Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1943)
Friday, June 18, 1043 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Ore Classified Rates FOR SALE T W O Cents a word per Uaue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy M inimum Charge on C lassified Ads not paid at Tim e o f Inser tion — 50c. H e PubUsh the B E A V E R T O N EN T E K I'K IS E M U LTN O M AH l ’ KF.SS T IG A R D SEN 1LN EL ALO H A NEW 8 Com plete S a l t e r n W ashington County and W estern M ultnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisem ents published In these colum ns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertise ment in which the typographical m istake occurs. I'O R SA L E — Seed potatoes. Topich. R1 Bx 474. Beaverton. F O R S A L E — Fresh C ow and Calf. Call bet. 10 a .m. and 2 p. m. J. Smith, Bx 215, R t 3, Beaverton. F O R SALE H alf ton panel truck Reo-Speedw ay. '35, Cheap. E. C. Masten, R I, Bx •»50, Beaverton. C ooper Mt. F O R S A L E —H om e-m ade T ractor, Stanley Sinclair, \\ atson and Allen ave., Beaverton. F O R SA L E Y oun g Chester W hite B oar—$30. J. B. Crom m elin, B eaverton 3847. W A N T E D —W om an to d o house work, good wages, steady work, i 868 F arm ington Rd., Bx 31, B eav- j erton. F O R S A L E -D o e , 1 m onth old lit ter o f 8— $15. Beaverton 2613 F O R S A L E —6 acres o f standing Clover 2 year $15 per ton. A xel Nordin, R l, B eaverton, Bx 251. PAINTS ■« ------------ ible fo r grade 1 or grade 2 tires ~ “ m m i n m ii ia«a——aaaaML. 3W5III5 B T IK E IN SP E C T IO N R A T IO N BOOK NO. 3 June 30—Final tire inspection date A pplication fo r ration book No. 3 for cars with B m ileage books. I . are now being distributed by mail carriers. The application is to be T IK E IN SP E C T IO N — C card autos by Muy 31. B cards returned by June 10. P ostm en are to distribute book No. 3 about July 15. by June 30 and A cards by Septem | Yuu can ai‘ l the war effort by pooling a ride B ook No. 3 will be a replacem ent ber 30. 3 with V o u r relatives, friends and neighbors and when needed, fo r book s No. 1 and A T IR E IN SP E C T IO N No 1 Septem ber SO— First inspection for s helping us process dairy and poultry products A bookholders must have been made 1 R A T IO N B OOK NO 2 = Can Use High School Students 16’ Years age III = by March 31; subsequent inspection ] R E D STAM PS within every six-m onth period there- I minimum, M ay 30 -R e d Stam p K (m eats-fats) after, but at least 90 days apart. s in book No. 2 becom es valid, good Septem ber 30 is next tire Inspection II Apply to [th ru June 30. R ed stum p L valid deadline for A books. June 6. M on June 13, N on June 20; III all expire June 30. Each weekly SH O ES S June 15—E xpiration date stam p No. series good fo r 16 points. III 17, book No. 1 (one pair sh oes). F am i M ay 24— Blue stam ps K, L and M lies may pool stamps. , ¡it ^34 N W Hoyt St. Portland, Oregon if j (processed food s in book No. 2 be- T R A N S P O R T C E R T IF IC A T E S 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TmrillTWTTIIIFI« l— — W W — ill I IIIMm u i com e valid. These stam pa totaling June 30- Final date for filing ‘ 48 points, good through July 7. transport m ileage ration certifica tes (T -l and T-2 )fo r third qu arter o f S IG A It June 1— Stam p 13, book 1, valid for 1 1943. ------------------- V ------- purchase o f five pounds. E xpires Use W an t Ads as a short cut to I m id-night, August 15. May 24— Stam ps No. 15, 16 in book > finding a buyer. j No. 1 each good fo r five pounds o f ; sugar fo r h om o canning; good thru ^ ST R A W B E R R IE S LO G AN BERRIES ! O ctober 31. HEL P WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE ESSENTIAL FOOD INDUSTRY SWIFT & COMPANY Best Market Prices For F Q B J/ IC T O R Y ■ COFFEE— Stam p No in book No. 1 valid F O R S A L E —W om an 's all w ool Suit, arm y blue, size 18, only w orn fo r one pound through June 30. tw o tim es—$35. B eaverton 2613. K I E L OIL— Im la y ’s F resh M ix e d Feeds TISHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service F O R S A L E — One year old New Ham p. R . hen, 2 -550 cap. Elec, trie M aster Incubators. I. H. W in get, B eaverton R l, Bx 809-A, 2 blks W o f grade sch ool on F ar m ington, y mi S on M enlo drive. J. B. Imlay & Sons R E E D V IL L E --------- — ALO H A, O R E I M ISCELLAN EO U S R. D. B O D L E C O M P A N Y will re ceive B lackcaps in 1943, Highest m arket price, Sherwood, Oregon. Address 334 SE Yam hill. Tel. EAst 9467, Portland. Page 3 RATION BOOK REMINDER F O R SALE -S plen did cir. Heater, w ood A coal. Inquire at Aloha 6618. | F em ale H e lp W a n te d • B U Y UNITED STATES P eriod 5 coupons valid to S eptem ber 30. „ W AR 4k b o n d s GASOLINE— Stam p No. 6 in A books valid thru July 21 fo r fou r gallons each. E x- | tra gasoline available fo r driving to suburban V ictory gardens. s s $ BOYSONBERRIES Blackcap Raspberries YO U N G BE R R IE S Cuthbert Raspberries R. I. MacLaughlin & Co. B E A V E R TO N , PHONE 3271 OREGON AND STAMPS F O R S A L E - 4 ft Dry Slab (3 cordjT IB E S — lots). W rite J. O. Johnson, Bx 584, j M otorists entitled to over 240 miles Carlton, Oregon. j per m onth