Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1943)
Friday. April 23, 1043 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R I S E , Beaverton, Ore « o n Classified Rates • HELP w anted TW O Cent* a word per Issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified ' Ads not paid at Time of Inser tion— 50c. We Publish the B K A V K R TO N E N T E R P R IS E M ULTNOM AH PRESS 111. MU» S E M 1 N E L A 1.011 V NEW S Complete E a s t e r n Washington County und Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon- slbility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this puper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. Selective Service Board Instructed on Drafting Steno. Men with Dependents \\V\X Œ 1 ) ; - A - l Page 3 C O A A F - A lD N iT .I or bookkeeper. A 1 water; instructions to selective local boaids prohibiting the 4341, Portland. Ore. American People‘ Face Acid Test in Treasury’s 2nd W ar Loan To Raise 13 Billion Dollars in Three Weeks Service drafting of men with children who ane recog- ( TR U C K D R IV E R E X P E R IE N nized as dependents under the Selec CED W IT H LUM BER AND BLDG. tive Service Act and Regulations M A T E R IA L S P R E F E R R E D THO until such action is authorized by Na By Fred P. II. Clyde NOT R E Q U IR E D s K E MR tional Selective Service Headquarters This publication assumes no res PE C K % w J M cCREADY LUM- are still in effect, the War Manpow- The N atio n D are N ot F a il in T his G r e a te s t F in a n c ponsibility for views expressed in j er Commission recently emphasized BER CO. B EAVER TO N this column. Sentiments are cred 'The only men with children who in g T a sk in H isto ry — u T h ey G ive T heir ited to tile columnist. Clyde, and do are being selected for induction at not necessarily coineide with our I the present' time." Paul V. McNutt, L iv e s— Y ou L e n d Y our M oney.** NOTICE editorial |»oilcy. said, "are those in whose Laborers wanted at once. Í chairman, the dependency was acquired Washington, D. C.—Coming as it docs upon the heels of in Immediate job placement ! after December 8. 1941. or at a time Well here we sit in middle of our come tax payments, the people of America will face an acid test ! when selection was imminent. Those vacation with the rain pouring down this month when the Treasury’s Second War Loan drive opens Apply week days only. registrants having wives and child- in eveiy direction. When you con- HOD CARRIERS ren, or children only with whom they > ggler that this vacation was originally April 12 with an objective of thirteen billion dollars to be raised AND maintain bona fide home, and who dedicated to that number one Ration through sale of Government securities. were married before December 8, Boaid Sport Gardening: then you A substantial part of this huge financing, the most stupendous BUILDING LABORERS 1941, and at a time when selection can snare my disgust First cquple ever undertaken by any government in the world’s history, must Brick, Tile, Masonary was not imminent, may not be in- 0f Jays weren’t so bad, managed to dqcted through Selective Service until Ket most of my wol k donP atul ! was bo loaned by people in ordinary walks of life. room ns High Government officials have^“ there is direct authorization by Na- on the finishing touches w lien the LABOR TEMPLE pointed out that the nation must not above what can be bought this year tional Headquarters ; Orégon Mist came to stay. Garden SW 4th A T JEFFERSO N Men with dependents who are In Tractor started to make mud bails so fail in this duty to our men on the because of restrictions and ration SEE YOUR D E A LE R nondeferahle occupations will be giv- : had to tie up until old Sol shows buttle fronts who are now carrying ing . . . approximately 40 billions en SO days to transfer to essential ; again. However, I spent my time to I the offensive to the enemy at every of dollars which should go into Gov Columbia Brick Works occupations or to have register«! KOod advantage by really giving the stage. It is obvious to every thinking ernment Bonds. W A N T E D 1320 SE Water—Portland with the United States Employment shop a going over. The little w ife! man and woman that as the United It should be the objective of every Kilns at Greshain-Sylviui-Saleiii Service for such transfer, before be- j jlas clean «! up the last several times Nations take tins offensive against American to invest these loose dol MEN AND W OM EN ing placed in l lass 1-A under the very nice, indeed.. Floors are the dictators, the cost of w ar opera lars, idle dollars, in Government se nondefei table order as issued Febru- ; spotless and the machinery gleams for FOR S ALE curities, not only from a patriotic tions increases in proportion. arY 3. ¡hut when mammy gets through li standpoint, but from the standpoint The American people must no In reclassifying men with depend can't find anything. The drill bits FOR SALE -4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord SHIP SCALERS of their own financial security. »mts into I-A the Boards follow this are mixed up with the nails and the longer think of w ar costs in terms of There is available during the Second lots». Write J. O. Johncon, Bx 584, : equipping a soldier, building a tank FO R LO CAL SH IPYARD S. E X procedure j nail sets are w ith the soldering I Carlton, Oregon. W ar Loan a type of Security to fit P E R IE N C E UNNECESSARY. 