Friday, July 0, 1943 BEA\ ■ . .i I\R PON E N T -- E - R P R I S E , Beaverton, Oregon __ ____ ___ __________ ___ • *•" __ Page 3 ■ ■ Classified Rates • TW O Cents a word per isauts. NOTH IN G LESS T H A N 26c CASH MUST ACCOMPANY A L L C LASSIFIED ADS NO ADS T A K E N O VER PHONE Laibor shortage prevents our collect­ ing these small accounts—We would appreciate your cooperation. We Publish the B EAVER TO N E N T E R P R IS E M ULTNOMAH PRESS H O A R D SENT LNEL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial respon­ sibility for errors which may ap­ pear in advertisements published In these columns but In case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise­ ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. h e lp w a n t e d W A N TE D — Youngberry Pickers at old Bronkey place. Phone Beav- erton 2735. Picking starts at once. Im la y ’s Fre*h Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service B E R R Y PIC K E R S Wanted 45 1 acres Black Caps and Boysenber- ' berries, good crop. On Groner , Farm. 1 mi N of Scholls. Busses Free At Chapman Corners 5:15; 1 Beaverton 5:20; Aloha & Reedville, 5:30; Witch Hazel 5:40; Hazeldale 6 a. m. R A S P B E R R Y PIC K E R S Wanted. —Three miles from Beaverton Bank, third house East of Chap­ mans Corner on Farmington Rd. M B. Simich. WANTED BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS EXPERIENCE NO T NECESSARY ALOHA, ORE M ISCELLANEOUS ) AVON Products Co., Cosmetic representative for Multnomah and Maplewood, write Mrs. Edna Wise, Maplewood. stock picked up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call D E N LE Y R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. Dead HIDES & WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Clay, Portland. Atwater 5334. F O R TOW C AR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. | PERSONALS Will W A LLA C E B E R R Y or anyone address, write E. J. SE 99th, Portland. P. THORN- knowing his Allman. 3586 Oregon. DOGS BOARDED—3mall, 35c a day; large 50c. Houle’s Collie Knls., Lr. Boone's F y. Rd. nr Tu­ alatin. Call Tigard 3115. W ANTED Cascara Bark Highest Prices Paid PACIFIC COAST CASCARA H A R K CO. 1319 NW Johnson St., Portland Oregon AT. MSS De Laval SE PA R A TO R S — M ILK E R S C O M PLETE EQ U IPM EN T AND SU PPLIE S FOR TH E D A IR Y IN D U STR Y Monroe M e li Hanutarhjrwi i Di »tributan EVERYTHING 135 N W Park SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS 1320 S. E. Water Ave., Portland # W ANTED { M E N and W O M E N RHEEN MFG. CO. J. P. Finley & Son sw FOURTH A T M ONTGOM ERY ATwater 2181 Riverview Cemetery W EST END SELLW OOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service In New- Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview la a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets of over $800,000 for SHIP SCALERS FO R LO CAL SH IPYARD S, EX­ P E R IE N C E UNNECESSARY, 95c A N D U P P E R HOUR ON D AY SHIFT, C LE A N IN G AND P R E ­ P A R IN G SURFACES BEFORE PA IN TIN G . Women must be age 16 and not over 45, and birth certificate re­ quired up to 24 years, Apply basement of Labor Temple Local No. 1404 Portland, Oregon NOTICE Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement 1 A pply week davs only. ' HOD CARRIERS ' BUILDING Union Local iN'o. 296 ROOM 215 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th A T JEFFERSO N Ship Your C A S C A R A BA R K W A N T E D — Riders Swan Island. Day Shift to Personnel Bldg . Ag- ness Konantz, Phone Beaverton 3351. 1704 S. W FRO N T A\ E. Portland S T R A W B E R R IE S Pick yourself. John J. Bushnell, 21-* ml. W on Bull Mt. Rd. Tigard. Oregon. FOR SA LE —Kale plants. Roy Jaquith, phone Scholls 8379. 6 mi W Sherwood. FO R SALE 4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord lots). Write J. O. Johnson, Bx 584, Carlton, Oregon. FOR SALE -Montag Range, cream enamel. W'estinghouse Electric Range, right side oven. Beaverton 2947. FO R S A I. K Two Small Hoil— partly furn. in Portland; one rent­ ed. For details call Osfield. Beaverton 3291. l b . PA ID for live white fryers; free pickup serv. K E. Luce. Warren, Oregon. BEST P R IC E for Rabbit fryers, D. P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver­ ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We pick up. REAL ESTATE W A N T TO EXCHAGE — 4 room I unfurn. new apt, for at least 5 rm modern hse in Beaverton Phone ; Beaverton 2481. BAT10N B00K REMIND£R covered by new simplified B V Y im i P L A N a i U Auger bit» Axe» Bale tie» Barbed wire Basket» Butteries foe the following purposes: Flashlight» Radios Fence* Telephone» Ignition Belt fasteners, metal Bit braces Blacksmith's pincers Blacksmith's hoof knives Blow torches Blowers