P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T ON YOL. 16, NO. 31 News Review Summarized R O B ER TA M cC LO SK EY REPORTER BE A V E R T O N 2744 M aurice John B erg CM 3-c of the N avy Sea B ees w as in B eaverton to v isit his grandm other, Mrs. Chas. Jones, w ho is 89 years old. but feels fine. He recently spent 13 m onths in the A leutian Islands and is now hom e on furlough. T he A. S. C. S. of th e M ethodist church w ill celebrate its third anni versary W ednesday, S ep tem b er 8th at the hom e of Mrs. Geo. A. Brown. T he m eetin g w ill be at 2 o'clock. All the ladies of th e church are urg ed to be present. B eaverton G range 324 had an at ten dan ce con test d uring the past year. Mrs. M. C. M cK ercher, as w in n in g captain and her team w as entertained at a potluck p icnic by the losers and their captain, Mrs. L. V. G raham in the garden of Mrs. Ruby Boyd. T w enty-one ladies a t tended. Miss Liouise W hitlock, form er com m erce instructor here, recently v isit ed Mrs. C harles D avison, Mrs. Leon ard Adams, Miss G eraldine Sanford and Miss A m arette Barnes. R ex T atlock of the N avy CB, spent last w eek visitin g in B eaverton. He has been stationed near Oakland. Mrs. G. C. Osburn, Ruby Avenue, entertained w ith a reunion in honor of Second L ieutenant E louise P a tte r son, nurse in L itterm an hospital. San F ran cisco, Cal. Second L ieutenant P atterson has just returned from convoy to Springfield, Mo., on a six day furlough. Mrs. C. F. H ill and daughter, Alice of Sacram ento, Cal., sp en t tw o w eeks visitin g her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. P eckham , leaving for her hom e Sunday evening. W ednesday evening w as ladies n igh t of the K iw an is club and w as held in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. D ayton P eck. Cy G inglebak of Porland w as gu est of honor and re ported the K iw an is con ven tion held in Chehalis, W ash. A potluck picnic supper w as held in the garden, w here g u ests "sm acked th eir lip s” over fresh corn on the cob, grow n and prepared by B ill Grauer. W alter E. G elin sky of Portland, h as purchased a country estate con sistin g of 22 acres of filb erts and a beautiful residence, form erly belon g ing to Dr. R oss Elliott. Mr. Gi>- in sk y is a retired w h olesale m eat dealer of Portland. H arold Steele, W ilbur Miller, nnd R obert Swain returned hom e last Sunday after spending a w eek at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs.. Edw ard T aggart of Garden Hom e w ere dinner g u ests of Mr. and Mrs. B ruce S teele W ed n es day of ttys w ek. Mr. T aggart has been inducted in th e arm y and w ill leave F riday m orning. Mr. and Mrs. W illard B. H all left Monday for their new hom e in Salem w here he w ill take up h is new p astor ate in the K n igh t M em orial church, the third la rgest C ongregation al church in the state. The Social N eedle club of Lodge 248. R ebekahs, w ill m eet th is Friday in the Odd F ellow s hall for their regular m eeting. A nita P ienovi gave a party for the m em bers of her d ancing class Thurs day afternoon. Those present were Susan Barnes. Ilene Boge, John and R ichard Shaw, Mary E llen and lm el- da Bailey, D onna Mills, Gail M asters, A netta and N ancy Amell. P h yllis and D ean Mead, Joanne K ilgore and D ar rell Allen. T hose a ssistin g w ere Joe ine Gray, Luanne F itzpatrick, and A rlene Amell. R obert B arnes returned to Camp Sutton. N orth Carolina, la st W ed nesday. evening after a short fur lough w ith parents and friends Major Leland Shaw has returned to Fort R iley, aft^r a visit here w ith his sons Robert. R ichard, and John and his father Dan Shaw. Su-an G