F riday, June 25, 1943 BE A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates Female Help W anted W anted —r Experienced! (iirl for Newspaper office, Permanent. A pp ly Enter- [ prise, Beaverton, or 308 Panama Bldg.. Portland. T W O Cents a word per Issue. M inimum 25c CASH with cop> M inimum Charge on Classified A ds not paid at T im e o f Inser tion —50c. Vie Publish the B t A V h K T O .N i ’ KESH T IG A R D 8 E N U N I X V A i.O IIV N E W S C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington County and W estern Multnomah County C overage W e assume no financial reepon- slhility tor errors which may ap pear in advertisem ents published In these colum ns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertise ment in which the typographical m istake occurs. ) F O R SA L E V ery good baby bu g s u g a r gy—$5. 192 Cedar St. Beaver August 15— Stamp No. 13 book ton. No. 1. good for five pounds, expire.-. at m idnight. Stam ps 15 and 16 in F O R S A L E 4 ft D ry Slab <3 cord war ration book one valid for 5 lbs. lots) W rite J. O. Johnson, Bx 584, o f sugar each fo r hom e canning Carlton, Oregon. COFFEE— W ANTED BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry • lm la y’s Fresh M ixed Feeds Steady W o rk with Overtim e FISHER THORSEN PAINTS A PPLY AT J. B. Imlay & Sons REEDVTL.CE ALOHA. O R E ) M IS C E L L A N E O U S R D. B O D L E C O M P A N Y will re ceive B lack cap s in 1943, H ighest • m arket price, Sherw ood, Oregon. Address 334 SE Yam hill. Tel. E Ast 9467, P ortland. Dead sto c *t pick ed up free o f ch arge anyw here. Call collect. UN. 1221: night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. H ID E S ti W OO L. C A S C A R A — A specialty. L E E BRO S., 25 SW Clao1. Portland. A tw ater 5334- Turn w ar stam ps into Bonds P O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O T O R CO. P hone T ig a rd 3381. f HELP W A N TE D E X P E R IE N C E N O T N ECESSARY P A IN T S F or quality, fa ir price and service V • W ill • W A L L A C E B E R R Y or anyone address, w rite E. J. SE 99th, Portland. P. T H O R N - k now ing his Allm an, 3586 Oregon. DOGS B O A R D E D — Small, uoc a day; large 50c. H oule’s Collie Knls., Lr. B oone's Fy- Rd. nr T u alatin. Call T igard 3115. B onds not bunds for A m erica. R A B B IT S W A N T E D G A S O L IN E — Stam p No 6 in A books valid thru July 21 for fou r gallons each. Ex- tra gasoline available fo r driving to suburban V ictory gardens. T IR E S — M otorists entitled to over 240 miles per month gasoline vations a ie elig ible fo r grade 1 o r grade 2 tires, W A N T E D Live R abbits, to buy B T IR E IN SP E C T IO N now. T op prices paid. R abbit Meat June 30 Final tire inspection date Co., 8917 SE Stark St., Portland. for ca ts with B m ileage books. P hone SUnset 1722 Open 8 a. in. T IR E IN S P E C T IO N — to 9 p. m. daily and Sunday C card autos by May 31, B cards ; by June 30 and A cards by Septem- ! ber 30 COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS 1320 S. E . W ater Ave., Portland W ANTED M EN A N D W O M E N \ T IR E IN SP E C T IO N A bookholders must have been made j by March 31; subsequent inspection within every six-m onth period there after, but at least 90 days apart. Septem ber 30 is next tire inspection deadline for A books for S H IP S C A L E R S F O R L O C A L S H IP Y A R D S E X P E R IE N C E U N N E C E S SA R Y , 95c A N D U P P E R HO UR ON DAY SH IF T . C LE A N IN G A N D IK K P A R IN G S U R F A C E S BEFORE P A IN TIN G . W om en must be age 16 and not over 45, and birth certifica te re quired up to 24 years. Apply basem ent o f l.a b or T em ple L ocal No. 1404 Portland, Oregon H igh W ater, T axes, And John Lewis Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement ! A pply week da vs only. ‘ HOD CARRIERS ' AND BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 296 R O O M 215 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th A T J E F F E R S O N ft W A N T E D P rofessional man w ants to lease house in or near B eaverton on or b efore Sept. 1st. Best o f references, E nterprise, Beaverton. W A N T E D — 5 or 6 Stvawberry P ickers. G ood accom m odation s. D rive to M anning take Haywavd road to J. H. B urch farm 1 ‘-is mi. south o f M anning store. p Stam p No. 34 in book No. 1 valid F O R SALE 20 Feeder Pigs *15 fo r one pound through June 30. each, also 90 W eaner Pigs. Gotter, F T E L O IL — at Scholls, Ore., S cholls 8219 Period 5 cou pons valid to S eptem ber 30. 