P â tr e Friday, August 27, 1943 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon 2 IN THE LION'S DEN B IR T H S Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred L Branden Save 20 to 25*7* on your F IR E IN S U R A N C E C O S T S Darius, the King, signed on the dotted line By t hat, for thirty burg, Lake Grove, a son Wilfred L. Oregon Mutual Policies ure NUN-ASSESSABLE. You N £ \ £ B pay Mr and Mrs. Harry D. Henderson days, all must make their prayers to more than the premium on the face of the ’policy. Oregon Mutual route 6, box 765A, Aug. 9, a son Bruce him or else be cast into the den of maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon U. U. JF.FFKIES, PublUier lions. It was a frame-up by jealous W. Insurance Laws. Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, rivals of Daniel, who was close to Mr. and Mrs Bearnard B Asherm Oregon Entered aa second-class matter at the pastofflce at Beaverton. Oie the King and of power over the 8112 SW Beachwood road, Portland. Oregon M utual Fire Insurance Company Empire. Aug. 12, a son William J. o f M c M i n n v i l l e . 41.00 Three M entha______________ $ 3oo One Year — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davison, Now Daniel was also a great man Organized 1894— . 40 years of Reliable Service Chae. L. Walker, Agent . .60 Subscription Payable In Advance. of God and when he knew that the Beaverton, Aug. 8, a son, Thomas L. Six Months N ew Location 112 So. 3rd A ve. Phone 1732 writing was signed, he &ent into his -------------- V--------------- Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 bed chamber and the windows be Hillsboro Office— Boom 6, Della Bldg., Phone 1641 “Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon Portland O ffic e -308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6891 ing opened toward Jerusalem, he Saving T in Can» kneeled three times a day upon his Urged by K ovaly knees and gave thanks before his Need for county residents to con God as he did aforetime. tinue saving their tin cans and pre elll=lli=lli=IH=lll£Ul=lli5lil=lllStU5Ul=UlXlg SPARER O r eg All could see; early arrest followed pare them as required, is pointed out and Daniel was cast into the den of by J. T. Kovaly, county salvage chair SOLUTION P u b l i s h ER lions But fierce and hungry though man. they were, all that night the lions A survey will be made soon after stood away from Daniel, helpless. For the angel of the Lord had shut the opening of schools to determine if there is a sufficient amount avail their mouths. able. If there are enough cans on Early day break found the King at hand for a shipment a collection will the den’s mouth.—"Daniel, O Daniel, ill Continued From Page 1 be made, Kovaly said. is thy God whom thou servest con ----------------- V------------------ assessments. This can be accom -, tinually, able to deliver thee?" plished only by legislation whereby j Then said Daniel unto the King. D aw g D ays the taxable body town, city, county | “ —O King, Live forever. My God or state—must, upon request of the has sent his angels to shut the lion’s owner, take over said property at mouth and they have not hurt me said assessed value anytime on prop for in his sight I was innocent and er notice. This is the only way to before thee O King, I have done no A G E S 18 T O 45 prevent unfair assessments although wrong.’ ’ said assessments can be readjusted So Daniel was taken up out of the Interesting work operat ing automatic wood-shap each year. Why more ambitious den and no hurt was found on him ing machines to produce army chests, navy lockers hi politicians have not tackled the prob because he believed in his God.—BI lem of present ruinous assessments BLE. Daniel Chap. 6th. and defense housing furniture. Saturday afternoons S III is beyond my understanding. In Christ, God has come a step Hello Folks: YOU CANT INHERIT and Sundays off. Are you in the Fair assessments by themselves, closer to us to-day. I Well, I got out my ole reliable P A T R IO TISM Kneel down and cry to "Old Farmers Almanack" marked however, may not be enough to , Lion's den? fu Plant conveniently located at We think of patriotism as a costly equalize opportunities and protect God in the name of Christ who loved 151st Continuous Year” and what treasure carefully wrapped up In the those who are diligently using prop you and died to save you.