Friday, July 16, 1043 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates W ANTED FOR SALE BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS T W O Cents a w ord per Issue. N O T H IN G LE SS T H A N 25o CASH MUST A CC O M PAN Y FOR S A L E —H orse 12 years old. G ood w orker. $35. if sold by Sat. July 17 p. m. Pierce, turn right at Shell station, H aacks corn er, at Shell station. Bertha-Beav h w y.. H aacks corn er, foot o f hill, turn right, first house on left. Essential Industry A L L C L A S S IF IE D ADS NO ADS T A K E N O V E R P H O N E L abor shortage prevents our co lle ct­ ing these small accounts— W e would appreciate your cooperation. We Puoliah the B E A V E R T O N EN T E U P R IS E M ULTNOM AH T R E S S T IG A R D S E N T IN E L A LO H A N E W S Com plete E a s t e r n W ashington County und W estern M ultnomah County C overage W e assume no financial respon­ sibility for errors w hich m ay ap­ pear in advertisem ents published in these colu m n s but In case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertise­ ment in w hich the typographical m istake occurs. Steady Work with Overtime Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS F or quality, fa ir price and service J. B . I m la y & Sons R E E D V TL L E ALO H A, O R E ) M ISC E L L A N E O U S F O R SALE D avenport A chair, dining room A 6 stool chairs, quilt­ ing fram e, ice cream freezer, gas lamp C. E Funk. B eaverton. R2 B « 37. A PPL Y A T SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS F O R S A L E — F ryers— 1 to 100, B ed­ stead spring A m attress, cream sep­ arator, m l W o f Bank, B eaver­ ton, on F arm in gton to M enlo d r - then ml. South to stu cco house J. H W in g et. Beaverton. R l. Box 1830 S. E. W ater Avc., Portland # W ANTED • m MEN and W OM EN 8toc^ picked up free o f ch arge anyw here. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. H ID E S & W O O L, C A SC A R A — A specialty. L E E B R O S., 25 SW Clivy, Portland. A tw ater 5334. F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O T O R CO. P hon e T igard 3381. Manufacturers of STEEL BARRELS For Essential War Work F O R SAIJ2 Fresh Jersey Cow, 1 heavy springer & tw o m id­ dle m ilkers. P rice $60 up. Alan Cathey, l ' i ml N H elvetia store. Starting rate 95c per hour After 60 days $1 per hour Opportunity to make $1.20 per hour on incentive rate. F O R S A L E Kale plants. R oy Jaquith, phone Scholls 8379, 6 ml W Sherw ood. F O R S A L E — 4 ft D ry Slab (3 cord lots). W rite J. O. Johnson, B x 584, Carlton, Oregon. W ill W ALLACE B E R R Y or anyone address, w rite E. J. SE 99th, Portland. 100% Defense Plant P. T H O R N - k n ow in g his Allm an, 3586 Oregon. DOGS B O A R D E D — Small, 35c a d ay; large 50c. H oule's Collie Knls., Lr. B oone's Fy. R d. nr Tu­ alatin. Call T igard 3115. HELP W A N T E D B E R R Y P IC K E R S W anted — 45 acres B lack Caps and B oysenber- berries, good crop. On G rone^ Farm , 1 mi N o f Scholls. Busses F ree— A t Chapm an C orners 5:15; B eaverton 5:20; A loha & R eedville, 5:30; W itch Hazel 5:40; H azeldale 6 a. m. R A S P B E R R Y P IC K E R S W anted. — Three m iles from B eaverton Bank, third house East o f Chap­ mans C orner on F arm ington Rd. M. B. Simich. Female Help Wanted W A N T E D —T eacher fo r R osedale school, $175 m onth. A pply at Mrs. E. Sorenson, Rt. 3, B eaver­ ton, B ox 826. SHIP SCALERS F O R L O C A L S H IP Y A R D S , E X ­ P E R IE N C E U N N E C E S SA R Y , 95c A N D UP P E R H O U R ON DAY S H IF T , C L E A N IN G A N D P R E ­ PAR IN G * S U R F A C E S BEFORE P A IN T IN G . W om en must be age 16 and not ov er 45, and birth ce rtifica te re­ quired up to 24 years. A pply basem ent o f L abor T em ple L ocal No. 1404 P ortland, O regon NOTICE Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement ! Apply week davs only. ' HOD CARRIERS R O O M 215 LABOR TEMPLE S W 4th A T J E F F E R S O N m W ANTED P rofessional man w ants to lease house in or near B eaverton on or b efore Sept. 1st. B est o f references. E nterprise, Beaverton. JÊ W A N T E D —R id ers Swan Island. Day Shift to P ersonnel Bldg., Ag- ness K onantz, P hone B eaverton 3351. I o r tia n o C a t.