Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1943)
PU B LISHED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON V O L . 16, N O . 26 Youth In Africa Write Parents SHORT ST. AN D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, July 30, 1043 E S T A B L I S H E D 1927 The Postwar "New Deal" Here and Tbere | Louis J Rucheck is now a 3rd j class petty officer in the navy. John Waters is home on a ten : days furlough. He returns this week | The J. A. Beller family of route 1. j Beaverton recently received a letter The following letter is from one of ¡from then aon Francis Beller in Gloucester, Mass., July 30—I ques our boys in Africa: jCamp Foot. California, who stated .' tion that Mr. Roosevelt is personally Dear Mother, Dad and All: ■ that up to the hour of writing he had much interested in four more years As you no doubt gathered from my | been in camp just four months, four in the White House. Along with last letter, our unit more or less days, four hours, and four minutes Churchill, Stalin and Chiang Kai avoided the conflict over here after Funeral s e rv ic e were held Satur- Shek, he is undoubtedly more con the initial landing which didn't m ak e!day in Bethanv Baptist church, for cerned in winning the War. I be us angry at all because we found ou t| jenne Sandstrom. mother of Esther, lieve he would prefer to leave of what it was like to dodge bullets t Sandstrom, and Norman Straton, of fice at the height of his career as when we hit the beach at Fedala last [ Portland. Interment Union cemetery 1 Commander-in-Ohief! And make no November. j in charge of W. E. Pegg. mistake in thinking that he is not Of course we are all wondering A letter was received Monday by the guiding head of our armed for what is going to happen to us now Mrs. V. H. Bullis, from her husband, ces. As such, with the greatest war that there is no more fighting in A I -1 "somewhere in England." He was in history of our country successfully rica. There has been all sorts of complaining that he did not hear behind him, his historical future rumors making the rounds as to any local news, so he asked that the ; would be far more secure than if he where our next destination is. So Enterprise be sent to him. Mr. Bullis continued for four more years. far, we are very much in the dark, was a popular teacher in the grade Do most to Issues vs. W ar but hoping for the best. • school. The President may have told his The weather here has turned very, j The Coast Guard benefit ball given friends the Frankfurter, Rosenman very hot in the last month, but the | last Friday was a big success, and and Hopkins crowd to go ahead nights remain bitterly cold. Our . Mrs. Walter Cavaness. chairman, with Fourth Term Plans and that schedule is arranged nowadays so wishes to thank all those who helped he would string along with them. that we can enjoy an every-after- Special thanks are due Connie Felsh But Roosevelt is too smart a politi noon siesta of about two or three er who was able to secure the Coast cian to make the mistakes that hours duration, in order to beat the Guard orchestra of Portland. Woodrow Wilson did. He may feel The worst of the heat at midday. j that to win the W ar and win the boys gave a gYand evenings enter- 1 Peace is too much for a Just Provi- You know, Hitler may have had a'tainm ent and seemingly enjoyed it as | dence to grant. My hunch is that wonderful army and some of the | much as those attending, he will let nature takes its course, worlds best military equipment when | The grand total of $257.07 was ta- j If the soldiers demand his continu he raised h------- in Europe, but i t ; ken in, $52 was given the band and ance in office, he will run again; but didn't look like, nor did it amount to j $205.07 sent to Mrs. A. E. Griffith of not otherwise. much after being smashed and shat- Hillsboro, county chairman, and of - Roosevelt is making no attempt to tered and scattered all over North i this amount a piano was purchased j 'straighten out his domestic front. Africa. There was millions of dol- ' in Beaverton for $50 and sent to the U. S. TROOPS EMBARK <>\ INVASION Cli ' i'T Invasion ef Sicily by Allied soldiers on shallow Why is he willing that Congress lars worth of equipment of every size Portland air base as a gift from the 1 water craft such as this followed It, g months ot training. American troops on landing promptly es should adjourn and its members— and type ranging from helmets to Beaverton area. tablished bridgeheads on Italian mil. both Republican and Democratic— 50-ton tanks lying over the entire j Bruce McMahon on a thirty day | should go home