Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1943)
Friday, fune 11 , 1943 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates • for sale Page y prOVided that businessm en and in- i vestors are a llow ed to m ake reason- | able profits, th ere will be little ob jec- I F O R SALE Schiller Piano, ex- j The one-tim e traveling salesman T W O Cents a w ord per issue. cellent con dition, B eaverton i pulled up alongside the load to let ILiI hu > n Say» Businessm en. Not Poli tion to paying n ecessary taxes. G ov Minimum 25c CASH with copy ernm ent borrow in g o f huge sums to Cleaners. P hone B eaverton 2773 Artie, the High School boy clim b in ticians, Should U cfiuc Postw ar he spent "fo r sp en d in g’s sak e" must Minimum Charge on Classified ----------------------------------------- ------------ -— Yes vacation tim e had com *— sure. Problems A ds not paid at Tim e o f Inser stop. Our past ten years o f colos F O R S A L E —One year old New 1 Al 1 w? uld helP Dad on the tio n — 50c. Babson Park, Mass., June U Mili sal spending w ithout regard for ser- j Hanip. R hen, 2 -5 5 0 cap Elec 1 ***• th * ,a n ch w as fo u ‘ m > les cap. W e Publish the now vices received proved to be a disas A bout eight m in tary arm -chair strategists are trie M aster Incubators. I. H straight ahead. B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E being superceded by college profes trous experim ent. Furtherm ore bor utes running tim e to the ranch at W’ inget, B eaverton Rl . B \ S O »- A , M ULTNOM AH P R B 8 8 sors. pseudo econom ists. organ iza- row ing or spending after the W ar ' 2 blks W o f grade school on Far 35 miles per. the man told him self T it.A U O SE N TIN E L tlons, o fficia ls and even certain .f o r purely public benefit can only The Good Old Days m ington, Ss mi S on Menlo drive. and he w ondered if he m ight not do ALOHA N E W S All o f these have i hasten the worst effe cts o f inflation; a service for the lad in those short "cra ck -p o ts'. C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington , their pet ideas fo r solving our post H ello F olks :: but these m istakes may not be re- J minutes. F O R SALE B reakfast table and County and W estern M ultnomah war problem s.. Many o f them have peateil One o f my good ole tim e preach Art was a good listener and the 3 chairs. 50 lb. ice box. chest o f County Coverage .som e axe to grind. M uch that they Front W ar to Peace er friends writes a newspaper col draw ers it m irror. R t 3 B eav ex-salesm an began by saying that o ffe r is over m y head. W e assume no financial respon A fter all I B efore we enter the postw ar per umn for a paper where 1 am also a years before, he had a road job. erton. box 505. sibility for errors which m ay ap am just a cou ntry boy livin g in the iod. we must go through the trunsi- | messin' up. their sheet every week i he sold h a id w a ie to the trade in the w oods o f B abson Park. C om m on - tion stage pear in advertisem ents published Som e con cern s may be , He writes a heap about the good F O R S A L E Burbank Seed Pota- deep S outh; down when* the cotton i sense, how e.ver, tells me that ou r able to In these colum ns but In case re-convert from war to ule tim es" when he was a boy and toes, in cold storage. See John blossom s grow in Dixieland N ow tie most responsible em ployers and la- peace-tim e where this paper is at fault will operations within a few | worked fer 25 centg d A. B aggenstos, route 4. Sherw ood, had a new line; one not m ade in | bor leaders should be given the pow reprint that part o f an advertise F or the m ost part, how- now go He can't see anything — — ----- 1 A m e rica but im p elled from another er to provide full postw ar em pioy- m onths ment in which the typographical ever, there will be no sudden return 1 good . about . . our present order Well F O R S A