Page 4 BEAVERTON R A T IO N BOOK R E M IN D E R B L T IIE L C O NG R EG ATIO N AL CHURCH Willard B. Hall, Minister 9 45 a. m. Church School. H a. m. Worship. 6 30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowhhlp. --------------- V—----------— METHODIST CHURCH Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. I I a. in. Preaching service. W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. --------------- V ------- ------- ST C EC ELIA CHURCH Masses 8 and 10 a. m. --------------.V--------------- CHURCH OF TH E N A Z A K K N K First and Stott Sts. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a Rev. G. E. Morning, worship II. Baker, speaker. Juanita N. Y. P. S. 6:45 p. m. Keebaugh, leader. Rev. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Elmer West, speaker. Wednesday midweek prayer ser­ vice Mrs. L. C. Johnson, leader. --------------- V--------------- P IL G R IM LU TH E R A N CHURCH Box 697, Beaverton Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive (Synodical Conference) Walter R. Buhl, Pastor * Sunday School 10 a. m. Divine Services 11 a. m. WI S T SLOPE COM M U NITY CHURCH U N ITE D P R E S B Y T E R IA N SW Gabel Lane and Fairvlew Drive Rev. H. A. Armltage, pastor 11 a. m. Building in Spite of Rub­ bish 6:30 p. m. Nature's Open Windows to God. ------------ V ------------ W EST H ILLS LU T H E R A N CHURCH SW Canyon Rd., near Sylvan Werner J. Frits, Minister 11th Sunday after Trinity S. S. 9.45 a. m. Divine Service 11 a. m. It. Is More Blessed to Give. Everybody welcome. --------------- V--------------- K IN T O N SUGAR— August 16—-Sugar stamp No. 14, bqok No. 1, good for five pounds. October 31—Canning sugar stamps No. 15, 16 in book No. 1, each good for five pounds, expire. Housewives may apply at local boards for .supplemental home cann­ ing rations, if essential. RED STAMPS— October 2—Expiration date for red stamps X, Y and Z. Stamp X be­ came valid August 22 and stamp Y is valid Aug. 29, Stamp Z Sept 5. in r&ion book No. 2 run out. BLUE STAMPS September 20- Expiration date for blue stamps R, S and T (processed foods) which became valid August 1 F rid a y , S ep tem b er 3, 1943 E N T E R P R I S E , B eaverton , O re g o n G A S T R IT IS W a r Bond Sale Success D etached Shoe Stam ps N o t U sable S ays O P A Success or failure oi the Third War Loan dn\e, set to s>. a t Septem­ ber 9, will depend larg !y on the work done in the five metropolitan counties, according to ligures com­ piled at Lie state war bond office. This quintet of counties, headed by Multnomah and including Hood R iv­ er, Washington, Columbia and Clack­ amas, had an Outstanding produc­ tion record in July. Their sales combined. totalled 36,479,209, or 108.6 per cent of quota. Washington county sold 3153,900 or 83G as of July 22 and Clackamas county 3160,462 or 72%. Bv George Wilhelm If you ” ve been bothered by an at­ Changes in the shoe rationing regu­ tack oi Gastritis recently—shake lations which emphasize the fact that well before reading. loose shoe stamps detached from ra­ The following episode took place tion books may be used only to make last Saturday at one of the locai bona fide mail order purenases are East-Side Ration Boards. Here is contained in an amendment issued the sum and substance as related to today by the OPA. me by Bill Ashfield. Public attention will be directed to In stuity, crowded room filled with this requirement by the following anxious, somewhat bewildered hope ; notice which dealers must post by fuls patiently standing in line while 1 September 1 at each place where a bellicose female berated each ap-1 shoe sales are made directly to con-| plicant much in the manner of a sumers: Rationing regulations prohibit this prosecuting attorney there stepped store from accepting loose war ra­ a polite, young war-worker. tioning stamps for shoes selected What happened to this modest in­ I f it wasn't for the optimist, the or delivered at the store. dividual during the following few pessimist would never know how moments shouldn't happen to a dog. | In cases where local rationing 1 happy he wasn’t.