F riday, M arch 19. 194.1 ____ BEAVI RTON I NTI RPRISE, Classified Rates • personals Beaverton, Oregon. Real Estate Transfers TWO CF Page 3 A Ration Book Data KIND DOOS HÖÄFU'KD—Small i l e a Jay Rinehart et ux to John Han day; large J » * Houl- s Collie - - Knls ■ a s r y . R j nr Tu- sen. W'-s o f I a >1 10 blk 48 North Tiains. alatin B E L IE V E \ ,,-t ff Igai-d 3115. Bustei J Rinehart et ux to John ■ - - , ) • Hansen, lot 9 blk 48 N orth Plains Stacey et ux to Geu Reed et ux. S - 1 ' [’t'ltB W S 4 56 acres sec 12 T2S R IW alav’s Fresh 1 S E Todd et ux to R oy E Mai shall et ux part lot 4 blk 31 Forest Grove ¿Mixed Feeds A rm our F Spaulding et ux to T L THORSEN PAINTS Miller et ux, lot 8 blk 2 Hidden Vil­ lage. Christian Sturm et ux to John Ja­ cob Reitei et ux, lots 6 and 7 blk 2 J. B. Imlay & Sons Kingston R B E D V X 1A B a l o h a , ORE Chas T. Imlay adm to Robert G regg et ux 6 acres sec 14 T1S R IW E du ard M Rasmussen et ux to Ja­ cob T aivestad et al. f a i t Norman h \ W Martin J.. H eibeiS B Johnson et ux to Elvin W Danielson part Ralph W ilcox cl 69 Charles W esley Andrews vs TIN R3W REAL E ST A T E Philip L. Haw ley F ian ces Pearson to J. A Holman, LIST YOUR P R O P E R T Y w i 111 L D Mahone, attorney at law lots 8, 9. ,v 10, blk 3 Sherwood acre* W. E. K idder o f Tigard, fo r QUICK 611-12 M cK ay Bldg . Portland J A Holman et ux to Janies I Ber­ SUMMONS SALE. Tigard 3322 ry et ux lots 8, 9. & 10 blk 3 Sher- : No. 148596 wood Acres. i In the Circuit Court o f the State o f | Brick, Tile, Masonary Orian C R obinson et ux to Bert W Oregon fo r M ultnomah county. Green et ux lots 15, 16 Conzelmann Charles W .esley Andrews. P lain tiff Bros. Acres. vs Philip L. H awley, and also all Jack Meier et ux to Benj P Sheets > other parties or persons, unknown, et ux lot 14 tract 1 Boulevard Hghts claim ing any right, title, lien, inter­ Alma I.ichty et vir to R obert T SEE YOUR D E A LE R est, or estate in and to the real es­ Edw ards et ux lots 9 and 10 blk 7 tate described herein. Defendants. Columbia Brick Works Orenco. T o Philip L. H aw ley and all p a r­ Cora B Dowell to F O R ook er et 1320 SE W ater— Portland ties and persons unknow n, claim ing ux. lot 10 blk 3 Pattison & M oian 1st K ilns at Gresham -Sylvan-Salem any right, title, claim .estate, lien or add H illsboro . interest in the real property des­ y ^ i ' l i ' / ’) John P M cCarthy to David E cribed in the com plaint o f the plain FOR SALE Dapp et ux. part o f secs 3 and 4 T1S tiff: R IU ’WM In the name o f the State o f Ore­ F O R SA L E '35 C hevrolet Coupe A .1 Heskett et ux to C larence A radio, heater, good condition, 75't gon, you are hereby required to a p ­ Schaad et ux tracts 65 and 66 Cheha- John A R asm ussen to J R Harbin pear and answer the com plaint filed new tires $235. P hone Tigard lcm Mountain Orchard Tracts et ux 2 acres o f lot 296 Johnson Est Tire Inspection against you in the above entitled 2506. after 4 p. m. W allace J Ehlert et ux to H R Ro- add to B eaverton-Reedville acreage Necessary for Gas Court and cause, on or before the deb— M cl ax part sec 22 T U R IW H H D'Spain et ux to W alter S from the F O R SA L E 8 pc W’ alnut Dining j expiration o f fou r w eeks P eriodic tire inspection require­ WM. Unis et ux lots 4 & 5 blk 7 Beaverton. date o f the first publication o f this set, blue leather seats, good condi­ Martin Oakes to Audry Ram bo Harry Jacobsen et ux to R ichard ments are in no way relaxed by the summons, which date o f expiration ¡3 tion $65. M iller, 209 Angel St., Hayes, lot 4 blk 15 North Plains A Rennison et ux part lor 281 John­ O ffice o f P rice A dm inistration's re­ fixed by order o f the above entitled freeing tire recapping Beaverton, call evenings. Anna Lund to A lbert O F aiber et son est add to B eaverton-Reedville cent order .C ourt as the 9th day o f April. 