P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N V O L . 16, NO. 21 With Men In Army-Navy S H O R T ST. A N D Beaverton, Oregon, N O T IC E Effective immediately, classified advertising is payable in advance. Our rate for such ads is so reas onable, 2 cents a word, 25c mini mum. that mailing of statements and bookkeeping necessary for such small accounts far exceeds the income. C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Friday, June 25, 1643 July 1 Beaverton Aircraft Day ,o0Av*,rn,y ___E S T A B L I S H E D 1927 L o c a l M ention Preparing After War Condition Tomatoes were blossoming in the Jones garden in Beaverton this The Mobilization ol a volunteer food week, the earliest reported. production at my enlisting all avail plants were only about three inches able Oregon residents not actively nigh when set out, and are now over \ engaged in other essential war work a foot high. Oregon climate can't j The IV Fighter Command will in is urged by Congressman Homer D tie beat The only trouble is that L . Babson . . . Bark, Mass., June 25- Al- augurate a training program of Air- Angell to avert a- critical shortage the government censois won t let us thouKh 1 do not European Somewhere in North Africa Classified ads in the future will June 3, 1943 A ™ R f “ g^ ti - l f ° L - T ® b'or!12!...the of workers "and* to insure"' proseinni lepoit how nice it lias been here and Asiatic conflicts to be over until after the election in 1944, yet the not be taken over the phone. Just , . „ ' . lion of the state's fruit and vegetable lately Hello Folks: Members of the Corps have CIops |or nuUtary and civilian re _ .. , ,, time is fast approaching. Hence, it count the words, multiply by 2 Corps. Here is your oil delivery boy in M,s Cornelius Vande. m ost« sister. , wlU be wel, for all bu8ine88men proven themselves to be competent q^rements cents a word, and mail, bring «1 Atiica. Quite some distance from Mane corsage, died this week. x and small---- now to prepare a and faithful in their essential pait of Xne pre88inK need for alleviation ol send into the office. home. My folks sent some of the our active air defense system, and lbe n ^ t manpower problem, the leg- I - “ .l, S ^ fin ite plan of p et-w a r action. Cer addresses of people that asked receiving felicitations from their Subscriptions are also payable in the Army Air forces believe thai ¡8jr tor explains, is threefold in scope | triends on the birth June 16 of a tninly the “ old days'' will not return. about me so am writing to them. advance. New methods and policies are inevit- ■ they should have an opportunity to caidnk for Kelp in the can manufac- son, Wilbur S., Jr. Sure haven't forgot you people. ab.le Those who properly plan their study Aircraft Recognition similar tu»ing plants where the containers Think of home quite often and more We solicit your business, but %sk Harold Sullivan, United States na- work should succeed, but many of to other Air Force personnel. for fruits and vegetables are being so of late because I have been driv your cooperation, as help is scarce chief Observer Y\ E. McCloskey m8de jn the fields to harvest the I vy, has been home here on leave those who do not, will go under, ing a truck. Have been doing many and time precious. says, I certainly was proud when 1 c |.0p8 aad (n canning plants where from Alaska visiting his family and study Profitable Items things and suppose I'll do many t 1 friends. received the announcement that »*- they are processed more things before the war is over. lVrhaps the first step is to make a A rm y A ir Forces were going to teach , I f anyont, doubt; the e8sentlai m It isn't so bad over here. Get's . . Mr. . and ... Mrs . H. R. Nelson .. enter- . survey of your present business and - us A ircra ft Recognition. I remem- geney 0f getting fruits and vegetables “ “ " "f B Hanna of find out which dopaitment8 and rather warm in the day time. Every w ill send a nice gift to thank them one is getting a good tan out of it. for the fine reception that you all ber when we first started the 1 ost. a papgp^ jnto cans so that harvest in l in » , , lH3t SunJa> ! «terns are profitable and which are lot o f the people laughed and said a : w i„ be preserved he illustrated. It is in honor of fathers day. not. The pr88ent time gives every Have pretty good food considering gave us boys when we left home. We bunch of us civilians couldn t pos- n6ce884ry mel el to reallze that miss you all and we hope to see