PUBLISHED W E EK LY IN OUR PLAN T ON VOL. 16, NO. 33 News Review Summarized SHORT ST. AND CANYON H IGH W AY Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, September 17, 1943 ESTABLISHED 1927 Teachers Institute At Hillsboro October 4 Bits o f N ew s A b o u t Our B o ys Business Outlook P lans for departm ental sessions o f ! the W ash in gton cou nty teachers' i n - 1 stitute to be held at H illsboro uniou Dear Mrs. G ilham : high sch ool O ctober 4 has been an Just droppin g you a few lines to nounced. say hello from all the boys and to let 1 A grou p o f first grade teachers met , you kn ow that w e are In a very good M onday at the county sch ool super- ' Babson Sees i branch o f the service, to our estima- ; i intendents o ffice to discuss plans. j ; tion it is tops. Course we miss that : Miss Bertha Osterloh o f Beaverton Opportunities Ahead ROBERTA M cCLOSKEY ; big sm ile o f yours, so m aybe you attended. K E l’ O K T E ll should com e on d ow n and visit us on Mrs. E. M Meyers o f Beaverton. H a tu o rd , co n n ., £x.pi. l i No ono ou r first leave. A ll would like to BEAVERTON 2 7 4 4 met with the second grade and inter- w u o uun cauuuuvu u . o . ^» w u c u u , see you. W ell, how is the B eaver m ediate teachers Tuesday night. n t u iu a since i c a n u s m u i u c u ii to ton district, have they run out o f W ednesday evening the elem entary uu 8u.a ou lu s ousiuess su u men y e t? I think we ou gh t to have principals and upper grade teachers cum. a o im ies or a iu t i ic s u »me*. The second division o f the W . S. C. som e Seabee queens o r som ething on met Included were R ay J Haas, goes ioi m e executive g .c - ,. , vue S. o f the M ethodist ch urch will hold [ «he order o f the W aves, so w hy d on ’t A loha: Miss Merle Davies, B eaver- Moraers, m e raruiers anu cue »u.aa- a m eeting at the hom e o f Mrs. Day- | you r®cru *« a couple o f dozen ha! ha' ton, and Miss Letha B rew er W itch town ousinessm an. c o r u u n u .am ton P eck on Franklin street W ednes- j H aven t seen Less Cam pbell since we H‘lzt’ l i a o u u y anu a Knowledge ot U um uvm day. Sept. 21 beginning at tw o o 'c lo c k j cam e *n«° this area, they kinda shift- 1 bird grade teachers m et T h u rsd ay: piucviee, learneu the nard v»uy, m .s Mrs. Saunders o f P ortland will be on j ed us around quite a bit. W e will j exening and high school principals .a iie r group is ‘tops . jsosv u eau i the program and plans fo r this Wldte you a big letter as soon as aie planning a m eeting on Septem - our leading coip oraliu n s, luu^t- year's activities will be discussed. j We ca tcb up a little bit, so will close | ber 21. , U1P8 and cn urche* cam e n o u i eng W om en w ho want to w ork in the ; ^'rom ad the boys from board No. 1 ------------------- V ------------------- sm aller cities and towns. 1*arcioiu , can nery at H illsboro can take a car i B eaverton. D rop us a line if you wnere 1 am today, is filled will» in fron t o f Speedy Freeze store at £ et *° '«• Harvest Show tneni. 1 have been m uch im c ic s ic d 7:30 a. m. The ca r will return to i Y ours, the B oys October Second in w atching the trem endous cruwus B eaverton at 6 p. m. every day. T H O M A S C. G R E G G , S F 1-c Corp. C am pbell and his brother . Hlat 7702-area D - ll NCTC Camp The H arvest Show O ctober 2, will o l u-1 types as they leave their o lti- H arry o f Helix, O regon, w ere w eek ! f*eary> W illiam sbu rg, V irginia. be the next event sponsored by the j aIlu^ fa c to r ie s at the end o f the All ure tied into the im m ed end guests o f the A. V. Butts fam ily ; ---------------- Beaverton C om m unity G arden club. duy. T here has been an