Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1943)
F rid a y, F eb ru a rv 5, 1943 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R I S E , Beaverton, Oregon Page Classified Rates • FOR SALR M AHOGANY K iam eh and Bach upright Piano for sale or trade for power garden cultivator. 5721 SW Cam eron rd CH. 1294 T W O Cents a word per issue. M inimum 25c CASH with cup> M inimum C harge on Classified A ds not paid at Time o f Inser tion —50c. We M IS C E L L A N E O U S D ead stock picked up free o f ch arge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221 ; night call CH. 2403 or UN 0449 D E N I.E Y R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. H ID E S A specialty. Clay. W OOL, CAKCARA— A lee Port hind. BROS.. 85 SW Atw ater 5334. FOR TOW CAR f i l l VK1LMII.YF, M O T O R CO. P hone Tigard 3381. POULTRY HEADQUARTERS H ighest prices paid. our pick-up service. HT i POULTRY Northwest 232 SE A S i/e 15 Muskrat Fur Coat, new lining $50. Singer drop head m a chine, good condition $35 5721 SW 48th near Cameron Rd , CH 1294. Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E M lX T N O M .A H l ’ HKSS T IG A R D SENT IN KJL A LO H A NKU > C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington County and W estern Multnomah County C overage W e assume no financial respon sibility fo r errors which may ap pear in advertisem ents published in these colum ns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f ar. advertise ment in which the typographical m istake occurs. A sk about & D A IR Y co . Portland Oregon 5141 products Ouk, EA. FO R SALE o r Trade for dairy h eifeis baled Clover Hay $20 a ton Albert Kehrli. B eaverton rt. 2, 1 mile E o f Orenco. Baled Cedar Shaving; (Shingle T ow ) F or Insulation— Poultry Litter__ L ivestock, Dog a Cat B edding— — Nursery Packing BAST ST. JO H N S SH IN G LE CO. 10501 N. Portland R oad Portland, O regon I X. «670 • PERSONALS W A N T E D Rabbit fryers 23c lb. delivered. D P. M acDonald. Rt. 2. Bx 218, Beaverton 2260. W OM AN to care for 3 year old child and assist with housework, 9 to 3 W ed. to Fri. CH. 2585 LOST & FOUND FOUND Young Collie, with collar no name, G eorge Searles, R2. Bx 411, Beaverton. LOST Fox Terrier, extra large, fem ale. Findleys Feed store, B eav erton. Brick, Tile, M asonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YOU R D E A LE R C o lu m b ia B rick W o r k s 1320 SE W ater— Portland Kilns at Greshani-Sylvan-Salem F A IN T S Im lay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds SHER TH0RSEN PAINTS F or quality, fair price and service B. Imlay & Sons TMfTT T F RKED V TLLE ALOHA, O R E A T / il.1 A W ANTED SW A N ISL A N D Graveyard "D " nite Roarners R est Nite, 10 p m Durham, Tigard, G reenberg, Garden Hom e, Sylvan, Swan Island, Otto B rock- hans. P hone T igard 2477. NOTICE L a b o r e r s w a n t e d at on ce. I m m e d ia t e j o b p la c e m e n t ! A p p l y w e e k d a v s o n lv . HOD CARRIERS AN D BUILDING LABORERS U n i o n L o c a l N o . 296 ROOM 215 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th A T J E F F E R S O N Tell you r law yer to send you r le gáis to this paper. KINTON It lakes Both, War Bonds ami T¿ rxes, (o W in —Victory Tax Special Direct Lew Asked to Help Meet 11eavv W ar Costs WASHINGTON, D. C.—Approximately 50.000,000 American workers began to make an added contribution to the War cost this month in the form of a 5 't Victory tax. For many millions of Americans the Victory tax and the 1943 income tux are the first direct levies to be made bv the Govern ment to meet the staggering War costs. And it will'take both . . . taxes and War bonds . . . to provide the supplies and materials to win the War and the peace afterwards. The Treasury Department esti- mates that the Victory tax will raise approximately $ Every person receiving more than $12 per week must pay the Victory tax upon that part of his income over and above the $12 For example, a