Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1943)
le g a l Notice — NOTICK OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING N O TICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N to the legal votera o f S ch ool D istrict No. 48 o f W ash in gton County, State o f Oregon that the A N N U A L SCH OOL M E E T IN G o f said D istrict w ill be held at B eavarton High S ch ool; to begin at the hour o f Eight o ’clo ck P. M. on the third M onday of June, being the 21st day o f June, A D. 1943. This m eeting is called fo r the pur pose o f electing One D irector and C lerk and the tran saction o f business usual at such meeting. In districts o f the second and third classes the ballots shall not be counted until one hour after the tim e set fo r the m eeting to begin. Until the count begins any legal vot ers o f the d istrict shall be entitled to vote upon any business before the meeting. Dated this 26th day o f May, 1943. ATTEST: W . D. C A M E R O N . C hairm an Board o f D irectors ALTH EA HAULENBACK, D istrict Clerk. OR DER APPOINTING DAY FOR FINAL SETTLEM ENT In the C ounty Court o f the State o f O regon fo r the cou nty o f W ash in g ton. • In the M atter o f the Estate o f: F R A N K M. A LL E N . Deceased. JO S E P H IN E A LL E N , the Adm inis- ratrix o f the Estate o f FTtANK M. \LLEN, Deceased, having rendered end presented fo r settlem ent and filed in this Court her Final A ccoun t of her adm inistration o f said E state; IT IS T H E R E F O R E O R D E R E D that the 14th day o f June, A. D., 1943, at 10 o ’clo ck A M o f said day, be and the sam e is hereby appointed fo r the settlem ent o f said account, and that said notice o f said settle m ent be published in Beaverton En terprise, a new spaper published In W ashington County, Oregon, as often an once a week fo r fou r successive w eeks prior to saftl date o f settle ment. Dated thirf 7th day o f May, A D.. 1943. H D K E R K M A N , County Judge Date o f first publication May 14. 1943. Ijrst date publication June 11 ,1943. METHODIST CHURCH been sold to P. C arlibeig A lb e it S. Hmey, D. D . Minister Mrs. E dith P a tts .jo n and Mrs. 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. (F la n k Schrader and c h u u .n . Susan 11 a. rn. Preaching service. ; and Steve, all ot L eoanon, o . egon I W . S C. S meets W’ednesday. were week end guests at the G. C. V Osborne home on R uby avenue last PILGRIM LUTH ERAN CHURCH week. NAZARKNE CHURCH BEAVERTON Leonard C. Johnson. Pastor Mrs. H W. Stroeve and son Hans F arm ington R d at M enlo D liv r Sunday School 9:45 a. m left W ednesday o f last week for Los (S yn odical C onference« Preaching Service 11 a. rn Angeles. C alif ., where they will visit W alter R . Buhl, Pastor Y oung Peoples 6 30 p. m. Mm. S troeve’s brother and sister in Sunday School 10 a. m. E vangelistic service 7:30 p. m. law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols, Divine Services 11 a. m. V ------- - form erly o f W est Slope. Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel L. Smith o f CHURCH OF CHRIST ST. CECELIA CHURCH Portland attended the g t a d i school G. W Springer, P astor Masses 8 and 10 a. m. May 26 M orning w orship and preaching graduation exercises here — ------------ V ------------- -------- service at 9:45 a. m. T op ic The E arly Mrs. Smith will be rem em bered as WENT HILLS Church. Follow ing the serm on, the the form er Miss Lillian W irth, who LUTHERAN CHURCH taught the fourth grade for several \ L ord ’s Suppei will be observed. SW Canyon R d near Sylvan Bible School class session 11 a. m. years. W erner J. Fritz, M inister Christian E ndeavor 6:30 p. m. R ichard M eisegeir o f Seaside, Ore Sunday a fter A scendion E vening wot ship service 7:30 p. m. gon, spent the past week end visiting Sunday School 9:45 a. m. , with special m usic by ch urch orch es ! his brother in law and siBter Mr and Divine Service 11 a. m. Sermon. tra and serm on by pastor. j Mrs. E. R. Sheets. Use Y our W ings. M idweek Bible study and prayer W illiam Springer, son o f Rev. and E veryone welcom e. service W ednesday 8 p. m. ; Mrs. G eorge S pringer and Mary Mey Daily V acation Bible School will ------------ V ------------------- ers daughter o f Mrs. B etty Meyers begin M onday, June 7 and continue were each presented with a m edal fo r tw o weeks to June 18. Classes from the Beaverton Am erican Legion w ill meet from 9 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Post as the most outstanding boy and Childven o f the com m unity are in girl o f their 1943 class at the grade vited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Jones are school com m encem ent exercises May -------------- — A-------------- 26. parents of a daughter born May 20. W EST SLOPE Mrs. Fred W hite and children Faye O. Smith, m other o f B everly COMMUNITY CHURCH Faye, o f route 3 Beaverton, died Charlotte and Jack viisited friends UNITED PRESBYTERIAN She was daughter o f Mr in Estacada during the past week SW Gabel lam e and F airw ay Drive June 2. and Mrs. Aaswald, sister o f Helen end. Rev. H. A. Arm itage, Pastor Sunday visitors at the hom e ot Service 11 a m., T op ic The Fruits Dixon, Portland. Mr, and Mrs. A ndrew Hall, Mrs. Mrs. Nelson W alker were Mr. and o f the Christian H om e 6:30 p. m., The Sabbath, Used or Charlotte Uhles and Mrs. Sadie E. Mrs. Jack G riffith V»nd daughter Su- A rm strong, all o f V ancouver, W ash., zane o f Portland. Abused. attended the grade sch ool gradua- ----------------- V-------------- — W illiam R ich ter died at H illsboro j tion o f their gran ddau gh ter and May 29 at the age o f 76 years. He BETH EL niece, Miss Charlotte Hall, daughter was father o f Mabel R ichter, form er CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH | o f Rev. and Mrs. W illard B. Hall, telephone operator at Beaverton. W illard B. Hail, M inister | W ednesday evening, M ay 26. 9 45 a m. Church School. The B eaverton R ebekah lodge No. 11 a. m. Worship. The M ethodist Churjch parsonage 248 met Tuesday June 11 at the I. O. 6 30 p. m. P ilgrim Fellowship. on Second and Angel streets, has O. F. hall fo r a regular session. The I Beaverton Notes A dm ission 30 and 9c, tax included P L A Y IN G R itz B r o th e rs In 111 Y A CHUM T heir Latest Picture and THE G J.A SS KEY with V eronica L ake and B ila n Donlevy STARTING SUNDAY M atinee 2:30 SHADOW OF A DOUBT with T e r e s a W righ t and Joseph Cotten COMING W ED N ESD AY The A ndrew Sisters in HOW’S ABOUT IT and KEEP ’EM SLUGGING I tillin g Show Starts 7 :3 0 WHY BE FAT*v 1‘ . M. 7 It’s Easy To Reduca \t.u ran in*.* u«i> poun d« ami I m v « a more ■l«mler gracefu l N fU ff N o la\atlvrft N o drugs N o «te rrta tn a W iih thlM A \ I >8 plan you d o n t ru t o u t any mral*. star» lira p o ta to ««, lim its or buttrr. you »Im p ly c u t tin in dow n It ■ raay u h r o you * » - toy r drMrtoua (vitam in fortlfl«*!) A \ I »is Iw lorr rarh mral A b solu tely« *' I N P f N t O N * COST i f I B S T O M L i t . irnch In M D A Y * using A Y U S under th e d lrrrtlon. o l | >r ( I Von llo o v r r Hworn to b o - forr a N otary I’ ubllr T r y a Im-ce box of A Y IW . 