Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1943)
T PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y YOL. 16, XO. 19 IN OUR P LAN T ON SHORT ST. AN D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y E ST A B LISH E D 1927 Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, June 11. 1943 Local Mention Job's Daughters Install Phyllis Thorne Queen Ration Book 3 Applications Being Addressed A happy reunion of sons and Bethel No. 20, Jobs Daughteis. of daughters of Mrs. Hazel Puckett was Beaverton, installed its new officers held the past week, centering around 1 he» son Dean Le Roy Puckett of Far in a public ceremony Monday ev ening June 7. in the Masonic Tem liagut, Idaho, who has been spending ple. a short furlough with his mother Those seated were: honored queen 1 Dean was married Tuesday at ¡Vancouver, Wash., to Miss Dorothy Phyllis Thorne; senior princess. <Je- Hobbs, junior princess, Mary Hall, daughter of Mrs. Mary Hall, of lene Jane Martyn; chaplain, Margaret Prico Administratoi Prentiss M Portland. The couple left immed Harrison: musician. Beverly Thorne; Brown announced today that first iately for Fauagut, Idaho. recorilei Delores Wiight; messengers returns of the application of war ra , Present at the ceremony and guests Ramona Gableman, Bulimia Stark. of Mrs. Puckett were daughters Jeanette Schultz, Fawn Brook, Ana tion book III show a surprisingly Mrs. Lucille Taylor, and two daugh- Norman, Jean Hlrooks; treasurer, large percentage of errors which will j te^ of Dayton, and Mrs. Pearl Dow Paula Easton; librarian, Virginia cause delay In the distribution of the ell and children, of Amity, and Mr Lee; guide, Dorothy Cornell; mar ration books. ‘'Registration by mail is on trial,” .and Mrs. Vernon Puckett of Wllla- shal. Jeanette La Due; junior custo price administrator Brown said. ‘‘The ! mina. dian. Mary Lou Gauld; senior cus OPA adopted the direct mail method The Beaverton Ambulance Corps todian, Nancy Terry; inner guard. of registration to make registration will start a *six weeks course in Peggy Haynes; and outer guard, easier for the public. Public co handling stretchers and ambulances Shirley Prink. operation is necessary for its success Monday, June 21 at grade school at “ Application forms that have been 8 p m. filled out Incorrectly must be re West Slope Girl Mrs Hughes is visiting her parents turned. Ration books cannot be Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pegg. Gets Air Training sent to applicants who do not follow Miss Amie Thyng. daughter of Mr. the instructions This will cause George James Klochko, 18, took the oath as a marine corps private and Mrs. Paul E. Thyng, 8420 SW delay in delivery of the ration Tuesday in Portland. He will report Canyon drive, received her appoint books., and it will add to the load to San Diego for basic training after ment Tuesday to the women's aux on post office employees and the workers a short furlough at the home of his iliary ferry squadron and will leave thousands of volunteer parents. Mr, and Mrs. James Kloch- June 23 to report at Avenger Field, throughout the country who are giv ko. route 3. box 130, Beaverton. Sweetwater, Tex., for preliminary ing their time and energy so gen George attended Hillsboro high training in the women's flying pro erously to ease the burden of war Miss Thyng. who holds a time rationing. school until 1941 when he went to gram. A good example of labor and management working together fot the good of war bond "Make sure that the actual signa- : work as a chipper in the Swan Is private pilot's license and has more sales is pictuied above. It. J. Oetlof tabove is secretary of the Portland Machinists union, than 150 hours to her credit, did hei Iture of the head of the family or land ship yaids at Portland and George H. Buckler (right) is a prominent general contractor. They are unloading metal Mt Scott Chapter O. E. S. enter first flying at the University of Ore ; other person who has applied for the scaffolding sections used in construction of Multnomah County's new Victory Center in Port tained the treasurers of Portlund gon under the civilian pilot training ; hooks, is at the bottom of the form. land. Detloff's union put up $5,000 to cover certain costs, and Buckler, with associated sub Since graduation from the I This handwritten signature on the and vicinity chapters recently. Mrs. course. contractors, donated services, material and labor valued at $8,000. D°Wey Drorbaugh, treasurer of Beav university in 1941, she has been in application form certifies that all the er chapter attended, accompanied by structor of physical education at statements made on the application If the signature is typed Mrs Elmer Stipe, Mrs. Henry Nel- Commerce high school, keeping up 'are true. Prisoners Aid in sen, Mis Fred Goyt and Mrs. George hei flying until grounded