Friday, M ay 14. 1943 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R I S E . Beaverton. Oregon Classified Rates • HELP wanted Page 3 most edible oils and cheese) 1 west write their representatives and R ed Stamp E. valid April 25, tell them o f the great need for the m ains valid through May. protection o l the forest lands o f the W A N T E D W om en fo r weeding, KOR S A L E By Owner, 5 room T W O Cents a w ord per Issue. R ed Stamp F, becom es valid May 2. I N orthw est from cultivating, fla tin g—full or part m odern house, own water system, which more than M inimum 25c CASH with cop> R ed stamp G becom es valid May 9 time. W m . B orsch & Son, M aple one-third o f all governm ent's needs raspberries, stt awberries. young M inimum Charge on C lassified Revised point values ate e ffe ctiv e J for lum ber for war is com ing. wood, Oregon. berries. 2 ch erry trees, 8 apple. 3 A ds not paid at Tim e o f Inser Bartlett pears. 11 prune, ch ick en May 2 -------------------V ------------------- tio n — 50c. R etuilers m ust register w ith local hse, 3doz hens, garden all in 1 crest W e P u b lis h th e MEN W A N T E D p rotectiv e organ izations Red Cross Sponsoring boards and recetve allow able inven B eaverton 2940. B K A V K K T O N l \ i l k i !. I ~ i ind tim berland ow ners in the P aci- — • - — ” ® tories o f m eats and fats May 3-lt. FOR DEFENSE PLAN T M U LT N O M A H P K K » ! fic N orthw est face the prospect o f Swimming Program F O R S A L E —A lcazar G as Stove, B LU E ST A M I'S n o u o iK n iN B . I the m ost dangerous and hazardous Making Steel Barrels W ashington County Red Cross top oven, incinerator with coils, (F o r canned, frozen, and certain forest A L O I I A N E W .> fires in h istory without ch apter will carry on an intensive Permanent Employment either gas or w ood for hot water, dehydrated foods benefit o f federul em ergen cy funds functional sw im m ing and water safe C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington W'ages 95c per hour $20 cash Mrs Hutton. Menlo D r . C ounty and W estern Multnomah Blue stam ps G. H. J. rem ain valid such as were used to such good ad- ty training program for young men with opportunity to make m ore I vantage last year A $6,500,000 em- and wom en o f induction and pre-in Beaverton County Coverage through May. under incentive rates. I ergen cy fund has been cut from the duction age. W e assume no financial respon SU G A R No experience needed sibility for errors which may a p Stamp No. 12 In war ration book special deficien cy appropriation bud F O R S A L E - 4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord The course is sim ilar to that insti Apply get pear in advertisem ents published tuted in the nation's training cam ps lots). W rite J. O. Johnson, Bx 584, one is valid for 5 pounds o f s ugar RHEEM M ANUFACTURING CO. in thpse colum ns but in case Leaders in both O regon and W ash by the through May 31. American Red Cross m ore Carlton, Oregon. where this paper is at fault will 3850 N W YEON. P O R T L A N D ington foiest industries circles, state . than a year ago. Bob Lischefska, as COFFEE— reprint that part o f an advertisa- A pril 26 to May 30 - Stamp No 23 officia ls and fire protection associa sistant water safety director fo i FOR S A L E N early » 0 0 ft of ment in which the typographical g ood for one pound, for bookholders tion wardens are bringing terrific W ashington county, said w recked Lum ber and one bldg m istake occurs. piessure on western congressm en to Functional and water safety ls 16x16 to w reck and one bldg 10x14 15 yeara o f age or over. In book 1 get the em ergency forest fire fight stripped o f frills, L nschefska to w reck R. B D oughty, 2 miles M E A T C E IL IN G P R IC E S ex- ing funds reinstated and are asking May 17 New starting date for