4 Friday. April 16. 1943 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R I S E , Rea verton, Oregon Classified Rates • personals TW O Cent* a word per Issue. Minimum 23c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of Inser tion— 50c. We Publish the BKA\ t i t TON E N T E R P R IS E M ULTNOMAH PRESS TIG ARD SENT IN E L ALOI1A NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County ur.d Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon sibility for error*! which may ap pear tn advertisements published In these columns but In case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. DOGS BOARDED—3mall. 35c a day; large 50c. Houle's Collie K n ls , Li Boone's Fy. Rd. nr Tu alatin. Call Tigard 3115. WANTED R ID E R S W A N TE D To Albina shipyard, leaving Beaverton 7 a. ni Beaverton 2554. Real Aid to Enemy “ Any American who wilfully neglects to pay hts taxes on time or to invest every cent he can in War Bonds is surely giv ing aid and comfort to the enemy . . . We have a job to do and we are all called for service to our country. Our dollars are called to service too. Let us all ask ourselves, ‘Shall we be more tender with our dollars than with the lives of our sons?’ ” — Secretary Morgenthau. Page 3 Looks at Stars and Not at Hollywood E state T ran sfers Robert L Johnston et ux to Jack Sidney S Stearns et ux to Nelson Vale et ux‘ loU 1 and 2 BIk 3« Beav- I Cooper part of sets 25 T2S R2W. I erton. Harry l. Robinson et ux to K endall, . John Schneider et ux to Gottlieb F it Wood et u\ . lot 24 Beaux Arbi es ! Schnelder‘ 93 ac,ea aec 2 T IN R2W. I Ext. • Ray A Dean et ux to Arthur F Dur- Peter M Olson et ux to Sam R btn pt ux 10 acres Sec 9 TIS R2W. Smith 4 91 acres sec 21 T IS R 1 W Oscar Agaton et al to D Reid Cott- Martin E Gerties et ux to W C Me - 1 le l* et ux *ots ® and 2 Greenberg J Collum et al ,2.57 acres T IS R4W. Hk'hts. U S Nat'l Bk of Portland. Ore., to J Vernon Ayres et ux to Lee M Sparks et ux part Elkanah Walker E E Southard et ux Part Sec 5 T2S R1W. DLC 60 T IN R3W. Arthur W Everett to Roscoe S Ev S J Thompson et al to Victor L Leh erett et ux, tract 10 Tualatin Acres man et ux. E Walker Cl 60 T IN R3W. Albert C Finley et ux to Portland Standaul Inv Co Meyer B Blond, part lot s 16 and 17 Wheeler's Sub div Fed S a w & Ln assn, tract 39 Comte A Kohlman T IS R2W Herbert Ruben Ekstrom et ux to L C Markwart et ux to M J Holt et John Vantzeidfden et ux Lot 11 Blk 1 al 40 acres Sec 22 TIS R2W. Katherine C McMillan et al, to I * o OBrien Acre8 E E Wilson to Théo J Wetzel et ux D Freed et ux part Sec 14 T1S R1W. A H Vincent and VV M Evans et part sec 30 T'JS R1VV. ux to Herbert Elwert 40 acres Sec 31 Ellen Harr et al to P A Hjelte et ux T2S R1W. W 1-2 of NE 1-4 of NE 1-4 of Sec 18 L E Wade et ux to Reingold E T2S R1W Sehorzman et ux 40 94 acres Sec 14 Johanna Englond et ux to Jens Ler- T2S R2W. back et ux, 40 acres Sec 33 T IN David E I .inv i ie et ux to Erroll A R4\V. Murhard et ux lot 14 Sylvan Hills Leo L Reiling et ux to Arthur H Leonard E Hall to Lew D Nichols Klebaum et ux, part lot 295 Johnson et ux part Wm Pointer D IC Sec 12 Est Add Reaverton-Reedvllle. T1S R1YV. Harry L Price et ux to Everett K C Eklridge Jr et ux to Robert M Nelson Finney et ux lot 19 Be i t hold Evenden et ux Ix>t 26 Westdale Add Beaverton. Hello Folks: Dawggone, everything in our ole flyblowed earth is so topsy turvy, ¡why, thunder-in lightnin’ last mg.it I I just got; out in my backyard and • looked up into the heavens until I BEST P R IC E for Rabbit fryers. D. got my frazzled nerves healed! Way P MacDonald. R2. Bx 218. Beaver BaJ,son $ ta !e s up there wuz the John The Baptist ton. Phone 2260. of the skies (the Big Dipper) just His Principles R ID E R S To business district, Baltimore, Md.. April 16 Stock like I saw it when I wuz a boy way Cl i de md 1 i»t Portland, 8 —5. by Reedvllle East. values have risen approximately 40'» i. . on . the . , . , R. C. Baysinger, R2. Bx 892, Beav .. past . ten . ■■ learned Brick, Tile, Masonary in the months. I . w believe' ... . about the . Big * Dipper 1 > . one . erton. night when our bunch got lost and I that even further profits, particularly one ole timer got hiz lamp's focussed I in peace stocks and certain other FOR R E N T ' situations, will be available before up in the sky* and frka.'ly located * the year ends Investors must ap- the North Star hy that Dig Dinper' N T Housekeeping SEE YOUR D EALER , FOR R . E __, , loom j p,eciate that the prices of stocks lo i It's just the same as that night over in Enterprise Bldg , suited for i \ . ' day and some time past are subject 50 years ago and gentle ]> >,.ple I wuz Columbia Brick Works married couple. Ref, req. No I a gettin' my poetry nerves to workin' both to world and to domestic condi- ' as I looked into the starry night drinkers. Apply Enterprise, Short 1320 SE Water— Portland | tions. The outlook for specific in at Highway, Beaverton. | where you don’t se any Jitter Bugs Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Salem dustries also depends upon the earn and Wars, but a na.vbor yelled at me, ings management, dividend, record I "Better git inside at this time of *he PAINTS and other basic factors In view of FOR S A L E night or somebody may take a shot -|the extent of the recent trading in at you these dangerous lim es!" My low-priced issues. I feel it advisable Imlay’s Fresh poetry all went up into that Dipper to FOR SALE — Davenport Bed, Save 20 to 25< i on your FIRE I N S U R A N C E COSTS to emphasize a few principles that springs. 2 steam radiators, oak din | drop hell fire on them that need it! Mixed Feeds may lead to success in investing. Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESS AHI.F.. You N E V E R pay ing room table, doors. Beaverton B A R B W IR E D ILI FISHER THORSEN PAINTS I undamental C onsideration* more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual Cleaners, Beaverton. --------------- V---------------- A man's ,or that matter a woman s For quality, fair price and maintains more than three times the surplus required hy Oregon first duty, aside fiom raising a fam - 1 Boost your home community news- Insurance law *. service FOR SALE—Unclaimed goods - 4 ily, is to become economically inde paper. It boosts for you. Onlj J. B. Imlay & Sons dining chairs, 2 arm chairs, 1 over pendent. Regardless of New Deal $1 per year .less than 2 cents a week Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company R E K D V IL L E ALOHA. ORE. legislation, taxes, inflation or a n stuffed chair. C. W. Keplar, on y ____________y ___________ „ o f M c M i n n v i l l e Broadway, Beaverton. othei bugs in the ointment this can D IIT in u n a At/ D P M Ilin F D Organized 1894 40 years of Reliable Service Chaa. L. Walker, Agent still lie done This means .hat lead- IIA IIU Iv BUU1\ H LlTllN U Lit HELP W ANTED FOR SALE- Odds and ends new ers should first allot a portion of 1 New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 windows, door, elect, fixtures, etc., their income to war bonds; second. I Clip this Rationing Calendar and attach to ration book for conven TR U C K D R IV E R E X P E R IE N ______ Every Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon Cheap. 