when Port or printed, or if no signature at all Mailing Number 3 land was declared In a combat zone. appears, the application cannot he Blnsser An applicant for the WAFS must accepted. Ration Books Mrs. Harry Wright, Sr., Lake be between 21 and 34, he personally “ Look at the back of the form for R iad, has been visiting relatives and If A group of Oregon state peniten friends in California for the past interviewed by the recruiting chiet, the OPA mailing center address hold a valid pilot's license and pass the mailing center Is in the same tiary prisoners have been at work several weeks. the army air force medical examlnn city, the application will only neetf a several days filling in 1,235.000 No. 3 Cub pack No. 517 of Beaverton is I he Fir Grove Farmerettes met two-cent stamp. If It is not, place ration hooks and addressing approx now organized with all cubs are reg Wednesday June 9 at the home of tion. Upon completion of the five a three cent stamp on the applica imately 400.0f>0 envelopes in which istered with the Portland Area Coun Mrs D. A Damson, route 2. BeaVer- months training course. Miss Thyng tion before It is mailed. they will be sent to persons living cil ot the Boy Scouts of America. ! ton. Carl Maske, Oregon Journal in every part of Oregon. ----------------- V----------------- There arc 31 boys of cub age, 9-12, 1 garden adviser, gave an interesting will receive her silver wings from Jacqueline Cochran, founder of the There is a day crew of 75 inmates on the registered list, they are: Ron talk on landscape gardening. Beaverton was well represented at Driver* Licenses WAFS, and assume her duties as a The pro- nie • Keil, Stafford Miller, Claine the Red Cross blood bank when the '| and a night crew of 150 Recent navy volunteers, according ferry pilot, which will Include any I ject was organized under the direc- Newcomer, Hans Stroeve, Robert to navy recruiting office in Pant- mobile unit visited Hillsboro May assignment the army or navy may Good Till June, 1945 24th. The 33 donors who volun ' tion of a prisoner but is being super- Cochran, Maurice Gunther, Chas. Cos- land, were Kenneth Dwight Hester- give her, inclusive of combat flying. With hundreds of Oregon drivers Kenneth Alexander, Duane It.e, William I^eioy Imlah and Rob teered from this district were taken ' vised by W. R. Edlund, assistant lett, needlessly filing applications for re- to the center by Beaverton people state rationing officer, and Rich- Hobbs, James Tracy, Paul Buffam, ert Melvin Salee, all of Beaverton. | newals of their driver's licenses this vho donated their time and the use 1 ard D. Montgomery, district ration George Fowler, Curtis Wilson, L. A. Mrs. Z. Willmeth celebrated her Second Half Federal ing officer. The work is to be Classen, Jack Dickinson, J. C. Lowe, summer, Secretary of State, Bob Far- of their cars. 90th birthday Sunday, June 6, at Tax Due on June 15th I completed by June 15. j rell reminded them that the last leg- Sam Holmes, Dick Bienferdorf, M. Also the Beaverton canteen corps i The rationing books were brought hor home. Mrs. Willmeth received W. Maloney, Collector of Inter | isluture amended the state driver’s prepared and served the food, col- to Salem from San Francisco under B. Bernards, Willis Warren, Billy lovely cards and gifts from her many nal J. Revenue, points out that the so- j license law to extend current licen- Lovett, Jay Crawford, Rob Gallihear, fee and fruit juices Which are so im police guprd. friends. The inmates volun called pay ns you go legislation now 1 ses for another two-year period. portant in keeping the donors in fine teered to do the work as a patriotic Gerald Morford, Dick Miller, Peter Licenses which normally would Art Stipe of Bend, Oregon, has before Congress does not relieve tax condition. The members on duty duty, Prison Warden George Alex Tozer, John Comer, James Gregory, been visiting the past week' at the payers of the duty of paying the sec have expired June 30, 1943, now will and Ralph Nute. that day were. Mrs. Barbara Peck, ander said. This en Our Den chiefs are trained Scouts home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe. ond quarterly installment of the i be good till June 30, 1945. Mrs. Ethel Johnson, Mrs. Ellen John Officials said these books would Miss Amy Thyng and Mrs. Her 1942 income tax due June 15, 1943. ables motorists who now hold licen son, Mrs. Gertrude Pearson, Mrs. cover the entire state and that the to help with the cubbing program bert Mason, spent the past week end There is no pending or contemplated ses to operate on them for another Beulah Boge, Mrs. Edna Robinson, prison operations would save consid and are doing a very efficient job. vacationing at Seaside, Oregon. legislation relieving taxpayers from two years without further examina ¡They are Jack Manges, Dave Buf assisted