F r id a y , F e b ru a r y , 19, 1943 BEAVERTON Classified Rates TWO Cento a word per Usue. Minimum 25c CASH with cop> Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of laser- j tion—50c. We Publish the B L W tK T O N EM T.HI'KISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TUiAJtO SKN11NKL ALOIH NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial reepon- alhility for error*! which may ap pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. E N T E R P R I S E , B eaverton, Orcffc >n Real Estate Transfers HO W TO MAKE YO UR M EAT GO FURTHER M eat Cut F irst M e a l S econ d M e a l k _____ — T h ird M e a l M " . - \ * 1 V e ' W Beef Brisket Beef BnÌket with Beons * Broiled TooitvKh« Stuffed Green ßepper* ' ' Blade End of Pork Lo.n Barbecued Pork Slices D e a d stoc^ picked up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call CH. 2403 or UN 0449. DENLEY RENDERING CO., Portland. Brick, Tile, M asonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YOUR DEALER Columbia Brick W ork s 1320 SE Water—Portland Kilns at Gresliam-Sylvan-Salem Hundreds need p la t «• • Saif It AO. i f used furniture — you n e e d t h e c a s h FO R SALE POTATOES $1.50 You Pick. D. P. McDonald. Beaverton 2200. R2 Bx 218, Beaverton. W ANTED WANT Transportation for patient, 3 times a week, from Garden ; Home to Portland doctor. Ray ; Antrim, Aloha 6421. 4 Lamb Shoulder Cushion Shoulder with Corn^StuffingX Pasties Nutrition authorities say that | a moderate oven for about three Mrs American Housewife's job of hours. feeding her family is one of the Second meal. Broiled t astwiches most important in the war effort. suggested for the second meal, are Fur nourishing ford is going a long prepared by slicing left-over brisket way toward building strength and and making into sandwiches. The morale on the home front. sandwiches are dipped in beaten At the same time, women arc be egg and milk and broiled until ing called upon to conserve food as brown. a wartime necessity. This means Third meal. The left-over meat they must use every ingenuity to from the brisket may be ground cl" inato waste and get the most and combined with boiled rice and ot> of the food they buy. seasonings to make a stuffing for How to make their meat go fur green peppers. These are baked in ther seems to be a subject ol espe a hot oven until done—about 45 cial interest, since building meals minutes. r.round this food is an American .r.'dition. So home economics ex BLADE END OF PORK LOIN First meal. Blade end of the pork it ro have come to the rescue with all sorts of ideas and recipes de loin is excellent for a roast. The signed to extend the meat purchase end cut is lower in price than the center cut. Roasting is easy when a.* far as possible. Hi rc arc a few of many practical a few simple rules are followed. The roast should not be covered and no ideas along this line. water added. A low temperature BEEF BRISKET saves both meat and fuel. A bread First meal. Brisket co .od with dressing, shaped in balls and placed beans is a delicious dish for the I around the roast half an hour be first serving. The beans are soake'd ! fore it is done, will extend the serv over night and brown sugar, onion ings. This roast requires 30 min and seasonings added, then placed utes per pound. in a covered kettle with brisket on Second meal. The cold slices of top. Brisket and beans should be roast pork are delicious heated in to'.ered with water and cooked ini barbecue sauce. WOMAN to do House Cleaning once a week. Mile out on Farm ington Rd Phone Beaverton 2452 after 3 p. m.—work night. Im lay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS POULTRY HEADQUARTERS SWAN ISLAND Graveyard "D" nite Roainers Rest Nite, 10 p in Durham, Tigard, Greenberg, Garden Home, Sylvan, Swan Island, Otto Brock- hans. Phone Tigard 2477. NOTICE L a b o r e r s w a n te d at o n ce . Im m e d ia te j o b p la ce m e n t ! A p p ly w e e k da vs o n ly . "HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING LABORERS U n io n L o c a l N o . 