P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N VOL. 16. SO. 4 Personal Mention S H O R T ST. A N D T U A L A T I N H IGHW AY Beaverton, Oregon, Friilav, Fd)ruarv .?<>, 1943 Inductions The following men are leaving Beaverton March 1, 1943, 2 30 p. m. for Fort Lewis: Liberty Vessel Carries Indian Wai Vet’s Name ESTABLISHED 19_V Red Cross Home Nursing Registration Form Will Workers Be Drafted? Captain John W. Cullen, Indian James A. Ellison. Rl, Beaverton i war veteran who died in 1939 at the Name .............. • i )ate . ............. Edward I. Mittrich R1 Cornelius age of 101, was honored by the Ore­ Russell U. Leslie R l Beaverton gon Ship building corporation with Address ............... Telephone No............. i Leonard W. Baker R2. Sherwood , the launching of a ship named for Beaverton I him, the yard's 139th Liberty vessel The proud parents of a baby son. , Joseph S Davis Occupation ........................ ................... R4, Hillsboro l A short biographical sketch of Babson Park, Mass., Feb. 2«—In William E., born February third, are ^ * revillian R8, Portland j John W. Cullen was given by J. R this Global War we in America ai s Mi. and Mrs. Olav A. Josefson of * *'ed Geitsch Jr Did you learn of the Home Nursing Course through: (Check one) fighting for the non-essential and In­ Beaverton. i Clarence E. Henderson RJ Beaverton Greenfield, a long-time associate of Radio Newspaper or Magazine Group meeting Friend Beaverton 1 efficient businesses as much as we Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Perkins, Mrs. Gueietta the Indian fighter. Rl. Tigard I John W. . Cullen was boin in In- aie striving to build up businesses Nelson Walker and Mrs. Beit Wilson J?onaW l1*?ht It a course is possible, would you prefer taking the course: essential to the war effort. We Poitland d¡ana jn ig&n and came to Oregon by attended Tualatin Grange social Delwin V Gaddi* Check one want to continue certain of our rec­ R l Beaverton wagon train at the age of 9 night last Monday evening 21 new Bernard J. Altishin At the reations. our rights of free speech Salem age of 13 he walked from Portland to Now I-atei members were taken in and a pro- George G , IiarI,y Anytime and other factors which make up Portland. Or gram was presented. 1 Malcolm J. Johnson Afternoon Yamhill and began a career, which Evenings our American way of living.. How­ w , .. ... _ Basil E Waters Beaverton included heiding cattle, riding as a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B Wachline [>ptpi ( , j Ipjgel ever, temporarily, we must now be Rl, Beaverton jockey, waiting on tables and operat­ Clip Coupon NOW and mail to: MISS C O RR IN E PENNING TO N. of Beaverton, are the parents of a Rueben S. Joss prepared to give up many things R 2 Portland ing a ferry at Lafayette Home Nursing Chairman son Arthur T born February 11. Ivan j Bronkey which we have long felt constitute Portland American Red Cross Captain Cullen fought in the Yaki Of interest to Beaverton people Ernpgt E Glade our inalienable rights. Sherwood ma war and when it ended returned Or leave at youi newspaper office Hillsboro. Oregon was the wedding of Bud Moshofsky, James c LoConto Beavei ton to Portland in 1857 to become a Not War Minded of Beaverton to Miss Betty Moore of . p avjd ^ staik The goal for Home Ntirsin" in the R8 Poi Hand member 0f the firm of Anderson & I venture to say that by far the Portland. They were quietly mar 1 Nl)1 ris W Yates R4 Sherwood Cullen, saddlers. United States has been set for one bulk of our people still do not real­ lied February 1,. Haloid R Cappoen Newberg ize we are at war. People are eith He later returned to Yamhill conn million certificates for the fiscal Mrs Elmer Perkins and Mrs Eva Edward O. Applebarry Portland ty and front there enlisted in the 1st year 1942-'43 Of the Pacific Area's er having one last fling or are totally Wilson attended the Scholls Grange John R. Bozich R3, Beaverton Oregon volunteer infantry