P U B L IS H E D W EEKLY VOL. 10. NO. JO IN O U R P L A N T O N Beaverton, Oregon, HELP WANTED S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Friday. June 18, 1943 Personal Mention E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 Sailor in Distress On Dry Land Fundamentals Of Prosperity When an American ship is wrecked suilors reluctantly fly our flag up , side down on the mast us a signal of distress asking for help. Now a report came this week that Bubson Pork, Muss., June IS—In there is a sailor living on Huber ja recent article, 1 brought out the i The Grand Chupter O. E. S. held avenue who is in distress and wants point that, under our capitalistic Passing autoists report its convention Tuesday and Wed some help By Fred P. H. Clyde system, the middleman is in the best nesday of this week at the Masonic there is a flag tacked on the front This publication assumes no res 1 position to weather the inflation I temple in Portland. Delegates from porch of a house and upside down. ponsibility for views expressed In 1 also stated that the farm- Neighbors or sailors should call at i storm. Beaver chapter were Mrs. Mabel this column. Sentiments are cred ers and wage \Voikers might be ob- Goyt, worthy matron; Mrs. Alice his home and either give the desired | ited to the columnist, Clyde, und do [ liged in the end to be responsible ¡Scott, associate matron; Mrs Ger- j help or tell the head of the house tor the greater portion of our nation- not necessarily dblarlde with our [ trude Hedburg, conductrifis. Mrs how to display our flag the right ! editorial policy. However, debt and infla- ' Pearl Brownrigg. associate condiV- , way -stars up. i tion are not the only troubles we i tress and Mrs. Dora Stipe, grand lec- After years of being frowned upon, j --------------- V--------------- j may have to face. The poasibilities I turer. Many other members of the gentle sloppy art of homely j of a long War. of radical changes in School Meeting Dated Beaver chapter attended. drinking has come into its own. I our social order and other contin- Great men used to retire to secret Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Millar of For June 21st at gencies may ultimately result in real rooms and look carefully if shades Beaverton, are the proud parents of .trouble If such should come, how Beaverton High School were drawn and then insert donuts i a son. Leslie C., born on Muy 22. 'can we or our children be protected? into their coffee with guilty rapture. I Mrs. Lance Kennedy and son Annual election of school District I-and vs. Securities Such escasty could not for long be i Douglas, of La Grande, Oregon, have No. 48 will be held at the Beaverton The United States is almost the suppressed. Donut makers and cof- j spent the past week visiting at the high school Monday, June 21st at M j only nation in the world in which fee sellers clamored that dunking | o’clock for the purpose of discuss securities representing capital have home of A. M. Kennedy. should be recognized and honored as i I do not Miss Margaret Ann Mae MacDon ling the budget- for the fiscal year, I n° i yet been confiscated an ancient and righteous American ! and vote on the proposed tax levy. ! believe that I or my children or my ald of Beaverton, and the Misses privilege. So it came to be Evelyn, Alice and Rose Roeske, all One director and clerk will also be grandchildren will live to see tills Then after wrestling with lettuce happen here. I do believe that per of West Slope, spent the past week i elected. salads with a texture of Kale aimed haps my great-grandchildren, if they end vacationing at Seaside, Oregon. ----------------_ V --------------- with only a dull fork they finally are lucky or unlucky enough to In Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Beeler have let us yse the knife that social revo- j herit anything from me. may live in Granges Represented pui chased the George Hubble home tution and our tempers be stayed, j a time when they must work in or on Watson street, and plan to move Well at Eugene All is well