Friclav, Fdbritarv 26 . 1043 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Ore iron Classified Rates '• PA1NTS T W O Cents a w ord per isaue. M inim um 25o CASH with cop> M inimum Charge on C lassified A ds not paid at Tim e o f Inser lio n —50c. W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E M U LTN O M AH PRF.SS T IO A B O S K N 1 IN E L <1.011 \ N E W * C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington County and W estern M ultnomah County C overage W e assum e no financial reepon- slbility for erior* which may ap pear in advertisem ent* published in these colum ns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertise ment in which the typographical m istake occurs. ) MISCELLANEOUS D ead stoc*t Picked tip free o f collect. UN. 1221; night call CH 2403 o r UN 0449 DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. H ID E S A W OO L, CAST A R A — A specialty. L E E BRO S.. 25 SW Ultvy, Portland. A tw ater 53:14. \\ Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS Guy Wires ff ^fie c/uz<,r»ici+ts o f the ffestese Áayal AffcU *5 cemvrnitül sparts t/ut, BY GUY W A D S W O R T H On H itler’s tenth anniversary in F or quality, fair pi ice and ■ pow er it was discovered that his j service physical con d ition was sadly depleted ■ It seem s that the Cat has His T on- , J. B. lmlay & Sons Russian Bear had his r e e d v il l e a ' . u h a , o r e . gue and the heels. i after thorjxiç/y mtreSüpcCCcon,, o n ff 0 percent o f iVie astrr corttnictcrKs cosrc^puoicL ntafmp ¿ ¿ a s s iti ¿w f- tCs.^ estese c< 2 >v ¿*e autorndUozCCu' Siffect exit bp Vie PeportmMCt o f Internat ßeisp tue. ui computano^ encomi. taxes. Po ztrfip are amvp c f ' &iousa nar to àie óizrés of Vie 95 plrzùnt astio are kostest:. FOR RENT I I 'OR R E N T 5 acres o f land on Cheer up! W hen house-hunting shaies. About 2 miles east o f Ti- ceases to be the biggest problem con- gard. o f f highway. Mrs. A. T. fronting civilians over here, it will M orrison, care T igard Sentinel. be just the beginning o f a big heud- j -------------------—-------------------------------------- I ache ( m A. Hitter, m et there • FOUND FOUND Stray Com at W Page 3 H The fiien d ly old grocerym an , w ho Hunters. B ox 551. Beaverton, near |. ‘ V*._**11u'**fL ' . ... .. . . . . used to ask the sam e question W ill there be anything else? in tw o very d ifferen t tones, to his cash custom er and his slow -pay one. now directs • LOST the same question, with yet a third LOST Black baseball mit. Re-J m eaning, tow ard W ashington, as he turn to H olland’s Feed Store. | ing. B eaverton. R ew ard 50c. On¿p p ~ percent oft Legal Notices T hose nazi generals who started around Stalingrad, on opposite sides, forgot to say Bread and Butter first. Any A m erican sch oolboy could have SUMMONS F D R T O W C A R call V E K JJILY E predicted Bad Luck for them, fo r No. 148-078 M O T O R CO. P hone T igard 3381. In the Circuit Court o f the State o f om m itting the m agic words. O regon fo r the County o f M ultno 0 Brick, Tile, Masonary W aitress in D efensetow n embezzles mah. one hundred dollars from em ployer. M AU DE E A L E X A N D E R . He hesitates to m ention same to her P laintiff, foi fear she may quit her job. vo. * S A M U E L J. A L E X A N D E R , SEE YOU R D E A LE R Mussolini tells Italians to hold on ! we hope will not becom e iuiiiiiic out Defendant. skip that for now. T o Samuel J. Alexander, D e fe n d a n t:! Columbia Brick Works A m on g the listeners was Frank E IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E ] one coat 132« SE W ater— Portland T ripp, general m anager o f the G an OF OREGON: You are hereby re Kilns at Gresliani-Sytvan-Saleni nett Newspapers and radio stations quired to appear and answ er the heaid the regular announce A state highway director announces H e H undreds need used fu rn itu re— above entitled suit on or b efore th e! that one quarter million less high- ment, then a succession o f com m en Then a carrier delivered the place a Sale Ad, if you need the cash. expiration o f four weeks from the j way maps will be printed this year. tatoi'8. ; date o f the first publication o f this Thus, war robs us o f one more pleas- E lm ira <N. Y ) A dvertiser's exti a on Y ou might | sum m ons. If you fail so to appear ju r e : that tif perusing the maps to see the Casablanca story. FOR SALE and answer, for want thereof, the f where we might g o . if it weren't for think that it could have brought j apply to the Court the acute rubber shortage, gas ration- nothing to a man who had been lis P O T A T O E S $1.50 Y ou P ick . D. p la in tiff will tening only tto that news for an hour P. M cDonald. B eaverton 2260. R2 fo r the relief prayed fo r in her corn- ! ing, and incidentally, the war. or m ore, hut T rip p read the extra plaint, tow it: An absolute decree o f ' Bx 218, Beaverton. divorce. W hen the newspaperm an was in- anyway. Thia sum m ons is published by or- form ed by a w aitress that she could F O R SALE S pringer heifers, and In his January 27 colum n in the cow s $75 each, S. A. Gotter, der o f Donald E Long, Judge o f the no longer serve him coffee, alone, he E lm irá Star-Gazette, he told this ! above entitled Court, and dated the left the restaurant, to prom ptly re- story, declaring that the printed page Scholls. Oregon. _ 3rd day o f February, 19*3. 