L E —4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord world R eligion, it was and all sum - j nient m istake occurs. to prew ar living It seems certain I ain't a defendin' our present order lots). W rite J. O. Johneon, Bx 584, med a O ne-T w o-T hree jthat we shall continue an arm ed na P ostw ar C ontrol But if its as bad as he Carlton, Oregon. j O N E —G od never m eets a sinful I My readers should make no mis- tion for m any years after hostilities too m u ch 1 Brick, Tile, Masonary paints it I think its a dod-blam ed ----------------- man except at the Cross o f Christ. | i take about one thing. Hence, I do not expect our W hat the cease. | T W O - T here at the cross we leave politicians. New Dealers,, and "cra ck arm am ent industry to collapse over- j good time to blow It up, especially HELP W A N T E D when we can do it in this W orld , our sins and guilt. T H R E E — And pots have n ow to say about postw ai night. R elations with our Allies, T hat beats u | there the blessings begin. This said, : planning will not bear m uch fruit. the a ffa irs o f labor and m anagem ent. I W ar and on a credit! ! the salesman, held up one o f those T he boys w ho will con ceive and put the relationship o f governm ent and ' "tw o bit civilization ” . SEE YOUR D E A LE R B A R B W IR E B IIJ . red cov ered G ospels and challenged , |nto effect ou r po9twar e co nom y will business will be an im portant part in ------------------- V ------------------- Art to read it pencil in hand and to b<> our returnin|i 8e,-vice men "A l this transition picture. Columbia Brick Works underscore the w ord B E L IE \ E I ,.ig h t .. you 9ay , th4,9e m ay aocount I see that M ayor l>aGuardia ot j Traffic Deaths Show 1320 SE W ater— Portland w herever it m ight show up. fo r o n iy 10,000,000 votes." But I New York, for w hom I have great Kilns at Gresham -Sylvan-Salem Can U se — "I'll meet your ch allenge,” said , p ied ict that th ,9 grou p will be the respect as a public adm inistrator, Decrease in April spend $300,- ; the boy and his voice told that he j most intelligent and con stru ctive mi- w ants W ashington to O regon's t ia ffic death rate during Steady and I meant it. Just here the ran ch cam e nority grou p that our country has 000.000 now on postw ar plans. He PAINTS into sight and A rt clim bed out. ever seen. further wants C ongress to authorize the month o f April dropped to the PART-TIM E lowest point since accurate tra ffic Gospel in hand. Let it be said here Outside o f the m ilitary, there is the spending o f $9,000,000.000 as a I m la y ’s Fresh have been kept that he will use his pencil and un still little real leadership in ou r year grant to cities and tow ns to re- i accident records derscore B E L IE V E over a hundred country. Mixed Feeds W hether such , when fatalities am ounted to 4.3 per I have in mind not only lieve unem ploym ent. times before he reaches C hapter ‘J j the theorists, dream ers, soreheads. a program would be a continuance ' sons killed per one hundred million FISHER THORSEN PAINTS and verses 30-31 that tells why labor leaders Part-Time Hours and politicians, but o f waste, a furtherance o f inflation miles of travel. S ecretary o f State F or quality, fa ir price and John s Gospel was written- Anil other people o f our national life who anil make fo r a greater bureaucracy, Bob Farrell disclosed today. p m. : 3 a.m. to 7 a. m. 3 p m. to 7 service The death toll o f nine persons for many signs truly did Jesus in the j depend upon pull, graft, waste or I leave for my readers to decide UNION SCALE J. B. Imlay & Sons presence o f His disciples, w h ich are | bureaucracy for a livelihood The Certainly. I do not believe that such the month was recorded while Ore R E E D V IL L E ALO H A. O R E But tuli- of ;i r*OMtl picture in Tim e a program would appeal very much gon m otorists