but for one thing. I der to eat. In other words, per speak for not only myself but for in soon. haps I should do more for my pres Convention This Week thousands of others who have been j I Mr and Mrs. Doy Gray and Mrs ent and ultimate heirs by forcing cruelly slighted and tongue lashed in ■ Crete Main were guests of Mr. and The subordinate granges of this them to work than by leaving them every home that has one—the soup • Mrs. William Bohn, last Saturday af county, with the exception of one. | rents to collect or coupons to cut. and stew slurpers. ternoon when they attended the were all represented at the annual ( j was brought up on a faim and I rise to say or Christening of ttie Joseph Canby, session of the Oregon Stute Grange my work has brought me in close time more delectable than the vocal j • ' 2(0th Liberty ship launched by the held in Eugene last week. Many out touch with many farmers and their --- -V- inhalation of a savory soup or stew? . Oregon Shipbuilding Corp. standing speakers of prominence in problems. Furthermore, as an eco Homemade beef stew with rich ' Receiving felicitations in the birth state affairs and grange work were nomist. I recognize that land, child brown stock with all the essence of ot a daughter Ann L. are Mr. and introduced to the session. Stress was ren and character are our only real Selective Service carrots, celery, turnips, tomatoes; As In the case of securi Mrs Harold Porley. Ann was born laid upon the need for the develop wealth Board Announce oyster stew with golden butter float m en t of the chemurglc movement so ties, however, the value of land and on June 5. ing on its milky countenance; or Peter P. Underwood, Portland, Or New Classifications R. C. Doty, who has been confine 1 that all farm and forest waste pro children or the income they may homemade vegetable soup—I say are Robert W. Braden K3 Sherwood The to his home with a hand infection ducts and unmarketable surpluses produce is subject to change. these not entitled to at least a tiny Victor Hamel R5 ________ Portland __ . Class I-A: Available tor genet al may be ‘ converted into goods useful Astor family fortune of many mil basso prof undo slurp? (Alto or 2nd George J. Klock R3 Beaverton military service when found accept- ** reported improved . for improving our standard of liv lions was derived from New York high C note for the feminine slurp, ' Lyle W. La Follette R5, Portland aoie to the land or naval torces. Mrs. Ray Foxton .spent the past ing.. The session urged the support ! City real estate. It is illustrative of the if you please). : Frank J. Myslony R1 Tigard Class 1-A-O: Available tor non- week end with a group of Portland of the Burke wine control bill, also growth possibilities characteristic of By now I am pounding the table Elery E. Jackson Olympia, Wash 1 comuuianl general military service friends visiting along the coast. a more oiderly and equitable ration well-located or productive land belli in open rebellion at the smallness of Harry R. Tobin Huber, Oi wnen tumid acceptable to the land oi Mrs. Ted Hetu is being welcomed ing of farm machinery. through several generations. Yet, men's minds who tilt their schnoz- : James E. Smith R1 Tigard naval torces; conscientious oojectoi home here, having returned Saturday One surprise feature of the meet while this particular fortune was zles when I proclaim that the more George F. Mick Jr. R3 Beaverton Class I-B :: ; Available for limited of last week after visRing her hus- ing was a Kitchen Orchestra led by growing, many land speculators, delicious the concoction the more Robert J. Bernard Huber, Or ; military service when tound accept- band at Logan, Utah, for the past Enid Walker of Tualatin and made along with security speculators, lost entitled are we, the people, to slurp- Carroll T. Patterson R2 Beaverton able to the land or naval torces, (res- month. Mr. Hetu has been recently up of members from this and other large sums. After a hard day on the gas mo- Kenneth L. Michener R1 Hillsboro cinded). ¡transferred from Utah to Santa Anna