Friday, May 7, 1943 BEAVERTON’ ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon fa g e 3 Classified Rates • PA1NTS T W O Cents a w ord per Issue. M inim um 25c CASH with Cop> M inim um C harge on Classified A ds not paid at T im e o f Inser­ tion — 50c. W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E M U LTN O M AH P R E S S T IG A R D S C N H N K L ALOI1A N E W S C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington County and W estern M ultnomah County C overage W e assum e no finaricial respon­ sibility for errors which may ap­ pear in ad\ ertisement.« published In tjiese colum ns but in ease where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertise­ ment in which the typographical m istake occurs. RATION BOOK REMINDER I m l a y ’s Fresh Mixed Feeds riSHER THORSEN PAIN TS ÉÉ F or quality, fa ir price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons R E E D V IL L E í ALO H A, O R E Leonora straightened the objects on her desk with great care. She had put her desk at the end of her room W A N T E D Setting o f white D uck facing the door so that when her eggs. J. L. W illiam s, R2 B x 18, mother cam e in site would have to B eaverton 2608. 1 cross the whole room under Leo­ nora's stern executive eye to get to her. From movies and pictures in the FOR SALE newspapers Leonora had gotten a good idea of how the desk of a busy F O R S A L E H ouse furniture, E. woman of affairs should look House, R oute 2. B ox 74, B eaver­ With an important scowl. Leonora ton. picked up a sheet of paper. Now she was two people—herself, the busy Brick, Tile, Masonary F O R Q U ICK S A L E W hite enam ­ woman, and her own stenographer eled w ood range with coils, 8 piece “ Miss Simpkins, take a letter to the dining set, 1x12 w ool rug, iiun Secretary of the Treasury, will you?” bed & sp im gs, 3 burner gas plate she murmured under her breath. “ Yes, immediate­ & oven, 2 unit electric plate, lruit SEE YOUR D EALER l y , " she m u r ­ jars, new inlaid linoleum , “j H P m u r e d b a c k at electric m otor, u ia v ie y garden Columbia Brick Works herself. tractor. F. A. Brindell, R1 B x 130- Leonora cleared 1820 BK W ater— Portland A, Beaverton. Tel 2382. her throat and K ilns at Greslusin-Sylvan-Balem locked at the coil­ F O R BAUD Bogri bl j le, ing for i i nspi ns pi r, r a- t v ~| ip * 2 ior buggy, sanitary cou ch . B ey Scout Simp- I"*“ • i . M iss Sim | HELP W A N T E D suits 14-15 yrs., heavy boots size 10. the _ r v * 1 k irs bent P hone 3155. er ' h e e t ol W A N T E D — W om en fo r weeding, hanging on the words about to fall. cultivating, flatin g— full or part F O R S A L E —4 ft D ry Slab (3 cord “ Dear Mr. Morgenthau,” — “ Got time. W m . B orsch A Son, M aple­ lots). W rite J. O. Johncon, B x 584, that?” — “ Yes, m adam .” wood. Oregon. Carlton, Oregon. “ I am — ahem — thirteen years old and anxious to be of all possible Bonds not bunds fo r A m erica. NOTICE service to the country at this time, ahem! Laborers wanted at once. “ I earn a weekly income of from F O R S A L E —Opal H eating Stove, small size, large D ining R o o m Oak ( $1.37 to $2.12 by helping with the Immediate job placement ! Table, B urbank Seed P o ta to e s .' housework and by shovelling snow. Apply week davs only. John W iniger. on V anderm ost I am at present in possession of one Place. V anderm ost R oad, R tl, War Savings Bond and am buying ' HOD CARRIERS stamps weekly. I