Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1943)
PU B LISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON VOL. 16, XO. 9 SHORT ST. AN D T U A L A T IN H IG H W A Y — Beaverton, Oregon. Friday, April 2, 1643 $4,000,000 County Quota For Second Victory Drive ESTABLISHED 19J7 ¡Washington County Boys and Girls Join Victory Food Program 265 boys and gals have joined the | Food for Victory Program by organ izing 30 such 4-H clubs in 16 dlffer- 1 ent communities of Washington County, according to Jens 1'. Svtnth, assistant county agent. Garden clubs predominate in numbers. 17 clubs with an enrollment of 165 memheis, with 7 inbbit clubs of 65 members, and 6 poultry clubs with 35 mem- beis In each Instance, these clubs 1 are organized so that the members ! may help provide food for home use this fall and wintei Communities in which these clubs have been organized tie Rock Creek. Spring Hill. Midway Witch Hazel, Dixie Mountain. Raleigh. Aloha Huber. Beaverton. Hillsboro. Reedville, Iowa Hill. Rosedale, Shute, Gaston and Metzger. Additional clubs will be organized in other communities in the next few weeks. ---------------V --------------- Personal Mention Warren Dobyns, son of Mr. and A total of $1.000, ikk ) must be rais-, __________ Mis E. E. McCoi mack, spent Sat- •■«i in Washington county during I _ uiduy and Sunday visiting at home April as Washington county’s quota Beaver Track and shaking hands with old friends of the Second Victory Drive, starting in Beaverton. April 12. according to W. C Christ 1 ea m V lc to r s ensen and H. L. MacKenzie. co-chair- Beaverton, April 2 Beaverton high Warrer* enlisted in the marine corps last November and went men of the county war bond commit- *ch001 s Bath and field team opened through boot camp at San Diego He tee The membership of the Victory ila 1943 schedule wi,h » 61 2-3 to is now assigned to training with loan and war bond committees have 43 1-3 victor>’ over Roosevelt high been combined for the drive school of Portland here Friday aiter- the Navy air detachment at P011 Chicago prior to an appointment as Throughout the nation, the treas- noon' an air cadet ury department will borrow 13 bil- HlBh hurdles—Won by Scheller. lion dollars in this drive which is Beaverton; Hampton. Beaverton, sec- Dobyn made the trip by plane znd considered the greatest financial un- ond; SinKe,y - Roosevelt, third. Time says he likes life in the marine corps dertaking in history. Quotas for fine Oregon is $107,000,000! 100-yard dash Won by Glenney. Mr. and Mrs. McCormack were Sell AH Securities Roosevelt; Christensen., Beaveiton, hosts for dinner on Sunday for their Every type of U. S. security will be second; Walton, Roosevelt, third son. issued in this drive with a type t o A ' me Mr. and Mrs. R W. Meadows gave fit the financial situation of every I Mlle ,un Won by Dolan- Roose a birthday party Sunday for their ' velt ; Oicutt. Roosevelt, second; Vy- individual, according to Christensen, Garden Home Boy Goes granddaughter Joan F'indlay of Port Time 5:49. who said it is up to every man, wo ers, Beaverton, third. land From Buck Private 440-yard dash Won by Karp- man and child in the county to dig Mrs. George McKercher of Boston, stein, Beaverton; Slayton, Roosevelt, and dig deep. Tc Captain visited the past week end with Mrs. second; Biggi. Beaverton. third. The county has been divided into From buck private to captain in M C. McKercher of Beaverton Mrs seven areas in accordance with the I Time :56.5. the army in a little more than five McKercher visited relatives and Low hurdles Won by Hampton. teiritory served by the-banks of the yen is is the record of Ralph Eldon friends in Ixrng Beach, California, county. Under the $4,000,000 quota Beaverton; Kurtz. Roosevelt., second; Heplogle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- before her visit here, Time 26.4 $10o must be raised for every man, i Nelson, Roosevelt, third. vin E. Replogle of Garden Home. I Mlg Evelyn Hetu left Thursday 220-yard dash Won by Walton, woman and child in the county based Captain Replogle began his military „ f this week to join her husband, j Roosevelt; Karpstein. Beaveiton, sec on the 1940 population of 40,000. career in December of 1937 when he Ted Hetu in Logan Utah ond; Blake. Beaverton, third. Time A iea Quotas Given enlisted foi duty with the 29th engt- Mr and Mrs. Earl A Ranslam are Quotas as set up for each area ! :23. neeis at Portland. He had climbed theparents of a daughter, Judith A., 880-yards --W on by Christensen. in the county are as follows Sher to the non-commissioned rank of aer- born March 24. Glenney. Fee- wood, $250,000; Tigard, $500,000,; , Beaverton; , „ „ _ Roosevelt; , ,, , grant when he was appointed to at- Mrs L D Shallenberger and Mrs. Beaverton-Aloha, $500,000; Hillsboro, bU'* : U,’?8ev* lt ,,TlmP. “ „ 4 tend office! candidate school at Fort f G. Donaldson entertained a group $1,550,000; Forest Grove. $1,000,000, 440*yard relay " on by Beaveiton Belvoir, Virginia. nf ladies at breakfast at the Congre- 1 Karpstein. Turn»r, Christensen, and Banks $200,000. He graduated there as a second ’ gationnl church Thursday of last Blake,) Time 1:41.4. "This money, which is needed to lieutenant in February of 1942, six! week. Shot put Won by Springer, Beav back up our armed forces, will be months latei became a fiist lleuten- Mr and Mrs. Gordon Turner are erton; Stona. Roosevelt, second; Fer- rained through the continuing sale „ ant and now hits been advanced to receiving felicitations on the birth Distance, 43 of war saving bonds, and tax savings A y ', Roosevelt, th,ld Specialized Training captain ut u Pennsylvania station, of a daughter Lillian M . born March t inches. notes, tieasury bills, and the offering fpet 9 * lnches where he is commanding officer of 27. Pole vault Won by Bye, Beaver F.xams for Army of a number of new treaasury issues a company in an armored engineer Mr. and Mrs T. J Williams of ton; Mick, Beaverton, second; tie for This is to introduce a new col designed for every class and type of Scheduled Today battalion. Malad, Idaho, were dinner guests at third * between Manzer, Bacceleri umn to our readers, entitled “Come inventor,’ 'states Tieasury Secretary Piospective students foi the Army Captain Replogle, a graduate of the home of Mr and Mrs Jay Gibson Along With M e " Fred P. H. Morgenthau. "As we move forward Roosevelt, and Rohrback, Beaverton Specialized Tiaining Piogram and Beaverton high school, was born on last Sunday. Height. 10 feet 5 inches. Clyde, editor of the column, class into full production in the war ef the Navy College Tiaining Program November 9, 191S, two days before The proud parents of a son Sherl- High jump- Won by Scheller, Beav es himself as a City Man Stump fort, it is increasingly important that ■ will take qualifying examinations in th® armistice that ended world war din J , Jr., born March 23, are Mr erton; Schaer. Beaverton, second; Farmerj a graduate expert on every American invest in his govern lhe high school at 9 a m. on Friday I. while his futhei was in Belgium and Mrs. Sheridan J. Nault. ment s securities to the limit of his Perry and Bogg, Roosevelt, tie for | Game Birds and Poultry Hatch April 2. I. R. Metzlei announced « » » member oi' the 363d umbulance The Beaverton Rebekah Social and third. Height 5 feet, 9 inches. ing work (Game Conseivation or her ability. i today. company of the 91st division. Needle club will meet at the I. O. O. Broad jump Won by Scheller. Inst under Rutgers Univ.—1933) The nation’s press has again been 1 "Most boys accepted for either the --------------- V— ------------ F. hall Friday, April 2, <today) at Perry, Roosevelt, second He now drives a heavy inter city called upon to support the drive and Beaveiton; „ noon for potluck lunch. Ami', Specialized fraining Piogram Beaverton B o v A s s iB n e d Distance, 19 bus out of Portland, north- farms an Allied Newspaper council has been tbll,d or the Navy College Training will r a T L ’ 1 C L I I^tnce Kennedy of Portland visited feet 9 inches. and writes, also home power work formed to give every assistance pos eventually become commissioned if f- * O A r m y 1 et h n ic a