Friday, September 17, 1943 Classified Rates tssr W A R ] e /n f L O A N ; 13in fitto le "Bom b \ T W O Cents a word per issue. N O T H IN G LESS T H A N 26c CASH M UST A C C O M PA N Y A L L C L A S S IF IE D AD S NO AD S T A K E N O V E R P H O N E H e PuDlisti tlie B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E M U LT N O M A H PRESS TIG A H I) SENA IN EL ALO H A N E W S Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial respon­ sibility for errors which may ap­ pear in advertisements published in these columns but In case a here this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise­ ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. PAINTS Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons ) ALO HA. ORE PERSONALS W IL L N O T BE Responsible for any debts not contracted by my­ self. W. F. Schreiber, R3, Bx 1564, Beaverton. FOR S A L E Linoleum and Carpet Lay-' ing. SUnset 3459, 6110 S E 1 Gladstone, Portland, Ore. H ¡1M I S C E L L A N E O U S GOLD SEAL 9x12 Lino Rugs $5.95 and up Beaverton Furniture Co., Broadway at Watson D e a d stoclc picked ! DOGS BOARDED— 3mall, 35c a day; large 50c. Houle's Collie Knls., Lr. Boone's F y Rd. nr Tu­ alatin. Call Tigard 3115. RABBITS W A N T E D BEST PR IC E for Rabbit fryers. D. P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver­ ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. W e pick up. 5 W A N T E D —Live Rabbits, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. FOR SALE Tomatoes 2 lb Rossi Farm, Beaverton, 2 blocks from St. Cecelia church. FOR SALE or Trade for fresh cow, one registered Ayershire bull, 11 months old. Call evenings -or Sunday at the Daniels place route 1 Tigard, Oregon. FOR SALE—Oak Dining Room Table and Chairs, Baby Bed. CH. 2597. & C-; free of FOR TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. BABY CRIBS ......................... $6.95 Beaverton Furniture Store Broadway and Watson St. FOR S A LE —Weiner Pigs, Baled Clover Hay. Albert Kehrli, R2, Beaverton, 2 mi North of Reed- ville. ----------------- V ----------------- . u ru m ti « W f X r i H or USE SOME H A Y —For Sale. Della C. Fisher, Beaverton, Oregon F R E E D E L IV E R Y W e will pay cash for your old fur­ niture. W e will take orders. Beaverton Furniture Co. Broadway at W'atson, Beaverton • De Laval ALBINA HELLSHIPYARD'S ACE Employment Agent BR ASS FO U N D R Y , WAR DUCTION, W O R K IN G PRO­ 58 l lours week Need Two Men Able and willing, to do a good day’s work. Duties include shoveling sand into vibrating riddle, dumping out flasks of castings, cleaning castings, etc Requires no skill. W e w ork a 10-hr clay and 8 hours on Saturday T h ia ia A lb in a H e ll ship y a rd ' a B ill (P ig s fe e t) A A * /TA * * J t K in g o f Y o u th and B e a u ty in the g re a te s t b on d d riv e e v e r SE 10th AVE., A N D M A IN ST., e ta g e d in an A m e r ic a n eh ip y a rd . W h en y ou c a ll on B ill f o r a jo b , he w o n ’t b e w e a rin g his cro w n and ro y a l ro b ea , Portland, Oregon b u t te n -to -o n e h e ’ll be a m ohing NOTICE a b ig cig a r. Just w alk up a n d say: “ H e llo , P ig s f e e t . I w ant H itlu r .“ H . ’l l p u t y o u to w ork. Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement! A pply week davs onjy. to 135 N W AT. 6461 CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation I. P. Finley & Son SW i A lb in a lic k • Bill Moore is the hiringest employment man in the West. ' h o d c a r r ie r s AND He has the knack of selecting hard-working, loyal Americans who jump in and help Albina help lick LABORERS Hitler, and wTho enjoy earning top shipyard wages doing so. ROOM 215 LABOR TEMPLE • This week Bill will select 600 more helpers for all crafts. SW 4th A T JEFFERSON I f the line at Bill’s Don’t be discouraged. There’s a job waiting for you. W ANTED MEN AN D W O M EN W h e n Y o u W o r k t o r A l b i n a Y o u W o r l i f o r th e Y a r d of C h a m p i o n n SHIP SCALERS o«m amo C m .