and tell their con- battlefield. Most of it of course, ' furlough from Guadalcanal in visit- j ( stitutents what a lousy job he is had been sabotaged and scuttled by ing his father J. J. McMahon, ^ai,£ r Spends Leave ' doing with rationing, with food con the Axis before their surrender, but Miss Arleta Doge enjoyed a weeks At Home of Parents trol and other domestic measures, I just an awful lot of it had been I visit recently with her aunt and ! cannot understand. Perhaps he be- blown sky-high by Allied guns. W e j uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Jack of l barles William Isturcns, 18, sea- j lieves that with “ unconditional vle- all had a field day running around i Jacktown. man second class, has returned to tory” all his domestic errors and picking up souvenirs of any nature j R. A. Bretthuer underwent a major banagut,, Idaho, after spending a ommissions will quickly be forgotten. that did not have a booby-trap at- ‘ operation at a Hillsboro hospital last 15-day leave here with his parents, me tell him that the memories Volunteers to he honored during week tached to it. German prisoners came ! week. More About Our Boys Mi anil^ Mrs. Pied H. Mathis, 2939 of our boys in the army, navy and August 1 to 7 rolling in by the thousands for a Services were conducted Saturday SW McChcsney road . air force will not be short. week or so. Most of them were tired, at Forest Grove for George McClel- Ralph Cecil Nickeson of Beaverton Laurens has been assigned to ra- I Allied Cooperation The Governors of Oregon, Wash hungry and very gla^ that their ¡land Bledsoe, brother of Mrs. Mary J. selective service dioman’s school ut the Idaho naval It is obvious that the closest pos- ington and California during the is 4 listed among fighting days were over. Some of Churchill of Beaverton. board No. 2 inductees. station. Before joining the navy in sible cooperation has been necessary course were very arrogant and still i Douglas Keil suffered chest burns past week, set aside the week of * • » • January, 1943 ,he attended Beaverton both before and since Pearl Harbor firm in their belief that this was just and is confined to bed, as a result of August 1 to 7 in their three states as ».drian LaKoche Hewitt, son of high school. He was employed by j —among the principal Allied Na- a very minor set-back and that there an explosion last Saturday when his Aircraft Warning Service Week. The Adrain Hewitt, route 5, box 460, ; the E. J Bartel Is Brick Co. at the ; Continued on Page 2 was no question of Germany soon mother, Mrs. Otto Keil, was canning purpose of this week will be to recog Portland, has been assigned to an Oregon Shipbuilding c o r p o r a t i o n . ---------------V ____ winning the war 1 1 1 ! and a jar exploded near where Doug- nize the efforts of the members of army specialized training unit at ; We are told that the censorship in 1 ' as was standing. Mrs. Keil also suf-jthe Ground Observer Corps and the Washington tS&ptember Inductee , 1 Meat Price Setback this area has been lifted a very great i fared head Injuries A licia ft Warning 1 oips of the I\ » . « ..J • • • deal and that we can "shoot th e 1 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mead are re- Fighter Command. Following the Dear Board of Beaverton: Call Cut rn Half Applications Available works.' so I hope this will all go ceiving felicitations from their meeting at the State House in Sa- As you asked to let you know my j through without being cut to ribbons friends on the birth July 26 of a son j )•«*». attended by Governor Snell, \Vil new address, so here it is- Harry Irv Washington county slaughterers j Oregon's September call for mili As you no doubt have gathered Douglas Lee, weighing 8 pounds, 11 j Ham Fordyce, State Liaison Officer ing Jennings. Jr., A. S. Or>. 555-48 will be able to obtain forms and in tary service inductees w ill be only This is their third child. ' for the Aircraft Warning Service, and .from the news from this country, the 11 ounces. Camp Hill, U. S. N. T. S. Farragut, formation for applying for the RFC 50 per cent as large as that for Mrs. Francis, mother of Mrs. C. Jerrold Owen, Head of the State people are all French. Many of them Idaho. Thanks a lot for everything subsidy in the meat price rollback I August. State Selective Service Di- actually have their homes in France F. Gestring. of West Slope, is now Civilian Defense Office, the Gover- So long. piogram from the county U SD A"Va7 ^ Elmer V. Wooten announced itself, but were forced to flee from convalescing at her daughters home nor stated that he was issuing the Board. Application forms are