370 Lombard St., Beaverton arrange for adequate life insurance; CED W ITH LUMBER AND BLDG. third, build up a substantial savings ience. M A TE R IA LS P R E F E R R E D THO account. I assume, of course, the SUGAR FOR SALE -4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord 111 l" = IM - lll- m - lll=,,l=,M=H,:H,,- ' l ,= l|l= lll= |ll=lll2 lll£IH = lll5lll=HI=HI=MI5MI3l||5MI5IM5MIB NO T REQ UIRED S E E MR. piospective stock purchaser is also 1 Coupon No. 12 good for 5 lbs. must lots). Write J. O. Johnson, Bx 584, last through May 31. PECK r, W J. McCREADY LUM- j ou t'of debt Carlton, Oregon. BER CO. B EAVER TO N 1 xhe lnvegtoi is now ready to select COFFEE Stamp No. 26 tl lb expires April 25. What are his individual securities. FOR S A L E - 1935 Chevrolet Coach ; I FU E L O IL iil the factors that should determine his tires good condi. R. H. Jenkins < NOTICE Period 4 coupons expire April 6 in choice? M AN AG E M E NT might place, Hazeldale. Laborers wanted at once, ¡well head the list. Without honest ■ zones C & D, April 12. in zone B, m Immediate J jol) placement ! 1 and capable management no company J n ow ^ aU d ^ n ^all zones'' FOP. SALE Strawberry plants 1 can do well indefinitely even though! SHOES --- - — Red Harts and Oregon Improved Apply week davs only | ,*q Autu A.usnpuj aqj .104 >joo|}no <»q) No. 17 . stamp in war ration book or Marshall. Also folding wail , excellent. Be sure, too, that the . .... 'HOD CARRIERS bed cheap. Bill J. Schutzler R4. ' directors and officers own an ade- *or one Palr unt“ Jun* 15 AND Oregon’s Own Author I Box 294, Sherwood. quate share of their company and. BUILDING LABORERS | hence .share »investment responsi- ,, )<K>,< ‘ “ “ P 0118 * • s° od fo1 t° ui Witty with their stockholders. LA- * «»o n " each from March 22 to May TR AC TO R W O R K Union Local No. 296 BOR is such a factor in all manage- \\ outs,de the eR8,ern gasoline short- Let Us fix your grounds for Vic ROOM 215 tory garden. Harold Aten, Scholls ment problems today that companies LABOR TEMPLE 8233, Beaverton route 1, Box 401. i having low wage costs in proportion . " .. r r March 31 -Cars with A books must SW 4th A T JEFFERSON I to their total operating expenses u . . . . . , , , . . , _ • , , have tires inspected before this date 1 i should be sought. Examples are . . ... F E R T IL IZ E R For Sale.—H. K . . , , . , . . . Same basic rules as for passenger chemicals and hydroelectric utilities. Martin, Bend rd„ Tigard. cars apply to motorcycle D books. E q u itie s a n d D iv id e n d s Author Frederick Haberman Tir«»» W A N T E D Personally, I like a stock that con FOR S A L E —1 yr. Parminter pul Recapping with reclaimed rubber stitutes a 100', EQUITY. This lets, laying, 1 wood range. 8 pi. 6 x 8 camelback for tires smaller than MEN A N D W O M EN : means buying into a company that timbers 30 ' long. Mrs. M. J. Ait- 7.50-20 permitted without ration cer | has no outstanding bonds, notes or kins, Treece, first house on old tificate. for preferred stocks. Some of the gro- Johnson place, Tigard. ! eery and other chains are illustra- AUTOMOBILES New 1941 models may be purchased SHIP SCALERS j tions of this group. Many compan- FOR SALE Mallard duck eggs, j | ies, during the past year, have re- by merely filing statement of need phone Beaverton 2259, R1 box 203 i FOR LOCAL SH IPYARD S, EX [ duced their bonded indebtedness or with dealer, 1942 models listing at P E R IE N C E UNNECESSARY, 95c Beaverton. ' bought in their preferred stock. more than $1500 , and convertibles iw aiuth. AND U P PE R HOUR ON DAY I Such companies wisely