riffith from Portland, is visitin g Mrs. I. M W alker th is w eek. Mr. and Mrs W illard B H all and daugh ters w ere dinner g u ests of Dr and Mrs C. E. Mason on Sunday, break fast gu ests of Mr and Mrs Jack Osfteld on Monday, and lunch eon g u ests of Mr and Mrs. B arrett R andall on Monday G eorge E isen h au er and Tom m y R am sdell w ent to the in stallation of officers of the 1943-44 M ultnom ah C ounty Council of the A m erican Le gion at the N avy post hall In P ort land last w eek w here a b rief but in terestin g program w as given Col. Alfred T K elly w as the speaker. Mrs A. V W aters received word that her son. Pvt. Basil W aters is stationed just out o f N ew York City John W aters is at Camp Abbott, Or R alph Ward. U S N avy R adar D ivision, and h is m other and sister Glenda, from Baker, O r , Mrs H attie Ward and Muriel H oyle from I a Grande, spent th e w eek end w ith Mrs W aters. Mary M yers spent a pleasant w eek at th e C hristian Endeavor cam p, re turning hom e Monday Mr and Mrs. R obert N ortan, nee G eraldine Sm ith, are v isitin g Mr and Mrs A. Sm ith th is w eek. H e la S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon. Friday, September 3, 1943 T hird W a r L o an Drive P lans C om pleted H. L. MacKenzxe and W illiam C. C hristensen, co-chairm en of the ; W ash ington C ounty W ar Finance C om m ittee announce that plans are practically com plete relative to ar ran gem ents for the h andling of the Third W ar L oan D rive w ill be con- J ducted from Septem ber 9 to October ESTABLISHED 1937 B its o f N e w s A b o u t O ur B o y s Jobs After The War Mrs. Gilliam : In e Navy is sure sw ell. Lots b et ter than the arm y i am having lots of fun and exp erience along with m uch hard laDor and drills. W rite you again later on your other post- - Bdbson Gives Suggestions 1 . card. To Soldieis F ifteen b illions is to be raised, Your "Gob” friend • throughout th e U nited States. Of W IL BU R R A SM U SSEN Babson Park, Mass., Sept. 3 —The th is am ount, Oregon's quota is $103,- j Co. 686-43 Camp W aldron U. S. N T S stock and com m odity m ark ets have 000,000. T he W ash ingon County F arrngut, Idaho already begun to d iscount peace, a l quota has been broken down for the I though I see no hope therefor until six respective areas of th is county, I | Dear Mom: a fter the E lection s of 1944. H ow as follow s: B an k s area $135,000; ! , R eceived your p ackage and appre- ever, if w e shuld prepare for w ar in F orest G rove area $650,000; H illsboro 1 ! elated it a g re a t deal. I believe that tim e of peace, w e should prepare area $950,000; B eaverton area $350,- j our group from B eaverton w as the for peace in tim e of war. 000; Tigard area $275,000; and, Sher I only group w hich received such a kit. N avy vs Army In du ctees wood area $165,000. J l w as h ighly pleased on receivin g it G erm any w ill surely be licked be Over 200 W ash ington C ounty citi ! m yself and than ks a lot for every- fore Japan is conquered. In som e zens have already volunteered to j | thing. It's sw ell up here anyhow . I w ays this should help m aterially in serve on th e W ash ington C ounty W ar ; | like it a lot. sh iftin g from w ar work to peace F in ance com m ittee. S incerely yours, work. A year betw een th ese tw o The p resen t personnel o f the com - : W A Y N E E SW AG GER ev en ts should serve as an industrial m ittee is a s follow s: ! P. S. T h ank s for everything. and em ploym ent cushion. T here are, C o-chairm en H. L. Mac K enzie, I A S Co. 686-43 Camp W aldron, U S N. how ever, three other th in gs w hich Wm. C. C hristensen. E xecu tive com - ! Farargut, Idaho. would result from such an