dol- Brick, Tile, Masonary plained S tiok es like the crawl, de- south o f Aloha on W heeler ave the generul public's support. lur-and-cents retail ceiling prices on signed for speed, and sim ilar popular beef, veal, m utton and lamb. This Our need is greater than ever and strokes o f peacetime, are im piartical F O R SA L E Seed Potatoes. Bur date was postponed from April 15 to the possibility o f sabotage o f our for In wartime, when the swim m er must bank and W hite Rose, G ordon Sny give O P A a ch ance to reexam ine pre ests puts the P acific Coast in the be able to keep afloat wi th little ef der, Sherw ood, R2, B 8. viously ordered ceiling prices with a com bat zone o f this war, " said O iville fort and for long periods. SEE YOUR D E A LE R Functional sw im m ing teaches a F R Y E R S F O R S A L E —C edar St view to reducing them from 1 to 10 Miller, piesident o f the West Coast Columbia Brick Works Lum berm en's association "T he ex- man how to leave a sinking ship, 1st turn to right. Middell cor., 3rd cents a pound. 1320 SE W ater— Portland tia help must com e from C ongress to how to enteit the water, what to do hse on right. R ay Haynes. R2, Bx A G A SO L IN E BOOKS Kilns at Gresham -Sylvan-Salem May 21 Expiration dnte stamps increase the effectiven ess o f our for-1 if the water surface is covered with 33, Beaverton fightin g organizations by burning oil and what sim ple devices No. 5 in A book (fou r gallons each). est fire adding extra men to meet enemy at- | Large steel baby C T IK E IN SPE CTIO N F O R SALE such as a shirt or a pair o f PAINTS crib. Mrs. R. Dui del. Cedar St .. trousers . . can be used as life May 31— Final tire inspection date tacks against our forests." Alexander apt.. fo r cars with C mileage books. and highway, "P rivate operators this year have buoys. 105 SE Yamhill Imlay’s Fresh Beaverton. contributed $486,255 for fire p io ie c 1 Approaching enemy held positions SH O ES tion through state controlled assort«- by crossing rivers m eans that the June 15 Expiration date stam p No. Mixed Feeds I*OR SALE Fam ily Cows, G uern tions. the state has put up another men must know how to swim, how to N ow re; inste ring1 em ploy- sey’s, D. B oicoff. 1 mile S o f Oren- 17. book No. 1 (one pair sh oes). F am i $377,907, and private FISHER THORSEN PAINTS tim ber land , carry his weapon and equipment lies m ay pool stamps co, R4. H illsboro, bx 255. F or quality, fa ir price and ow ners in addition will spend this above water and how to m ove silent T R A N S P O R T C E R T IF IC A T E S es for the com ing season • — service June 30 Final date for filing year an additional $1.117.600, State ly in water, and more, is just what Linoleum and Carpet La V- transport "Stale the Red Cross functional sw im m ing J. B. Imlay & Sons m ileage ration certificates F orester R ogers pointed out. beginning Thursday, May R K E D V IL L E ALO H A, O R E . ing. SL’ nset 3459, 611 I) SE (T -l and T-2 )fot third quarter of and private operators have done all anil water safety course is prepared they can. This added money we to teach, he concluded. 1943 Gladstone, Portland, ( )re II want is for preventative measures t« T IR E IN SPE CTIO N \ W ANTED A nyone interested In the w ate' 13, from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. June 30 Final tire inspection date meet the ever-present dam ages and 1 safety course tit be offered June 14 hazards caused by tire war. This is FOR RENT W A N T E D — 80 Straw berry Pickers. for cars with B m ileage books. to June 26 at the P a cific university a national responsibility and must be pool in F orest G rove with a nation Monday through Friday G ood picking. W ork 6 days week. A T IR E IN SPECTION FO R R E N T A ttractive modern borne by the federal governm ent. ’ I ’ll help you get gas. B aker’s B erry Septem ber 30 First inspection