Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1943)
Page 4 "’i Woman Injured St. Mary’s of the Valley . <h'' ßTcJ ft J R P a P Y ’. .!: -¿ 'I Legal Notices Oregon Motor Stage Drivers Get Safety Awards Mrs. John Shultz, 52, route 3, box 77, B eaverton, su ffered a righ t leg fracture Saturday when she missed he bottom step o f the stairs in her hom e, police report. à 4 Friday, October 1, 1943 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon ALOHA ; Reception anti Installation ^Officers of P. T. A. NEWS Lake all the C atholic schools o f E. J. H an n aford tra ffic engineer Portland, St. M ary’s o f the Valley An inform al receptu n for the for the city o f P ortland fo r 20 years, Safe-driving aw ards will be pre Statem ent o f Ownership, Manure- A cadem y opened classes the first ment. Circulation, Etc., Required teachers o f Reedviile sell <1 was one recently purchased the P oboch eak o sented to 22 di ivers for O regon Mo w eek o f Septem ber w ith study halls by A ct o f C ongress o f o f the featu ies o f the Rct ivill« P. T. place consisting o f six acres and a tor Stages by the national safety and d orm itories over-flow ing. August 24, 1912 A. meeting last week. New officers live room house on N orth T obias council, it was announced Thursday F or the Beaverton Enterprise, pub- o f the P. T. A were installed by Mrs. and m oved T he new ly organized Student Body by M. E. Steele, chairm an o f the avenue, recently with president o f county their five children on the place. president Is M argaret M athisen, sec P ortland tra ffic safety com m ission ’s lished at B eaverton, O regon .for Oc- O tto G eorge, cou ncil New office rs are Mrs. E. retary, Betty N osack, and treasurer com m ercial vehicle com m ittee. The tober 1, 1943. A nnouncem ent o f the birth o f a J. LaRue, president: Mrs. Louis H ar daughter, Anne Marie, Sept. 15 to Mr. B etty Clune. drivers operated busses a total o f S T A T E O F O R E G O N C OU N TY O F W A SH IN G T O N ss ris vice president; Mrs. Anna T aylor Last w eek the first shipm ent o f 1,439,853 miles w ithout accident. and Mrs. R alph N ordlund at a F or B efore me, a notary in and for the secretary and Mrs. Grant Brown, 1 C hristm as trees and tray d ecorations est G rove hospital. Is good new s to T. S. Beguin, one o f the 22, operat- C llt K i l l O F C H R IS T v. ... - , State and cou nty aforesaid person- treasurer. j fo r our boys in A rm y hospitals was ed busses Mr. and Mrs. A rvid N ordlund o f 308,406 miles w ithout acci- „ ... ... Jf . . G. W . Springer, P astor , j ally appeared H. H. Jeffries who hav- Mrs. Harris. Mrs. E. H annaford R eedviile. sent to the R ed Cross division o f dent , in a five-year period. Mrs. O. N ordlund of Three- Special R ally Day program and ing been duly sw orn a ccord in g to law. and Mrs. B row n w ere elected dele- i W ashington County. A lso tw o doz- year aw ards will be presented to S T d „ and that he U the owner’ gates to the county cou ncil to be held R eedviile is the great grandm other.. prom otion o f Bible School students j en house w ives made by the H om e Orr and Jam es A. Slow er. At a recent m eeting o f the H appy C. W. o f the B e .v .r t o n E nterprise and that O ctober 12 at Sherwood. at 9:45 a. m. follow ed by the m orn- 1 E con om ic class fo r the armed forces B rock will receive a tw o-year award, G ardeners club Mrs. G race P ooley ing serm on and the com m union. . ... . the follow in g is to the best o f his were in the packag. The girls re while the oth w as elected president. R ose H alem - eis will get on e-yea. knowIedtfe and belief a true Btate- T opic —By My Spirit, saith J e h o v a h ' A large pasteboard carton with ceived recogn ition fo r their w ork o f Hosts. awards | ment, o f the ow nership, m