1943; ux tot 8 W oodland Acres. with passengei type cam elback from acreage. if you fail to answer and appear, the W innifred E R eeves et vir to lA>on- O Frank W eibel et ux to Edward ration restrictions. M ayor Damon, FO R S A L E 2 ranges, you r choice, I plaintiff fo r want thereof, will peti- a id Atkinson et ux tract 31 Lost G Gill st ux 40 actes in sec 11 T1S chairm an fef the local W a r Price and $10 each. Talents at Tigurd. tion the above entitled court for re- Park. i R ationing Board, said todav R3W W M . lief as prayed fo r in his complaint, Gunnat B erggren et ux to Edward J B Im lay A- sons to Antone F The O P A officia ls made this state­ F O R SA L E 4 ft Dry Slab i3 cord to-w it: Meeuwsen et ux lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 13, It, Mulek et al lot 3 blk #2 M yeis add to ment to correct a mistaken belief ap lots) W rite J. O. Johnson. Bx 584, That defendants and each o f them 15 and 16 blk 37 North Plains R ted villc Hom es 5 acres. patently held by som e m otorists. C ailton, Oregon. ' be required to set forth the nature Em m a Scheurm ann to T S Johnson W H M eE ldow ney et ux to T M It is true that a ca r ow n er can get of their claim s and that all claim s o f et u\ 10 a cics in sec 15 T1S R3WW.U Spencer et al lot 5 Hillis add to Mllls- iiis tires recapped with reclaimed F O R SA L E W ood and coal R ange the defendants m ay be determ ined , L E W heelei et ux to Ruth G riffis, bc t o. rubber without first getting the rec­ $30 L ibrary table $6.50. 'u mile by a decree o f this Court, 7 M Spencer et ux to Albert E Er om m endation o f an officia l O PA in north on Cédai St., Beaverton. i That a deci ee m ay he made and part lot 2 and all lot 3 blk 37 South ickson et ux part lot 5 Hillis add to spector. M ajor Dam on said, But the Coast add to Hillsboro. R B. Medill. j entered herein that the p la in tiff 13 W illiam Svendsen et ux to W orth I ilisbor«. periodic inspection program to pie- ¡th e ow ner, in fee sim ple o f the real Bonham et ux part o f sec 22 T2S G eorge C M cFarland et ux to Carl serve tires rem ains In effect. I -1 - 1 : 8A LE— Got ( Lo Mo- property and prem ises and every part R 2W W M E> Salts et ux lot 3 blk 16 M ultno­ jto n sts w ho do not get the inspections cated 5 miles west o f Tigard, 4*4 th ereof: that the title o f the plaintiff j Faber et ux to Joseph mah Country Cluh add plat 4 P.-n U miles from H ighw ay on B eef Bend made and recorded on their Tire In is good and valid; and that the d e ­ Florence B H am m er to Charles E spection R ecord s will not be eligible i Stretcher et ux part blk 3 Hillsboro. road. John Baggenstos, Rt 4. Box fendants have no estate, title o r in ' | R oy E Marshall et ux to P A Condon et ux part o f sec 36 T1S for renewal o f gasoline rations or for 303. Sherwood. terest in. or to the said land and : Kalsch et u\, part lot 4 blk 31 Foi - R 1W W M . purchase o f tires in the future. premises, or any part thereof. , . Grove. — V ------------------ - W ANTED That the defendants he foreve Passenger cars with B and C mile . . . , . . . Hansine Jorgensen et vir to Harry A M ilwaukee aldeim an proposes age ration hooks and those which get barred and enjoined from asserting Jenni W right, et ux lot 2 W illia m , W A N T E D —R ides to Swan Island uny claim whatever, in or to the said | Acre>< turning 5.000 vacant lots owned by bulk rations as m em bers o f fleets B arracks, Hrs. 8 a. m to 5 p. m. are (w ere) required to get initial tire prem ises adverse to the said plaintiff |' Eli2abeth c Tom linson et vir to El the city into V icto iy gardens E. E. Martin. 