PUBLISHED WEEKLY V O L . 16. XO. 2 IN O U R P L A N T O N S H O R T ST. A N D T U A L A T I N HIGHW AY Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, February 1J. 1943 Point Ration e x t r a : : Beaverton Hi Around Effective Soon Wins Honors Town E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 Obituaries Farmers Need More Men M A K O A K K T II D EN N EY Mai gai et Hustings Penney died at! 1943 L E G I S L A T U R E the home of her son in law and i daughter. Mr. and Mis. E. G Perkins j Salem, February 12 (Special)—The Tuesday morning, February 2. after a! League of Oregon Cities have three four days illness. meritorious) measures before the leg Mrs. Denney was born at Hollister, islature this session. H B. No. 18k • California. May 26, 1867, the daughter J Registration for ration book No. 2 allows cities to set up reserve funds Beaverton s traditonal skill in for-| Mrs John Dobbins of Portland and ot Mr and Mrs R B Brown. A fter! Boston Park norida February 12 H. B. No. 213 covering purchases of canned and for post-war work Beaverton. visited Mrs the death of her father and a few Through th e' courtesy of mv naiuh- frozen fruits and vegetables a n d ' " '1* P'ovide 16% of all state liquor ensic-s was again demonstrated last formerly of Nelson Walkei last Saturday after- years i esidence at Ashland. Oregon, bor VV Paul Sturkev on« of A m dried fruits scheduled for Febru- Ievenue to be credited to the city po- 1 nday and ^atuiday at the ltth an noon the family moved to Garden Hom e.1 erica's most succe^ful fa rm eri I ary 22, and will go into effect on lice fund °* Genell*l Fund HB No. nual Linfield college , McMinnville) ,oa,nament fo1 j Receiving congratulations on the Oregon ¡have Just returned from an inspec March 1. Merchants will be pprohibi- will provide 15'; of all Highway a .W n , sr iools of Oiegon Die local debat birth of a son Henry F . born Janu- ° n October 13, 1886, she was mar- i tlon trip of large truck farms. These ted from selling these items fro m ! Funds for city streets. i ers in both the senior dfv,*ion and ary 31, are Mr. and Mrs. Reginald ried to R K Denney, member of the j are the thousand-acre-tracts which February 20 to March 1st. When . . . the junior division were winners o ' , \y Reavls of Beaverton. pioneer Penney family and made h er! raise the peas, beans cauliflower trading in these commodities is re sumed, it will be under the limitations Senator and Mis. Burke returned first place, each in their respective) W eek-end guest at the home of ne" home near Beaverton where she tomatoes, cucumbers and other fresh Mr and Mrs. Arthui Kolkenbeok was 1 e*'ded until her death of the point rationing coupons. Reg- home over the week end to the Gibbs class. i vegetables which you are eating. Top honors in class A ° r s<*nior|M|s She was a membei of the Preshy- ■ For Once Farmers are Right istrants will save time by bringing district neai Sherwood for the first Heydenburk of Grants Pass. teiian church and a very active I These farmers want no money from with them a completed form. ; time this session to consult with ! debate were won by the Beaverton j team composed of Richard Smurth- i Mr and Mrs. H J Wright have „lim ber o f t h e Beaverton Grange.'the Government. All they ask la OPA says the following items are ^ f * 1. constituents. i wai.p and Robert Myers, who de- I sold tneir home and greenhouses on for a number of years as the right to buy plows, tractors and seiving not included: Candied fruits, fruit Judge H P. Kerkman of \N nshiriK- f^atecl Fngene Grants Pass Dallas the Beitha Beaverton highway to H lecturer of this organization. 1 a. e" r-n8en(>- t>i ants r ass, Dallas J Wright Jr. a supply of workers. This last Is Mr and Mis. Wright cakes, fruit puddings. frozen fruits ton Coun,y " a s in Salem over th e ! and Salem in addition to administer- ’ Surviving are three children, R B the most needed of all. Let me give in containers over 10 pounds, frozen weelt end confening with other juilg- , three defeats to the debate teams s f will move to California where they Denney, T B. Denney and Mrs. Derle j a few illustrations. Readers more- 1(J es relating to certain legislation now j „ . “ ' . ha tf_ ,ea« “ vegetables in containers ove. ’ from Roseburg high Thus Smurth j have Purchased an orange grove, Perkins, all of Beaverton one broth-lover, know that 1 do rot represent pounds, fruit juices and vegetable| Pcndm8 in the House ¡waite and Myers of Beaveiton emer» The Beaverton Rebekah