anage- both ends and one side rem oved may bra is vice president, Mrs.. Blakeney, Ì from the R ed C ross officials. Bible School class session 11 a. m. D rivers will be given their certi- ment, etc., o f the aforesaid publi- be folded into a triangular shape secretary and Mrs. E m m a Storm s, At the Sodality meeting, Friday, ficates individually because C. E. 6:30 p. m. press o f cation for the date shown In the and used as a w edge back o f p illow » treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. T h eo Kaden left this E ven ing w orship 7:30 p. m. T opic the follow in g o ffic e r s were elected: wartim e business m akes it im possible above caption required by the A ct fo r the patient w h o can be in a sitt p refect R ita Schnieder, vice-prefect, to ca 1 a m eeting o f the drivers. T hey sold their The R esults o f Faith. o f August 24, 1912, Postal L aw s and ing or sem i-sitting position. A flow w eek for Kansas. B ernadine S m ith; secretary, M arga- | R egulations, printed on the reverse ered cover will add to the attractive place to Mr. and Mrs. H om er C hurch- V rete Jane D ooh er; treasurer, B etty ley w ho are im provin g the place. of this form , to-w it: W E S T H ILLS ness. N osack. T he S odality’s big projects Book 4 Signup Funeral services were held Thurs 1. T hat the name and address o f L U T H E R A N C H U RCH ----------------— V ------------------- fo r O ctober are R osa ry Pledges and f October day in the C hurch o f Christ, in P ort- ! the publisher is H. H. Jeffries, 308 SW C anyon R d., near Sylvan L iving R osary. As in al. com m unicable diseases. j lar; d for R ic hard Loonier, infant son Panam a Bldg., P ortland, Oregon. W erner J. Fritz, M inister A nation-w ide -registration for ra A lthough St. M ary’s o f the Valley 2. T hat the ow ner is H. H. Jef- m uch o f the danger o f the cold lie« o f Mr and Mrs A lbert L oom er o f 15th Sunday after Trinity , , _ .. in its possible after-effects The best Is you ng as sch ools go, we are happy tion book No. 4— w hich the o ffic e o f S. S. 9:45 a. m. price adm inistration hopes will be ' nea* 308 Panam a B klg„ Portland, treatm ent is to go to bed when the R e e d v ile , grandson o f Mr. and Mrs. to note that a large unm ber o f our ■ R. C. Hum ble o f R eedviile. Divine Service 11 a. m. the last ration hook o f the w ar—will ° r e g o iv . . . , . sym ptom s first appear. K eep the Serm on: T he R oa d to Prosperity. girls are children o f form er students be held within the last ten days o f Keith H arrison is at present in San 3 That the know n bondholders. room com forta b ly cool. Drink plen The seniors organized their class m ortgagees, and other security hold E verybody w elcom e. Eat , F rancisco, a ccord in g to word received during the past week, ch oosin g for O ctober --------------------V -------------------- ers ow ning or holding 1 per cent or ty o f water and fruit juices. Sleep as m uch as possible. I by Mr. and Mrs. C. W . H arrison. president, M aregaret Jane Dooher, se c An O P A spokesm an, In disclosing more o f the total am ounts o f bonds, lightly. C H U R CH O F T H E N A Z A R E N K retary, R ita Schneider; treasurer, Ber- plans W ednesday for distribution of m ortgages or other securities is none. S W First at Stott nadine Smith T he ju n iors selected the new set o f coupons, said it was H. H. J E F F R IE S . Owner L eonard C. Johnson, P astor , ! hoped the book would Catherine A nzalone, president; Inez i last three Sworn and subscribed before me 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Leis, secreta ry; Platricfa Barron, years, if necessary. this 28th day o f Septem ber, 1943. 