BEAVERTON’ ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon F rid aV, February 12, 1943 Classified Rates • FOR SALE TYVO Cents a w ord per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with cop>. M inim um C harge on Classified A ds not paid at T im e o f Inser­ tion 5oc. W e Publish the BEAVERTON E N T E R PEI SE MULTNOMAH PRESS ’l l OAK I) SENTINEL O O N V SKV\> Complete E a s t e r n W ashington County and W estern M ultnomah County C overage W e assume no financial respon­ sibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisem ents published in these colum ns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertise­ ment in w hich tho typographical m istake occurs. | M IS C E L L A N E O U S D C 'u l 9toc*{ picked up free of ch arge anyw here. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call CH. 2403 or UN 0449 DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA— A specialty. LEE BROS.. 25 SW CliVy, Portland. Atwater 5334. F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O TO R CO. P hon e T igard 3381. Brick, Tile, M asonary Brick & Building Tile SEE Y O U R D E A L E R Columbia Brick W ork s 1320 SE W ater— P ortland Kilns at Greshani-Sylvun-Halem IN T E R E S T IN G F A C T S Joseph C. Grew Warns FOR SA I.F G as R adiant F ire» Heater. $8.95. P hon e T ig a rd 3203 F O R S A L E Hip R ubber size 8. CH. 1411. Boots Chem ical By JOSEPH C. GREW I ’niled Slates 4inkuisudor lo Jupon unni ihr outbreak of war, and author of “ Report f rom Tokio.“ Cabi- $25 \ \ T ASH IN G TON, D. C — In de-| The Japanese are pawns of a ’ ’ scribing one of the big air I senseless but m ighty m ilitarism — a battles over Guadalcanal a recent warrior caste which is ruthless and newspaper account tells of an Amer- | cruel beyond comprehension, ican flyer who parachuted from 0 PERSONALS crippled plane to the waters of Lunga Bay. The Navy craft which Please R eturn Marnion wrist j picked him up next went to the res­ W atch, rose lum inous dial, picked cue of a Japanese pilot seen strug­ up outside R itz Theatre Sunday gling in the water nearby. As the afternoon, Dec. 13th. L arry Ber- gin. Colum bia F ood Store, Beav- ' rescue boat reached the Japanese flyer he suddenly pulled out his re­ erton. volver. aimed it at the drenched American pilot and pulled the trig­ ger. The cartridge failed to explode. P A IN T S Then the Japanese officer turned the gun on himself with suicidal intent. lm la y ’s Fresh Again he pulled the trigger and again his revolver failed him. At Mixed Feeds this point an American sailor riSH E R THORSEN PAINTS knocked him out with a boat hook F or quality, fa ir price and and pulled him aboard the Ameri­ service can craft a prisoner. J. B. lm lay & Sons Almost daily one reads eye-wit­ A LO H A . O R E R E E D V IL L E ness stories such as this one, and all of them clearly demonstrate that war with our enemy in the Pacific JOSEPH C. GREW cannot end in compromise. Says It s l iijhl to iimsh For ten years I lived in Japan. The truth as I know it from close From the flood of eye witness ac­ observation is this: Nothing less counts of atrocity and bestiality one S IM M O N S than the exertion of our maximum fact shines clear. We must utterly No. 148-078 capacities, individually and collec­ crush that machine and caste and In the Circuit Court o f the State o f tively, in a war of offense will bring system. If, however, we Americans Oregon fo r the County o f M ultno­ mah. I our beloved country safely to the think that collectively and individu­ M AU DE E. A L E X A N D E R . f longed-for haven of victorious peace. ally we can continue to lead our nor- Legal Notices P laintiff, WANTED An autom atic X -ray m achine is used by aircraft com panies to search out weak spots in airplane bodies. Half-Effort Will Not Defeat Jopan «W ritte n tmr the T r t n n e r y lie p .ir lm e n l In e n n n e e tio n w ith the H e tn lle r * ' " S A Y I K S ” t i n . p o t il i 1» c o m p ir le the n a ilo n '» lint ill'll, inni p u r llu llt «111-J W ar S ta m p a lb o r n o .! F O R SAIJO W estinghouse net range, right hand oven B eaverton 3634 Page 3 cam ou flage in the form mal lives, leaving the spirit of self- o f sm oke seems to provide som e sol­ sacrifice