Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1943)
Friday, September 17, 1943 Classified Rates tssr W A R ] e /n f L O A N ; 13in fitto le "Bom b \ T W O Cents a word per issue. N O T H IN G LESS T H A N 26c CASH M UST A C C O M PA N Y A L L C L A S S IF IE D AD S NO AD S T A K E N O V E R P H O N E H e PuDlisti tlie B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E M U LT N O M A H PRESS TIG A H I) SENA IN EL ALO H A N E W S Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements published in these columns but In case a here this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. PAINTS Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons ) ALO HA. ORE PERSONALS W IL L N O T BE Responsible for any debts not contracted by my self. W. F. Schreiber, R3, Bx 1564, Beaverton. FOR S A L E Linoleum and Carpet Lay-' ing. SUnset 3459, 6110 S E 1 Gladstone, Portland, Ore. H ¡1M I S C E L L A N E O U S GOLD SEAL 9x12 Lino Rugs $5.95 and up Beaverton Furniture Co., Broadway at Watson D e a d stoclc picked ! DOGS BOARDED— 3mall, 35c a day; large 50c. Houle's Collie Knls., Lr. Boone's F y Rd. nr Tu alatin. Call Tigard 3115. RABBITS W A N T E D BEST PR IC E for Rabbit fryers. D. P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. W e pick up. 5 W A N T E D —Live Rabbits, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. FOR SALE Tomatoes 2 lb Rossi Farm, Beaverton, 2 blocks from St. Cecelia church. FOR SALE or Trade for fresh cow, one registered Ayershire bull, 11 months old. Call evenings -or Sunday at the Daniels place route 1 Tigard, Oregon. FOR SALE—Oak Dining Room Table and Chairs, Baby Bed. CH. 2597. & C-; free of FOR TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. BABY CRIBS ......................... $6.95 Beaverton Furniture Store Broadway and Watson St. FOR S A LE —Weiner Pigs, Baled Clover Hay. Albert Kehrli, R2, Beaverton, 2 mi North of Reed- ville. ----------------- V ----------------- . u ru m ti « W f X r i H or USE SOME H A Y —For Sale. Della C. Fisher, Beaverton, Oregon F R E E D E L IV E R Y W e will pay cash for your old fur niture. W e will take orders. Beaverton Furniture Co. Broadway at W'atson, Beaverton • De Laval ALBINA HELLSHIPYARD'S ACE Employment Agent BR ASS FO U N D R Y , WAR DUCTION, W O R K IN G PRO 58 l lours week Need Two Men Able and willing, to do a good day’s work. Duties include shoveling sand into vibrating riddle, dumping out flasks of castings, cleaning castings, etc Requires no skill. W e w ork a 10-hr clay and 8 hours on Saturday T h ia ia A lb in a H e ll ship y a rd ' a B ill (P ig s fe e t) A A * /TA * * J t K in g o f Y o u th and B e a u ty in the g re a te s t b on d d riv e e v e r SE 10th AVE., A N D M A IN ST., e ta g e d in an A m e r ic a n eh ip y a rd . W h en y ou c a ll on B ill f o r a jo b , he w o n ’t b e w e a rin g his cro w n and ro y a l ro b ea , Portland, Oregon b u t te n -to -o n e h e ’ll be a m ohing NOTICE a b ig cig a r. Just w alk up a n d say: “ H e llo , P ig s f e e t . I w ant H itlu r .“ H . ’l l p u t y o u to w ork. Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement! A pply week davs onjy. to 135 N W AT. 6461 CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation I. P. Finley & Son SW i A lb in a lic k • Bill Moore is the hiringest employment man in the West. ' h o d c a r r ie r s AND He has the knack of selecting hard-working, loyal Americans who jump in and help Albina help lick LABORERS Hitler, and wTho enjoy earning top shipyard wages doing so. ROOM 215 LABOR TEMPLE • This week Bill will select 600 more helpers for all crafts. SW 4th A T JEFFERSON I f the line at Bill’s Don’t be discouraged. There’s a job waiting for you. W ANTED MEN AN D W O M EN W h e n Y o u W o r k t o r A l b i n a Y o u W o r l i f o r th e Y a r d of C h a m p i o n n SHIP SCALERS o«m amo C m .