by Mrs. Clarke Fisher, nutri erable outside manpower. tions or fees. fam, Ned Conley. • Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Barry have sold payment of this installment. tion aide, Mrs. Jacqueline Kueneke, Persons who do not have a license ------------- V----------------- Because of the great volume of re The first pack meeting for the their five and ten cent store to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Statter. The chick turns filed, the statements which are to drive in Oregon are required to new year will be held at the grade ens for the luncheon served the doc A New Firing Line Beyond school on MondAy evening, June 14, 1 and Mrs. Albert Highbee of Beaver being mailed could not be posted up obtain them, just as before. Bu' ton, who have taken possession. tors and nurses was donated by the 7:30 p. m. Executive Cully from Port Mr. and Mrs.. Barry und their three to date, and in some instances the those who now have licenses, wt!' Shultz hatchery and Mrs. N. P. John I always thought that when I got land Area Council, will be present ! balances shown may not correspond not be required to renew them till son. to be fourscore I could wrap up my and put on a program of movies and sons plan to move soon to Missouri, ! with the taxpayers record of pay- after June 30, 1945. and have sold their home on Allen The Mobile unit will visit the Hills life in a scroll, tie a pink ribbon will present the boys with Achieve avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs of 1 ments. All payments should be con boro High School gym the last Mon around it, put it away in a drawer, ment awards. Portland. who formerly lived here. sidered in arriving at the payment day of each month from 9 30 to 1:30 and go around doing the things I Every cub parent is urged to be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weitz and due June 15 which miift be suffi Motor Vehicle Owners But I learned that present and every one interested is and Washington county residents be wanted to do. children Jack and Charlotte, moved cient to complete payment of one- Approve New Law tween the ages of 18 and 60 who are when you have taken one trench, cordially Invited. Receipt of a state i Tuesday of this week to Vancouver, half of the tax. in good health are urged to attend, ; there is always a new firing line ment will not require a payment If Mr. Leonard Adams, prominent ---------- v— :------ Washington. now organized and all cubs arc reg- beyond.—Oliver Womdell Holme;* there has previously been paid one- local insurance representative, re Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erickson ob Oregon, for an appointment and a Clubs Asked to Mobilize ports that the majority of automo served their 25th wedding anniver half or more of the total tax. diet list. The next date will be June In 1942 winner of the Dodd, Mead- For Work This Summer bile owners are In favor of Oregon's - V ----------------------------- - sary recently with a party at the 28. , Redbook $10,0000 dollar fiction prize new Financial Responsibility Law. home of Mr. and Mrs. C-.'l Hanson. ----- ----------- V----------------- ! is Turning Leaves by Ellen Proctor A few drivers think that the law The Women's Advisory Committee Interest of the evening was a mock Townsend School Teach and is now ready for Beaverton Pub- of the War Manpower Commission wedding in which Jimmy Croft was Defense Work Courses : should have required compulsory 4-H Summer Session | lie library users. The story is that has evidence of insurance. The most called upon women's clubs the groom; Elaine Hanson the bride; of the Livingston family, residents of throughout the countiy to mobilize The Townsend school 2346 NW common comment seems to he that Closes This Friday Harris Hanson, best man; Emma a small Minnesota town, and tells in their members for active service on Jean Johnson, bridesmaid; Robert GUsnn street, Portland, will start its I “ I will carry automobile insurance Seventy-four 4-H club members particular of the two oldest sisters, the nation's farms this summer. Hanson, the brides father; Bud 18th fall term with college prepara all right, if the other drivers give mo from Washington County are in at Gabrielle and Julia. Julia's shrewd This mobilization, it was empha Croft, the preacher; Beverly Han tory courses and special classes for the same protection.” tendance at the annual 4-H summer mink guides her unerringly toward sized, is not to meet an immediate those who dropped their high school An excellent digest of the new Ore- school at Oregon State College, 1 the luxuries of life, which she has need but for one foreseen in the sum son, flower girl; and LeRoy Han courses to enter defense work. ' gon law has been prepared by Alfred son, ring bearer. Delicious refresh which started last Tuesday and con never had, while