increase in the ; A postcard w as received from Pvt. T he com m ittee includes Mrs R. B. iate ou tlook tor business, attendance at the sch ool, St. Ce- R ussell R ogers, Spec. T rg. Unit Co. Denney, Mrs. M arguerite N orrbo, industrial! A ctivity ¡since our participation in the W ar celia, there now being eighty stu- | E, 1909, F ort Lewis, W ash. Mrs. A. E Tw eddale, Mrs. M. C. Mc- tlie production o f ruw m aterials und dents. Sister M ary Joseph replaces | __________ K ercher, Mrs. J. H Holmes. Sister A ndrea w ho is a tte n d in g ! _ At the August m eeting held in the m anufactured goods lias centered in T he lat M arylhurst college. j Hear Mrs. G ilham : B eaverton K iw anis hall Mrs. N orrbo arm am ents and lood stu ffs. Mrs. D ora Stipe honored Mrs E ve- I . ^ are now, in 1,001 ca m P „ A 11 our explained and dem onstrated; p lan t est available m onthly tigurcs show >1,009,000,000 in m erchandise export- lyn A lexander Hetu, with a show er ! felloW8 are 8Pb t up. Fred C. B aum - and shrub propogation. Mrs. Tw ed gartner and m yself a ie the on ly tw o this week. dale gave an interesting accou n t o f ded abroad. T his is double the W hen we left the induc- a sw allow fam ily. M esdam es Den- | “ m ount fo r the sam e m onth o f last Final exam inations will be given ! to 8 ether- ney, W h itw orth and D eY ou n g gave y ca r- 1 sh ou ‘d not be supiused to next M onday evening, Septem ber 20, ! tlon ,we . w ere a11 8Pht UP In a in the High School lock er-room , to I oouPle o f " eeks we m ight see them, the August birthday program . T he » e* even higher figures a year hence students w h o have been attending ^ h e y , sure^ktfep us busy. We — Septem ber 17 m eeting will be held in although the ch aracter o f good s to bo to drill in step and j change. W hen G er A ircra ft R ecog n ition classes. C er learning how the R ose Test G ardens o f W ash in g shipped may W e have had a few tificates will be aw arded to those handle a gun. ton park In case o f inclem ent m any is brought to her knees ,the w h o pass. In stru ction on foreign shots in the arm. H ave our hair cut w eather m em bers will gather at the j rehabilitation o f E urope, patterned I f any o f the after what is now goin g on in N orth planes will begin on the follow in g short to keep cool. I. O. O. F. hall in Beaverton. boys want a good life ioin the Sea- j A frica, should mean con tin u ed indus M onday, Septem ber 27. ------------------- V ------------------- W e are w ell and happy. trial activity in the United States on A group o f observers from the j bees. Lt. Ross Was a high levai. B eaverton post visited the filter cen - 1 G ood L uck L E S L IE J C A M P B E L L T he ou tlook on steel, coal, oil and a Brave Man ter in Portland M onday, Septem ber I F R E D C. B M GART 13. An evening to the cen ter is ! ^ _______________ ,_ A _ U ___ _ NER Lt. R oss won national acclaim in farm products m ay be well m ain planned for the near future. ! ^ 'a*- 7632 EM IC C81-3 Camp Peary, G old production ,now prac- a story written by H al O'Flaherty, tained. Plans are under w ay fo r a beginn- j W illiam sburg, \ a. war correspondent given in the Ore- tically at a standstill, should rise ers Spanish class, to be held one ev Free Admission to Ritz gonian recently. The w riter told o f | “ harply. 1 he accum ulated dem and Third War Bond Results m eeting R oss after returning front ! ‘ or ®*v "«an good s must be met. 'I he ening each week at the high s c h o o l,' P rivate first class K arl D oern o f j .SeDt 28 __ IF You BllV Disappointing under the supervision o f Miss A m ar- route 3, B eaverton, w as prom oted to j *T ’ . . _ , * , an observation post in ' advance o f i >!en e,a l public is m ostly out o f debt ette Barnes. A nyone interested call coTporal-technician. He has been at ! 