mar ried man with a salary of $50 per week, with two dependents, would make only a net payment of $1.06 per week after allowance for post war credit. The Government has made every effort to make the impact of the new tax as light as possible. The law’, in effect, provides that in the case of married persons whose sole income is from wages or salary, 40 percent of the Victory tax paid (up to a maximum of $1,000) plus 2 per cent for each dependent (up to a maximum of $100) may be used as a credit against whatever Federal income taxes the individual may owe at the end of the year—provided he * has purchased certain War Bonds, or paid old debts or paid life insur ance premiums equal to the amount of this credit. In the case of single persons this credit will be 25 percent of the Victory tax paid (up to a maximum of $500). Should the Vic tory tax credit exceed the individu al's Federal income tax, the unused portion of the credit may be refund able to the taxpayer. Even with the Victory tax. the 1943 income tax. and all other taxes paid by individuals, the average American will have more money with which to buy War Bonds than he has ever had before. Here ate the statistics which explain that statement: In 1940 the total income payments made to the American people amounted to about 76 billion dollars. In that same year the total personal taxes paid. Federal, State and local, were roughly 2.5 billion dollars, Clerical Positions Open In Public Health W ork Real Estate Transfers A nnouncem ent has recently been ! made o f exam inations fo r clerical po- i sitions in the central and county d e partm ents o f the State Board of j M ike Bowe et ux to C larence J blk 12 P eg g ” s sub Health and the Crippled Children's Bowe et ux, lot D ivision o f the University o f Oregon div Beaverton. M edical School. V acancies in t h is 1 , . , . _ . . . . . . _ , . , . Adolph Schm idt to Lee Brown purt type o f position have been frequent 1 Qf gec n T2S R3W in the past year due to war condi R o seb u d tions. Opportunities fo r permanent G eorge D. Atichison to Alois T appointm ents In this interesting field Sereda et ux. lots 3 & 14 H azelbiook Rosebud is eight, and the most o f public health w ork are now better farm | beautiful shade of caramel fudge. than ever before. , „ . , „ T o her loving M a m m y and P appy Lee Cunningham et ux to Oscai s ^e ¿s g now n on a p p rox im a tely al- Applicantion form s may be secured tern atc days, as “ Angel" and "You from county health departm ents or Olsen et ux, part of sec 3i r2S Rl\\ local U. S. Em ploym ent Service O ffi Glen S Ehle et ux to Carl H House ^bild . It \\ as on her d evil- ces, ot by writing to the Merit Sys et ux lots 9 and 10 blk 22 W Port-1 that R osebu d tied the tern Supervisor. P. O. Box 88, Port i a w hi knots in the slnrts that M a m m y had H taken in for w a sh in g, and pou red the land. Oregon. Closing date fo r fil anc Mg ing applications is February 8, 1943. Carl J Christensen et ux to Fred G| w hole o f the van illa bottle into the ------------------- if---- Halm et ux lot 7 Powers* Sub Div stew , ju st, she said later 42 T IN R 2W 1 through bitter t^ars, to “ flavor it up i som e” . N o Spray, N o Peaches in On her angel days Rosebud is Geo D H oinsdale et ux to Peter 1943; I eaf Curl Serious Klym et ux .lots 1 to 10 blk 40 C orne equally imaginative even if a more restful occupant of the little shack Even a single peach tree in a lius. backyard is worth protecting against * A1, «. down on Vinegar Hill. Once when f . . - . , . J W Connell (S h eriff) to Alice H Mammy was out peach curl leaf curl this year, re- , _ , . doing day work. i a .. « . ** * A*. El is, lot 9 and pt 10 Chism T1S R2W. minds Dr. S. M. Zeller, plant path- K Rosebud got a ologist at the O.S.C. experim ent sta- W ashington County to A J Heskett wave of cleaning titin W ithout a spray, leaf curl will ,otg an(t m ch eh alem Mt. O rchards fever and scoured i