95c First, the supply of single men . tools I was beefing to this effect or plane or a ship. W e must now every pocketbook. without dependents and who aie not vvhen the wife called attention to the think in terms of the cost of bat A N D U P P E R HOUR ON DAT FOR SALE—Strawberry plants deferred as necessary men in their weather and caustically suggested , tles, invasions and new offensives. SH IFT. 10', MORE ON SW ING Are Wild Dollars Red Harts and Oregon Improved occupations is exhausted in a loci) that I put my "junk" icomplimentary ' Attacking armies cost more money SHIFT. 15'! MORE ON G R A V E Every dollar of these forty billions or Marshall. Also folding wall board area. Then the local hoard |—she is* away in my own inimitable than equipping that army and we Y A R D SH IFT of dollars available, which is not in reviews, in the order o f the above- bed cheap. Bill J. Schutzlei R4, Women must be age 16 and not | manner. Put all the wrenches, aug- | must meet that increased cost by named categories, the clas.'ifieations ei s. chisles, etc., on the nail jigs on; buying more W ar Bonds and Second vested in Government securities Box 294, Sherwood. over 45, and birth certificate re during this W ar Loan Drive is a ' of registrants who were deferred in | the wall in plain sight. quired up to 24 years. Took seed ! War Loan Securities. Bonds not bunds for America. "w ild " dollar which, together with | Class 3-A or 3-B to determine which i flats and divided them with thin Apply basement of I.abor Temple its mates, will tend to increase infla should be reclassified 1-A and which I wood into little compartments for \ They Give Their Lives. Local No 1404 TR A C TO R W O R K should he further deferred for occu ' bolts, nails, wood screws It is not only necessary that the tion. Uncontrolled inflation might Now. it Portland. Oregon Let Us fix your grounds for Vic- ( pational reasons or beaouse induc- ! not only looks good but I can find it American people left here at home raise the cost of living to a point tory garden. Haiold Aten, Scholls i I tion would rause undue hardship for when I want it assume this additional participation where the dollar is worthless. It can 8233. Beaverton route 1. Box 401. > dependent«. Was already to catch up on my i in the war effort— it is an honor to happen. It happened in Germany --------------- V — - — ------- W IL L YOU DO YO U R P A R T IN ! reading when Mamma suggested in do s i . . . f o r we here at home can after the last w ar when the price of FOR SALE New >, horse Myei s T H E W A R E FF O R T? j her silky suggestive manner that i do no less than attempt to approach a loaf of bread cost more than an Americans Termed Deep Well Pump, with 60 ft pipe We W IL L DO OURS. i there was manure to be hauled, a j the sacrifices of our brave men out annual wage. complete. No priority needed. Ras Greatest Food Wasters I greenhouse to be built and also upper I on the fighting fronts to whom the Invested in Government securi mussen's Garage, Beaverton, form ■cupboards to go in kitchen Also! W E NEED In Entire World last great measure of sacrifice is ties, your dollar will work for you. It erly Johnston's Garage. outer eaves drains were plugged ' but a daily offering. They give their will hold down inflation because it is CHOKER SETTERS AN D Americans have the reputation of j ! the in and if that wasn't enough I could i lives . . . we are asked only to harnessed in w a r work; it will help being the greatest wasters of food ¿M ISC E LLA N E O U S I patch up the road. Following the | RIGHINE, MEN buy “food, transportation, munitions the world Some government statis lend our money. ticians have figured out that 28 per | path, made by her stern prototype for our boys on the front lines and I f unexperienced and are willing to R. D. BODLE C O M PAN Y will re i Susan Lee tossed in her dime's worth 1 At)d that is the theme of the Sec ceive Blaqkcaps in 1943, Highest work we will train you and pay going! cent of all food purchased finally and suggested that I finish her play- j ond W ar Loan, “ They Give Their it will be earning interest that, to finds its way to the garbage can. i gether with your original loan, will Call or write market price, Sherwood, Oregon. wages. With »* the entire xuumi country being ui organ- ! house before she is too big to get in- j Lives— You Lend Your Money.” iwo viiiuc j uciug come back to you later to help you Address 334 SE Yamhill. Tel. EAst ized to vw produce ^ every pound erf food Financial experts who know mone buy the things you cannot buy today * • ...... 