lodge No er. R B Brown of Garden Home, the Farm Bloc but am usually very juices in containers over 1 gallon,! • . ged victors in seven stiaight de- 1 348 met last Tuesday evening for a six grandchildren and seven nieces critical of their demands The pickles and lebshes. potato salad, The big hearing by joint committees 1 bates and were awarded the much , regular session. There were 20 mem- and nephews I time has arrived, however, when olives, chili con carne and meat i Agriculture on S B No 75 to coveted division A championship D e -b «'is present. There was an entei Funeral services were held at the | farm products have become muni- stews containing vegetables. paste on repeal the Milk Control Act, was well bate Cup. i lainment, prizes were awarded. Beaveiton Congregational church 'tions of war. . . 'PI,« products such as spaghetti, macaroni, duirymen' The question for debate was Re-) The Social and Needlework club Saturday afternoon. February 6 with Farmers from everywhere are wrlt- by prominent noodles, whether or not they are attended solved. That a World Federal Gov met last Friday afternoon There the W E. Pegg funeral home In mg that they are not able to secure It was a packed with added vegetable sauces. from all parts of Oiegon. seems big ernment Should be Established • was an exchange of valentines. charge Interment was at Crescent I trucks and necessaiy tools. The po- Family larders will have three “ red hot discussion” ! it Beaverton's B tram. Meanwhile m eicantile interests are trying to I Grove cemetery. I tato farmers are very outspoken in The Kiwunis ladies met last Tues types of canned foods: “ regain then lost leaders!" S B .! composed of Bill Smith, Jean God- day afternoon for tea. * * * I their attitute regarding the Washing- 1. Home - t anned. All home- No. 73 will come up before the Sen-; w*n anc* Kim Sinclair, debated and Ml{s. 11 AXEL OSTRAND ER i ton bureaucrats It seems that the Mis. C. B Haines. Haley, S. Dakota, canned foods of any variety includ ate soon ' defeated the B team from Roseburg, ¡who is visiting her duughter Mrs. Hazel Myrtle Jakobsen was horn In ' Government has been making prom- ing vegetables and fruits these are ! Hillsboro, Medford, and Salem, be- Sanborn County. S D , Sept. 20, 189G. I He« to them that labor would be sup exempt from rationing Any amounts • • • ! sides twice defeating the McMinn- ’ Hilda Highbee,suffered a heart attack At the age of nine she moved with'plied. However .a good many potu- may be retained and it will not be I ville debate teams, and twice winn- last Saturday and is confined to bed. her parents and brothers to a farm to growers had their potatoes frozen The Eastern Star Social club will necessary to report them in declara Mr. Hicks, member of the Portland J j „ K over Forest Grove. This B team in Miner County. S. P February i in the ground These are now prac tions. Fire Department, was in the Sen-1 f rom Beaverton won eight stiaight ' hold a cooked food sale February 18 23, 1916, she was united in marriage 1 ally telling the Government repre qt the Masonic Temple from 10 a. m. ate conferiing with Senator Fisher victories and was awarded the first & Exempt Foods. Many to Waltei Ostrandei of Pipestone, | sentativea that they are going to re- mercially preserved foods are exempt about introducing a Firemen’s Pen- piize trophy in junior debate in recog- ; to 4 o'clock. Minn . where they resided for a year, i duce their acreage, or stop produc from rationing. They include jellies, -s*on Bill to protect all firemen in „¡tion of their outstanding achieve' j Mi. and Mrs. Ingwakl liaison of tion moved to Minei County, S. D , tlon altogether, unless they have jams, preserves, canned meat, fish, Oregon when they retire., ment. | Molilalia, North Dakota, arrived lYi- where they resided until early in more assurance thnt labor will be Beaverton Is also justly proud of day and are visiting old friends at 1942,, when they moved to Portland, | given them, olives, relish, pickles, spaghetti, mac aroni. and noodles They will not] Faul Patterson, c ity attorney ley for its third debate team, an aggregation the W C. Wright home in Beaverton Oregon To this union was born Food Panic Ahead? have to be declared. a number of Washington County | of Sophomores consisting of Eugene j and the Scherman home in Scholls. thre,, children She entered the Farm organizations, rightfully de- 3. Rationed Food». These in gen- cities, andi J W. Barney. City Man- Anderson, Robert Bacon. Iral Nelson, I. R. McLain from St. Louis, Mis- Good Samaritan hospital on Decern-1 mand that the working week be in- eral include commercially packed ager of Hillsboro, appealed at the and j ac|< Lowe, who won four de- MOuri, visited at the W . C. Wright her 3. 