and forges Bolts and nuts Boxes Brooder thermometers Brushes for motor repuif Bull rings Burlap bags B X or non-metallic sheath cable up to 75 feet in length C alf weaners Cans, five-gallon kerosene and gaso« line Chains o f the following kinds. Halter and cow tie chains Tie out chains Harness chains Log chains T ractoi tire chains Welded coil under 1 Repair links Clevises and swivels Cold chisels, standard Copper wire, insulated, up to 75 feet in length Crates Curry combs Drills o f the following kinds Breast drills Hand drills Post drills Carbon steel blacksmith drills Carbon steel bit stock drills Carbon steel straight shank drills E ave troughs and conductors Egg case« Feed troughs Fencing Padlocks Pails, galvanised Picks Pipe o f the following kinds: Wrought iron water pipe (2* u 4 File« Food choppers Fork*, agricultural Grain «coops Grease fittings and oil cups / under) W ell casing Grease guns, hand operated, including hose and adapter Guild stones, mounted Gnnder« for sharpening tools Hacksaw blades Hacksaw fram e«l H a me« Ham mer« Hamper« Hand cultivators Hand sprayer» Handles for small tools Handles for steel goods Harness, leather Harness, hardwaie Hoes Hog rings H o o f rasps H oof «nipper« Horsecollars Horseshoe nails and calks Horseshoes Horseshoe tongs Husking pins and hooks Jacks for farm tractors Knives o f the following kind#: ) Butcher knives Corn knives Grafting knives H ay knives H oof knives Stockmen’s knives Lanterns Mattocks Mauls Meat choppers M ilk pails M ilk strainers Motors, fractional under 1 IIP . M otor starters under 1 H P. Mule shoes Nails Oilers P ip e fittin g » Flier, of the following kind»; Fence plier» Slip joint pliers Plow bolts Plow shares Post hole diggers P otato forks Potato hooks Poultry hardware Poultry netting Pump cylinders Pump rods and couplings Punches o f the following kin< Machine punches Pm punches Rakes, hand Ridge roll R ivets and burr« Roofing, corrugated Rope ( l * and under) Safety switches Saws and saw blades Screw drivers Shovels Staples Stock watering tank« Tackle, blocks, wood T in snips Tire gauges, low pressure Tire pumps, hand operated Tubs, galvanised Vnlley tin Valves Vises W agon hardware W agon wood stock Wedges W elding rods and electrode« W ell points Wheelbarrow» W ire screen W iring fittings Wrenches It T IR E IN SPECTIO N June 30—Final tire inspection date for cars with B mileage boo£s T IK E IN SPE C TIO N — C card autos by May 31, B cards by June 30 and A cards by Septem­ ber 30. A T IK E IN SPE C TIO N A bookholders must have been made by March 31; subsequent inspection within every six-month period there­ after, but at least 90 days apart. September 30 is next tire inspection deadline for A books. SHOES— June 16—Stamp No. 18, book No. 1, va'id for one pair of shoes through October 31. Stamps interchangeable among family living In same house­ hold. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for LABORERS Professional man wants to lease house in or near Beaverton on or before Sept. 1st. Best of references. Enterprise. Beaverton. Blue Mountain Hide, Wool & Fur Co. FOR SALE fresh Jersey Cow, 1 heavy springer A two mid­ dle milkers. Price $60 up. Alan Cathey, 1 nii N Helvetia store. AND To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES Oregon Balsam of Fir Tallow & House Grease FOR SALE Majestic Radio, one baby crib. See Harold Reynolds at Ford Garage, Tigard. FARM SUPPLIES 100% Defense Plant ft W A N T E D W O O L MOHAIR A N D HIDES WÊ C O FFE E Stamp No. 21 valid from July 1 to Manufacturers o f 21. Stamp No. 22 valid from July S TE E L BARRELS 22 to August 11. 'or Essential W ar W ork SUGAR— Stamps 15 and 16 in war ration book one valid for 5 lbs of sugar Starting rate 95c per hour each for home canning, good until i Oct. 31. A fte r 60 days $1 per hour Housewives may apply at local boards for supplemental home cann- Opportunity to make ing rations, if essential. $1.20 per hour RED STAMPS— June 27—Red stamp P valid; on incentive rate. stamp Q valid July 4; R on July 11; All expire July 31. Advantages you have working here S on July 18. From now on, farmers will have tributors to produce or set aside for from farmers. To place an order Each weekly series good for 16 | first chance at buying the shovels, farmers specified quantities of 66 with his supplier, he simply certifies i points. T w o Rest periods per day ¡forks and other supplies they need item s. As the supply in a given line that his order,, at wholesale prices, j BLUE STAMPS— I to meet 1943 food production goals. I becomes too large or too smaU, ad- } does not amount to more than 75 48-hour week July 7—Expiration date blue stamps , W PB is seeing to it that its regional justments