3 r d W a r L o a n DOTIO H. L M acK enzie and W illiam C. | the infantry where he guided artillery i and has at 1U com m and an extrem e- Co-chairm en of the ftre lnto ^ nes ah ead' T im e and ly large volum e o f bu yin g power. B eaverton 2465 fo r fu rth er in form a- M edical R eplacem en t T ra in in g Cen- j B ack the A ttack Bond Show at R itz Christensen. ashington County W ar fin a n c e j aj, a jn r 08S brought the artillery bar- T his is probably in excess o f $50,- tion. ter, Cam p Berkely, Texas. Theatre Tuesday, Sept. 28. Free ad Thus, from foreign and Mrs. H unkapiller entertained with m ission to all w ho purchase a Third com m ittee report that the sales for rage within 50 yards o f his ow n po- 000,000,000. the first three days o f the Third W ar 8lUon. ju sl ln fron t o f Jap plllboXP8 , d om estic requirem ents .the ou tlook a dessert luncheon fo r tw elve guests G ordon F. H eck er, route 5, P ort W ar Loan Bond. “ for— ............. general ...... *“ '*................ industrial .......... a ctivity ‘ seem s in her hom e Sunday at 1:30. M em bers o f Kiwanis, A m erican L e Loan D rive aggregate $415,997.75 o r . Hf. ha8 bppn in N ew Gu)nPa land, has graduated from Corpus favorable. about 16% o f the quota set fo r W ash- j ____________ v ___________ _ The F riendly C ircle m et at the Christi, Texas, as a naval flyin g o f gion, local m erchants and R itz T he ington county. E m p loym en t The quota being $2, : or d _*J r* • l j hom e o f Mrs. E. L. Coble, in P o r t - 1 atre are co-operatin g with ou r Uncle 525,000. The co-ch airm en are dis |t N e w Bridge Finished P resident R oosevelt has already land, F riday o f last week, fo r lunch- | ficer. Sam to put over the third w ar loan. appointed in the sm all am ount j T h e crew w orking in the B aker announced t h e A dm in istration 's eon. Ten m em bers w ere present. | First Lieut. H ow ard C. Em raer- D o you r part— Buy an extra B on d — raised during the first three days, as ' creek bridge finished clearin g up the plans fo r the care and em ployniqnt o f A beautifully decorated cake was Help B ack the Attack. larger sales were anticipated. j debris last w eek and also finished returning service men. served in honor o f Mrs. Shively, fo r- ! son - route No. 5, box 885-D, from the These aro ------------------- V ------------------- P eople are requested to call at the s 'ed for th« pile driver. The in rou gh form now and must finall> m erly Catherine Van K leek, and j m edical field service school, Carlisle their banks and p ostoffices as soon bridge is now open to travel. be approved by Congress.. H ow ever, Mrs. R am ee, w hose birth dates are in barracks. Pa. He received his medi- ScllOol Opened Monday the m onth o f Septem ber. cal degree from N orthw estern univer- the intent is plain. T hrough Jobs, as possible and purchase their quota [ subsidies, o r schools, these men will o f bonds. This is requested in ord er Mrs W ood row W ea ver and little j *“ y - Large Attendance Leaves for California re-orien* daughter, D onna M arilyn o f B rem er- i ---------------- j B eaverton schools opened fo r the to save time, gasoline, and rubber Sergeant N orris Granum , w ho has have an opportu n ity to ton, W ashington, visited at the hom e ! Dear Mrs. G ilham : fall term M onday, Septem ber 13 with o f the m em bers o f the com m ittee. been visiting his brother and sister them selves to civilian life and work. E very bank in the cou nty h a s ; ¿n jaw Mr. and Mrs. O scar Granum , E m ploym ent has now reached a peak o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. I just th ou ght I'd drop you a let-j g4o students registered—440 at the W right, for a few days. ter to let you know w hat one o f you r j high school and 400 in the grade agreed to advance m onev fo r the at R eedville since A ugust 28 left Ssp- o f 62,400,000 persons. T his is 6,500,000 purchase o f bonds at the sam e rate tem ber J. J. M cM ahon sold his hom e on “ p roteges" (s p ? ) has been d o in g ' school. 