30 day su p p ly o n ly IJ.2.1 M o u s y b a ck If you d o o t g «t Beaverton Pharmacy Beaverton, Oregon HIGHEST PRICES PAID for M CASCARA BARK (G re e n jrr D ry ) FIR PITCH OREGON GRAPE ROOT SKUNKCABBAGEROOT and Other Crude Drug Items SELL DIRECTLY TO THE W E S T S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE UKI DE DRUG DEALERS WESTERN TRADING COMPANY, Inc. O ffic e an d W a re h o u s e , 15th A v.. Mrs. R uby Boyd entertained the C heerio club last tV iday afternoon j at H eidelberg Park. Mrs B o y d ’s guests were Mesdames Minnie Scho- ene. Ethel Hanson and Irene McKell Mr. and M is. R aym ond J. Haas. Aloha, are receiving congratulations from their friends on the birth May 26 o f a son, Keith. Mrs. W ood row W eaver and daugh te r Marilyn Louise o f Brem erton, W ashington, spent the past weekend visiting friends and relatives Memorial Day services will be held at the I. O. O. F hall on June 7 at approxim ately 9 p. m. F O R S A L E — N aarly new— l&’.g e Sunflame Oil Cir Heater, pipe & floorboard *65. Eighth house W o f Red R ock Dairy, R6, Bx 644, Portland. F O R SALE-—Used T h or W ashing Machine Mrs. Inez W hitw orth. 573 Main St.. B eaverton. Phone Beavevton 3363. •---------- -------------------- F O R SALE Buch & Lange, $250 Cabinet P honograph with several records— $10. See W illiam Schra der on Alexander avenue between Stacy & Tobias, Aloha. Call after 5 o'clock . GREYHOUND Coffee Shop Headquarters for OREGON MOTOR STAGES and HOME-COOKED GOOD EATS ••S|*eclal Sunday Dinners” LYLE C. TAYLO R O P E N 7 A. M to 10 P. M. N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that an election will be held in School D istrict No. 48 o f W ashington County, State o f Oregon, at B eaverton H igh School iit said school district, fo r the purpose o f subm itting to the legal voters o f said district the question o f inc. easing the tax levy for the year 1943-44 over the am ount limited by section II, article X I, o f the Constitution o f Oregon. The reasons for Increasing such levy are: T o re-establish Tax Base Increased costs caused by the war. The am ount o f tax, in excess o f the 6% lim itation, proposed to be levied for said year is $7548.82. Dated this 26th day o f May, 1943 A ttest: ALTH EA HAULENBECK W . D. C A M E R O N D istrict C lerk Chairman Board o f D irectors NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N to the legal voters o f S ch ool D istrict No. 48, o f W ashington County, State o f Oregon, that a SCH OOL M E E T IN G o f the said district will be held at Beaverton High School on the 21st day o f June, 1943, at 8 o'clo ck p. m. fo r the purpose o f discussing the budget for the fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1943-44, and ending June 30,1944. hereinafter set forth, and to vote on the p rop osition of levying a district tax. BUDGET 1943-44 Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances Bond Int. T otal All A Sinking Funds Fund E S T IM A T E D A V A IL A B L E CASH B ALAN CE O R D E F IC IT at the B eginning o f the Fiscal Year $ 8,000.00 $6707.50 Estim ated R eceipts from Delinquent Taxes during fiscal year for which this budget is made 1,000.00 Estim ated R eceipts from County School Fund ................................................................... ..... * 7,201.00 Estim ated R eceipts from E lem entary Sch ool Fund ...................................................................... 