for ally/ trained Am erican Red Cross In rooms, 2 hlks Beaverton city A book h oldeis must have been made “ It is unthinkable that C o n g re s s 1 structor, may sign for the course at Field, Beaverton, between Hazel- center, Breakfast if desired. T ele by March 31; subsequent inspection should fail to at least provide tin Red Cross headquarters in the Hill dale store and K inton school. phone B eaverton 3292. protect theatre building, Hillsboro. I within every six-m onth period there appropriations necessary to A ppli W A N T E D — Setting of w hite Duck 2 5 STRONG YOUNG W O M EN after. but at least 90 days apart. the forests of the United States dur-1 cants will be taken from eight to 89 B x 18, eggs. J. L. W illiam s, R2 ing this com bination o f em ergency | Septem ber 30 is next tire inspection yeara for beginners’ and other cou r FOR DEFENSE IN D U STRY B eaverton 2608 RATION BOOK REMINDER conditions," said Colonel W B. G r e e -1 ses. deadline for A books. A GE 18 to 35 ley, manager o f the W est Coast L ur. F U E L OIJ. V ------------------ - W A G E S 75c T < ) 85c H O U R C E IL IN G P R IC E S Septem ber 30 Period 5 coupons val bei m en's association. "T h is war is j RABBITS W A N T E D Present Annual Concert ceiling id to Septem ber 30. ! 48-hr week. Tim e and one-half after 401 May 10—C om m unity-w ide Household co u a hazard that a ffects the P acific i prices on a substantial num ber o f The Beaverton high sch ool band 2 4 c LB. P A ID fo r live white fryers; SI an hour and more can he g rocery products will be effective pons worth 10 gallons; industrial, Coast more than any other area o f 100 gallons. the United States W e are extrem e- atul K,ee club p| esented their spring free pickup serv. E. E. Luce, Monday. They will cover poultry. made under incentive rates -------------------V ------------------ - ly vulnerable to attack from the sea .co n ce rt April 28 at the high school W arren, Oregon. i fluid milk, sugar, cereals, evaporated tw ice last year abortive attem pts auditorium if willing to work. The goal of the Second War ! and condensed milk, flour and a were made to set fire to our forests | O utstanding num bers were a trum- Perm anent E m ploym ent Loan drive is 13 billion dol- num ber o f other grocery items. B E ST P R IC E fo r R abbit fryers, D. C.g'A lars. That is just about one by enem y planes from submarines, i pet , rio with M arjorie Madden. Phyl M E A T C E IL IN G PR IC E S R H E E M M FC . C<). U e have the largest areas o f inflain-1 Thorne, and W alter Payne, who P. M acDonald, R2, Bx 218, B e a v e r fifth of the estimated increase abb- M ay 17—New starting date fo r dol- 3850 N W Y E O N St., Portland con iferou s forests running right playe)1 Tht. W altz You Saved fo|. Mt. ton. Phone 2260. of the Public Debt for the fis down to the water's edge. The pos and Jaok Mangas, baritone soloist, lars-and-cents retail ceiling prices on beef, veal, m utton and lamb. This cal year of 1943. W A N T E D —Live R abbits, to buy sihilitieg are frightful unless we get ,vh„ piHye(ii Down on The Farm, datcl was postponed from April 15. now. T op prices paid. R abbit Meat this money foi adequate prevention | The girls sextette o f Doris Osborne, R A T IO N BOOK NO. 3 Co., 8917 SE Stark St., Portland. and protection of our critically need , G race Rich, Evangeline M oshofsky. “ THEY GIVE THEIR May 20 New book No. 3 to be is P hone SUnset 1722. Open 8 a. m. j e** ° , e , ' s i D orothe See, Patsy H einrio h and sued as replacem ent for books No. 1 L IV E S -Y O U LEND to 9 p. m. daily and Sunday Senator R ufus Holman will take Thelm a Cullen sang Great is Thy Day W ork 8 A. M. to and No. 2 when needed, on basis o f YOUR M ONEY" the lead, it Is understood, in the fight I Love. mailed applications. Applications 4:30 P. M. which apparently will be