11 a. m. W orsh ip service. treasurer. T he sophom o'res elected The decision to hold another JO S E PH V AN H O O M ISSEN , N otary C om m union Sunday. president; P atricia schoolhouse registration, instead o f Public. My com m ission expires 6:30 p. m. N . Y. P. S.; Junior Vera Berning, i Harding, secretary, and W inifred distributing the book by mail as was January 16, 1945. m eeting I W alsh, treasurer. Freshm en o ffl- done with No. 3, is based on O P A ’S Headquarters for 7:30 p. m E van gelistic service. W ednesday prayer m eeting 7:30 p. 1 cers are : president, M argery Camp- desire to get the new cou pons into SUM M ONS | bell, seertary N ora M achado, treas use in N ovem ber. O R E G O N M O T O R STAG ES The book s will be m. M-12728 passed out at the registration, sav ! In the C ircuit C ourt o f the State of N ext Sunday O ctober 10 is R ally urer, Helen M aschino. and R om an a M axon ’34; Mrs. P atrick ing time, labor and expense. Day, plan to com e, program , souve O regon fo r the C ounty o f W ash in g M oran; F rances Carlson ’40; Mrs. nirs, special music, etc. H O M E -C O O K E D G O O D E A T S E xact dates and places o f registra ton B arkley R ob erts; Hazel Theisen, T2; tion in each com m unity will be de D O R O T H Y ----------------V ---------------- EVELYN LANKERD, L T U c. TAYLOR W E ST SLO PE Mrs. C harles M cD on ald; M argaret term ined by regional and local ra P lain tiff vs. Jam es E dw ard L ankard C arson ’32; Mrs. C lifford Dernbach, tionin g officia ls CO M M U N ITY C H U R CH Defendant. O P E N 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. were recent visitors at St. M ary’s of U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N T o JA M E S E D W A R D L A N K E R D , ------- V ------------------------ SW Gabel Lane and F airvlew Drive the V alley. Defendant. Only L unches Served on Sunday R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor Y ou are hereby required to appear ! Turkey Growers to 11 a. m. The Gideon S ociety will j j and answ er the com p lain t filed | Meet at Salem ■onduct the services. , against you in the above entitled ' A ny e x cu se you ca n g iv e for 6:30 p. m. L earnin g to Be E ffe c not upping you r p a y ro ll sa v I T he com bined business and educa- j court and cause on or before the ex- tive W orkers. N A T IO N A L SERVICE ACT in gs w ill p lea se H itler, Hiro- ' tional m eeting o f the O regon Turkey j piration o f fou r weeks from the date Im provem ent association is sched- o f the first publication o f this Sum vs. hito and puppet M ussolini. j uled fo r Tuesday, O ctober 5, in the m ons ;if you fail to so appear and M E T H O D IST CHURCH T O T A L CON SCRIPTION I C ham ber o f C om m erce room s at Sa- answer or otherw ise appear, plain Albert S. Hlsey, D. D , M inister tiff fo r want th ereof will apply to lem, starting at 10 o ’clock . The 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. T O O L A T E TO CLASSIFY m eeting is open to anyone interested the above entitled cou rt for the re National Service A ct will D raft L abor only. T otal C onscrip 11 a. m. Preaching service. tion will draft all Men, M achines, M aterial and Money, in t h e turkey industry .even though lief prayed fo r in her com plaint, to- W . S. C. S. m eets W ednesday. F O R SAIJ2 R. I. R oa sters and Service from all w ithout profits. w it; not a m em ber o f the group. ------------------- V ------------------- Aloha 6612. R abbit F ryers . F o r a decree o f d ivorce absolute ST C E C E L IA C H U RCH from defendant and fo r such other Masses 8 and 10 a. m. F O R S A L E 4 3 mo old Pigs $10. £ and further relief as to the court $ Adm ission 55c, ine. Tax T U E S D A Y , OCT. 5. 8 P, M T ig a rd 3157. -----------------.