■ B Pacre 2 Friday, July 23, 1943 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon They can . ,u conversation ¡943 Crop Insurance Real E state Transfers „ ..j j w iier tl w ritten wot 1 involved, o t l l l VjOOd W ilm a E T hom pson to H arvey I The trouble is they try to m axe a Thom pson, part o f section 5 T2N R4W. D iscontinuance by C ongress of the show, assum e an artifici; style, that Wm G Ide to L R H end ershott et jran w ill m akes their man Oh-Oh; I know the signs. joo .OOLMXI u pounds of paper in 1943 L ittle lady m utters form al agreem ent up along the w ay and open the ques t*ern us com pared w ith 226,000,000 pounds F o r one thin g a t the very be- “ ® S teg cr to H elen Gordon Thorn- and then launches abruptly, with in 1942, und 208,900,000 pounds used in tion? ,K. * acres J a m es McGill DLC 56 little or no subtle tact, upon this guy 1941. T h is is an increase o f 60 per gin ning, it g e ts us on com m on ground 'm Jos H D eV older adm to H enry K it cent over 1941. .M eantim e, th e n ew s­ W e h um ans travel to g eth er so long do et ux part o f A W H art Cl 60 H enry McLemore and his “M edita­ tio n s”, N ow I have nothing again st | a s w e agree and it Is good sa lesm a n ­ papers and m agazin es are rationed T1S R1W. this gen t nam ed H enry but uncon­ sh ip to g et your m an to stand w ith because of a paper sh ortage. S kyline Land Co to Fred L B en­ sciously or no, I resent his trespass­ you from the very beginning. So here Also is th e point of agreem ent; m en do die son et ux E 'v of S E 'i o f sec 27 T2N ing upon the glories o f “Come Along R1W. W ith Me”„ particularly in the spot every m inute and our m inu te is on SUPPORT OF CONGRESS Inexperienced May Be Trained th e way. W e all stand together in th is j Mary M H olt to H arry A W heaton w here th is colum n is hatched w eekly ! (no, not w ea k ly ). A s breakdow ns follow breakdow ns It Is appointed unto m en once to die. et ux 2 acres sec T3S R1W . A ndrew W orm sborg to John P Me- j G rudingly I m ust ad m it that H ank j Apply in the hom e-front w ar m achine, the —H ebrew 9:V ,. G rane et ux part D C Graham DLC j h as a good colum n and Mammy N ew D eal p olitics are seek in g a W hen hurth -l)u yn End show s m ental fortitude in being an "goat”. And evidence con tin u es to The rest is sim ple. T h is good Am- ^ ^ R1W. C assius Johnson et ux to Clara B | avid follow er o f his. N ow I think pile up th a t un attem p t w ill be m ade erica of ours is full of people who ^ H an sen T is. i 1 U just clip th is out and send it to to blame the failure of OPA, the honestly believe that at death tiirv , r Ina M D am on et vir to Karl P y l-| Brother-in-the-ink M cLemore and' iu o u stu lls program —in short, all go out eith er to m eet Christ as Sa m istak es w hich have ham pered the vior or to m eet Christ a s Judge. vainen e t ux lot 25 W oodland A cres will bet tw o bits even up that Hank w ill sw ell a little at the upper . w ar e ffo r t—on Congress. T heir m inute, and your m inute, is on No. 2. E rnest R Schm id et ux to F rank w a ist line no m atter how m any col­ We vision the end w ith T here is visibly an effo rt to con­ the way. V R oseburgh, lot 17 S un set View. um ns he's w ritten or how m any peo- ! vince the A m erican people th at each life gone; earth faded out; etern ity Oscar G u stafson et ux to Adw Puy- pie read them. T here you stand w ith the tim e th e n ation al leg islatu re exeiV com e. The joys, the sor­ laret et ux 65 acres sec 14 TIS R2W. cises its jud gm ent upon A dm inistra­ chapter closed. C assius Johnson et ux to Thos J N ow a good friend of m ine and rows, the life-job, the children, the tion policy, each tim e it rises above Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE IN SU R A N C E CO STS behind. Ward, part lots 80 * 61 S teels add neighborhood b usiness m an rem arks, | the old “rubber stam p ” role, it is in­ fam