296 ROOM 215 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th AT JEFFERSON Tell your lawyer to sei.d your le gal« to this paper. CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation J. P. Finley & Son SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 Riverview Cemetery CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service in New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra coat Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons !)n en e When Irene got home from the air REEDVILLE ALOHA, ORE plane factory she was good and tired. This was the hour, after work and before dinner, that she always looked forward to. Her private name for it was “ My sissy hour.” Into it, these days, she packed all the lazy, luxurious little things she «loved— SUMMONS things that used to take up a lot more No. 148-078 than an hour of her peace-time days. In the Circuit Court of the State of j She sat down at the little desk in Oregon for the County of Multno- j her room. You could tell quite a lot mah. about Irene from that desk. The MAUDE E. ALEXANDER, water-glass filled witli the small bou Plaintiff, quet of flowers she sometimes bought vs. on the way home. The paper-weight SAMUEL J. ALEXANDER, of pink marble. The thin, crackly Defendant. blue air-mail stationery. And the big, fr a m e d p h o to To Samuel J. Alexander. Defendant: j graph of a young IN THE NAME OF THE STATE man in a corpo OF OREGON: You are hereby re-1 ral’s uniform—as quired to appear and answer th e ' g o o d -lo o k in g a complaint filed against you in th e ! man as Irene was above entitled suit on or before the j p r e t t y . On the expiration of four weeks from the blotter pad lay the date of the first publication of this j summons. If yotl fail so to appear I telegram that had come that morn and answer, for want thereof, the | ing just as she was leaving for work. plaintiff will apply to the Court • With those long, well-shaped fin for the relief prayed for in her com-1 gers she reached for a sheet of paper. plaint, towit: An absolute decree of I She nibbled the end of her pen for a bit, and then she wrinkled up her divorce. nose at the picture of the soldier and This summons is published by or-1 began to write, “ Dear Mr. Morgen- der of Donald E Long. Judge of the ! thau” , but the corporal’s name was above entitled Court, and dated the Jackson and she called him Pete 3rd day of February, 19*3. Her round handwriting spread Dated and first published February across the page. “ My boy friend is 5th, 1943 with the A.E.F in Ireland. He has Date of last publication, March 5th, cabled me fifty dollars with which to buy a diamond ring. I’ ve been think 1943. ing it over and decided to buy a War LESTER SHEEI.EY, Attorney for Plaintiff Bond to help Uncle Sam instead. This 306 Spalding Building, may help to bring my boy friend Portland. Oregon \ home sooner, and then he can help me select my ring Slowly she began to sign her name “ Ire n e ----- ” (Letter from an actual communi cation in the files of the Treasury Department.) rU /lta t If au ßiu f, 'W ith • • • Let’ s all sacrifice as Irene ha? done. Bring final victory closer with the money you put into War Bonds. Make certain your family budget tops 10 percent by New Year’s. Nurse that heating plant along for i . V 'treasury l>efortment it must do you for the duration. Metal . . . every bit we can rake and scrape up i3 going into War Have you looked over the ads this Production to provide the tools for week? If not do so, they carry a our Boys on the fighting fronts. world of news. ----------------- V----------------- GET IN THE SCRAP - ------------------ — V -------------------- Legal Notices De Laval l ü l w r 4 !■ ( '!