l o c h o o l at the home of his father, A M Ken shop in spaie time. Formerly __ _ 717 ,ZZ 771.7 ------V sible. The council says in part: Private Alfred M Fell, son of Mr. nedy Thursday of last week. lie drove bus for the Tualatin Valley* ' ~s’ ^ a . yv "The responsibility for persuading Countv “O ver the T od tt on Coi ps oi Coast Guaid, Mr. Metzlei Hnd 1 s A M Fell, 1013 Lombard The Beaverton Kiwanis club spon* Stages to Glencullen, Beaverton. our people to put their surplus funds D , — . ** said "The Army and the Navy will •fleet, Beaverton, has been assigned sored a variety entertainment at the Hillsdale. Multnomah, Metzger, in the safest investment in the world K e d GrOSS D o n a t i o n s pay all expenses at the colleges of *° Ihc Armjj Ail Forces Technical high school auditorium last Friday Tigard, Tualatin, etc. lies largely with the newspapers." Washington county went "over the students selected on the basis of the School, Sioux Falls, S. D., for train- evening. Professional acts. Jour- The column is now appearing In Must Meet Challenge top" on its Red Cross war fund cam- tests on April 2. Since there will be as a radio operator-mechanic nal Juniors, and high school talent the Oregon City Banner Courier. "W e realize that all of us have a paign quota of $13,300 with a total of no further tests for some months, all Before his induction on January 14, was presented. There was a good Chehalis Advocate and the Kelson tremendous task ahead of us." de- | mananda, leader of the Portland Chap- high school students or recent giadu- he was a truck driver for the attendance. ian Tribune, and we trust our ates will have to take the April 2 ex- Alder Market in Portland. clared Co-chairman Christensen and and returns are still coming in, ac- He at-I Mr. and Mrs. H. M Barnes have readers will enjoy the addition of animations to qualify for this train fended Beaverton high school and pre received word from their son Robert, MacKenzie in a joint statement, cording to County Chairman O. B it to our columns. “ Washington county has never failed ! Gates. Ing. This is an excellent oppoitun vlously was stationed at Keeslerrin the Army, that he was in Little Article on Page 4 to meet a challenge. We must pro- Undoubtedly many persons have ; ity for every ambitious hoy, espec *■ " 1,1 IItOCk, Aikansas, and "still go'ng." vide the funds to secure the tools been missed in the campaign for ially for those who are likely to be ----- V -------— ---- ■ j ■ Mrs. Glen Jacoby, wife of Major for victory and back up our Washing- ' various reasons, accoiding to Mi- drafted within the next year." Two Beaverton Girls Jacoby, stationed at Vancouver Bar Collection, ot Tin Cans ton county boys who are on the Gates. He points out that anyone The purppose of the tests is to nid i ■ racks, will be a Sunday visitor at the fighting front giving their lives for | who was not solicited and who still Slated for April 4 to 9 in the selection of piospective o ffic e *i® VC' IN a iT O W fc.SCape Jay Gibson home. Major Jacoby our country.” ' wishes to take .—........... part in the drive — may - ----- ............ „ material foi the Army Natty v ui laCont, is. aad hei pas-en was fmniciiy assistant coach at the Members of the joint committee for do so by remitting their donations. Co-operation of all county residents Corps and Coast Guard The oxaml- Ker, Ethel Hodges, 18, both of Beaver-. University of Idaho, eastern part of the county are: to the Red Cross headquarters in in the collection of Prepared Tin nations are designed to test the apt! ton. escaped without injury Friday Mrs. R. S. Welsh and son, Russell, Sherwood — W S. Bowen, chairman Hillsboro. Cans needed in the war effort, during tude and general knowledge of the n'Kh<. when their car was struck b y 'a re visiting friends at The Dalles. W M Adair. We were unsuccessful in getting the >veek April 4 to 9, is urged by candidates who will express a choice a tlaia near SE 12th avenue and Mr and Mrs. Robert Johnston have Tigard- W M. FJvans. chairman, community chairman in Bacona, County Salvage Chairman John