- S alt lA x tC n r W A N T E D — 2R iders fo r Swan Is­ land graveyard shift. B eaverton 2245. Monroe Umll.. A Héngfgctirtr» A Dh tribu tort A * * fM k ^ F O R SA L E Two Small Houses partly furn. in P ortland; one rent­ ed. F or details call Osfield. B eaverton 3291. FOR SALE 34 V-8 Coupe $130 cash. G ood tires, A -l M otor. Dick K ok ick . R2, Bx 54, Beaverton. REAL E S T A T E RATION BOOK REMINDER COFFEE— Stam p No. 21 valid from July 1 to 21. Stam p No. 22 valid from July W ANTS 22 to A ugust 11. LUMBER HAN DLERS & SUGAR— Stam ps 15 and 16 in w ar ration CABINET MAKERS book one valid for 5 lbs o f sugar each fo r hom e canning, good until SKILLED M ILL MAN Oct. 31. P O R T L A N D D O O R CO. O ctober 31—Canning sugar stam ps 4701 SE 24th Ave., N ear H olgate No. 15, 16 in book No. 1, jeach good Cross Sellwood or R oss Island B ridge for five pounds, expire. H ousew ives m ay apply at local SUnset 5707 boards ABr supplem ental hom e cann­ P ortland, O regon ing rations, if essential. R E D ST A M P S— June 27 R ed stam p P valid; W A N TE D stam p Q valid July 4; R on July 11; ( S on July 18. All expire July 31. M EN A N D W O M E N E ach w eekly series good fo r 16 fo r points. AND 0e Laval Mon tag Bangs, cream enamel, W estinghouse E lectric R ange, right side oven, B eaverton 2947. 48-HOUR W EEK BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 296 S E P A R A T O R S — M II.K K K S C O M P Ì.E TE E Q U IP M E N T AND S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y FOR BALE Tw o Rest periods per day 48-hour week Time and one-half over 40 hours Transportation from bus line to plant 3850 NW YEON AYE. BE. 3189 Portland, Or. • PERSONALS | F O R S A L E M ajestic R adio, one baby crib. See H arold R eyn olds at F ord G arage, Tigard. AVO N P roducts Co., C osm etic representative fo r M ultnom ah and M aplewood, w rite Mrs. Edna W ise, A dvantages you have w ork in g here: M aplewood. D ead ' i A F O R S A L E -2 pr ladies shoes, size 4 L . new. 1 new silk dress, size 12. 7434 SW 33rd, M ultnom ah, Or. RHEEM MFG. CO. PAINTS I m la y ’s Fresh F O R S A L E Stunipage. 55 cords on F arm in gton R oad near Hazel- dale, write K J Allm an. 35 m ; SK 99th, Portland, Oregon. Phone SUnset 6001 . E X P E R IE N C E N O T NECESSARY B L U E ST A M P S— (P rocessed fruits and vegetables) Blue stam ps N, P and Q valid from July 1 to A ugust 7. R A T IO N B O O K NO. S— Initial registration fo r w ar ration book No. 3 closed on June 10 and will not be resumed until A ugust 1. O P A announced that postm en are to deliver book No. 3 before July 21 to all w h o filed proper applications. T his book is to be a replacem ent, when needed, fo r book s N o.’s l and 2. T IK E IN SFH CTION Sept. 30 is next tire inspection deadline fo r A books. G A S O L IN E — July 21—A m ileage ration books expire. No. 6 stam ps in A book, each good fo r fou r gallons, valid thru this date. M otorcycle D books also expire July 21. A pplication form s fo r A and D m ileage ration book renewals avail­ able at service stations and ration boards. T IR E S C ars with C ration book s must have tires inspected every three m onths; B book s every fou r m onths; A books every six m onths Septem ­ ber 30 next inspection deadline for A boojt holders. SHOES— June 16 Stam p No. 18, book No. 1. va'id fo r one pair o f shoes through O ctober 31. Stam ps interchangeable am ong fam ily living in sam e house­ hold. Page .7 Christmas Package Restriction Eased O h, YEAH! C luistm as packages may be m ailed to A m erican soldiers over-seas w ith ­ out a request from the soldier, from Septem ber 15 to O ctober 15. the war departm ent announced today through the P ortland o ffic e o f w ar in form a­ tion. The packages must be no m ore than five pounds in weight. 