- I alt L a m < it r rark h t lp for -^DAIRYMAN. g ; i f M o o re . T h ia p h o to g ra p h waa ta k e n when B ill was e le c te d A lb in a ’s office is too long Monday— come back Tuesday. N4P«t4ctuW* 4 Dhtrlbsaton ^ NOW HAS HIS OWN O FFIC E $58.96 Common Labor Union Local No. 296 ìflwoei (riseli . HELP W ANTED BUILDING S E PA R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T \N D S U P P L IE S FO R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y ' BILL "Pigsfeet" MOORE quitting early enough on Saturday so that you can get a haircut PA Y FOR 58 HRS FIGURES $58.96 F*OR SA LE —Dry 16 inch Slab I f you’re not working in an essential Wood $12.50 cord, delivered 2 industry and are looking for a good cords load. Ruben Johnson, New- place to work, come over and berg, Oregon. See Our MR. F R E E M A N Our plant is light and airy and is FOR SALE—Opal Heating Stove, one of the cleanest foundries in the wood, as good as new, $15. Phone northwest. Centrally located. There’s Beaverton 2616. plenty of room to park, so that it is FOR S A LE —Sweet Corn Golden only 30 seconds from your car to Cross 20c a dozen or $1.00 a sack. your job. Your application can not John S Langdon, 1 mile west of be considered if you are now em­ ployed in essential industry. I f you Tualatin, R4, box 68 Sherwood. are doing war work, stay where you I f you have worked at a haif FOR SALE -Com, potatoes, to­ are. matoes. plums, pick anytime ex­ a dozen places during the past year, We want to get to cept Sundays. G E Baker, Beav­ don’t apply. erton, between Hazeldale store know our employes. and Kinton school Service Bronze & Brass Works U SH ER ETTES arid Assistant Cashiers wanted. Apply A1 Mey­ ers, Joy Theatre, Tigard, Oregon. JH 666 TABLETS. 5ALYE. NOSE DROPS Print Linoleum............ 49c sq. yd. j Inlaid ....... ......... _... $1.09 sq. yd. I Beaverton Furniture Co. Broadway at Watson, Beaverton | ( M ATTRESSES $14.90 to $39 Beaverton Furniture Co. Broadway at Watson, Beaverton O f TP.ct-3 ^ caow H ID E S A W O O L, CASCAR A— A specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Clay. Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR SA LE —Bed, spring and mat­ tress $ 8 . Houle's Coliie Kennels, Boones Ferry Rd, near Tualatin, I Call Tigard 3115. FOR SALE—Canning Corn 6 * 1 ! dozen $1.25, bring sack. Bernard Airport Va mi N Signal Station, Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Dunlap, Tigard, Sept. 1, son James H. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Bishler, 8441 SW’ 30th ave., Multnomah, Aug. 30, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Balsam, route 5, box 759, Portland, Sept. 5, a daughter, Pamela L. Mr and Mrs Riley W W’ilson, Ti­ gard, Sept. 3, a son Dennis I . Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Witt, Garden Home, Sept. 1, a daughter Janet L. AT FIRST MM OF A charge anywhere. Call ! collect. UN. 1221: night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. FOR SALE—New Corn in the field for hog feed or cattle, 2 acres by bulk or sack. 1 mile west of Tualatin R4, bx 68 Sher­ wood. J. C. Langdon. FOR SA LE —R. I. Red Pullets months old. Beaverton 2701. up CAI*0UHA6E S g g g g H g , BIBTHS F1SHEB THOHSEN PAINTS R E E D V IL L E Marriage License« Ronald C. McClain, route 6, box 1215, Portland, and Shirley E. Mey­ ers, Milwaukie. Raymond J. Thiel, route 4, Port­ land, and Gladya L. Stewart, Beaver­ ton. Donald Hardisty, Troutdale, and Mildred U m b Beaverton. Richard A. Wick, Metzger and Col­ leen M Hogan. Multnomah. Lawrence E Kangiser, San Fran­ cisco. and Shirley E. Darst, 8906 SW’ 8th ave., Multnomah. FO UR TH AT M O N T G O M E R Y ATwater 2181 Riverview Cemetery W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY ' Complete Funeral Servire In N e » Cathedral UhapH a* No Extra co*» Riverview is a co-operative aaa-> elation with assets of over $800,000 FOR LOCAL SH IPYARD S, EX ­ P E R IE N C E UNNECESSARY, 95c AND U P PER HOUR ON D AY SHIFT, C LEA N IN G AND PRE- PAR IN G SURFACES BEFORE PA IN TIN G . Women must be age 16 and not over 45, and birth certificate re­ quired up to 24 years. Apply basement of Labor Temple Local No. 1404 Portland, Oregon WANTED RRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry EXPERIENCE NO T NECESSARY Steady Work with Overtime APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT COLUMRIA BRICK WORKS 1320 S. E. Hater A r t . , Portland 1 YOU WORK IN After you get on the job, you have the privilege of tend­ ing relatives, friends and ac­ quaintances whom you know to be reliable workers to Bill. H e ll put them to work, too. • • • • • • A YARD WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE of Downtown Portland A YARD WITH FREE PARKING LOTS A YARD WITH BUSES COMING ALMOST TO THE GATES A YARD WITH AN EXCELLENT RESTAURANT FOR WORKERS A Yard in Which the Blue Cross Hospitalization Plan PROTICTS YOU A YARD WHERE EVERY WORKER IS YOUR FRIEND POP INTO BILL'S NEW OFFICE AT 1109 S. W. STARK ST. Directly Across Stark St. Prom U. S. Employment Office , and Help Uncle Sam by Working in a Happy Shipyard « Albina is Doing its Damndest to Win This War