want to become a Beaverton. AND member of the 10 percent Club. I BUILDING LABORERS F O R S A L E 3 m ilk goats >2 fresh ) j feel it to be — ahem — not only my and 2 kids $25. M ason ’s, H iw ay 217 duty, but my privilege’ ( “ How do Union Local No. 296 you spell privilege?” asked Miss % mi S o f L one Oak, Tigard. ROOM 215 Simpkins. “ Don’ t bother me with LABOR TEMPLE F O R S A L E —Coal o r B riquet wa-1 these details,” said Leonora)—my ter H eater, neatly new $10. B . ! privilege as an American to invest SW 4th A T J E F F E R S O N F itzpatrick, G reen bu rg rd, phone j at least ten percent of my income in War Bonds. 2276, R t 1, box 415. Tigard. Yours truly,” F O R S A L E —C hester W h ite wean- W ANTED “ Get that off at once, Miss Simp­ er Pigs, call evenings after 8 p. m. kins,” said Leonora. “ Yes, Ma’ am! T igard 2593. Mrs. Z ednick .Bull Mt. You certainly are an important MEN A N D W OM EN R d., Tigard. woman, m a’ am,” said Miss Simp­ kins. fo r (Letter from an actual communi­ $ RABBITS WANTED cation in the files of the Treasury SHIP SCALERS Department.) ( ’ S. Treasury Department WANTED L ol Howie is the inventor of thí ' pee ? ' 2 / l l i 'S A CCWhStR. 7 or NOTE, TOO1 ME W iî OIT TH ê TAftKIR* Brick & Building Tile F O R L O C A L S H IP Y A R D S . E X ­ P E R IE N C E U N N E C E S SA R Y , 05c A N D U P P E R H O U R ON 1>AY SH IF T , C L E A N IN G A N D ’- S E ­ P A R IN O S U R FA C E S BEFORE P A IN T IN G . W om en m ust be age 16 and not over 45, and birth certifica te re­ quired up to 24 years. 2 4 c k**- P A ID fo r live w hite fry ers; free pickup serv. E. E. Luce, W arren, Oregon. Rea! Estate Transfers C om tq & Kohlm an Co to Hostel A Brown, et al 6.51 Orchard Homes. B E S T P R IC E fo r R a b b it fryers, D. Juiia M ay C r ig e r 't o E lm er G P er­ .P . M acD onald, R2, B x 218, B e a v e r­ kins et ux, N 'a o f lot 7 Kennedy Ac ton. P hono 2260. . ,, r, , , ,, W A N T E D — Live R abbits, to buy , > acres sec 14 & 15 1 IS R 1W . now. T op prices paid. R a b b it M eat R P R asm ussen et ux to J M P er- A pply basem ent o f L abor Tem ple Co., 8917 SE Stark St., P ortland. son ,lot 20 Johnson est add B eaverton L ocal No. 1404 P hone SUnset 1722. Open 8 a. m. Reedviiii-. Portland, O regon to 9 p. m. daily and Sunday Ben P eterson e t ux to Chester P W alk er et ux, part o f sec 1 T1S R 3W M ISC E L L A N E O U S Geo H Nendel et ux to E dw J W IL L YOU DO Y O U R P A R T IN I Connor et ux lots 30 and 33 1st add THE W AR E FFO R T? IN T E R IO R P A IN T IN G B y hour W cstview . W e W IL L DO OU RS. or con tract, 20 years experience. Chas. C M unford et ux to C arrol B Free estim ates. R o y D anitlc, 113, Spaulding, lot 1 blk 3 H idden V illage, W E NEED Bx 215, B eaverton, Oregon. H L M iller et ux to John D S cruggs CHOKER SETTERS AND et ux lot 1 L om bard add Beaverton. R . D. B O D L E C O M P A N Y w ill re­ H azel Gee to Samuel A T aylor et RKKiING MEN ceive B la ck ca p s in 1943, H ighest ux part lot 9 Alton A creage Add m arket price, Sherw ood, Oregon. If u nexperieroed and are w illing to B eaverton-R eed. Address 334 SE Y am hill. Tel. E Ast w o rk we will train you and pay going» C L Barbet et ux to R ay S R oss et 9467, Portland. w ages Call or write ux 1 acre see 9 T2S R 2W . H ow ard L Carlson et ux to Gerald D e a d 8*o c ^ p ick ed up free o f L H udson et ux 2 acres oee 25 & 26 Willamette \ allev Lml>r. Co. ch arge anyw