F r id a y , J u ly 30, 1943 Classified Rates ______ BE WERTON ENTERPRISE, Bea '• Female Help Wanted CASH MUST ACCOMPANY A L L C LASSIFIE D ADS NO ADS T A K E N O VER PH O N E Labor shortage prevents our collect ing these small accounts—W e would appreciate your cooperation. | HELP W ANTED WANTED We Publish the B EAVER TO N E N T E R P R IS E M ULTNOM AH PRESS TIG A R D SEN1LNEL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County und Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may ap- pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry E X P E R IE N C E NO T NECESSARY Steady Work with Overtime APPLY AT FO R S A L E Linoleum and Carpet L a y ing. SL’ nset 3459, 6110 SE Gladstone, Portland, Ore. SYLVAN PLANT ■ COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS 1320 S. E. Water Ave., Portland 20 acres w ild hay NVV o f Beaverton. Yours for the cutting. Tigard 3522 W ANTED MEN A N D W O M EN for FOR SALE—Over 5000 feet heavy timber, suitable for girders, $25 per thousand. Mrs. Waters, Beav erton 3321. S H IP S C A L E R S FXJR SALE—Jersey Cow, fresh in August, reasonable. Bob Benich, 8th and Maple Shell Sta., N of Villa Ridge. Call evenings, Tigard. FO R LOCAL SH IPYARD S, E X P E R IE N C E UNNECESSARY. 95c A N D U P P E R HOUR ON DAY SH IFT, C LE A N IN G AND P R E P A R IN G SURFACES B EFO RE PA IN T IN G . Women must be age 16 and not over 45, and birth certificate re quired up to 24 years. Apply basement of Labor Temple Local No. 1404 Portland, Oregon FOR SA LE —3 tons loose Hay in field. Phone Tigard 3416. NOTICE FOR SALE—Burbank Seed Pota toes. just out of cold storage $3 per 100 lbs. Wm, Holtz, 4 mi SW of Tigard on Bull Mt., on Holtz road. Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement ! A pply week davs onlv. FOR SALE—4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord lots). W rite J. O. Johnson, Bx 584, Carlton, Oregon. P A IN T S ' HOD CARRIERS AND Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds BUILDING Union Local No. 296 riSHER THORSEN PAINTS ROOM 215 For quality, fair price and service LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th A T JEFFERSO N J. B. Imlay & Sons RE ED V IL L E LABORERS ALOHA, ORE BUTCHERS | M IS C E L L A N E O U S D e a d 8toc*t picked up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221: night call D E N LE Y R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. for Beef and sheep K illin g Floor Beef Boners and Laborers GOOD HOURS—STEAD Y JOBS ALSO HIDES & WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. LE E BROS., 23 SW Clay, Portland. Atwater 5334. Men to Train for Skilled Butcher W ork FOR TO W C AR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. ASK FO R F IT Z P A T R IC K Do not apply if employed in other essential industries PERSONALS DOGS BOARDED—Small. 35c a day; large 50c. H ou I o ' r Collie Knls.. Lr. Boone's Fy. Rd. nr Tu alatin. Call Tigard 3115. A R M O U R SCI I L E S S E R PLANT COLUMBIA B L V D , & T Y N D A L L U N iv ersity 0651 LOST PO R TL A N D LOST—-Seven weeks white Pig. Phone Aloha 6144. or write Bx 33 Aloha, Or., Reward, Mrs. J. Alex ander. 0 Wanted Real Estate Have cash buyer for 1 to 5 acres improved, with orchard and shrub bery, for building site, in Tigard, Metzger, Multnomah or Garden Home district. Realty Broker, Tigard 3522. De Laval SE PA R A TO R S — M ILK E R S C O M PLETE E Q U IPM E N T A N D SU PPLIE S FOR T H E D A IR Y • IN D U S T R Y Monne k (rifell MsneCsrfwwi A Dl-tnfcuton teten IV tR V T H IN G N J i AT. «4*1 CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation I. P. Finley & Son SW FOURTH AT .MONTGOMERY AT water $181 Riverview Cemetery W EST EN D SELLWOOD BRIDGE MOTOR STAGES Ì 506 S W Mill k 1 V DAIRYMAN IM NW Park * BE. 3021 PO R TLA N D WANTED R ID E W A N T E D -W ork 8 30 to, 5, vicinity Union Depot. Roy Davis. 