15 for C alifornia. Sgt. i mor<' ,han the n atlon '* peacetim e W atson street to Glen E ly o f Ver- since he was inducted. In the grade schools are m any new o f interest that the bonds draw. The G ranum has been in service nearly a ** ^ rce- noma. Mr. M cM ahon m oved jlist | I spent nine days at F ort Lew is teachers, In the first grade— Mrs. banks will advance up to 90% o f the tw o years, a year o f w hich he has | Eniploytnent o f able-bodied men out o f the city lim its on W atson , where I took several tests and was Marshall and Miss O sterloh.; second par value o f the coupon bond and al been with a com pan y o f engineers at ° one. ^orm ol another, should eon- street. classified. I did pretty well there . grade, Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. C arlson; low the loan to be liquidated on a Guadacanal. He will join a new com - . ‘ nue for 8omB y ear8 is obviou Mr. and Mrs. W . R. M iller are the in m y tests and when I gave m y third, Mrs. W atson, Mrs. i that a tem P<>rary slum p m ay occu r W agn er; m onthly basis. T his assistance from pany in C alifornia m aking __v _____________Im m ediately a fte r the W a r; but fol parents o f a baby girl, Judith Ann, preferen ce as air corp s I was happy fourth. Miss Cady, Mrs. A nderson, the banks should help in born Septem ber 6, L abor Day. to find that it had been O K ’d. fifth , Mrs. H u tton; sixth, Mrs. Bullis; bond sales. W o rd has been reoetved o f t h e ! l,,wmK th ls. 8hort P °8tw? r . rB,,<ll,‘ s' ------------------- V ------------------- Miss Julia C arter and her cousin, j May 25 I was shipped with 85 oth- seventh. Mrs. W ard, Miss L ite; birth o f a son Kenneth Jay, to Mr. ment period, som e kind o f em p oy Miss G ilchrist, w ent to Seaside, on I ers to Kearns, w h ich is an air force eighth. Miss Schrader, Mrs. B row n and Mrs. Ralph W ilson Sept. 1. Mrs. ment should be available for all men School Children C onsidering W ednesday and cam e back on Mon- j basic training cam p, lee; Miss M eile Davies, principal. W ilson is the form er D orris R ae w ho want to w ork. Safety Outlined day. W e m ade the trip in three pull- ------------------- V ------------------- H arrison, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. foreign com petition ln m anufacturin, __ after the W ar, we sim ply can not o f J. J. M cM ahon sold his farm on ! man cars and arrived here June 1st. Faced with the annual problem o f ' C. W . Harrison o f Reedville. Scholls F erry road to L. F. M ona- j T he first six days here w ere spent i Victory Garden Display o u b le " garage* a t : ford to " ,aintatn an unem ployed nia1 safeguarding the lives o f 6 year olds ! A d double garage ha's has "been^ been built 1 group o f any size. W hat will hap han and fam ily o f P ortland. ■ processin g w hich is takin g m ore Held at Grange Hall w ho g o to sch ool fo r the first tim e I *h® R w G roesbeck home, it is 20 pen to the w om en I d o not know Mr. and Mrs. F rank Shrader and | tests and finally ending w ith a At its regular Septem ber m eeting tr a ffic safety o fficia ls have o u tlin e d ' hy 30 feet. A griculture children o f Lebanon were w eek end "sp e cific