here. Call T1S R 1W . B la ck R ock , Or., or A t 9201, P ortland collect. UN. 1221; night call C H F innois et ux to W E Borland DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO.. et ux lot 10 Fanno Creek Aero Tract. Portland. M innie A nna Johnson to Geo H ol­ MOTOR FREIGHT man et ux part A W Hart Cl 90 T1S H ID E S A W O O L , C A S C A R A — A R1W . is specialty. L E E BRO S., 25 SW D orothy P D asher et ux to Lee War Essential Clay, Portland. A tw ater 5334. Jay H offm a n 10 acres sec 5 T2S R3W. Turn w ar stam ps into Bonds CONSOLIDATED Lillian C olgan et ux to R a y A Dean et ux part 1 'K e lse y Cl T IN R2W . F O R TO W C A R call V E R M IL Y E FR E IG H TW AYS Clarence H Nelson et ux to Lillian M O T O R CO. P hone T igard 3381. Needs A Stiekney et al part A nthony Hart Cl 60 T1S R1W . Full-Time | PERSONALS V irgil H eider to R obert A Valliere MECHANICS DOGS B O A R D E D —Small. 35c a lot 16 blk 5 B eaverbrook add B eaver­ day; large 50c. H oule's Collie ton. and W m F Scham oni et ux to Ben De- Knls.. Lr. B oone’s Fy. R d. nr T u ­ m arinis et ux . . . PLATFORM MEN alatin. Call T igard 3115. Fred D Sipe et ux to Edith A Set- Also ser, lot 23 N ichols add. Garden Hom e Electrical Contractor A lbert C hapm an et ux to Geo J Part-time F. P. Donnelly C H . 1291 K lock o, et al lot 354 Johnson Est add B eaverton-R eed. PLATFORM MEN T R A C T O R W O R K -G arden Plot*», P ortland T iu st & Sav Bk to B "n prepaied. C. R. R ingle, R l, bx 395. H B riggs et ux 10 acres Garden F rom 3 to 7 A. M and 3 to 7 P. M. I-ake G rove. P hone T igard 2175. Home. UNION SCALE T L Kernan to John T Curtis et ux Turn w ar stam ps into Bonds __ I part sec 34 T2S R 1W Apple Personnel Office | A nna A K am na et al to Jesse W 15Ó9 N\V 20th A\e. Phillips et ux part o f blk 2 Hum ph­ - P ortland, O regon rey's add city. M ora A R oberts et vir to Helen Lindahl, part lots 162 and 189 John­ (in m i l l i o n s ) son est add. Mattie E T ehrenbacher et ux to John A R ippey et ux part sec 6 T3S S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S R1W . ARMED C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AN D Chas A W illiam s to Jens Lerback - - fORCES S U P P L IE S FOR TH E D A IR Y et ux E 'v o f S W , o f sec 28 T IN IN D U S T R Y R4W . O B N orthrup et ux to C S North- rup et ux 45 a cres Eli Davis Cl T2N R2VV. INDUSTRIAL A rthur B Larson et ux to Ora S (a n d o th e r ' G raham et ux 7.28 acres sec 35 T1S H spn !« hif* 1 IX*tr*halan nonfarm) (VCRYTHISC ! R4W . Chas P Copel to Chas H A ltorfer EMPLOYED et ux SH o f lot 14 Copel Park. A ndrew E ggim an to Carl Eggim an et ux 20 acres sec 32 T IN R1W. Iro Bid w ell to M yrtle Alice Stan- AT. 64«I 185 N W Park I ley et ux lot 9 C om te A K ohlm an's : Little Homes. J L Schm id et ux to E L Altig, FIR M part lot 120 B eaverton-R eedville. . EMPLOYED Jam es L Johnson et ux to Ben H Johnson e t .u x part sec 3 T1S R1W . UNEMPLOYED R ay (J C lark et ux to Virgil D ar­ nell. part o f sec 6 T1S R2W. 59.8 T«a 53.9 J J Henderson to G H Rheam , lot W EST END 18 Shields Little Farms. S E L L W O O D B R ID G E ------------------- V ------------------- H undreds need used fu r n itu r e - place a Sale Ad. If vou need the cash CREM ATO RIU M ------------------- V ------------------- U.S. MANPOWER De Laval ittomek Crìsell Riverview Cemetery M AUSOLEUM CEM ETERY C om p lete Fu n eral Service In N e » C ath edral Chapel at N o E x tra cost R