another island, and the loss of the geant R C. Hacker, mechanic. avenue, has been appointed major in tor W. Chapman Revercomb <Re- Hornet. He was in the water for coordinate importance. 1 publican) West Virginia. the air corps. two hours before he was picked up. j "Yet it is in the field of morale He gained four stars for ribbons in < that the real opportunity of the newspaper lies. Although print pa four separate engagements on the FT C. V. W ALLACE per cannot be fired from a rifle, it boats in the battle of the Solomons. ' -----------------V----------------- has its own effectiveness as a wea — Signs & Cards— pon for victory. In its news col St. Mary’s of the Valley umns,, the newspaper presents as Kl, llx 2, Tigard, Oregon FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT Through the courtesy of Mr. Mur factual a recital of the prosecution Opposite the Joy Theatre of the war in its manifold phases as phy, the students of St. Mary's of PHONE TIGARD 2381 is compatible with national security. the Valley enjoyed Stand by For Ac In its editorial opinion it stimulates tion, high noon, Tuesday, at the A and provokes thought upon subjects Ritz Theatre. After witnessing what ¡¡HHIII=III=III=III3III=III=III=III=III=III=III=.II pertinent to the war effort. the Navy is doing for us, tasks and = : AND Public opinion is one of the most ! assignments inseparable from school essential weapons of war. The ene-1 life seemed less onerous; nor was the mies of the United States would di- ( lesson of ready and prompt obed- 3 s vide, confuse and demoralize Ameri ience lost Common Labor Grades I or 3—Most Sizes can opinion. One service of the Thursday was Freshman day at the American newspaper is to unite and Academy. I I NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED _ ¡¡j All the freshmen with ; H form and harden American opinion little green caps went around doing = We Need a Couple of Men for = so that the determination to win will j tasks at the bidding of their betters, ! general foundry work, shaking out = survive any initial disaster in the while the halls resounded with merry flasks, shoveling sand, ete. Ill field of any possible propoganda of laughter. The afternoon fun came ¡Working conditions are good andjjj defeatism at home. to an end when refreshments had if boys of 16 and men of 50 and = West Burnside at 13th Ave. had duly takn their pledge of loyalty ¡over can do the work it must not!!! been served and the new students ! ¡be too hard. Work week is 10ffj Portland AT. 5161 HERE and THERE to the Student Body. hours per day except Saturday 3 "A GREAT PLACE TO BUY" A food sale will be held at the Ce- ! The General Science class demon- 1 , , . . . Ill when we work only 8 hours, dar Mill General store October 8, by strated the movements of the solar 3 .j. i the P. T. A. system for the World Geography J F a r t h e £ d a y , 5 8 -h r W Cek = Mrs. Margaret Stroeve, principal of class Monday. Betty Clune, repre- ~ • &>-o cu t !!! | ~ the Cedar Mill school, announces that senting the sun; Searle Patterson, S t h c pHV IS JjOo.VO, thCll WCjjj the goal for the school In war stamps the earth; and Helen Machino. the I fr e q U C fl t lv W o r k a C O U p le f ^ and bonds was 32,000, o f which 3500 moon, were the chief actors. They IJ . 1. , ,, . !!! k also plan to give their demonstra- I jjj OI (lityS U m o n t h <\’ th atjjji j has already been raised. Mrs. H. 8. Davis moved to Tigard non to the eighth made. 5 im 'a iis $ 1 4 m o r e e a c h = IS this week. Pledges of a daily rosary for peace Headquarters for Sunday Mr .and Mrs. Robert W. Groes- and our men In service are piling up. Ill beck, Beaverton, Sept. 23. a son, The sodalists h ope to reach their ! 3 Steady work. Foundry is light andijj OREGON MOTOR STAGES |!J! clean and the men you work with = j goal, 100%. Richard W. ¡¡¡¡are the kind you would like as’i and T o o l ” * T C T O r i * C C I C V I »neighbors. Nothing but highly im-HI HOME-COOKED GOOD EATS Point-Free Meat 1 C/CJ L A 1 L I U L L A o j I r I ' Important war work Is being made jjj LYLE C. TAYLOR These meat items have been re --------------------------------------------------------¡¡I so you would be helping mater-31 moved from the consumer rationing FOR SALE—Crawford Electric 3 ¡ally in the war work for us. HI OPEN 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. tabl<f and starting Sunday will be Range, 2 burner & oven 320; Boys |W e believe you would like the job jjj point free. 12 yr old coat, practically new 35 ¡Hand find this a good place to = Only Lunches Served on Sunday Beef—Brains, kidneys, tails. If you are interested see!!1 F. Kramer, East Allen ave., off ,*work. Veal- Brains, kidneys. MR. FREEMAN ¡¡j Lombard st., Beaverton. 36 ill Pork—Bacon rinds, brains, chitter lings, ears, kidneyB, snouts, tails. Service Bronze and FOR SALE Beds, Chairs, Dress Lamb- Brains, kidneys. ers, Tables, Range, priced to sell. Brass Works Commercial Hotel, Beaverton. 36 Now Corporal I*ortland = [¡SK 10th & Main St. FOR SALE-- Wedgewood, Smooth IÌÌ _ with Russell C Taylor, son of Margar top gas range 3*4 yrs old, like new 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = et Taylor, route 8, Portland, has been with built in room circulating promoted to corporal at Pendleton heater .C. Beckstrom R5 Bx 695A air base, ----------------- V—-------------- 4tn hse E of Cedar Mill store on $ Cornell Rd. 36 The New Deal is having trouble selling that Idea on freedom from POET-EVANGELIST want and freedom from fear to sev- FOR SALE 24 White Pullets and era lthousand llHle business men who Cockerals 10 weeks old. H mile N have been forced kilo bankruptcy by October 12 to October 24 Signal Sta , Airport, Beaverton 37 New Deal policies. RADIOS = ill 3 III = III 3 HI 3 Fridav, October 8, 1943 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon 1 by Saturday Morning AN ESSENTIAL INDUSTRY Apply Sale Starts 1 P. M. Oregon Woodwork, Ltd. 336 SE Spokane PORTLAND FRANK ULRICH Auctioneer