P aee Friday, BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon 2 appropriations unused m oney made available for the new fiscal year— I the approxim ate total Is $130,000,- ! Babson Says. .. . ooo.oor. Continued F lora Page * i and dow ns like stock prices, com - 1 m odity prices and even em ploym ent. Puulished F riday or each w eek by the P ion eer Publishing Co., at Beaverton And this is what put P eter out o f In fa ct:, w hen em ploym ent and wa­ Jrugon. E ntered as secon d-class m atter at the p ostoffice at Beaverton, O ie the fish business. H e and his ges n e at an all-time hi ;h as at present- it is a sure bet that the tide One Year _ .41-00 T hree M o n t h s _________________$ too brother A ndrew had toiled all night and had taken nothing. At day- i w ill turn and run out som etim e after dis Months . 40 Subscription P ayable In Advancu. break they drew to land and began , W orld W ar II. H ence, those who washing their nets, when Jesus 1 now quit peacetim e jobs, ju st to get B eaverton O ffice — E nterprise Bldg., P hone B eaverton 2321 cam e into sight. As always, a throng m ore m oney at war jobs, are m aking H illsboro O ffice — R o o m 6. D elta Bldg., P hone lt>41 Those w ho are now Portland O ffice —-308 P anam a Bldg., 3rd and Alder P hone A T w ater 6591 gathered and here they now crow ded a big mistake. close about. Jesus must have m ore taking losses on m ortgages m ay be space and would Peter lend his boat m aking sim ilar m istakes! and put out from shore a bit? W h u, Alxiut In flation ! Now Jesus teached from the little SPARER R ecently the U. S. Treasury stated ship. Peter listened in and never it spent $78,000,000,000 during the fis­ SOLUTION ublish er before had the rough fisherm en ca l year ending June 30, 19-13. This heard such a chapter as Christ un­ is ten times what it spends in peace­ folded. The great T eacher drew time. T w o-thirds o f this ($56,000,-j back the veil and lifted high the 000,OoO) has been paid fo r by printing gram s would serve as effectiv e vote- m ighty - God. C reator o f heaven governm ent bonds. This is little d if- ■ gettin g substitutes fo r these agencies. and earth. He told o f the eternal ferent from printing "green backs", j love in the heart o f God and o f a T his great inflation o f the cu rren cy * ON E aspect o f the subsidy strug­ clean slate and new life for the man should surely make it easier to p a y ! And Jesus o f f m ortgages during the few good I gle has been the crystalizing in C on­ w ho had bogged down. gress o f a determ ination to curtail named H im self as having com e to i years follow in g the W ar if they will the P resident's veto pow er and give seek and to save that w hich w as lost. I have sense enough to do so. In the At length, the lesson drawn, Jesus | m eantime, new houses and new of- a greater voice In the governm ent a , word. | fice buildings are not being built, e x - ! to the legislature. A constitutional turned to Peter and spoke _ am endm ent which provides that a W e today can see that I etei s hour ; c e pt f or war needs. F rom now on P eter will presidential veto m ay be overridden *lacf , con>e- This com in g inflation is, however, , by a m ajority o f both houses rather walk in a new path and never again not a reason fo r investors to take on ! will he be at peace out o f it. First, than tw o-thirds is being sponsored j m ore m ortgages. I had m uch rath- by R epresentative H atton VV. Sum ­ the Lord told Peter to launch out : er now invest in good stock s o r in ; into the deep and let down the net ners o f Texas. real e s - : fo r a draugh. W h a t? A fter all I producing, well-m aintained t&te. Banks, however, can not now’ j that long fruitless night, fish ag a in ? T H IS am endm ent a ccord in g to Mr. — "W e have toiled all night and have buy stocks o r real estate as an in- j LABOR BOSSES NOT NEEDED T hey are con fin ed to I United States Senator R u fu s C. Sum m ers "w ould get the executive taken nothing," said Peter.