ex- Tuesday. IR V IN G i message designating Aircraft Warn- • * * • their homes when the war came to , after a recent illness. pected soon and slaughterers will be Wooten said the September call notified when they are available. v irtuully would deplete Oregon’s sln- France. They are very interesting 1 The Washington County Pomona *nS Service Week, To whom it may Concern: met with Beaverton Grange No. 324 Many activities are being planned people, that is, when you can under- ! men ° f induction status except I wish to thank you folks for the ' Subsidy payments will be tied In at the ¡during the first week of August to stand them. Some of the boys in i Wednesday of this week closely with the slaughter permit i ^ol fj1®*® who become o f age each gift I received and I assure you it ! i pay homage to the many thousands month and others, whose deferment the company can speak French and | grange hall. and quota program. will be put to good use. is cancelled. The selective service most of the Frenchmen can speak or ! Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kolkenbeck j of Pacific Coast men and women ■--------------- V----- Sincerely yours. director estimated that 600 young understand a little English so we are spent the past week end vacationing1 who have given much of their time, H A R R Y H ELEN IU S Butter to Take men in Oregon become o f age each able to understand each other pretty at Ocean Lake, and other Oregon so ‘ hat ‘ he entire Pacific Coast may Portland, Oregon, July 19, 1943. carry on their active part in the war month. well. But what I wouldn't give to i beaches, More Red Points I "It looks as though the govern- be able to sit down and talk to any Mrs. M. C. McKell entertained the effort with a minimum of inconven- I-ocal Board No. 1 Butter will cost the housewife two ment will soon have to call on r'ath- all dyed-in-the wool Oregonian ! ! V Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club and ,icnce Dup *° the efforts of the Dear Sirs: Then of course over here there are I other friends at a luncheon this week members of the Ground Observers I wish to thank you folks for more points per pound beginning ers in case Oregon is to keep pace August 1, but shortening lard, salad with its previous Induction totals’, the natives! ! They are Arabs, but . at the St. Cecelia Catholic church Corps and the Aircraft Warning your gifts and friendliness. don’t get the idea that the men are After lunch the ladies went to Mrs Corps, our citizens have been able to Don't know how long we may be and cooking oils will cost one point Wooten declared. loss and no major changes will be i --------------- V-------------- all sheiks on dashing white horses : McKells home and played cards, slppP without fear of sudden and un here but,it won’t be long. and the women are all sultry African Mrs E H Schoene held high score, expected raids, and to carry on their This is going to be lots of .fun — made in meat values, the OPA an- i _ non need today. B ea n P ic k e r s U r g e d to beauties ! ! Never ! ! They are! Jay Gibson attended the ration , daily activities, confident that they and thanks again. positively the most filthy, ignorant, banking conference that was held in sbal* have sufficient warning in case The new red point value will re- R e g i s t e r w i t h G r o w e r s Yours truly main in effoot through September 4. j degraded human beings imaginable! Portland Thursday of last week j o f a n y immediate attack A R C H IE W ILSO N They live in grass or weed huts | Mr. Meyers of Long Beach. Cali., I ------------ —V The two-point Increase for butter Local youths and adults who ar.. Tacoma, Wash., July 26, 1943. with no floors and just a little fire i and former owner of The Ritz The- j * * * t brings the cost to 10 points a pound.'interested in bean picking should in the middle. Each man has a ! a*re and his grandson Monte Myers, ; Beaverton Girl Dear Board- Margarine remains unchanged at plan to register with growers. It U 2. . . four points. harem that is nothing more than j United States Navy, are visiting Mrs. Married to Sailor expected that in some areas pickir.» Thanks for the nice box of eats, j Monte has had a 15 ■ about three middle-aged wives each Agnes Gantez. will start within the next week or Tn came in pretty handy. . _. one as dirty and filthy as himself. day leave, part of which he spent The wedding of Miss Lillian Louise Those are the country gentlemen of with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stern and Anthony Charles Piver, North Africa. Some of them live Meyqjs. also of Long Beach. Calif. United States navy, son of Mr. and Visiting at the home of Mr. and in the towns and are much better off M„ A C. Piver o. O rtlend. C l . . „ " f i S T ' J U S m » « " " . f f ' U f . T ! : ! " » ! 