in the quota of 87.200 Washington County's unconscious of what is going on in meeting last Saturday Wallace A Calway goal is 300. Rl. Tigard (-.jvjj war. 1943 L E G I S L A T U R E the world. Many people justify their Receiving congratulations tin the j George L. Vassil Rl. Beaverton Classes have been in motion in usual way of living today by saying Captain Cullen later fought in oth­ birth of a daughter Caiol A., born Lynn B. Arnold R5. Hillsboro er Indian uprisings, operated a 1000- various parts of the county during passed HB •>,*) \t lu \,P Senate that it is what the boys in the armed February 13. are Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Frank S Gillen water R 3. Beaverton n e n s u tle r, ~ Monday, laising com- services expect. They say that the acre ranch in Union county and be 1911 and 19-.2. C. Carpenter. R l, Beaverton Kenneth E Vershum The year 1943 will bring to America imv it" f i'' 1,e|1*onH serving on country clubs, amusement places and came a Methodist minister. Louis Wilson left last Monday for Stanley H. Lancaster juiy from $3 per day to $4 per day Aloha general hilarious way of living must After his retirement he lived at it's most critical shoitnge of civilian Said bill Fairagut, Idaho, where he will re­ John A. Terry is now before the House. R l. Tigard Glencullen. medical care. We are aware of the be kept going for the boys to enjoy ceive his basic training in the navy. George W. Gordon Judge Haven of Hillsboro was a when they are on leave or when they R3. Beaverton fact that our children and home ---------------V ---------------- Louis attended Beaverton high school workers must remain healthy during Salem visitor first of the week at the return after finishing their job. and was president of the student i Men inducted into the navy Feb- this peiiod of stress. With a mem Legislature. I do not begrudge anyone a good 22, 1943 body. !pu of every household equipped with time. Moreover, I do not believe Beaverton Mr. and Mrs. Waltei Hues of Beav­ ■ Louis V. Wilson gi'ch information as can be gained Vetoed HB 259 of the 19sl session, i that good times can be or should be R3. Beaverton erton, are the proud parents of a Walter E. Zornado U rough participation in a Home Nur- The Dairymen s Advertising Bill pass- legistated out o f'o u r live«. What- daughter Catherinel M.. born Fehru- i Benjamin A. Meyer, Vancouver, Wn sing ( lass Group greatei family and ed Senate Friday notwithstanding ever we can do and can enjoy with- R5 Hillsboro ! Daniel F. Aebischer ary 15. Beaverton high school students R3 Beaverton whose names appear on the honor oommunity health security will be the veto of former Governor Sprague out effect upon the war effort should Parent Teachers Foundation Day 1 Donald M. Julian assured Senator Fisher opened und closed , be continued as a part of the familiar ____________ V* was observed Tuesday. February 23, roll for the third six weeks period In otdei to help the committee in the debate making his speech of his American scene But 1943 should at the grade school . Those taking are it county survey, please tin in the career in behalf of the Dwiry Indus- be our readjustment year It may part in the program were: Miss Seniors Virginia Cote, Margery coupon and mail it promptly. try of Oregon. The vote stood 22 be our hardest year of the War or it Merle Davies. Mis. Peck and Mrs. Richard Do listen to the Red to 8 in favoi of the hill rnf. Patricia Mitchell, Richard Do not not forget forget to to listen may be just a preliminary to a hard- Leslie Smith. j Rev Raymond P Targgart of the Smurthwaite. Claire Walker and Cross program on KGW * * * er one to come. At any rate, some Mis Elmer Benson and Mrs. American Sunday School Union will Jeanette Shultz; juniors Jean God- day morning at 9:30 t it le That i Representative Hesse and Kuratli real sacrifices are now in order to Schaffner decorated the table Yel- ] be at the Nazarene church Sunday win, Duane Kingsley, Ruth Van They