uin the crop. j « j 0 y •ry pot and pan The tim e to apply spray fo r this the kitchen so disease is on the earliest possible d a y 1 W ashington County to Stanley F that they literally when there is a long enough period Olin et al, lots 7 and 8 blk Pleasant glistened. Anoth- without rain for the spray to dry on H om e am ended plat Beaverton, day. left alona, the tree. A mild winter in most . „ .... . she tidied up parts o f the state indicates an early i A rthur L Canfield et ux to H um p Mammy’s and Pappy’s room to such swelling o f the buds. Spraying after j hrey Parry lot 7 blk .3 North Flams, a point of apple-pie order that it was the bud scales separate is o f no use, F|.ed c P fa ffie et ux to M argaret a week before Pappy could find an says Dr. Zeller. P eteisen, 20 34 acres sec 36 TJS R1W. undershirt. gives ! Rosebud is a great reader of the B oteaux m ixture 12-12HOO Mammy and Pappy e ffectiv e control if applied early q K rucbek et ux to E linor W il- newspapers. don’t take one, but there are plenty enough and so as to cn«>®r every kes W 'u o f lot 6 blk 2 Hillsboro. of perfectly good newspapers blow bud. Bert W Meyer et ux to Earl K ing round Vinegar Hill. It was out ------------------- V — -------------- Nixon, part W m Pointer cl 62 sec 1 of one of them that Rosebud got her idea for spending the ten cents the T IS R1W . HE EATS RICE TELEPHONE OPERATORS Previous Experience not es sential if willing to learn. Apply Chief Operator WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO. CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation I. P. Finley & Son SW F O U R T H AT M O N T G O M E R Y A T w ater 2181 Riverview Cemetery W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY C om plete Ftinrral Ser* Ire In New C athedral Chapel at No E xtra rost R iverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f over $800,000 >11 you r law yer to send your le Is to this paper. De Laval MOTAR A T O RS — M IL K E R S COM IT .E T E \M ) SU P P L IE S FOR THE D A IH I IN D U S T R Y tfhmek frisell tu NW Park AT. M6I Mary C H unter to Josie D Goble, night her tooth cam e out. After — :'\Vhat did you have fo r break- part blk A F airview add Hillsboro. breakfast Rosebud disappeared down fa st? ” the Hill and reappeared soon after — “ I had rice", said the well dress Chester A Leppere et ux to Frank with a beautiful ten-rent War Stamp ed native. It was in South China And he added—"M y dinner w as rice T K oehler, lots 23 Tualatin Valley pasted firmly into a brand-new book with neat little squaris for more und I will have rice for supper. R ice Homes. is my strength. I could not live j ^nton Maurei to W m R Baker et stamps. She displayed her invest ment to Mammy. "I declare you’re without it. It is - - - it is my very ux t sec 21 and 28 T IS R1W . i an angel child,” Mammy said. Rose life” , he added. "T hat is just what I wanted you p a W attleson et ux to Earl W bud went on sitting on the kitchen floor staring with large brown eyes to say," said the m issionary, the | Petersen lot 5 G reenburg Heights. i at the empty squares in her book R t r Mi Cunningham , o f ( N t h China _______ ____ ______________ From time to time she took hold of "Y ou naked me w hy i preach , one or another of her teeth and Christ today and yestei day and day by wiggled it, gently. day. It is because Ho is my stren-1 Mammy was engrossed in a par gth. I could not livd without Him. j , ticularly big washing. «Rosebud was He is my very life.” as quiet as a mouse and Mammy Just so; Christ is the Bread o f forgot about her until, coming in L ife: the W ater o f L ife: the W a y ,1 from the yard with her arms full of G U A R D IA N 'S N OTICE OF the Truth and the L ife to every sur dry sheets, she encountered her child SALE OF PRO PERTY rendered soul. with a large hammer in her hand. And to whom does Christ becom e In the County Court o f the State o f Scenting the devil in her angel child. O regon