Friday, August 6, 1943 Classified Rates BEA\ ERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Real Estate Transfers Sends Bug to College TWO Cents a word per Issue. NOTHING LESS THAN 25c Page 3 mmm w n Compte A Kohlman Co. to Hans Paulsen Beck lot 34 Comte A Kohl- mans Little Homes. James P Powers et ux to C F Mc CASH MUST ACCOMPANY Laughlin et ux tract 134 & part 127 ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Bonny Slope 2. Elizabeth Kuratli to T M Williams NO ADS TAKEN OVER PHONE et ux 40 acres sec 36 T3N R4W. Ella I Brown to M Arch Milligan ! Hello Folks: Labor shortage prevents our collect You see, I have got a Victory 8 acres T1S R2W Oscar Olson et ux to Richard ing these small accounts—We would ^ Garden and I captured a strange bug i that waz invadin’ my "potato patch” . Frank Grolbert, lots 5. 6. 7 & 8 Cad- appreciate your cooperation. | I sent him to our state Agriculture boro Acres. Stanley G Terry et ux to Fred D and Metchanioal college. Stillwater, We Publish the Tweddale et ux lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Alder- O kla. to have him ask them perfes- BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE j sers just what kind of a bug he is brook Farm. MULTNOMAH PRESS Albin O Pederson et ux to Carl P anyway! But I didn’t send any of TIGARD SENTINEL the Horn worms I captured fer I Matrin et ux lot 42 Johnson Est add AI.OII % NEWS killed 'em and took no "prisoners of Beaverton R. Complete E a s t e r n Washington Edith A Brunn et ux to Eugene R war!” County and Western Multnomah The weather is so dry, I have to Blaii et al part of sec 26 TIN R1W. County Coverage A L Nelson to Charlie L Williams, irrigate my tomatoes with “’city wa 3 1 ,0 0 0 -P O U N D STEEL We assume no financial respon ter" and you know that makes 'em lot 8 blk 6 Beavertbrook add Beav HARBOR TUGS ARE HAULED sibility for errors which may ap shore enuff "city tomatoes!” The erton. FROM FLORIDA T O T H E U S Natl Bk of Portland to J A pear in advertisements published green vines look so refreshin’ these in these columns but in case WEST COAST BY LAND IN dry hot days, daw gonne if I blame Fenton et al part sec 31 T1S R1W. Marie Kirkley et al to Eugene D where this paper is at fault will them worms and bugs fer admirin' SPECIALLY DESIGNED LOW- / reprint that part of an advertise the scenery and gettin’ in it! They Van Kliiik et ux lot 5 blk 32 Metzjfer BODY TRAILERS.! ment in which the typographical / must be related to Mussy, Hitler, acres trs. Suburban Dev Co Inc to J C Cor- mistake occurs and the Japs, fer they aint inspectors ■ ............ / of ainy property riahts! Anyway, I der et ux tract 58 Old Meadow — FOR SALE can't say like an old lady in Kansas. Farms. ■Mil-, / ¿ - .. . -, fi- Nelson T Cooper et ux to Francis “ I didn't raise a thing this year but ma Tic m i A A so cu no * o f thank the Lord none of my naybors Sidney Burt et ux 40 acres sec 23 Linoleum and Carpet Lay raised anything either!" T2S R2W. Clifford T Gunthrie to Hilda M ing. SUnset 3459, 6110 SE BARBWIRE BILL Fenton, tract 60 Old Meadow Farms. Gladstone, Portland, Ore. Wm Boucsein to Jos. E Calkins et RATION BOOK REMINDER How often the expression is heard So Say W e all of Us • RABBITS W A N T E D ux 40 acres sec 32 T3N R3W. today: "Be careful. You can’t re I have avoided public speaking, FOR SALE—Hunth Circulating Hiram J Hesse et ux to Roy P COFFEE— place it.” That warning has been BEST PRICE for Rabbit fryers, D. Weaver et ux part of sec 21 T2S Stamp No. 22 valid from July 22 Heater, Aloha 6521. feeling that one voice to a family P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver R1W. to August 11. applied to everything from pins to was enough. ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We Geo F Spencer et ux to E W Mor- SUGAR— FOR SALE—Pigs 7- 8 weeks old. tractors. Never was the American pick up. lan et ux part lot 44 Virginia Place. Stamps 15 and 16 in war ration C. Topich, Rl, Bx 474, Beaverton, MRS. CALVIN COOLIDGE public so waste conscious. Elton H Haase et ux to Sidney W book one valid for 5 lbs of sugar ! nr Cooper Mt. school. WANTED- Live Rabbits, to buy j Davis, et ux part lots 60 A 61 Steel s each for home canning, good until ' now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat | add Beaverton. Oct. 31. FOR SALE—Poland Chester and Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. ; Beaverton to W H Strayer et ux, October 31—Canning sugar stamps Red Pigs $8 each. S. A. Götter ut Phone SUnset 1722. Open week part Wm Lockerman DLC T1S R1W. No. 15, 16 in book No. 1, each good Scholls, Oregon. days only until 7:30 p. m. Vera F Houghton et vir to Aliina for five pounds, expire. Juopo, lot 15 blk O Metzger Acres Housewives may apply at local FOR SALE -Small Electric Stove Trs. boards for supplemental home cann • HELP W A N T E D Bungalow type, separate trash Dale Barber et ux to Johanna Bue- ing rations, if essential. Help Win the War in an Old Established Plant burner. F. F. Peddifcord, Alexan chler et ux part of sec 6 T1S R2W. Now 100', Defense Work der Crt., just off Cedar St., Beav W ANTED RED ST AMI’S— Carrie Hansen to F J Erwin et ux erton. par t of sec 5 T2S R1W. August 31- Expiration date of red Ray A Dean et ux to L B Layton stamps, T, U, V and W in ration FOR SALE—4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord et ux parts lots 1 & 2 blk 6 Thome’s book no. 2 (meat, butter, cheese, can ned milk, canned fish, fats, oils) add Hillsboro. lots). Write,J. O. Johncon, Bx 584, T Fritz Eisner et ux to Juanita O Each series good for 16 points. Carlton, Oregon. series valid July 25 to August 31; U, Spencer lot 36 Hoffarber tracts. Clyde L Lee Adm to Arthur J Ber August 1 to 31; V, August 8 to 31; W, PAINTS Essential Industry August 15 to 31. ry et ux, part of sec 36 T1S R4W. Additional Overtime at Time and One-Half series good for 16 Floyd B Tefft et ux to Chas L Vala Each weekly E XPERIEN CE et ux lot 1, 2, 7, 8 blk 35 Beaverton. points. Imlay’s Fresh Andrew Timmer et ux to Chas. D. N O T NECESSARY Mixed Feeds BLUE STAMPS— Allison et ux, part see 21 T1S R1W. riSH E R THORSEN PAINTS Steady Work with Overtime Chas D Allison et ux to Arthur E Blue Stamps R, S, and T valid from August 1 to September 20. For quality, fair price and Manner et al part sec 21 T1S R1W. service Otto Brose et ux to O Danielson et RATION HOOK NO. S— A P P L Y AT ux part lot 19 Brookwood. Applications will be considered now J. B. Imlay & Sons Armour F Spaulding et ux to Thos at local boards for ration book No. 3. ALOHA, ORE REEDVILLE M Hamilton et ux lot 3, blk 1 Hidden STOVES— Village. August 23—Starting date for ra | M ISC ELLAN EO U S Ruddwood Inc to L^ella M Todd, tioning of cooking and heating part lot 2 Spencer Homestead. Work with an organization that is 33 years Thelma Fraser et ux to Arthur P stoves, covering all new stoves burn D e a d 8*oc*t Picked^ up free of old and looking to the future ing coal, wood, oil or gas for domes charge anywhere. Call Byrne et ux part lot 1 Clements sub 1320 S. E. Water Ave., Portland tic use, with a few minor exceptions. div. collect. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY RENDERING CO., Jane Johnson et ux to Ross J Pat TIKE INSPECTION W A N TE D Sept. 30 is next tire inspection Portland. N ton et al lot 10 & 11 blk 18 North deadline for A books. Plains. MEN A N D W O M E N 1(1 MINUTES TO CENTER OF TO W N J J Fenton et ux to Oecelia L Blot- I i EL o i l — HIDES h WOOL, CASCARA—A for zer 1.30 acres sec 22 T1S R1W. specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Sept. 30—Period 5 coupons valid SHIP SCALERS Carl J Hansen et ux to J J Fenton March 26 through Sept. 30. Heat Clay, Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR LOCAL SHIPYARDS, EX 1.30 acres sec 22 T1S R1W. ing coupons -one unit, value ten gal PERIENCE UNNECESSARY, 95c Clarence L Wood et ux to May lons; ten units, 100 gallons. FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE AND UP PER HOUR ON DAY Tidwell et ux part lot 2 blk 50 North GASOLINE— N W 21st AND YORK ST., MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. SHIFT, CLEANING AND PRE Plains. Sept. 21—No. 7 stamps in A book, BR. 0631 PORTLAND PARING SURFACES BEFORE Mary Pobochinko et vlr to Elbert each good for 4 gallons, valid thru ) PERSONALS PAINTING. I Hannaford et ux part of sec 1 T1S this date. Women must be age 16 and not R2W. TIRES— DOGS B O A R D E D -3nall, 35c e over 45, and birth certificate re David Weinstein to J C Graffam Cars with C ration books must day; large 50c. Houle's Collie quired up to 24 years. et ux 4.185 acres A W Hart Cl. have tires inspected every 3 months; Knls., Lr. Boone's Fy- Rd. nr Tu Apply basement of Labor Temple alatin. Call Tigard 3115. E V Burns et ux to Ethel M Chand B books every 4 months; A books Local No. 1404 Sept. 30 hext In ler, lots 4 & 5 blk 4 So Park add every 6 months. Portland, Oregon spection deadline for A book holders. Forest Grove. Wanted Real Estate Philip Millet et ux to Walter H G SHOES— Headquarters for Have cash buyer for 1 to 5 acres Miller et ux 2.84 acres sec 31 TIN June 16—Stamp No. 18, book No. 1, NOTICE improved, with orchard and shrub OREGON MOTOR STAGES R3W. va'id for one pair of shoes through bery. for building site, in Tigard, Laborers wanted at once. StaTnps interchangeable John Edens et ux to Jos Earl Man October 31. and Metzger, Multnomah or Garden family living In same house Immediate job placement ! ly et ux 11.47 acres and prt lot 14 among HOME-COOK KO GOOD EATS Home district. Realty Broker, hold. blk 5 Reedville H. LI LB < TA1 LOB Tigard 3522. Apply week davs only. Mary Walker to Erie E Ditto, part sec 31 T2N R3W. ' HOD CARRIERS ' “Special Sunday Dinners” W ANTED AND Anthony M Kavran et ux to Rich ard A Low et ux, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, WANTED Trash burner. Phone BUILDING LABORERS OPEN 7 A. M. to 10 P. M blk 17 Metzger. Beaverton 2343 or write D. T. Union Local No. 296 Bullis, Rt 1, Bx 89, Beaverton. Lee Morris Schouboe et ux to John T Goldt et ux 6.40 acres Vlrignia Pic. ROOM 215 WANT TO RENT—House in or Walter M Willy et ux to Oswald LABOR TEMPLE near Beaverton, 2 bedrooms, refer Peterson part sec 33 TIN R1W. SW 4th AT JEFFERSON ences given, will pay 3 mo rent in Frank A Hoffman et ux to Guy By Fred P. H. Clyde advance. Bx 166. Beaverton. Elliott et al 8 acres CHISM sub div This publication assume* no res sec 3 & 4 T-1S R2W. ponsibility for views expressed In this column. Sentiments are cred Benj E Layton et ux to Winfred ited to the columnist. Clyde, and do L Arant NEV* of sec 8 T2N R3W. not necessarily coincide with our Ted R Zurcher et ux tb Geo J Zur- SEPARATORS — MILKERS editorial policy. cher et al part sec 14 TIN R2W. for Beef and sheep COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND Comte A Kohlman Co to Isaac A SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY Killing Floor ff I I I l^e thiny* y ° u need by shopping Morse et ux lot 22 Little Homes No 1 INDUSTRY Fred I Caldwell et al to John R At the moment daughter Susan I. J jT through this big bargain basement