1 its my candid opinion that simple 9467, Portland. | (Willamette Valiev Lmbr. Co. j possible for war purposes, it is Black Rock, Or., or A T 9201, Portland i I equally important ‘ that no unneces ! plain living Is getting to be really i tary conditions in the nation point . . . to insure your peace of the Bonds not bunds for America. (complicated. Finished up my O.D.’i | out that at the present time there is future. s a r y pound be wasted. Remember those boys out there I form for the pick-up and sent it in | in liquid funds, «.ash and commer The first place to eliminate waste cial bank deposits over and above . . . in Tunisia . . . in the South D e n t i stock picked up free of j Mammy is buzzing around about . I is by careful buying, according to Dr. MOTOR FREIGHT charge anywhere. Call taxes und present investment in Vivian Roberts, assistant professor | points, shoes, sugar, coffee, meat, and | Government Bonds, and over and Pacific . . . They give their lives— collect. UN. 1221; night call is i shortening. Mac and Gordon, my You lend your money. ¡of foods and nutrition at Oregon D E N LE Y R E N D E R IN G CO., local Bolt and Nail Tycoons, go into j State college. What looks like a bar War Essential Portland. gain in fruits or vegetables may be a | a heavy cry eveiy time 1 order some- j thing from their carefully husbanded Grange Convention Site ! real bargain or the low price may be CONSOLIDATED HID ES Hi WOOL, CASCARA—A I stocks. Why I remember when eith I caused by blemishes or outright do specialty. LE E BROS., 25 SW e r of these two genial, * smooth-talk- Changed To Eugene B Y C. V. W. FREIGHTWAYS cay that will make the Actual usable Clao, Portland. Atwater 5334. Eugene, not La Grande, as origin I food higher priced than first-grade ! ing Scots would go into Sales Hula Needs A person can be what he wants to I for three pgns and a keg of nails ally planned, will be host city to the stuff. Turn war stamps into Bonds be , if he wants to be hard enough Full-Time Proper storage of food in the home ! a ?‘* ar tossed in SGange world 1943 session of the Oregon State FOR TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E | Grange as a result of the army's : is another important step in prevent- 'with this war goin on isn t it? "Character is finer than great rich MECHANICS MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. commandering most of thry hotel fa es." Sounds all right but just the j ing spoilage and waste, Dr. Roberts Two hundred and 66 Brown Swiss and cilities in the latter city. points out. Vegetables are best wash same some o f those riches come in breedeis in 28 states agreed several The announcement of the change of pretty handy at times. ed and placed in a hydra tor or cov PLATFORM MEN I RABBITS W A N T E D months ago to give the milk pro site for the convention, which will be ered container in the refrigerator; or Also When onq is contented with ones wrapped in a moist cloth in an ordin duced by the high cow of each of held June 7-11, followed a meeting their herds during the day of Decem 24c GB. P A ID for live white fryers; of the State Grange executive com lot,—the result is usually happiness ary cooler. All liquids and cooked Part-time free pickup serv. E. E. Luce, . . . „ - ! foods keep better, without either loss ber 7 to tl)e United Service Organi mittee at Portland at which invita- i It wouldn't have been P'-'C- ti0ns from Eugene and Hood River TR U T H is easy to believe- for It is Warren, Oregon. or absorption of odors if kept well zations PLATFORM MEN tical, of course, to send the milk ! were considered The decision in fa- the one thin* that truly fit" ln ,ho covered in the refrigerator. Natural I*aw. One of the commonest forms of along to FYed Idtse, secretary of the ; voi of the Willamette Valley city was : sc*1eme From 3 to 7 A. M. and 3 to 7 P. M. BEST P R IC E for Rabbit fryers, D. Brown Swiss association, so the mon j waste is from discarding the tops or influenced by the fact that at the 1942 TR U T H is always. and cannot P. MacDonald, R2. Bx 218, Beaver U N IO N SCALE outer leaves o f such vegetables as 1 ey the milk sold for was sent instead j session, Eugene lacked only a hand -1 change, ton Phone 2260. 266 cows produced an average ful of votes of winning out over La ! Apply Personnel ( )i't’ice : beets. turnips, cauliflower, lettuce | of The 55.6 lbs. of mill« each on Decem Grande as the delegates' choice for F E A R is a fundimental emotion, | and cabbage. The outer leaves are j 1509 N\\ 20tli Aw*. ber 7th, the total value of which was, this year’s meeting PERSONALS has glways existed and will exist as ; richer sources of vitamins and min- $443.60. Portland, Oregon V ___ - long as existence remains on the leials than are the inner bleached, DOGS BOARDED—Small, 35c a Brown Swiss breeders in th is1 1 leaves. The tops may be cooked I earth. urn war stamps into Bonds day; large 50c. Houle's Collie : separately as another vegetable. If neighborhood who participated in the Knls.. Lr. Boone’s