1942. for an opeiation from creased from forty hours to fifty- canned fruits, vegetables, fruit and public hearing by the House Roads hates out of the six in which they home last Sunday. which she never really recovered. four, so that one-third of the people vegetable juires, canned soup, chili and Highway Committee Thursday in participated «. c MeKereher w a s a dinner She was a very patient sufferer. Continued on Page 3 sauce, certain frozen fruits, and behalf of the League of Oiegon Cit- Still a fourth debate team com- | *.st............ Mrs. Ostrander was an active mem at the John Prescott home in vegetables and dried fruits. These ies. They spoke for a greater share p0aP of freshmen, Wallace Branch, Portland last Wednesday evening. ber of the Rebekah Lodge, also of are the foods that cause most of the of the Gas Tax from the State High- Riwin Paxon and George Springer, the Methodist Ladies Aid. and always I The Beaverton Parent Teachers as worrying. They will have to be de- way Gas Tax Funds for up keep o f |H).e proudly celebrating a win over willing to help with any worth while I city streets. Forest Grove during the tournament sociation will hold its annual Found activity. She was a devoted wife and Continued on Page 3 ers Day program February 25 at the * Other honors of the same tourna- mother, and made friends wherever Up to Monday of this week , ment went to Salem in oratory, af- grade school auditorium. she went; she will be missed by all ( Cities of Beaverton, Forest Grove, ter-dinner speaking and humorous W. E. Pcgg had charge of the fun- who knew her She was born Sep- | West Hills Lutheran Church was Gaston and Sherwood have sent reso- deciamaton to Hillsboro in serious eial foi Hazel M. Ostrandei of Port- tember 20, 1896. and died February formally organized Sunday, January lutions in behalf of the League of j extenip and radio speaking. to land, who died February 4. Funeral 4. 1943. in the Good Samaritan 31 Rev. L. Ludwig, president of the Oregon Cities' program House Bills Sheridan in serious declamation services were held February 8 at hospital at the age of 46 years, Northwestern District of the Ainert- No's. 213 and 216 to the Washington and poetry reading and to Forest RWerview chapel at Hiverview cenie- 4 months. 15 day* She leaves to can Lutheran Church, delivered the County delegation. We hope to h a ve, Q rove ¡n junior extemp tery. mourn her passing, hei husband, one sermon. Rev. Werner Fritz, pastor Leave Books at City HaM or Public j like responses from the other cities of | ____________ y ____________ Mrs. E. H. Bergin, who underwent daughter Maxine of Portland; two I of West Hills Church, presided at Library In Beaverton Washington County favoring passage ! an operation in January has returned sons. Kenneth, serving in the U. S. I the meeting. Officers elected are You are urged to help with the Vic of House Bill 213 and House Bill 216. f " 1 PJ«,*.* home She is progressing nicely Army, and Cecil, serving In the U. S as follows: Elder, Dr. William tory Book D ik e if possible by giving ag tl,p Washington County delegation f l C a V c l T O I l l l l l l I l i b i but is still confined to her home. Navy, her mother, Mrs. Florence Ja- Schoeler; secretary^ Mrs. Lillian one of youi good b A BOOK wishes to use these Resolutions in be m « « ir ■ tV fi Ciz 1 The executive board of the Beav- kobsen of Pasadena. Calif., and three Sandy; treasurer, Karl Potten; trus- YOU W A N T to K E E P IN GOOD half of the bills when they come be C l d S S W A V E S l O F C K B C D G r erton Parent Teacher association will brothers, Glen Jakobsen of Pnsadena, tees, G. W. Bittner, D. P. McDonald, PH Y S IC A L CONDITION. fore the Senate foi final passage. ~ Bloomington. Ind.. Feb 12 Miss El- meet February 16 at 12:30 with Mrs Calif, Addison Jakobsen of Beaver- Richard Paul. Many organizations are already working to do their bit to serve the) ointe a stir took place in the nie Amoth, route 1, Beaverton, Ore- Geo. Smith at 711 Watson street. Pot ton, Oregon, and Oscar Jakobsen, a West Hills is a community church men in the camps The following co, , i dorg Friday u group of 20 In- *°n, was a member of the first class luck dinner. I prisoner of war in the