necessary to i Am ong the band num bers were, i M ISCELLAN EO U S ; will be distributed by mail carriers Convenient to Buy an Additional get this em ergency appropriation Am erican Patrol and the glee club beginning May 20. IN T E R IO R P A IN T IN G By hour presented tw o N egro spirituals aa Bond Now I acted upon favorably. R E D STAM PS Forest lead Transportation or con tract, 20 years experience. , . their contributions to the program . (F o r meat products, canned fish. urge that citizens o f the *w- North- Free estimates. R o y D anitlc, 113. LABORERS Bx 215, Beaverton, Oregon. FOR SALE e Forest Protection Needs Government Assistance Thru Emergency Funds CANNERY Brick & Building Tile WORKERS Starr Fruit Products Co. i ESSENTIAL INDUSTRY R. D. B O D L E C O M P A N Y will re ceive B lackcaps in 1943, Tlighest m arket price, Sherw ood, Oregon. A ddress 334 SE Yam hill. Tel. EAst 9467, Portland. D e i l t l 8*o c *t picked up free o f ch arge anyw here. Call collect UN. 1221; night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO Portland. 90c Per Hour $46.80 for 48-Hour Week STEADY WORK U N IO N | O B S Must Be Physical V Fit DOGS B O A R D E D Small, d ay; large 50c. Houle's Knl s, Lr. B oone's IV - Rd. alatin. Call T igard 3115. 1 48-hr week. O vertim e a fter 40 hours APPLY RHEEM M FG. CO. 3850 N W Y eon Ave., Portland T R A C T O R W O R K —Garden Plots, prepared C. R. Ringle, R l, bx 395. L ake Grove. P hone T igard 2175. S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T A N D S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y NOTICE Laborers wanted at once. Immediate jo b placement ! Apply week davs only. ' HOD CARRIERS ' AN D BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 296 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th A T J E F F E R S O N A * EVERYTH IteG . d a i r y m a n ’ ■ ’.'l * U ., I W ANTED roftriAKO C a t.-I ait L ake City MEN AND W O M E N AT. *461 135 NW Park fo r SHIP SCALERS CENTRAL LOCATION C lose to dow ntow n C lose to transportation J. P. Finley & Son -w r o t K i ll AT M O N T G O M E R Y A Tw ater 2181 F O R LOCAL S H IP Y A R D S , E X P E R IE N C E U N N E C E SSA R Y . 95c A N D U P P E R H OUR ON DAY SH IFT. C LE A N IN G A N D P R E A R IN O SU R F A C E S BEFORE AIN TIN G . W om en must be age 16 and not over 45. and birth certifica te re quired up to 24 yeais. f Apply basement o f Labor T em ple Local No. 1404 P ortland. Oregon Riverview Cemetery w est S ELLW O O D end B R ID G E CREM ATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY C om plete Funeral Service In N e » Cathedral Chapel at No Extra ros» R iverview is a co-operative asso ciation with asseta o f over $800.000 B E E F STEAKS 8 t 8 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 STEAKS A N D CHOPS Rib standing (chine bone on) /in * Nitt Loin Chops / . .................................. Rib Chops _____ Shoulder Chops Round Steak (cutlets)................. Sirloin Steak or Chops_____ c Rib- standing (chine bone on) 0 " cut). Blade Rib- standing (chine bone on) ( 7 * cut) Round Tip . ___ Rump bora In Rump boneless Chuck or Shoulder bone in Chuck or Shoulder boneless 8 7 8 5 g 6 W IL L YOU DO Y O U R P A R T IN THE W AR E F F O R T ’ W o W IL L DO OU RS W E NEED CHOKER SETTERS AND R IG G IN G MEN If unexperienced and are willing to work we will train you and pay going »a ges Call or write Willamette Valiev Lnibr. Co. B lack R ock. O r , or A Í 9201, P ortlend ROASTS Leg whole or p a r t.................... Sirloin Roast bone in Yoke, Rattle, or Triangle bone in ......................... Yoke, Rattle, or Triangle boneless ........... Chuck or Shoulder, square cut bone in Chuck or Shoulder, square- cut -boneless Chuck or Shoulder, cross cut bone in V E A L 8 7 s 9 8 Rump and Sirloin bone in Rump and Sirloin boneless Leg Shoulder hone