counties. Hard Work Always Pays biles hauling you folks hither and Harry R. Buell R1 Sherwood Class I-C: Member of land or na- - California. Without some real work being Delegates from this locality were: thither I wend my way to my mod- Bruce L. Price Sherwood val forces of United States. i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osfield and Oscar Hagg, Aloha; Mr. and Mrs. C. done, neither the owners of stocks est homestead to find an Oyster Stew j Norvil Jt. Ellison R1 Beaverton Class II-A: Man necessary in his daughter, Janice) moved into their Van Kleek, Tigard; Mrs. Maggie nor the owners of land make money waiting as my repast. The family Lyle F. Lundy There is no easy R1 Sherwood civilian activity. g-w home on Second street last week, Stark. Cedar Mill; Derle Perkins. In the long run. is in the front room (they have al- j Vernon E. Romph R1 Tigard Class II-B : Man necessary to the which was formerly owned by Mr. Beaverton: Mrs. O. T Murphy, Kin- road to prosperity. For example, ready eaten) and I eat alone. L i k e --------------- V— . ---- before buying any considerable war production program. and Mrs. Bruce Steele. ton. the dunker of old I quaff my portion V o u n „ P «»n n li» T a l t e amount of a stock or a bond issue, I Class II-C : Men necessarily en- Ml. and Ml3 Elmer f < Kollberg, — V --------------- with gusto and relish when a solo of B P ® take certain fundamental steps. gaged in agriculture, no dependents , 7202 s w Canyon drlve, áre receiving vocal partakement is broken by the j Vow at Pilgrim These consist of visiting the plant Class III-A : Man deferred by rea- , f e]¡cjtat¡ons from their friends on McKay Alumni Cancel little w ifey saying sweetly (too sweet- , _ .. or officers of the company whose se son of dependeency . ; the birth, June 3 ,of a daughter, Con- Annual Picnic This Year ly, methinks): ‘ I'm glad you like Lhurch Confirmation curities interest me. I meet the o f Class I1I-C: Man deferred by rea- stance q the stew, it certainly sounds good son of dependancy. ficers and determine whether the McKay school alumni association Again I am found out. Doughter Three young people made their The Beaverton Grange No. 321 Class IV-A: Man deferred by annual picnic management is capable, honest nnJ Susun slurps and upon reprimand re- vows at the altar Sunday, June 13. f met Saturday, June 12 at Grange hall will not hold their I also try to obtnirl 45 years or past. this year. The directors felt that progressive. marks that Daddv slurps why not confirmation day, at Pilgrims Luth- tv r 'fo r its regular monthly meeting. First Class IV-B: Official deferred by owing to the war it was best to dis stockholders’ lists to see who mv fti- Susan? I am pointed out as a sin- church, in Beaverton. They and second degrees were conferred on law. continue the annual picnics for the ture associates In ownership will h ner before my children. It is even "*«■* Dorothy Jellum, Herbert Olson , . ... a new member, Mrs. Robert Haw- Class IV-D duration. I Figures relative to earnings, divi- whispered that James th e younger and Dorothy Schurman. A fter the . * ; kins. After a pot luck lunch, a flag Y ' Continued on Page 2 son's slurping at the bottle is my services members of their families - _ day and father’s day program was n» the the i i - i - : ..... Available . , Mrs. Elmer Perkins, n i ■ ». example Verbal lashing rem inds and friends greeted them at al tne .... . for . general . , presented. Mas- Beaverton Budget in civilian work of national ; . , , . . . „ me that the sins of the Fathers live church entrance. The church offi- service . ter, reported on her trip to Eugene, Youth of County a mrterhtbemhe ^ cers. Lawrence Drayer. president; ^ r l y Oregon, last week as delegate at the Meeting Set July 12th Man Pledge Assistance to Of this, enough! Slurpers we must Alfred Schultz .secretary, and Ever , state grange convention. The annual budget meeting for the unite and rise Let us. as the dunk- ett Finney and Carl Martin, trus " U af 8 IV '® slnce defer' The Beaver Social club will hold