event. Let m ittee: H. L. M acK enzie, Wm. C. m e explain these. C hristensen, ,Geo. G. Laver, E. L. | Hello: i l ) The E ast w ill return to nor P aldanius, J. L. Searcy, Jay Gibson, 1 am back on the W est coast. Still mal before the P acifio Coast. T h is Mrs. R obert Sum m ers, W. M. Evans, goin g strong. Am in a batallion applies to the supply of gasoline, fuel W. S. Bowen. w ith a lot ot Oregon boys. W e hope oil and other t h in gs to w hich the B eaverton —Jay Gibson, Mrs. Rob > to get goin g soon. East is now severely rationed. The ert Sum m ers, M ike M etzler, Tom Sincerely, P a cific Coast m ay then be subject R am sdall, P eter B. Case, Leonard WILLIAM T E SC H E R to m ore rationing, restriction s and Adam s, Mrs. E. R. Sheets, Mrs. H. i i MM2 6 90th USNC B attalion Co. A other so-called hardship. (2) The N issen, Mrs. J. G E isen hau er, Mrs. ; 1 P. Bt. 4 ' i Kieet P O San F rancisco, Arm y w ill com m ence dem obilization C. O. A ckerm an, Mrs. H. T. Brow n- ' Cal. before the N avy and Air F orces. In rig, A lice Clem ent B u re au of Publia Relation* f f . R W a r D e p a r t m e n t fact, the G overnm ent w ill probably W est Slope— Mrs. Mary Owen, i D ear Sir: V-MAIL ROUND THE WORLD— With V-Mai: new in operation begin to dem obilize th e A rm y as soon Mrs. E dna Sw anson, M arjorie Aube, j T hanks for the lovely things. Sor as Europe is straigh ten ed out; w hile to and from all overseas scenes of m ilitary action, the \\ ar D epart, A loha—C. J. S tickn ey, May Grimm, ! ry I could not attend your party, i mer.t is in tensifying its efforts to bring about a greater use of this the N avy m en w ill probably be held Marian K latt, R ose K ing, Mrs. C. O. j Thank you. for their en tire term of en listm en t safest of all overseas postal facilities. By holding the original letter Mabee. Y ours truly or induction. (3) W ith th e excep Tigard—W. M. E vans, V ictor i at the port of embarkation until the microfilmed copy has arrived R. A. MOON tion of th e tra n scon tin en tal lines, Johnson, E m il Johnson, H obart Ver- safely at its destination, it is possible in the case o f V-Mail to insure railroad ea rn in gs then begin to drop m ilye, W. E. Kidder, A lbert H offar- ! . Dear Sir: overseas arrival of every in<! vidual Utter. A lready well over 100,- and m uch w ar work In th e E ast w ill ber, A lice A. H ollow ell, Mrs. C. John j T hunks for the lovely things. 000.000 V-Mail letters have I i bar -d by the Arm y Postal Setvica then be curtailed. son, Mrs H ans Gaarde. ! Sorry I couldn't attend your F. niploy nient Adjust m ent s w ithout a single loss. V-Mail received the highest overseas /nail - V ■ i party. F ollow in g the above three certain priority and alw ays is carried by air. Y ours truly, ties there w ill be a readju stm en t in M any Prizes W on G EO R G E SW AN SO N em ploym ent. As firm s in the E ast By D airym en at F air ----------------- V ----------------- drop w ar work, p lants m ust be re Two W ashington county liv e s to c k , N oreen B. Allyn and Local M an Buys tooled for peace. T h is w ill m ean a Miller to Lease strin gs returned to the B eaverton vi- ' •» IJ q i i xi • j tem porary layoff o f m any em ployees Registered Jersey cin ity M onday a s w in ners of a large I *»• DrooKJiardt M arried C orner of Building w hich, added to th e dem obilized sol num ber of blue ribbons and cham - At a sim ple candlelight cerem ony N ew Y ork, N. Y., Sept. 3—A regis- F n l a e o i n « diers. should cau se a tem porary per pionships in the Brow n S w iss cla ss read T hursday evening, A ugust 26. { tered red Jersey J e r s e y cow h has a s been p purchas- u rc h a s- ® ® ^ OTC iod of unem ploym