15 inch­ es in length, and 36 inches in length and girth com bined. T hey should be m ar Iced "C hristm as gift parcel.” Only one such package will be a c­ cepted fo r m ailing by or on beh alf o f the same person or con cern to or fo r the same addresses in any one week ------------------- V ------------------- Certified Seed 1 a im ers who are planning to grow certified seed crop s this year should fill out applications now .announces Palm er S. T orvend, county agent. Field inspection w ork this year must be d on e with a limited sta ff and it is im portant that all grow ers w h o wish to enter crop s for certification m ake their application early. Crops w hich m ay be entered for certification at this tim e are seed po­ tatoes, grain, red clover, ladino clov ­ er, alta fescue, and English ryegrass Any farm er w h o pays the fees and agrees to abide by the I ules and plants certified seed or seed that m eets the inspectio.h requirem ents Is eligible. F urther details regardin g ce rtifi­ cation m ay be obtained by con ta ct­ ing the cou nty agents o ffice in H ills­ boro. The D airy Anim al C onservation p iogram will, for the present, be confined to the purchase o f dairy type heifers that should be rationed for future production. These heifers may be open or bred and o ffe r poten­ tially high production possibilities. Calves and m ature cow s will not be purchased. Mr. Madsen o f the FSA o ffice from H illsboro, states that con ditions in W ashington County indicates that up to the present tim e there has been ft dem and fo r heifers o f pasture age to be retained locally. T herefore, the purchase o f these heifers for ship­ m ent will not be put into e ffe ct un­ less a local feed shortage developes that will necessitate selling good h eif­ er calves for slaughter. Madsen states that the purchase o f heifei calves in this cou nty aver­ aged about thirty calves per m onth during the tim e that the program was in effect and that the coop era ­ tion o f the farm ers and the tran spor­ tation com pan y was very helpful in facilitatin g this work. It may be continued again when fall freshening season starts a ccord in g to Carroll Dwyer. D airy Animal Conservation C hief o f FSA. Portland. It is just tw o years now since ¡G reat B ritain swapped horses, took | Churchill for Cham berlain and settled j down to win a war. A ch ange in ¡leadership saved Britain, it will save A m erica in 1944. In 1939 President R oosevelt told a new spaper man w ho inquired about a Third T erm to wear a dunce cap. j N ow he m ight tell the boys that any- |one w ho d oesn ’t think he is running ¡fo r a Fourth T erm can Stand on his head. People in cities are unable to get food and farm ers are paid to raise m ore food.. No, C icero, you ca n ’t make us believe even the New Deal does that. -V — Tell you r law yer to send you r le- gals to this paper. B a bson S ays. . . . Continued from Page 1 upon m aturity, return 33 1-3% m ore than they cost. I get provoked ut som e New Deal measures, hut 1 cer­ tainly believe these short W ar Bonds to be both a safe investm ent an d a g o o d sp e cu la tio n . 1 say th e la tter b e ca u se th ere m ay lie so m e greut p a n ic b a rg a in s b e fo r e th e tim e th ese ten -y ea r I miiu I s m a tu re. People with very little m oney should buy stocks only du rin g panics W liat to B u y ? 0 Usually it is better for the small investor to con fin e his purchases to stocks listed on the New Y ork Stock E xchange. Generally speaking, near­ ly all stock s will rise to some extent in a bull market. F or the purpose o f this article, th erefore, let us as­ sume that the trend o f the m arket is definitely up and con sid er certain basic rules that govern successful In­ vesting. (1) D E P R E S S E D STOCKS. These com e first in order. T hey should rep­ resent w ell-established com panies selling for less than the am ount o f their w ork in g capital per share. In such situations, the investor is buy­ ing net current assets at a discount and paying nothing fo r the equip­ ment, earning power, or for the ex­ perience and ability o f the m anage­ ment. Mack T ruck and certain auto accessories com panies illustrate this test. A large num ber o f labor union em ­ ployees. if headed by unwise labor leaders, m ake m any otherw ise at­ tractive com panies p oor investm ents. One reason why I have not liked the rail stocks, as a group, Is because o f ,he en orm ou s am ount o f organized labor It takes to run the railroads As a direct opposite o f