classification interview ." I on the 11th, Beaverton G range put ! these rules for parents and m otor- H ouse guests at the hom e o f M r | W hat with V ictory gardens ai visitors o f the G. C. O sborne fam ily. | w as classified as a radio technician 1 Qn thp f jrst two degrees and Mrs. O. Granum are Mrs. Jam es A t the '»t« ch ick en raisin g, m ore poop e t D orris O sborne and the Shrader j and arial gunner, but due to th e ; nOQn hour thp birthd of R uby 1. P arents should select a safe Smith and dau ghter Connie from San ever before are getting a taste o, fam ny left M onday fo r a weeks va- fa ct that I had scored 138 in the A Bov<1 GrJlv Boyd, Carrlp C arrie Hanllpn Hansen Bnd and ^ D oy G ray route fo r children to follow between Diego, Cal. farm problem s If ln only the simp!. . cation at Seaside. G. C. T. or II Q test, I was accepted were celebrated. hom e and school. Y oun ger child- o f term s. Many city and iu bu rbar B ruce M cM ahon, son o f J. J. M c fo r special en gineering training un The A gricultural com m ittee had i ren should be escorted by parents or Home on Furlough folk s have raised too m any vege Mahon o f Beaverton, w as decorated der the A S. T P. charge o f the afternoon program , j older children w henever possible. H ence, tht > Max Burba is hom e on a sh ort fur- tables this Sum m er. with the Purple H eart Friday, Sep A long in the first part o f July, 2 M otorists must “ observe the " 20- u" rv* *„■ H ’ o u g h H e was recently transferred have becom e acquainted with sur- tem ber 3. He is in a hospital in h ow ever I passed the A. S. T. P. to the principal feature was a V ictopr I * » * • Garden display. W inners in th * | spsed lim it i " sch ool «»n es P »- j , rom San D ,ego to Seattle M r plusea. T hose with ch ick en s in tht San D iego su fferin g from shellshock take an exam ination fo r air cadet. grou p display were Ethel H eughen lcem eo w11 he on duty to e n fo rce , B urba hafl hppn in the n ^ , l,a, kyard are having a little d ifflc 1- and malaria. The m ental was a cin ch and I made _ _____ , . . . and Derle Perkins, and in the indi- 3 p lr e n r . ^ eK.w, , ' --------- ---------- V ---------i , y ,n gettin g feed. Grain I. bo h Mr. and Mrs. John Pepiliana and 139 o f 150, but when I took my phy- ] v|dua, claS8iflcmtloni V ivian Law rence «11 n ' A marriftKC license has been issued hiRh and scarce. Thus, those ama- daughter Sharon o f Astoria, was a sical. I was tem porarily disqualified j R u b Grace Fungton and E th- ■ «n irfin n i mr that th s r h l J ih y iTr ‘ to Kirby Hritch, Huber, and I>elta , ‘ «u rs acquire a k n ow ledge o f scarci- week end visitor at the Butts home. | due to teeth, w hich had to be filled. filled I e| j j eu«»jjen tlll no c a r , are com in g before cross- Menth> 1605 s w 14th ave j ties. Incidentally, on fa re ’ s alone. Bill C am eron is ill with the flu. It took about three weeks to get j Mary Ghiglietti, 4-H student o f the inK streets Children should be Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Htickney spent ’ ch ick en production is up 16% over ------------------- V ------------------- them fixed up and three more to get I M cK ay school, sponsored by the taught to cross streets on ly at inter- a few days at the beach. ' a year ago. an appointm ent and to go before th e ) KranRe at tha 4_H 8ummer session at »«ctions. AII1 TO M E E T W E D N E S D A Y --------V ------- ----- - Wl shall have continued m i l 'r r N ow I m Just i Corvallill told o f the in, t ructlon and ------------------- V ------------------- Bethel C ongregation al Ladies Aid interview ing board. som etim e for all that can be pro- Moving to