Fridav, February 12. 1943 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Bcarerton, Ore. P âtre 2 I The Valley o f the S h a d o w POWER TROM ON HIGH A thousand lewd wom en were kept BY R U T H T A Y L O R to serve the heathen religion in the tem ple on the height above ancient Every hour o f every day all over Corinth. And all about the city sin this world, on land, sea and in the was for sale in whatever form one air, the finest and best o f our youth m ight ask it From the top fam ilies are passing thiou gh th e valley of the to the runaway slaves who hid about, Cy JOSEPH E. DAVIES death. the city was a festering hole. Into F o r m e r A mbit sudor to l l u u n W hen they are sent into danger, it this cesspool of iniquity, the Holy His Son Gets and Helgium. is not asked o f them from what clas ; Spirit sent the Apostle Paul to or from .vhat national or racial ( W r i t t e n f o r the T r e a s u r y f o r p a r l m r n t In spread the Gospel, to open their eyes, Army Promotion the K r t a l l r r - S\V V E S " stock they com e, or by what reltg- e r a a u m n p r . e l t i i f o n n to with r o m p l e t t the n a t i o n ' « lUJ.UiMI.OOO to turn them from darkness to light Hello Folks: , ious creed they live The phrase p a rt ia ll y tilled W a r S ta m p a l b u m » . ! and from the power o f Satan unto | Well. I have always tried to teach ; Selective Service does not mean s«- my only son that he will get out God. lection by these discrim inative can he puts into his work. W hen What I m yself saw in my four God had many people there, he told what I ons. Instead, it means that they years in Europe gave me a new the Apostle. But the Gospel must he wuz a w alkin' for the Santa Fe are chosen for their physical fitness R. R. Co., here he found out that realization of the priceless rights first be sounded and by that the and their mental ability to endure Spirit would do his work and call out basic rule held good in his prom otions. which we here enjoy. hardship, strain, stress and privation, H e was an Unclaimed Blessin’, (un No secret police can in the night many a one to salvation. to obey and carry out orders, to fo l So it was that num bers had their m arried) and got his call ta the U. low and to lead in short, that they whisk us away, never again to be eyes opened and answered to the call. S. army. Now after ten m onths have the resiliency and high courage seen by those we love. But they were untaught. They over at Ft. Reno, near here. Uncle o f youth None of us can be deprived by any broke into rival cliques and follow ed Sam prom oted him from a F irst So our boys go into the valley of party, state or tyrant of those pre human leaders. Some took Peter, Class Private to a Staff Sergeant in the shadow. Some will com e out cious civil liberties which our laws som e FJaul, som e the silver-tongued the Supply Dept., and he is tran sfer- not unchanged, foi who that faces and our courts guarantee. He had a Apollos. From the next city, where led to Ft. Bliss, Texas. death bravely, fears death ? Many heap of work on that dep't. ov er at he had gone, Paul sends back a re None of us can be persecuted for will never return. D ifferin g though He put buke "W hat know ye not that your Ft. Reno, and worked hard. they may in class .color or creed, practicing the faith which we found body is the tem ple o f the Holy Ghost in m ore hours than was required, at our mother’s knee. they will lie alike in distant graves, especially' when his com m andin ’ o f f i None of us can be persecuted, tor which is in you, whicii ye have from cer wuz called away for thirty days in land honored forever by the fact God, and ye are not your o w n ? For that they died that other men m ight tured or killed because of the fact ye are bought with a price, th erefore and left him in charge o f that dep't. that an accident of fate might have glorify God in your bo ly.” be free. The ole M cG uffy rules for w ork Three such boys died in the line o^ made us of the same race as the This is what he m eant—Suppose a hold good even in the Army. Nazarene. duty a. shin t tim e a g o - a pYoteS- B A R B W IR E B ILL fam ous physician cam e to your tant named Vogel, a C ath olic named No American can be placed by house to heal one o f your fam ily and ------------------- V -------- — — Sipow sky and a Jew named G old any party or government