to our soldiers and sailors, diers with as m uch protection as 15 we shall unquestionably run the risk inches o f arm or plate of a stalemate with Japan I do not Special double-layer gloves have have the slightest doubt of our even­ ; been developed fo r the protection o f tual victory. But 1 do not wish to i men w ho work in mustard gas, lew ­ see the period o f our blood, sweat isite. or sim ilar vesicants, either on and tears indefinitely and unneces­ the battlefield or in the loading plant sarily prolonged. We must not fail T o relieve war w orkers o f the to realize that we are up against a powerful fighting machine, a people j nerve-wt licking noise o f certain fa c ­ whose morale cannot be broken even tories and shipyards, industry has individually m olded ear- by successive defeats and untold devised economic hardship, a people whs stoppers o f sm ooth, translucent plas­ gladly sacrifice their lives for their tic or plaster o f pai is. Emperor and their nation. We must T he annual bag o f 15 million wild also remember that Japan did not ducks and geese, when used as food, Mart this war without carefully laid has a value of m ore than $5,000 military plans for victory over the _ V ------------------- United States and a peace dictated A dvertising is salesmanship. by their war lords at the White House. This is a total war, the only an­ swer to which is a total American victory. It is a war in which half measures of any kind mean incredi­ * . 1 0 0 .0 0 0 ble waste of material, energy and « À Q u ick Hearing human life. In this sense a half- F R U IT filled War Savings Stamp album is symbolic of a half effort. There are, I am told, roughly 100 million par­ NUT tially complete War Stamp albums now in circulation. These uncom­ TREES pleted Stamp albums are, in a meas­ ure, like a 100 million threats to a P la n t T u a la tin V alley N urseries quick b earing trees f o r g re a te r p r o m s W e have speedy and victorious peace. On a co m p le te a ssortm en t o f Peaches. Apple* the other hand, for every War Sav­ P ears. C herries, P lum s, Prunes, A p ricots. F igs, A lm o n d s, F ilb ert», W aln uts, Cheet ings album completed and cashed in nuts, H ick o ry N uts, etc C em p lete am ort m ent o f B erry P lante, Shrubs. Buses M««st for a Bond, you the owner have all va rie tie s o f F lo w erin g an.l Shade trees helped some soldier or sailor take a Send f o r 4 0 -page c a t a lo g It w ill pay to d riv e o u t t o o u r n u rseries. D rive ou t Bar forward step on the uphill road to bur B lvd . fr o m P o rtla n d on H iw a y N W total Victory. I V. T,.usury Derunmeiil I Out 17 m iles, t m ile past s ix C orners to w a rd N ew b erg . Or w e w ill ship o rd e r by p a rcel poet o r exp ress. vs. your SAM U EL J A L E X A N D E R . Babson Also Boost your home com m unity news­ R a t io n B o o k N o . 2 W A N T E D Man & w ife to keep TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES R l. J , B ox .110. M U K W o o l l . O H t.tlO N paper. It boosts tor you. O nl) house At do the w ork. No ch ild ­ T o Samuel J Alexander. Defendant ' DiSCttSSCS Inflation Continued from Page 1 41 per year Jess than 2 cen ts a week. ren. I furnish m ilk, water and IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E cla ied and stam ps will be torn ou t! Continued from page 1 w ood, they pay rent and board OF OREGON: Y ou are hereby re­ of ration books accordin g to the j Farm ington me. D. C. Tallm an, quired to appear and answ er the « jn m anufacturing industries could amotint possessed. H ere's how this [ Rd., on Spencet Ave. Beaverton. com plaint filed against you in t h e ; be returned to the farm s. They will work. Save 20 to 2 5 % on your F IR E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S above entitled suit on or b efore t h e 1 take the stand that there is no tea- Oregon .Mutual rollrieti are NON-ASSKSMABIJS. You N E VE R pay Housewives, in m aking application BEST P R IC E fo r R abbit fryers. D. expiration o f fou r w eeks from the : SOn for the farm ers to be short o f more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual for their fam ilies, must know the P. M acDonald, R2. Bx 218, B eaver­ date o f the first publication o f this ; labor while men in manufacturing in­ niaintuliut more than three timea the surplus required tty Oregou it limiter ol t"* ii8 o f 8 ounces or ovet ; ton. sum m ons If you fail so to appear j dustries ate w orking such short o f the rationed foods that Insurance Laws. is in their I ¡and answer, fo r want th ereof, the , hours. It is certain that unless the * d f d ,hat possession. It is not necessary to plaintiff will apply to the C ourt | G overnm ent im m ediately takes a POULTRY HEADQUARTERS fo O regon Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany r the relief prayed fo r in her c o m - . m ore liberal attitude relative to the Know the exact type o f fruit or vege- I H ighest prices paid. Ask about table in the can, just the total num- I OK Me MINN VII J.E plaint, tow it: An nbsolute decree o f | needs o f farm ers fo r labor, gasoline, our pick-up service. net o f cans. O rganized 1894 40 years o f R eliable Service Chita. 1 . Walker, Agent j tires and other equipm ent need« i , . . . . . . . _ . xt ib i POULTRY & D A IR Y divorce. This sum m ons is published by o r -j there will be a decreased piod u ction CUns W‘ be a,low ed fo1 each New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 N orth w est products co . I m em ber o f the fam ily w ithout deduc-1 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon der o f Donald E. Long, Judge o f the 1Qf farm products, j tions. Points, however, will be torn "E very Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon above entitled Court, and dated the E A. 5141 Even now there are indications o f out. for all cans over this am ount, I »as* a m iiii lu w 3rd day o f February, 19»3. Dated and first published F ebruary I® d ,a stlc shortage o f teed The ; but never will m ore than half o f the j SW A N ISL A N D G raveyard "D" nite , rovei nment says that farm ers j tot*H point1, vain«* o f the ration h o o k 1 W W R oam ers R est Nite. 10 p m Durham, 5th, 1943 m ore hogs, cattle he d cd ix te d regardless o f the amount i Date o f last publication, M arch 5th, should produce Tigard, G reenberg, Garden H om e, and ch icken s and yet it torgets the o f canned food s on hand, 1943. Sylvan. Swan Island, Otto B rock- im portance o f sufficient feed for live There are tw o double pages in j LESTER SHEELEY. hans. P hone T igard 2477. T here are indications that R ation book No. 2, tw o pages o f blue I A ttorney fo r P la in tiff stock. 306 Spalding B uilding fai m wages may g o as high as 60 to 's ta m p s o f fou r differen t denom lna This could, of tions. with coupons having a total | Portland, Oregon 70 cents per hour. NOTICE course, mean vastly increased prices j value o f 384 points Laborers wanted at once. on all food products including There is also a sim ilar numbei o f canned foods and frozen foods. The red stamps. Immediate job placement! Lnited States is truly facip g a food Blue stam ps of eight-point denom i- During the national emergency Apply week davs only. panic unless W ashington wakes up. nation m ake up 192 points, or half W ork in g H ours T oo Short the total blue stam p value. These HOD CARRIERS you are interested in the whole 1 I understand there is som e justice will be the only stam ps to he torn AND in paying w ar-w orkers w ho remain out for deduction for extra supplies Defense and Preparedness pro- BUILDING LABORERS at hom e their present high wages, under point rationing. (Quantities while soldiers get only $50 and keep above this amount will be charged Union Local No. 296 gram. a month. This is because when against the next book, RO O M 215 a soldier goes to war, the fam ily in-1 For instance, a fam ily o f three has LABOR TEMPLE com e is considerably reduced. Hence, 115 cans o f the rationed types o f , SW 4th A T J E F F E R S O N in order for the fam ily to keep up fruits and vegetables. T hey will be j “ All right, Bessie,” said the boss Tell your law yer to send you r le of the little factory which was mak­ a decent standard o f living .those 1 allowed five cans a person or 15 cans who do not go to war should receive The rem aining 100 cans, at an aver- | gals to this paper. ing jackets for soldiers. “ Did you | higher wages G ian tin g that the age value o f foui points