370 Lombard St., Beaver- j ton. W A N T E D —Riders Swan Island day shift to Personnel bldg. Ag- ness Konantz. Phone 3351 Beav erton. Professional man wants to lease house In or near Beaverton on 'o r before Sept. 1st. Best of references. Enterprise. Beaverton. W A N T E D - Refined lady 45 to 50 to take complete charge of 6 room modem home. Three adults, 2 working, excellent wages. Home phone BEacon 2726. office BE 8704, Portland. Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra mat Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800.000 > R A B B IT S W A N T E D BEST P R IC E for Rabbit fryers. D. P. MacDonald. R2. Bx 218, Beaver ton. Phone Beaverton 2260 W e pick up. W A N T E D Live Rabbits, to buy now Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark S t .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722 Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. ¿J’j '& Ô p J c J r- f •w ~ ESO B U S T S « / / Emma Funk et ux to J C Stowe et ux part lot 81 Steel's Add Beavetron. Mark T Cox to Floyd V Stuck et ux S 4 of SE of Sec 2 T IN R5W. Ï Ï Â 'S ? P lA N E S n iI H W O .S H t U S A « ' “ “ 1 fy r W //s : A • H W Curnn et ux to C J Stickney et ux S ls o f lot 53 Johnson Est add Agnes O’Brien to Tom Hoggatt et ux. lot 11 Glenmorage Park. A H Petsch et ux to Orbie McVey et ux lots 1 & 2 Ashbrook Farm. Geo L Rider et ux to Goidon M Bouck et ux 5.566 acres. Ella Cooper to Elmer Hiner et ux 3.27 acres Beaverton-Reedville. Alice Wautenpaugh to Elmer Hiner et ux lot 64 and 65 & pt 63 & 215 & 216 Beaverton-Reedville. J C Graffam et al to David Wein stein 4.185, acres A W Hart Cl. The Reed Institute to D R Boyd et ux lot 7 blk 11 Multnomah Country ) HAVOmi 4>>v'<-vlT,c* Of 4M *U<fA . . V> Club add Plat 3 • O B Hartrampf et ux to Carl I Coo- j lidge et ux NW 1. of sec 33 T3N R3W. | Soldier’s Life Insurance Sugar Stamp No. 14 Fred H. Goyt et ux to Nicholas J Soldiers -at home or abroad—are Miller et ux 1 acre Spencer Home Valid on August 16 reminded that less than three weeks stead. Sugar stamp No. 14 in ration remain in which they can get Nation Wm G Ide to Dwight Parks et ux j book No. 1 will become valid Aug- al Service Life Insurance without a part blk D Doughty's Sub Div Fair- j ust 16 and will be good for five physical examination» Until Augx view. I pounds through October the OPA an- ust 10, 1943, every application will I nounced today. This is on the same be accepted A G Sandblom et ux to Russell N regardless of the indi basis of previous rations about one vidual's medical condition. Haverstick et ux lot 4 Burnham trets. A fter half pound a person a week. Francis M Brennan et al to Harry August 10 a rigid physical examlna- The presently valid stamp No. 13 > tton will be required. Walsh et ux 3 acres secs 32 T2S R1W. will expire August 15. Sells Old Shoes ------------------ V------------------ Fred W Walch et ux to Gust John -------------- V---------------- son et ux lots 1, 2. 3 & 4 Newton Hello Folks: Remember your subscription ae* Tell your lawyer to send your le- Acres. Last week I wuz a cleanin' out my gals to this paper. count, keep it alive. H W Currin et ux to E S Pearce wash-house and garage while my wife held her "big stick" and I found WHt of S W ', o fsec 35 T2N R5W. Nettie McGraw et ux to Albert a pile ol ole shoes my son had dis He is now Heard et ux, part of sec 31 T2N R3W. carded fer a few years. in the U. S. Army a servin’ as a Chas W Livesay et ux to Geo M Staff Sgt. All them ole shoes need Vinton, lot 2 blk 2 Villa Ridge. ed repairin'. I first thought I would Henry Hering et ux to Defense Cor give 'em to somebody and then I Part Soloman Emerick Cl 46 T1S wondered if the "right size man” R3W. would kum along a needin’ shoes so Anna Shorb to Bruce Lazott et ux I decided to throw ’em into an ole wore out travelin' bag that wuz about part Wm Stokes DLC 61 T IN R3W. The Washington Cty to Kenneth Herr as bad o ff as the ole shoes. mann et al lots 11, 12, 13 ,14 15 blk next mornin' I put on a flopped hat about like Bill Murray