—” If ye has Benj Franklin’s picture on the I tinsel of history, bound up with pink erty to raise families or crops. I, abide in Me and My words abide in front cover. I wanted to see when ribbons of patriotism which we must therefore, forecast that the time may you, ye shall ask what ye will and it they predickted rain as our Guvern- jjj So bids ment Prognostikator at Okla City .uard carefully, occasionally dust o ff come when real estate can be purch will be done unto you.” Apply to to keep it looking presentable and ! ased or sold only at the assessed value Christ who alone can SAVE-KEEP- has been a missin' all along and we I then in due time put it into the 1 This would prevent both unfair fore SATISFY. Why thunder-in-llghtnin’ they even att m rn M r. J. S. Sammons at the Doernbecher plant aU lands of the future. Now nothing j closures by banks and greedy lend- QUIZ- BIZ have got a shore enuff drouth on! could be farther from the truth. ers, and it would enable young peo Why Christ’s miracles? jjj Tun out of Beer at Oklahoma City 28th and Sandy, or the U . S. E m ploym ent A gency, = ONE Compassion. He raised back | last Sunday. You can’t inherit freedom any more ple to buy farms and other property So you know its a HI lhan you can Inherit virtue or char at fair prices. Banks may at first to life the only son of the widow of ! gittin’ mighty serious here; But I 1124 S. W . Stark St., or come to the plant with acter. I,ike virtue, freedom' is some object to this, but in the end it Nain having compassion on her. jjj ! have got grate hope of better days thing for which you have to struggle, would protect their mortgages and TWO—Faith. Four men laid a | fer us Oklahoman's in the near fu your lunch and slacks, ready to go to work. jjj pray, work and suffer. It is not enable buyers of property to more paralytic at Jesus feet. Seeing their ture as I see that Dawg Days closes faith, Christ healed the man. omething which comes to you out of easily secure mortgage money. iïi August 22nd and then Oklahoma In 3 THREE As proof that He was the dians have got on a big Pow Wow ic past. It is something which each "After-the-War System III Son of God. John’s Gospel gives eight veneration has to experience and = We hear much discussion regard- "beginnin’ Aug. 21st. They want to •I in signs miracles such as the raising uiUi' real. It is not a gift of yes- jng what is going to put “ behind the git a early start to close Dawg Days 'I •*i<iay but an achievement of today. dollar" after the War. Some eco of I-azarus, four days dead and putri- out I reckon. iïi It always rains when Portland, O regon ^ 1100 N . E . 28th Ave. You may inherit its political tech nomists are urging a Commodity fying “that ye might believe that the Indians meet in this big meetin’* ■ ,.i"e but you can t^n herit its mean- Dollar, the value to move up and Jesus was the Christ, the -io n of If it fails, I reckon us Oklahomans E H I= lll= lll= lll= lll= IIIE iil= lll= lli= lll= IIIE III= lil= lll= irr£ llia H I= lll= n i£ IH = lll= U I£ lllslll5 IIIS n t ir.g and power. Ex. down according to the cost of living: God, and that believing, ye might will do like Mussolini, "We will Re V— others recommend a Production Dol have life through His name.” sign and ask fer a new Guvernor er Out of belief comes the new heart sumpthln’ ! ! lar based more upon the nation's im USE YOUR HEAD provements; while others present and life by Power From on High.” BARBWIRE BILL Probably the moat destructive still different plans. I hope that the weapon in the world is the common world will return to a reasonable match. Over a period of years, loss gold standard—at least until we ; Cloverdale, Oregon of life and property traceable to this straighten out present eonomic prob This space paid for by an Oregon C. V . W A L L A C E minute stick of wood dwarfs the lems. businessman. ghastliest work of the bombers. Fire — Signs & Cards— Without advocating any special ----------------- V----------------- prevention authorities state that mat money theory, my guess is that the ! Every failure teaches a man some HI, Bx 2, Tigard, Oregon ches and smoking constitute to ultimate dollar will be based upon thing if he will learn.