were driving 207,511,- Sundav Work Available not w,itten in this book. In April o f 1942, while They 369 miles : these are written that ye m ight be- , Magazine too the effect thnt "out to ou r returning service men. the m ileage recorded in the state will want real w ork, -n o t an excuse lieve that Jesus is the Christ, the Son ¡w ounded do not cry,” w as very si^- i M ISCE L L A N E O U S A PPLY PERSONNEL was 250,901,157 miles, tra ffic a cci of God. and that believing, ye m ight ; nificant. Our boys are developing to draw a pav check LAW NM OW ERS Sharpened and dents claim ed a toll o f 22 lives for a OFFICE V ------------------- I have life through H is nam e." ^ character, cou rage and initiative . R epaired. H a rtra in ff L aw n M ow death rate o f eight persons killed I You go to the D octor; you put i They will he our salvation in future Ten per cent of your income for one hundred mililon miles o f er Shop, Canyon R oad, next to 1509 \\Y 20th Av. HR. 2561 ¡y o u r case in his hands; you agree to ¡years Upon their return, they will in War Bonds will help to travel. Signal Service Station. P ortland : take his m edicine and do as he says. , follow the Ten C om m andm ents and build the planes and tanks --------------V ------------------- T o do all thut you sure B E L IE V E ' the M ultiplication Tnble and stand that will insure de/eat of Hit W IL L G IV E A w ay- a good dog The home tow n paper is like bread in him. And w hen you tell us you for no nonsense. and meat to service men. to anyone who will furnish a ler and his Axis partners. W A N TE D were undone by sin and cam e to P olitics vs Business home fo r it. John R oh rb a ch , R 3 R ecently there was held at Babson Christ, w eary and worn and sad and Bx 347, Beaverton. found in Him a resting place and He Park the graduation exercises o f the MEN A N D W O M E N O fficers w ho | has made you glad bv that we know first grou p o f Naval W O R K IN G M O T H E R S for had com pleted their course o f train- j you B E L IE V E in Him . W ill care fo r girls ovei 3 years in It is one thing to know that one ing for the Navy Supply Corps. The i age in my home. 1207 W atson St. , SHIP SCALERS named Christ lived lon g ago and that m ajority o f these new office rs cam e | Beaverton. N o Sundays. active business. A fter the I this new spaper is dated from the from F O R L O C A L S H IP Y A R D S , E X back into I year o f His birth. It is quite anoth W ar, they want to get R. D. B O D L E C O M P A N Y will re P E R IE N C E U N N E C E S SA R Y , 95c In my humble judgm ent. er m atter to feast on H im as the business. ceive B lackcaps in 1943, H ighest A N D U P P E R H O U R ON D A Y ; Bread o f Life. W h ich fo r y ou ? The ! they will not like planned econ om y | m arket price, Sherwood, Oregon. S H IF T , C L E A N IN G A N D P R E I Christ o f history o r the Saviour who I They are already look ing ahead to I Address 334 SE Yam hill. Tel. EAst P A R IN G S U R F A C E S BEFORE ' here a n d , now Saves K eeps and I the time when they and other men i 9467, Portland. P A IN T IN G . can w ithout n>w n u a«n l lnt*rf*i ; Satisfies? W om en must be age 16 and not ence, create conditions favorable to ] D e a d stock Packed up free o f over 45, and birth certifica te re ch arge anyw here. Call reasonably full em ploym ent and to a quired up to 24 years. collect. UN. 1221; night call high standard o f living. DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., ( A pply basem ent o f L abor T em ple ; In a d em ocracy such as ours, it C loverdale, Oregon L ocal No. 1404 Portland. T his space paid fo r by an O regon is im portant that we he well, and P ortland, Oregon not a sick nation:. France, Italy businessman. H ID E S i W OO L, C A S C A R A — A and G erm any on ce vigorous, up-to- specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SWT