in a regi you made him a prisoner in a cubby berg. There is room for editorials mented vise which takes from him h«)le up under the r o o f? Not much RATION BOOK REMINDER galore in that statem ent. But more or her either freedom of economic use to your fam ily, we should say. significant to me than any editorial SU G AR Stamp No. 11, in B ook l, opportunity or political religious lib L ike that, the H oly Spirit had taken was a phase in the governm«;nt story up in his temple, their bodies, to I good for three pounds, expires M arch erty. — ‘‘Three Am erican boys in the Let the 15. What would the millions of unfor give them fulness of life. Navy, a Protestant, a C atholic and a Spirit have his rightful first place, G A SO L IN E Stamps No. 4, each tunate men, women and children in Jew. united by their com m on faith says Paul. Open all the house to good for four gallons through March in A m erican d em ocracy and In free Europe give to be able to live and him. Let the Spirit fg l th«.>:n. Let 21 . dom, met death together.” enjoy such a way of life? them live by P O W E R F R O M ON They met death, as brave men meet R E G IS T R A T IO N D A T E S (— Fuel Well, in this wtir, those are the HIGH. They w ere indw elt by the the thing they fear. United by their things in our lives which are in Spirit but they needed to be IN oil dealers, I'eb. 13 and 13. FYrel oil com m on faith in A m erican d em oc jeopardy. Our boys are dying to pre F IL L E D users Feb. 15 to 17. R ation book racy and in freedom , they walked serve them for us. H ow is it that Dr. Martin Nie- No. 2. Feb. 22 to 27. into the valley o f the shadow never Then we can do no less than to m oeller is able to stand out against C O F F E E —February 8 to M arch 21 to return. “ say yes’ ’ and fill those war stamp H itler in the rags, verm in and star —Stam p No. 25, war ration book No. Our hearts go out to those they vation of the concentration ca m p ? 1, book holders 15 years o f age or left behind them, those who too, go albums. It is our duty and privilege This man who dared to speak for over, good until m idnight M arch 21 through the shadow s o f separation. to help the secretary of the treasury, God H ow ? Because N iem oeller But to them is one consolation they Mr. Morgenthau, in his magnificent gave the Holy Spirit every room in for 1 pound o f coffee. share in com m on. Though these effort to do the tremendous job of ■ his heart. T IR E S —Cars with B and C m ile He is m aking it through lads follow ed different load s o f faith getting the money to keep our boys • by P O W E R FROM ON HIGH age rationing books m ust have tires to each was vouchsafed the prom supplied with the weapons with And y ou ? Do you run with the inspected prior to F ebraury 28. ise o f the Psalmist D avid: "Yea, which to fight our fight. ¡w o rld ? ? Are you saved but fru it I All C coupon book s and most B though I walk through the valley of If you have Christ as Sa- cards must be renewed March 1. Surely that is little enough for us j less? the shadow of death, I will fear no i viour, the Holy Spirit IN D W E L L S to do on the home front. evil, fo r Thou art with me. Thy rod Cars with A books must have tires YOU. But he waits to IN F IL L you. V. S. I it usury Vrfattmcni and T hy staff, they com fort m e.” He wants every room Are you the inspected prior to February 28. -------- -------— V — ------------- And each fam ily who m ourns rests restless joyless C hristian? Or are A new econom ical, washable paint SH O ES- F ebruary 9 to June 15— secure in the faith that beyond the ! you possessed o f the peace that pass- valley o f the shadow lies an eternal dries in 60 minutes, needs «»nly ond eth all understanding Die to self; be Stam p No. 17, war ration book 1, coat, has no objectionable odor, re peace. IN F IL L E D with the Spirit and make valid for purchase o f one pair o f quires only water for thinning, and F am ily V --- -------------- it through by P O W E R F R O M ON shoes through this period. stam ps are interchangable. A new sealing liquid applied to has a high degree of light reflec HIGH. wood or conerete surfaces protects tion. _______ _____ -\T __ R A T IO N BOOK NO. 2 them from attack by oil or grease. F ebruary 3 0 --R eta il sales o f ca n New w ood link mats, which can be V ------- . ned fruit s and vegetables ends at rolled up for easy handling and