—Charles Dick- . gether the largest single fire cause the soil. Opposite the Joy Theatre This does not mean based ens. PIIONE TIGARD 2381 They have urged upon people the pithy maxim: “Mutches have heads upon the number of acres which a nation has, but rather that it corre but no brains. When yo use their late with the productivity of these heads, use your brains." This in turn will depend on _ s | | l= lll= lll3 llia ill= lll= lll5 lll= lll5 lll= lll= lll= lll No law can prevent carelessness acres. with matches. The most elaborate the quality of the soil, natural re and upon the number of fire department in the world is help sources, less in the face of the potential des children; including thelj- education This "Land Value tructive power of matches. They and religion. constitute a spectacular demonstra Dollar" is probably a long way off; tion of the fact that real fire preven but my guess is that all countries tion is largely up to the individual. must finally come to it. ‘Mxtnd Value Dollars" Lumber M anufacturing = Use your head! The first step toward a "Land ■---------------- V---------------- - Sawm ill Located N . ¡fj Value Dollar" must be fair assess CO M M U N ITY PLANNING ments and the willingness of the Front and 21st Ave, The Homes of America have as government to redeem its dollars in Also W iii (W E S T S I D E — P O R T L A N D ) = sumed a new dignity, a new and vi land values or issue dollars for land tal Importance in this war because value. W A L K I N G D IS T A N C E F R O M |iJ In other words, to make the Inexperienced May Be Trained in the following sizes theg embody the morale of our fight dollar good and assure equal oppor ¡ 7 , D E F E N S E H O U S IN G P R O J E C T S jjj ing forces. tunities to young people, it may be 6.00-16 6.25-16 & ROOMS FO R S IN G L E fflEN fjj Apply Men cunnot endure the hell of come necessary for everyone to be 6.50-16 7.00-16 modern battle, and fight on and on able to get land for their dollars or 8 Also Rayon Whit«1 Sidewall without hope in their hearts—hope dollars for their land at a fair as iji as bright and strong as the morning sessed value. This may be fifty or sun on the horizon. They must more years hence. ill Certainly, I am have some definite thing to think not arguing for it at the present ill and dream about, a. substantial op- time; but to statisticians it seems jective to plan for. l]j Inevitable some day. Some acom- The fuutre of our fighting men can panylng restrictions must then be pro iii only be a post-war future; their vided to avoid bootlegging in land. = | ' O P E R A T IN G 48 H R S P E R W E E K i l l « plans must all be post-war plans. Perhaps only a return to religion ji3lll3lltSIIISUI3lll=lllslllSlllslll=lll5lll=lll= You have all had letters—you know will do this. what the boys are thinking and talk People will not always stand for ing about. They are concerned with Capitalism as it now relates to land A d v ertisem en t the things at home, with all fhat Is holdings. On the other hand, the close to their hearts. Their simple Russian system where all land and hopes and plans for peace they must Improvements are owned by the THE O L D J U D G E S A Y S . . . leave with us, Just as we at home State crushes private initiative. Fas must leave in their young and cap cism -is an attempt at a happy me able hands the great battle against dium whereby the land is owned pri evil. vately, but the government tells its This is our sacred trust—yours people what to do with It, how to and mine. How are we keeping it? use it, when to sell it, etc. This fan To you, to me, to all of us who are tastic Russian system will not work the "home folks" the millions of ev in the long run. eryday Americans, the young men of I the fighting forces have entrusted What Do Readers Think* I have already much correspond their future a future which our his tory has fixed upon what we call the ence from readers, but I am now curious to know how readers feel re AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE There is much that can be done garding the assessments on their 525 S . E . U N IO N A V E . As this column will ap light now, sound planning for the property. At K.ant Washington St. peace planning which will blend pear In some 350 papers scattered with the personal hopes and purpos throughout the forty-eight States. I PORTI .AN D, OR. es of the fighting men; which will am this week asking readers to an swer this question "Would you pre reassure and fortify them. Knowing as