Might Live. and folks returned home over the 1 back up to the fullest extent our low- chrysanthemums, daffodils and evening Feb. 28, at 7:30 p m. His Kleek, Elsie Peterkort; sophomores V week end. Things are looking fine j armed services, pussy willows were used. j three daughters will be with him in a Lois Gray, Fred Moore, and Delina in Washington county they reported Easy to Hate Delicious refreshments were served; Play their own accompaniments on Satchel!. Freshman David Cady, I f every civilian were to ask him- Mrs. Wilson and Mrs C. B. W a lk er' instruments Mr Targgart spent 12 Shirley Henson, and Mary McClure. Recent viators at Senate Ex Gov. Igelf, ' What have I done to help the ¡years in South Indiana with As. S. S. poured. Those who received honorable men­ Charles II Martin, who received an j war effort?" perhaps only one-third Mrs. A. V. Butts and Mrs Evelyn ; Union, was recently transferred to tion are: Willis Elliot, Dorothy Av ovation by the Senate Also Hon of them would be able to state a Scott of the Beaverton Rebekah lodge Pacific Northwest District to work eritt, Ramona Gableman, Glenn Willard Marks of Albanv former clear case Many of these are reg- under the direction of Rev. E. R.‘ served at the snack bar in the Hobbs, Betty Hogan. Fred Van Horn, During the past few weeks there president Senate, now chairman State iatered for enlistment, while over George White service mens * center Martin, Supt. of Pacific Northwest Ethel Jennings, Marjorie Lowe, Board llighei Education called Mon 60,000 parents have had a boy killed. District. last Thursday. James Lehman, Evangeline Moshof- has been a fine increase in attend Rev. Targgart will speak on the , _ ... a. . . . , ance at the Beaverton Red Cross “ “ V* _ wounded or captured. Certainly, Confined to his home with the Rural S. S Missionary work carried sky. Ralph Nielson. Ronald Shay and sewing center. these have contributed their share. Added production is mumps is Paul Buffam, son of Clar on by A. S. S. U. all over America G°rdene D.meo, vitally important at this time, due to i BB by Senator Fisher, was , Millions of people are actually en- euce Buffam. V Mr. and Mrs. Lou Shallenbeiger He will speak also on the use and rib. urgent need for Red Cross gar­ intinduced lust of the week. This bill gaged in war work and even though spent the week end with their daugh- value of object lessons by Christian Hartsell Brothers ments. The sewing must necessar­ will amend the present Oregon Tunnel highly paid they feel, and rightly so. ter Mrs. Essenberger of Tillamook. leaders. ily be painstaking and uniform, and Act to permit construction of tunnels that they are doing their part Many Mrs Dora Stipe entertained the Everyone interested in Sunday Visit Home Folks the group is producing quantities of of sufficient width to handle 4 lane millions more have bought War Sgt Erval Hartsell, who has just fine garments under the capable d1- auto traffic. Bonds which, while commendable, is Cheerio club. Her guests were M r s . School is cordially invited. returned from Alaska, who ^visited lectlon of Mrg y H Scho<*np am| only a passive form of contribution Helen Davis, o f Omaha, Nebiaska, ------ —V------------— Judge H. D. Kerkman of Hillsboro his parents. Mr. and Mis F F. Halt- jjrs. A. M. Jannsen. Report to T.rs only way the majority of us Mrs. Tena Huntley. Tacoma. Wash p i cl p___ of Forest have felt the War is through a slight sell, route 3, Beaverton, for ten days pjtj,er of these ladies if you have had and Verne Burllngham Mrs Irene McKell, Mrs Minnie * I a y T ree left Feb. 15 to resume his duties with pxppllence 9ewln(f OI cutting and Grove were at the Capital last of the readjustment in our normal way of Schoene, Mrs. Ethel Hansen and From Rationing donate your serveies on week. living. This has resulted from ra Mrs. Viola Nielson, who won the The o ffice of Price Administration the aimed forces Vay Hartsell, who wjs^ i tioning, restrictions, priorités, lack