ent. A ccording to of the cattle d epartm ent o f he 37th at 8:30 p. m„ at the B eaverton Con ed by C h a rle s B randi, of B e a v e rto n ' 1 eI8 <,l<>(,,M'y W>11 occupy the the P resid en t’s last firesid e talk, th is annual M ultnom ah cou n ty V ictory gregation al church, Mrs. N oreen B fro m D avid S torey of F o r e s t Grove. e o ln c l loonl of th e M a n n in g build- em ploym ent ad ju stm ent period will fair at G resham last w eek . Allyn, d augh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen T h« .nam e of th e a n im a l is .R osebud ,nK n ex t door to h ‘8 P re se n t store, be taken care o f by the G overnm ent T h ese blooded an im als are owned ry R. N elson, becam e the bride of F o r w a r d q u e e n 1306333. as 8° on a s a lpa8e r a n be a r r a n g e d ! (1) paying a sm all salary to the by John B oeckli, route 2, B eaverton, H arry B. Brookhardt, of Portland. The w hereabouts of all registered . y ,wiU re‘ain 'h eir present quar-1 soldiers for aw hile a fte r dem obiza- and Albert Meier, R2 T’ortlo.nd Boeck- The cerem ony w as perform ed in J erseys is know n and carefully w at- e r s. a 80, aru w ork soon begin tion, and (2) loan in g m oney to the li’s strin g took fiv e first prem ium s the P ilgrim room by Rev. W illard B ched over by th e A m erican Jersey on thf . l?ew ,o o m - S helvin g and Continued on P age 2 and four cham pionships, w h ile Me H all in the presence of a few rela C attle club, w ith o ffices in N ew York ne^ . ta ™e s ' new refrigerators, etc., ' T his im portant job ls m ade Wl11 he "stalled as soon a s w orkm en ier's herd claim ed 13 blue ribbons tiv es and friends in front o f the fire City. and three cham pions. place, the m antle of w hich w as bank possible through registration and ‘_arl V V,'® w? ldV klrl Mider has pur- B eaverton F u rn itu re Co. T he R ose Arbor nursery, B eaver- ed w ith pink and w hite S w eet P eas, tran sfers m ade by Jersey Breeders chased the B t o e k of M artins Dry ton, placed first in display of lilies flanked w ith large b askets of pink everyw here. T attoo idtAitification, Goods store, w ho has been forced Offers M any Services ------------------V and w hite gladioli. som ew hat sim ilar to finger-printing, to close due to not being able to se T o C ustom ers T he stock The bride given in m arriage by keeps individuals of th is dairy breed cure needed m erchandise. New Show Tim e w ill be sold w holesale anil not retail. 1 B eaverton's n ew est business, the her father, w ore a powder blue wool alw ays known. Mr Miller has for som e tim e tried B eaverton F urniture Co., ls establish dress, w ith black accessories. Her A t the R itz J erseys m ake up 42"c of all dairy to enlarge his quarters as h is busl- * ed on the basis of service and coin corsage w as a spray of w h ite orchids. cow s in the U nited States. B ecause tesy. The store o ffers to all custom M any Im provem ents M ade Mrs. E rm a E. H an na w as her sis they produce the w orld’s richest m ilk. ness is rapidly in creasing and in ers free delivery, free parking spam T he RITZ T heatre, sta rtin g S un ter's only attend ant. She w ore a and because there are m ore Jerseys nped of adequate room to serve his free estim a tes on linoleum and ollie day Septem ber 5, w ill open the m ati torquise wool dress and carried a J custom ers. than any other breed in Am erica, nee at 2 p. m. and the even in g show corsage of gardenias. M illers G rocery are featuring redecorating problems. th eir role in N ational D efen se is an As an added attraction they win at 7 p. m. P rogram s are now in the in their ad th is w eek the fam ous C hester B. H anna acted as best im portant