-V ------------------ - m ay be deem ed ju st and equitable. This sum m ons is published by or P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U RCH F O R S A L E C ann in g T om atoes. Information: T E C H N O C R A C Y INC. der o f the H on orable R. F rank P et B ox 697, B eaverton 75c per box, pick yourself, bring ers, Judge o f the above entitled F arm ington R d. at M enlo D rive BE. 0062 814 S W 10th, Portland containers. John I. Bilyeu, Call cou rt, m ade and entered on the 7th (S yn odical C onference) at T igard P. O. day o f Septem ber, 1943, d irectin g W alter R . Buhl, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. publication o f this sum m ons once FOR S A L E — Double bed with each w eek for fou r con secu tive weeks Divine Services 11 a. m. spring chest o f draw ers, wood in a new spaper o f general circu la ------------------- V ---------- |-------- heater, sm ooth top com bination tion in W ashington County, State of Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Gas range, small cen ter table, kit B in im . Oregon. chen table, 4 chairs. T igard 2633 C O N G R E G A T IO N A L CH URCH O regon Mutual P olicies are N O N -A SSE SSA B L E . Y ou N E V E R pay Date o f first publication Septem ber — |8 M echanics w ork 48 hrs. per w e e k h 0:45 a. m. C hurch School. m ore than the prem ium on the fa re o f the policy. O regon Mutual 10, 1943. F O R SALE G uernsey cow h eifer j t 40 hours straight; 8 hours t i m e l , 11 a. m. W orship. m aintain» m ore titan three times the surplus required by Oregou and bull calf. T ig a rd 2633 S a n d a half. G ood w ork ing co n d i-S i P ate *ast Publication O ctober 8 6 30 p. m. P ilgrim Fellow ship. Insurance Laws. ’ tions. •inn« Perm anent em ploym ent. W . H F IT Z G E R A L D . A ttorney for Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company I plaintiff, 309 C orbett Bldg., Portland, O F M oM IN N V ILL E l! Oregon. O rganized 1894— . 40 years o f R eliable Service Uhas. L. W alker, Agent GREYHOUND COFFEE SHOP MASONIC TEMPLE PUBLIC MEETING 5 CAR WASHERS? MECHANICS RITZ WE WANT OREGON MOTOR STAGES T H E A T R E Beaverton, Oregon 506 S W Mill j;— . BE. 3021 PORTLAND A dm ission 30 and 9c, tax included Even. Show starts 7 P.M.; Mat. 2 l ’ .M. W ho Are Interested in Working After the W ar as Well as . M i l l - S a t u r d a y , Oct. 1-2 NORTHW EST RANGER Feature No. 2 — and N ew sreel— Sherlock H olm es In W ashington Flynn * Reagan with W e need a few men w ho want to w ork In P ortland. Our output at the present tim e Is goin g 100% into the w ar program , but our production will be equally salable when peace arrives. O ur fou n d ry has fo r the last 30 years given ou r men steadier year-around w ork than any other foundry in -th e country. W e are now equipped to m ake steel c a st ings to the moat m odern sp ecifica tions and by the latest m ethods o f m anufacture. W> have the ut m ost con fid en ce in ou r ability to m aintain our production after the war is over. W e o ffe r good w ages and w ork ing conditions. H ouses are avail able fo r fam ilies and room s fo r single men. A pplicants will have to clear through the U. S. E m ploym ent Service o f the W’ ar M anpower Com m ission Y ou m ay con tact our em p loy ment o ffic e at either 1109 8. W. Stark street betw een 8 a m. and S p. m. M onday to F riday and from 8 a. m. until 5 p m . Satur days. A lso our personnel o ffic e at 2141 N W 25th ave . betw een 8 a. m. and 5 p m M ondays through Fridays, and 8 a. m until noon Saturdays. Electric Steel Foundry N W 25th and Wilton St. nvyond Ball Park Left F en ce) Portland 11 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 1(9 Men Wanted DESPERATE OURNEY 'Post War' Plans? * N»« »80* S K IIJ .E D Cut this out HAl I. W llllS fo r Future R eferen ce >IH9HI9IH9lll£lll5HI=lll=lll=IH=HI=lll=lll=lllr $58.96 per week Common Labor U N S K IL L E D T O P W’ AGES, O V E R