and m odern states gradually RATION BOOK REMINDER j date Clay, Portland. A tw ater 5334. NOTICE becam e infected with totalitarian IO N KOOK NO. 3 bacteria. T hey literally sickened and Laborers wanted at once. R A A T pplication Turn war stam ps into Bonds fo r ration book No 3 1 now are facin g self-destruction. Rus- Immediate job placement ! are now being distributed by mail ; sia tem porarily, has found a speci- F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E carriers. T he application is to be '■ fie for her disease. Certainly she Apply week davs only. M O T O R CO. P hone T igard 3381. returned by June 10. P ostm en are to i is recogn izin g and rew arding Inili- ' HOD C A R R IE R S' distribute book N o. 3 about July 15.1 vidual leadership. P olticians. not PERSONALS AND B ook No. 3 will be a replacem ent I intelligent industrialists, m ake s|ek when needed, fo r books No. 1 and j nations. The politicians o f Europe BUILDING LABORERS DOGS B O A R D E D —3ruall, 35c a No. 2. I were, in fact, responsible for W orld d a y ; large 50c. H oule’s Collie Union Local No. 296 W ar II Knls., Lr. B oon e’s Fy. Rd. nr T u R A T IO N BO O K NO. 2 RO O M 213 ; Free E nterprise Essential alatin. Call T igard 3115. R E D STAM PS W h atever policies are adopted in LABOR TEMPLE M ay 30—Red Stam p K (m eats-fats) our postw ar ei-a—and it would be Offers the following Professional Courses: SW 4th A T J E F F E R S O N in book No. 2 becom es valid ; good well to sow and cultivate the seeds SC'IIOCM, O F D E N T IS T R Y : T o better co-operate with the W a r De thru June 30. R ed stam p L valid norm- it is essential that they make partm ent, an accelerated program has been adapted elim inating W A N T E D June 6, M on June 13, N on June 20; possible a continuance o f private S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S summer.* vacations which enables the student to com plete the regu all expire June 30. E ach w eekly enterprise. The com petitive spirit C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T IN O lar four-year course In dentistry In three calendar years. Two W A N T E D — 5 or 6 St'.aw berry series g o o d fo r 16 points. must be upheld. P ersonal Incen S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y years in Liberal Arts credits, Including English, chem istry, bi M ay 24— Blue stam ps K. L and M P ickers. G ood accom m oda tion s. tive and initiative must be recogniz IN D U S T R Y ology and physics, and one-half year o f organ ic chem istry are re D rive to M anning take H ayw a'.d (processed food s in book No. 2 be- ed. Private capital must be allowed quired for adm ission. road to J. H. B urch farm l 1* mi. j com e valid. T hese stam ps totaling , 0 accum ulate in order to finance 48 points, good through July 7. south o f M anning store. the re-conversion o f plants from w ar S P E C IA L C O U R SES O F T R A IN IN G : C overing one and tw o to peacetim e operations.. This is years for M edical and Dental Assistants, L aboratory T e ch n ic W A N T E D — Straw berry P ickers, SU G A R June 1— Stamp 13, book 1, valid for also n ecessary for new enterprises ians and «Dental Hygienists. 3 1- miles W est o f Tigard, on B e e f, M d n u f « , l u r t n & I t o t r i b «tort u to n E xpires and research w ork as well as for re Bend Rd. Transportation will be i purchase o f five pounds tVIRYTHING 5 habilitation o f worn-out properties fu rn ish ed —write or see John A. m id-night, A ugust 15. THE ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS JUNE 14, 1943 M ay 24— Stam ps No. 15, 16 in book The investor must be given an op * Ê B aggenstos. No. 1 each good fo r five pounds o f portunity to participate in postw ar F or bulletins relating to the various courses address sugar fo r hom a can n in g; good thru business. • Taxation now and in future will be RABBITS W A N