—Anon. Not a word was spoken as he han- boards decide that shoe stamps were , ded the ''IN y U IS IT IO N IS T ", a ■ detached from ration books thru =HI3Hl=iU=ni=‘"=Ul=lli=Hl5Ul=HI=in=inEI wench who’s scathing remarks had mistake or accident, provision is | mowed and leveled the less seasoned made for their exchange for special ones before him, his gas application shoe stamps. VOICE form — .---------V ----- The ominus silence was broken by a L. F E A R L LEO N ARD sound of a file grating on a tin gut- Miss L. Pearl Leonard, died Aug. 1 PIA N O ter—or was that the female Sveng< 24, late of Multnomah. Or. sister o f 1 speaking? ‘ So you want more gaso- Nellie Powers, Seattle; Mary Bilyeu, Announce line, do you? You live in Portland Clarence. James O. and Charles H. Th« opening of their new Studio and work in Troutdale? Why don’t Leonard of Portland. Services were September 1st you live in Troutdale where you j held Tuesday, interment Riverview 202-203 Ainsworh Bldg. 3d & Oak work? Oh . . . . . your wife lives in ' cemetery . c EA. 1533 MU. 1317 Portland? Humph! It's people --------------- — -------------- like you who disgust me. Don't you ' An growth depends upon activity. t=lll=llislllslllslll=lll=lll3lllSmSllislll=lll= know there is a war going on__or There is no development physically ! haven't you heard? No housing fa ! or Intellectually without effort, and \ cilities in Troutdale for you and your j effort means work -Calvin Coolidge. j Studio—AT. 6037 Res. LA. 1942 wife? Well . . . why don’t you move out and visit your wife on week ALBERT F. CREITZ ends. You work seven days a week’’ V IO L IN IS T (Another snort was forthcoming). j Teacher of Violin The patient, polite war-worker j 305 A L IS K Y BLDG. PO R TLA N D braced himself and quietly replied— NW Cor. 3rd and Morrison "You know, Lady, you’re not very | says Mrs. i. B., Chicago good looking, the very least you can | " A ft e r using C r a y vita only a \ f o rt tim e , I n o tic e d m y f d be is kind. . . . Yes, I know there is | sh gray hair w as turning to a A > a war going on, because I ’ve been a ! real deep black, exactly as it * i ^ *** used to be. W h at a differ- , A .-L part of it for 18 months. I've seen : TOW NSEND this makes in m y ap- P rep a res fighting in the Solomons, New Ouln- I ence pearance." ] SCHOOL M r s . J. B .’s e x p e rie n c e ea . . . . and was recently discharged fo r m ay or m ay not be different from the hospital for wounds I re­ than yours. W h y not try G R A Y V I T A ? College, Finishing School, High ceived at Bataan. I didn't want to , This anti-gray hair vitamin discovery, Calcium or Preparatory School, U. S. Mili­ Pantothenate when tested by a leading m aga­ leave the Army—I was forced to. zine showed 8 8 % o f t h a w tested hod positive tary and Naval Academies or U. Would you mind telling me what you evidence of some return o f hair color. S. Coast Guard. Personal advise­ know about the war?” A G R A Y V I T A tablet is 10 mgm. o f Calcium Pantothenate P L U S 450 U . S. P . units o f " p e p " ment. The Gas Ration Prosecutor’s face vitamin B j. G e t G R A Y V I T A now! 3 0 d ay sup­ IN D IV ID U A L TU TO R ING was crimson as she stammered, ply $1.50, 100 day supply $4.00. Phone Grace B. Townsend "Your gas coupons will be mailed to you.” 2316 NW Gllsan St. BE. 5466 B ea verto n P h a rm a cy Portland, Oregon R A TIO N BOOK NO. 3— Applications will be considered now at local boards for ration book No. 3. RATIO N BOOK NO. 3— Brown stamps in Book 3 are to be used for purchase of meats, fats, and oils and rationed dairy products, Brown stamps Replace book con- talntng coupons to be used as those Ion ration book No. 2 run out. October 2—Expiration date of stamps C. D. E and F. A becomes brown stamps A and B. October 30— Expiration of brown valid September 12, B September 19, C