are getting be so*d on ration certificates to ^ SHIFT, lOG MORE ON SW ING | set to weather future storms. T H E A N G L O - S A X O N C H R I S T I A N ASSN. FOR SALE New 1, horse Myers anyone needing car and not having iy SHIFT, 15*Ji MORE ON G R A V E Deep Well Pump, with 60 ft pipe A consideration of D IVIDENDS is sel' ¡ceaPlle car If engaged in gain- III = Y A R D SHIFT. complete. No priority needed. Ras ’ also of importance in judging the employment or war or welfare = 212 Davis Building Women must be age 16 and not mussen’s Garage, Beaverton, form Companies whose work; other 1£* 2 models ™ay be sold ill _ I worth of a stock, Portland, Oregon oyer 45, and birth certificate re exceed one-half jon ration certificates fo persons elig- = erly Johnston's Garage. dividends do not quired up to 24 years. I their net earnings should be safe Ible for C gas r a t i o n s . _______= l . . = . „ = i „ = , i , = , „ = , „ = „ , = , „ = , „ = , s , long, unbroken divi Apply basement of Labor Temple I Those with MISCELLANEOUS dend records which have survived Local No. 1404 1 more than one war or depression Portland, Oregon R. D. BODLE CO M PAN Y will re ! may generally be counted upon to | ceive Blackcaps in 1943, Highest I | continue their good performance. market price, Sherwood, Oregon. Address 334 SE Yamhill. Tel. EAst W IL L YOU DO YO UR P A R T IN The best examples in this group are the fire insurance stocks. Several 9467, Portland. TH E W A R E F F O R T " have been paying dividends for 100 W e W IL L DO OURS. years. D e a d 8tock picked up free o f , Depressed and Long Growth Stocks charge anywhere. Call W E NEED Regardless of the position of the collect. UN, 1221. night call , x-. ¡/'vi - p n , • t - ,p-p . - , ■ « » - r \ market, some stocks can usu D E N LE Y R E N D E R IN G co„ jCHOKEK SEI 1 EKS AN D stock ally be found which are unduly DE P o r tla n d i RIGGING MEN PRESSED Any stock selling at its HIDES k WDOI., CASCARA—A I f unexperienced and are willing to historic low usually has one way to In specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW work we will train you and pay going go from there and that is up. other words, buy basically good j Claiy, Portland. Atwater 5334. wages. Call or write stocks when someone else chucks them on the dump heap. Tire and M^TORToCpL„caV a E rr ^ i YE Willamette Valiev Linbr. Co. rubber stocks were a good example MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. Black Rock or., or A t 9201, Portland of such a condition when they slump ed so badly after Pearl Harbor; but PLOW ING! they have since recovered. Perhaps 7934 SW Cap. Hill Rd. real estate securities are now the I Near Barbur Blvd. best illustration of this depressed Call SU. 2284 Even, CH. 2‘»49. group ¡ LONG GROW TH companies repre sent another type of stocks which are always attractive. In the early twen ties the automoble stocks qualified. The chemical industry has long been Close to downtown recognized in this group. But today it is generally stamped that most H E R E ’S W H A T Y O U G E T Close to transportation stocks in this class are not cheap. The air transport companies may be Woman’s Home Companion 1 yr. a good example,. Those companies closely allied with the new industry Better Homes and Gardens 1 yr. sw FOURTH AT MONTGOM ERY of electronics,- -such as General Elec ST E A D Y W ORK ATwater 2181 tric and Radio Corporation of Am True Story 1 yr. erica -may yet be worthy of consid eration in this group. Air-condition Farm Journal & Farmer’s Wife 1 yr. ing companies may have a future. American Poultry Journal 1 yr. Today's Best