BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Pâtre 2 Friday, August 20, 1043 | the Holy Spirit was sent down from K IN T O N The Low Down 1 heaven to give new life to all who Mrs. A. L. Karpstcln received word From Hickory Grove | receive Christ as Lord and Saviour. C. V. W A L L A C E last week that hei son Carl, bus What was the date? A fellow in Denver wrote me. He been promoted to Staff Sergeant. — Signs & Cards— Answer The Day of Pentecoste. . . „ .. . must be a pretty n.ce hombre—he wajJ n<}t mad at anybody or about IL II- J U T B 1 E Ü , Publisher Fifty days after Christ arose from Carl is stationed at Kearney. Neb. Mrs. W. L. Keffer entertained a K l, Bx 2, Tigard, Oregon the grave. ' anything. Also, he was not trying group of her son Denn's's friends to be sweet to any certain group be Opposite the Joy Theatre Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Where does the Spirit now dwell. PH O NE TIG A R D 2381 Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Beaverton, Oie Answer "What, know ye not last Wednesday, with a picnic at the cause there happened to be lots of Washington park zoo in Portland. people in that group, o f voting age. that your body is the temple of the ..11.00 Three M on th s________ -----9 3oo One Year _ The party was in honor of Dennis He is not running for office. . .60 Subscription Payable In Advance. ! Holy Spirit which is in you, which birthday. Six Months ye have from God, and ye are not Folks in Denver are nice people, he Sharen Salens accompanied her says, but they are allergic to politi- j your own? For ye are bought with a Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 price; therefore glorify God in .your mother, Mrs. Lucille Salens of Port clans. To arouse them so they will Hillsboro Office— Room 6, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 On Sat vote with wisdom, he says, is the Bible. Yield all: earn land to DeLake last week. Portland O ffice- 408 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6501 body.” urday Mrs. George Snider, Mrs. Ed eternal reward: God expects you to problem—and your essays are help-1 I Jenkens and daughter Virginia join- QUt He t me with that one live by Power From On High. M amùa* ' *dwthenV » br° “ * hi Sba;7n h°T,e 1 answered pronto. Nice people. I Mr. and Mrs. W L. Ke er weie who are bugy don't seem to savvy, I O rec | o © N l W spä per | * ue8t* at * d' nne\ Pari y a told him, that the U. S. A. could ever P u b u s h J er , s ' 4 4 s ORATION 'H en ry Thieles In Portland last , ^ anything except what it a,ways Cloverdale, Oregon This space paid for by an Oregon: Thursday night. The dinner was has been since Washington—the Land businessman. given by Mr. Keffers crew at the of the Free. It don't enter his nog --V- Swan Island shipyard. Our Jap enemies wane to gin that anybody would dare to try Virginia Jenkins is spending this making this country over into any- j destroy Oregon’s forests. W hy the Gasoline Shortage week in Forest Grove with her aunt thing else. Don’t l»<Jp them f In trying to account for the pre- They don't see that so cialism already has one foot in th e ! valing shortage of gasoline in the Mrs. Glen Miller. I Put out your cigarettes, Continued From Page 1 — ----------- V -------------- - United States, it is well to remember door. It is the other guy’s door, matches and campfires! that a single Flying Fortress on a not their’s—that is why they slum over his store. He owns only one T U A L A T IN PREVENT FOREST ber— It is not their baby. bombing mission from England to piece of property and this serves him John S. Green Jr., is back on the FIRES by observing the Nice folka can be a sucker like both for a home and place of busi Berlin burns up about 1600 gallons on fifteen day furlough. rules o f common sense! That is anybody else—and lean back and ness. He follows the custom so pre of gas on the round trip. Corporal Edward Deason is home gasolinegto fill the tanks of mainland after two years in the listen to the will-o-the—wisp. What valent In Europe where even the «IIP OtrCCM GftUN ASS* 97 American automobiles, allowing bankers live over their banks; the South Pacific with the Marines. He we need in our U. S. A. is to teach Snisffi, GroQo* about 17 gallons per car. more AEsop---- from the cradle to lawyers live over their offices; and will attend officers training school, j General Doolittle, who led the raid the owners of great department Raymond Kuper who has been j the grave. Yours with the low down, stores live adjoining their property. on Tokyo, reports that one day's with the air corps at Fort McClellan J OE S E R R A i Now, I make a forecast which read operation of our air force In the j Louisiana, is home on furlough. Mediterranean area recently con -------------------V -------------------- ers