iverview ia a oo-operatlve »»•**- elation with assets o f over 1800,000 I t ! II STAM PS i For m eat products, canned fish, ; m ost edible oils and ch eese) R ed Stamp E. valid April 25, re­ m ains valid through »May. Ked Stamp F, becom es valid May 2. Red stam p G becom es valid May 9. Revised point values are effective May 2. CENTRAL LOCATION C lose to dow ntow n Close to transportation J. P. Finley & Son AW F O U R T H AT M O N T G O M F R Y A Tw ater 2181 Buy War Bonds Every Pay Day ♦ * * Let’s Double Our Quota C0LONÍL OFFICIAL A-F FK)SCH,AK) ËÊHBJfôiT 0 . Once iED 4 BAfiO • HE ALSO WROTE* NTÄ/fW MAUCH ANO THE “i7 r* INFANTR-y MARCH • ASSISTANT COMMANDANT ARMORED FORCE SCHOOL- VNVENTOROF THE TINTPEEP* \SCOUT CAR - /VCARLV \37 YEARS OF SERVICE- M C i A fiAJiíi o f e n d o - WOUNDED IN FT ODMfWNY <£>*■ mom* ur/r Babson Sees M an y Golden O pportunities Continued from Page 1 com ing new boom w ill be financed on a much sounder m oney basis. Land purchased will be paid fo r with Uncle Sam ’s notes rather than with the notes o f "T om , D ick and H arry” , Funds now being raised by the Gov- i ernm ept and represented by W ar , and oth er types o f G overnm ent Bonds ( will becom e legal tender. Much o f ! this m oney will ultim ately be Invest- ed in the purchase o f land and the building o f new homes. K an dom Forecasts ... Certainly, there will lie a great re vival In the m anufacture and use o f “ ¡ , T ° b e3 f 1 . f l ‘ Sb few changes will be apparent: but in a few years 2 E £ y .FnH ? Chi" ,g e * W,U ** n\ade 10 iyy because " o f ' ' eir* Hghtn'ess ‘„ ' S m u c h '1 steel F T and “ * f iron. 11 tRkC P ’aCe o of f 1 much Gas engines vull be sm aller but great y im proved. T foresee the day when the average car will g et 40 to 50 miles per gal- Ion qf gasoline; and will add that the price o f gasoline and the price o f au­ tom obiles m ay even he lower. The field o f aeronautics is develop- m g at a trem endous rate. Most o f us are agreed that we shall see large freight nrvl pass* n g e j-ca n yin:- c! pj er planes reaching alm ost every point 0j the earth W ith ov er a mill! n you ng men learning trt fly and with ,-, great B W | ta o f safety being built up, anyonp who can learn to drive a car will also he cafi :ble o f handling a small plane fo r his personal use. T he helicopter type o f plane ap- eals to me very much' in this latter connection Spiritual Awakening Needed It took this W ar to teach us that we can make synthetic rubber and other products. This m akes us in dependent o f the East Indies and p c i many. Adequate substitutes foi quinine, fur example, are already in use; and we have found substitutes for hemp which' form erly cam only from the Philippines. W e are now m anufacturin our own potash and m tr-'gen gen* lly used in fertilizer « n j in insecticides. Thus, agricul- j ture, particularly through the scien ce! o f chem urgy, faces a most hopeful . utut e. R adio as we know it today will h rep,.iced b y television T housands Thousands ol P*ople are now being prepared to becom e custom ers, m anufacturers and distributors o f new electronic equipment. Space allows for the consideration o f onlv a very few of «»>e w onderful tools an I services tha ^ f ^ " ‘USi ' S im provided fo1 th e wo have -t^a T ly ln - CIT:|S, an d acoom panying spiritual aw akening R etailers m ust register with local boards and receive allowable inven­ t o r i e s o f meats