September 26. D October 3, E October 10, F October 17. Each weekly series good for 16 points. STOVES— August 24—-Starting date for ra­ tioning of cooking and heating stoves, covering all new stoves burn­ ing coal, wood, oil or gas for domes­ tic use, with a few minor exceptions. T IR E IN SPE C TIO N Sept. 30 is next tire inspection deadline for A books. F U E L O II^ - Sept. 30—Period 5 coupons valid March 26 through Sept. 30. Heat­ ing coupons—one unit, value ten gal­ lons; ten units, 100 gallons. G ASO LINE— September 1—Old type B and C gasoline coupons no longer valid. May be exchanged at ration boards by mail or in person for new type coupons. September 21—Expiration date for mileage ration coupons for No. 7 in new basic A books. TIR E R — Cars with C ration books must have tires inspected every 3 months; B books every 4 months; A books every 6 months. Sept 30 next in­ spection deadline for A book holders. T H E A T R E SHOES— June 16—Stamp No. 18, book No. 1, valid for one pair of shoes through October 31. Stamps interchangeable Admission 30 and 9c, tax included among family living In same house­ Even. Show starts 7 P.M.; Mat. 2 P.M. hold. Sun.-Mon.-Tue*., Sept. 5-6-7 RITZ A fire starting from the baler des­ troyed two large stacks of straw at the Julius Wedeking farm on Thurs­ day afternoon. With the help of neighbors the baler and a few bales were saved. The fire oaught in the ¡ 4 iass and spread to the fence around the house but was put out before uny damage was done. Mrs. J. J. Van Kleek was brought home from a Portland hospital Fri­ day by ambulance after spending several weeks there receiving treat­ ment for a broken hip. She will be B IR T H S “ IT AIN'T H A Y ” confined to her bed for several Mr. and Mrs. Rober E. Crlsler, 3004 months. Abbott & Costello King of the Movies Kinton Grange will hold their regu­ SW Kelly St., Multnomah, Aug. 11, a daughter, Carole A. lar meeting Tuesday night, Sept. 7 “ COWBOY IN M A N H A T T A N ” Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Brelin, T i­ at 8 30 p. m at Grange hall. Marian Flint had the misfortune gard, Aug. 18, a daughter, Karen A. Robert Paige and FYancis Langford Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Gedrose, to fall from her bicycle while riding ip the approach to the barn last 2411 SW Troy, Multnomah, Aug. 22, Wednesday. The bicycle fell on her a son, Richard M. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. House, Cut this out for Future Reference aid cut the under side of her lip so badly It was necessary to take eight Beaverton, Aug. 18, a son, Dwayne H Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ratty, stitches in It. The doctor extracted '.’0 small pieces of rock from the 8419 SW 39th ave., Multnomah, Aug I iMEIII3lllsN«IIIEIII3inMIISIII3nimil3IH3Mi 21, a daughter, Margaret ■ “ F. jjj ......................... " j» wound. Mr, and Mrs. Francis H. Slater, j 3 Willis Elliott crushed his finger ill last week when he disconnected the Tigard, Aug. 22, a son, Francis H. Jr. hi Mr. and Mrs. William F. Martin, |ji trailer from the tractor. The trailer hail several cans of water on and the 2205 SW 17th ave., Aug .14, a son, 3 D ue to the excessive !jj finger was caught between a rock Thompson S. of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M Mason, ¡¡i am ount w o rk on and the trailer tongue. Mrs. Alex Karpsteln returned Aug. 24, a son Philip M. hand w e are forced to Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Nadon, jjj home Sunday after spending the past two weeks in Seattle, Wash , visiting Beaverton, Aug. 23 a son C lo se T u es. & W ed . Sgt. and Mrs Albert L. Loonier, ¡ jj relatives. R eedville, Aug. 24, son Richard R. s ------------- .- V ------ -- ... Mr and Mrs. Marion F. Pasalich, | IU oi each w eek in ord er S ch ool B o o k » & Supplies Beaverton, Aug. 22, son Richard M jjj that w e m ay b etter be Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Van Duyn, * D o ro th y G r a y T o ile tr ie s route 8, box 1702, Portland, Aug. 9. j!j able to serve you in the A t D eans D ru gs a daughter. Susan S. jjj future. Deans Drugs will have school books Mr. and Mrs. Richard R Waugh. 