ily and neighbors left a s have a num ber of others, upon my Is it bright and Beaverton. Oregon M utual P olicies are N O N -A SSE SSA B L E . You N E V E R p a; terferin g w ith the conduct o f th e war. E tern ity h as com e. Max M uralt et ux to J C Chalup- proneness to ju ggle the tw o bit word m ore than the prem ium on Uie fa ce o f th e policy. Oregon M utual W hen C ongress leg isla tes on labor glorious w ith the Lover of your soul sky et ux part sec 32 T2S R1W . alongside of sla n g vernaculars. My m aintain s m ore than three tim es th e surplus required by Oregon policy, the W hite H ouse d eclares it w a itin g there to give you w elcom e? Jam es P M cFarlan et ux to W id- answ er to th is is sim ple— If slang Insurance Laws. m ust be held responsible for future Or m ust you go out to m eet your sin s ney E E vey et ux SE 1-4 o f SW 1-4 says it best; then slan g it is. On and C hrist a s Ju dge? strik es in industry. the other hand if a reasonable two- W hen C ongress turns -th u m b s Tw o R esu rrections Io f 9 -T2* R.4W ' .. . Oregon M utual Fire Insurance Company d ow n ” on th e subsidy program w hich Ju st for a m om ent m ost fo lk s are D ollle V t o P h ib p Jam es et ux bit word w ill say an yth ing in one O F MCMINNVILLE word instead of fum bling around a c ,e s sec f> & 7 T IN R4W. the N ew D eal hopes to again buy ‘ w illing to be thou ghtfu l as to w hat is O rganized 1894—..40 years of R eliable Service Chaa. JL W alker, Agent Maude P a rk s et ux to John C Todd w ith a paragraph or so—then so be yet In store. Then hear C h r ist-- control over agriculture, the W hite et ux 9'i^ acres sec 32 T2S R1W. it. I w rite just th e w ay I’d talk to New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 H ou se tars it w ith the in flation “T he hour in com ing in the w hich all Am anda Johnson et ux to Louise you and tak e it from me its the that are In th e gruve shall com e brush. "Every Form of Protection" H illsboro, Oregon Stork et ux lots 13 & 14 blk 6 Port- ea siest way. W hen C ongress w eld s the econom y forth. T hey th a t have done good land H e 2. A lot. o f neonle sa v thev can't w rite believed on H im as Saviour unto axe on non-war bureaus and over­ padded F ederal agen cies, such as the resurrection of life; they w ho the OWI, th e ch arge o f playing poli­ have done evil to the resurrection First tics and aid in g and com fortin g the of con d em n ation .”------B IB L E . the saved aro to be raised; afterw ard s enem y is hurled. C hrist is to be the N early everyth in g C ongress d oes the lost dead. to hold run-a-way bureaucracy w ith ­ Judge—God hath appointed a day in in in bounds, the N ew D eal ad m in istra­ w hich he w ill judge m ankind righteou sn ess. And to be judged by tion brands as d isloyal. Man w hom he In spite of all sm earing, C ongress w h om ?—“By th a t H ow do w e know ! trys to do the job assign ed to It by hath ordained.” the fram ers of the C onstitution, and th is? God hath given assu ran ce in j if the effort to “g et'’ the legislativ e that he hath raised H im from the So C hrist w as raised hack to body succeeds, then represen tative dead. governm ent w ill die in A m erica just life to judge m ankind; the saved to as it died in. G erm any w hen the get rew ards; the lost to receive woe But there is no co n ­ R eich stag w as dissolved. If C ongress and an guish . is again forced back into th e role of dem nation for them that are in Christ n rubber stam p, th e people w ill lose Jesus. th eir voice in G overnm ent. It is o f the utm ost im portance that Sen ators and R ep resen tatives return \ to W ashington a fte r th eir scheduled C loverdale, Oregon recess, w ith th e know ledge that they T h is sp ace paid for by an Oregon have th e con fid en ce o f th eir co n sti­ businessm an. I ■ tuents. W ith su ch con fid en ce the —----------------V---------------- -- independence o f our