I P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N V O L . 16, NO. 32 News Review Summarized S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, O regon, Friday, September 10, 1943 _ Bits o f N ew s M a jor Shaw A b o u t Our Boys Tells A b o u t Trip Dear Mrs. Gilh&m I want to thank you and those res ponsible for gift packages we re ceived from you. } W e are in a nice camp, lots of 1 company, good food and quarters. I i was elected company yeoman Respectfully yours H E N R Y DOERN j Co *2*-43 Camp Waldron, USNTS | Farragut, Idaho E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 200 Citizens On Committee By Elise Clemes The now-historic Allied invasion of Sicily and the complex preparations which preceded it on North African shores, are a familiar epic to Maj. Over 20<> citizens of Washington Leland B. Shaw, former Portland at county have already volunteered to torney, recently returned from a tour R O B E R T A M cC LO S K EY serve on the Washington county fin of that hattlefront. REPORTER ance committee for the Third V, ar Maj. Shaw, formerly attached to Loan Drive. Oregon's quota is headquarters of the 11th general $105,000,000. BE A V E R T O N 2744 staff corps in Chicago, left this coun The following persons will serve try June 4 with a special war de from the East end of the county. j Members of the Board: partment ltasion group of 14 officers. Beaverton - Jay Gibson, Mrs. Rob Here is a note from a selectee from "W e found North Africa hot, the Mrs. Lloyd Carlson and children ert Summers, Mike Metzler, lorn j the Beaverton board. I am located mosquitos terrific, and the Arabs spent‘ several days last week in Port ' at Camp Callan near San Diego, Cal., hungry," the major summed up. "Our Ramsdall, Peter B. Case, Leonard land. It's a grand camp and this California party split up for the invasion We Adams, Mrs. E. R. Sheets, Mrs. H. Elton O’Connor returned Friday to sun does wonders to a person. Need- Nissen, Mrs. J. G. Elsenhauor, Mrs. didn't meet again until our rendez Fort Knox, Kentucky, after spending 1 less to say I miss my family and C. O. Ackerman, Mrs. H. T. Brown- vous at Palermo on August 1." a ten day furlough visiting with his , friends in and around rig, Alice Clement. Beaverton German demolition crews did a father Hank O’Connor and other but feel fortqnate being located here. West Slope—Mrs. Mary Owen, "fine job'.' of blowing up bridges friends and relatives in and around Very truly yours, Mrs. Edna Swanson, Marjorie Aube. and roads, according to the major. Beaverton. H E N R Y H. L A K A N E N Aloha C. J. Stickney, May Grimm, ’"Sicily is made up of mountains Mrs. Elton O’Connor and small son Marian Klatt, Rose King, Mrs. C. O. -------------- V---------------- When a road is cratered with bombs returned to Tillamook Tuesday ac your tank don't detour They wait I Mabee. companied by her sister In law Lynn Child Actress Cedar Mill—Mrs. A. R. Pearson, until engineers repair the gaps. Our Waber to t a short visit. 'And Singer campaign was behind schedule nbout Mrs P. A. Thorne, Mrs. W. L. Hent- Mr. and Mrs. Hunkapillar, Mr. and Alvin Lunn, Mrs. N. T. | 12 days because of this delaying ac py, Mrs. Mrs. Lee Richey and Mr. and Mrs. J. Stevens. tion". Gibson spent the week end at Can Barnes School District—Mrs M. R The Italians and Sicilian prisoners non Beach. were happy to be taken .according to Bennett, Mrs. H. R. Johnson, Mrs. N P Johnson, Mrs. A. C .Enger. Mrs. J. Gibson Jr., has accepted a Shaw. Tualatin View—Mrs L. Terry position as English teacher in the "IGerman prisoners remained Cooper Mt.- Myrt)le Riley. Geral Kelso, Washington, high school. She haughty and aloof They refused dine M. Taylor. left Monday. to eat with Italian prisoners, or even ! Kinton Mrs. J. H. Aten, Mrs. E. Miss Barbara Goyt is spending the speak to them.” Wright, Mrs. V. T. Murphy, Mrs E. week end with her grandparents Mr. As for the native populace, "they Van Kleek. and Mis. Fred Goyt. really did welcome us, just os news Garden Home—Isolds Steele. New signs were painted on the correspondents reported. They were : Whitford —Frances Downing, Mary business streets this week. School hungry the Germans hndtiT fed J. Spurlin. will commence September 13— watch them very well. They are naturally Orenco---- Mrs. G. Karns, Mrs. Don out for the school children you mo much happier now