should remember: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gray have The small merchant who lives in sumed 1,100,000 gallons of gasoline. bought a place near Tigard. Mrs. \ What are you doing to help end the restricted residential section and Such a quantity would fill the tanks Gray has gone to Starbuck to be with this horrible war? A TIP FROM MUSSOLINI has no help from his family and of nearly 70,000 automobiles. her daughter in law whose brother V It is becoming increasingly obvious was killed at tile Walla Walla air A » growth depends upon activity.! fh „ ; ' must drive every day to his place o f! ... D „ ' . ~ “ f iejd J There is no development physically are going to seek'renewed“ tenure on I bua‘ ° e“ be doomed. It may J W a r B a llo t* fo r A r m y Mrs. Martha Guiles of Elma. Wash., ° r intellectually without effort, and Blank forms are available to all the strength of their war records. con t,llu ay b* harder for him to paid a visit to her mother and father ^ttort means work —Calvin Coolidge. officers and enlisted men of the Ar places and compete No one snould object to that. But malntain 1,0111 with the chains and "big business”. my to enable them to apply for war Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Moore last week what everyone should object to is the Every failure teaches a man some- J He is handicapped in many ways ballots for elections to be held this Her son Robert who is working tendency to glorify government by The small businessman, however,, year, the W ar Department reports. | for the North Coast Transportation thing if he will learn.—Charles Dick intimating that it has fought the war who lives with his store, factory or Public Law 712 requires these forms j company, came out Friday for a ens. utmost singlelianded even to the ex office has a real future. lie cannot to be available in years when offi- visit between busses, tent of being primarily responsible he licked by New Deuls or Old Deals cers of the National Government are | Leonard Smith who has been sta- for the quantity and quality of tanks, or 1-ahor Unions or anything else elected. The forms will also enable ' tioned at Dutch Harbor got home plunes und ships with which our men ,, provided he has a good wife and will legally qualified soldier voters to | last week to visit his family and Save 20 to 25% on your F IR E IN S U R A N C E COSTS . That “ ,,the way of L v p ,,ut of d,.bt. | participate in state elections. aunt, Mrs. Jones. the dictators, to seize all credit from .. 1 _ . ... _ ------ -------- V---------------- Oregon Mutual 1’ollcles are NON-ASSKSSABLE. You N E V E R pay Mrs. M. A. Kilpatrick left by plane private citizens for every achieve Ma,,y ° P P ortun,tlp* more than the premium on the fare of the policy. Oregon Mutual The wisdom of the wise and the last Wednesday for Vancouver, B. ment. And once they begin seizing ■ As I go around the city here I maintains more than three time« the surplus required hy Oregon Before return the credit for the accomplishments of 8ee many vacant small stores in of- experience of ages may be preserved C., to visit friends. Insurance Laws. ing Monday she will go to Pitt by quotation.— Disraeli. the people, experience has shown ' iice buildings. These probably must Meadows to visit a brother. that they soon begin seizing the re- ' be rented to the chains. I, however, | ------------------- V -------------------- What are you doing to help end Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company sources which made the accomplish- 8ee some houses In the business sec o f M c M i n n v i l l e tion where a ments possible. ‘ ~ family could live on the I this horrible war? “Figure It Out Yourself Organized 1894— ..40 years of Reliable Service Chas. L Walker, Agent Therefore, It is imperative that the second floor and have a good little ! Program Explained N ew Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 American people be not deluded as business on the street floor. It could Every concern in Oregon will be to how and by whom this war is be be a small store of some kind, or a “Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon asked to cooperate in bringing its ing fought. Due credit should be repair shop, or beauty parlor, or even employee personnel to fuller partici given to the political and military an insurance and real estate office. pation in the payroll reduction pro leaders who are coordinating and di I know a man who has done very ; gram before the Third War Loan recting the armed forces. Beyond well selling bicycles and making keys TV« '"»T-TW gets under way September 9, accord, that, the credit goes to the people at his home; another who has raised ing to E. C. Sammons, state chair for whatever degree of military suc a large family repairing watches. man of