Friday, March 26, 1043 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates • PERSONALS o I HELP W A N T E D Page HELP W A N T E D MEN OVER 18 YEARS 90e Per Hour DOGS B O A R D E D —Small, 35c a T W O Cent» a word per Uaue. NOTICE d ay; large 50c. H oule's Collie M inim um 25c CASH with copy Knls., Lr. B oone's Vy. Rd. nr T u Laborers wanted at once. M inim um Charge on C lassified alatin. Call T igard 3115. A ds not paid at T im e o f Inser Immediate job placement ! tion — 50c. I PAINTS Apply week davs onlv. W e Publish the Time and One-Half Over40 Hours B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E 'HOD CARRIERS Imlay's Fresh Working 48 Hours, Sundays Off M U LTN O M AH I'KK.SS AND T IG A R D s K x n . N U , Mixed Feeds BUILDING LABORERS A i.O ll \ N E W S FISHER THORSEN PAINTS C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington Union Local No. 2% F or quality, fa ir price and C ounty and W estern M ultnomah ROOM 215 service C ounty C overage LABOR TEMPLE W e assume no financial respon J. B. Imlay & Sons S W 4th A T J E F F E R S O N sibility for errors which m ay a p ALO H A. O R E R E E D V IL L E STEADY WORK pear in advertisem ents published M O S T L Y INSIDE W O R K in these colum ns but In case where this paper is at fault will Clean, Well Lighted Plant reprint that part o f an advertise ment in which the typographical Excellent Working Conditions Charles W esley A ndrew s vs m istake occurs. Good Opportunity f o r Better Scale Philip L. H aw ley Day W ork 8 A. M. to rime and ( )ne 1 lull L. D. M ahone, attorney at law ) REAL E S T A T E E SSEN TIAL INDUSTRY 611-12 M cK ay Bldg., Portland for Overtime 4:30 F. M. PREFABRICATING BUILDINGS L IST YOUR P R O P E R T Y with SUM M ONS W . E. K idder o f Tigard, for QUICK No. 148596 FOR G O V E R N M E N T Convenient to SALE. T igard 3322 In the Circuit Court o f the State o f O regon fo r M ultnom ah county. C harles W .esley Andrew s, P la in tiff Transportation I Brick, Tile. Masonary vs Philip L. H awley, and also all oth er parties or persons, unknown, LA B O R E R S claim in g any right, title, lien, inter Portland, ( )regon 90c Fer Hour est. o r estate in and to the real es tate described herein. D efendants. $46.80 for 48 Hour Week SEE YOU R D E A LE R T o Philip L. H aw ley and all par G EM S O F T H O U G H T S E R V IC E Columbia Brick Works ties and persons unknow n, claim ing S T E A D Y W ORK any right, title, claim .estate, lien or 18241 S E W a te r — P ortla n d Self-Examination UNION JOBS interest in the real property des K iln s a t G rea h a m -S ylv a n -S a lem cribed in the com plain t o f the p lain K now ye not that ye are the tern tiff: Must Be FhysicallvFit ! pie o f God, and that the Spirit o f FOR SALE In the name o f the State o f Ore l IT IF IC A T E S O F I God dwelleth in y o u ? I C orin th ia n s’ gon, you are hereby required to ap- j M UST H A V E C •ER I 3 16 F O R SA L E Bird cage on stand, i pear and answ er the com plaint filed A V A IL J r 1ILITY W e should exam ine ou iselves and rocker, library table. M is. M. C. ! against you in the above entitled ; SEE» | learn what is the a ffection and put | Morse, 337 W 7th at Main, B eaver- j C ourt and cause, on or before the ton. I expiration o f fou r weeks from the | G O LD B E R G , 900 SW 1 s t | pose o f the heart, for in this way ' only can we learn what we honestly Portland, O regon -------- - date o f the first publication o f th is ' at | are M ary B aker Eddy. F O R S A L E — R aspberry, Y oung- I sum m ons, which date o f expiration is Only by know ledge o f that which is berry, straw berry plants, R eas fixed by ord er o f the above entitled I COLU M BIA S T E E L CASTIN G CO. I not Thyself, shall tl yself be learned 3804 SW Crestdale Dr., cor Can- Court as the 9th day o f April. 1943; j I 0 » . ‘ i. Meredith W ANTED yon Dr. , if you fail to answ er and appear, the ---------------------------------------------------- ------I p la in tiff for w ant th ereof, will p e ti-, I O n ct lead thy ow n breast light, Rapiti \dvatuvnuMit for Men Willing to Work and MEN A N D W O M E N F O R SA L E T om ato and cabbage , tion the above entitled cou rt fo r re - 1 A id thou hast don > with fours! plants, W righ ts Greenhouse, Ber- lief as p layed fo r in his com plaint Mar. gets no oth er light, Learn a Trade for tha-B eaverton H iway & Lake Rd. jto-w lt: Search he a ih o tu v v l years. ______________________________________ _ T hat defendants and each o f them 1 Mathew Arnold SHIP SCALERS F O R S A L E 4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord be required to set forth the nature) Good pay and plenty o f overtim e B y th<»se thing.) exam ine thyself. W hat faith, hum ilitv, self-denial, lots). W rite J. O. Johnson, B x 584, o f their claim s and that all claim s o f F O R L O C A L S H IP Y A R D S , E X the defendants m ay be determ ined | an I love o f God and to man have Carlton, Oregon. PLANT NO. 1— 933 N W JOHNSON ST. P E R IE N C E U N N E C E SSA R Y , 95c by a decree o f this Court. there been in all my a ction s? John AN1> UP P E R H OUR ON DAY That a decree m ay be made and I P L A N T NO. 2. 