Ko- for the Army or Navy at the time of Clinton street sold their home herd and plan to Victor Johnson, Emil Johnson, Ho Bonita. Greenburg, Progress. Shute valy. People are urged to take the examinations Those who are The girls told police they had been move on a farm near Newberg l»art Vermilye. school and Shady Brook asserted their own cans to the nearest school selected for either the Army Special instructed to follow the streetcar The recent Victory Book Drive haa Beaverton—Jay Gibson, chairman. Chairman Gates Wednesday. Neither as county schools an- serving as ¡zed Training Program oi the Navy tracks to reach a certain destination netted many hooks for men in the Mrs. Robert Summers, Mike Metzler, have we had any repoits from the collection depots College Training Program will attend and hnd mistaken the railroad tracks service. Tom Ramsdell. Petei B. Case. Leon- community chairmen at Bonny Slope. The cans should be taken to the college with all expenses paid by the for atieetcar tracks. The accident j The committee has now made aid Adams. Johnson school, Kansas City, Laurel- schools not later than Friday morn respective services. occurred after they ha«l proceeded a complete report of the total num- The schools are not i ____________y ____________ Aloha—Oscar Hagg. chairman, C. wood, Mason Hill, Orchardale, PhjJ- ing, April 9. about 3i feet down the tracks The her of books and money collected, lips, Prudin. Raleigh. Tualatin and to accept cans after that time. f . girls jumped from the machine be-' \ total of 310 books were collect- J. Stlckney. Verboort. We are still in hopes we Volunteers Needed Harry Gindhart Gets fore the collision. S Farrell. «5, of ed, 240 of which Beaverton high SE 10th avenue, was engineer. n „„ will heal from all of them, with a Kovaly is asking for three or fom P „ ) » x, O f f i c e r « R a t i n o school students amassed, the remain K ex - I s a a c Wedding nice contribution to ou> cause If volunteers to help load the ca. A 1 V ? ,7 ing hooks were sent to the George- - - ■ ----------- V ------------------------ S o l e m n i z e d M a r c h 7 th may require the work of some public dozen volunteei trurk drivers to han White Service Mens Center and the hart. 22. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fritz Burning Permits Ordered The marriage of Miss Barbara Ann I spirited person or group, in some of die county trucks Coast Guard quarters. . . . will also . I«- . needed „ Gindhart. West Grant and Seventh to contact Countv Isaac, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Leo the above places, to become volun- They hi e lt asked Money donated was sent to the ,, r,........ . Street, Beaverton, Oiegon. was pro By State Forest Service A. Isaac of Portland, to Mr. Lavon teeis and solicit their district and F-nginerr H. P. Barrows Burning permits foi file are re- State Library which will buy new moted to the petty officer rating of Rex. was solemnized Sunday after- send in donations to the Hillsboro If anyone has any questions rela Those contributing motor machinist's mate, second class, quired according to recent word re- books needed. noon. March 7 at the home of the Red Cross chairman. This would tiva to the drive they should make upon graduation from the Navy's reived from the State Forest Service money were: Beaverton High School bridegrooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. certainly be appreciated and the inquiry of O B Gates, Hillsboro trade school for diesel operators nt by the county agent. J. J. Millet. $72 02; Hiteon school, $125; and the R. B. Doane of Beaverton. amounts sent in would be credited salvage chairman, or at the civilian Iowa State College here last week county fire warden, will be available Cheerio club $1.75. Chaplain John W. Beard read the to the communities sendipg them in. defense office in the basement of the He awaits assignment to duty with to issue fire permits on F’ ridays in Mr and Mrs. Robert L. Johnston service before the mantle which was The coming week ending April 10. court house as Chairman Kovaly ha-; the fleet