- I alt L a m < it r rark h t lp for -^DAIRYMAN. g ; i f M o o re . T h ia p h o to g ra p h waa ta k e n when B ill was e le c te d A lb in a ’s office is too long Monday— come back Tuesday. N4P«t4ctuW* 4 Dhtrlbsaton ^ NOW HAS HIS OWN O FFIC E $58.96 Common Labor Union Local No. 296 ìflwoei (riseli . HELP W ANTED BUILDING S E PA R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T \N D S U P P L IE S FO R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y ' BILL "Pigsfeet" MOORE quitting early enough on Saturday so that you can get a haircut PA Y FOR 58 HRS FIGURES $58.96 F*OR SA LE —Dry 16 inch Slab I f you’re not working in an essential Wood $12.50 cord, delivered 2 industry and are looking for a good cords load. Ruben Johnson, New- place to work, come over and berg, Oregon. See Our MR. F R E E M A N Our plant is light and airy and is FOR SALE—Opal Heating Stove, one of the cleanest foundries in the wood, as good as new, $15. Phone northwest. Centrally located. There’s Beaverton 2616. plenty of room to park, so that it is FOR S A LE —Sweet Corn Golden only 30 seconds from your car to Cross 20c a dozen or $1.00 a sack. your job. Your application can not John S Langdon, 1 mile west of be considered if you are now em ployed in essential industry. I f you Tualatin, R4, box 68 Sherwood. are doing war work, stay where you I f you have worked at a haif FOR SALE -Com, potatoes, to are. matoes. plums, pick anytime ex a dozen places during the past year, We want to get to cept Sundays. G E Baker, Beav don’t apply. erton, between Hazeldale store know our employes. and Kinton school Service Bronze & Brass Works U SH ER ETTES arid Assistant Cashiers wanted. Apply A1 Mey ers, Joy Theatre, Tigard, Oregon. JH 666 TABLETS. 5ALYE. NOSE DROPS Print Linoleum............ 49c sq. yd. j Inlaid ....... ......... _... $1.09 sq. yd. I Beaverton Furniture Co. Broadway at Watson, Beaverton | ( M ATTRESSES $14.90 to $39 Beaverton Furniture Co. Broadway at Watson, Beaverton O f TP.ct-3 ^ caow H ID E S A W O O L, CASCAR A— A specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Clay. Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR SA LE —Bed, spring and mat tress $ 8 . Houle's Coliie Kennels, Boones Ferry Rd, near Tualatin, I Call Tigard 3115. FOR SALE—Canning Corn 6 * 1 ! dozen $1.25, bring sack. Bernard Airport Va mi N Signal Station, Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Dunlap, Tigard, Sept. 1, son James H. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Bishler, 8441 SW’ 30th ave., Multnomah, Aug. 30, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Balsam, route 5, box 759, Portland, Sept. 5, a daughter, Pamela L. Mr and Mrs Riley W W’ilson, Ti gard, Sept. 3, a son Dennis I . Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Witt, Garden Home, Sept. 1, a daughter Janet L. AT FIRST MM OF A charge anywhere. Call ! collect. UN. 1221: night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. FOR SALE—New Corn in the field for hog feed or cattle, 2 acres by bulk or sack. 1 mile west of Tualatin R4, bx 68 Sher wood. J. C. Langdon. FOR SA LE —R. I. Red Pullets months old. Beaverton 2701. up CAI*0UHA6E S g g g g H g , BIBTHS F1SHEB THOHSEN PAINTS R E E D V IL L E Marriage License« Ronald C. McClain, route 6, box 1215, Portland, and Shirley E. Mey ers, Milwaukie. Raymond J. Thiel, route 4, Port land, and Gladya L. Stewart, Beaver ton. Donald Hardisty, Troutdale, and Mildred U m b Beaverton. Richard A. Wick, Metzger and Col leen M Hogan. Multnomah. Lawrence E Kangiser, San Fran cisco. and Shirley E. Darst, 8906 SW’ 8th ave., Multnomah. FO UR TH AT M O N T G O M E R Y ATwater 2181 Riverview Cemetery W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY ' Complete Funeral Servire In N e » Cathedral UhapH a* No Extra co*» Riverview is a co-operative aaa-> elation with assets of over $800,000 FOR LOCAL SH IPYARD S, EX P E R IE N C E UNNECESSARY, 95c AND U P PER HOUR ON D AY SHIFT, C LEA N IN G AND PRE- PAR IN G SURFACES BEFORE PA IN TIN G . Women must be age 16 and not over 45, and birth certificate re quired up to 24 years. Apply basement of Labor Temple Local No. 1404 Portland, Oregon WANTED RRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry EXPERIENCE NO T NECESSARY Steady Work with Overtime APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT COLUMRIA BRICK WORKS 1320 S. E. Hater A r t . , Portland 1 YOU WORK IN After you get on the job, you have the privilege of tend ing relatives, friends and ac quaintances whom you know to be reliable workers to Bill. H e ll put them to work, too. • • • • • • A YARD WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE of Downtown Portland A YARD WITH FREE PARKING LOTS A YARD WITH BUSES COMING ALMOST TO THE GATES A YARD WITH AN EXCELLENT RESTAURANT FOR WORKERS A Yard in Which the Blue Cross Hospitalization Plan PROTICTS YOU A YARD WHERE EVERY WORKER IS YOUR FRIEND POP INTO BILL'S NEW OFFICE AT 1109 S. W. STARK ST. Directly Across Stark St. Prom U. S. Employment Office , and Help Uncle Sam by Working in a Happy Shipyard « Albina is Doing its Damndest to Win This War