hands of the sponsored by the Board of Home are rules given by camp librarians ■ dians arrived from Celilo Falls on of W A V E S storekeepers graduated Little Anita Pienovi acted as a Japan*"* ¡Missions of the American Lutheran as to the type of book wanted and ; up.)el. Columbia River to speak in from the U. S. Naval Training school ; fairy at the inauguration of a queen <>na 8IH" “r ^lisf John 1 a lo P a o r | Church. All preliminary work was all must be in the best physical con- , ehalf of fjshini: rights. About this!at Indiana university here today at the Masonic Temple in Portland,*'” 8 AnK''les Calif^ and ° bei done by the pissent pastor, Mr. Fritz, dition time in the door comes Colonel Arn- Rear Admiral John Downes, com- recently. relatives and friends. Her father and who arr|ved thl, area ,M t , um. 1 ................ -• —— two brotheis preceded her in death. mer. Naval ■ Dis Previous to his Portland min- 1. Current best sellers, fiction or 0|tJ , blind) of the Tillamook Gueri- niandant of the Ninth Beaverton. William Moshofsky, Funeral services and committment istry Mr. Fritz had a 15 year mlnis- las, with his dog on leash—the dog Diet, addressed the class of 509 non-fiction. ‘° and ! held Monday, February 8, in River-j t ry aa student chaplain at Washing- 2. Adventure, Westerns, Detective. beK;ln t() ba, k and , ried to grab every WAVES, the first women st ore keep- P Blade military honorary. vlew C em etery, Portland , jon gtate College. Indian uy by me the if* leg. Undoubtedly Navy Mystery, Fiction. -*j, ••‘ vmwm . inuiaii uouuuutru.j Col- ers^ — the --- ------^ . . . Mo.^Tiofskv, a junior in law. is a mnni a .v,.,,,.- nt wr Arrange- it n oirtr 1 ------ ------- , Arnold has trained his dog effi Those who satisfactorily comjjleted student repre8entaUve on the educa n r^ rT I W e,t HlU* Church extends a very 3. Technical Books published since I . . . . f / , . . .. m n n l k o ' n n u e o a r n e m v i i / l t h o v 1 _ . A Mortician, 1 0 I t U 'lM Il. v e IT o n . I Oregon. f'LTOn ___- ______________________ Beaverton, to everyone to at- , i cordial welcome 1935. I ciently to be on guard against dan- i the four months course received the jj0na| activities board. , He Is also a V tend Its Sunday School and worship 4. Funny Books of Jokes, ( ¡u toons; j,er atl be has trained the Tillamook petty officer rating of stoiekeeper, mPrnber of Alpha Tau Omega frater- I services. and group games. ' Gueiillas to shoot the first Jap on third class They will be assigned nity. --------------- V --------------- 5. Pocket books and other small j sjKy,t that comes anywhere neat to shore stations within the United sized editions of popular titles Tillamook bay! 'States to release men storekeepers; ! Edward Jannsen Remember- all in good physical . • • for active sea duty, Air Corps Captain condition. When Beaverton wanted water— , The 16-week course included one ■ I til.tio o e I 'j i l r / in 4 .. The M Mid-year retreat f , \ for high Edward M Jannsen, son of Mr and V — ----------- Rudolph Sehuepbach took a piece of, months indoctrination period, or school students closed wit!\ Benedic- M ,s. A. M. Jannsen of Reedville, has hazel brush and said "gentlemen you "boot training in which the young ^ Shoe Rationing Surprise tion of the Most Blessed Sacrament. , been advanced to the rank of cap will find water here" it was on top women were acquainted with Navy Announcement bunday of thp hiI1 ,nsidp the leservoir fence terms, regulations, history, and ships A. „ . . Wednesday afternoon. January 27. In ,aln in the army air corps, according During January he 1 eavei on u- R gp| jpg of ¡„spired and thought-stir-1 to wo,d received by his parents, Cap Rationing of shoes went into ef- A , Jannspn drjUed down 735 feet and and aircraft, and a three month’s feet Tuesday of this week taking ev- iocated the Beaverton City well one course in storekeeping They receive . m v x l 1 rin* in feren ces, the Rev John Me tain Jannsen, who has been in the eryone by surprise, as previous a n -jof , hp finP8t in the state. the same training in storekeeping as « •» I . « before the s t u d e n * I t.