or at a naval shore station. the ( ’minty Civilian Defense office in are moving soon to Newberg, Oregon, decorated with white folowers and will see the end of the drive, after been called to Marshfield for a week According to the RFD 1, Box 112. He has completed a course stress the court bouse. lighted by white candles. which we will make and file our or ten days on account of the deoth tiie order, no large slash burning is Earl Drorbaugh was down from ing the operating principles of intern The bride wore a gown of white final report of our campaign with of his stepfather, Paul Girard, Millet stated that F'ridays Fort I»ewl* to spend the week end al combustion engines, engine auxil- allowed. satin princess style with full-length the names and contributions of our The Prepared Tin Can is a can •>ssure and air systems The b" “ * • 111 ”r ” " h Mr and Mrs D n tiain and carried a bouquet of free- donors, who so kindly donated to the that his been prepaied in the follow- curriculum ____. r. _______ *■—sfc _____ w°uld be available ey Drorbaugh. includes practical exper ‘ ,ce and , *lal sias, gardenias and white orchids. Red Cross Wat Fund Campaign for ing manner: (1) The can must be ience in repairing this type of equip to write permits at that time If it The Galloways’ now have three Miss Margaret Malmquish wasI 1943. and thus helped make it a sue- washed clean, (2) Paper labels ment. is found necessary, additional office tioys in the service, Alfred Galloway maid of honor I cess. must he removed <3 Both ends is now in training at Farmingdale, L. Tne Bluejacket was specially select days will he announced later. Best man for Mr. Rex was Mr. We earnestly request all common must be out out (4) F'nds must ed to attend the school upon the ba — --------- a — ------ I., ground service, airplane Lome John HcLeod. ity chairmen to get their i ports t > be inserted, step on can sufficiently sis of a series of aptitude tests taken Baby Shower Galloway, who went in January, and Mr and Mrs. Rex will make their the county chairman im m eiiateiv to flatten during recruit training. One of the largest affairs given by who w,“nt in £!,*rch ar* ,both --------------- V ------ after completing their soliciting home at The Dalles the West Community club March in «he same <:amp at Farrarut.^ Idaho These reports should be in Hillsboro -------------------- V — —------------- - To Hold Open Meeting 31st was a sto, k showe, given for Cady and Mo by Monday. April 5, to get into that LIB R A R Y NOTES The Washington County Public M,s W S Wridge daughter of Mr . 'T " * ■,,' d;.n,* Cedar Mill School week's t>aP * '" Health association is holding theit A new book in the Beaverton Pub- and Mrs O. Thomas of Cooper Mt , at the Univeraltyy of Oregon making The Cedar Mill school youngsters -------------- V --------------- annual open meeting Tuesday. April lie Library is Now in November by by Mrs Frank Palmer and Mrs grada rsoorda foi the wlntai term have more than filled Uncle Sam's V- 6, 8 p m in chamber of commerce Josephine Johnson. F'rank Stock on Hart road. County’s Medical Men Sock with discarded hosiery Those bunging the most in each i _ r i e f » n « o A c t i v i t i e s mom Hillsboro i " Adolph 9 Tbs ■: tbs Ufa Mrs Opal Beaverton Woman loom wara awarded W ar Stamps ,,0 *n , Y ,, , 71 ! 1 " ' Moorht i family three daughters, father, moth- Emmons. Mis Virginia Mansfield, U / A A C P e r m i t Pure winnets were as follows * r ' " «»«velopment in the field of k and have lataat sound pietun ei the HaMmanias who Hva on a Mrs Gladys Savage, lira Schell ” r v c c r ui i Portland'« W AAC recruiters an Katherine O'Connor in Miss Ti uen-, Pr®Pald medical and hospital care for on social hygiene No admission small midwestein faim whieh the Mrs. Marie Moore. Mra. Celia employe groups in civilian as well charjrr biit for adults only father is working as a last resoit In Howe. Mrs Donsl$[ Sipe, Mia Chrta- nounced the enrollment of Mr«. Fll- back's room. ; I as defense activities was announced an effort to provide some security tine Wold. Mis Laura Clawsen, Mrs fiedia