Friday, September 10, 1943 Classified Rates T W O CenU a word per Issue. N O TH IN G LESS TH A N 26o CASH MUST ACCOM PANY B E A V E R T O N ENTE R PR ISE, Beaverton. Oregon Tw o Multnomah Girls Join Ranks of W A V E S Ruby Thorpe, sister of Mis. John E Tuhv. 7130 8W 33rd place has signed with the Waves and will re port to Hunter college in New York Charles H.. in the service. He is an to undergo indoctrination and train army aviation cadet. She is a grad ing. uate of Lincoln high school and at She Margaret Louise Scrogin, 8321 SW tended Oregon State college . 35th avenue, daughter of Mr. and has been employed at the Ellis phar Mrs. Leo C. Scrogin. joins a brother 1 macy in Multnomah. Pagc 3 A four act drama and a musical program will be presented Sunday. September 12. at 7:30 p. m. at the Church o fthe Nazarene Presented by the Watson, family, Ray Watson, producer, actor, preacher, and vlolin- ist, his wife and two daughters, 11 and 5 years of age. 1 he Watson family have appeared -’3 times in Salem and are known to have run one drama for 19 nights in one city. A L L C LASSIFIE D ADS NO ADS T A K E N O VER PH O N E W e PuoUati tile BEAVERTON E N T E R I ’ R IS E M U LTN O M AH PRESS T IG A R D S E N 1 L N E L ALO H A NEW S » Complete E a s t e r n Washington County und Western Multnou&b County Coverage We assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisements published in these columns but In case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occura. + FO R S A L E ______________ Linoleum and Carpet Lay ing. SUnset 3459, 6110 SE Gladstone, Portland, Ore. FO R SALE—4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord lots). W rite J. O. Johnson, Bx 584, Carlton, Oregon. GOLD SE AL 9x12 Lino Rugs $5.95 and up Beaverton Furniture Co., Broadway at Watson FOR SA LE —Gravenstein Apples— $1.50 per bushel. Fred Leuthi, Walnut Ave., Tigard. B E A U T IF U L Davenport and Chair Sets $134.55 Up Beaverton Furniture Co., Broadway at Watson, Beaverton Q workers Furniture For Sale Upholstered Swing Rockers $36.00 Beaverton Furniture Co. Broadway at Watson, Beaverton Print Linoleum............ 49c sq. yd. Inlaid ...................... $1.09 sq. yd. Beaverton Furniture Co, Broadway at Watson, Beaverton M ATTRESSES $14.90 to $39 Beaverton Furniture Co. Broadway at Watson, Beaverton F R E E D E L IV E R Y W e will pay cash for your old fur niture. W e will take orders. Beaverton Furniture Co. Broadway at Watson, Beaverton • p a in t s T w Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons R B E D V IL L E # ALOHA. ORE. M IS C E L L A N E O U S D e a d Btoclc picked up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call D ENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. ■ ■ JK - % ^ — .. J The eyes of the world are on the boys who blasted the Axis from North Africa . . . and now are forging toward Berlin! Behind these indomitable doughboys are 67,000 stout-hearted war workers who build ships, parts for planes, and invasion barges. PGE’s wartime assignment is delivering power to these 67,000 war jobs. PGE's power on the home front helps produce firepower on the fighting front. Wherever the Yanks land, you can be pretty sure that “ Commando” barges were in action. They are being turned out by Gunderson Brothers . . . who rely on PG E to supply a steady, sure flow of electric power. M ore power to the invading Yanks from HID ES A WOOL, ( A S C A R I—A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Cü^y, Portland. Atwater 5334. FO R TO W CAR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO. Phone -Tigard 3381. • 4 PERSONALS DOGS B O A R D E D —Small, 35c a day; large 50c. Houle's Collie Knls.. Lr. Boone’s Vy. Rd. nr Tu alatin. Call Tigard 3115. 0 Wanted Real Estate Have cash buyer for 1 to 5 acres improved, with orchard and shrub bery, for building site, in Tigard, Metzger, Multnomah or Garden Home district. Realty Broker, Tigard 3522. D e Laval SE PARATO R S — M ILK E R S C O M PLETE E Q U IPM EN T AND SU PPLIE S FOR TH E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y Treads for tanks which shattered Rom m el’s A frik a Korps are made by Shofner Iron & Steel Works. Shofner also turns out valve bodies, struts and dozens of others parts for PC boats. PG E delivers light and power to this plant. The headlines scream the news of Flyin g Fortresses bombing war plants and blast ing invasion pathways. Hundreds of parts of every F lyin g Fortress are machined in Portland shops of the Iron Fireman Manufacturing Company . . . with PG E supplying the power. Helping build Am erica’s striking power, PG E speeds the war production of the Columbia A ircraft Industries. . . . PG E provides the power for machine tools, stamping, drop-forging, and the blocks- long assembly lines. -4 ISS N W Park A T. 64«! CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation J. P. Finley & Son §W FOURTH AT M ONTGOM ERY ATwatcr 2181 Riverview Cemetery \ W E ST END SEI.I.WOOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra coat Riverview la a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $300.000 W hen the Kaiser interests began plan ning the construction o f a great shipyard on Swan Island, PG E jumped into action and met every requirement ahead of schedule. PG E is now delivering the power for building giant tankers. Portland’s Iron Fireman plant is one of the three largest producers o f Liberty ship engines in the country. It takes a lot o f power to operate the machinery which builds these mammoth 125-ton en gines. Ever since Iron Fireman acquired this plant, PG E has been supplying the electric power needed. P G E ’s recent 4 \\ million dollar expansion program helped accomplish this record. For 56 years PG E has been meeting every requirement o f the fast-growing builder of ships and engines, W illam ette Iron & Steel Co. P G E war workers share the thrill of the shipbuilders of W illam ette whenever aircraft carriers, minelayers, and mine-sweepers make the headlines. PO RTLA N D G E N E R A L SCectocc ßanfitottf, delivering fightingpower to 6 7 ,0 0 0 war workers %