2 4 c k n - P A ID fo r live white fryers; free pickup serv. E. E. Luce, W arren, Oregon. ----------------------------------------------- — ■ — B E S T P R IC E for R abbit fryers. D. 1' M acDonald, R2, Bx 218, B eaver-. ton. P hone 2260. SYLVAN PLANT NOTICE ft P E R S O N A L S RATION BOOK REMINDER P A R T IA L T R A IL E R , in good con R A T IO N HOOK NO 2 dition, R . E. Yeom ans, W estdale June 20- Red stam ps N valid. All add E llis ave., R t 1. B eaverton including J, K . L, and M. exp iie ¡June 30. E ach w eekly series good F O R S A L E Four Sheep, three j for 16 points. Ewes, one Buck. H. A Miller. R1 . July 7- Blue stam ps K. L, and M Bx 10, Tigard, Or. ¡g o o d through this date j E N T E R P R IS E M I'L T N O M a II FO R S A L E Page 3 , Hello Folks: W ell, Floods, Taxes, and John i Lew is have pushed the headlines | back in all our newspapers, and • Uncle Sam and the )Y orld w ar have taken a back seat! Personally, I "Y ou rs T ru ly " aint any m ore friendly j to the rich selfish galoots that want ; to m ake m illions in this war and git | a hole year o f "fo rg iv en ess” in taxes ' they have pocketed, than he has with the big feller with the big eye brow s what look like tw o patches of brush lousy with ticks and snakes! Y ou know' its a dirty sham e to drag j the name ‘(John” into such a dirty I disloyal mess as Lewis has spued out! Lew is ought to change his name er . , , . to , , sum pthin’ like . A dolph, .. ¡J u d a s! John is a respecktable nam e! N o w , all you "lov ey-d ovey’’ foalts, don't get shocked I don't hate Lew is as a man any m ore than I hate a bed bug as a bug! I just hate the w ay they both git their livin ’. They have to be sm ashed by peepul what want to hold their social stnndin' and this inkludes Congress, and the hole shooti.n' m atch in W ash in gton ! B A R B W IR E B ILL ! T R A N S P O R T C E R T IF IC A T E S June 30 Final date for filing ! transport m ileage ration certificates 1 I T-t and T-2 )fo r third quarter o f 1943. SH O ES June 16 Stam p No. 18. book No 1. valid for one pair o f shoes through O ctober 31. Stam ps interchangeable am ong fam ily living In sam e house hold -------------------V --------------- — The world Is looking for the man who can do som ething, not for the ! man w ho can "exp lain " why he didn't do it. -----V ------ ------------ The hom e tow n paper is like bread and meat to service men — V — i H> Fred P. II. Clyde Thix publication assumes no res ponsibility for view s expressed In ibis colum n. Sentim ents arc cred ited to the colum nist, Clyde, and do not necessarily coin cide xs ittx our editorial policy. this line you may quote me as ssy- mg P hooey." Unquote. Our cow has a m ighty nice barn G er aldine is well fed, housed, and pas tured. The garden is fertilized, cu l tivated. Chickens pay their own way but they-, like any other creaturs, must be well housed and tended—or som ebody is goin g to get kicked In the neck. In any kind o f husbandry d aily, poultry, agriculture— you get out o f you r endeavor just what you put into it. Y ou always hear a bunch o f yahoos sounding o f f about luislng Guinea pigs, m ushroom s, poultry, ginseng, and Siberian Y aks - nothing to it. Job takes care o f itself. Just set there and reap in the harvest It s still baloney o f a very low type. T o my well m eaning but poorly ad vised friends who constantly heckle me about the advantages o f hen's fruit and chicken noodle soup- I'll have my ch ick en s when I can build a decent set-up that som e poor hen won't be asham ed or unable to lay an egg in. John 1. Lewis has made it known that he will coyly enter the A .F L. fold if carefu lly coaxed and enticed by sweet w ords 1 .atest coal mine cessation o f work m akes me yvondei it A. F. L. would lie too smart to in vite this prodigal sheep back into the barn. O f all the asinine circum vention of labor's no-strike pledge, this "refusal to trespass " angle is an insult to the intelligence o f a people