Gabrielle is a quiet mer. Boys and young men who entered M Best ¿k Company, nationul insur Applicants for agricultural tinues until Frdiay, June 11. sensitive girl who is willing to suf work will be called as the needs ments were served by the hostess. Dorothy Lee Carr and Delores defense work and were unable to ance authorities; and these may b« Many of the club members were fer any hardships in order to become arise in their respective localities. Carlson have retifrned home here complete such schooling will he given had without charge at Mr. Adams provided with scholarships, provided a singer. Their devotion to each In those communities where such after spending the past week visit special attention and individual in- office In the Rossi Bldg, next to the by civic fraternal and community other and to their family holds off labor is urgently needed, women's stiuctlon. The school recently con 1 stage depot in Beaverton. groups. Donors and recipients of ■ the inevitable clash of their natures clubs are urged to poll their mem ing Dorothy's grandparents Mr. and ducted the entrance examinations -- ----------- V------------- scholarships are: Oregon State Fair until the family finds itself facing a berships for those willing to woik Mrs Anderson at Seaside, Oregon for Philips Academy in Andover, George James Klochko entered Mass., and also for the secondary Working Parents May Katherine Quaring. Ida Lou Hagg, startlngly dramatic climax. on farms on a seasonal, vacation, or Jim Ludlow, Roy Grossen; Bank of full-time basis and to give this in the U. S. Marine Corps Tuesday June education board. ----------------- V----------------- Place Children on Farms Tigard DeLores Schwartz; Rosedale formation to the county agricultural 8 as a private. ■--- ;------------ V -------------- — 4-H clubs— Margaret Putnam. Fred More About Our Boys Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bisbin, of agent or the U. S. Employment Ser Working parents who have child Expensive Children Setniker, and Billy Sorenson; Beav 1203 SW’ Canyon lane, are receiving vice. *ren with some experience In farr Dear Mrs Gtlham & Draft Board In Paducah, Ky., (Senator Bark erton Grange — Mary Ghiglietti; Other activities suggested for wo congratulations from their friends work are looking for arrangement Witch Hazel 4-H clubs -Gwendolyn personnal: i mens' organizations were to aid in on the birth May 29, of a daughter ley's home town), two teachers, two to place the children with farmers maids, a janitor and a cook form during the summer so that they mn Aplin. Florence Vinnell, and Elaine I Right now I ant a heck of a long i mobilizing young people for farm work Janet C. Raymond; B. E Maling, Inc. -Grace ' ways from home. From Ft. Lewis and provide necessary supervision of Carl B Vester, son of Edna May the staff for a day nursery built for continue their work In Portland war Connell; Charles Imlay Joan Wag- where we stopped for 6 days, we their living conditions; to assist local Vester, route 5 has been promoted the children of war workers as part industries. onblast; Reedville Community— 1 were put on a train and shipped to government officials In recruiting to a metalsmith second class. He of a $6,000,000 Federal project; hut These parents want homes for tl It is children and In some cases expe< Beverly Bramhall and Eileen Sunny California. I will put in my farm workers, and to acquaint wo recently completed his course at the only 4 children are enrolled. O'Meara; Beaverton Community Gar basic training here at Camp Roberts, men generally with the seriousness Great I.akra naval training station estimated that It will cost $900 a some small pay. The children b month to operate the nursery for the which such placements are bein den club- LaVem« Straley; Aloha and after that I don't know what, of the farm and food production benefit of 4 children. Grange—Flora LaRue; Rosedale P j I sure miss the trees in good old problem through club education pro- considered are 12, 13 and 14 yea »a < ----- ----V------------------- K INTON T. A.- Mervel Sohlesser: First Secur , Oregon All we have here are hills i grams. age, according to Mrs. C. W. Wall MICHAEL E. O'MEARA The Klnton Indies Aid met at the ity Bank. Beaverton, Robert Law and more hills. I am in the Field chairman of the Multnomah Coi — --------- — V------------------- Michael E. O'Meara, early Beav mlttee on the Day Care of Chlldr* Grange Hall Thursday with twenty- Artillery which is a pretty good ----------------- V----------------- ROSE RICH erton resident, died Wednesday six members present. Mrs. George branch, so they tell me I think Rose Rich died at Hillsboro, route Snider, chairman of the plliow com morning, June 9. in the Hillsboro which has been seeking to obta' Dehydrating Foods 1 I'll probably be pecking at a type 4, June 2, aged 73 years. proper