1 turn with his buddy. gave him 21 distinct facts which had Dated and first published F ebruary not registered on his consciousness W A N TE D 5th, 1943 H itler ordered no sw astikas dis via the air or the ear. Frank T ripp Date o f last publication, M arch 5th, played on the tenth anniversary o f can qualify as an Impartial witness R ID E R S W'anted Day shift, V an 1943. the nazi party. All E urope approved, in this instance, and his conclusion is cou ver Y ard, E. B a y o ff, call LESTER SHEELEY. Even Joe Stalin com plied with the w orth a lot o f thought. He w rote: D ean's Drug, Beaverton. A ttorney fo r P la in tiff order by hauling dow n the nazi em “ The radio is the news bulletin 306 Spalding Ruilding blem from above the oil city o f Mai board, the new spaper the referable W A N T E D — T o Rent Unfurnishe 1 Portland, Oregon kop. printed record the textbook o f the H ouse, 3 b ed ioom s o r larger. A d ---------- — - v --------------------------- news. Both are essential. vise R obert Spencer, 408 S on 2nd N O TICE TO C K K IH T O B S Ave., B eaverton 3384. ‘‘But it will be just too had If No. 5717 News You Remember Y ou n g A m erica ever gets the notion In the County Court o f the State it can rem em ber enough o f W A N T Transportation fo r patient, j o f Oregon, fo r the County o f W a sh All o f us were hallyhooed Tuesday that evening into listening for the prom ■hat it hears to be well and a c c u 3 tim es a week, from Garden ington. H om e to Portland doctor. R ay In the M atter o f the Estate o f ised "announcem ent to the Am erican rately in form ed .” people” . The advance notice was a V ery well put, Mr. Tripp. E ditor Clara A Meyers. A ntrim . A loha 6421. stunt which and Publisher. N otice is hereby given that the un- strange and artificial BEST I ’ KI CK I'm Rabbit f i yei s 1 ' dersigned Sydney D. M eyers, has P. M acD onald, R2, Bx 218, B eaver been appointed execu tor o f the E s tate o f Clara A. Meyers, deceased, by ton. P hone 2260. the County Court o f the State o f O re gon. for W ashington County, and j POULTRY HEADQUARTERS has qualified. All persons having j H ighest prices paid. A sk about claim s against said estate are here-1 Form Approve«!. Bu«lgrl llurcmi No. 0R-HI26 42 our pick-up service. by notified to present the same, M *1. * P O U L T R Y & D A IR Y duly verified to the undersigned at I O n e cop y o f this D eclaration must be filed Northwest products co . O P A F o r m N o . K -1301 with the Office o f P rice A d m in istration by 602 M cK ay Bldg.. P ortland, Oregon, | 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon each person a p p ly in g for W ar R ation Hook within six m onths from the date T w o fo r the m em bers o f a fam ily u n it, and E A . 5141 U nited S tates of A merica hereof. by each person who is n ot a m em ber o f a fa m ily un it. File at the site designitted. Dated and first published Feb. 12, S W A N IS L A N D G raveyard "D ” nite C oupons will be deducted fo r excess supplies O F F I C E OF 1943 Last publication March 12, 1943. | o f the food s listed below a cco rd in g to the R oam ers R est Nite, 10 p m Durham, PR IC E A D M IN IS T R A T IO N S Y D N E Y D. M E Y E R S . E xecu tor,] schedules annou nced by the Otfice o f P rice Ti gui d, G reenberg, G arden Hom e, A d m in istra tio n . Arthur Langguth, A ttorney for E xe Sylvan, Swan Island, Otto B ro ck - 1 cutor, 602 M cK ay Building. Portland, hans. P hone T igard 2477. Oregon. u m r C em tm cto rs O rt- fb u n t "Co m ake Ä SK cùr n ot 4xce&cf 2 percent a fter- Brick & Building Tile You'll Have to Fill This Out NOTICE L a b o r e r s w a n te d at on ce. Im m e d ia te j o b p la c e m e n t! A p p ly w e e k d a v s o n ly . HOD CARRIERS T he license fees for licensable dogs over the age o f eight m onths and for such dogs ow ned or kept within the State o f O regon over 30 days fo r the year 1943 are: M A LE DOG $100 AND F E M A L E DOG 1.50 Spayed Fem ale D og 1.00 BUILDING LABORERS A fter M arch 1st, 1943, the license U n io n L o c a l N o . 