you everything. Have electric lights in Mr. and Mis. VNoodrow Weaver ! businessman a wonderful opportunity sibly be imrmrtant in our observation ,8 000 000 cans Qf food 8tuffs a Marylyn Louise, ol | to cut out non-profttable lines and our barracks and misquito nets over all some day. I work. W ell, I guess the fact that day are needed for the armed forces and daughter Tell all the girls to drop me a let each of our cots. The nets have Bremerton, Wash., spent the pasi various unnecessary customs which 1 the IV Fighter Command is going to relatives here. | huve developed during past years. been used mostly to keep o ff the ter, it will be good to hear from teach us observers the very same in addition to tremendous amounts week end visiting needed for the population at home Miss Dorothy Sc her min returned It is surprising how many of these flies in the daytime and we sure them. j course that military personnel re- j Boys and girls of high school age. with them for a short visit. It is hot up here. I am going 10 ceives, should prove that we're a have plenty of them. | can be eliminated without hurting Have to do our own washing and ! school, and going to be a truck driv- pretty important part of the defense! white collar workers who are now Mis. Robert Selandei (Evelyn ¡the customer or the employe. These employed but will volunteer for part I hope to go across the ocean that’s what I did most of the day. j er. 1 system on this Pacific Coast. T h e] or all of their leisure time, house- Williams' returned Saturday from slimtnations should be made before jomeday and win this war so the Army Air Forces This was my day off. wouldn't waste wives who do not ordinarily work ! San Diego', Calif., where she has the war is over. I f you are down near the draft boys can come home to their fath valuable time and money teaching us 1 outsjde After the war, merchants will be tbeir home and older ,,eop,0 spent the last month with her hus- | band. board drop in and let them know er's and mother’s. come more and more specialists. Aii craft Recognition if it wasn t vi- , not regularly employed, are being Love to all. Yours truly one of their boys is all right. Mr anil Mrs. Kenneth York are Competition will be very keen, both tally important. sought for job placement. God bless you all. Hope to hear from you soon. Chief McCloskey says that the first . civilians who seek to volunteer , the proud parents of a daughter, with American concerns and with Pvt. A N TH O N Y H DALTON As ever foreign competitors. This means thut school began on June 6th. One p e r-,foi. work in , he plants are asked t( PpKKy J-. born June 15. Cpl. C LIN T O N H E D R IC K 39,332.037 . 306 Tg Bks , 205 Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe and Mr. costs must be cut to a minimum son from each post may attend these , r^ istei dil.ectly at their employment 39309218 39th Rep Sq Eng Overhaul Field, Texas. schools and will receive one week's I offices, with the local War Manpow , and Mrs. Robert Summers were din which can be done partly by stand Sect., APO 528 P M, New York The lines carried should l concentrated Instruction. 25 hours ner guests last Saturday evening at ardization. Kearns. Utah, June 25—Pre-avia , will be devoted to Aircraft Recogni- er Commission office, or with the City, N. Y. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon be the every latest and best, but they tion cadet, Ronald L. Graham of R3 ! tion, 10 hours to studying the Manual | United States Employment Service. should not be too extensive. It will Ross ot Portland. V Earl McCann is now in California box 1*08, Beaverton, Oregon, is now ! for Observers, and 9 -hours will be be more profitable to give the best Warren Smith, Army Aviation Ca stationed at this Army A ir Forces Ba devoted to general discussion and Duration Do’s and Dont’s at Camp Parks. det, visited his purents. Mr. and Mrs. service at a low price carrying form sic Training Center, it is announced ¡this course must pass military ex Dear Friends: This often requires oppos 1 C. J. Smith last Sunday on his way er lines. This is the real thing here. We ry Col. Converse R I^wis, Comman aminations and upon graduation will Wartime Wardrobe I from Bossmun, Montana, where he ing both your own salesmen and the are in boot camp now and we start der salesmen trying to sell you goods. be known as a Post Instructor. This Selection has been attending school. Private Graham is the son of Ward Post Instructor will