Page 4 ’ ] __ BE A V E RTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oreg • F r id a y . M a rch 12. 1042 I one kind to anothei by i eat range- within a few years a family may, A L O IIA A S S U M I».Y OF GOD State Short on nient of the atoms The fields of with little effort, raise its own food Sunday School 10 a. m. Waste Fat Quota Mis Anna Neill was surprised Fri­ fermentation also ^»ffers huge oppor- and far better food than can now be Worship 11 a. m. day afternoon with a plant showei It is very po ible that— bought Young people 6 30 p. m. Oregon collected a total of 66.271 tunities. by her pupils in honor of hei biith- | pounds of waste kitchen fats dui ing »m5in5iiigw£iii=Mi=ingni5iu=in3msiiiaingm5ni»mgiit«m* w « O T W W HF w m T Hia Evangelistic 7 40 p m. i ay. She was called into the prim- - Prayer and Hlnle study 7 45 p. i • January; marking the sixth suc- ary room and while she was gone th. 1 cissive month that increases ha .'u 'pupils arranged the plants on hei Thuisday. been recorded in the salvage of thi« desk. When she returned her pupils % y important war-time material, it was stood and sang Happy Birthday to A LO H A COM M UNITY | announced this week in a report is­ sued from the office of the Salvage You B A P TIS T CHURCH in The school is starting off well Graydcn D. Loree, Pastor committee in Salem. with their bond drive. Two lionds Sunday School meets at 10 o'clock, Claude I. Sersanous, chaitman of L o ^ in j- i. L u m b e r in g a n d M in in g o r P r o d u c tio n and several dollars worth of wai J J. Vincent Supt. ; the state salvage committee, polnt3 stamps were sold last week Moining woiship 11 a. m. lout that Oregon still has a long way Youth group meets at 7 p. m. to go to obtain its 1943 quota of 2.- ( )n N o n - F e r r o u s M e t a l s Mrs. Rosemary Aten spent the past Evenlng set vice 8 p. m. with a 340.000 pounds or an average of 195,- week at home recovering from a cai- Singspiration sermon Songs in the ! 900 pounds per month and that ev- • ery housewife should redouble hei tilage torn loose at her knee when Night. efforts to save every ounce ot thlr she fell while skating Mi d:week se,vlce Wednesday 8 m. Bible study in the hook of Reve- 1 most essential waste product i lation. Our biggest job at the present time, lo r Sersanous added, is to tell your neigh j "■ *- V hot's neighbor that no quantity' o f' K K K U V IL L E COM M UNITY fats is too small to save. P R E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH ----- -------- V------ Sunday School 10 a. m. Mis. Otto George, Supt, BIRTHS 'j Worship Service 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Enger, Beav Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. in Prayer Meeting and Bible study, j erton, Feb. 19 ,a daughter Dianne t. = Thursday 7 p m. V ------- ‘i! e KINTO N GREYHOUND Coffee Shop IF YOU ARE NOT EMPLOYED Hi'iidqiurU'rii for OREGON MOTOK STAG EM and HOME-COOKED GOOD EATS Modern Fountain Service for llo t W eather Itellef LYLE C. T A Y L O B O PE N 7 A M. to 9 P. M. « YOU CAN APPLY WAREHOUSE WORK IN SHIPYARDS B IG E N T E R T A IN M E N T Beaverton High School on ,,h Friday, March 26th Journal Juniors, Plus Fiv" ! LEGION A D M IS S IO N 50c A* ~HI=MI=lM=IM=MI=IM=IM=MI=IM=IM=IM=IM=IM=IM=IM=MISMI=MI=IM=IM=lM=rM=IH2MI=IM=MI= IJ ill yj hi ilj m § ÜÎ in » III S! 3 III Ijj III ijj III ill 3 Ml = III Change of Hours We will close at 8 p. m. Effective March 15th Ml Iji MILLER'S Ml ijj III ill Ml III o f. Hettei Living W ill Come Through Chemistry Beaverton's Quality Market ST. CECELIA CHURCH I Masses 8:30 and 10:30 a. m. --------------- V -------------- - CHURCH OF CH RIST G. W. Springer, Pastor Morning worship and preaching service 9:45 a. m. Topic The Chureh Symbolized. Following the sermon, Lords sup­ Ml per will be observed. Bible School class session 11 Christian Endeavor 6 30 p. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Topic Ml When I Make Up My Jewels. Midweek Bible study ‘ Wed. 8 P Tenth chapter o f Book o f Revela- tion. W EST IIII.I.S L U T H E R A N CHURCH SW Canyon Rd. near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz, Minister 1st Sunday in Lent 9:45 a. m Sunday School. 11 a. m. Worship Service with Holy Communion V _ BUY what you do need. Ml SE LL what you don't need. ¡f. 'I j I' Ml Ml in ■ III il III HISMISMISIMaa i = im I AT FIRST SION AN 14' ij iii = Ë in WAGES = ¡11 I $50 Week to $69 Week—-Time and One-Half on the ili = = 6th Daw Work at Am Shipyard >1' jjj i T i = III I 3 I Warehousemen’s Union s III III I m Imilt* your Lifiuls over untl s m e O L D S unny B rook DR4t\U Kentucky Straigb’ Bourbon Whiskey S M I T H The lew eler Bank Bldg. Beaverton 1 W . E. PEGG I W A R N O T E ; Our distilleries are 100% engaged in the production o f alenilo! for Mar purposes. I bis whiskey eomes from reserve stoeks. BUY WAR BONOS! PHONE B E A V E R TO N 341 90.4 Proof • National Distillers Products Corp., N. 1 •, SIX Big Publications! A ll for One Year ^ . . . 112 Issues\in A ll C ° 6 6 6 666 TABLETS. 