734 NE 55th A V E F O R SA L E 3 o r 4 tons o f loose M .son. SH IF T . 10 ', M O R E ON SW IN G oat and clover hay. H. K. W est. 2 entered herein that the p la in tiff i 3 SH IF T . 15'; M O R E ON G R A V E | N ever let us be d'.n-or.raged with m iles N o f Beaverton. R2, Bx 551. , tbe ow ner, in fee sim ple o f the real ! oui selves. It is not w hen we are property and prem ises and every part I Y A R D S H IF T 1 conscious o f our fau l.s that we nre W om en must be age 16 and not F O R S A L E G ood gray Oats, L o th ereof; that the title o f the plain tiff over 45, and birth certificate re j the most w ick ed: oa the contrary, w cated 5 miles west o f Tigard, 4 '-a is good and valid; and that the de-J ; are less so. Fenelon. quired up to 24 years. War manpower certificates of availability fendants have no estate, title o r in miles from H ighw ay on B eef Bend terest in. or to the said land and road. John Baggenstos, R t 4, Box A pply basem ent o f Labor T em ple necessary premises, or any part thereof. | 303, Sherwood. L ocal No. 1404 T hat the defendants he forev er > P ortland, Oregon barred and enjoined from asserting WANTED any claim whatever, in or to the said S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S W A N T E D 25 to 50 last year RI prem ises adverse to the said plain tiff C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T A M ) Red hens; 2 or 3 weiners. D un and that plain tiff m ay have such F R E 1G H T W A Y S S U P P L IE S F O R T IIE D A IR Y other and further relief as the Court can Gray, Tele. Aloha 6461. IN D U S T R Y m ay deem wise and just fo r his costs A W ar Essential Industry W A N T E D -Glass Butter Churn. and disbursem ents incurred. Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS T his sum m ons is published by o r P hon e Aloha 6281. CAN USE P L A T F O R M O regon Mutual P olicies are NO N - ASS ESS A It I.E. You N E V E R pay der o f the H onorable M artin W. m ore than the prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual W A N T E D R ides to Swan Island H aw kins, Judge o f the above entitled MEN and MECHANICS m aintain» more than three tilin'# the surplus required hy Oregon B arracks, Hrs. 8 a m. to 5 p. m Court, made and entered on the 11th Insurance Law». Hdnufdfturm k (Mdrlbutort E. E. Martin. 154 Angel St., P h o n o ; da y 0 f March, 1943, directin g publica- ALSO PART-TIM E MEN I V « R Y T H INC* B eaverton 3475. | tion o f this sum m ons f o i fou r con - FOR PLATFORM Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company i D A IR YM A N u r iM T t in . . secutive w eeks In the M ultnom ah W ANTED AT ONCE -R a w le ig h p|.eM new, paper published Mult- o f M c M i n n v i l l e I N S ID E W O R K Dealer in South C entral M ultno- nom ah County, Oregon O rganized 1894 - .40 years o f R eliable Service Chao. L. W alker, Agent l o a n AMR C m . - ) alt L ake (irr mah County where R aw leigh P ro - 1 Date o f first publication, M arch 12. New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 Enjoy the Privileges and du cts have been sold fo r over 20 | 1943. Date o f last publication April years. O ver 20410 fam ilies. W rite 9, 1943. A T. 6161 135 N W P a rk Security of an Established "E v ery F orm o f P rotection " H illsboro, Oregon 'Rawleigh'*, Dept. ORC-52-F, O ak L D. M AH ON E. A tty ■Ata fo r P la in tiff Industry land, Calif. 611-12 M cK ay. Bldg A P P L Y P E R S O N N E L O F F IC E B E S T P R IC E for R abbit fryers, D. p M acDonald, R 2 . Bx 218. Beaver Victory Gardens Necessary C O N S O L ID A T E D ton. Phone 2260. W ith citizens faced with an actual F R E 1G H T W A Y S | shortage o f food , as indicated by the M IS C E L L A N E O U S ¡a llow a n ce o f canned fruits and vege 1509 N W 2()th AVE. tables under the point rationing pro- R. D. B O D LE C O M P A N Y will re P ortland, Oregon . . t g i am, V ictory G ardens will be o f j ceive I B lackcaps in 1943, Highest , fju. more im portance this yeai than | m arket price, Sherw ood, Oregon jn past y , ara A ddress 334 SE Yamhill. Tel J s A num ber o f cities, including P ort- j W IL L YOU DO Y O U R P A R T IN .mlJU.4 9167, Portland. land and Salem, have arranged fo r j THE W AR E FFO R T? r v .