296 fee is $1.00 m ore fo r failure to p ro ROOM 215 cure license fo r the dogs above stated Also, a fter March 1st, 1943. the fee LABOR TEMPLE is $1.00 m ore fo r failure to procure S W 4th A T J E F F E R S O N licenses fo r licensable dogs becom ing T ell you r law yer to send your le over 8 m onths o f age a fter March 1st, 1943, and fo r dogs ov er eight gala to this paper. m onths old ow ned o r kept within the State o f Oregon over 30 days after M arch 1st, 1943. L icenses m ay be ordered by mail. State the name and address o f the person to w hom the license is to be Close to downtown issued, and the sex o f the dog. Fees are payable to Close to transportation W. A T U P P E R County Clerk CENTRAL LOCATION I. P. Finley & Son SW F O U R T H AT M O N T G O M E R Y A T w ater 2181 • Httteboio, < >! ifa a Published by O ld e r o f the County Court o f W ashington, County, O regon 'W h at y cut ß tttf. lA Jitlt Riverview Cemetery \ w \ \ W E ST END M EM .W OO D B R ID G E m in d s W om en at W ar today are saving for W om en at P e a ce when the War is won. They are buying W ar Ronds as thrifty housewives, saving to buy those handy, convenient and neces sary electrical appliances when their Bonds mature. CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY C O N S U M E R D E C L A R A T IO N Processed Foods and Coffee Dog License Notice I IIF R F R Y C E R T IF Y that I am au th orized to apply fo r and reeei*r a W or Killian ftimli T w o fo r each person listed below w ho i- a m em ber o f my fa m ily unit, o r the oth er person o r persons fo r w hom I am acting w hose II <ir Killian H ook O n e I have subm itted to the B oard ; That the nam e o f each person anil n u m ber o f his or her II at Kalian K o o k O n e are accurately listed below ; That n on e o f these persons is co n fin e d o r resident in an institu tion , o r is a m em ber o f the A rm ed F orces receiv in g s u b s i s t en ce in kind o r rating in separate m esses u nder an o fficer's com m a n d ; That n o oth er a p plication fo r M at Kalian Itaak Two fo r these persons has been m a d e; That the follow in g inventory statements are true and in clude all indicated fo o d s ow ned hy all p erson , in clu ded in this D ecla ra tion : C a ffe « 1. P ou nds o f c o ffe e ow ned on N ovem ber 28. 1912, m inu s 1 pou n d fo r each person in rlnded in thi* D eclaration whose age as staled on W ar Ration B ook O ne is 14 years or o ld e r _________________ _______ _______ 2. N um ber o f persons in clu ded in this D eclaration whose age as stated on W ar Kation B ook O ne is 14 years o r o id rr. . , . . . » ____________ I n o il* Inrlutle all rom m erria lly ran ned fruits (in clu d in g s p ice d ) ; can n ed vegetables; can ned fruit and vegetable ju ic e s ; canned soups, rliili sailer, and catsup. D a n ot inrlutle canned oli\ es; can ned meat and ; pickles, relish ; jellies, jam s, and preserves; spaghetti, m a ca ron i, ami n o o d le . ; o r h om r-ca n n ed fo o d «. 3. N um ber o f cans, bottles, and jars (8 -o u n r r size o r la rg e r) o f rom m errially pa ck ed fruits, vegeta bles. juices and sou ps, rliili s n i f f and rat.tip ow ned o n February 2 1 , 1913, m inus 3 fo r each person included in this D eclaration. . • ........... .... 4. N’ um lw r o f persons included in this D eclaration. . . . . . . . .................... . T h e nam e o f each person in elod ed in this D eclaration am i the num ber o f his or her W ar Kation B ook O ne is; Print Hama Numbar 0 e Laval “ a '* - r*\ ‘ A ■ I V * R> I H I S I , Ite NW Jg f a w n AMD Park C m -- ¡ALT SHIPYARD PAINTERS Experienced for Steady Work Inexperienced M ay be Traine d 7. ittwmk Criíell , J Lu True, the original bill has been amended; but the amendments still authorize each department con cerned to refigure contract prices. This means the employment of a vast number of special auditors and accountants. Congressman Disney points out that there should be an automatic method of screening out contractors from those whose profits are not excessive, “ so that we will not have to use, in renegotiation, all of the accountants in the country.” A proposed amendment whittles at the original law and limits rene gotiation to contracts which show more than 2 per cent profit. But this is no time for half-way measures. That sort of plan would still require a lot of unnecessary employees on both government and contractors’ payrolls. The Solution The Internal Revenue department has a yearly check on all profits. It figures the taxes paid in all indus tries, including those with Army, Navy and Maritime commission con tracts. If the Internal Revenue au thorities discover an abnormal profit from any war work in any business, after payment of taxes, it could so certify to the department concerned so that renegotiation could be start ed. The ones that are within the fair and reasonable limit of 2 per cent profit after taxes would require no attention, and in that way mil lions of man-hours