wears and my 13 Cherry Grove. outfit looked like I might be “ A l Marcella Jeanette Morrison et vir falfa Bill” if I had had hiz handle BRAND to Henry Hinck Jr et al, part sec bar moustache! I struck Okla City Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 19 and 30 T2S R1W. right in the middle of the "Drove" of Henry H«nck Jr et al to Geo J El- shoe repairin' shops that have kum " C H E E R F U L A S I T S A 'A M E '\ sasser et ux part sec 19 & 30 T2S in like buildin' a prairie dawg town! i R1W. When the " ‘smoke had cleared up” I National l)i'tiller> Products Corp„'N. Y. 90.4 Richard Barnett et vir to Harriett had sold all them ole shoes among Proof Billups, 5 acres Michael Moore Cl T1S the Jews and Gentiles a runnin' them places and another Gentile stopped R2W. Anna M Bolin to Theodore W me and give me a dollar fer the old Schapphert et ux 8 acres sec 31 T IN travelin' bag now I'm buyin* War stamps.' R1W. B A R B W IR E BII-L Sophie H Krantz et ux to Herbert --------------- V -------------- - R Huntley et ux 3.7516 acres sec 7, 8, 17 & 18 T2S R1W . No Corn for Liquor A R Ringe et ux to Frances E Corn cannot be used for manufac Spaulding, part Lawrence Hall Cl ture of distilled spirits and high T1S R1W. David Damasch to L J Reeher 40 wines, a recent directive o f the War Production Board says. The action acres sejc 30 T3N R4W. Need two men able and willing to do a good day’s work. Duties was taken to conserve stocks of corn U S Natl Bk of Portland to Geo W for essential purposes, although the include shoveling sand Into vibrating riddle, dumping out flasks of Clarke Jr et ux lot 2 blk 12 Multno amount of corn saved is likely to be castings, cleaning casting, etc. Requires no skill. We work a 10- mah Country club add 4. small because distillers already had hour day and 8 hours on Saturday, quitting early enough on Satur Geo W Clarke Jr et ux to Thos O shifted largely to the use of wheat. day for you to get a haircut. Toon et ux lots 1 & 2 blk 12 Multno f l i l S unny $56.95 COMMON LABOR BRASS FOUNDRY WAR PRODUCTION 58-HOUR WEEK -------------------V — • - -------- — mah C Club. The ton of steel in your car is a R B Brown et ux to Harvey W public trust. You must not misuse it. Reinhardt et al lot 6 Brownmeade. Share it—help others to get to work. Grant C Dodge et ux to Ruther ------------------ V ------------------ - ford et ux 44.5 acres T1S R2W. Advertising is salesmanship. Suburban Dev Co Inc to Clifford ------------------ V------------------- A Guthrie tract 60 Old Meadow fa rm s Where did yow get it From a Mary Eliz Froebe to Lelah D W al Want Ad of course. lace . . . . ------------------ V------------------ - Dora F Sears to Arnold E G off et Be sure to send your legate to your us 3 3-4 acres sec 23 & 24 T IN R4W. local paper. Chas B Staley et ux to Norman D ------------------ V ------------------ Dixon et al part sec 36 T IN R4W. RATION BOOK REMINDER Glenn S Ehle et ux to Horace W Campbell lots 10. 11, 12, 13 blk 34 W COFFEE— Portland Hgts. Stamp No. 22 valid from July 22 Rutherford Wheeler et ux to Vin to August 11. cent H Van Dehey et ux 44.5 acres SUGAR— T1S R2W. Stamps 15 and 16 in war ration Margaret Freeman to F A Larson 1 book one valid for 5 lbs of sugar part sec 26 T2S R1W. each for home canning, good until Geo W White et ux to Emmet Ship- Oct. 31. ley, part of sec 24 T2N R4W. October 31—Canning sugar stamps --------------- V------------- — | No. 15, 16 in book No. 1, each good 1 for five pounds, expire. One battle won does not t f a Housewives may apply at local a war. We’ve got toogher i boards for supplemental home cann- ! ing rations, if essential. times ahead. RED STAM PS— | June 27—Red stamp P valid; ! stamp Q valid July 4; R on July 11; iH on July 18. All expire July 31. Buy More War Bonds For F f d o m ' s Sale« HIGHEST PRICES PAID for CASCARA RARK (Green or Dry) FIR PITCH OREGON GRAPE ROOT SKUNK CABBAGE ROOT and Other Crude Drug Items SE LL D IR