gasoline vations are elig Bonds not bunds for Am erica A dvertising does it fo r you HELP W A N T E D D e a d sto c*< picked up free o f ch a rg e anywhere. Call I collect. UN. 1221; night call | DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. W ANTED BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS H ID E S Si W O O L, C A SC A R A — A specialty. L E E BRO S.. 25 S H Ciao»', Portland. A tw ater 5334. HERE IT IS Essential Industry Turn war stam ps into Bonds F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O T O R CO. P hone T igard 3381. E X P E R IE N C E N O T NECESSARY i PERSONALS The Golden Honor Badge presented to Albina Hellshipyard workers on behalf Steady Work with Overtime DOGS B O A R D E D — 3niall, 35c a d ay; large 50c. H oulo's Collie Knls., Lr. B oone’s iy. Rd. nr T u alatin. Call T igard 3115. of the management by A PPL Y AT Oregon’s Governor Earl Snell and Commander Leland Whitgrove, U. S. N., Friday, June 4. SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS 1326 S. E. W ater Ave., Portland W A N TE D MEN A N D W O M E N fo r SHIP SCALERS F O R LO C AL S H IP Y A R D S , E X P E R IE N C E U N N E C E S SA R Y , 95c A N D U P P E R H O U R ON D A Y SH IF T , C LE A N IN G A N D P R E P A R IN G SU R F A C E S BEFORE PA IN T IN G . W om en must be age 16 and not over 45, and birth certifica te re quired up to 24 years. A pply basem ent o f L abor T em ple L ocal No. 1404 P ortland, Oregon De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T A N D S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y iflw m kÇrije)! , MSnvtatwS-i 4 DMributnr* t It was to the wearers of these badges that Secretary o f Labor Frances Perkins NOTICE Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement 1 Apply week davs only. ' HOD CARRIERS * ft|v ; ' M TVIR YTH IN G wired: made, and accept my appreciation o f your success in keeping your pledge to your country and your President not to take time o ff unnecessarily for the duration. You AND 135 NW Park BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 296 A T. 6461 “ Please accept my congratulations for the fine production record you have may well be proud of your record and the job you have done for our fighting forces.” ROOM 215 LABOR CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation i FO U R TH A T M O N T G O M E R Y A T w ater 2181 W A N T E D — 5 acres land near R obin son station. F. B. Fowler, 3638 N W illia m s, ave., Portland. W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E G IR L 11— W ishes to care for children. B arbara Cam pbell, T i gard. R l Bx 457 (P rog ress). • B E ST P R IC E fo r R abbit fryers, D. P M acDonald. R2. Bx 218, B eaver- j ton. Phone 2260 W A N T E D — Live Rabbits, to buy now T op prices paid R abbit Meat C o , 8917 SE Stark S t, Portland. Phone SUnset 1722 Open 8 a. m to 9 p. m. daily and Sunday W O O L M OH AIR AN D H IDES 1764 A W . FRONT 4 1 K Portland ■ ! 2 4 c LB- P A ID fo r live white fryers; free pickup serv. E. E. Luce, W arren. Oregon. Ship Your CASCARA BARK Blue Mountain Hide, Wool & Fur Co. RABBITS W A N T E D I WANTED Cascara Bark H ig h e s t P r ic e s P a id PACIFIC COAST C A SC A R A B A R K CO. 1319 NW Johnson St.. Portland Oregon \ l HM Albina, builders o f the Axis-dreaded hells hips, is proud o f her employees, proud of the low absentee rate in the plant, proud o f the recognition accorded by military and civic leaders throughout Allied countries. Churchill calls the most serious problem o f the war— the Nazi submarine menace: » WORK W ANTED C om plet« Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No E xtra rout R iverview Is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f ov er $800,000 tions plants all over the country.” Here is a partial list of Albina-built hellships playing a deadly role in what Winston W A N T E D — 5 or 6 Stvaw berry P ickers. G ood a ccom m oda tion s. D rive to M anning take Haywavd road to J. H. Burch farm 1’4 mi. south o f M anning store. CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Oregon Balsam of Fir Tallow & House Grease velt: “ W e know the example Albina has set will be followed in shipyards and muni W ANTED W A N T E D —T o P ick Straw berries j on shares and by pound, call O. E Lierm an. P hone Beaverton 2945. j Riverview Cemetery To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES Previously Secretary Perkins had wired on behalf o f herself and President Roose P rofessional man w ants to lease house In or near B eaeverton on or before Sept. 1st. Best o f references. Enterprise, Beaverton, j I. P. Finley & Son SW TEM PLE SW 4th A T J E F F E R S O N Hell-a-Plenty Hell for Goering Hell for Mussolini Hell for Hitler f I j t u r ir h * d 15 d a y * * ft * r Femrl H a r b o r ) Hell for Hirohito Hell Horror Hell Horse Hell Hussy Hell Hunter Hell Horn Hell Hawk Hell Hound Hell Hobo Hell Harvest ( W o r ld '* r m r d o u b c h o ic r ) Hell Hammer Hell Howler Hell Hornet Hell Horrific Hell Hurricane Hell Hag Hell Holocaust Hell Hinges Hell Hyena Hell Hi-Ho Hell Hypo Hell Horrendous Hell Hottentot IM« m | ih > r a r r i( ‘d in wing«» o f Albina*« fam ed h c lls h ip U e ll- m - P le n lf f