one. Increased produc buy your old furniture or tak e trade m ail, ask the postm an if you don’t man. fancy W illnm ette R iver E lbertas and tion of Jersey m ilk g u aran tees the ins. The B eaverton F urniture Co. receive yours. A reception follow ed at the home p rotective food needs of here and H ales peaches by the bushel at $4.50. is handling the fin est household lines S tartin g Sunday and con tinu in g of the bride's parents. ------------------------V -------------------- _ Mrs. Virgil abroad. « to be offered. Som e o f th ese ar«: through Tuesday, Septem ber 5-7 Ab L. P ow ell of V ernonia served the P edestrian D eath ------------------ V--------------- — A rm strong Gold Seal linoleum , Sealy bott & Costello w ill be seen in ‘‘It w edding cak e and Mrs. D onald Mac m attresses and K roehler overslu ffet. R ation Book Scheme to end F a talities Increase Aint Hay" w ith the com panion show , ¿ ^ a id " p o u r e d . 1 if 'm u K boy /vvr in AT n anhattan n U 11 o n 1' * furniture. 'C ow in M Mrs. Brookhardt is a graduate of Abuse of Liquor P e rm its D uring P a s t Year If they do not have exact'y wh-i A bbott and Costello, recently a c - ; B eaverton high school and Oregon U se of w ar ration book No. 3 to C ontinuance of the pedestrian you w ant they w ill try to suj ply you claim ed the nation's No. 1 b oxoffice i nf Education. Mr. Brook- elim inate the illegal p ractice of the death record for the first six m onths needs on a days notice. cham pions, also hold an en viab le | hardt a Kraduate of Oregon School liquor purchaser w ho has acquired . through the second half of 1943 w ill T he new store is located in th record for aid in g the sa le of w ar . of E ducation and the U n)versity of several perm its instead of the sin gle result in an annual in crease in bonds and stam p s B efore b eginning Oregon, is at present principal of the one to w hich he is entitled, and is d eaths in volvin g persons w alk ing in cen ter of B eaverton on the corner c B roadw ay and W atson, next door * work on their new U n iversal picture Sunnysidp Kradp ^ < , 0 , of Portland u sing them all to obtain m ore than tra ffic in th is state, declared Secre- Carr’s G arage. the com ics visited 78 cities and 101 A fter their return from a few days his share of the sta te ’s lim ited sup- tary of State Boh Farrell, In a state- ------------------ V-------------- w ar production plants in the course at ply w as adopted W ednesday at the nient callin g upon Oregon citizen s to of 34 days, and are credited w ith at the coast th ey will reside i m eetin g of the Oregon sta te liquor exercise greater care to avoid these R a tio n Book 3 garn erin g $85,000,000 in bond and W est Slope. -V- - accidents. com m ission. stam p sales. Soon Useable D uring th e first h a lf o f 1943 pedes E ach purchaser, under the new S a tu rd a y All Jersey C ivilians w ill begin u sin g new wa trian fa ta lities totaled 39. Farrell plan w hich becom es effec tiv e October ration book 3 on Septem ber 12 for exp ecting to go over sea s a s an Ar- ! Breeder D a y at 70th D uring the en tire year 1, m ust valid ate his perm it by pre-1 pointed out. my P ilot soon, leaving from Celanas, » i /- . rr • o f 1942 , there w ere 68 pedestrian purchases o f m eat, butter, fa ts and sen tin g his w ar ration book No. 3, , K ansas A nnual C o u n ty Fair Thus, if the 1943 trend co n oils and rationed dairy products, the w hioh liquor store a ffic ia ls w ill deaths. W esley G allow ay of .th e U. S N a v y ' AI> Jersey breeders of W ashington stam p w ith an indelible seal on the tin u es, the end o f the year would see o ffice o f price ad m in istration d is closed Monday. has been v isitin g his parents the past county are asked to reserve Satur- Inside front cover. approxim ately 78 pedestrian fa ta lities It announced that brown A in the w eek. day,, Septem ber 4, as their day at the an increase of 14 percent. new book w ill becom e valid on that Miss Bernice Conaly spent last TOth annual W ashington County Fair.