• -h » t o r , ISS NW Park A 4 - - / A ! tt AT. »461 But start saving now for that heat ing plant by your purchase of War Bonds every payday through a Pay roll Savings plan. War spending goes on month after month. So War Sav ings must keep pace, month after month. Put at least ten percent of your income in War Savings through War Bonds. V. S. T m tu tf Drftrlmtnl » 100.000 .s% Lesta L Ward et al to C A Rrod- ersen part blk 2 Forest Grove. Third meal. The trimmings from the roast make a surprise supper dish when combined with cream sauce and served between layers and over fhe top of biscuits as Pork Short Cake. I. J Decker et ux to Olga Wyss, lot 61 Benverton-Reedville acreage. E A Mereen et ux to G W McClaf- lin et ux, part John H Walker Cl. i T2H R3W. J W Connell (Sheriff) to Lawrence i Meissner, tract 48 Tualatin Valley ' Homes. i This tells how it is done in North- East India. "Rising every morning at 3 a. m. my wife and I read the Bible to- jgethei and then go to the chapel to ask the blessing of the Holy Spirit on our work.” So the letter opens, a native pastor writing. —“ We have our family altar in a more fervent and solemn way than before. From the youngest to the oldest, we choose hymns and learn Bible verses. —‘‘I lead in prayer, my wife and children following me, saying what I have said. Since wd have had this practice, we have had better health and more prosperity in our work and every part of our life. —“I am trying a new method of preaching early in the morning on the street. Since thq Mum people set out to the rice fields before sun rise, older folks get up early. There-! fore the people hear better and it is a better time for open air preaching | than in the day 01 evening. One j morning I visited a house to see j whether I really was heard. The ! family was silently sitting around the fire on the hearth and I saw they j were listening attentively. I find j this is one of the best methods of leaching the unsaved. ” As these humble followers sow the Gospel seed, word comes of whole; households turning to the Lord. A bystander listening to one of them said that he believed but his wife did not. The preacher writes that they went to the man's house "and she was found willing to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We sang hymns and preached and prayed for them. After that we threw all the sacrificial things, likd the skull of dogs and pigs and feathers of fowls, from their house.” To fear and to I kiw down to these had been their , religion Then the letter told of 1 the follow-up work, that the spark of living faith might be fanned into , p, glowing flame. As In Bible times, the Holy Spirit was pleased to tui n many to God from their idols to serve the living God and wait for his Son from heav en, so is He now at work in the mis sion fields And we? Do we busy i American! have time and heart to gather the family about the open Bi ble Do we lift a prayer that they may make it through the day by j POWER FROM ON HIGH’ Do we sing “O Happy Day, that fix’t my choice on Thee, My Savior and my | God’ ” Mildred Coley et vir to George Cross et ux part blk 9 Forest Grove.' Quick Besrlnif FRUIT and NUT TREES Plant Tualatin Valley Nuraertee qulck- bearlnx tree* fur srenter profit. We have a complete assortment of Peacbee. Applee. Pear«, Cherries. Plume. Prunes, Apricots K ik ». Almonds. Filberts. Walnuts. Chest nuts, Hickory Nuts, etc. Complete assort- ment of Berry Plants, shrubs. Roses. Moat all varieties of Flowering and Shade tree» Send for 40-paae catalog It will pay to drive out to our nurseries Drive out liar bur Blvd. from Portland on Hlway MW Out IT miles, 1 mils past Six Corners toward Newberg. Or we will ship your order by parcel post or express. Marion ME Sehermeihorn et ux to | Jess B Forquer, part of sec 19 T1S TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES Kt. 1, Box 310, SHFMWOOI). OKMiO.V R4W. Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSKSSABIJC. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three time« the surplus required hy Oregou Insurance laws. O regon M utual Fire Insurance Company o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894--..40 years of Reliable Service Chaa. I . Walker, Agent N ew Location 112 So. 3rd A ve. Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Orsgon Owing to the fact that many do not know the present postal rules concerning oversea postage to men in any way associated with the armed forces or government work even to contractors or civil employees require 6c postage for every '•* ounce or fraction thereof. Also for obvious reasons all packages marked Air Mail must be so wrapped that Postmasters may examine same at will, to pre clude the sending of objectionable articles of which the postmaster has a long list, these rules are now in force and apply to ail per sona above mentioned. On the Home Front During the national you are interested in the whole Defense and Preparedness pro- gram. Keep Informed! Keep Alert! Through Y ou r H om e 'New spaper Featuring H om e T ow n Newslets County Correspondence Interesting Feature News Roger Babson Subscribe Nowf $1 a Year J SHIPYARD PAINTERS Experienced for Steady Work ALSO Inexperienced M a y be Trained Union Wages a p p l y ILS.WAR BONDS f PAINTERS' UNION Room 207 Labor Tem ple Patronize Our Advertiters Ï emergency Rain or Shine Cloverdale, Oregon This space paid for by an Oregon businessman. ----------------- V ----------------- Information KEr\It\TOR** — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT 4M ) SUPPLIES FOR TIIE DAIRY INDUSTRY S Scotch Pancalcs LAMB SHOULDER First meal. A stuffed lamb shoul der is a thrifty roast. The bones may be used to season vegetables or to make soup stock. A tasty stuffing is made for it by combining whole kernel corn, cracker crumbs, seasonings and minced green oep- pcr. The roast is placed on a ruck in an open pan and about 40 min utes per pound allowed in a slow oven. Second meal. For the next night's main dish, combine cubes of cold roast with left-over vegetables and enodgh gravy to hold together. Place mounds of the mixture on squares of pastry and fold over to make a triangle. Pinch the edges together. B ro w n ill a hot oven. These are called Pasties. Third meal. The remaining lamb “ bits” may be ground and mixed with cooked oatmeal, an egg and seasonings to make Scotch Pan cakes for supper or for breakfast. j Lucy Kui asch et vlr to Fred Big gie et al part sec 4 T2N R4W. UP AND AT IT AT 3 A. M. Oversea Air Mail illmroPk friiell Wm Pointer Cl 62 T1S' "Every Form of Protection” w ar bonds WEST e n d SELLWOOD BRIDGE \ 0 \ m h n jw m cs Ruben J Kelly et ux to Fred Rig- 1 gle, et al. part sec 9 T2N R4W. P A IN T S Highest prices paid. Ask about our pick-up service. kT it. i POULTRY ft DAIRY Northwest PRODUCTS CO. 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon EA. 5141 Dryer, part TOP THAT ! R lW . WANTED Woman to cook and keep house for couple from 9 to 6. no laundry, small house Can go home nights, Phone Collect BE. 7853 at West Slope. Mrs. George Keller, 3102 SW McChesney Rd. BEST PRICE for Rabbit fryers. D. P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver ton. Phone 2260. Ô 0U 0S Bert G Brockaway et ux to Rolf A Schumacher et ux lots 1 and 2 Brock- way Gardens. Everett O Day et ux to Ethel I. Pork SKortcake HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Clay, Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR TOW CAR call VERMIETE ! MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. A E Fimmel et a! to C l Meyers, Laura A Jones to W J Vandehey | lots 59 and 60 Tualatin Valley Homes. et ux. part of sec 36 TIN R3W C M Scofield to W F McCoy et ux, Albert W Gentner et ux to Wallace 1 lot 15 blk 2 Valley View add Forest J Derthick part sec 15 T1S RlW. Grove. A W Walker et ux to Vern H Esther I Dennis to Ohas J Kinsey Aherns et ux S acre blk C Hillsboro et ux 80 acres sec 29 T2N R2W. Lucile H George et vir to Theo B Geo Fisher to H E McGraw et ux PI air et ux part lot 40 Beaverton part of sec 4 T2N R4W. Reedville. -----------------V----------------- Sisters of St. Mary's to Guy F Gil- Boost your home community news lett et ux tract 1 Hyland tracks. paper. It boosts for you. Only Fannie Schefflin to Hellie M Cart- 1 $1 per year .less than 2 cents a week | wright, lot 70 Cornelius. -----------------V------------------ Frank T Miller et ux to Mark D| | Campbell et ux lot 1 Benz Park. j G H Bailey to C A Knutsen et ux. j Part lot 8 Edaewood M IS C E L L A N E O U S 3 Ida May Coon to F A Vanaken et j ‘ 1. part lot 3 blk 23 Forest Grove. , t a f it e — „ ¿ t 'f * Page ' Portland