the war finance committee. There are many lines in which cess the nation may enjoy. The Need for all employees and em tanks, the Jeeps, the planes and the small businessmen are making real ployers to understand the “ figure-it- their | ships wero not created by govern i successes with businesses of out yourself” program of the war They have no fear of chai ment any more than were the men j own. finance committee and its connection Labor laws do not bother now in the service of their country, j 8to,'e8- with the war is stressed by Mr. Sam They can be open at all Private industry, managed and op- I l ^em- mons. They have no “overhead” erated by private citizens, is the '■ hours- The “ Figure it out yourself” plan mainspring of the war effort. From which causes the death of so many is as simple as it sounds. It is Their families the men deep underground in the business concerns. merely this: You compute your Further mlneB to the men and women In the are brought up to work. family income by the month, total front office, the job is being done by more, they arc the families which your monthly expenses, and arrange sweating Individuals who are work will save democracy, the existence of for the difference to be put in war ing for the glory of freedom, not the which de|N>ndH ii|M>n u majority of bonds through the payroll savings the people continuing to own their glorification of government own meuns of Mipixirt. plan. Our political leaders should heed --------- ------ V --------------- Profits Come From Su\ ing the ignominious end of the first dic This is no criticism of the chains. Civilians Get Canned Goods tator to fall In this war—Mussolini » * _ ■ _ I believe in them and have consider Civilians will receive approximately Mussolini claimed the achievements able o f my own money invested in 6M i million more cases of canned ap of his people as his own. He dom ples, fruit cocktail, beets, sweet corn, inated their souls and their property them as a hedge against inflation. There is a field for both chain stores PL! _ pumpkin or squash, lima beans, and in the name of government,. By so and small Independent stores,—the tomato puree under an amendment doing, he brought defeat to himself lame as there is a field for both big to Director Food Administration Or and to his nation. stock insurance companies and small der 22.4 which reduces the quantity ---------------------- — V ----------------------- -- mutual companies. I believe in both that canners are required to set Also and want to help both. END MOB TAX RULE aside from 1943 production to meet To make a success, the small Government requirements. Millions of pepole subject to strin businessman must forget to Inexperienced May Be Trained be a ---------------V gent new Income tax laws are be “ big” man. He should live over, or When a United S ginning to find out the meaning of adjoining, his place of business so he Apply was torpedoed recently in the West the expression, "the power to tax is can “ make a dollar", at whatever Indies area, the crew took to the power to destroy.” Taxes must hour the opportunity comes. Also, boats in such a hurry that there be paid, even if it means destroying he can train his family to be real no time to shut o ff the Diesel en living standards and the sacrifice of helpers and amount to something. gines. When they found the ship accustomed luxuries. However, these By so-doing they can save more and ) still remained afloat after 40 hours, things can be tolerated providing enjoy more than their so-called ''rich" the burden is shared equally by all. neighbors. Unfortunately, the tax laws are far j Importance of Good Signs from equitable. For years taxes have ! Just one suggestion to those who America now supplies nearly all 1 been proposed and levied upon no already have such a small business the tobacco consumed in Egypt. sounder basis than a cry to soak-the- Spend more money on your “ front” rich. This kind of mob tax rule and especially on your sign. How- ; will wreck productive industry, and ever humble you start, you can have eventually individual freedom, if con as well painted a front and as attrac tinued in the face of drastically ris tive a sign as can the biggest and TH E O LD JU D G E S A Y S ... ing taxes which will soon be taking richest chain In the nation. Here's I twenty-five per cent of the total na something to think over. tional income. The government is asking much HIGH TIM E TO ELECT and the people are giving willingly. Strutting the not« of ONE Hold an election. Cast a But they should insist that they be wortime activity... ballot. Elect Christ to be your Sa underlining the port permitted to give equally. Where viour. Be cleared and become a ' Oregon it playing in revised lax laws are required to at Production for Victory, tain fairer distribution of the tax son of the Most High God, for—“ To The Multnomah County as many as received Him, to them burden, they should be revised with Fair, this year, it one of gave He power to become the sons of i out delay. the great««» expositions God."