Olympia w aiting to see w hether I ve been ac-1 recreation 8he . nJoyed ih e wa8 M a r r i a e e L i c e n s e s will m eet at 11 a. m. W ednesday. _ , , duced from the sol) T his goes for cepted or rejected i at the colleife lnarriage Licenses Septem ber 22, at the ch urch. Charlie and O scar G ustafson w h o | poultry, beef, produce and grain, Since I've been here, I’ve put in 61 ; T be mernbprl were urgd to m ake W alter Jensen, B eaverton, and Ev- - ■ —------v — ---------------- have sold their hom e and acreage : T otal fpod production for 1943 will be days o f training and 23 d a y s o f ' entries in the W hite Satin Sugar va L*C “ yer 6615 SW Canyon road south o f Aloha, have purchased a only about 4*4% above the record w hich w as K. P. w hich is a 17 hour I Canning contest w hich will be held Pace’s Cleaning Service A m os Cecil Sprtggel, ' P ortland, new hom e at Olym pia, W a s h , and high o f 1942. Output o f livestock day here. I at the P om ona m eeting at Dixie M t. j ^oute * and A lic? R oson n a Denney. m oved there recently. and silted products is high, but the Open for Business I am told by a sergeant at "shipp- . Charles D ickinson o f O sw ego and Beaverton, route 1. ‘ i are being o ffs e t by sm aller crop Pace , . n. k .t t h i . ! cJ ' nar‘eB ^ ,CK' nson °r wswei xce's s C leaning Service is now j in „ . and .nratvinc." receiving t that I win will . shin were IM P O R T A N T T he B row n stam ps yields. T he A dm inistration has un .open V housed in a .p ic and span f r L h e r e within the next three weekil ° f K ‘ nt° n guests ALO H A NEWS in your W ar R ation B ook 3 will be derw ay a definite program to in- building. E verythin g looks so nice *o I am look ing forw ard to a new The O ctober program will be in Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T rueblood, used in place o f the R ed stam ps In crease food production next yeai and sparkling w ith new cam p *oon. I'm ready to ship i w j ^ o f tb , hom e econ om lc com . left last week fo r Anatone, Wash., Book 2 after Sept 12 U nexplred i We are harvesting 54,000,000 acres ot are ready to give you quick service, j because there are only tw o o f u . j . f t tbev havp re(1UP8tM aach where they will teach in the high red stam ps in B ook 2 will be good wheat this year. Next year W ash- ------------------- V ------------------- ¡f r o m the original fligh t o f 53 I’ve 1 _____________ k . . ___________ L .x ,.__ school. They enjoyed their vacation until Oct. 2. j ington w ants to see 68,000,b00 acres The Third L iberty Loan is going ( been here long enough now so that I , hlP,np'^ Parm Pri ^aruf » l^ ^ 'n n i'r C it c h p r at home. ----------------V ------- ■ — ! under cultivation. to be o v e r «u h .c r n * d In> ^ » ^ a g t o n j rather like K earns although Fort | utena|1 ao that a K itchen O rchestra R ev G eorge T aylor o f C loverdale Hiteon Club Hold First Tr,td,‘ county, accord in g to r y Lew is would be a paradise, as there , may f urniab music. was a recent guest speaker at the p .. M , R etail trade has been exeellen le are no trees or grass here—nothing made by the com m ittee solicitin g _ y __________ Reedville church. rail IV Ie e tin g at 1 Igard i T he last six m onths o f the year m e , o f bonds out sand, sand, and a and constant wind i wind „ . . but a constant R obert Reed is spending his fur- | The first fall m eeting o f the H iteon »how a decline in volum e com pare- The Standard Oil C om pany has from the south. H ow ever. Sait Lake City Commissioner Plans lough with relatives and friends here ' club was held Septem ber 1 at the with a year ago. T his could amo-n through its district m anager, J. E. City, which 1. about 18 m ile . away. MarUet to Cut Prices W est of Cornelius purchased and a thousand feet low er than ! i He^ spent nearly three years in N ew : home o f Mrs Ada r’ a-1-.wll at T igard to as much as 20'; COM fa ring t ' Elsie Caldwell was joint hostess : over-all picture, lt is nothing fo r r. at least three ! ' « — .. 