that they're gett Holmes. torists. ing American food.” Reedville — Oscar Hagg, Chas Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reghit- After rejoining his group in Paler- Irnlay, Mrs. S. A. Becker. to, Sept. 1, a daughter. This is their ( mo, Major Shaw flew to Algiers in 1 Tigard — W. M. Evans, Victor second daughter. . General Patton's private plane. He Johnson, Emil Johnson, Hobart Ver- School books and supplies may be and the twins. Richard and John, 6. m**ye- W. E. Kidder, Albert Hoffar- left Algiers August 5. her, Alice A. Hollowell, Mrs. C. John- bought now for the fall term of the Beaverton grade and high schools at After visiting his sons Robert, 9, so" ' Han* the Beaverton Pharmacy, on Broad who make their home with their i „ rualatin John S. Green, Mrs. John way. Buying in advance saves grandmother ,Mrs. Thyng in Beaver- ¿ ; , _ ” en' •” arie ®» Dunmire, Daisy Tax Collector Green Guard Contest much confusion on the first day of j ton, Major Shaw left Sunday for I Elman. I Durham—James Noke, Mrs. Geo. school. Printed list of books and Reminds About Declaration Date Set Forward • Fort Riley, Kansas. I Heisler. supplies needed are in the hands of Individuals who pay federal income j The closing date for the Oregon j Roamer’s Park—Mary V. Bowen. Beaverton business men who carry taxes—and that includes most folks I Green Guard activity contest that Metzger Mrs. Verna Mooter. P*n these supplies so parents will know —cannot just wash their ’ hands of j was set at September 15 has been Mobil Unit at Hillsboro Carsh. Mrs J. C. Dye, Mrs. John Fo- what they buy is correct. This store the matter because a tax is withheld ; moved forward to October 10. Sept. 17 and 27 * 1 *■ Edith .1 Itnmi. ADM M Battìi L O L IT A J E W E L L W ATSON also carries a big supply of toiletries, from their pay checks. J. W. Ma- ' Due to the intensive activities of Two visits of the Red Cross mobile ! vases, drug supplies, candy etc., and Five year old daughter of Rev. and loney, collector of internal revenue | harvest and the late opening of pub- unit are scheduled for llillsiioru thin - . W o - L i ___/-> . n , ice cream and anything in cold Mrs. Ray Watson, who will appear warned Saturday . | ltw schools In many parts of the month -September 17 and 27, The ! ” , ®*ningtOn County DOnci drinks. | Sunday night at 7:30 at the Church The collector called attention to the state, it has been found advisable to new donor center at the Masonic Quota Over Two Mill ion Lo- fact that all who pay such taxes I give more time for the contest. The Beaverton merchants are getting j of the Nazarene in Beaverton. J . ... . i / V /ii ir e a u u il lt n o t U I 111*1 OI temple on l the southeast L corner of , Washington County War Bond ral.y ready for the fall. Carr’s Garage | lita will play one of the speaking must determine by * r September 15 new date will allow time for ev e ry ; Second and Lincoln streets will he has been painted white and Dewey ! parts in the four act Sacred drama whether the deductions are sufficient girl and boy to try for one of the 167 will be held Friday at 7:30 on the the Plumber has a crew of painters ] entitled "Their Last Warning” by to keep them paid up. and If not, file prizes totaling more than $500 in used for the first time,. streets of Hillsboro, with E. C. Saiu- The drama will be busy this 8veek painting his building. Manford Evans. Washington county's September mons of the state bourd a featuiod value. ! a required declaration. Generally Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alexander and presented by the Watson Players of speaking this declaration will not be Points ar e awarded for service, for j quota is 260 pints of life-saving blood, speaker. Rev. Ray Watson family spent the holidays at Welch's Eugene, Oregon. -----V— ---------- The surrender of Italy to the Allied new members enrolled, for original necessary if the taxpayer’s wage or I Lolita’s father, is the director. The guests of Dr. Hetu. forces this week, although expected, salary is subject to payroll deduction ity and quality of your essay and for : drama depicts the second coming of 1 brought gladness and joy to every Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osfield and completeness of your manual work Preceding the drama the and not more than $2700 a year If Remember, keep your record up t o ' one and it will serve to grouse re daughter Janice, are spending a week | Christ. single or $3500 if married. 