Town of Beaverton is dated for Keep Oregon Green ers of yore, assert our rights to he ^es. marched in the opening proces ° ____ a box social at the Masonic Temple Class IV-F: Physically, mentally, Monday, July 12th at 8 p. m. In the Young people from this county heard and appreciated. sional. Saturday evening, June 19 at 8 p city hall. 1 hose subjected to the j wh0 are not yet old enough to work ____________V --------------- On Sunday, June 20th, the new or morally unfit. m., F. H. Schoene will show mov *tnx levy will be heard In favor of jn war industries, but who still want ing pictures of his travels in for Kinton School Annual chapel of PilBrim Lutheran and Cone"- or against the proposed tax. to contribute something to winning gation at SW Farmington Men W ed in Vancouver eign countries. Everyone is invited lo Drive, will be the scene of dedica- ^ the war during the summer vacation Meeting Monday Night Miss Dorothea Hull and Dean Le- to attend and bring a box and enjoy Speaks to Rotary Club i*re turning to the Green Guard _,w , . , „ ..__ ... . serivees In the morning Rev. roy Puckett, United States navy, (hp movie The annual school meeting will be Walter r . Buhl, pastor, plans to were married June 1 by Rev. Paul ¡youth division of tt)e Keep Oregon Week end guest at the home of I^ee Richey lieutenant governor of ; Green association as a chance to do he' i . at. ahe 8Ch00' hoUS* dedicate the new hymnals of the ; L. Kuntzman in Vancouver. Wash Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Nelson was Mr. night at 8 p. m. The purpose of the congregation. In these services The bride is the daughter of Mis „ . . , „ v. „ .. , Kiwanis. spoke before the Forest a real job. meeting is to elect one director for 3 Prof w j Syivester. principal of Mary Hull and Mr Puckett is the Ne,9on 8 8ister’ Mrs VirB“ PoW' " of Grove Rotary club last week He Many of the youth oT this county Vernonia. Oregon. years and a clerk for one year and Concordia Academy in Portland, wil' son of Mrs. Hazel discussed work with under-prtvlleked were members last, year, and thes*- Puckett of to vote on the budget. Mrs. John Hughes of California, is children, pointing out that the lack I are receiving a service stripe to preach the sermon on the subject of Beaverton. Mr and Mrs Fred Van K lee* and H ynTns At 2:30 p. m. the building Miss Betty Hull was the bride's vlsitlnK at ‘ he home of her parents of material circumstances is not the ifrhni thgu Giaen j m with . PP, ^ Jrle n Guard em- family, Mrs. Harry Richards Sr. and will - - be - - dedicated - - - - - with - only method for determining lack ot bletu. Among ]pid Sttwest members proper ser- only attendant and Herbert Puckett Mr- and M|S w - E - — Frank . Richards attended the wedd- vices. Rev E. W. , Hinrichs, who was best man. The Beaverton Community Garden privilege. of this state-ddde /-¡forest fire pre ------- ---- v— ----- *4- . ing of Miss Llla May Richards. formeriy gerved the Lutheran parish Mrs. Puckett will be at home In club will meet for Us regular month- vention group- +«ign membership daughter of Mr and Mrs_ Harry at Bloomington, Oregon, will come |Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, while her hus- ly meeting June 18, (today) at the cards f4>r thlé*a£tt)ty arg: Leaves for Presidio Richards, Jr., ^of Portland^ to •David from Yakima, Washington, his new hand is in training in Farragut, Ida home of Mrs.. Samuel B Lawrence j Delphes B u n tv^P on á ld Foerster. .1, M. Hiatt of Portland. The wedd- charge, to preach the dedicatory ----V -------- William J. Moshofsky left ¿gne lit'¡¿«»«»n O crm ejW ÿo n C e Joyce. Lucille of Raleigh Hills, near Portland Golf ing was performed Sunday at the All sermon. Rev. Hinrichs started re- for the Presidio in San Francisco to-Sixers, and Richard tVaterbury of N o w in ¡ n German G erm an Camp C am p cluAb , aaadw'^ e » . Now Saints Episcopal church in Portland. [¿,'ous work in Beaverton a little ,, „ , , .............. “ A «laughter, Judith A., was born or. undergo advanced processing before j-' Mrs. Gertrude