C loverdale, O regon A crayon-like stick, recently d e cleaning, now are used m idnight. instead o f T his space paid for by an O regon veloped, provides a simple means for lubber link matting. February 22 to 27 R egistiation for businessman. m easuring tem peratures. A mark w ar ration book No. 2 at schools or -------------------V ------------------- ------- V ----------------— made with the stick becom es shiny ration boards. The headaches behind the counters Be pretty if you- can, be w itty if j when a specific tem perature is reach M arch 1— R ation in g o f canned and o f the local m erchants are m any to you must, be agreeable if it kills you. 1 ed. dried fruits, canned and frozen v eg e day, and they get no - medals for d o Elsie De W olf. -------------------V— — ------------- tables begins. ing the most rem arkable m erchandis _ V -------------- — The home town paper is like bread ing job at the lowest turnover profit Clip this in form ation and keep it and meat to service men. An ad tells it effectively at a mlni- with your ration book for ready r e f the world has ever seen. nmm cost. erence. O u r F reed o m H. IL JKFFKIKM. PubUsher Published Friday or each w eek by the P ioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. E ntered aa second-class m atter at the p oetofflce at B eaverton, Ore. . $1.00 .50 ___ T hree Months ........... $ .35a Subscription Payable in Advance. B eaverton O ffice — Enterprise Bldg., P hone Beaverton 2321 H illsboro O ffice — R oom 5, Delta Bldg., P hone 1641 Phone A Tw ater 6591 P ortlan d O ffice— 308 P anam a Bldg., 3rd and Alder M em i& i ' O r e g | o ® N l w s p T p e r P ü B LIS h [ e RjS 4-%$ fr£l ATI 0 H jungles and deserts in many form s as an A rm y field ration. Here is a story o f relativity. W hen the war started, who ever thought o f a package o f candy in relation to a rifle, a cannon, a jungle uniform , or a rubber b oa t? In tw elve months, our sense o f values has indeed ch ang ed. FYom now on, the wise man will be cautious in classifying essential and non-essential enterprises. ------------------- V ------------------- OSC Army Reservists to Be Called up in March KEEP THE EAGLE FLYING An bid fable tells how u m ouse re- le sed a lion by gnaw ing the net that trapped him. Millions o f small taxpayers in this fou n try . by their tax payments, must gnaw aw ay the debt net that now en meshes their governm ent. T he im m ediate passage by Con- g n ;s o f a pay-as-you-go tax measure to cover 1943 incom es, will enable all the people to start right now nib bling at the debt. W ars cost m oney and the people must pay for them. The sooner they begin to pay, the better. The sm aller the installm ents can he mude, and easier taxes are to pay. So let's face the farts and keep the Eagle flying high. ------- —V - ---------- ------ . STUDY IN RELATIVITY Oregon? State College, Feb. 12 The recently announced decision to call students o f the army enlisted reserve corps into active training at the end o f the winter term will a ffe ct several hundred O regon State college men, although the exem ptions being al lowed assure a m ore nearly norm al spring term than was expected at first, says E. B. Lemon, registrar. A pproxim ately 43ft students here are in the arm y enlisted reserve corps, but o f these about 145 are ju n iors in the advanced ROTC work, who are to be left until the end of the year under latest rulings. A considerable num ber o f the rem ain der are sophom ores in engineering, science, or pre-m edics courses, who also are to remain at least till June. Those in the air corps reserve, num bering 121, are not to be called until present crow ded training facilities are cleared. The rem ainder, probably num ber ing around 200 or so, will enter basic training probably late in March, and. after 13 weeks, will be eligible for assignm ent to continue college train ing In uniform , though it is not ex pected that all present student arm y reservists will be re-assigned to co l lege. No date has been set for ca ll ing the naval student reservists for prelim inary training to precede the reassignm ent to college. C ontrary to earlier reports, stu dents who enter college prior to co m pletion o f their high school w ork will not be eligible to Join the V -l navy reserve program until after their high school diplom a is obtained Fur therm ore, there is no