- corps for two and a half yea,.. trucks with 30 colored men on them, • • • men. preparing them for work in dis- nouncement was not given. Evety body a definite program for the splr- i* stationed at Douglas Field, Ari- came out and it took three days to man, woman and child will be allow itual training and activity benefitt- *ona, as wing engineering officer, Ralph Mapes. a former Beaveiton bursing, supply, and commissary clean up the wreckage Mrs Bei k- ed three pairs of shoes a year, mem graduate, is home on a visit with his offices. ing Catholic youth of today. Th e' --------------- V --------------- holtz has three brothers in the ser bers of families may pool their cou- parents. ^ ______ Mr. and Mrs Steve Mapes! --------------- v ---------------- student response was most gratify-! About Our Boys vice one in Alaska, one southern Pa ing pons so that some may buy mote if ga|em cific area and one in the aircraft de Occupational Tax others buy less. Ration stamp No. By their excellent scholarship and Dear Gilliam: partment The brother in Alaska re 17 in the sugar ration book will be deportment, exemptions in semester i Received your card at Christmas in speaking of water system* <>f Discussed by Council cently requested his sister to send good until June 15th. when a new 0rcgon the, f irst of the week Senator At a lecPnt „leeting of the Beav copies of the Tigard Sentinel, Aloha examinations were earned by Marga and was very glad to have you re- stamp will be designated At Fisher stated that the Town of Beax- eldon city Council they were inform- Ne ats and Beaverton Enterprise pa- i et McMahon and Clare Moshofsky. 1 member me in such a manner. _______ e-V— a seniors: Rita Schneider and Angelina , present I am serving on the Cutter eiton. Washington County, had the ¡bat Mi Antiobus was able to te with ih . l . Sohler, juniors, Catherine Anzalone Fir which operates out of a Puget Andrew Kennedy Honored finest water in Oregon that "Beav turn to his duties, and Mr. Smith, he could k erton is selling water instead of buy who had been on duty during his ab- news u ' i 11 i ’ « i n h. * ,n and r' e,a ld|f'c O'Connor, sophomores; Soum| port. I enjoy the life a great With Birthday Party _ ,___ ____ ___ of years. ____ Rosemary Ross, 1-ieshmen (leal as I am one of those fortunates Paying all expenses of 8pncPi was discharged ing water! number Beaverton for Andrew Kennedy was pleasantly (hp watpl department and puts aside Loyalty to Uncle Sam and to Alma that does not get ‘“ tetched" by sea- A discussion of the occupational V- surprised last Monday evening with $300 to $500 each month as a sink tax was held but nothing definite Matei produced outstanding work In sickness. Next month I am hoping a party of friends and neighbors on ing fund which is placing the Town was done. the purchase of war saving stamps to take tha examination for officers Seaman Praised his 85th birthday. and bonds throughout the Academy ^training. This service is not as of Beaveiton on the map in a big The Oregon and Washington Dis He received many useful gifts way! during the past weeks Girls who I free as the army with their commls- trict of the Evangelical Lutheran ^or Rescue H p I d among them a fancy box of soaps seaman flrst have already received Battleship Ore- »tons. Frank H. Lovell, As yet I have had not leave * * * Synod of Missouri, Ohio and othei • A lovely birthday cake was the cen class, son of Mr. and Mrs J. H Ixi gon premiums are Catherine and Jo-j but in the near future I hope to Mr. Ireland, prominent dairyman states want to buy a lot on I arming- ter of interest Guests wore Mr in the Forest Grove area, is much {on , oad and C)ty limits and had a veil, of route 3, Beaverton, has re sephine Anzalone, Marjorie Campbell, secure a few days and will drop in and Mrs Walter Shellbeiger. Mr interested in the outcome of present representative commendation Barbara Dodson, Beverly Gratton, i to see you If I get a chance. this meeting They ceived a lettei* of and Mrs Stephen Bartnik, Mr and dairy Lels, Betty [ Your friend legislation now pending bava been meeting In the Kiwanis f ,orn * be commander of %..e mine Inez and Margaert Talmen- sweeper foice. for his $ld in the res Claire Rand and Bernadine Smith Mis Irving LaFond, Mrs < PH ILO GRIM ES Washington County is one of the Dall in Beaverton cue of an army flier whose plane re The first assembly of the new sem-. No. 1082 hill. Mrs. Ora Guffey and Mr. and leading dairy counties of the State. cently fell into the ocenn off the Pa ester was held January 28 for th e 1 Mis. Francis Matish * • • and is vitally interested at the pres- c ---------------V ---- oome L.hanges at tn« pmpose of electing student body o f- ! Dear Friends: cific roast ficeis for the second period of the) I will drop you a card to lat you be protected during this emergency Beaverton Postoffice