fo r Yam hill County. Mammy shouted at her, “ Rosebud! this All in A ll? In the M atter o f the Estate and Come yere with that hammer! What It is to such as quit self-goodness and count them selves as sinners | Guardianship o f Kate E. Roe, a men you planning on doing?” But what was done was done In lost. It is to such as w ould not face tally and physically incom petent per Rosebud's other hand was another the sins o f a life-tim e on Judgm ent son. Day. By virtue o f an ord er and decree tooth. Her mouth was stretched in And what must one do to have o f the County Court o f Yamhill a broad if slightly bloody smile. “ I Christ as his All in A ll? CounB', Oregon, made and enteied ain’t doing nothing. Mammy,” she O N E ST O P -L O O K -L IS T E N B e o f record D ecem ber 31. 1942, author said. "I'm just filling up my stamp lieve tho Bible, that Christ died for izing and directing the undersigned bool:.” (Story from an actual report in your s ir * T W O Hold an election. guardian o f the Estate o f Kate E. Cast a ballot. V ote Him your S a Roe, a m entally and physically in the files of the Treasury Depart- vior. Now stand on it that forever com petent person, to sell at private ment.) and forever, you are cleared T H R E E | gale the , eal egtate belonging to said , Say yes. T ak e you r ch an ge in W ar -open the door o f your hem t and estate. Stam ps. Y our in vestm ent in W ar name Him as the R oyal R uler of N O TICE IS HEREBY G IVE N Ronds today will sav e a p ayd ay for vour life And now that you have that from and a fter the 6th day of ; tom orrow . s Trtotury D gtftw M been delivered from the Death Road, February, 1943. I shall proceed to ------------------ y ------------------- face out into the highlands o f God. sell at private sale to the highest Daily ask Christ to rid you o f the bidder fo r cash in hand, an undivid-1 baggage He cannot bless. So you ed one-third interest in and to the j Patronize Our Advertiser* -------------- v --------------- travet the unward path. follow ing described tract o f teal es Again, salvation is free to all who tate situate in the County o f W ash- j Be counted am on g E arnest "scra p ” seekets. will take it. and on ce received, it j ington. State o f O regon, to-wit will never be snatched away W hen , Beginning at a point 62‘s 'sixty- God bteathes him self into you r heart j tw o and on e-h alf) feet West o f SAVE YOUR TIRES - it is forever But being saved, y ou ! the southwest corn er o f the inter-: must strike out and earn reward. Sal 1 BUY DEFENSE BONDS section o f Second Street South vation is free hut rewards must be and Third Avenue East, thence earned As you toil on. doing the Ride a Bas -R ig h t to the door .West 126 75 feet; thence south will o f God. you will have fellow ship 201.75 feet; thence East 126.75 of the with the Father and the Son. Christ feet; thence N orth to the point of beeam es your All in AH. And what awaits at the end o f the : beginning. SUBJECT T o the dow er Interest tra il?—“ A noble army, men and boys Around | of Julia A. R oe. m other o f Kate E ,„ matron ________ and the maid the On T aylor Street, bt. 4th & 5th the throne o f God they stano in robes , Koe. incom petent, PORTLAND o f white arrayed T hey clim bed th ei i>*xt^<l this 8th day o f January. steep ascent to heaven, through per-^ 1M3 T a sty Foods il. toil and pain God giant that THOM AS R ROE, stiengtb to us be given to rollow in O U A R D j AN O F T H E P E R SO N AN D Dinners— Lunches lin " Peril, toil and pain ESTATE OF Banquets Yes^ but step ahead, leaning all vour Kate E Roe. Incorni pet-nt weight on Him and R e will Drove BR. 1 4 2 3 for Reservation D D. BUM P H im self your All in All A ttorney fo r Guardian Claude Brereton Forest Grove. Oregon Date first publication January 8. AT TH E Cl overdale O regon i This space paid fo r by an Oregon Date o f last publication February W IN T E R G A R D E N Legal Notices Winter Garden businessman. 