5ALVE. NOSE DROPS THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... HERE S W H A T Y O U GET Woman’s Home Companion 1 yr. Better Homes and Gardens 1 yr. True Story 1 yr. ... . All Six FOR ONE YEAR $ 3 " Farm Journal & Farmer’s Wife 1 yr. American Poultry Journal 1 yr. Beaverton Enterprise 1 yr. Regular Value S6.00-You SAVE $3.00 ss p^n . FIVFy* R lr \H , i° m A nKh »he coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and H \F. KIG M AGAZINES by M A IL each month, and TH IS N E W S PA PE R magazines and 52 newspapers 112 ..sues ir. all foi onlv ORDER only $3'0 »3 '-0 ORDER may, sih . ii have to withdraw this offer, or advance the pi ice. Sign SAVK ÌJ U" U S E T H IS C O U P O N A N D S A V E "Looks like a pretty expensive rigar you've got there. Judge.” “ Yesiree, it’s a real good one. Bill. Won it from Chris down at the cigar store yes­ terday. He got pretty positive in a dis­ cussion we had and 1 had to take him up on it. Bet me three good cigars to my one that the three states that »till have pnv hibition have less crime than the other state». Well, all I had to do was step aenws the street to my office where I had some recent F. B. I. Figures in my desk drawer. Why, on the average, those three states have a worse crime record than the whole rest of the country. And there’s a good sound reason for it. Bill. There's no such thit^g as a dry community. It’s only a qin s- tion of whether liquor is sold legally or »7- Utally. And when it’s sold iillegally it means bootleggers, gangsters and more crime 1 r# #/ A k + é m u i « J hm ' u : Ml | SPRE. 4 D 4 B IT 0 F SUNSHINE T 0 N 1 C H T ! f M O R TIC IAN Beaverton, Oregon Estab, 1910 Serving 32 years Ml m u r i l N F. N TF.H FK lsi Beaverton. Oregon you will TH F each week ih _ . e . i AT O STF because h AT ONCE we the coupon NOW and $3.00 Date Yes. indeed. I want to accept your magazine offer before it is withdrawn F o r i.»* i i- ta on In FU LL PA Y M E N T for a full one years .ubscriptlon. new or renewal to 1 paper and the following F IV E magazines • ur ne* ' B F I T E R HOMES A N D G Y K D F N s X\ O M A N ’S H O M E ( I l M r t M l I N Ml W l u n » E N T E R F K I s t I year I year I year Mi Name is Town T R I E ATOR% I- %KM . A 1 \KMI R S W lF t A.MERH \N PO U LTRY Aditi < State H it K N \ l IOI R V V L iji I jjj =lli= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll=lll=lll= lll= H I= lll= tll= lll= lll= lll£ lll= IIISIII= lll= lll= lll= lll= IIISlll= lll= •"“ i iji ill Apply Between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 I*. M. IF YOU NEED A LA R M CLOCK See = iii = m Local 206 Room 500, Labor Temple = i ex, i ,a" i * f c * * . ,A * V 81* U* " ' ization has boundless possibilities. | w fill U .» pu Pit. A fam ily dinner to thp ahove are the possibili- »• will he served at 1 o clock to which changing of products from IJJ I all members and friends are invited. a s S ' A conisi o f all chinch workers s I will follow the dinner. 'I Ml ill T 'n M V Student-Pastor Continued from page 1 ger, operating both in the Noith and the South moving their help and machinery back an forth as the birds fly. I now see little hope for the small farmer whose farm is his only source of income. He needs a trade or profession for cash money. Chemistry 1» Our ¡lope - - -------- V ---------------- When, however, chemists operate N A Z A R K N E C III'K C II the Department of Agriculture, I see W I ’ KEERAUGH, Pastor a bright future for the families who Sunday School 9 45 a. m. 1 are combining a small subsistence Preaching Service 11 a. m. I farm with some trade or profession Young Peoples 6;30 p. m. Each year it will be easier and Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. • cheaper for them to raise what they ---- V — ------------ l need to feed their families Only B E TH E L as large cities get smaller and more CO NG REG ATIO N AT. CHURCH I of these little cooperative sustenance Willard B. Hall, Minister farms increase In number will Am­ 9:45 a. m. Church School. erica be better, safer, and happier 11 a. m. Worship. Our standard of living will be rais- 6 30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. I ed by the scientists in laboratories —V-.------------- ! tather than by the politicians in Con­ METHODIST CHURCH gress What has been accomplished Albert S. Hisey, D. D . Minister 1 in connection with hybrid corn, can 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. I be repented and extended with sugar 11 a m. Preaching service. j beets, soybeans, potatoes andtoma W. S. C S. meets Wednesday. toes. The combining of careful Sunday, March 14 will be pulpit breeding and scientific soil mineral- Sponsored By i 3 Hampton, BEAVE KTO V CHUKCII EM LU TH E R A N CHURCH B E A V E R TO N Regular Lutheran services every Sunday morning 11 30 in Kiwanis hall. Lutherans of this vicinity and others with no church affiliations are urged to worship with us. Rev E W. Himrichs Professional Acts KIY4 I M S CLUB and AM ERICAN Harry i > f I >e*r I 1 ^ Ml