legislativ e w ere previously allow ed. branch is assured. ------------------ V------------------ ----------- A pparently the voters n ex t year are goin g to knock the last three w ords out o f th e H arry H op k in s plan From 5 to 10 p ercent m ore chem i- ! or good governm ent: “tax and tax, Unique gas furnace at Commercial Iron Works provides better way to cal fertilizer w ill be availab le in the spend and spend, elect and elect.” —---------------V ------------------ ----------- year ahead accord in g to W FA o ffi­ attach propeller shaft bushings . . . a serious problem for shipbuilders It is estim a ted thut U. S. 1 he N ew D eal's election cam paign cials. h seem in gly has begun. V ice P resi­ farm ers used about 10 m illion tons dent W allace has been retired from of ch em ical fertilizer during th e 12 • The old way of attaching a bushing to a Liberty ship propeller shaft was m onths b egin ning July 1, 1942. Al­ th e front page. to heat the hushing with torches and slip it oser the shaft. Hut this method though the supply o f nitrogen and ------------------V ------------------ wasn't always successful. If the huge bronze hushing stuck and had to be phosp hates w ill be greater, potash is Our idea o f fun would be to have cut off, the loss was S1000 for the hushing in addition to time and labor. H arry H opkins. R ex Tugw ell, Leon exp ected to be less plentiful. % ------------------ V------ H enderson and F elix F rankfurter Tell your la w y er to send your ts- So Commercial Iron Works’ engineers invented a new method for doing face the voters o f any C ongressional d istrict . g a ls to th is paper. this job. A specially-built gas furnace heats the hushing far more uniformly f t than ever before. T h e n I b e s h a ft is d r o p p e d t h r o u g h the b u s h in g while the la tte r is s till i n th e fu r n a c e . Hie gas is turned off and the bushing shrinks 9 f V PAINTERS Experienced For Steady Work * y on Housing Projects, $1.32 Per Hr. Shipyards $1.20 Per Hour Painters 1 Union Room 207 Labor Temple HOW PORTLAND GAS IS HELPING TO SPEED WAR PRODUCTION GAS bakes both of them perfectly More Fertilizer To Be Available J j L tightly on the shaft in the proper position. To date, more than 200 bushings have been attached without mishap by this ingenious method — another out­ standing performance record for this Portland shipyard. The Town's Morale GAS IS WAR MATERIAL 0 On land, sea and air and in foreign countries, intrepid A m erican arm ed forces are fig h tin g that your country and its in stitu tio n s m ay rem ain free. 0 All they left behind w hich is w holesom e and w orthy, they desire to be kept alive. The hom e town to them really m eans som ething T he schools, the churches, th e organ isation s, th e b u sin ess firm s, th e in­ d ustries, all doing their part In th e war program In a grand effort to hasten victory, gives them inspiration fk l mm Use it wisely AS A BUSINESS MAN A tt ommeriial Iron Work». Portland gas plavs an important pan in the construction of Pt‘ boats — Itke the one shown at right — and ot other combat craft and ywrts. In industry as in your home, Portland gas is your clean, quick, economical sere ant. 0 Keep up your sp irit In sp ite of th e m any rhange* and th e stum bling blocks that ham per in con d uctin g as in pre-war days. 0 Let's keep the tow n In stride w ith the tem po of th e tim es, so tb at the boys on their return m ay find it alm ost as w hen they left It. • * This is just one of the wavs faster, better, cheaper Portland gas is helping to speed war production. M illions of cubic feet of this dependable fuel — exactly the same gas you use for eooisuft. uateT heating and other household pur­ poses— are being used by war industries, military establishments and war work­ ers . . . H elp the uar effort hy avoiding waste o f gas in your home. I 0 ’ / H I! A PORTLAND GAS % COKE COMPANY RUY STAMPS BUY BONDS