9. 1M3. The Kinton G range will hold their regular m eeting Saturday afternoon. Bill Snider arrived Sunday from Oakland. C alifornia, to visit his par ents. Mr. and Mr». G eorge Snider Sr. Mrs. Charles Owens entertained a group o f children and their m other» Thursday in honor o f her son T om my'* first birthday, leaving 73 5 billion dollars of dis posable income. During 1943 total Mrs. Jess Huntem an o f Cornelius is income payments are expected to staying with her sister. Mrs. Lavinu rise to 125 billion dollars and total W edeking and doing the w ork while personal taxes under existing reve Mrs. W edeking is laid up with arth nue legislation will be 15 billion dol ritis in her feet. lars—leaving 110 billion dollars of Mrs. VV. C .Hall spent the weekend income at our disposal as against at hom e checking over the dam age only 73.5 billion dollars in 1940. caused by the freezing weather. Her In 1943 Mr. Average American will son in law and daughter Mr. and still be carrying a much lighter tax Mrs. Leland McCann have moved to load than his Canadian or English Astoria. brothers-in-arms. In Great Britain total national and local taxes paid by individuals at present amount to Ten per cent o f you r in com e 31 percent of the national income. I in W ar B onds will help to In Canada, total individual taxes build the plan es and tanks amount to 25 percent of the national that will insure d efea t af H it income. In the United States, total ler and his A xis partn ers. personal taxes. Federal, state and | local, will amount in 1943 to 18 per- | cent of national income. Our Eng- | lish allies invest an additional 10 ; percent of national income in War 1 savings. Our Canadian allies invest 1 100.000 an additional 11 percent of national U a lr k B e a r l n . income in War savings. We Ameri FRUIT cans, to match the record of our Ca- ' and nadian neighbors, would have to in vest this year 20 percent of our na NUT tional income in War savings. To i TREES match the English record we would have to invest 23 percent of national Plant Tualatin Valley Nuraerlee quick- income in War savings. bearing trece lor greater profits We have L . S . j r .\ is n r y D t/ H ir tm e n t Bunny had put under tier pillow the HELP W A N TE D 3 Modern dehydration can reduce 80 pounds of peas to 15 pounds in less than ten hours. V ------- The 42 strategic m aterials which we had to im port for the last war have now neen reduced to 15. a complete assortment of Peaches. Apples Pear*, Cherrle*. Plum*. Prune*, Apricot* Fix*. Almond*. Filbert*. Walnut*. Cheat- nut*. Hickory Nut*, etc Complete assort ment of Berry Planta, Shrub*. Rows. Mo*t all varletl** of Flowering and Shade trees Send for 40 page catalog It will pay to drive out to our nuraerlee. Drive out Bar- bur Blvd. from Portland on Hlway S#W Out IT mile*. I mile past Su Corner* toward Newberg. Or * t will ahip your order by parcel po«t or expresa. TUALATIN VALLEY NUBSEIIES B». 3 . Ho* .110. N H F H W O O n , O H F G O .N Save 20 to 2 5 % o n your F IR E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S O regon Mutual Foliciea urn NON-ASSESSAHIJC. You N E V E R pay m ore than Uie prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual m aintains m ore than Uiree time* Uie surplus required by Oregon Insurance Lawn. O regon Mutual Fire Insurance Company Organized 1894 o f M c M i n n v i l l e .40 years o f Reliable Service UI mm . J . W alker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd A ve. "E v ery Form o f P rotection ” Phone 1732 H illsboro, Oregon SHIPYARD PAINTERS Experienced for Steady Work Rain or Shine ALSO Inexperienced M ay be Trained Union Wages APPLY PAINTERS' UNION Room 207 Labor Tem ple Portland WAREHOUSE WORK In Shipyards WAGES S50 Week to $69 Week Time and One-Hali on 6th Day Work at Any Shipyard Warehousemen’s Union Local 206 Room 500, Labor Temple A pply Between 8:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m.