be supplied with 1 ^ to work. Base Costs on Normul Sales . Miss Mary Ann Ekman of Port- j It has rained every day since I've A. Graham of the same address. official aircraft recognition training I make a llst ot 'vbat >’ou bave> land, was a week end guest with ! When peace comes there will be a been here and I think it will keep up Customers aids and he, or she, will return to j tller‘ 8tudy y ° ur neleds Buy only Mrs. Evelyn Hetu and Mrs. Guy Alex temptation to expand. until I leave. Eddie Taylor of West Slope is now Beaverton an d conduct a similar 4 " tho8e occasions that are a part of ander. will be rushing in and demanding How is the old draft board coming in New Zealand, or was on May 23 course. This course will be under iy jur >‘ie Remember your activities Mrs. Guy Carr and daughter Shir goods which you are not carrying; along these days. Ihope you aren’t the date of his letter. He enlisted ¡constant military inspection. When j »*1 different during war. ley and Dorothy and Mrs. Carr's’ sis while returning soldiers and muni drafting too many of the boys. Don’t wear articles of clothing ter, Mis. Thompson and two children tion workers will be urging you to in the Marines December 17, 1941, ¡asked how many planes the observ- This place is really the thing. We and has seen duty in the Solomon ers will be asked to recognize. Chief j lhat ca" b* worn only one season give them jobs Such of your form have spent the week at Seaside. have everything for the kid who Isles .both at Teloga and Guadal Observer McCloskey said, "They tell Do plan and buy big purchases Miss Elaine Hanson, daughter of er employes who have been drafted, wants to go ahead. Well good by canal. wardrobe Mr. and Mrs. Harris Hanson spent you must take back If they apply me a total of 55 planes that are both first, then build your for a while. Dear Friend: I received your let friendly and enemy. I was a little around them. the past week visiting her uncle and within sixty days after their dix BRUCE PR IC E ter today and will answer it at once bit frightened when I thought of my Do buy clothing that is inter iaunt, Mr. und Mrs. Robert Summers. charge; but It would not be patriotic A-S Co. 430 43 Baracks 18L USNTS as I sure like to get letters and have self trying to do that, but after Sec changeable to make several costum enlarge your whole Miss Evelyn May Williams, daugh to hurriedly Camp Hill, Farragut, Idaho. had none for 3 weeks -except yours, tor Sergeant Smith explained the es. Any business boom ter of Mr and Mrs. John A. Williams organization. Don’t wait until you are in the became the bride of Mr. Robert Ed which takes place after peace will rtrst, 1 will tell you. about the Beav method of teaching to us, it sounded erton boys who are here. I have seen simple and interesting. They e x -- 8tore to dec*de on a price range. Dear Mrs. Gilham : win Selnnder, United States Navy, not continue Indefinitely. Therefore, Somewhere along the line I lost only two of tBem, Larry Blunck Is ! plain everything with stories and pic- ! Do stay w,lh one h*8*0 coI°'' 1 son of Mr. and Mrs Oscar Selander, it is very important to base your Eugene O’Connor tures and it sounds like a game.” scheme. the post card you gave me so will with the 1st Batt. 1 the evening of May 17, in San Diego, stock and your labor costs on a nor is in the same outfit with us and is The Beaverton Observation Post I , Dont1 buy anything you hadn t Calif., the Rev. O. E. Tyler o f f mal business which can be depended furnish my own writing material. Keep down fixed We got up here about noon on looking pretty good now, he had ma expects to have its Aircraft Recogni-| p,a5lned 5° ° Ui ' , iciated and Mrs. Tyler attended the upon to continue. Peo-| D° 1 rat,ion1 Çl°‘ hlng voluntarily as bride. Wednesday and after shots for te laria and was in the hospital in tion course about July 1, 1943. The bride wore a navy wool burdens such as rent, interest charg tanus and typhoid and small pox April. pie interested in the work should j a Pat,lotl° duty^ v ____________ crepe suit with matching accessories es and other overhead costs. The climate here is something like ' contact Chief Observer and our G1 of clothing and equip McCloskey and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Selan- Co-op«'rate with the Government Do not be upset by all the reports Ernest Masters Elected ment were assigned to the above our climate back there without the ■» for more details. | der returned here last