1 «■*•“ « " " ^ « 1 « ' " ' »“ i . “ . Kolkenbeck for a week , was an event of July 3. than their country cousins. That is. Mrs. A. F . tu^ and M In the price iof pickers "to harvest, announced t. The cere- * . • . , . they have floors in their houses and ;lre Mrs. Dean Corliss and daughter j mony wag read by R ev George 1 ' • " ' O PA I arm Labor Assistant's office toda rhls was ,hp fl,8t 8,PP >n a program! Bean fje|ds are located In an., possibly once in a very great while of Port. Orc.h.ard' WashinKtoa O'Keefe at St. Cecelia's church in Dear Board of Beaverton they wash their robes and turbans Mrs A. E Hanson is now improved Beaverton. I was very glad to receive the han- lo ru* back the excessive prices of n(.ar Forest Grove and near Hillsboro The less I see of them, the better I aftpr having the misfortune to burn I am sta- frP8h frui,s ancI vegetables to keep nicking is expected to last at least The bride is the daughter of Mr. <lv bag that you sent me. There I,he cost of living down, like it. Their principal enterprises her hand last week, while pouring and Mrs. Edward C. Stern of Beaver tioned at Farragut. Idaho. four to six weeks, and crop prospects are two of us Beaverton boys here ^ are raising goats and children plus a bot grease. are good. ton. Harry Jennings and myself. very tiny patch of wheat or oats. Mrs. A J. Kolkenbeck was on a Some platoons may be used in tin a Miss Anna Rose Stern was her sis Yours truly, That and sitting on the hilltops business trip in Olympia, Wash., ' ter’s only attendant and George i harvest. However, because many of Clams Held Poisonous Wednesday of last 1 Stanislaus was best man . GEORGE W A L T E R JUROENSON shouting at the top of their lungs to Tuesday and Warning has been Issued that po- ¡the fields are small, some growers Co. 555. Camp Hill, USN FS, Far- itentlally poisonous substances are have indicated that they could u 10 each other night and day. I never week. ragut, Idaho Mrs. Dick Wagner of W e s t d a b - ---------— V ----------------- could figure whether they were curs lurking in clams and mussels from ' smaller groups to better advantage. • • • • was given a surprise shower last ‘ ing or praying. Oregon coastal waters, by the state ; ----------- — V — ------------- Tuesday afternoon nt the homo of 'Rev. Hall Accompanies o • n Private Edward Frederick Vala, 20, board of health. The Army has instituted day-light l v - — Burning Ban M r. Ted Suter. There were 12 la- Youths to Conference son of Mr. and Mrs Charles L. Vala, saving time over here and believe It i dies present. of Sixth St., P. O. Box 312, Beaver or not, the sun does not set until KIMTON Order Issued Coopvi Mt PTA cake sale Satur The Rev. Willard B. Hall, pastor ton. Oregon, has arrived at Washing nine o'clock and it is never dark un day 11 to 2 at Bishop's store. The Kinton Ladies Aid will hold of Bethel Congregational church, anil ton State College, for a course of In State Forester Nelson S. Rogers, til ten. That, coupled with a five their annual picnic August 5 at Mrs. A. T. Cavaness donored to the struction to last approximately five Ricks glove. o’clock “ first call” makes one h----- blood bank in Portland this week for A potluck dinner will acting in accordance with a sugges of a long day. and not much sleep. the third time. She received her sil- , people of the church, are spending months prior to his appointment as he served at 1 p. m. with the regu- tlon of the Western Defense Corn- this week at the summer conference an Aviaion Cadet in the Army Air lav Ai l meeting following. That is where that afore mentioned ver pin. Please ,1Jan<l' t°<lay ordered cancellation of This, as usual, is held on the beauti Forces Flying Training Command. biing your cup, plate and silverware ;l'l burning permits. siesta comes in very, very handy. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell, Pasco, j ful campsite known as Camp Adams, Nelson said recent warm weathv Fred Karpsteln spent last week Well. It seems as if I have been Wash., visited the Pegg family Wed on Milk Creek, near Colton. He 1 had drled out Oregon field and fores at home visiting his mother. __ writing for hours and haven't said nesday, They were school mates of The seven who are attending are West Hills Pastor areas. The order prohibits all do dv has been stationed at San Diego with a r,M - much so I'll cloae for now, and start Mr. Pegg in Minneapolis. Jeanne and Wallace Blanch , David T _ D I brls burning with the exception ( Word was received here that Miss ; Cady. Charlotte Hall Elwin Paxson correcting my mistakes. e in s ta lle d Mrs. E L Ricks returned home vrrY " mal* P‘ le8 outside o f one eight Next Sunday, August 1st the Rev. Diza Thing died Saturday at a hospi Helen Randall, and Emily Sayre. Goodbye, tell everyone hello and last week from visiting her son tn mHe from forest land, providing sut Werner Fritz, will be Installed as a tal in Carbondale Township. Illinois, j During Mr. Hall's absence from his don’t forget to write soon and often. at the age of 82 years. She had lived ' pulpit on this Sunday. August 1. the tegular pastor of West Hills Luther law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. P*lp* are burned in daylight hour Yours Thp Provision prohibits slash an.I A V. Steele at Matson. Wash for more than 20 years at Beaverton, supply speaker will be a personal an Mission, SW Canyon Road. Mrs Ted Karpsteln left Monday 8tubbl® burning in any area service of installation will BUD BALFE. Oregon and was wife of Walter friend, the Rev. Eugene Haynes, pa« formal for San Francisco to stay with her aPProval of army authorities, P Balfe. 39300627 Co A 15th Inf Thing who died in 1926 tor of the Congregational church at be held at 8 p. m. in the chapel of authorizing burning of APO No 3. *$PM N Y City, New Mrs Thing suffered a broken hip Klamath Falls. He has also brought the former West Hills Memorial I ’ark husband while he |s stationed there Permits Earl Ward arrived home Monday 8l umP* or similar material on mili- York. in September and never recovered a group of young people from hla administration building Dr L. Lu<F from Camp White to be with his tary «‘8*abli*bments may be issued. --------------- V --------------- fully from this injury . church to the conference, but has wig. president of the Northwestern father, W. D Ward who is seriously *s,pl8on "«Id The 50th wedding anniversary of District of the American Lutheran been able to shape his classes so that Davies Reports — V - ill. | | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E Homer, who he will speak here Sunday morning church, will officiate. He will be Private Harold Davies, son of Mrs Anson D Allen of Astoria ar- [ live on a farm near Cedar Mill, was Congregationists are urged to be in asssted by several Portland clergy Stuart W. Davies. 3211 SW Crestdale More Community-Wide observed last Sunday at the home of church to hear this guest. men A general invitation !s extend rived here Sunday to spend the week drive, has reported for reclassifica visiting her mother. Mrs. T. G Haw-1 ed to everyone to attend. Hal T. Hutchinson S r . SW Boones Prices tion in the army specialized training ley. Dr. Allen will join her on Thurs- : Ferry road. ■-------------- V -------------- - program at Georgetown university. day for the rest of the week. | OPA will continue to establish com- Join Oregc.i Green Guard --------------- V -------------- - EDITH E H EARD Washington. D. C. He graduated Mr and Mrs I land McCann ar- munity-wide prices for foods sold a* V E T E R A N NEEDS MONilV Funeral services were held Tuesday rived h e i e last Thuisday from Astor- retail, even though It haa recently Is- There are now seventy-two mem frpm Grant high school and attended E ia where Mr A purse war lost Tuesday after bers of the Oregon Green Guards at Pegg s Chapel, for Edith Oregon State college. McCann has been sued over-all fixed prices mar!t-u-'* --------------- V--------------- noon in the downtown section of From Beaverton, new recruits are Heard, wife of John T Heard, moth working at defense construction. regulations. The housewife cannot Classified ads will sell it for you, Beaverton by a veteran with a broken Robert Bacon, Ralph Campbell, Rob er of Walter, of Napa, Cal.;. Ray Mrs Roy Lindquist and daughter easily tell whether a storekeeper hat leg who needs the money badly, also ert Sanders. Donald Mansfield. Bar mond. Encinitas, Cal.; J. W Heard. .Io«n of Portland spent the week end made his prices by the markup If It can be of use to anyone else identification papers it contained bara Kuiken. Richard Kuiken, Ar- Portland; Hazel E N'aly, Beaverton, visiting Louise Van Kleek and help- od. aad that la the reason OPA wd! The home town paper ic like bread Good reward. Jack Young. Box 138. i thur Bacon, Philip West and Ava 10 grandchildren. Interment ing pick berries at tha J. Wedeklng proceed with community-wide mail- •ad meat to men Giencullen , phone BEacon 4980 * West Crescent Grove cemetery. ^ farm. * | muma. Pacific Coast Governors Designate Aircraft Warning Service Week