In Shoulder boneless 7 S T EW S A N D O T H E R CUTS S T EW S A N D O T H E R CUTS Short Ribs Plate-bone in Plate boneless hnsket bom in brisket boneless _____ ■'lank Meat .'ie 'k -b o ra In Neck -boneless Heel el Round boneless ' j n k b o r a In . hank boneless 4 4 5 4 G S S G S 4 G Breast bone In Breast boneless Flank Meat Neck bom In 4 G s 5 s Shank bone in Shank and Heel Meat bora- less Ground Veal and Patties veal ground from necks, Ranks, shanks, breasts, and miscellaneous veal trimmings 4 G H AM B U RG ER Beef ground from necks. Ranks, shanks, skirts, heel of round, briskets, plates, and miscellaneous beet tnmmiogs and beef fat M EATS < In t in ar (lava conta)novi I la in s 5 Fmti W t MEATS (In tin or gltu container« > 2 Pigs Feet, boned Cutlets P o t t e d and D e v i l e d Meats Sausage in Oil T imales Tongue, Beef Tongue, Lamb.......................... Tongue. Pork Tongue veal Vienna Sausage Al Other 6 I Orvited Tongue 9 ned Beel »4 sms and Ptctdcs (whale er hadj ....................... L'.ncheon M e a t *.. Pigs Feet, bene in B ra in s.............. .................................. Hearts ............. ............................ Kidneys Livers ........................... Sweetbreads Tongues fi 1 6 12 10 7 ( 1 fi 2 S s 9 G 5 3 4 4 2 7 7 « 7 G 7 Bonrtc Crabmeal__________ Mackerel Salmen Sardines Sea Herring Sea Mussels Shrimp Tuna Yeftow Tail AM Other ............................ 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 3 9 s 2 S Leal Fat........................................ 4 7 S 8 Brains ............................ Chitterlings..................... Ears...................................... Hearts Kidneys . . . 2 3 5 3 I 3 1 1 4 5 5 mb Butter* __________ Lard* Shortening* . . Margarme Salad and Cooking Oils (tptrrt 1 pound) 8 S S S CHEESES* R e t a n e fh » w ii*rl*bje n«t«ra| r h o o *r*4 pro4 mr la reMaeoeng )• ftt- com or m e n k* •4 natural c la m e s ( hmppmé Hem, a nd Cfrf f d Perk, pmnéê (m l n A é * »U 4 « l e mais «I S p w n li er lee«). ». • tcvie«ei*T rei enee 3 2 S Sweetbreads . ............. Tongues _________ Tails Snouts FATS ANO OILS i then he« (S) 2 1 1 Urns 11 1 Fer mk H mrrheee« 3 S 2 1 CH EESES* h lampi»« «I C O O K E D , B O IL E D , B A K E D , A N D B AR B EC U ED Dried Beet ................. Ham' bone in. whole or half Ham 1 bom in, slice*................ Ham' butt end ..................... Ham' shank and Ham bomloss and tatted, slices .............................................. Picnic or Shoulder bom In Picnic or Shoulder beneteee Tongues, slices............................... Spareribs............................................. Pigs Feet bone I n ............. «nut* « a lain Th* point value of any other roady-te-eal weal item »hall bo determined by adding 2 points per pound to (he point value par pound of tho uncooked item from which it is prsparad if it is »old whole, w 3 points per pound thall bo addad if it is cooked and ahead. 12 9 11 9 S 11 s 10 9 5 2 SAUSAGE V A R IE T Y M E A T S Bacon slab or piece, rind on Bacon slab or piece, rind oil Bacon sliced, rind oil Bacon Canadian style, piece or sliced Bacon rinds Bacon p la t« and |owl squ?res FISH tenni any hermetically Fünft m l (In sealed container > MIS 6 Spareribs............................................. Neck and Backbones .............. Feet bone m Fat Backs and Clear Plates Plates, regular................................. Jew Is Hocks and Knuckles .............. 6 3 7 9 7 7 O T H E R P O R K C UTS BACON V A R IE T Y M E A T S 6 ' Regular or skinned V A R IE T Y M E A T S Brains ............................................. Hearts Liters Kidneys .............„ ............................. Sweetbreads Tongues ................. .. 9 7 ROASTS Breast and Flank ____ N eck-bone in Neck boneless Shank bone in Lamb Patties lamb ground from nocks, Ranks, shanks, breasts, and miscellaneous lamb trimmings ............... 