15 m illion dollars as its allotm ent, Kearns. 4850, is a very grsen and lush 1 Establishm ent o f» farm ers m arkets in Portland, where Ml8* J°septiins and Katherine An- T he next m eeting will be at the tailers to w orry about. In term s tw o m illion to O regon. $56.000 to As things have been so far. I'v e ) farm ers m ay take their produce and | ***on * ar* hom e after v isitin g , home o f Mrs Merle Hedlund with dollar volum e, retail trade has b- t W ashington cou nty and $9000 to B eaverton area T his is only one o f 1 done nothing that I didn t som ew h a t; * • ** direct from their tru cks has fr ,* " d » »1 Point D efian ce Park, T a Mrs M ary M iller joint hostess Mrs advan cin g for the past tt the many returns so far made expect before I got into the army, been proposed by City C om m issioner c o ">* „ _41 , „ . J w “ ‘ » « f w a» appointed to take the There la such a back log o f funds 1 The local com m ittee will con tact • and with the exception o f m issing Cooper. m n ii " r ^ D ^ r ; " ' 1 M i»«, place o f R e g ln s I^ s h y m D oernberh- «he p ock ets o f Individual, that . every home in the county be ready • the folks and the gal friend, I I e n o u n c e d this week that three 1 P° r t |and. were , r chairm an She requests that all new and additional con su m er. goo<’ for them when they com e don t mind it at all sites had been chosen, one at SW 10th lfl August^ C larence was canned fruit for D oernbecher hospl- becam e aval able m ost efficien t r ____ _ v ------------------- Yes, I think I like the arm y as «venue and J efferson street, another __ _ . . ! ,a * he brought to this meeting. tailers should have a favorable out V ——— ■ look. XMAN C A R D S | m uch as anyone in these tim es i •« ^ Dekum street and Greeley sve- ™ * f *W , i * y* * ! R E M E M B E R Sept 12. On this Aa exam ples o f what people a - Mrs Donaldson says, look to your ; T h a n k , for all you did for me and nue another at NE 26th avenue and 1 . ^ , A l e ’ . . . V l J - . J ^ * Sandy boulevard It la planner to *uard aervice at Astoria day B row n stam ps in W ar R ation w aiting to buy, I helieve there is r* needs for beautiful Christm as C a r d s , V ery sincerely, B ook 3 becom e valid. O ther stam ps im m ediate m arket fo r the follow ‘ d and printed gift stationery O rd e r; DO N R IC K E R T to have them readv *hls w ee’< in this book will not be put in use Autom obiles, 5 000.000 The com par F arm ers will drive their trucks on early to avoid disappointm ent. Same T ng M ) Ig 36 Fit 496 Bks 2531. I l l i fa a family war. Fat then. m an u factu rin g one tow -priced f* to the lots snd sell direct from the price. { Kearns. Utah. yoar War Bond baying through ------------------- V -------- ------- a ’one Is said to have productlo trucks thus giving the farm er a fair ----------------V ---------------- ------------------- V the payroll savings plan on a Y ou can use classified advertising plans fo r h alf this num ber in t ’ price and the consum er not only a CASH must a ccom p an y A L L Toll your lawyar to send your lo fair pne# but also ths frsshest of riW plan, which means flg- ,0 an inta?». plant ona ln your first yeai after German, collapses, Mail or leavt C L A S S IF IE D ADS at our offleo. fais to this pa par. vegetable« #B* 7©«f**lf- local newspaper Continued on Page i