guest prize. has exempted from rationing Play is with the Tacoma Harbor Patrol, Thurgdayg between 10 a m and 4 p Hon Morton Tompkins, new State 0j residential building, limited use of Mrs. Hazel Foster, grand conduc- shoes and certain types not worn on also spent a week end with his bioth -,m at the Beaverton Masonic Temple, With the increase in attendance Master Oregon State Giange, has automobiles and the cumulative ef tress of the Eastern Star made her (he g^-eet. It also revised its defini- er and parents, and the boys weie has come need for added equipment. been at Salem during the session fec( Gf wartime upon our nervous school of instruction Wednesday j (jon of Infants Shoes to place on The rank and file of our The center has urgent need of one and has rendered effective service , ystem) night. Mrs. Fred Goyt. worthy ma- (he non-ration list all sizes up to No. the Hartsell home while here. electric sewing machine and several in serving the best interests of Agrl- people have continued their lives In tron had Mrs. Foster and Mrs Dora j The regulation went in effect accustomed ruts They feel that Stipe as her dinner guests Mrs. | Thursday. tieadle machines, also one electric culture and the Dairy Industry. Camp Fire News HB ............ 101 the Beauty , . Parlor . , Bill, . ----- thlngB are „ getting better end leave If you ' iron and one ironing board. .. - — ----- „ — Foster was also an overnight guest j t excludes from rationing ski shoes Seventh and eighth grade ,h,> House and is now before the worryln({ to the military. of Mrs. Dora Stipe on Wednesday skate shoes, rubber soled shoes with Fire Girls met Tuesday, February 23. cannot sew with the group, the tern- t Pas8e,, U a Senate. Cono i n __ __ _ the The War In Russia porary loan of one of these articles eni nK „ . „ , M . , fab,ic aPPeis. locker sandals, bath- We plallned a candy saie at school For some weeks now we have been will be of equal importance to the Ernest Metcalf, son of Mr and ing silppels and a variety of othei Thursday Also made plans for a Overhead railroad crossings are a Informed of much territory regained Mrs. M. Metcalf, is leaving Saturday ; p ,a . shoes with fabric uppers or (,()U hnJ sale next week The girls war effort. step in the right direction, to pre by Stalin’s great armies, told of the types of leather not on vent nceidents and save lives T i­ booty captured from the Germans, of ^T h e'B u iH ieM 'a n d Professional Wn l},1, " ° f lia ,h ir no' on ,he cr,,lcul will b- nut Monday and Tuesday can- * ’ ‘ list. , . _ , , , c.ri „ , vassing. This is one way of earning A class in Red Cross advanced gard has been taken care of, with hundreds of German fighter and Shoes of of theae these type8 types produced thpir money for dues mens club met at Hillsboro last F n Shoes Firs, Ald opened in the grade school over head crossings transport planes being shot down day evening. Those attending from after April 16. 1943, however, will be Arleta Boge, Scribe Monday evening, February 22nd. It The crossing at Fanno Station on Beaverton were Mrs Noreen Allyn subject to rationing wlli Include a course in defense S P. and Fllmonica are similar—the Russia is certainly waging some real and Mrs. Hilda Highbe. _____________ y _ Ten Camp Fire Girls met at the agajngt bombing, mechanized attack. highway could easily be built under offensive attacks, but her success to necessarily mean Oar- 12 tables were used, representing Dean’s Drno Store has home of their Guardian Mrs. Chestei and chemical warfare Those who the railroad tracks, same as at Ort- j date does not through on the Eastern the calendar months. The group Hudleston Tuesday, February 9th, foi complete this course will have all ba- gon City. sitting at each tabid presented a v j r a y C o s m e t i c A g e n c y a dinner which each girl helped to gjC training foi any Civilian Defense __________________ V __________________ . K " ,n t' clever stunt in keeping with their . j o The