2,550.00 Estim ated R eceipts from State Irredu cible S ch ool Fund 694.18 E stim ated R eceipts from H igh School Tuition ............................................................................. 30,000.00 m- Estim ated R eceipts from E lem en taiy Tuition .......- ............................................................... 500.00 Estim ated R eceipts from Lanham A ct. .................... ................... ........................................ 12,600.00 Estim ated R eceipts from oth er sou rces- tuition, Mult. Co. ........................... ....... 2,000.00 hint m in ted T ota l R e c e ip ts a n d A v a ila b le f a s h Hal la n ce or Irene: D eceit $48.545.27 $6707.50 THEATRE BEAVERTON, OREGON NOW ■Social and Needle club piesented the ; TOO L A T E TO CLASSIFY lodge with an A m erican flag and a > service flag. A fter a short business j F U R N IS H E D ROOM and break meeting, 12 m em bers a.temfc*d th* j fast if desired. Mrs. J. W. Han- Colum bia lodge m eeting in Portland ners, R l. Bx 138. Tigard, across from A valon Park. Mr. and Mis. Ronald La Mont and son Harley, moved last week to F or F O R S A L E — Saddle A Bridle, with est Grove, where Mrs LaM ont will saddle blanket, good condition, make her home for the duration $15. B eatrice Forsm an, R6, bx while Mr. LaM ont is in service with 1 643. Portland, nr Red R ock D aily. j the air corps. Notice of School Election Upon Question of Increasing Tax lev y Over Amount Limited by Section II, Article XI, State Constitution. RITZ «15 M l Friday, June 4, W43 B E A V E R TO N EN TERPR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 4 - ---------------------------------------------------------------. ----------------------- 1 1 E lem entary IT E M IRHA l c o n t r o l Personal service: Supei intemlent C lerk and Bond ................................... Stenographers and other o ffice assistants Supplies ..................... . ............. ............. Printing and advertising T otal E xpense o f G eneral Control N B T K m i T B T L :------------------------------------------------------- Personal service: T eachers Stenographers and oth er o ffic e assistants Supplies B ooks Activities T otal E xpense, Supervision KCTInUTfeii EVIFAnlftkcs Estim. High Ex. for Ensu. school yr. fexpend. and Budget A llow ance for 6 mo. Cuivent School Year Expend. in detail Schools Schools $ 1,085.00 150.38 100.00 40.00 » 1,375.38 $ 2,171.00 300.77 808.00 250.00 125.00 * 3,654.77 $ 3,256 00 451.151 80800 350.00 165.00 * 5,030.15 $ 1,628.00 226.57 404.00 175.00 82.50 * 2,514.57 27.306 60 27.617.00 54,923.80 $ 19.44980 1.000.00 750.00 1,000.00 830.056.60 1,200.00 50.00 2.200.00 800.00 1.000 00 858.923.60 Bud. A llow ance in detail E xpen ditu resfm ^ rïîrë^ 'F ÎscâF 'Y ëârs'T iext* P ieced in g the Current School Det. Ex last yr. o f 3 yr. Period Yrly. totals Sec. Year Year Y rly totals F irst Year gen Personal service: Janitors and other em ployees Jan itors’ supplies IJght and power W ater T elephone and Fuel T oiul Expense o f O peration S fM N 'r M A N b F . AN D R E P A IR S R epair and m aintenance o f furn. * equip. R epair A m aintenance bldgs Other expense matnten, A rep., grounds. T ola ! k\|M-nse o f M aintenance 5 Repairs T ransportation o f pupils personal serv. L ibrary Total E xpense o f Auxiliary A gencies F IX E D C H A R G E S Insurance Total Fixed Charges C A P IT A L O U T LA Y S New sites New furnl. equip A replacem ent Other Capital outlays Library books fa t a l Capital Outlays d f .II t s e r v i c e Interest on w arrants Paid on W arrants EM ERGENCY Total Schedule II —G eneral F u n d - Total estim ated expenses for the vear 1.926 00 200.00 425.00 100.00 375.00 83,025.00 300.00 250.00 300.00 -------- * ■" ' 8SM87.M 342.60 8 342.60 2 000.00 20000 * 2.200.00 $3.940.93 *35,146.59 1,100 00 400.00 20,607.92 50.00 600.00 125.00 *20.949.8» $21,382.92 $37,209-56 $33,869.43 *33,929.13 1,405.54 657 43 2,005.00 300 00 600.00 200.00 512.50 83.617.50 1,730 10 250.00 510.00 265.00 467.50 *2.212.60 2,845 98 482.04 1,005.31 246.15 1*013 66 $5,593. Ì4 *5.752.60 *5,405.30 800 00 1,300 00 200 (V *2.300(1» 1,100.00 1,550 00 too 00 * S.058.00 550.00 775.00 200 00 1.5(26.00 550.00 450.00 300.00 S 1.300.00 4.708.94 1.387 71 327.15 * 6.423.8» *12,911.72 * 4,311.64 500.00 1.600 00 800.00 30000 1.600.00 800.00 600.00 385 81 * 985.81 1,200.00 671.71 ---------* 1.871 A l---------- $ 1.572272 * 1.869.80 685 24 5 685 24 1,027.84 * 1,0*7.81 513 92 513.92 471.84 * 471.84 942.78 * 800 «0 500.00 * 1. SO«.«» 2,800.00 700.00 8 1.400 00 350 00 1 1,750 no 370.01 538 43 740.01 1.076.87 ------------* 908.44 ---------* 1.816 88 525 00 525.00 * 525.00 *87.599.09 T otal All Minds $87.599 09 Total estimated expenditures DEDU CT: T o t a ^ e s t t n ^ ^ c e t g t /A a v a t la b l^ c a s h h a l^ ^ T m r ^ T e c e M a ^ ^ t< W > in a n c iT fi^ b u (? g e ^ ’’^ ^ ™ " DEDU CT D eficit forw arded to next fiscal year_________ $3,728.81 4,010 00 600 00 1.200.00 400 (X) 1.025.00 * 7.235.0» * Debt Service P in c lp a l on bonds (In. neg tnt beai war issued under sec 35-1104) Interest on bonds Total Schedule III— Debt Service.. E STIM A T ! o f I .F I T $ 2,751.66 436.90 479.97 274.01 61.80 *4.004.34 2,085.00 400 00 775.00 300.00 650 00 *4,210.00 1.10000 ----------* 1.100 0» $ 1*480.00 260.00 575.00 105.00 82.50 *2,192.50 Bond $6.000 00 707 50 " 6707 50“ in terest and 8 * 3254b) 832.195.79 Sinking * 994.75 334 11 * 334 11 * 29,788.22 * 961 94 *4.044.45 $ 3,625.97 « M illi *54,944.71 668.22 15.500.00 *16,168.22 *74.030.43 Fund 48.545.27 39 052 82 6.000 00 33,052.82 ADD: Katim amt o f taxes that wtll not he co lle ct ed during tjte fiscal year fo r which thta P o rtla n d . O re T otal estim ated tax levies for ensu. fiscal >r. Analyst« estimated tax U v I m Amount excess ft', limitation W. C. PCGG t MORTICIAN _ • B eaverton. O regon Eatab. 1910 S ervin g 32 yaara IN P E H T E D N F -W S A m ou n t of b on d ed in d eb ted n ess (In clu d e in terest h e a lin g w a r ra n ts issued u n d er PHONE A m ou n t o f w a rra n t Indehtedneas on w a rra n ts en d orsed "n ot paid fo r w ant o f fu n d s ” _ Total Indebtedness . ........... .. . . . . . ___________ BEAVERTON M il ---------------------- O T 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *81,03» «2 7.548 82 Dated this 26th dav o f May 1943 Signed ALTH EA HAULENBECK Diatrict Clei k ail n eg otia b le sec 111 1016. O.C.L.A.) W Chairman D CAM E RO N . Board o f D irectors $21 000 (»' issu ed and 14 000 00 8331 l A pproved bv Budget Com m ittee May 2‘>th 1943 Signed Dr J R T A L B E R T Secy. Budget C om m ittee DP. C E MASON. Chairm an. Budget Qona