at wai We Cheese should be aged and have will m ake no bones about this fellow background L im burger, Aged Lew is he does not enjoy a fond spot Sharp Cheddar, R oquefort, Danish Banquet, Swedish G jetos, delicacies, in this colum n's inky heart. all suys I Nay says the wife. She Noyv there's a lot o f people that dotes on these panby-nam by cream com e up here and look the place cheeses as mild as a baby's breath. over and com m ent that w c have no Me 1 like them sharp, rich and w ith chickens. They couple this along character. yvith the fact that I am an avicul The other day I had a bit o f this turist by trade (tw o-bit word for Scandinavian G jetos Brown Goat bird breeder» and throw thirty fits Cheese In my lunch and brother-nt- why we haven't the feathered gold work Ralph Eaton Inquired as to mines in our midst. I painstaking what I was en joyin g so much. In ly point out that I have no chicken answ er I gave him a m orsel. He bit house. "O h,” these apartment en into it rather cautiously and then thusiasts blurb, "just put them nny- ran hollering fo r water and that I yvhere throw up a chicken house In had deliberately talked him into h alf a day get all the eggs you poisoning himself. Darned If I can w an t; have some left to sell” . To understand people like that Best Market Prices For S T R A W B E R R IE S L O G A N B E R R IE S B O Y S O N B E R R IE S Blackcap Raspberries Y O U N G B E R R IE S Cuthbert Raspberries R. I. MacLaughlin & Co. BEAVERTON, OREGON P H O N E 3271 — Tell you r law yer to send your le- . this . . . ______ gals to paper. W AN TED Cascara Bark Save 20 to 25% on your F IR E IN S U R A N C E C O S T S O regon Mutual Policies ure N O N-ASSESS A B L E . Y ou N E V E R pay m ore than the prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual m aintains more than three tim e« the surplus required h j O rcgou Insurance Laws. Highest P rices Paid O regon Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany PACIFIC COAST OF Me MINN VII J .E Organized 1894— 40 years o f R eliable Service Ctvaa. 1* W alker, Agent C A S C A R A H A R K C O. Utili NW M u MNW SI., Portland O reg on A T. M M New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 “ E very F orm o f P rotection ” A dvertising is salesmanship. H illsboro, Oregon U.S.WAR BONDS LP/NG SU/LD AMER/CA 'S 0e Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AND S U P P L IE S F O R T IIE D A IK V IN D U S T R Y «.ivOdO- •pO'/ZER Odome k Crifell MznaOrfurOT i Dhtrlbuton EVERYTHING ( 185 NW Park AT. »461 CENTRAL LOCATION C lose to dow ntow n C lose to transportation PGE I. P. Finley & Son SW s p e e d s the w a r p ro d u ctio n o f F O U R T H AT M O N T G O M E R Y A T w ater 2181 C o lu m b ia A ir c r a f t In d u s t r ie s Riverview Cemetery > k ^HEY R E striking hard in the Pacific with planes w e re building on the coast. P G E delivers the “ striking pow er’’ for Columbia Aircraft Industries plants. W EST END SF.I.I.W OOD B R ID G E CREM ATO RIU M M AUSOLEUM CEM ETERY P G E provides the power for stamping, drop forging, machine tools, and for the blocks-long C om plete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No E xtra cost R iverview is a co-op erative asso ciation with assets o f over *800,000 assembly lines. Round-the-clock production at Columbia Aircraft turns out vital parts. PGt To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES > expansion p r o g r a m helps w a r p r o d u c t i o n The foresighted PG E management has spent 43/4 million dollars in the past four years to en large PG E 's capacity for serving scores o f vital Ship Y our CASCARA BARK war industries and other customers. W O O L M O H A IR A N D H ID E S strated its faith in the future of this region . . . by O regon Balsam o f Fir T allow & House Grease Blue Mountain Hide, Wool & Fur Co. 1704 S. W . F R O N T A l t - Portland For more than 50 years, PG E has demon PORTLAND GENERAL S lecfrU c delivering ■— I" fighting power developing five waterpower plants, a 105,000- horsepower steam plant, and by building a net work o f lines throughout a 2,500-square mile territory. Today, in wartime, power on the home to 67,000 war workers front produces striking p o w er at the fighting front.