- w l Stock pick ed up free o f listings o f plot* o f land whereon per-] W e W IL L DO OURS. ' ch arge anywhere. CaU sons m ay g ro w gardens. In these I collect. UN. 1221; night call c ‘ ties no charge is made for use o f \YE NEED CH. 2403 or UN. 0449. D E N L E Y city-ow ned lots 11> H Ö K E R S E T T E R S AND R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. j T “ e extension division o f O regon _____ _________________________________State college has launched a state- RIGGING MEN IIID E S A W O O L, CASCAR-A— A wide V ictory Garden program and specialty. L E E ItKOS., 23 SW (iefonse cou ncils should coopérât« If unexperienced and are willing to Flay, Portland. Atw ater 5334. b o bring success to this m ovem ent w ork we will train you and pay going __|A 11 vacant lots in cities, suitable f ori wages. Call o r w rite F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E production o f vegetables, should be j M O T O R CO. P hone T igard 3381. so used as all hom e grow n produce | Willamette Valiev Linbr. Co. harvested will aid to relieve the na- Hlark Kook Gr OI. A t 9311 . Portland tion s food shortage LUMBER PILERS Handling Dressed Lumber Cut Stock Loadinq and Unloading Cars, Etc. for Defense Plant Legal Notices Essential Industry 95c per hour Buckler-Chapman THE ALADDIN CO. 200 N Columbia Blvd. Brick & Building Tile UN 1652 CHOOSE Permanent Employment Unskilled Men Needed Columbia Steel Casting Co. De Lavai iDmron Cmll SIX Big Publications! ) A ll for One Year 112 Issues in A ll Better famb Gardens CENTRAL LOCATION =11 = ill Close to downtown Close to transportation ]. P. Finley & Son ill FO U R T H A T M O N T G O M E R Y A T w ater 2181 III SW iñ Riverview Cemetery W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY HELP WANTED —-B O M B T H E JA P S W IT H J U N K - G E T IN T H E S C R A P - TOP THAT H E R E ’S W H A T Y O U GET Do you want permanent PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO. 1 yr. t ........ ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------- .00 1 yr. 1 yr. _ O N E FU LL Y E A R , and If you are already a you r present subscription will be extended one our o ffice A T ONCE, and you will receive THE and T H IS N E W S P A P E R each week that's «0 for only *3.00. O R D E R A T ON CE because we advance the price. Sign the coupon NOW and ________________ .________ 4_________________ USE THIS COUPON A N D SA V E I ■ Visit your nearest Gas Co. Office | = h True Story YOU W IL L G E T A LL S IX publications .for subscriber to A N Y o f these S IX publication», full year. Mail or bring the coupon below to H Y i . BIO M A G A ZIN E S by M A IL each m onth, m agazines and 52 new spapers 112 issues in all m ay, soon have to w ithdraw this offe r, or S A V E *300. Good pay! 2 0 0 . Public Service Bldg.. A ve.. Portlard. representative at U. S. Em \N. Stark St.. Rortland. 1 yr. All Six FOR ONE YEAR Regular Value $6.00~You SAVE $3.00 experience NOT necessary) oi see Mr. Buyers. Room 920 S. W . 6th or ask foi Gas Company ploym ent Office. 11 30 S. Better Homes and Gardens Beaverton Enterprise essential industry bill in slack periods between plowing, plant ing. haying and harvesting by working a week . . or a month whenever you can. 1 yr. American Poultry Journal in a long-established (Previous Woman’s Home Companion Farm Journal & Farmer’s Wife 1 yr. or seasonal work V.'e Need Men at our plant. C om plete Funeral Service In New C athedral Chattel at No E xtra cost R ivervlew is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f over *84)0,000 3 m m s lt3 lll3 illS lll3 lll3 lll3 lll=lll3 ltlS H I9 lH 3 m 9 lll3 in C tn 9 H fS lll9 H I9IH S Itl9 tll3 lll3 lll3lll3 ltl3 lll9 BEAVERTON ENTERPR ISE B eaverton. O regon ■ , ■ $3.00 D ato ___ Y e» indeed. I a ant to accept you r m agazine o ffe r before it is withdrawn. Enclosed Is *3 00 In FT ’L L PAYM ENT for a full one year < subscription, new or renewal, to your news paper and the follow in g F IV E m agazin es> BETTER HOMES ANI» GARBI- N> H O M I N '» HOME 4 (IM P AN IO * BEAN ERTÖN ENTERPRIMI I year I year I year I RI I. » I O R I 1 year FARM MU KN Al. A FARMER'S W IF E 1 yr AMERICAN FOI LTRY JOURNAL 1 year !•