L. Abbott of route 3 June 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Howard 1 assignment to a military camp TfhhJ Mrs. Howard Bush and Mrs. Henry over a year ago. ___ H. Hunter, Jr., of San Francisco, The pastor and the congregation Beaverton has been informed that Wilson. liaste training He Is a member r fT S u f o s t it llt e f o r W. , Abbott 21, ., is Calif., arrived last week for a „ visit. ,--------- promi(1, - „ -------- cord)al welcome, to — al! her son Robert unmit v nf _ * T ----------- — , Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gibson, Jr., of R.O.T C. at University of ( H'cfmn ' with their mother, Mrs Bakingpowder A Karp- Aftf>r thp nft«,rnoon Rervlces a light no'' " ,war PI'8°.ner G «*rmany. Y a k im a . Washington, are vlaiting Mr and will take advanced reserve enlisted in September, was in the Gibson’s father and mother, Mr. and cers’ training. stein. Ted and Alex Karpstetn are ¡" „ " h will be served If you run out <jf baking powder, African fighting, captured by the Mrs Jay Gibson, Sr. both home for a visit while waiting V ------ V you may us«. 2 level teaspoons of Italians he was first sent to Italy sailing orders with the merchant ma Miss Juliette Carter and Miss Gars Injured in F9 . cream , of t*rtar to 1 teaspoon of and then to Germany. rine. , Dogs _ Kill Chickens Gllct)i ist have returned to the W C. (soda. ‘„This la the same as 4 tea- Cecil Van Kleek has finished his! " ! He comes of fighting stock as his MpKelV'hom^here^after having spent Robert Rychen 1417 8W Moins ^ of der course at the merchant marine cooks, Mrs N. Rickert of Tigard, com- late father, W E. Abbott served in , hp ,agt four montha visiting in Sea reet, was . one of. fiv i persons in- , y . street, and bakers school in Portland and plained to state police Saturday that the first world war and was deco side, Oregon. jured When flooring i n » room at the.-» . . A . ' • . ' 'k ìh ■ has been assigned to the S. S. Fort , a band of dogs roaming after mid- rated 3 times The proud parents of a son. born Portland Pacific Company collapsed d t , v » n fl8 ll® n s c i e n c e L e c t u r e night has been causing costly losses Robert was a graduate of Our , ___ „ ____________ . ,___. ., Dearborn , ° . , , . . “ _ r j m c, . , , . June 6, are Mr and Mrs. Robert H pitched them into the hasemenG . . __. . . . _ . , in chicken yards in the Tigard area. - Lady of Sorrows parochial school Shinall of 6720 SW Canyon drive and last Thursday Christian Science lecture Mrs. Rickert said the dogs killed ' and Benson high school. y ______ __ -.will be given .under auspices of Port The little boy has been named Tim More About Our Boys 1 four hens and 36 chicks in her yard _ c c , x i Christian Science churches and R. and 50 hens and about 36 half-grown I otamp On oale -societies, by William D. Kilpatrick, Hello Folks: Mrs Ethel Forshay of I mb Angel B IR T H S J W Maloney, Collector of intern member of the hoard" of lectureship I am a air cadet at Camp Kearns chickens in the yard of a neighbor, es, California, have returned from an Revenue, announced that the Fed- ;0f the'FJrst Church of Christ. Sciet-- in Utah. The camp is within sight Neil Nellson. Mr and Mrs. Harold L Miller Seattle. Wash., for an extended visit eral Motor Vehicle Use Tax stamps ; tist, Boston, in The Auditorium, of Salt Lake City. They work me ' --------------- V --------------- with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Straley Beaverton, June 2, a son Leslie C. In the denomination of $5 are now Portland, Saturday. June 19 at 8 p Being felicitated on the birth June so hard I can hardly move and then phrases are pretty things, son, but Mr. and Mrs. Harold V Posiey on sale in all post offices in the m and at I-ake Grove church Sunday a little more. . if your horse looses his way in mid- Beeaverton. June 5, a daughter Caro 6 of a son. Kenneth R., are Mr and State of Oregon and in his office at afternoon. Mrs. William R. Jacobs ‘ our® stream get another one-----and fast, lyn J. Portland, Oregon. The stamp will # !