T IM E PA Y Steady job s after the w a r; inside job s; draft d e fe rm e n t; good chance fo r advan cem en t; good board and room , fam ily style. $11 and $12 per w eek; clean, m odern houses; m ove In today ALAN MAU • ARTHUR AINNtOY Oi'ocUd by Produced by • AND Good Sawmill and Lumber Jobs tv>c c * ' NANCY COLEMAN • RAYMOND MASSEY RAOUL WALSH in Apply days, 1109 SW Stark St. ■ Steady w ork Foundry Is light »ndi7: ■ clean and the men you w ork with ■ are the kin d you would like as ■ neighbors N othing but highly Im 9 port ant w ar w ork is being m ade- 2 so you would be helping mater- I tally in the war w ork fo r u* Jjj We believe you would like the Jobj ill and find this a good place to ) ■ w ork . If you are Interested see! MR FREEM AN SE Service Bronze and Brass Works it: Fort land I loth a Main M. 54 hours per week Experienced For Steady Work on Housing Projects, $1.32 Per Hr. Shipyards $1.20 Per Hour May Be Trained Painters' Union Room 207 Labor Temple ATTENTION! Filbert Growers We W ant Your Filberts and Will Pay W AGE 90c per Hour You the Highest Cash Price Averaging $237.90 per mo. The oldest Filbert packers in Oregon . . . we use Federal-State inspection to make the crack test for PERM ANENT WORK IN AN GROWERS* PROTECTION! E S S E N T IA L IN D U ST R Y . Phone Us— Our Field Man Will Ca'I Apply WE ARE ALSO IN THE MARKET FOR GARLIC Oregon Woodwork, Ltd. 336 SE Spokane P O R T IO N 'D M S M I M 9 t t l 9 l l l9 H I 9 I M 9 l t l 9 H < 9 l l l £ ll l 2 l l lx l M 9 1 PAINTERS Inexperienced BUY AN U T R A «100 BOMS 4854 factory workers S T A R T IN G H illsboro, Oregon Also Beaverton, Oregon hi the 6 day. .’'8 hr week jjj ■ the pay is $58.‘ X», then w c l ■ frequently work a couple! 1 of days a month «S. that* 2 means $14 more each §j = Sunday iD Phone 1732 “ E very F orm o f P rotection ” Beaverton Pharmacy P O R T I.A N D . O R E G O N Phone evening, TA New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Apply PLANING MILL I “ After using Gray vita only a j •hort tim e. I n oticed m y ( 4 gr;iv>hair was turning to a . real deep black, exactly as it used to be. What a differ- ence this makes in my ap- VjJ pearance ” M rs. J. B.’s experience may or may not be different than yours Why not try G R A Y V IT A ' This anti gray hair vitamindiscov cry. Calcium Pantothenate when tested by a leading n.aga- sine showed 88% of thoee tested had positivs evidence o f some return o f hair color. A GRAYYTTA tablet is 10 mgm. o f Calcium Pantothenate PLUS 450 U. S P units (u “ pep * vitamin Bt. Get G R A Y V IT A now ’ . 0 day sup ply $1.50, 100 day supply $4.00. Phone INMAN POULSEN LUMRER CO. NO E X P E R IE N C E R E Q U IR E D S !ii=iM5!ii=m=in=iii=m=iii=m=m=iii=iii=in W e Nee»l a Couple o f Men fo r jjj general foundry w ork, shaking out = flask», »hoveling »and. etc. Ill W ork in g con d itions are good and jjj If boys o f 16 and men o f 50 nnriS over can d o the w ork It must «lotjjj be too hard W ork w eek is 10 S 1 needs lumber pilers, h ours per day except Saturday 3 when we w ork only 8 hours. machine off-bearers, ■ j Field GRAY !!A!R TURNING DEEP 3LACK says Mrs. J. B , Chicago During the W a r! What Are YOUR H E N R Y A. L O W R Y Funeral services fo r H enry A. L ow ry o f W aldport. form erly of Aloha,, who died M onday in the Vet- erans hospital w as held lust week He ow ned the Beach cabins at W ald- port and was a m em ber o f Tuality lodge N. 6, A. F. & A. M. H e is sur vived by his w ife, Ruth. W. E. PEGG M O R T IC IA N B eaverton, O regon Estab. 1910 Serving 33 years P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 3411 Sun.-M on.-Tue»., .O cto b e r 3-5— j ¡1 I I 1 j ---------------- --------------- r WEST COAST FRUIT COMPANY Pitor* E A 7134 706 S. E. Union Ave., For' 3 -d, Ore. C -n AH rv Saturday*