— "N ever- vestment. and com m ercial H olm an has called on the Senate branch o f the governm ent back on the-less at T h y word I will let dow n ' m ortgages, bonds paper. Under these conditions I | C om m ittee on E ducation and L abor its side o f the fence and would re­ the net. “ So It was done and now to amend the National L a b or R ela ­ m ove a hurtful con fu sion o f the al­ the net inclosed such a catch that it I feel that—as a rule—it is a m istake ! i fo r banks to take losses on m ort- 1 of govern m en tal pow ers broke. tions A ct and protect the A m erican location laborer from ‘'exploitation ” . H e de­ T he in corporation o f this proposed B ut- banks A signal brought the partners -S aKe8 at this time rem em eurrency in­ nounced the act as responsible fo r am endm ent in the C onstitution g iv ­ along side and the fish filled both should „ .. „ ber that , it easier fo r force, violence, intim idation, and ing the C ongress the pow er to make boats so that they began to sink. No ” * Uon ,,s,‘ allv racketeering and says it should be the law would definitely increase the w on der P eter was filled w ith awe. l'a> th" interest and am ended to "save the g ood features possibility o f procuring the redistri­ Peter w ho could curse and be so hu- j principal o f m ortgages now out stand- t pow ers now m an, out on the deep in a little boat ing. o f It and yet reform the m isch ief­ bution o f governm ent T h e T em ptation to Speculate con cen trated In W ashington and the with the Christ o f God. m aking provisions con tain ed In it. N o w on der ' I never borrow ed a dollar in m y “ The National L abor R elations A ct : reestablishm ent o f d em ocra cy in the that the n u n falls at Jesus feet, i and usually con iine my invest­ as it now reads and Is adm inistered, cou ntrY- The jo b has got to be tack- w ith —¡"D epart from me ,for I am a life perm its and encourages racketeering *o o n ." he said sinful man, O Lord.” Now. Jesus . ments to good bonds and fire insur­ I, however, w as se­ o f a m ost viciou s and unA m erican speaks the w ord that wins H is m an— | ance stocks. verely tem pted to take a little “ fly er” character. th ou 1 IN com m entin g on the grow ing “ F ear not, from h enceforth I was offered part of H e was to quit last week. ‘B y means o f force and violence, ' abuse o f the veto pow er hy the ex- shalt catch men.” the equity o f $3,500,000 in one o f the citiz e n s - both em ployes and em ploy- ecutive branch o f the govern m en t at ! the fish business and take m en for A nd" w h en “th ey h a d ‘ b rou g h t ^ s t o ffic e b u ild in g s in B oston fo r God. er*—are intim idated by legalized _ the expense o f Congress, Mr. Sum . - .. _ lpsg less thnn than tw o runtu cents nn on the (ioll&r! gangsters, so that m any good A m - j mers noted that from the adm inis- their boats to land they left all and The land and building cost over erican citizens no longer are perm it- j trations o f President W ashington to follow ed Hint. T hree years later* after Christ had $6,000,000 and is assessed for about ted to engage in free enterprise ! President Lincoln, a period o f 76 $4,000,000. It has a first m ort \K either by use o f their labor o r capi- | years inclusive, there w ere only 4.3 suffered fo r our sins, we hear Peter, gage on It fo r less than $2,000,000. | now an Apostle say o f our L ord tal. bills vetoed by those sixteen presi- Yet, the property was being offered But from M arch 1933 when "N eith er is there salvation in any i '»All this is w ron g and Immoral, In dents subject to this m ortgage, on the ba­ office , to other, for there is none other name m y opinion, and It is my honest hope Mr. R oosevelt assumed sis o f only $50..000,—a shrinkage o f that the com m ittee will prom ptly June 26, 1943, there have been 592 under heaven, given am ong men, 98', o f what the original stock h old ­ w hereby ye must be saved." A cts vetoes! o ffe r the reform atory am endm ents It is true a person m ight 4:12. Truly, the Risen Christ SA V ES- ers paid. w hich the existing ch a otic and un- H ave you a lose all he puts into such a purchase 1 Am erican situation dem ands. The IN spite o f its grow in g independ­ K E E P S -S A T IS F IE S I , D o you even on this m uch-deflated basis. present law, in effect, sets up labor- ence o f the C hief E xecutive. C on­ clean slate and a new life ? recognized it as a rank