- BIBLE. in Fair hittory. --------------- V --------------- TW O —The wages of sin is death * The subsidies, ostensibly to “ hold but you have by your choice of in (hihtMding Array of the line", are in themselves inflation Christ, been delivered from the Judg flue-Blooded lim tsck. ary:. But the main criticism that ment. But old sinful ways still grip Ayncslture. Nome Arts can be made against them is that you. 14-H Club Work. Pealiry I f the saved say they have no i they simply will not work. Our prob sinful nature left, they deceive them P lu , T h a t . Added W artim e Fccfvre*: lem is too big. So big. apparently, selves and the truth is not In them. Red Cron produtlios that our hydra-headed food bureauc But If we confess our sins, Christ is Ur,.tv War hdsstnot, racy fails lo see the fundamental dif faithful and Just to forgive us our Cotorfsl tihiMs of the ferences between It and Britain's, sins and to cleanse us from all un Armed Semen! and fails to work out a solution tail righteousness.—Bible again. Sin is ored to fit our peculiar needs. - Dairy the believer does not change his re Farmers' Digest. lation to the Father. He has been born again; born from above; born of God and God does not throw him A Few Definitions out of the family. But it puts us Friends Persons who stick Pastor Spurgeon used together until debt do them part out of step. Secret: Something that is to stop on the spot, bare his head hushed about from place to place _ and . confeas . . . . , the . sin of the moment. ■ t r / T -" Men: Often In the backyard k" ‘ " *"? , . looking for four-leaf clovers when T H R K E 4 ount yourself y ° l‘ r8,>lf to be on i. «M EENCHAU* opportunity knocks at the front Bible ground Christ bought you for j Ctr9* ‘ l ; God with His own blood. You are door. ADMISSION r* f.m., 1 *• A II now a member of Christ's holy body Dollar Bill; A form of curren (at,-. cy that ought to have on It a What Christ, the Son le to the Fath- ; er. so we also, as members of Christ's 1 homing pigeon instead of an eagle. The Bible names the saved Cynic: A person who believes body synthetic rubber But. Hank the grain u*ed " Stakes me feel extra good keartn ' w n talk that other people are as bad as he is. as a Chosen Generation, a Royal in c1i«(illing this alcohol i* not thrown away. way. Judge... never reaJued I was contributin' W ar profiteer: A worm in the Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a People I for a Possession too set forth the per It is ptneessed and comes hark lo the larm apple o f patriotism. to Ike uar effort in the way you mention. " Traitor: Any California doctor fections o f Christ. again in the form ot disiillrn' dried grain* “ You certainly are. Hank. Part ot the Out of the new heart, created by advising a change of climate for or dried solubles which » *u use lot dairy grain you farmers grow is used by the bever i the birth from above, comes the new his patients. feeds, hog suptYemenis and poultry mashes. age distilling industry to make alcohol tor Teamwork When a family I. Tou ar* n°* to, ** ,h* This year alone il is estimated 38A<«»i ions w ar purposes. Hundreds of millions ot gal fighting to keep the wolf away ° “ 8t* P « nc* <*>«"' yourself a. of these much nettled feed stuffs will be lons are required every year for smokeless from the door, and the stork slip. a T « T . / l T “ T * ¿ i*“ “ down the chimney. Hol7 ®**rM ,tv* bX P » " " from on produced hy the distillers ' powder, medical supplies, chemical war tare “f c t A Ó T f a ó é , Ship of State A splendid ves .’«iV L materials, shatterproof glass, lacquer for " I tan see suit, ludgr uk\ u « vn it's a sel, but badly overloaded with i ,* , . . . , . , i camouflaging equipment, fuel to propel tor mighty good Iking ue A/»e u legal distilling Who to-day is the most powerful | sto w a w a y in the form of bureau- person In the W orld” pedoes and in the making of critically needed industry in times like these crate. _ _ ____ Answer God the Holy ftpirtt; the t T I Third Person of th< ■ 1. I Head Doing nothing is the moit tire- How long has the Holy Spirit car- ( antmomr W Aire* some job In the world, because you ried on as now? can't quit and root.— An non J Answsr—When Christ asesnded. PROTECT THE FOREST FRONT Babson Says. ... SÈÓ. PAINT1RS Experieneed F( )r Stead1 F Work MULTNOMAH on H o u s in g P r o je c t s , $ 1 .3 2 P e r H r . S h im fd r d s S 1 .2 D P e r H o u r GRESHAM OREGON AUG. 23 ...TO 29 A |ss§r fg$CTS TUJIUCHT P eiH -m U T H K L NORSE RIKinC 5 P.m. DAILY Painters' Union R ook n 2 0 7 L a ib o r T e m p le