Beef Boners and Laborers Caldwell et al 70 acres sec 14 TIN | Lee, the soon to be four .year old IN GOOD HOURS—STEADY JOBS W 1 and SAVE R4W. I industriously washing dishes. She has ALSO I also informed me that she not only washed her elbows this morning but Men to Train for Skilled | the things you are no longer using j also her teeth. Being rather suspi- l Di»tr%s1or, Remember your subscription ac-» Butcher Work for C A SH -M O N E Y . ! cions by nature, I am inclined to lie 1VCRYTHING . . count, keep it alive. lieve that a Birthday Party In the ASK FOR FTTZPATRICK —'DA IR YM A N * * offing this week might have some Do not apply if employed in spare rooms, apartments immediate | bearing on all this display of diligent r o r t i a m o C m - I alt L a m (nr other essential industries ambition. ly— turn vacant space into INCOME. Mammy is lining up Grandma ARMOUR SCI I LESSER AT. 6461 135 MW Park Clyde's croquet set for this gala af for PLAN T fair. The little woman remarks in 1 1 1 ya «^things you do not need for some- | her salty manner that if the kids COLUMBIA BLVD., A TYNDALL i S IA / P I WT thing you can use. Be a sharp trad- I don’t play the orthodox game the W T T 1 1 1 er— T R Y IT. UNiversity 0651 can finish up the affair as usual in a grand finale of battling each other PORTLAND (Green or Dry) , with the malletta. Lovely thought. C lose to dow ntow n lost articles quickly— or jobs for 1» Child care and guidance experts C lose to tra n s p o s itio n please note. those of the family who seek work. Machinists, Specialists, Helpers 48 Hours W ork-52 Hours Pay HIGHEST WAGES BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS BEST CONDITIONS Park right at your job and avoid long nerve-wracking delay SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS New Modern Buildings & Conveniences Monarch Forge & Machine Works GREYHOUND COFFEE SHOP i COME-AlQNSl WITH 0e Laval USE BUTCHERS HIGHEST PRICES PAID CASCARA BARK CENTRAL LOCATION SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwatcr 2181 Riverview Cemetery WEST END SELL WOOD BRIDGE CREM ATORIUM M AUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview ia a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 to B SELL RENT iH im oek C rife ll I. P. Finley & Son WA N T ADS FIR PITCH OREGON GRAPE ROOT SKUNK CABBAGE ROOT ICAR WASHERS MECHANICS and Other Crude * J Mechanics work 48 hrs per week S * 8 hours tirru-B ■40 hours stiaight; qand a half Good working condi-% ^ ns. Permanent employment K OREGON MOTOR STAGES 506 S W Mill BE. 3021 PORTLAND Drug Items SELL DIRECTLY TO THE I WEST'S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE CRUDE DRUG DEALERS WESTERN TRADING COMPANY, Inc. Office and Warehouse «15 NW 15th A t , Portland, Ore. FIND A number of my friends and read ers who have seen the thousands of pansies at Clydemont inquire rath er cautiously how to raise them. They tread carefully for fear that we might not like giving away trade se- creta. Baloney Nothing to it i except horse sense and work. Any body can raise pansies who will "baby" them along and give them a decent break in suitable locations The Pansy-Viola Tricolor (no extra charge for the two bit name) loves moist humus laden soil. As to fer tilizer—it is really a hog among flow- era. Its reaction to cow fertilizer or commercial sorts it startling and rapid. Don't be too lavish but a Pansy will assimilate amounts of fer tilizer that would lay normal plants over In a faint. Tall your lawyer to send your le gala to this paper. Want Ads In the Four Tualatin Valley Papers Brings Immediate Results! A L O H A NEW S B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E TIGARD SENT’ NEL M U LTN O M AH PIÌESS I