would be saved and duplication of effort, and delays caused by extra forces of employees refiguring contracts, would be avoid ed. The Disney amendment, which seems simple and effective, has not yet been adopted. Yet it amply guards against excess profits, with a minimum of interference with war time production and at the same time providing escape from the new load of non-essential payrollers which the original law threatened. The ordinary man therefore con cludes: Why not let the Internal Rev enue tax man do the whole job at one sitting? Why not save the time of industrial management and em ployees for vital work? Why not use the established check on costs, and at the same time save the expense of extra payrollers? Most of those payrollers could well be used in the armed service, or on farms, or in factories, or in some other productive kind of work, in stead of occupying desks in Washing ton. They would then be doing some thing to help win the war. ALSO S E P A R A T O R S — M il.H E R S C O M P L E T E E Q l IP M E N T AND S U P P L IE S FOR T H E P A IR A IN D U S T R Y dairyman “ Renegotiation of w;u contracts” is u heuvy-sounding term, and news paper readers in the sections of America where public interests are localized and largely agricultural may wonder how such a subject can concern them. But since every taxpayer has a personal stake in any measure that increases government expense and adds to the public payroll, especially at a time when every dollar is need ed for the w ar effort, then this ques tion of contracts for equipment and supplies becomes vital to all. “ Renegotiation” In the early days of lend-lcase and of the huge task of mustering an armed force of millions of men, a few contractors receiving fat orders saw in these government contracts only a new gold mine. To meet the relatively small number of abuses which were brought to light, the last Congress passed a law requiring that all new and old Army, Navy and Maritime Commission contracts be written with a “ renegotiation” clause, so that they could be rettg- ured in the search for cases where contractors were making too large a profit. This law requires that the Army, Navy and Maritime commission each employ a separate force of men to rc-estimatc all contracts for buildings, machinery, tanks, air planes, guns, clothing, and the thou sand items industry must turn out for war use. The law seemed wise and harm less at first, but evidently it was not realized how large an “ arm y” of employees would be needed to en force it. It is estimated that there are some three million such contracts, cA^er 20,000 contractors, and an unknown numlier of sub-contructors. If the original law were carried out, it might easily require 200,000 new pub lic payrollers, and 300,000 new em ployees hired by contractors to prepare the data for the federal au thorities, and this id a time when manpower is scarce and every able bodied person is needed for service in uniform or production work at home. The job would take years even after the war. Amendments Not Sufficient Agriculture and industry are short of machinery and manpower, and these men are too badly needed in producing crops and equipment for ourselves and our allies to be wasted in checking up on contracts, espe cially when there is already an effi cient means of doing that work. Rain or Shine ___________ __ a - YOUR STAKE IN THE COST OF W A R C a n n r ii C om plete Funeral Service in New C athedral Chattel at No E xtra cost R iverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f ov er $800.000 m»*ttrti»w> * *•—« . . . - s% C L a k c ( it t AT. MAI 8. / / a d d i t i o n a l . p a r e >* n e e d e d , a l l a i h n p a r a l e i h e e l NOTKF.-S.ftas SS (A) af Ik* 1 n it .« saved now will help win the peace, putting their menfolks to work in our do mestic when the war is over. Ti ey «tv w puichase of War B o n d s tor’ay w I '.elp t»< lr family and the whole country tide over the readjustment period from War to Peace. L . i. Jrtaiu*) Depcrtmtnl S t a i. , t ris o n a i ( m a k .. it s rria s in a l . « . n n , p a a iv k s b l. k r s s ia iim s m • ! IS * r a r .' im p riso n - s t .n t , t it ,# S S S i m . s r ksth . to m s k r s ( a la . a ta t .m .n t or r r p r m s 1 a t i.n s . to a n r s t a t i . r - O h m ih » ) o ii~ t if t ía s » I a n r 4 # p . r is t a s i s r t | . » o •( S s fasste «Stasa» ______ Union Wages 1 K ie n stu r« o f a p p lica n t o r su tk o rla sg sz.nt> A I’ L L Y ( A<tdr.aa > 1< O r and Statai - - Thia is a facsimile of the consur .er declaration which will he demanded of applicants for war book No 2. through which processed foods will be rationed It may be adviaable to clip thia form In case OPA fails to get blanks In time PAINTERS' UNION R o o m 207 L a b o r T e m p le Portland