Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1943)
F riila v , JanuarV 29, 1943 BEAVERTON Page E N T E R P R I S E , Boaverton, O r e g o n Real Estate Transfers Riverview Cemetery Eiton Sha *’ et ux to Joe Furrer et ux, 15 acres Virginia Place W E ST END SKI.I.W OOD BRIDGE Paula Tichy et al to Edith l._ W'inn et ux part of sec 11 T IS R1W' » CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Geo W Petersen et ux to R>chanl Bauer et ux pait of sec 3 TIS R1W A Benz et ux to Frank T Miller et j ux, lot l Benz Park. Glenn L Gale et ux to J E Blanc et j ux part lot 24 Johnson esl. add. Saiah Ann Weise et ux to Aubra B Davis part of sec 21 TIS R4W. F R Daniels et ux to Elmer Ryan et ux lot 5 blk 5 Multnomah County Club add. Nicolai-Neppach Co to M J Kelly part sec 21 T IS R5W John D Hare et ux to State of Ore part of sec 22 & 23 T IN R2WVV.V Anna M Barnes *t al to Martha N Smith, lot 85 Steel s add to Beaverton L E Wilkes et ux to F E Cornelius et ux property in Wehrung s add to Hills hot o. Gladys L Drath et vir to C Acres, part sec 31 T2N R3WWM H d o o rs te p , Frank M Dille et ux to J H Mc Leod et ux part lot 3 blk 12 Simmons add to Hillsboro. H W Currin et ux to I.eslie Fitz lass, lot 9 blk 2 Pattison Moran 1st add to Hillsboro. Floyd B Tefft et ux to Vernon A Peterson part lots 3 & 4 blk 35 Beaverton. Brice Realty Co to Lillian M Buhl er, part sec 12 T1S R1WWM Harry M Seabold, et ux to Owen Titus et ux part lot 17 blk 1 High land Park, add to Hillsboro. Mike Bowe et ux to Clarence J Bowe et ux lot 2 blk 12 Pegg's sub *'lt Takes Both" *9iovtx P*rr.t,jß+y<9 and Box upright Piano, for sale or trade, for power garden cultivator. 5721 SW' Cameron rd. CH. 1294. TWO Cents a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of Inser tion —50c. We Publish the H KAVU TO H ENTERPRISE M UI .T N O M A 11 PR E SS T IG A K U S E N 1 IN E L ARO 11A N E W S Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomnb County Coverage We assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements published in these columns hut in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. % M IS C E L L A N E O U S D e a d stoc^ picked free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call CH. 2403 or UN. 0449 D E N LE Y R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. HIDES A specialty. up WOOL, CASCARA—A LEE BROS., 25 SW Cía»»-. Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR TO W CAR call V E R M IL Y K MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. POULTRY HEADQUARTERS Highest prices paid. our pick-up service, vr , l i PO U LTRY Northwest Ask about & D A IR Y co . Portland Oregon 5141 pro d u cts 232 SE Oak, EA. HELP — i r O R SALE Dry Planer ends & Blocks, cut in 1 ft and 18 inch lengths. Immediate delivery. Phone CH. 15-42. WOOD Green 4 ft slab wood. nr> edgings, $7 per crd., delivered in 3 crd loads, only. C. J. Staser, b-. 373, Carlton, Oregon. W ANTED I — TELEPHONE OPERATORS Previous Experience not es sential it willing to learn. WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO. FOR SALE 4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord lots). W rite J. O. Johnson, Rx 584, Carlton, Oregon. • • Carry on for mothers like Sophia. Buy War Bonds »ill it hurts. It takes both . . . two fingers to give the Victory sign. It takes both . . . War Bonds and Taxes to make that Victory come true. Continue your purchase o f W ar Bonds, at least ten percent of your income. Pay your Victory Tax and your income tax cheerfully and gladly. Both are in lieu of an Occupation Tax to Hitler. Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800.000 SAVE YOUR T IR E S- BUY DEFENSE BONDS Ride a Bos— Right to the door of the Winter Garden On Taylor Street, bt. 4th & 5th PO R TL A N D Tasty Foods Dinners— Lunches Banquets L . S. lu a s u i y Depuitment ! V I i Ten per cent of your income in W ar Bonds will help to build the planes and tanks that will insure defeat of Hit ler and his Axis partners. , BR. 1423 for Reservation Claude Brereton AT th e W IN T E R GARDEN 0e Laval SE PARATO R S _ M ILK E R S COM PLETE E Q U IPM E N T AND SU PPLIE S FOR TH E H A IR Y IN D U STR Y itìomoPkiml-, Minili«lmr< Z IX.tributari 1VCRYTHING . a _ DArnYM * • Zltfv WJ f n i I I AMD, C A ».— i ALT L A K I ( i 1V 135 NW Park AT. «M I 100.000 Qali-k H ra rln « FRUIT and NUT TREES Plant Tualatin V all.y Nurnertea quick bearliiK trc«a lor greater profit* We have a complete a.Mortment o f Peaches. Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Apricots, Figs. Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Chest nuts, Hickory Nuts. etc. Complete assort ment of Berry Plants, Shrubs. Hoses. Most all varieties of Flowering and Shade trees Send for 40-page catalog. It will pay to drive out to our nurseries. Drive out Bar bur Blvd. from Portland on Hlway #9W. Out 17 miles. 