1 Watson family will give a musical newed. interest In the sale of bonds at the beaches. date and be sure that it is mailed to I Farmers are not required, if 80 program in which Lolita Jewell will ' for the third Victory Bond sale. Cid Schriner writes from North sing trios with her mother and sister, pet* cent of their Income is derived Green Guard Headquarters, State CHURCH OF TH E N A Z A R E N E Within a short time members of Building, Salem, Oregon, Camp Hood, Texas, that he is desir , and solos herself. Joyce Watson, 11 from farming, to file a declaration Forestry 459 SW First the committees will call upon every before October 10. ous of hearing some news of Beav : will accompany her father and moth- until December 15. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor one for their contributions. We must erton friends, Cid is now Staff Ser | er on the piano as they play their Al. must file a return next March Sunday School 9:45 a. m. ’ provide the money for ammunition geant. violins. Mrs. Watson who plays and at that time credit will be given Beaverton Girl Dons Morning worship 11. for the next phase of the war a Aria Jean Linkey, Barbara Walters the leading part in the drama will be Subject Perfect Love. visit to Mr. Hitler In Berlin. and Delina Satchell spent last week heard in song during the musical i«ringdm 3 0nS °r °th' r payment8 'W A V E Uniform N. Y. P. S. 6:30 p. m ---------------V--------------- at Camp Turner near Turner. ____________y ___________ _ j Miss Susan Evelyn Johnson, Beav-j program. Rev. Leonard C. Johnson, Junior meetings 6 30 ages 3 to 10. i c ~ t erton, has enlisted In the Waves. Mrs. J. E. Fleetwood visited her the pastor, invites the public to at ... tv . . . Special services at 7:30 p. m. The Sergeant C»eorges Miss Johnson has been assistant Promoted to Captain sisters Mrs. M. H. Metcalf and Mrs. tend this outstanding service. Ad- H. M. Barnes over the week end. ! mission is free. Melvin L. Fisher, son of Mrs. S. ™ana* * r Johnson s truck furlough is Benjamin Fisher, formerly of 4950 , Bf a^ rtOT ,,f° r »h epast --------------- V ---------------■ The Cedar Mill school started Tues 22, non of SW Barbur boulevard, has been pro- which qualifies her for a day in a newly remodeled and deco T. Georges, Bazaar Dec. 4 moted to captain In the army They er* th<\ Waves rated building with an increased en route 8, ltalclgh Hills, Portland, lie The Reedville Womens' association now reside In California. training in | wm be taken . qualified for advanced rollment. The teachers are Mrs. at to r t Bland- Wednesday night prayer meeting has been stationed Margaret Stroeve as principal ana I have announced that their bazaar | Eldon E. Pfiefer and Robert L. Ot navy communications because of her ing, Florida. attendance at radio schools and the 7:30 p, nr ' and dinner will be held Saturday j teacher of the seventh and eighth toman of Multnomah .has enlisted in After his furlough, Georges, Lin Portland public school system. She i 4. Mrs. F. L. Me- j tj,e navy. grades. Miss Pearl Cook teacher , night, December -V— coln high graduate and former stu is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs John I L. Ray. 8603 SW 17th ave of the fifth and sixth grades. Mrs ! George and Mrs. Arvid Nordlund w ill; Eugene CHI R i II OF C IIU IST dent of Reed college, will go to ai langements. ! has enrolled at the pro-radio naval Johnson. Beaverton. Norene Brookhardt teacher of third be in charge of .------------ y _________ Q m t |* W Springer Pratt institute, Brooklyn, where he and fourth grades. Miss Wilma I training school, United States naval Moining worship and, preaching' will enter engineering training us a Truenbach teacher of first and sec Mr. and Mrs. John Collier, rt 6. ' armory, Michigan City, Indiana. Deputy Collectors to 9:45 a. m. Topic The Foreknowledge i private in the ASTB. ond grades. box 460, a son, John L. j --------------- V -----------— of Jesus. Following sermon the Aid Income Taxpayers Two other brothers are also In the Members of the Beaverton Grange I Mrs. Donald Nichol and daughter, aughter, ^ service., Cpl. Thomas Georges, 23, Deputy collectors from the internal Lord’s supper will be observed. Father a Marine 324 are reminded of the agricultural j Patty, returned Thursday from a ; Bible School class 11 a. m. is stationed with the infantry In display next Saturday at 10:30 a. m. ; two months vacation spent in i Fargo, i Proud grandparents of a boy Rich revenue department will be at Hills C. E. 7 p. m. Rapid City, 8. D., and Pvt. I nul boro September 13 to 15 1 nrlusive an all day session . i North Dakota, where her parents ard Ray, born August 23. to Mr. and and Forest Grove, September 9th to Evening service 8 p m. Topic— Georges, 20, is on duty in the Pao.fic. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shellenberger of live, and Hendrum. Ada. Pelican Mrs. Albert Loomer are Mr. and Mrs Where I Am. Tacoma, Wash . and infant son vis Rapids, and Minneapolis, Minn., vis- R. C. Humble of Reedville and Mr assist taxpayers in filing their Dec ------------- V------------- SUMMONS laration of Estimated income and and Mrs. J. H. Loomer of Hillsboro. ited his mother Mrs. L. D. Shellen ! iting friends and relatives, W EST H ILLS M-12728 Victory Tax for the calendar yeai berger the past week. j To honor Mrs. Norene Brookhardt The father is with the marines L U T H E R A N CHURCH In the Circuit Court of the State of 1943. --------------- V --------------- John Thomas Van Horn, age 85. Mrs. Hans Stroeve entertained at SW Canyon Rd., near Sylvan Oregon for the County of Washing Assistance is also available to tax Aloha-Huber school opened Sept. 7. passed away at The Dalles. Septem luncheon Friday for eight guests, Werner J. Fritz, Minister ton payers at the office of the Collector A letter was received recently by ber 1. Mr. Van Horn formerly of who were Mesdames Nelson, Hibey, 11th Sunday after Trinity DOROTHY EVELYN LANKEH D . of Internal Revenue, Custom Hous Kinton, died at the home of his son McKercher .Hanna, and Miss Pearl Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Becker from their 5 S. 9:45 a. m. Plaintiff vs. James Edward Lankard a mechanic in the air, Portland, each . .. day until , , September - W L. Van Horn of The Dalles. Cook and Miss Wilma Truenbach son Alvin, Divine Service 11 a. m. Defendant. ...Ki-v, u_ j,. . „ K__ 15th, which is the final day of filing Frank D. Newton, formerly of The afternoon was spent sewing and corps in «h ich he states he has been - erl0fj Public cordially Invited. To JAMES ED W AR D LANKEH D , Aloha, died at Veteran's hospital they enjoyed a contest in which Miss ! *n England. , —____________ ----------------V---------------. Defendant. August 24. Truenbach won the prize M,s W * Eav and daughter Loi You are hereby required to appear BETH EL Married Sept. 4 After three years of Cub Scout Lorene Mayfield has been spending 1 raine ot Salem have returned to Sa- and answer the complaint filed CONGREGATION \L CHURCH work. Stafford Miller, Mike McClos a short vacation A wedding was heJd Saturday Sep- ' 9 4»5 a. m. in Cour’delane. lem after a *hort vl» u with Mrs Church School. against you In the above entitled Ray's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. B tember 4, at 8 p. m. at the home of \ key and Maurice Guinther. will re Idaho, visiting Jack Hampton 11 a. m. Worship. court and cause on or before the ex She Is a teacher in a Mrs. ceive gradiiation certificates into K A. Merrill of Beaverton, Tuesday evening. September 14 Hensley. piration of four weeks from the d te 6 30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship Boy Scout Troop No. 208 our local will be installation night for the new Salem school . which united Mrs Merrill's mother. --------------- V--------------- of the first publication of this Sum ----------- -V------------------ Pauline Martha Evans of Seattle. 1 troop of which C. Buffam is the officers of the American Legion, M ETHODIST CHURCH mons ;tf you fail to so appear find Washington, and Lewis F Haynie, I Albert S. Hisey, D. D , Minister Scoutmaster. Beaverton Post No. 124. Reedville School Opens answer or otherwise appear, plain U. S Navy of Seattle. Rev Gray- | More Cub Scouts will be present The regular meeting of Rebekah 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. tiff for want thereof will apply to September 13 th don D Loree officiated The best r 11 a. m. Preaching service. for advancement awards in Cub lodge was held Tuesday evening and the above entitled court for the re Reedville will open September 13th man