* ... date, w ith other stam p s in the brown w eek in Seabeck, W ash , w here she . according to Fred Knox, president of O r e g o n W ar t^hest 4-H Club Girl» Style series becom ing valid each su b se w as one of the leaders in a North- the W ashington C ounty Jersey C attle ¿Directors O r g a n iz e quent Sunday. Stam ps A and B ex w est regional Girl R eserve conference club. D irectors of Oregon W'ar Chest, Inc.. Review Slated S a tu rd a y pire October 2, w hile C. D, E and F Mrs. O sterloh and Miss F aye Lite °f a^tern ° on organized in Portland Thursday w it h 1 The style review for 4-H girls en- have left for Los A ngeles to m eet session w ill be the aw arding of a C harles A. Sprague, Salem , publisher rolled In C lothing 2, 3. 4 nnd 8 will expire O ctober 30. Miss B ertha O sterloh and Miss B ar purebred Jersey h eifer ca lf by Fred and form er governor, as president, O. | he held in the W ashington County Stam p Date's Given At the sam e tim e, OPA announced bara Cady on their return from sum Knox to the ou tstand in g 4-H club B Gates, county chairm an for Ore Fair auditorium at 3 p m. Saturday. valid ity d ates of the red series in m em ber exh ib iting Jerseys at the gon W ar Chest, is a d irector and Septem ber 4th. m er school in Grerley, Colorado. All d resses m odeled and Z- the last o f the red series ir H ouse g u ests of Mrs. Myra Conoly fair. m ust be m ade by the w earer. served as a m em ber of the quota ration hook 2. T he X stam p s be ------------------ V ----------------- - are Mrs. Ed W estbrook and Mrs Jln- Ju dgin g co n tests in Cookery, Cloth com m ittee S tate quota for the drive com e valid on A ugust 22. w ith th e Y nie Sparrow of Michigan. ing and C anning will be held from 2 Mail C hristm as Gifts E arly w hich w ill be announced soon, is $1,- and Z stam p s valid on subsequent The first fall ' m eeting of Beaver to 3 p m. on the sam e day. Four C hristm as g ifts to N aval and Ma 297,000 Sundays, and all expire O ctober 2. chapter 106 follow in g a sum m er v a rine personnel overseas should be Oregon W ar C hest includes USO cla sses w ill be judged by each coi*- B etw een Septem ber 12 and O cto cation. w ill be held W ednesday. Sep- sent betw een Septem ber 15 and No- and all other w ar philanthropies ap- testant ber 2 both red and brown stam p s by P resid en t R oosevelt and | T he exh ib its w ill be judged by Miss tem ber 8, w ith Mrs Mabel Goyt w or-j vem ber 1. T his period has been des- ' proved m ay be used by purchasers. H elen Cowgtll, a ssista n t sta te 4-H thy m atron and D arrell E E llis wor- ignated by the N avy D epartm ent In the national board T he new replacem ent book N o 3 leader .and Miss Mary O live Snarr, thy patron presiding. A h o m e co m -, cooperation w ith the P o st O ffice De- * ------------------^ con tain s ration currency to he u s e d C orvallis ing potluck dinner will be served at partm ent. P arcels m ust not exceed S ta te Racinii Money as the sta m p s in books 1 and 2 run All exh ib its m ust be In place by out. 6:30 p. m. ¡fiv e pounds in w eight. A p p o rtio n ed to Counties Mrs. V irgil L. P ow ell o f V ernonia, __________y ________— 9:30 Friday, Septem ber 3rd. Sugar Hook E xtended Funds totalin g $123,700 w ere appor OPA has not d isclosed w hat us*' homP of H NVU,,n Advisers to Help S