care for children whose mot She was Born In California Janu 1 ers are working. writer, as much as I can find out wife of Chris Rich, Hillsboro, mother mittee reported that ten more pil hospital. At Home here. I don't know for sure yet. Is of Theodore, Beaverton; route 2: lows and cases were completed and ary 12, 1879, O'Meara came with his Farmers interested in taking sit«' A new process has been created Eunice still working on the board? Mark of Herrington Park, N.; J leady to take to the George White parents to Oregon, 50 years ago, set children for the summer have be< tling on a farm near Beaverton He Service center In Portland This for dehydrating foods at home, using 1 I'd like to have hei write if she is David, Sherwood route 4; Sam and asked to register with the Boys’ a- only an ordinary gas range and hand ! Tell everyone hello for me and I’ll Amos, Hillsboro, route 4; Mrs. Alda makes a total of twenty-five pillows was a charter member of Hillsboro Girls” Aid Society, Studio Bid Council Knights of Columbus Fun what Eggiman, Beaverton, route 2; Miss and cases made for the center. Mes- made cloth tray The tray consists try to keep you informed as Portland, AT 2353, for Multnom- dames Cox, E. Wright, and W. El eral services will be held Friday at of wood form covered with curtain I'm doing. Washington and Columh Helen Rich, Hillsboro route 4. Fun liott were hostesses. The next meet 9 30 a. m in St. Cecelia Catholic county. Yours Sincerely netting After being steamed and eral services were held Saturday at ing wil lbe held at the home of Mrs (Alurch, Beaverton, with interment Counties register with the Boys’ an Pvt MIKE SCHECKLA sliced, the vegetables are placed on Girls’ Aid Society or the local Publ' Bethany Baptist church, interment O. T Murphy. in Cedar Mill cemetery. Recitation Welfare Commission. Bn. Bldg 6312. I Union cemetery. the tray in the oven at a tempera Btry B 56th FA Dr. I J Neher spent the week-end of the rosary was held Thursday at 8 ture of 150 degrees, with the oven Camp Roberts, Calif.. U. S. Army -------- V -------------- p. m. at Eugene on a business trip. door open to permit circulation of ----------- .---- V-----------«---- CHURCH OF CHRIST He is survived by seven brothers Thefts Reported by Mrs. O. T. Murphy and Mrs. Geo. air In about six hours the vege G W Springer, Pastor A daughter. Dorothy N , was born and F. A. Snider left for Eugene Monday, and sisters: E A. tables should be completely dehyd May 28. to Mr and Mrs. Mark R Children's Day program 9 45 a. m where they will spend the week at OMeara Beaverton; T J, W H.. P Several Persons rated for storing , followed by the morning sermon and tending the Oregon State Grange C., and Catherine O'Meara. Portland Shaw of Benz Park. Theft of an OPA card uaed t — ----- V----------------- observance of the Lord's Supper. meetings mobile unit Visited Hillsboro May paste C gas rationing coupons an William W Rosenfeld. 6706 SW Topic The Relationship of Christ to ARTHI K SLEEP ----------------- V--------------- - which contained 46 C coupons wa Arthur Sleep died June 7 at Beav Canyon Crest drive, has graduated * the Father stolen from the Rasmussen garage a “See America First” BIRTHS Bible School class session 11 a m erton, late of Greenview. Calif. He from navy supply corps school at While Harold Ickes has been tell Beaverton recently, according tc f Mr and Mrs Ralph O. Dean, route Christian Endeavoi 6 30 p. m He is now an was father of Otis. Beaverton: step Harvard university. ing the nation to conserve on unne report made to Sheriff J. W. Conne*’ 2, box 255, May 27, a son. Hilbert R Evening worship service 7 30 p. m ensign. father of Albert, Raffaelei. Cal Robert Besmehn of route l, Bc<i' Mr, and Mrs Johnny H. McCauley, cessary travel because of the gaso ---------------*_V----------------- Kenneth Johnston, field representa brother of George Sleep, of Klamath Mrs Roosevelt writes that one way tive of the Northwest Christian Col route 5, box 657, May 25. a son, John line shortage, his own Department of erton reports that two blue e"» Falls. Ore ; also survived by 2 grand Interior has continued to maintain a white Beverens rabbits valued at $ children Funeral services were of "enslaving a people is to suppress lege will be a guest speaker at the ny H. Jr. Travel Bureau established In 1940 wss stolen on May M. Mr and Mrs. Robert B Bisbin, evening service the sources of information.” And held Thursday. June 10 at Peggs Paul Thyng of West Slope, repoj?$ Mid treek Bible study and prayer 7203 SW Canyon Lane, May 29, a to conduct a "See America First" Chapel. Benverton. Interment Cres right in the midst of the news-lock theft of 3* chickens. drive. daughter, Janet C. isrvlcs Wad 8 p m ed Food Gonferenc« too cent Grove cemetery. 33 Donors From District Give to Blood Bank Cub Scout Troop Reorganized