S W E E T 16 ! ! scholastic year Mary Ann Sitton know that everything is okay with Charles Dawes has been appointed C o n g ra t u l a t io n s was chosen president, Margaret Mc me. I am assigned to the Army Health BoarH Reports Several communities of Washing carrier for route 1 Beaveiton, and Mahon. vice president; Dora May Air Corp Wish you all lots of luck. Measles attains new high after ton County are receiving bills per Myrtle Hickox. carnet for route 3 Salem. Oregon Moos, secretary;! Claire Moshofsky. Pvt C LIFTO N ELLISO N In the postoffice Miss Venlta Raf- temporary decline, accordine to the February 5, 1943 to Old Age Pensions now be My adress is Fit 69-9-1-9 T 8 S. fore the legislature any other com fetv Is substitute cletk and Claience State Board of Health, for the week D*tumrer Phetl Hotel. Rm 806. St Petersburg. ending January 80. there were 30 new munities interested write to Senator Buffun: will be tegulat clerk Beaverton Enterprise Florida rases repotted in Washington county.! Fisher. State Senator, Salem, Oiegon Coffee Stamp Valid Aloha News -----V ----- ---------- • • • Prior td their depaiture fot the Gther diseases reported was one in Stamp No 25 in the ration book is Word has been received by Mr and Hearty congt at illat ions upon your A , j anR9Pn of Reedville one of Bast Coast last week. Mr and Mrs rtuenza 2 whooping cough, 3 pneu now- good fot; one pound of coffee IS mumps and 1 erysipelas until March 21 Sweet 16" bnthday’ We note bv oiegon s piominent well dnlleis and George MeKereher wero honoi g u e s t s monia. To get coffee book Mra. Stratton of Beaverton, from the marine aviation cadet regiment. today's issue Vol 16. No 1 former State Representative from at a surprise wedding shower, given ---------- V --------------- holders must be over 15 years old. Corpus Christ). Texas, that their son It would be difficult to estimate in Washington County, was at the rapl- at the home of Mr. and Mis I^o --------------- V --------- ----- - ARTHU R ANDERSON Thomas Stratton, Junior, "ou ts the great good JTOttT Big 4 toj Jast wpp|, shaking hands with for Justen in Portland Twenty one Wooden fence posts treated with William Arthur Anderson, late of Bpaverton, has been appointed cad*t lieu publications have accomplished dur- mer colleagues. guests were present. Those attend died February 6 Husband of Nel chromated zinc chloride last three to tenant ,to act aa commander of ing the past 16 veat« in ^ . . . |njf from Bpav(.rton WPre Mia \j c ten times longer than If untreated. lie, brother of Elfreda Nelson. Mrs the first platoon, 22d company, 6th best interests of the famous Tualatin Another old timer showed up at the MeKereher. Mr*. Florence Miller. Florence Dellmore Grant. Garfield -------------- V --------------- battalion, of the regiment. Strat Valley, her people and their public legislature this week Honorable and Mis. Noreen Allyn The couple and Oscar Anderson Card of Thanks ton was a former member of Cen- welfare' Walter L Pierce former Governor of received many beautiful and useful Funeral services were held Thurs We extend our sincere thanks and tral Y. M. C. A s volleyball teams in tok On thia happy occasion in token Oregon, and more recently member gtft* day with Interment Riverview ceme appreciation to our many frienda and of my personal friendship and best af Congress from the ?r><, d i s t r i c t of --------------- V --------------- tery. neightKiie for their thoughtful help Corporal Hadge of Camp Young, wishes please renew my sutrsenp- Kastein Oregon, wearing a ten gal- Be sure to read Miller's ad in thi * -- ------------ V --------------- and sympathy during the Illness and Calif , is visiting at the O’Connor tion for another year to the Beayer Ion cowboy hat and was busy mixing weeks paper. He specializes in A cooked f1 »a'e will he held in death of our beloved mother Marga home this week ton Enterprise. medicine! When Pierce throws his fresh meats, fish and poultry anr. Masonic Temple !• H Dennej alao fot Uta many, • • • E A R L E FISHER. hat in the ring It looms up like a j everything in groceries. See him to Í tfta 10 a. m to 4 p. m. Beaver Social beautiful flora» offerings | Everett F. Oreen, Beaverton, in the State Senator of Washington County mUion dollars: day. He delivers too. ' club. T H E F A M IL Y 1 navy. J West Hills Lutheran Church Formally Located Victory Hook Drive Underway at Beaverton St. Mary’s of The Valley Firm Donates 17 Va,leT A «d em y N ew s Tons Metal to Army H I