speculation. live by P ow er From on H ig h ? bosses or strike-m asters o r racket­ gress has been coop erative in supply­ But I cannot forget what my F ather eers who are parasites on the earn­ ing record breaking appropriations used to preach to me here at Glou­ ings o f the w orkers and an effectiv e fo r the prosecution o f the war. It cester nbout the business wheels force in regulating the freedom and has passed eighteen appropriation continually revolving. liberty o f A m erican citizens." m easures p rovidin g a total o f $110,- Cloverdale, Oregon In m ost o f the larger cities o f this T his space paid for by an Oregon .country The Senator raises an issue w hich 396,229,014 fo r the operation o f the sim ilar opportunities for, Including re- businessman. must be settled fairly fo r em ployes federal governm ent. p rofit, or loss .e x ist It is im pos- as well ns em ployers if freedom o f opportunity and liberty fo r the indi­ vidual survive in this nation. ------------------- V ----------------_ H. H- JM Y K 1 E M , Publisher QUITS riSH BIZ 0 R EC P sible for me to give any advice ap- pli, able to any individ .al properties >■: . i , • but 1 1 is m uch i will say Many m ortgages which a r ’ now look - ed upon as o f little vr.'ue will be paid in full when inflation gets going at high speed. Foolish are those who needlessly sacrifice m ortgages or real estate at this tim e unless the m oney is im m ediately re-invested in properly selected stocks which are i reasonably sure to double or triple in value. j j , j C. V . W A L L A C E — S ig n s & C a rd s— R l, Bx 2. Tigard, O regon Opposite the Joy Theatre PIION K T IG A R D 2381 'PACKET" ORIGINALLY M EANT ANY S H IP C A R R Y IN G PASSENGERS AND FR EIG H T ON SCHEDULE.SMALL COASTWISE PACKETS EXISTED EVEN IN COLONIALDAY5. BUT TRANSATLANTIC PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE WAS I N C l D e N T A L T O TRADING VENTURES. EN RO U TE.PASS­ ENGERS M I G H T F IN D THEMSELVES IN A N Y S T R A N G E PO R T. T H E N .I N I8 I6 .C A M E T H E FAM O U S AMER­ ICAN DLACK B A L L LIN E R U N N IN G PACKET,! B E TW E E N NEW Y O R K A N D LIV E R P O O L O N n 1 % I 6, 1943 O u ryJ/ e rc/ ia n t^ ffa r/ n e Keep Flying A ugust REGULAR SCHEDULES. W IT H A F L E E T O F N O T M O R E T H A N »_ 50 PACKETS W E SO O N COMPLETE LY D O M IN A TED THE A T L A N T IC . DARING AM ER IC AN SKIPPERSCAR RlED SPARE SAILS AN D SPARS RATHER THAN SHORTEN SAIL. CHARLES DICKENS SAILED BACK T< ENGLANDOHAN AMERICAN PACKET RATHER THAN A BRITISH STEAMSHIP. THEN SOMETIMES CALICO A ’fMOKI 90*1 T R A D E F R O M T H E E R IE ; C A N A L . , (O P E N E D IS 2 5 ) M A D E N E W Y O R K j L E A D IN G P A C K E T P O R T . T H E D R EA D N O U G H T. (I4 I3 T O N S ) M O S T FAM O U S OF W E S TE R N OCEAN P A C K E TS . H ELD T H E RECORD O F 13 DAYS. 8 HO UR S. B E TW E E N N EW YORK AND LIV ER P O O L. HER C A P TA IN , S A M U E L S A M U E LS ,N E V E R O N C E LAY T O 'IN A N Y S T O R M / /n/.trfrM/.'on roorln yol Amtrifnn /*t. r, , ' M ' ' > j* * TODAY. MORE THAR EVER BEFORE , OUR m e r c h a n t m a r in e s s c h e d u l es m u s t BE MAINTAINED VESSEL S MUST BE LOAD­ ED AND SAU ON TIME TO JO IN THE COM- . VOYS SO ESSENTIAL to VICTORY. ___________ C O - v -.C H T J V C IA H M I S a v e 20 t o 2 5 ^ o n y o u r F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S O regon M utual Policies ure NON A SS E SS A B L E . You N E V E R pay m ore than the prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual m aintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance Laws. O r e g o n M u tu a l F ire In s u r a n ce C o m p a n y o f M c M i n n v i l l e 40 years o f R eliable Service Cha*. L W alk er, Agent O rganized 1894 Phone 1732 N e w L o c a t i o n 112 S o . 