these stocks, fi le insurance stock s appeal to me. They are not m uch involved with la­ bor unions, and. in proportion to the volum e o f their business, em ploy very little help. (4) D IV E R S IF IE D STOCKS. Investors should, m oreover, pay at­ tention to LONG G R O W T H com pan ­ ies G O O D M A N A G E M E N T cannot l>e em phasized too m uch. O N E H UNDRED PER CENT E Q U IT Y is also alw ays wise to consider. In other w ords, select com panies w ith­ out bonds or cum ulative preferred stocks ahpad o f the com m on. Do not be misled by technical and lengthy "w rite ups" o f individual com panies D iversification is a good guide to good stocks. Lehm an I C orporation appears to qualify under this classification . W h en to H u y? There is a fa ctor o f tim ing involv- 1 ed In the buying o f stock s w hich i is m ost im portant. In m y estim ­ ate ot tim ing I am entirely disregard­ ing the averages and the chart read ers. T oday, the so-called P E A C E ! STOCKS are exam ples o f tim ing In ¡buying. These m ay represent almost any com pan y that has not p rofited ja s a direct result o f the War. <*> D IV ID E D STOCKS. No well- I can not here nam e individual is­ balanced p ortfolio is com plete w ith­ sues; but, as a group, g rocery chains out a back log of dividend-paying ¡are w orth considering. Others may stocks. T o bo reully safe, earnings include building supplies com panies, should over a norm al term o f years ¡certain utilities and various farm am ount to nearly tw ice the estab­ j equipm ent and produce com panies. lished dividend rate in the com pan y ! Many P E A C E STO C K S have chalked selected. Yield and stability are the j up im pressive gains, but in the main factors m ost sought for in this group. 'th ey have a lot further to go. W hat- But at the same tim e one can be as­ , ever m ay tem porarily happen to the sured that such stock s will not lag m arket during the next few m onths, behind in any bull market. G ulf j I believe this is a safe tim e fo r m any Oil, M onsanto and certain chem icals investors to buy a diversified num ber illustrate this test. o f listed stock s w hich pass at least (3) L O W L A B O R COST STOCKS. one o f the above fou r tests. WILL ITALY FOLD FIGHT? / / tVURYTMING D A IR Y M A N 135 NW Park AT. 6461 CENTRAL LOCATION Close to dow ntow n Close to transportation I. P. Finley & Son SW FOU RTH AT M ONTGOM ERY A Tw ater 2181 Riverview Cemetery W EST END S E I.L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY UofniHete F u n era l S e rv ice In New r a th e d r a l C h ap el a* N o E x tr a co st R iverview is a co-operative aaeo- ciation with assets o f over $800.000 W A N T E D R efin ed lady 45 to 50 to take com plete ch arge o f 6 room m odern hom e. T hree adults, 2 w orking, excellent wages. H om e phone B E acon 2726. o ffic e BE 8704. Portland. W A N T E D —40 B lack Cap P ick ers about July 5th. Call collect (T i­ gard 3510) about tran sportation . Bull Mt. Rd., 2 ml. west o f T igard, Oregon. > RABBITS W A N T E D B E ST P R IC E fo r R abbit fryers, D. P. M acDonald. R2. Bx 218. B eaver­ ton. P hone B eaverton 2260. W e pick up. W A N T E D — L ive R abbits, to buy now T op prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8817 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722 Open week days on ly until 7:30 p. m. A dvertising is salesmanship. -------------------y ------------------- W here did yam get R F rom a W ant Ad o f course -------------------V — ---------------- Be sure to send your legal« to your local paper, HIGHEST PRICES PAID for CASCARA BARK (G reen or P ry) FIR PITCH OREGON GRAPE ROOT SKUNK CABBAGE ROOT and Other Crude Drug Items HELL D IR E C T L Y TO T H E W E S T 'S LARGEST CRUDE E X C L U S IV E DR U G D E A L E R S WESTERN TRADING COMPANY, Inc. O ffice and W arehouse 615 N W 15th A v , Portland. Ore. Also in Sunday's Journal Subscribe Now or Reserve Your C o p y at a N ew sstand To S u b s c r i b e Journal, O ffice Portland A T . 0123 Phone ★ WAR MAPS and PICTURES ★ 3 Interesting Magazines ★ 8 Pages of Color Comics ★ 10 Sparkling Sections SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. OREGON