line of battle in Russia Is a Dean's Drug Rexall Store now have prepare and serve. activités and will receive their Red n i t-lected Secretary gerieg of spearheads A great at table. exclusive agency for the famous A grand time was had by all. Cross and Civilian Defense certfi Mrs. C. B. Haines of Haley. Noith Doiothy Gray cosmetics. The girls are sponsoring a silk categ They will also be eligible to Gamma Pb> at U. of 0. tempt is being made by Russia to Dakota, who has’ been her I As a special introductory offer they and nylon hose drive at the grade take additional training in stieteher „ . visiting . . ____. University of Oregon. Eugene, Feb ,11,n ,he German flanks^ From a daughter, Mrs. Hilda Highbe. is muen qUO( e spPcial. $2 size Blustery Weath- school beginning next week 26 Maxine Cady. Beaverton, was re- military point of view, the territory squad drill improved after her recent illness and | pr jotjon f or „ short time only, at Have yours ready Registry in this class is still open cently elected secretary of Gamma 1 now retaken in middle Russia is of able to be about the house relatively small Importance Only Melva Lee Beeler, Scribe to anyone whf| has completed stand- Phi Beta, social sorority, $1, and $3 emollient at $1. Now on The Ralph Peoples children are display. --------------- V ------- aid first aid. Phone Mr Burden, Miss Cady is a freshman In music when the main German strongholds confined to home with the mumps -------- -----V --------------- Beaverton 2881. oi come to the class at the university. She is the dnugh are evacuated can the flanks be Receives Commission Word has been received here that Jack. 18 year old son of Mts. R M. next Monday evening Maich 1st, 7 45 tei of Mr and Mrs. Willis L. Cady of tutne'* the territory between c o - Jack H. Stipe, son of Mr and Mrs Francis Holboke of the Merchant Ma­ Miller, who has been seriously ill for p rn at the grade school. Beaverton. lapse into the hand« o f the Russians. rines is now in Mobile. Ala , after the past seven months shows some Hiram Stipe, Huber, Oregon, has Beaverton is fortunate in having —- V----- — — • Smolensk and Rostov must both be graduated from officei qandidate being out of the United States for' improvement. He had been at Good school. Fort Knox, Ky . and has been at the present time one first nid de t'AMFI.I.K. E. CORN F I X ictaken before we can get a clem seven months Samaritan hospital for the past 7 tnchment which was the first in the F'uneial services were held Tues- picture, but the fall of Rostov may The Bethel I-adies aid is holding a months and came' homo for a month commissioned second lieutenant county to complete this advanced day for Camelle Elizabeth Cornell, b8 the beginning of the end ---------- V - food sale at W’alkers store Satuidav hut had to return there. He has training. late of Beaverton She leaves a hus- Izihor Requirements Urgent Mr. and Mrs. Garnold Norris. Feb had 27 blood transfusions, Beaverton Wins The situation in Russia and in A f­ mostly band Lew. —V rica ami the preparation for a Con­ 19. a daughter, Sandra Ann Mr. given Beaverton basketball team scoied by Beaverton friends and --------------- V--------------- I hose In Active Service A Prayer for tinental offensive require supplies Norris was formerly employed at neighbors He now has to have one a 30 to 20 victory over Hillsboro < O R H F L IA J U L IA N Miller’s grocery. Friday night in the final T Y V league Holy l ather, in Thy mercy transfusion a day Cordelia Julian, late of 5941 SE 92nd from this country almost beyond Izisses through U- game of the season for both quintets ave . wife of Harry Julian, mother of comprehension. Hear our anxious prayer; The victors were in front all the Keep om loved ones, now far absent, Mr« Vivian Chase of San Gabriel, t «m action are still bad Until we way, leading 16 to 8, at the half ( *al ; stater of Seymore Armstrong, have Adequate surpluses of munitions Neath Thy care. --------- — V --------------- Vancouver. Wash ’ Mrs. Pearl Carl »nd food there will be continual need When in sorrow, when in danger. PAU L V II1CKS -.on Seattle. Wash ; Mrs Rlla Ben- of more and more employment and When in loneliness, Paul A Hicks formerly of Beaver­ nett and Mis May Soublron, both of rationlng^for purely military pur ton, died Feb. 16. He was husband In Thy love look down and comfort Iz>s Angeles Mrs Myrtle Butler of poses. How suddenly new regula- Their distress of Rhoda Belle Hicks, son of Mr and Conttnued on Page 2 Tigard, Or ; also survived by one ------------ V ------- -------- Mrs. Luther H Hicks. Beaverton grandson. Following is a list of the most widely sold canned foods with Services were held Friday, Feb 19, Holy Spirit, let Thy teaching ---------------V ------------- County Road Department their approximate weights and point values of the most common Sanctify their life; at Pegg Chapel, Beaverton Vault F A L L INJUR MS ||F.AI> sizes; Send Thy grace that they may conquer Need» Truck Driver* interment Crescent Grove cemetery Hubert Whaley, 39, of 310« Bertha In the strife --------------- --------------- V - - ------------------------- Calling of men to the service and Beaverton highway, was admitted to Washington county has reported Father. Son, and Holy Spirit. _ ^ .......... ............... ... after he competition with other type» of «m- \ M . F T ARI F S Item Point Values Emanuel hospital Sunday fewer casualties during 1942 than In siippèiï'on an* oli spot at ’ the Albina Payment has hit the county road de- God. the One in Three, Peas __ _______ lb 4 oz ... 16 pt* 1941, according to figures recently Bless them, guide them, save them Fingine and Machine works drydock pertinent according to H. D. Kerk- Corn lb. 4 oz It pts Al released by the secretary of state's man. Washington county judge and received a head injury keep them Tomatoes lb. 3 oz. 16 pts though roads are in need of repairs, office V --------------- Near to Thee. Amen. A»paiagus lb 3 oz 14 pts Casualties repotted were Acci­ four or five trucks are standing idle N FI L ll . K. C A R D IF F ib 3 oz Beans I I pts dents. 945. injuries. 223. and fatali­ '\\A)ids by Isa bella Stephenson ) Nellie E. Cardiff, late of Beaverton because of lack of truck driver« Spinach lb. 2 oz- 11 pts. ties 11. O r . died Feb. 19. Mother of Mrs. G E T IN TH E SC RAP— Nellie Barvich, Sacramento, Cal.,, LIBRARY NOTES --------------- V --------------- I t em FRt »18 Mrs M. Rogers Minnapolis. Mlnn.i Point t a b l e * BIRTHS HOURS 2-5 EACH W E E K DAY John A Hidden« uls, Mo. This week should see the comple­ IVh. 15, a daughter, Catherine erton lb 1 oz Fruit Cocktail ........ 11 pts. White Sulphui Springs. Mont , and rating of Electrician's Mate third tion of the indexing, by authors and class He returned home for a visit M titles, o f all volumes on the «helve.’ . the late Henry Hall and Mary Hynes with his parents before reporting for - -V-------------- - It em II H I * A M i l PS P *int tables Three high school girls. Vlrglnis duty on the West Coast for assign­ Marriave Licenses Cote, Thelma Cullen and Dorothy Enlistments ment. Grapefruit 2 Ib 14 oz. ---- 23 pts. Ruthford D Scott, 5624 SW Ver­ Averttt. under the direction of Miss Donald F Remington. Beaverton. ---------------V — ---------- Soups 1 0 oz ._ 6 pts. mont S t. snd Dorothy R Collins. Gayle Duff. Instructor, are doing the ; navy The Cooper Mt. P. T A will spon­ Grape Juice 1 qt. or 2 lbs 15 pts Metzger Walter E Zornado, Beaverton, tn sor a baked and cooked food sale In Pineapple ---- -- 1 Ib. 7 oz __ 17 pts Clayton Covington and Lannie E I navy * ■ Beaverton on April 24th. Proceeds T o m a to __________ — - _ 2 ib 14 os. _ . - - .. 42 pt. Featherstooe both of Tigard Advertising M «al««nr>anablp Wilbur E. Larson, Beaverton, nnvy to go toward« building a kitchen e x t r a : : Beaverton Hi Honor Roll Lists Many Students Rev. Targgart Due Here lied Cross Activities Weights, Points Explained For Canned Goods Setup