3 r d A v e . “ E very F orm o f Protection*’ H illsboro, Oregon A GOVERNOR MEETS THE MERCHANT E x-G overn or Sprague o f O regon 1ms taken occa sion to point out that: "R etailers....despite cu rtailm en t in m anufacturing In m any lines o f m erchandise, despite an noying regu­ lations and handicaps o f lack o f help, do m anage to Btay in business. K ach fresh Impediment is a chal- •enge w hich som ehow seem s to be met. M illions o f consum ers throughout the nation have noted, like Mr. Sprague, that m ost stores m anage to stay in business. M oreover, they have found the m erchants to be frien d ly allies in a stru ggle to re­ m ain undism ayed in the fa ce o f a fallin g standard o f living. T heir m orale has been im m easurably helped m erely by the s ig h t-o f attrac­ tive show w indow s w hich in m ost c a ­ ses have been kept well filled. T hose show window s are as eloquent testi­ m onial to the resourcefulness and stability o f our retail distribution industry. R etail m erchants as a w hole are doin g their best to serve the public with accustom ed e fficie n cy under e x ­ ceedin gly d ifficu lt circum stanes. And m ost consum ers are sick and tired o f the e ffo rts o f O P A and oth er g ov­ ernm ent agencies to turn housewives against m erchants with broad hints that retailers must be w atched co n ­ stantly or they will ch arge "Illegal" prices. The public know s, and it la tim e the govern m en t found o u t that organized retailers are the strongest bulw ark against ch a os on the distri­ bution front. ------------------- V how the local ai rcraft warni ng service releases manpower and equipment for overseas duty The G round Obser\er Corps and the Aircraft Warning Corps cooperate w ith fighter aviation directing it to the exact spot where the enemy will he inter­ cepted. The planes on ground alert are in readiness to comply instantly with the controller's orders. They arc armed and ready to take olT should they ic - ccive information from the ground ob­ server;, indicating an approaching enemy. Planes alone are given a definite area to fly and patrol. They must he constantly on watch and seek out the enemy, and should they find him, call for assistance to destroy him. system o f intelligence which detects, Farm leaders contend that the ad m inistration 's m s jo r goal in demand Ing huge subsidies and rollback pro­ g ram s is not aim ed prim arily at In­ flation c o n t r o l- b u t to win 1944 votes. W ith the loss o f the W P A . the N Y A , the F 8 A and oth er g o v ­ ern m en t aid program s w h ich Con- . gress has elim inated or curtailed, th ey say subsidy and roll-back pro- i -4 - cr.ift Warning Service, gives the same protection as 16 planes which are not supported hy the Warning Service. Each plane, incidentally, requires 15 trained men to fly and service it ’ round- the-clock. ) 4 - 4 4 - + 4 * 4 " ' 4 - 4 . 4 * 4 - ++ ++ , 16 A V/ planes, Without the sup­ port o f a warning service, are needed to give the same protection as 1 plane w hich is bucked up by ground observers. T o fly and service these 16 planes, 240 trained men would have to be on duty. reports, evaluates and charts the movements o f all aircraft, thus per­ mitting the speedy identification o f Thus . . . 1,500 fighter planes and 22,500 trained pilots a i.j . are released for overseas duty for every' 100 planes used on the "g r c in J alert” friendly aircraft and making possible the interception o f unidentified air­ T H E C ongressional con cession on the subsidy issue, leaders emphasise, is only tem porary It ends January 1. W hen the legislators return in the fall they will attem pt to w ork out a perm anent C om m odity Credit C orporation program and w rite statu­ tory guides fo r an y subsidy action. , + ■f The Aircraft Warning Service is a - aircraft warning service p!< lane, supported hy the Air- M E A N T IM E If any ch a o tic de­ velopm ents break out on the home fron t -a n y increases In the cost o f living or any fo o d shortages that , occu r before the fall term the res­ ponsibility will rest solely w ith the W h ite House, in the opinion o f o b ­ servers. without aircraft warning service 1 BY JA M E S P R E S T O N TILE 78th C ongress w hich will re­ con ven e on Septem ber 14. is taking its first real recess since the war brok e out In Europe. i l with I system with an adequate Aircraft Warning Sen ice. craft by our tighter planes. join up in this work American aviation needs y o u . Celebrate “ Aircraft Wrrr.ing rervi.-j V. ceV*. A- ••ost 1 to 7 by vc.ante.:> i r service ... ,uc local civilian dciense o»».ce. f/rx message contributed by Portland General Electric Compar.v