Saturday, It is all mixed up, sun which you are obliged to fill out and while Mrs. Selander is in service. company on Thursday. W e all ar seasons. Clerk Beaverton Schools restrictions and rived safely after a night’s ride on shine, wind, rain, dampness but no Janice Spencer and Grace Larson by the various the sleeper and a 2 hour stopover snow except away up on a couple of Beaverton Ladies Attend Ernest Masters was elected clerk are spending a two weeks holiday at regulations to which you are sub jected. Get used to these thingr. in Spokane for breakfast. There mountains, too far to get to and no Businesswomen’s Club of school district number 48 of Wash Oregon beaches. Everything is done back were 39 in the bunch from Portland. skeeing. Mrs. Rose Gordon of route 1, Beav and quit trying to buck the inevit ington county, at the annual school They eat with Meeting Last Week Were warned about all the “ raz. wards over here. meeting held June 21st at the Beav erton, has moved to 2107 E. Burn able. As long as our competitors are The Hillsboro Business and Pro erton high school, to take the place side street, Portland. also subject to them, we should co zing" we would take when we got their fork in their left hand and Womens club met for theii of Mrs. Althea Haulenbeck, who has here but as far as I ’m concerned it their knife in their right, using both fessional J. B. Dickey, formerly of route 3, operate with the Government. Abov , , We catch a regular June meeting last week. Of- he,d that po8iUon for u year8 and Sherwood, is now residing on route all things, do not put In evasive or was quite disappointing—Only a few at the same time. lp o ru fn i' t ho m o n m in a voor urn»■«. v for the incoming year were dishonest reports. cries of "Barber-Bait” and "You'll “tram' 'to go uptown to the “ pub", t ficers resigned to become a farmerette on 3, Beaverton. be sorry” —We get our hair cuts or to the "milk bar” . We think noth | installed by Mrs. Zelda Morgan, past their own farm near Gaston. Mrs. Mrs. Julia An Williams, an aunt All of us should, of course, take Mrs. Hilda High- Haulenbeck has been tomorrow and from what I ’ve seen, ing of having tea 5 or 6 times a day. state president. a very effi of Mrs. Pearl Myers and Mrs Mabel on certain work when the Govern Once is enough for me. Candy is : bee of Beaverton, was installed as they don't spare the clippers' On the cient, faithful clerk and the commun Van Alst, of Beaverton, died June 13 I ment requests us to do so. Speaker of the evening The food is wonderful and there's "lollys" and biscuits are "scones." | treasurer. In Portland. other hand, let us not be hogs and ity wish her success In her new ven lots of it. So far its been a Swell The girls here are good looking. ¡was Mrs. J. M. Person, who told of ture. --- V — ----------- take too much when other concerns A ! her recent trip to Hawaii. Candid- experince and should be more inter And the people treat us so nice. W. D. Cameron was re-elected di- P T A Executive Board Continued on Page 2 lot diferenf from the Islands where dates for Victory Goddess for the esting yet, when we get out of de | rector. W. H. Grauer will be chair --------------- V --------------- we never saw a white girl from Aug ' Fourth of July celebration were i.i- tention, which only lasts 3 weeks. man of the board for the new year. Holds First Summer ust to March .just natives and ser | troduced. Thanks again for everything, -------------------- V -------------------- - Cancel State Fair Meeting Recently Those attending from Beavertorii I PO R T E R UNDERWOOD. AS vice men, no tea, just bombs ano were Mrs. Noreen Allyn, Mrs. C. O. Miss Alice Clement to Co. 429-43 Camp Ward, 2A4 Farragut, bullets. The Executive Board of the Beav To Aid W a r Effort It would be much easier out here Hanes, Mrs. Hilda Highbee and Miss Idaho. erton P. T. A. held the first of its If there were letters in every nutil. ; Merle Davies. Present Pupils in Recital Oregon will have no state fair in sumrper meetings at the home of 1943, the state director of agricultuie Give my best regaids to every one --------------- V ----- ------ - Dear Friends: Mrs. Leslie Smith. After a delicious Next Monday evening Miss Alice E. L. Peterson, announced following Just a w’ord to let you know that and ask them to write. Announces Removal of P.F.C. E D W IN L. T A Y L O R Clement, Dean of Linfield College potluck luncheon the meeting was an executive meeting, the first semi things are OK. We get plenty tc Conservatory of Music, will present called to order by Mrs. J. E. Robin annual session of 1943, with the state eat and our officers are sure good H A S Co. 2nd Marines Reinf. 