each would w ant to see me abou t ja h o w is fair, there is, how ever, no have a total value o f 400 points. The The thin m iddle-aged w o m a n - to d j loglcal reason why those at home ration bonrd will tear all the eight- up from the 5*ialF 1 boss : sl,,” ,ld no* work as long hours a s , poin f stam ps out o f tw o o f the T hrough Y ou r H om e 'N ew spaper fice and looked earnestly at the boss ,,w h„ drafted. I books and tw o eUi ig lh t-p o in t s t a m p s with her huge, grave gray eyes. — D O O K 8 nna ,wo The soldier boys w ork from sun- out o f the rem aining book to obtain “ It’s about this ten percent lise to sunset. They, m o re o v e r,1 the total o f 400 points, C lose to dow ntow n pledge,” she began. . harder than any Each m em ber o f the fam ily, how- "Oh, that’ s all right, Bessie, the work hard, far C lose to transportation boss said. “ I’d been meaning to hom e war w orkers are w orking ever, will have at least half o f his I speak to you about that. We don t < ertainly, the wot king-hours for all total points still to use as he pleases ! Featuring If so, Jf there had been an even greater I expect you to o f us should be the same. pledge ten per­ this would enable wat plants to re- supply on hand the rem aining eight I ■sW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY cent of your pay lease the necessary help which the point stam ps o f the third mem bei o f! H om e T ow n N ew slet» ATwater 2181 for War Bonds farm ers need. L onger hours for fac- the fam ily would have been torn out I tory w orkers ate the answ er to the and a notation made on the book 8«. , like the others are County Correspondence doing. We know farm er's problem s ; while longer that m ore stam ps could lie torn out I This is j you have a hard hours fo r all o f us would do much o f book 8 still to be issued Interesting Feature N ew s time making ends to shorten the W ar. O th erw ise,«to protect such persons as Mrs Jones meet since Jake there may arise a dem and that sol and her sauerkraut, died. Eleven kids, disrs Roger Babson fa ctory ami r a m workara all Furtham ora, undsi tha point ra W EST END isn't it? That's be paid the samn wages. tinning it will be perfectly permis 1« quite a lot of mouths to feed. Let's 1 ruth \bnut ■ itfIIIti• >II SEI.I.W OOD BRIDGE it.]., for neighbors to tiu d r lationed see, you make $25.50 a week includ­ In this con nection , let me say a food s am on g them selves so long as ing overtime, don’ t you” ” tmal word OB inflation Paying th e) ars Of equal point t a b u s In "Y es, sir, but . . . ” CREM ATO RIU M •axes doe* not stop in flation ; it this w ay Mrs Jones could trade her The boss smiled. j merely delays it Buying W ar Bonds extra saueikraut with neghln ,n AfrU.a aid o f O regon 's needy received $3 - I But to teturn to the farm ers and 934 295 s3 in revenue turned ose r by j their need o f m ore labor, tru ck s and , , ___ ______ . . . . other supplies there Is another rea- C om m ission dur- . . ,, , .... the O regon Liqu — why — — he sym pathetic son we should ing the fiscal year 1941 42. Distri- with them now This is beca use ift*T the War. th e fa r m e i* m e l i a t .l . | is made by the Public W elfare C om -j to get an aw ful licking. H ence, both mission, and in 1941 W ashington for the farm ers' good and for the na C ounty received $97.696 23 fo r relief tlon'a. let us be helpful to them now purposes, the report Indicated. u to »11 ie»*on»blf request» w in iiim iü The 50-caliber Browning machine gun is one of the most efficient short range weapons used by U. S. Fight­ ing forces. It is effective at ranges up to 2,000 yards and Arcs about 600 forty-five caliber bullets per minute. ¿ i ___ 5 Experienced for Steads f Work • Rain or Shine A LS( ) Inexperien ced M a y b e Trained W gw* One of these guns costs about $1,500, while a thirty-caliber ma­ chine guh costs approximately $600. Our fighting forces need thousands of these rapid-fire guns. Even a small town or community can buy many of them by uniting in the pur­ chase of War Bonds At least ten percent of your income in War Bonds every pay day will do the trick. U I. 7 rxiari £>«#•>) * «if union wages APPLY / PAINTERS' UNII)N Room 207 Labor Tem ple ' Portland i