I. Edmiston of Beaverton In --------------- V —------------- Judy Sharpe in Mrs. Allyn's room. She returned yesterday by Dr A O Pitman, presi for his children. Albert Erickson. Mrs Otto Schulz, the woman's army. Bobby Clark in Miss Cooke's room. dent of the Washington County Marriage License* The story is written from tne point Mrs Bertram Omodt, Mr« Mary Cav- home to await her call to active duty Delores Katterman in Mrs Stroe- Formerly employed as a secretary Medical Society Ferdinand McFadden Beaveiton of view of Marget Haldmarne and is a ness. Mrs. Geo Sipe, Mra. W E ve's room. Edmiston Oregon's medical profession is ful and Florence Kelly, both of Beaver assumed to be written at the end o f Crocker. Mis. T A Bye, Mrs D A . in a doctor’« office. Mr» ---------------V ---------------- hospital tech filling its pledge to render the high ton. the tenth yeat of the family life on Beard Mis Fred Weltz. Mrs Isabell nician in the women's army She is est type of medical care to employe Special Speaker Thomas. Miss Florence B- ard. Robeit Moore, 2241 F'llnt st Port the farm Rev Olson superintendent of the groups through Oregon Physicans and U la Sulhvan legal Beas The land is the background, chang- Out o f town gubsts were Mrs Ev a graduate of Banks high school and Christian Setvice Men's Center, will Service. the approved state-wide , rf on ing and beautiful in a thousand ways erett Vose. and Mr« Dora Vote of a former student at Multnomah col She if past vice president of be the speaker at installation services medical service plan sponsored by each hour, but essentially the author Seaside. Oregon. Mrs J S Buxton of lege John K Hilleinan. 710» SW the American Legion auxiliary at of the young peoples meeting of the Oregon State Medical Society. yon lane and Elsie R Turnbull, 7109 wr,t®» of people, the intoleiable lone Portland, and Mrs. Toni Voorhies Granta Haas and baa been active in United Presbyterian church which A laige percentage of doctors in SW Canyon lane lines« of human beinga and the hard of Aloha meets in Gabel School Sundays at Oregon are cooperating in the ser- i breath taking interplay of human Many lovely gifts were received bj garden clubg and women clubs Her mother. Mra. Martha Jones, 6 30 p m Mrs Olson and two sol- vice plan, thus enabling the patient emotion« Mrs Wi idge BIRTHS dier boys will sing to have a free choice of cooperative ' — —V — ---------- Pot luck dinner was served, the) lives at Hillsboro. --------------- V--------------- Rev Olaon. assisted by Mrs Olson, physicians and surgeons in practic- Pearson Mr and Mrs Arthm R C HAKI.KH W. M T O N M IIIA V centerpiece was made up by Mrs will also have chaise of evening aer-1 ally all sections of the state and any- route 5, box 761, Match 21, a son Del Ohirles McConnahay, a resident of Palmer of a large «toik standing be-, Goes to Training School vires Sunday. April 4 at 8 p m at.w heie in the United States A-choice bert L. Washington county since 1H96. was «'de a lovely bouquet of pink earn« I Private Robert W. Helm, son of Whitford Community Hall Visitors of hospitals is also offered Mr and Mrs Maurice Gtoaae. rout hurled Sunday He was born In tions and pink candles Mr. and Mr*. C. R Helm of Beaver are welcome ---- ------- V ------- -------- box 633 41. March 20, a son Maur Ohio He leaves hia wife, Kate C . ____________'v___________ — ton, haa been sent to the army air — V — Elimination of unnecessary passen ice W of Beaverton and three daughters. West H ill« Missionary Guild w ill! forces a.|vanred flying trainfng Th « womens' hosiery turned In ger car trips in the East Coast region Mr and Mrs Eldon J. Lindbloom Mis, Fred Mills. Mr». J R Lull of meet Tuesday evening. April 7th at --------------- V ----- ■izee the beginning of the Stocking is estimated to be saving 1450,<*/). Beaverton. March 18, a daught . Ni , Portland and Mra. J. P Wheeler of the home of Mr» D P McDonald,1 Th « Men at th« Front need you Salvage Campaign it placed end to gallon« daily. ua M. Beaverton. 1 Ruby ava., near Bertha Beaverton. help, NOW. ANNOUNCEMENT — :------v---------- V