we do that our todays fer to sell your property now at the are the result of what we did or fail assessed value or buy more property ed to do in (he past, we must know In your community at the assessed that our tomorrows will just as sure value?" Just write me a postal card ly be the result of what we do or fall either t'l would like to sell"; or I would like to buy " JO IN TRIANGLE S to do today It has been little noted that we. the P " ’ l>l«- failed even more than th«> The Low dow n From Allied leaders to plan and organise i j • i 1 i-iice (tuitng the W'orld War »llC K O ry LsTOVe I. There were programs of national 11 1« kind« refreshing to run across legislation, and action by Individual | * person like this old South Cardin alities to provide benefits for home- lan Sand htller Cotton Ed his lan- roming veterans We find little In i *u»«e has spice and flavor It is a ths records, however, that shows 1 relief from the average palaver. planning by the community, the When Cotton Ed Smith says some neighborhood, ths family for the thing, It Is not Just well-balanced Vi A R T I M E C O N D I T I O N S hsve »<• winning of ths peace and its preser rhetoric meaning 2 or 3 things, or levied the n a iio n ’» teed »upply O u t nothing, to Intrigue us folks into vation. to the cremendou» nation-» ide feed Wr’orld War I. in fact, did not drain thinking it is something good for us ing program and to the irregularm e* our national Ilfs to Its roots; It did versus being good Just for the ones of o u r iranvportaiion »>»iem»— p o u l not strike horns to us as this war Is concocting the rhetoric. try and dairy feed» are noc a l» a > i Senator Ed says we gotta have a doing We all tried, after the Ar available in the exact amount» de sales tax he don’t mince word^ He ; mistice. to take up where we left off. manded by feeders. says we can chooae between going - The Homecoming Home illegally instead o f legally in this country. ••Anything new. Bert, on that black market Y o u can help by cooperating » u h broke or having a tax We can -----------------V ---------------- - Just like the bootleggers did during the you r T ria n gle Feed dealer. Remem trial up at the county 9eat?” ] choose our own poison, he says Also, Second Year Open» 14 years when liquor was 9old illegally in ber thai both your dealer and our- "T h e jury came in ’bout an hour ago. he says, for 8 or 10 years before the velve» are m aking every effort to »ee stead o f legally. For Blood Center Judge. The verdict was’ guilty.’ I understand war we danced to odd and fantastic that all of ou r cuttomers gei their "Unless this black market in meat and Kathleen Donovan. »004 SW Capi music now we gotta pay for that the sentence is going to be a might y stiff one.’’ fair »hare. H e lp b> accepting »mailer tol Hill road, was the No. 1 donor at fiddlin’ around, along with the war oth er com m odities is stam ped o u t and “ Can’ t be too stiff to suit me. Anything amount» » h e n tu x k » are low. / the Red Croas blood donor center debt to boot They don’t like Cotton stamped out quickly, Bert, we’re in for an those law-flouting racketeers get w ill be too when It opened on Tuesday at S a Ed there on the old Potomac, but the other dose o f the crime, corruption and law - good for them. How they thrive every’ time m . Just one ysnr after It first open 1 folks in So Carolina and elsewhere. lessness we had following the lost World War.” there's an opportunity to sell something ed. Miss Donovan, a second time like him donor, Is a stenographer at ths Port Yours with the low down. land army air base. 66S N TiHamnSh St . Portland. Ore .U> SERRA -----------------V------------ ------ ( m v i m «f Ako<'. : f'f"-«J< /■<»*••«», I m “Save ths Uvea of your friends by What are you doing to help end careful driving. this horrible war? Babson S a ys. . K eep I It WOMEN NEEDED FOR WAR WORK No Training Needed—Inside Work Wages $140 to $185 a Month Flyin g vt±. N. E. 28 th and Sandy Boulevard Doernbecher Mfg. Co. II PAINTERS Experienced For Steady Work Pre-War TIRES & Western| " ¡ E astern ............ Lumber Company! on Housing Projects, $1.32 Per Hr. Shipyards $1.20 Per Hour * Laborers Chainmen Slab Chute Men Setters & Doggers Painters' Union Top Quality First Grade Recapping Repairing Ray Grimshaw Seiberling Tires SHARE the FEED PROGRAM TRIANGLE / ,4 ; Room 207 Labor Temple I