2nd Portland Optical Co. Marine Div. Fleet P O San Fran in piano recital five pupils who have son, president. board of agriculture in Salem June so far. Working mothers will be very 16. when the matter was discussed cisco, Calif. The Portland Optical company, lo been studying with her in Beaverton I met a boy from school up here cated at 836 SW 10th avenue, across on Saturdays during part of the year. much interested in a poster which from all angles and unaniniious and you don’t realize how happy I will be soon on display in downtown agreement leached that the war de Kearns. Utah, June 25- Pre-Avia from the library in Portland, has j Charlotte Hall, Richard Smurthwaite, was I am in camp Ward and al This poster will tell of mands that all efforts of the part or Donald Beaverton. most all of the kids from Portland tion cadet Edward F. Vala of Sixth been moved to 307 Pearson building, ; Kathleen Imlay of Reedville, homes where children may be cared agriculture he directed toward the between 4th and 5th streets on Wash- Metcalf and Melva Lee Beeler will field trips. The person who attends are here. for while mother is at work Thee. I production of food ' each be heard in a group of solos. We sure had a swell trip up here. is now stationed at this Army Air ington. Roland E. Gilligan, dispensing op- Mrs. L. W. Coleman of Tigard, for- homes have been approved by the P. Forces Basic Training Center, it is Thanks for everything. V- Watch for poster. of Beaverton, will sing two T. A. announced by Col. Converse R. Lew tician, formerly associated with Ha! merly Just a friend, Plnns are underway for the fre« Moor, replaces broken lenses without groups of solos. H A R R Y R A L P H TO B IN is. Commander. Farm Labor Board The public is invited to attend this care of children at all future P T. Private Vala is the son of Mr. and , prescriptions. A meetings. The Camp Fire girls Assistant Appointed ____________V -----»---------- 1 recital which will be held in the 1 am at Aberdeen Proving Ground Mrs. Charles Vala of Postoffice box ., r> 11 Bethel Congregational church Jun<> under the supervision of Mrs. Roy Maryland. I'm in the Ordinance and Angel street. Beaverton, Oregon, ~ Miss Agnes Kolshorn of Corvallis Manges, character building chair 1 2 s at 8 p m Dpt. It is a great place and a lot enlistment for aviation cadet training County Honor Roll has been named farm labor assistant. man. 312 Beaverton, Oregon. Prior to his of nice fellows here. This Is sup Dedication July 5th —v— — After a short discussion on plans County Extension Service, to help li posed to be the most strict company High School and his occupation was On Monday, July 5, an honor roll IIA K O L I) K. KISH for the 1943-44 P. T A. activities, it the recruitment of women and yout' in the camp. I like it OK except aircraft and engine mechanic senior listing the names of Washington Harold Kenneth Kish, late of route was decided that the next executive for needed agricultural work In th inspector. it rains more here than in Oregon. County service men will be dedi 5, box 661. Portland, died June 15. meeting would be an evening one to county, reports Palmer 8. Torvend RO B E RT M U RPH Y Under a recent war department cated at the Court House in Hills He was husband of Dorothy Donna be held at the home of Mrs O. Cos- county agent. 39.332.031 Co. A 1st Ord Tng Rgt. ruling the thousands of aviation ca boro. The dedication will be held in Kish. Funeial services were held lett Jr., at 8 o'clock on July 20th - --------- OPTC Aberdeen Proving Ground, dets, who were awaiting their orders the morning preceding the parade 1 Monday, interment Lone Fir ceme Mrs. Coslett's home Is 3rd house from Private Vala attended Marshfield --------------- V --------------- Independence Maryland. tery. the Beaverton grade school on the called from the Enlisted Reserve Farmington road. Meat us there --------------- V --------------- Celebration Set Save Your Heifer Calves and were ordered to report to the Mrs. Gilham: --------------- V—I— -------- C H ARLES II. SPENCER This is the real life I wish you many basic training centers onerated Victor S. Madsen. County FSA Su | The parishioners of St. Agatha'n Charles H. Spencer, late of 4243 were here! The only thing I don’t by the Air Forces. While at