assurance that enlistm ents in this program will be accepted ufter March 1ft. ---------- V — A global war has given all o f us a different understanding o f relative values o f almost everything under the sun. A year ago we talked glibly about essential and nonessential industries. <!uns, am m unition, airplanes and ships were essential. The lowly milk cow, or the hen cack lin g when she laid an egg, were just part o f the country scenery. But a year later, we have awaken- •ned with a start to the fact that milk, butter, eggs, and a thousand- arid one other products that seemed relatively unim portant com pared to buttle equipment, are today the in dispensable things that keep our arm ies and our fleets in fighting trim not only our own but our Allies. “ England W ins W a r ” Millions o f people found when pre Is Holland Headline paring C hristm as packages that candy one o f the articles that we San Francisco, Feb. 12 Meekly have taken for granted like air and obeying orders o f Germ an nuttuirlties w ater was hard to get oil unobtain to publish excerpts of a recent able in many cases. And w h y ? Be Churchill speech and then to ridicule « 1 1 use it w as being sent literally b y 1 it with sarcastic com m ent, it was re the shipload to all parts o f the vealed here today, by the Netherlund world, for our armed forces. The Inform ation IVireaue, the editor o f u Army nutrition experts find the Am I Dutch newspaper Het Vaderland etlean soldier ¡4 a better fighting printed his story with a scream ing man when candy is part o f his diet. headline England W ins the W ar and It is one o f the things that soldiers In fine print Says Churchill. For buy most in railroad stations and this, th e- editor wus fined 28,000 cam p s. it goes into the mountains. guilders by the Nazis, about $13.500 Is Price!ess Mike Stanich, Albina Shipyard Worker, refu gee from Hitler, says: "I speak for all Albina workers when I tell you that you are urgently WANTED at ALBINA SHIPYARD to build Hell-Ships for United States Navy." • Albina Shipyard . . . known as Portland's Hell Row because its fighting ships give the Axis hell W a r S ta m p S ales O v e r H a lf Itillio n D o lla rs , Needs A lb u m D r iv e O p e n s Machinists Shipfitters Welders 1. Albina is ilia elosest-in shipyard. V S. T rr !«ury photo tppcalinir Margaret C. Russell of the War Saving» SUIT tacks up this new I n asury poster which will be seen from coast to coast. It pi< lure« retailers' -l«>. in, ' >\Y VI > •* A drive is underway for Americans to buy additional Mai lam p- to till albums and convert them Into War Ronds. \ \ W ASHINGTON. D. C.— The na- ” to n 's retailers from the tiniest hamlets to the mighty cities are act ing as a spearhead in a great Treas ury Department campaign to sell the addition al W ar Savings Stamps needed to fill more than 100,000,000 albuma now in the hands of the American people. According to a report released by the Treasury Department today, sales of War Savings Stamps totaled $.'>59.777,000 for the period from May 1, 1941, through November, 1942 Stamp sales have risen from less than three million dollars per month when they were first introduced to the public to an average of more than fifty million dollara per month at tha present time. The Treasury'! slogan, "A half- filled album is like a half equipped soldier," has been adopted officially by retailers for the campaign. The importance of the drive is seen in the fact that a War Bond po tential of nearly two billion dollars hangs in the balance. Every War Stamp album, con verted into a People's Bond, for which the purchaser pays $18.75 and which matures to $25 00 value w hen held for 10 years, adds its force to the war effort. The Treasury Department is counting upon the country's school children to play a powerful role in the success of the SAY Y E S drive The volume of stamp and bond sales is at the rate of $200,000 000 for the current school year. L’. S. fr w u .r ) U »H rim *sl 2 . \\ illiin NOW ira lls in y d is t a n c e o f d o iv n lo tr n P o rtla n d :i. H u s l i n r s p r a c t i c a l l y ai t h e p a i r . i. A o better icorkiny conditions anyirhcre. • 1 . Pipiny-ltol meals in the yard restaurant, ti. t r e e parkiny lot. ALBINA ENGINE AND MACHINE WORKS AND SHIPYARD APPLY AT ALBINA DESK, U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, SOUTHWEST TW ELFTH AT STARK