Fy- Rd. nr Tu high cow contribution was: Albert j „ „ „ „ „ „ V___ ' F E A R is without bounds, there is ! not desirable in the main dish they Pancakes Suggested alatin. Call Tigard 3115. n k R M M >iT E A D no true way to measure it, tt depends may be shredded for salads or sand Meier, R2, Beaverton, Oregon. Denver Milstead of Reedvllle died , R„ ogether on the pe,,onallty of tho ---------------V --------------- As Coupon Saver wiches, or used with bacon fat and April 10. He was husband of Maude one as8alied PAINTS If you haven’t gotten around E. or Reedvllle, father of Avery D. i When you run out of ration cou vinegar in the form of "wilted let to buying a Second W ar Loan of U. .S. Navy, brother of Mrs. May! F E A R is mankinds greatest boogey. tuce’ 'says Dr. Roberts. Outer stalks pons—try pancakes. Bond, stop and think what it E Hess of Bandon. and leaves of celery may be used to Imlay’s Fresh A low cost food study by the fam add variety and interest, as well as would mean to you if our sol ------------ V __ F E A R can make one, either brave ily economics bureau of an insurance nutrients, to soups, sauces, or many Mixed Feeds diers hadn’t gotten round to Bonds not bunds for America. j or craven. company has reached the conclusion of the new dishes being made with the fight. FISHER THORSEN PAINTS that pancakes can become a. staple legumes. For quality, fair price and Turn war stamps into Bonds Bonds not bunds for America. ------------ V ------------------ food on the American menu in a ------ —------ v --------------- service Any attic holds articles that Want dozen different forms. ¡H = l|l= lll= lll= IH = m = ll!= lll= m = lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= |l|= |||= |||= m = |||= ||l= lll= IIIE U Iá lll= lll= 9 > Ads will sell for usable Cash. J. B. Imlay & Sons They range from plain pancakes ------------------V — ------------- ALOHA. ORE. with molasses to crep-suzettes. R RED V IL L E In ?! addition, they can be used to stretch 10% OF INCOME the meat allowance or to replace Turn war stamps into Bonds meat one day a week. Ï Made with milk instead of water, j or with soy flour added to form one fifth to one sixth of the dry ingred Huy an Additional ients, pancakes make a first-class By Close to downtown Rond Today protein replacement for meat, the food experts reported. Close to transportation Dusted with powdered sugar or ground cinnamon, with ground nuts or grated cheese, virtually no one. of Seattle, Wn. except the housewife would recognize 8W FOURTH AT M ONTGOM ERY the lowly pancake, the family eco- ATwater 2181 Member of the Board of Lectureship romics buieau claimed They may be served with melted butter and hot of The Mother Church, The Fir»t applesauce, sprinkled with nutmeg Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Or raisins, currants, blueberries, ap ples or bananas, coarsely cut up. Massachusetts. Several pointed suggestions are given along with the food study. W EST END In the Use very little grease; just rub a HELL WOOD BRIDGE bacon rind quickly over the heated griddle. Do not get the griddle too hot; CREMATORIUM f - (scorched grease is unpalatable. mi MAUSOLEUM Drop a couple drops o f water on = the griddle before greasing; if the ü CEMETERY Portland, Oregon water dances in a tiny ball a second ¡Ti or two before disappearing go ahead ni the griddle is just light. Thursday evening, April 29, at 8 o’clock Complete Funeral Service In New- Wipe accumulation of browned Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Ï grease from the griddle with a piece = Under auspices of Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland, Or 5 Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 o f paper towel as it appears I T ry adding a few tablespoons o f soy All are cordially invited flour—expected syon to be widely M = I M = H I = I I I = M I illl = lll = m = lll= lll= lll= lll= m = IM = lllx M I= M I= lll= lll= IM = IM -lll= lll= J II= l!l3 in = lll available— to each cup of prepared pancake flour, and an extra pinch of Wd baking powder. W it h Union Local No. 296 Brick & Building Tile MUSEINGS OF MUGS BACK UP YOUR BOY IS OUR QUOTA CENTRAL LOCATION FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IN WAR BONDS s Peter B. Biggins, C.S.B. I. P. Finley & Son PLANT A VICTORY GARDEN Riverview Cemetery Civic Auditorium S. W. 3rd Ave. & Clay St. I I De Laval SE PA R A TO R S — M ILK ERS COMF1.E TE E Q U IPM E N T A M » SU PPLIE S FOR TH E DAIRA IN D U S T R Y Monro pk (rifell Best Made Prices For Mallory HATS . S0.5O T H E S T E R L I N G ,« rav-<1 It'll take die king ! Sweat-proof lined, shape retaining, smartly stitched brim. Pearl, salute blue, pecan STRAW BERRIES B O Y S O N BERRIES YOUNGBERRIES b row n beige. IM H W M IV . , , R. I. MacLaughlin & Co. ■ m i V y h a n r nan amo Cai - I a it U ms (n r t u NW Park AT. *4i.1 LOGANBERRIES BLACKCAPS CUTHBERT RASPBERRIES A GARDEN Wathinftee Will MAN! YOUR R A T I O N S GO F U R T H E R v 426 BEAVERTON, P H O N E 3271 OREGON