Bet* The fly in our economic ointment C. today is inflation. All that inflation Beaverton Enterprise 1 yr. Time and One-Halt* WEST F.ND means is an over-supply of dolíais in for Overtime SELLVVOOn BRIDGE relation to the supply of available goods. The value of the dollar Is going down and hence it loses a lot CREMATORIUM of its purchasing power. This loss can be made up only through profits MAUSOLEUM YOU W IL L G ET A L L HIX publications for ONE F U L L YE A R , and If you are already a I from IN FLA TIO N . The best protec- subscriber to A N Y of these SIX publications, your present subscription will be extended one 1 tion from inflation point of view is in CEMETERY full year Mail or bring th.- coupon below to our office A T ONCE, and you will receive TH E , stocks backed by tangible resources FIV E BIO M AGAZINES by M A IL each month. nn<l TH IS N E W S PA PE R each week that's 60 Portland, Oregon | Companies owning natural resources magazines and 52 newspapers— 112 Issues In all for only $3 00 O RD ER A T ONCE because we Complete Funeral Service In New like the oil producers, are practical may, soon have to withdraw this offer, or advance the price. Sign the coupon NOW and Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost examples l understand that the SAVE $300. Riverview is a co-operative asso j two companies which have the« most ciation with assets of over $800,00«) I oil UNDERGROUND in the United States are Humble and Ohio Oil Finally, do not forget that some Now and in 1917-18 U SE T H I S C O U P O N A N D S A V E $3.00 day the War will be over. Even Hums LsU Wir long before then PEACE stock« aril) ir Thit Wir have enjoyed a substantia! rise ' A l M UUS BFA\ KRTO N E N T E R P R IS E SE PARATO R S — M il.HERS Date ii eady they are outstripping in their Beaverton, Oregon mi COM PLETE EQ U IPM EN T \ND I advance the war stocks and even SU PPLIE S FOR THE D A IR Y Yes. indeed. I want to accept your magazine offer before It is withdrawn ■ the ''averages.” Examples of good Enclosed U i $300 IN D U STRY in F U LL P A Y M E N T for a full one years sul>*eription, new or renewal. to peace stock» are almost too numer your nsw»- paper and the following F IV E magazine i - ous to give Just pick up any indus- I try or company that is NOW suffer B L T T F K HOMES AND «.AR D EN S I 1 year ing because of the War. Perhaps WOMYN' S HOMI- LOMBA N ION v ur t t It M t o i RN %l. A F ARMER S W IF E 1 yr the soft drink, mail order, household BEAVERTON ENTERPR ISE year AMI KH AN POULTRY JOI KNAJ. I year equipment, department store, metal container, gold mining, building ma tVfSYTMINO^J: terials and air transport stocks be ''- «■ D A I R Y M A N * long to this group But there ate My Name Is Addres others Above everything else, whst- f aeri ano C a . - 1 ait L ame (n r ever your investment policy insist ; upon diversification I f you have Town State i only one thouaand dollars to invest, AT *461 1117 ISA NW Park in divide it among ten stocks «S b W A N T PASTU R E For 2 calves Oliver Green, Farmington rd, bx. 83, Beavertm. Brick & Building Tile Two Great Books | WORLD WAR No.2 IN PROPHECY I Author - - GORDON LINDSAY f Price $1.25 I AMERICA'S APPOINTED DESTINY I Price $1.00 1 Both Books for $2.00 postpaid Send in your order now I SIX Big Publications! A ll for One Year CENTRAL LOCATION ]. P. Finley & Son LUMBER PILERS tor Defense Plant 95£ per hour Riverview Cemetery Buckler-Chapman 200 N Columbia Blvd. U. S. WAR E X P E N D I T U R E S D e Laval sii l i ritionroeK Crifell . . . 112 Issues in A ll All Six FOR ONE YEAR $3 .00 Regular Value $6.00-Y o u SAVE $3.00