3 and supplies on hand for students for route 8, box 1699. Aug 6. twin daugh- | use this fall. For 25 years this tlrm ters, Joan D. and Diane J. bus sold school books and supplies, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Basley, 3 may be to your father and mother, Garden Home, Aug. 3, a son, Donald Ss why not you? in D. ill They give i Double S A H Green »I1 Stamps on all prescriptions. You can use classified advertising in Deans are featuring the Old South to an advantage, plant one in your line of toiletries. local newspaper. ---------------V --------------- 3M3M3M3MBWW3— W W W IIH IIII III Beaverton, Oregon M a y be T ip H e re F o r P e rm it H o ld ers Dr. M. J. Belton, veterinarian for the state department of agriculture, was rushed tu the James Steinlecbner farm north of Florence to investigate what the telephone summons gave suspicion might be hog cholera. Belton found the 46 hogs were reel­ ing and wobbling around all right, and having not a little trouble hand­ ling their posterior parts. But not because they had any disease— the hogs were drunk on fermented whey! --------------- V --------------- CASH must accompany A L L C LASSIFIE D ADS. Mail or leave Names-Boling Business School ALICE BOGARDUS MAUDE ROSS-SARDAM Complete Secretarial Course W O O D LA RK BLDG. BE. 6784 Free Placement PO R TLAN D , OREGON W. E. PEGG M O R TIC IAN Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910 Serving 33 years l'H O N E B E A V E R TO N 3411 GRAY HAIR ! TURNING DEEP BLACK Cash Buyers For 1 to 10 Acres Im proved List With Us For Quick Sales Victory Real Estate Co. 4616 N E S an d y B lvd. T R . 3769 Res. G A . 0648 PO R TLA N D , OREGON B ea verton , O re g o n H ig h Sch ool B ooks B ou gh t & S old at H ylan d s Trade in your Old School Books For those you need this year Welcome hack to school—and to the store that makes education I csm expensive; text books, note hooks, supplies of all kinds at lower than usual prices. Also Stationery Supplies H y la n d s B o o k S to re B ooks B ou gh t & S old 913 S. W. Fourth Ave. PO R TLA N D , OREGON Bet. Taylor and Salmon Sts. GREYHOUND COFFEE SHOP 's Headquurters for OREGON MOTOR STAGES and HOME-COOKED GOOD EATS L Y L E C. T A Y L O R O PEN 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. V fM fW ^V^AVt/iVf/JVfyjVfyiVt/«Mf M f M gM */ Not a Vacation ! SMITH The Jeweler N ew S tu d io to O pen Alice Bogardus and Maude Roae- rdaas are announcing the open­ ing September 1 of their new studio In the Ainsworth building, Portland. Both Mrs. Borgardus and Mrs. Sar- dam are well-known In music circles having been formerly associated with the Portland School of Music. Save 5o DOROTHY CRAY S ister D ies Nellie H. Cummings, sister of Mrs A J. Van Ackers and Mrs. R. Hunt of Beaverton, died In Portland last week. cleansing creams SPORT SHIRTS (■attardine 2.25 ‘ 2.25 * 1.95 SU sl’ KNDERS lllekok * 1 .0 0 * 1 .0 0 SOX S pr. ... Interwove«) * Il \ I ■ Stetson HATS Mallory to yo u r F ath ers You ? AIM l « r g * « f S u m . I f M i d at I I ( rea m 6 8 ' — fur dry skin. Softens, lub­ ricates as it cleanses. ,W »a (W J Crtttm — for me­ dium-dry skin. Light, bland cold cream type cleanser. 1.25 * 5.00 * W e have sold School and M oth ers. W hy N ot l> ry S k i t ( U a m t r r TIE S (w r’nkl prof) Wembley SUPPLIES Som e * SHIRTS _________ Fancy Arrow AND B ooks here fo r J5 years Back to School Items i SHIRTS White Arrow SCHOOL BOOKS / tfare/yrog CUtmttmg Crttm — for normal or oily skin. 6.50 414 1 W. WatbiagfM 0m * 4.50 bd . Old South line of Toiletries T H E R E X A L L STO RE Portland, Oregon Fancy Willamette River Elbertas & Hales Double S & H Green Stamps on All Prescriptions DEANS DRUGS U lN | CAN NOW for Quality Foods i f à l t ï ï t f ï ï f t ï x : ‘,'Y fe