tudents tioned to Oregon cou n ties for d istri R O B E R T A. M ONTGOM ERY w ill be m ade of the other stam p s ; Mr and Mrs W alter L Myers. Fred This Fall at U. of O. bution from revenue derived from R obert A. M ontgom ery. W estern book 3 But one series w ill be used Myers. Mary Myers and AHeta B oge U niversity o f Oregon, Eugene, Aug the sta te racing com m ission, it w as Union em ploye sin ce 1910, died sud for canned and processed foods w h er attended t h ^ C hristian Endeavor 27— Individual attention will be given announced today by Secretary of den ly at his hom e at Aloha, on A ug th e blue stam p s o f book 2 are ex Sum m er conference at Turner A ug to en tering freshm en stud en ts at th e S tate Bob Farrell ust 23 hausted. ust 24-29 U n iversity of Oregon fall term by a The m oney goes to county fairs, M ontgom ery w as stricken at work C ancellation o f co ffe e ration'n Arleta B oge is v isitin g relatives special group o f advisers w ho w ill livestock show s And the state fair, at th e P ortland W estern U nion office p erm its a ssign m en t o f cou -on » i at Jefferson. Oregon. not only help the stud en ts select It represents th e state's share three and w as taken hom e, w here he died. book 1. w hich previously had hep- P aul Joseph Sorberts, B eaverton , courses required for thetr m ajor, but p ercent—of the m oney w agered on A ssistan t ch ie f operator In charge d esign ated for coffee, to he used i‘ has voluntarily enlisted in the navy, also courses w hich will best fit them races In Oregon o f th e Morse departm ent for m ore ration in g sugar, postp oning the dat Food for V ictory” w ill k eyn ote for specialized train in g w hen they T he apportion m en ts th is year were than 25 years, Mr, M ontgom ery cam e on w hich sugar ration in g w ill sw itci the tw o-day 1943 stream lined county are inducted into the arm ed services, the largest m ade under this act and ♦ o Portland from N evada w here he to book 3. fair w hich opened this w eek in H ills- It w as announced th is week by D o n -' represented th e m axim um revenue to w orked as an operator for a railroad Book 1 w ill con tinu e to be used fn ■ boro featu rin g the agricultural and aid M Erb. president. be allow ed th e various b en eficiaries com pany He w as 56 years old at shoe rationing and D P A plana to hom em ak in g a ctiv ities of 4-H club F urther d eta ils about possible cour- under the law . the tim e o f h is death issue new coupon b ooklets for the - ■ , _____ V - ■ boys and girls and F uture F arm ers ses of study m ay be obtained by — — A---------- ration in g of gasoline.. of A m erica R ounding out the pro- w ritin g to Carl F K ossack, arm ed E D IT H J. VAN D l'Y N E C A R D O F TH A N K S --------------- —V ------------------ gram and d isplays w ill be the flow- services represen tatives for th e U Edith J. Van D uyne late o f B eev- T w ish to thank the m any friends er and garden show sponsored by o f O. Initirwl on Battle Field . erton. died Aug. 26 She w as st»- for their k in d n ess, svm p ath v and the garden clubs of the county and — -------- — V . - ■ . ter o f Frank. Ed an*f Arthur Jacob- flow ers W ords can not exp ress my Second TJeiitenant Edw ard I. Ro«r the annual R otary club “M utt” show CASH must accompany A L L us S ervices w ere held M onday w ith sp preclat'on o f thetr sym pathy, son o f Edw ard L. R oss. Sr., o f Aloh« St Cecelia C atholic school opens C L A SSIF IE D ADS Mall or leave interment at Greenwood Hill cerne- j flow ers W ords can exp ress m varlv Is reported Injured in the Southwest Septem ber 7 for its fall term . at our office. ary. C. J. S T E V E N S Pacifio war zone. ZSZZ**