15-» Angel St., Phone and that plaintiff «pay have suc.i , mer L G — V ------------------- - inspections not later than February e et ux 5 acre8 in , „ ul Beaverton 3475. This is (w as) the deadline for other and further relief as the C ourt j ,.elw ood o rch a rd s Amended Plat. Cutting the tin content o f tooth­ 28. may deem wise and just for his costs com m ercial vehicles also. , .Motorists paste and shaving cream tubes will Skyline Land Co. to W M Hoard W ANTED AT O N C E —R aw leigh and disbursem ents incurred. , who have only A rations have until save, about 100 tons o f tin in 1943. et al part o f sec 36 T3N R3W W M Dealer in 1’t. W ash in gton County This sum m ons is published by o r ­ the end o f M arch to get their Initial _ V ---- .— J J Cox to JJ W ism ei et ux part of where R aw leigh P roducts have der o f I inspections. the H onorable Martin W. A high school in Hazelton, Pa . been sold fo r over 20 years. Over Hawkins, Judge o f the above entitled sec 5 T3N P.4WWM -------------- v --------------- The Reed In stitu te to Leonard W started a tin can collection contest 25(10 fam ilies. W rite R aw leigh's, .Court, made and entered on the 11th Eaton et ux lots 1 and 2 blk 8 Mult Allied troops fighting in North A f­ between room s and wound up the Dept. ORC-42-F, Oakland. Calif. day o f M arch, 1943, directing publica nom ah Country club add plat No 3 rica m e fam iliar with rationing o f week with 29.000 cans. tion o f this sum m ons fo r four con ; Franz C Pauli Jr. et ux to Charles the scarcest com m odity there water. B E ST P R IC E fo r R a b b it fryers. D. sccutive weeks in the M ultnom ah | Delos W illiams et ux part blk 11 Sim­ ra­ An 82-year-old Gnlesville, WIs.. From private to general, water P. M acDonald, R2, Bx 218. B ea ver­ Press ,a newspaper published in Mult- j mons add to Hillsboro. m echanic, with a single machine In tions are identical. ton. P hone 2260. nom ah County, Oregon. Annt\ Bella Skinner et al to Anna his home, turns out parts for naval ------------------- V -------------------- Date o f first publication, March 12, V Cox part o f sec 1 T IN R 5W W M . ordnance as a war production sub­ Use W ant Ads as a short cut to 1943 Date o f last publication April i M ISC ELLAN EO U S L L Bellinger et ux to Martin contractor. i finding a buyer. 9, 1943. Ernst et ux 90 35 acres in T IN R2W R D. B O D L E C O M P A N Y will re­ L D. M AHONE. Atty. fo r P la in tiff’ WM. ceive B lackcaps in. 1943, Highest 1 611-12 M cK ay Bldg Com te & K ohlm an Co to W m J m arket price, Sherw ood, Oregon. M archewa et ux 6.67 acres in O rch ­ Tell you r lawyer to send your le Addi ess 334 SE Y am hill T el.-K A st ard Homes. 9467, Portland. ?als to this paper. Lloyd O S tiatton et ux to James A Shaw part o f Hart DLC 60 T1S D u id s,o ck picked up free o f ! R1W W M . ch arge anyw here. Call Cassius Johnson et ux to Donald E collect. UN. 1221; night call M cEwen et ux 0.4896 acres in Steel's CH 2403 or UN. 0449 DENLEY add Beaverton. . . . R E N D E R IN G C O , Portland. R J W oodm an et ux to E W Feldt et ux part sec 19 T3N R 4W W M . HIDES A WOOI.. UASCARA— A John Fischer et ux to Herbert L specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW 1 F ischer et ux 75 acres in sec 22 T2S Clay. Portland. Atwater 5334. _3b(-'i,» n j R2W W M . Mjktjr "F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E oJWO f , E A G riffith et ux to E R ay Miller A.,»»*•/ in e M O TO R CO. P hone T igard 3381. et ux 3 93 acres in T IN R 2W W M ° Feruni Don R Chapman et ux to E A G rif­ fith part W m DLC No 42 T IN R2W NOTICE ! WM. L a b o re rs w an ted at once. E A G riffith et ux to Edwin O Snh- Im m ed iate jo b placem ent ! now et ux 0 287 acres in d e m o n 's add to Hillsboro. A p p ly w eek davs only. John W B ernards et ux to Jani-t HOD CARRIERS • S ‘* r ~ T V erboort 0 5 acres in T IN R3W W M AND =111=111=11 = 111 = 111=1!!