------ ------V ■ - R O N A LD L. GRAH AM The Friendly Circle met at the evidence payment of the tax for the Mr. and Mrs Richard R Dalzell. ---------- V - ' F R A N K S. S A Y L O R A-C Ronald L. Graham. Training Mrs. Dora Stipe was the retiring Beaverton May 31. a son. Ronald R B home H h of Mrs. D. R. Long on Friday fiscal year beginning July 1, 1943. Funeral services were held Sundry Group 505. Sq 18. FI 76-C. Kearns. There were grand lecturer of the grand chapter Mr and Mr* Charles E Smith. R2 the Uth for luncheon and must be purchased on or before : at the Beaverton Chrtstian church, Utah. bx 147, Portland, a son William H nine members and two children pres of Oregon Eastern Star at the an that date. The stamps will be ser- for Frank 8. Saylor, late of Oeean- Mr and Mrs. Harry Van Winkle ent. The following officers were ially numbered, will be gummed on lake, hushand of Gladys; father of Second Lieutenant David W. nual session of the order in Portland route 2. Portland. May 24, a son elected President, Mrs M. C. Me- the face, and will have provision bn Lola May; brother of E. A Saylor, Browning, route 5. box 23. Portland, this week . Harry L. Kercher Vice-president, Mrs. R B the back for the entry of the make, Portland: Mrs. Lola Tooze. Sher- has graduated from reserve officers' Mr and Mrs Iaiwrence W Harris Scott Sec-Treas., Mrs. W. C. Rea- model, serial number, and State It* ¡wood;; five nephews and one ni«-c class at Quantico. Va.. according to route 8, box 1214, June 7, a daugh amy. A picnic pot luck wtll feature cense number o f the motor vehicle. Vault enternment at Crescent Grove W R Caton is the name of the the marine corps. The young ma ter, Caroline V the July meeting to be held at the — --------------V ■ ■ - — - ’ cemetery W E Prgg In charg rine officer is now eligible for as new special policeman for night duty Mr and Mrs. William R. Jacobs home of Mrs McKeretier. Mr Antrobus entered The Auxiliary of the American Le- of arrangements signment to a combat unit or to a in Beaverton Beaverton. June 6, a son, Kenneth R I R. McLain of St Louis. Mo., was gion furnished box lunches for *the \ spec'iaiists "s c h o o f fo r * further” study” a Portland hospital this week for an Mi and Mrs. Robert W Wad.- a guest at the W. C. Wright home boys who left this week to enter 1 LENA C. HCHKKL The new officer has a brother First eye operation route 2. box 223. Portland, June 9 Saturday. training centers. They have taken Funeral services for Lena C Lt Charles Browning, serving with [ --------------- V -------------- - a son. Gary R Mrs Harry C. Howe o f I^ebanon, over this project and plan to furn Scheel, mother of W. J Scheel n' the marines at Camp Picket. Va. Father should not be "the forgot- ____ __ M Mr and Mrs. Howard E. Wilson Oregon, visited with Mrs. M C. Mc- Ish all box lunches for boys leaving Huber, were held Sunday. June 13 r* ------------- ten man" next Sunday. Fathers Day Beaverton. June I, a daughter, J Kercher on Wednesday. Beaverton to enter the service. Pegg’s Chapel In Beaverton. Inter Louis J. Ruchek seaman 3rd See that he has a gift, no matter djtj, A The Beaverton Community Garden V - — ment Creswnt Grove cemetery. claas in the navy writes home he en- how small, a card will do Walkers -V Shop Deans Drugs for Father Day . V ■ ... — club will meet in the home o f Mrs. joys getting the home paper very Department Store, Deans Drug and S B Lawrence at Raleigh Friday. Gifts. Larg» assortment gifts for The Ruml plan is that thing th muoh. Beaverton Pharmacy, have a nice Marriage Licenses <today> at 11 a. m. Each member Is Father, Father Day Cards. S. A H New Dealers didn't think of fir» -------------—V ------- -------- ¡line of gifts and cards, patronize Double stamps on j and the American people didn’t get Robert Turner. Portland. and Betty ‘ requeeted to brtng a miniature ar- Green stamps. Be sure to send your legale to your * them and make Father glad on his as a result. Jane Gordon, Beaverton. rangement <not to exceed 3 inches ) Prescriptions. j/K t i paper only exclusive day. Fathers Day Inductions í|