will be made. There will percent of the retail value of the K, L. and M in ration book No. 2 j offices, newspaper editors, and the j thus be a steady adequate flow of , goods already sold. The difference Tim e and one-half over ’ {(processed fruits and vegetables) ' County Farm Rationing Committees supplies. < of 25 percent represents the dealer's 40 hours Blue stamps N, P and Q valid from ; are up to date on all developments Buying Method is Simple mark-up allowance. ! in the program to keep farmers sup- I f the dealer wishes to stock up on Transportation from bus July 1 to August 7. To obtain supplies, the farmer has I f they only to give his dealer a signed certi­ farm supplies immediately, he may j plied with necessary items. R A TIO N BOOK NO. 3— line to plant do so without wniting for farmers' Initial registration for war ration | have any questions. farmers—or the ficate, reading as follows In this case, he certi­ book No. 3 closed on June 10 and dealers who supply them—have only I " I certify to the War Production certificates. 3850 N W Y E O N A Y E . i Board that-1 am a farmer an d that fies to his supplier that he expects to 1 will not be resumed until August 1. to telephone or drop In at any of ■ Portland, ( ) r . ] OPA announced that postmen are to these offices. the supplies covered by this older sell the goods covered by his order, BE. 3189 _________________¡deliver book No. 3 before July 21 to Who May Buy Equipment are needed now and will be used for and that the goods ordered plus the goods on hand do not exceed the all who filed proper applications Briefly., W PB has given everyone the operation of a farm.” normal Inventory. This book is to be a replacement, who engages in farming as a busi­ The farmer may copy and sign this month's --------------------- V ---------------------- when needed, for books No.’s 1 and 3. ness by raising crops, livestock, bees, form himself, or the dealer may have T IR E IN SPE CTIO N or poultry, or who uses farm sup­ forms printed, for him to sign. Don’t spend your pay In 48-H O U R W E E K However, if a farmer wishes more i competition with your neigh­ Sept. 30 is next tire inspection plies in operating silo filling equip­ ment, threshing machines or simi­ than $25 worth of any one ¡tini at deadline for A books. bors for scarce civilian W A N TS lar equipment for farmers, priority one time, he must have his certifl- i FU E L O IL— / goods. Save, America, and I cate approved in writing by the Period 5 coupons valid to Septem­ to buy any of 140 listed items. you will save America from L U M B E R H A N D L E R S (!v [County Farm Rationing Committee. Mure Supplies ( ornili„■ ber 30. black markets and runaway Ilow Dealers Ili'-Order C A B IN E T M A K E R S To help farmers get their share of I G ASOLINE— inflation. Buy more Bonds every A dealer may at anytime buy new Stamp No. 6 in A books valid thru the items which are the most ur­ farm supplies to replace those he has payday. Ilow many bonds? Figure S K IL L E D M I L L M A N ¡July 21 for four gallons each. Ex­ gently needed of the 140, W PB is sold and has received certificates for it out yourself. PO R TL A N D DOOR CO. tra gasoline available for driving to also directing manufacturers or dis- j suburban Victory gardens. 4701 SE 24th Ave., Near Holgate Cross Sellwood or Ross Island Bridge T IR E S — Motorists entitled to over 240 miles SUnset 5707 per month gasoline vations are ellg- Portland. Oregon I ible for grade 1 or grade 2 tires. W ANTED MEN AND W O M EN Close to downtown Close to transportation FOR ¿»ALE 24c APPLY AT AT. 6461 CENTRAL LOCATION W A N TE D —Teacher for Rosedale j school. $175 month. Apply at j Mrs. E. Sorenson. Rt. 3. Beavet- ton. Box 826. Steady Work with Overtime ™ R A B B IT S W A N T E D J. B. Imlay & Sons R E E D V IL L E j MAN FOR HOEING—Good Wages W’eed's Iris Gardens. 1 mile East , of Beaverton. Essential Industry PAINTS Female Help Wanted W ANTED TRtders for Swan Is­ land graveyard shift. Beaverton 2245 W A N T E D — Refined lady 45 to 50 to take complete charge of 6 room modem home Three adults. 2 working, excellent wages. Home phone BEaeon 2726. office BE 8704, Portland. W A N TE D 40 Black Cap P ic k »)» about July 5th. Call collect (T i­ gard 3510) about transportation Bull Mt Rd . 2 ml west of Tigard. Oregon CASCARA BARK *f, SUNDA JOURNAL FORTLAND. OREGON (Green or I»ry ) FIR PITCH OREGON GRAPE ROOT SKUNK CABBAGE ROOT 3 Drug Items SELL D IR E C T LY TO TH E EXCLUSIVE ( Rt l)K DRUG D EALERS WESTERN TRADING COMPANY, Inc. Office and Warehouse «15 NW 15th Av., y Portland, Ore. 8 COMICS 10 SECTIONS TIMELY WAR MAPS WENDELL m i I <(ir§ ONE WORLD and Other Crude W EST’S LARG EST MAGAZINES Subscribe -iv i