6 S 7 4 9 10 10 Loin whole, halt, or end cuts Loin center cuts ..................... Ham 1 whole or halt................. H a m '-b u tt e n d ......................... Ham 1 shank e n d ..................... Ham ' boneless sheet.............. Ham 1 boneless, whole or hall Shoulder shank halt (picnic) bone in............................................ . Shoulder shank half (picnic) boneless ........................................ Shoulder butt halt (Boston butt) bone i n ........................... Shoulder-butt halt (Boston butt) boneless ...................... S T EW S A N O O T H E R C UTS ROASTS 9 7 Center Chops End Chops Loin boneless, trash and cured only ................................ Tenderloin ...................... . Ham 1 bone In. slices___ Shoulder Chops and Staaks Bellies, Iresh and cured only Loin Chops ............................ Rib Chops Leg Chops and Steaks Shoulder Chops blade or arm chops .......................... r ib . READY-TO- EAT MEATS PORK STEAK S AND CHOPS 2 4 4 6 3 2 5 2 C O M M O D IT Y rib . STEAKS A N O CHOPS Brains Hearts Kidneys Livers Sweetbreads Tails (o i joints) Tongues Tripe ROASTS standing (chine C O M M O D IT Y LAM B- MUTTON V A R IE T Y M E A T S Porterhouse____________ T-Bone C lu b . .. ................ Rib 10-inch cut__________ Rib 7-inch cut _________ Sirloin .......................... Sirloin-boneless ......................... Round . . . .................. Top Round ______ Bottom R o u n d ......................... Round Tip Chuck or Shoulder Fla nk................................................. .. Blade Rib Points per lb, C O M M O D IT Y B E E F ROOM 215 íílom e i Lm H NdnrWfurtn A retributori Point par It COMMODITY Portland, O regon C'll. 1291 De La va l Points per lb. COMMODITY G O L D B E R G , 900 S\V 1st 95c H O U R B A SE R A T E 1 W ith Opportunity o f Mak j 11 J 35c a ing $1.20 hour or m ore in Collie ¡our incentive rates if willing nr Tu- I to work. E lectrical .Contractor F. P. DonnellV No. 2— Effective May 2, 1943 __JL-.............. 1 j MUST H A V E C E R T IF IC A T E S O F A V A IL A B IL IT Y SEE H ID E S Si W O O L, C A S C A R A — A specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW EXPANDING PLANT Cl ivy, Portland. A tw ater 5334. ------¡N E E D S S E V E R A L MEN AT ONCE Turn w ar stam ps into Bonds to get in on the ground floor in an 11 essential industry, and one that will F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E still be here a fter the war. M O T O R CO. P hone T igard 3381. |P E R S O N A L S OFFICIAL TABLE OF CONSUMER POINT VALUES FOR MEAT, FATS, FISH, AND CHEESE rat wood Cheddar (America.') Swiss . . . . ___. . . . . . . . . Brick Munster ............................... Limburger ............................. Dehydrated Grated . . . Club................. ..... ......................... Gouda...................... .................... Edam ...................................... Smoked . . . . . itahan(alhardrerM les) Dry Sausage Herd: Typéeef Items are herd Seismi, herd Cervelat and PepperonJ Semi dry Sausage; Typical items are sell Thuringer, at Fresh. Smoked and Cooked Sausage:’ Typical Items are Pork Sausage. Wieners. Bologna, Baked Loaves, and Liver Sausage Group I : 10 0 3 Group 2: Not less than N 3 meat; Liver Sausage In cluded rigar diets sfhtgher meat content ......................... G ro u p ): Not less dia« SO % Group 4: Less than SO % hut mort than 20 % meat. Souse and Head Cheese included regardless el high er me Ma*" caataat n u t a ■* au lana! cavoli Vy »auaa OvVo 14 to lyaUte tatanuai 'Ou U TiMat * Tuia tea* VMaaa. CH EESES* NT A m a Greek (ad hard variadas) Proem C h tts t Cheese Feeds ....................... ri rtl l t ••• OOriel Tette é Tre4e Pee« Vetnee Cremai TU O le s ea . Need- IUI el I*