Kearns pervisor reports that for the first He Forgot .Catholic church will stage their SE Belmont, Portland, died June 15. like is that 4 30 in the morning busi these pre-aviation cadets will receive 15 days of June, he has purchased ! eighth annual Independence dey ness. the darn srg comes up to our their tegular air corps basic train for shipment and sale 22 heifer ca, Father of Earl A., Beaverton; Jack He brushed his teeth twice a day i celebration at the Oaks park on July H T., Silver-ton, Or.; Bernard W . twice The doctor examined him ing. They will learn how to march, bunks and yells "H it the Deck" (The ves. A shipment was sent to Couer Robert W , Betty Mae Adkins, Caro , 5. An expected attendance of 15,000 year. dirty (censored). Most of the Beav- use small arms and machine guns, D'Alene, Idaho, on June 15. The lyn Rollinson, all of Portland, Doro- , people from all over the state will He wore rubbers when It rained. erton boys are together. One in the|Chemical warfare and other kindred next shipping date will be June 29 i witness an array of events, includ , thy Borah, Fort Smith, Ark. Also sur He slept with the windows open. hospital». Tomorrow all of us guys , subjects Anyone having good heifer calves vived by 5 brothers. ing military exercises, games and He stuck to a diet with plenty o f, state county and clty of. have K P (you know )’ Upon completion of the basic that they would otherwise kill a’ As soon as we leave here we go to i training moot of the pre-aviation birth or sell for veal should phone fresh vegetables. flcials have been invited and will F R A N K I’ KOII ASK A an unknown destination and take cadets will be sent to one of the the local county Faim Security Ad-: He relinquished his tonsils and trad- j participate in a program which wil' Fiank Prohaska, route 1, Beaver our pick of the service, if we re 1 many colleges operating under the ministration office and arrangements ed in several wornout glands. | also feature local and national enter ton. died June 17. Father of Mrs. suited for it. My arm is kinds sore ' supervision of the Army Air Corps will be made for their purchase He golfed, but never « more than 18 tainers. Amelia Riley, Beaverton; Mrs. El from them shots, two of them In At colleges they will receive special- The price paid is $10 for calves t<> holes. An Italian spaghetti dinner will be my army tests I got 97 out of 103 ized training before entering the avi- 10 to 14 days old and 40 cents a day ste Tenney, Portland; Joe, Vancouver. He never smoked, diank, or lost hi* one o f the highlights of the day, ac Cyril, Long Beach, Cal.; brother of rtght Chance for cadet. ation cadet training centers. theieafter up to 30 days, at which Joe Prohaska, Ixis Angeles; also sur temper. i cording to Charles Dell, general Pvt JIM SMITH ---------------V-------------— time 10 percent above veal price wiU (chairman vived by 10 grandchildren, and 2 He did his dully dozen daily Tacoma. Wash Pioneers Annual Meet be paid. l --------------- * ---- ----------- - great-grandchildren. Funeral ser He got at least eight hours' sleep every night. vices Monday at Peggs Chapel, Beav The tuna catch for the first quar My Dearest f TT c ^T Slated for June 27th The funeral will be held next ter of 1943 was approximately 40 B IR T H S erton. I am goi ig to sit down and write The annual meeting of the Wash- Wednesday. He is survived by 18 percent greater than In the same --------V --------------- Wilbur 8 Wridge Mr and Mrs you a letter to tell you that I am , ington County Pioneers and Native Use Want Ads as a short cut to specialists. 4 health institutes, 6 gym period of 19*2, but Is still considee- getting a long fine here, and how Sons and Daughters association will Beaverton, June 16. a son Wilbur 8 nasiums. and numerous manufactur ably below normal .the coordlnat'o” finding a buyer. are you all getting along at home he held at Shute Park auditorium. Jr ---------------V -----— ------- ers of health foods and antiseptics. of fisheries has announced. Mr and Mrs Kenneth L Hall, This Tell them hello for me and tell Sunday June 27th. A potluck din- The home town paper Is like bread He had forgotten about trains at year ths government will take 60 per them that I would like to thank ner will be served at noon, with cof- , Beaverton, June 10, a daughter, Mar and meat to ssrvlcs men grade crossings' cent of the tuna pack. ian K them for the going away gift and l i f e « and sugar supplied * Crop Spoilage