and fats May 3 -li K M E ST AMPS (F or canned, frozen, and certain dehydrated foods Blue stam ps G. H. J. remain valid ill rough May. s| l. t i t Stam p No. 12 in war ration book one is valid for 5 pounds o f a ugar ■ through May 31. t « F t EE— A p u i 26 to May 30— Stamp No. 23 good foi one pound, for bookholders 15 years o f age or over, in book I >U \ I‘ C E IL IN G P R IC E S May 17 New starting date for dol- lar-and-cents retail ceiling prices on beef, veal, tnutfbn and lamb. This date was postponed from A pril 15 to give O P A a chance to reexam ine pre­ viously ordered ceiling prices with a view to reducing them from 1 to 10 cents a pound. A G A S O L IN E HOOKS May 21 E xpiration date stam ps No. 5 In A book (fou r gallons each) < T IK E IN SP E C T IO N May 31 Final tire inspection date for cars with C m ileage books. SH O ES June 15 Expiration date stam p No. 17, book No. 1 (one pair shoes). Faini- *ies may pool stamps. T R A N S P O R T CERTIFICATES June 3 0 - Final date for filing transport mileage ration certificates (T -l and T-2 )fo r third quarter of 1943. It T IR E IN SP E C T IO N June 30 Final tire inspection date fu cars with B m ileage books. A I IK E IN SPE CTIO N Septem ber 30—First Inspection for A bookholders must have been made hy M arch S1! subsequent inspection w l t h l n everV six-m onth period there- —* at * ■ after, * but least - — 90 days apart. Septem ber 30 is next tire inspection deadline for A books. F U E L OIL Septem ber 30— Period 5 coupons val­ id to Septem ber 30. H ousehold co u ­ pons w orth 10 gallons; industrial, 100 gallons. -------------------V ------------------- An ad tells It effectively at a m ini­ mum cost. T* Best Market Prices For la 2 STRAWBERRIES LOGANBERRIES BOYSONBERRIES Blackcap Raspberries YOUNGBERRIES Cuthbert Raspberries R. I. MacLaughlin & Co. B EAVERTON , PHONE 3271 OREGON SIX Big Publications! All for One Year 112 Issues in All H E R E ’S W H A T Y O U GET Woman’s Home Companion 1 yr. Better Homes and Gardens 1 yr. True Story 1 yr. All Six FOR ONE YEAR Farm Journal & Farmer’s Wife 1 yr. American Poultry Journal 1 yr. Beaverton Enterprise 1 yr. $3 .00 Regular Value $6.00—You SAVE $3.00 YOU W IL L G E T A LL S IX publications for O N E F U L L YEAP.. and If you are already a subscriber to A N Y o f thes*- S IX publications, your present subscription will be extended one full year Mail or bring the coupon below to our o ffic e A T ONCE, and you will receive T H E F IV E BIG M A G A ZIN E S by M A IL each month, at I T H IS I \ I’ Ki t each W ssk that's 60 m agazines and 52 newspapers— 112 issues in ail for only *3 00 O R D E R A T ONCE because we may, soon have to w ithdraw this offer, or advance the price. Sign the coupon N O W and S A V E $3 00. USE T H IS COUPON A N D SAVE B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E B eaverton, O regon Date $3.00 ..................... ...... Yes. indeed, I want to accept your magazine o ffe r before it is withdrawn, E nclosed ia 13 00 in FULL P A Y M E N T for a full one year's subscription, new or renewal. to your newe- paper and the follow in g F IV E m agazines: R E T T E R H OM ES A N D G A R D E N S W O M A N 'S HO M I COM PAN ION B IA V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E 1 year I year I year My Name Is Town I Kl I » TO R Y I year F A R M .14)1 R N A L A F A R M E R ’S W IF E I yr A M ERICAN P O U L T R Y ID I R N A L 1 year Add resa State