= BUILDING LABORERS i T i in U n ion L oca l N o. 296 = iji ROOM 215 a Ml LABOR TEMPLE S W 4th A T J E F F E R S O N H E R E ’S W H A T YOU G ET i T i in TW O Cents a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with ccp> Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of Inser­ tion— 50c. M e Publish the B M V K K T O .X ENTMKPUl.SK MULTNOMAH J'HKSS T IG A R D S E N T IN E L A LO H A N EW S Complete E a s t a r z i W a s h in g to n ., County 4uiui Wnctarn Mult non.ah County Coverage* We u M n « ; bo financial respon­ sibility fo r errors w hich may a p ­ pear in advertisem ents published In these colu m n s but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f ar. advertise­ ment in w hich the typographical mistake occurs. ^¿0 -pOLl'T SEE Hiti ' •‘iv'"-'' -, Clip this Rationing Calendar and attach to ration book for conven­ ience. « RATION KOOK NO. 3 M arch 15— Boards will accept new 1 applications. RATION BOOK NO. I March 15 Boards will accept plications for Book No 1. riSTO SU G AR M arch 16 Stam p No. 12 good for five pounds, March 16-May 31 inclu- 1 siv.e. -Ti Legal Notices I COFFEE March 21 Stamp No. 25, w ar ra tion book No. 1 o f bookholders 14 I years of age or over, good for 1 pound o f coffee, expires at midnight FUEL OIL April 1 A fter this date u seis iniiv request supplemental rations, in cases o f special need. GASOLINE M arch 21 No. 4 stamps, each good fo r fou r gallons, expire at midnight T IK E S March 31 -Cars with A books must have tires inspected before this date Sam e basic rules as for passengei cars apply to m otorcycle D books. Brick & Building Tile SHOES June 15 Stamp No. 17, w ar ration book 1, valid for purchase of one pair o f shoes, expires at midnight Fam ily stam ps are interchangeable. CANNED MEATS FISH Retail, wholesale sales until fu rth er notice. suspended TOP THAI BUY WAR BONDS 0e Laval SEPARATORS — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT ANI» SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY M om k e U rte il. it . N tn u t e tu r m OH trtb u to r, - / **v I V I R VTHING . r ^ f '-» o a Ì h V maix T B rj F o r u a n o C a t . - l a u L a k i î i i z 135 NW Park AT. «461 An ad tells It effectively at a mini­ mum coat. SIX Rig Publications! A ll for One Year I Tell your law yer to send your le gals to this paper. I I III CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation J. P. Finley & Son SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY A T a ster 2181 M etals Ml IM T s * $50 W eek to $69 6th D av. ■ •H = Ml Ml = ■ £ ■ = III i Better Homes and Gardens 1 yr. Ml True Story 1 yr. iTi Farm Journal & Farmer’s Wife 1 yr. 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IJI ill W EST END SELLWOOD BRIDGE Woman’s Home Companion Ml tor lit s Ml Ti Ml Ti m til omplete Funeral Service In New athedrul C hapel at No Eztra cost tlvervtew is a co-operative aaso- lation with assets o f over $ 8 '«'000 and M in in g o r P rod u ction YOU CAN APPLY III CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY L u m b erin g O n N on -F errou s III Riverview Cemetery 112 Issues in A ll IF YOU ARE NOT EMPLOYED L o g g in g , in = ¡5 = Ml Ti - in s lit III = Mt I 111 r Ml III s ■ s III MISIIISMII B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E B eaveiton, Oregon $3.00 Date Yes indeed. 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