T E D O ctober 31. Tim R E G IS T R A R , N. E. Sixth Av., A Oregon St., Portland, Or. | heavy, but it should not approach AT. 6461 2 4 c LB. P A ID fo r live white fry ers: C O F F E E 135 NW Park the con fiscation point. Furtherm ore, Stam p No. 24 in book No 1 valid free pickup serv. E. E. L uce, fo r one pound through June 30. W arren, Oregon. FUEL O I L - B E S T P R IC E fo r R abbit fryers. D. Period 5 cou pons valid to Septem - THE OLD JUDGE S A Y S . . . P. M acD onald. R2, Bx 218, B eaver jb e r 30. ton. P hone 2260. C lose to dow ntow n GASOJ.IN E— C lose to transportation Stam p No. 6 in A books valid thru | W A N T E D -L iv e R abbits, to buy Ex- now. T op prices paid. R a b b it Meat July 21 fo r fou r gallons each. Co., 8917 SE Stark St., P ortlan d. I tra gasoline available for driving to suburban V ictory gardens. P hone SUnset 1722. Open 8 a. to 9 p. m. daily and Sunday SW F O U R T H AT M O N T G O M E R Y T IR E S — A Tw ater 2181 M otorists entitled to over 240 miles per m onth gasoline vations are elig- j ible fo r grade 1 o r grade 2 tires. WANTED B T IR E IN SP E C T IO N Cascara Bark June 30- Final tire inspection date ^ Highest Prive» Paid for ca rs with B m ileage books Brick & Building Tile BOY MEETS CHALLENGE Controlled Economy vs. Free Enterprise CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS MECHANICS North Pacific College of Oregon SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY I De Laval HHonroe M eli ! CENTRAL LOCATION I. P. Finley & Son PACIFIC COAST C A S C A R A B A R K CO. 131» NW Johnson St., Portland AT. 8393 O regon HIGHEST PRICES PAID for CASCARA BARK (G reen o r Dry) To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES Ship Your CASCARA BARK FIR PITCH OREGON GRAPE ROOT SKUNKCABBAGEROOT W O O L MOHAIR AN D HIDES and Other Crude Drug Item* Oregon Balsam of Fir Tallow & House Grease SE L L D IR E C T L Y TO T H E W FST'*. L A R G E S T E X C L U S IV E CRUDE DRUG D E A LE R * Blue Mountain Hide, Wool & Fur Co. WESTERN TRADING COMPANY, Inc. 1704 S. W . F R O N T AY F- Portland O ffice and W arehouse, •15 NW 15th Av., Portland. Or*. T IR E IN SP E C T IO N — C card autos by May 31, B cards by June 30 and A cards by S eptem ber 30. A T IR E IN SP E C T IO N Septem ber 30 First Inspection f o r ' I A bookh olders m ust have been made j by M arch 31; subsequent inspection i within every six-m onth period there- ' after, hut at least 90 days apart. ! ( Septem ber 30 is next tire inspection ! deadline fo r A books. SH O ES June 15- E xpiration date stam p No. I 17, book No. 1 (one pair sh oes). F am i lies m ay pool stamps. T R A N S P O R T C E R T IF IC A T E S June 30— Final date for filing | transport m ileage ration certificates ( ' <T-1 and T-2 )fo r third quarter of I IMS. , Use W an t Ads as a I finding a buyer. short cut to U.S.WAN BONDS " 1 can’ t think o f anything else you'll need for your Victory garden. Judge, . . you’ve got pretty nearly everything.” " I think so, too, John. Ever get your asparagus patch going?” " I gave that up last year. Judge. Tried it six years in a row with no luck. Just haven’ t got the right 9oil, I guess?” “ Well, I think you’re wise, J o h n ...n o use keeping on trying things you know won’ t work. Just like prohibition. State-wide pro hibition has been tried in this country seventy-two times in the last ninety years. It has been adopted forty-seven times in the past thirty-three years and discarded everywhere except in three state*. Same thing was tried in eigh t p rov in ce s in Canada and in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia but it was an admitted failure and universally abandoned. " T h e reason is prohibition dots not prohibit. All you get is bootleg liquor in stead of legal liquor, plus no end of crime and corruption.” ( « f e n n t f A in tm itc ä , m >«|I I n t » t in t i. Im -