E C T LY TO TH E W ESTS CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY P a s e -3 Real Estate Transfers WOM AN W A N T E D —For Sewing, Earl P Genzer et ux to Fred A general work in cleaning estab Snyder et ux SE 1-4 of S El-4 of NE lishment, one with experience pre 1-4 of sec 28 T3U R 4 W. ferred Pace Cleaners A Dyers, Frank P Genzer et ux to Fred A Beaverton ZHZ. Snyder S '* of SW 1-4 and NW 1-4 of R4W. W A N TE D -—Teacher for Rosedale sec 27 T3N • school, $178 month. Apply at Dwight Pomeroy et ux to Albert M Mrs. E. Sorenson, Rt. 3, Beaver Van Dyke et ux. to Albert M Van ton. Box 836. Dyke et ux pt Ralph Wilcox Cl 69 T IN R3W. TW O Cents a word per Issue. N O TH IN G LESS TH A N 2&o On LARG EST (RIDE EXCLUSIVE DRUG D EALER S WESTERN TRADING COMPANY, Inc. O ffice and Warehouse *13 N W 15th Av., Portland. Ore. P A Y F O R 58 H O U R S F IG U R E S $56.95 I f you’re not now working in an essential industry and are looking for a good place to work, come over and see our Mr. Freeman. Our plant is light and airy and is one of cleanest foundries In N orth west. Centrally located, there is plenty of room to park, so that It is only 30 seconds from your car to your job. O N L Y MEN W H O W A N T A S T E A D Y JOB A R E SELECTED Your application cannot be considered if you are now employed In essential industry. I f you are doing war work, stay where you are I f you have worked a half dozen places during the past year don’t apply. W e want to get to know our employees. SERVICE BRONZE & BRASS WORKS SE 10th A V E ., and M A IN ST., P O R T L A N D nn Save 20 to 25% on your F IR E I N S U R A N C E CO.STl: Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-AKSESNAHLE. You NEVE1. pa., more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more tluwi three times the surplus required by Oregm. Insurance I at w s. # , Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF McMINVA’U.EE Organized 1894— 40 years of Kettnble Service Chas. L. Walker. Agen. Each weekly series good for 16 | New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone i 73 points. "Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Orego k BLUE STAM PS— — -------------- --------- ----------------------— l - r i n ~ i _ i i j ______ n __ ix _ _ i _ i _ _ h _ ___ i - < Processed fruits and vegetables) Blue stamps N. P and Q valid from =MI=IIIHIH=HI=MI=lll=lll=lll=l|l=lll=lll=lll=lil=lll=IIT£lll=lll=lll=ni2lllslllSIIISm=lll=lll=lllT in 1 J uly 1 to August 7. ill R A T IO N BOOK NO. 3— III Initial registration for war ration book No. 3 closed on June 10 and will not be resumed until August 1. — II OPA announced that postmen are to = in deliver book No. 3 before July 21 to jjj all who filed proper applications. m This book is to be a replacement, 3 H, when needed, for books No.’s l and 2. ¿ I F 3 i T I R E IN SPE C TIO N Experienced or inexperienced IM Sept. 30 is next tire inspection deadline for A books. III FU E L O II^ - Sept. 30—Period 5 coupons valid I Ti March 26 through Sept. 30. Heat 3 1.1 ing coupons—one unit, value ten gal-1 III CAMAS IM M c M i n n v i l l e Ions; ten units, 100 gallons. Ti I GAAOLINE— CLATSKANIE NEWBERG Ti Sept 21 No. 7 stamps in A book, j III rOREST GROVE SANDY each good for 4 gallons, valid thru T i 3 IM this date. GRESHAM =- VERNONIA 4’ T IR K 8 - III Cars with C ration books must | Ml HILLSBORO WOODLAND have tires inspected every 3 months; Ti i B books every 4 months; A books T i Our telephone service is absolutely essential to every 6 months Sept. 30 next In = spection deadline for A book holders * Ml = our fighting forces and to every war industry. R SHOES ijj r, June 16 Stamp No. 18, book No 1,1 Ti va'ld for one pair of shoes through fj October 31. Stamps Interchangeable I among family living In tarns house Telephone Operators Needed Now! i I hold. APPLY TO CHIEF OPERATOR at any o( the following exchanges: West Coast Telephone Co. q iX I II S II IS M I S II ia ill j