was Bernard R. Coles. U. S. N. Scout program. We want everyone new officers were installed Evelyn W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. lief prayed for In her complaint, to- interested in boys to be sure and at Scott was installed as warden to re according to announcement made b> and Mrs K A Merrill acted as ma- ------- -------- V --------------- wtt: Oscar Hagg .chairman of the school tron of honor. tend to see what the Cub organiza place Rose Stevens. ST CECELIA CHURCH For a decree of divorce absolute board. tion is doing for boys between the 2nd Lieutenant Eloise Patterson, Masses 8 and 10 a. m. from defendant and for such other ages of nine and twelve, in this com sister of Mrs. "G. C Osburn. is con Son Recovering and further relief as to the court munity. Pack meeting held in grade valescing in Barnes Hospital in Van Cadet Wins Wings may be deemed Juat and equltaMe. From Wound PILG R IM LU TH E R A N ( I I I K i ll school auditorium Monday evening. couver. Wash., and is reported doing Richard Frank Templeton, sen of Thia summons Is published by or Mr and Mrs E L Ross of Aloha Box 697, Beaverton September 13 at 7 p. m We extend nicely Mr and Mra. H. W. Templeton, route der of the Honorable R Fr-nk a cordial welcome to all. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Filley and 2. Beaverton, won his wings' as a na were overjoyed to hear that their son Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive ers, Judge of the above entitled (Synodical Conference) Norman E Wendall and Stanley son are spending a two weeks vaca vy flier and commission as an en Lt. Edward L. (Ned) Ross is recov court, made and entered on the ”tth ering from a knife wound Inflicted Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Drake have joined the navy. tion in Rockaway. sign in the naval reserve at naval air day of September, 1943. direct'"»* by a Jap. Sunday School 10 a. m. The Methodist church congrega Mr and Mrs. Harry Wilson and training center, Corpus Christl, Texas publication of this summons once He was reportedly seriously woun Divine Servioes 11 a. nr. tion will have a Home Coming ser three children of Seaside visited the each week for four consecutive weeks ded August 2 In the South Pacific ---------1------ V ---------------- vice at the morning worship hour home of Mrs J. C O'Connor Sunday in a newspaper of general circula All Ready for the area. next Sunday. September 12. The Pfc Earl Miller of Camp Adair W EST SI,OPE tion In Washington County, State of --------------- V---------------- first church bulletin will be distribut visited hi ife last Thursday and Third W ar Loan Drive < DM Ml M T V ( HI IH II Oregon. ed and the choir will have a special Friday. The starting signal sounded for the Honor* Mr*. Hammer U N ITE D P R E S B Y T E R IA N Date of first publication September number A cordial welcome will be Mias Maxine Cady and Miss Mary- National War bond drive at the meet A bridal shower was given recently SW Gabel Lane and Fairview Drive 10, 1943 extended to all who attend on Lewis of Portland are leaving ing at the Beaverton high school by Mi and Mrs Harrv Bear honor Rev. H. A Armitage, pastor Date of last publication October 8 Mrs H. J Hinck, Beaverton, won for Cannon Beach Monday morning Tuesday night. Mr. Christensen, ing Mrs. Donald Hammer (Helen 11 a m. Building in Spite of Rub 1943 first prize, delphi nium, at the Wash where they will stay at Miss Lewis's chairman, of Hillsboro. was the Imlay) whose wedding was an event bish. W. H FTT7GFRALT> Attnrne- A few day* af speaker Mr Gibaon and Mrs Sum of June 29 at Fort Istuderdale, Fla ington county fair in the Garden club cabin for a week 6 3* p m. Nature’s Open Windows n ls'n t'ff 309 Corbett Bldg. Portion 1. ter returning home, both girls will mers were in charge of the meeting. entries A large crowd of relatives and to God. Oregon. Mr and Mrs Clarence Harrison of go back to college. Mias Cady to the Everyone should be ready for the friends from Reedville, Tigard. Seattle. W a sh . were visiting friends University of Oregon and Misa Lew i» door-to-door canvas« which will be Hilleboro and Portland were pres Tell your lawyer to »end your 1» What are you doing to help end to Oregon State college. held soon. and relatives in Beaverton last week gals to this paper. thla horrible war? ent , v v iiij I ic