1 mile past Six Corners toward Newberg. Or we will ship your order by parcel post or express. TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES Ht. 3. Bos 310, H H KR VtO O D , O K IlliU N U. S. Treasury Department Baled Cedar Shavings (Shingle Tow ) For Insuiution— Poultry Fitter— Livestock, Dog & Cat Bedding— — Nursery Packing EAST ST. JOHNS SH IN G LE CO. 10501 N. Portland Road Portland, Oregon UN. 0070 ge t t i ng them selves into the proper commiserative mood. "Come in!” The voice was brisk and cordial. They looked up in surprise. Sophia herself had come to the door. As they followed her into the parlor they exchanged glances, with eye brows lifted. Sophia was not even in mourning. The parlor shades were not even drawn. “ It’ s nice of you to come,” Sophia said. "Do sit down.” "W e came.” Mrs. Kimball said almost reprovingly, "to tell you that our hearts are bleeding for you in your great loss.” “ We know how lonely you must be out here,” Mrs. Worthington said. “ With nothing to take your mind otT . . . off . . She sniffed and reached in her purse for a hand kerchief. "Oil. I keep busy,” Sophia said. “ I've just finished applying for the Government insurance on Tom's life.” The visiting ladies could not re sist a shocked glance at one an other. “ I want to get it right away,” So phia said. "So I can put it into War Bonds. My boy hasn't finished fight ing yet. not by a long shot.” The ladies were so occupied with feeling horrified, so titillated by this callous behaviour in a bereaved mother—that neither of then» no ticed Sophia’s hands. Under the folds of her clean print dress, against the seat of her chair, they were tightly clenched. (Story from an actual report in the files of the Treasury Depart ment.) • Apply Chief Operator with dow ncast r Caroline E Clement, executiix, et al to Ernest H French, part lot 2 blk 2 Forest Grove. Classified Rates • M FO R SAIE AHOGANY Cranich Mrs. Kimball and Mrs. Worthing ton, dressed soberly and wearing their best black gloves, walked along the stony country road back toward Sophia Hardy’s farm, to pay their visit of condolence. “ How do you reckon she'll be bearing up'*" Mrs. Kimball asked Mrs. Worthington. ington. Both ladies wore t their most so solemn, funereal expres- sions. " A migh severe hlow,” Mrs. Worthington said. "Mighty severe. To lose your only son. the mainstay of your declining years. And such a dreadful death, too—to go down with a ship. M ercy!” "The first of our boys from Hand County to go, too,” Mrs. Kimball said, mournfully. /,> " I wouldn’t blame Sophia Hardy for feeling right bit ter.” They stood on the simple stone Thomas E Gregg et ux to Theo dore M Shaner. et ux 2 acres in A W Har» DLC 60 V. S. Treasury Uepaitmcm ß<xp./tu ua Save 20 to 25% on your FIR E IN S U R A N C E COSTS CENTRAL LOCATION Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASS ESS ABLE. You N E V E R pay more than the premium on the face o f the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more titan three Umea the surplus required tyy Oregon Insurance la w «. J. P. Finley & Son Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company LOOSE T A L K SINKS SHIPS Hello Folks: Well, I reckon most of us outside Close to downtown of Cal Coolidge have Sunk Ourselves Close to transportation by tulkin' too much more than once, hut thunder-in-lightnln we can't af-1 A Real E s ta te W a n te d ford to endanger our boys in war service by shooting off that dang- Size 15 Muskrat Fur Coat, new ] t rous hole under our nose. SW FO URTH A T M ONTGOM ERY Think lining $59. Singer drop head ma before you load up that moutli of i ATwater 2181 chine, good condition $35. 5721 yours and explode it like an ole an- S\V 48th near Cameron Rd., CH. ; vil in cowboy days on the 4tli of 1294 July! The folks who are shootin' off their 1 FOR SALE AB Gas Range, white mouths in complainin' about their in T H E O L D JU D G E and black, high oven, 4 hurnei conveniences of war time restrictions broiler, storage drawer, clean pilot are as a rule folks who aint got a light $12.50. 8117 SW 35th Avc. soul in war service from their house They ate a spoiled outfit! Take the | GAS Radiantfire in new condition folks who are sacrificin' and you can bet your bottom dollar they ain't a $10 8117 SW 3.M h m howlin’ ! o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894—. 40 years o f Reliable Service Uhaa. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 "Every Form of Protection” -------------------.. — - - -, n i, , Hillsboro, Oregon ü ten SAYS Brick, Tile. Masonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YO U R D E A LE R Columbia Brick Works 1320 SE Water—Portland Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Salem P A IN T S I m la y ’s F resh M ix ed Feeds FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Im la y & Sons R E E D V IL L E ALOHA. O RE ) W ANTED SW AN ISLAND Graveyard D nite Roamers Rest Nite. 10 pm Durham, Tigard, Greenberg, Garden Home, Sylvan. Swan Island. Otto Btock- hans Phone Tigard 2477. NOTICE L a b o re rs w an ted at once. Im m ed ia te jo b pla cem en t! A p p lv w eek d avs only. HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING LABORERS U n io n L o c a l N o . 296 ROOM 215 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th A T JEFFERSON *•11 your lawyer to s « m J your !•- )• to this paper. WAREHOUSE WORK — IL In Shipyards WAGES S50 Week to S69 Week Time and One-Half on 6th Day Work at Any Shipyard Warehousemen’s Union Local 206 Room 500, Labor Temple ^ A p p lv J je tw e e n ^ ^ T C ji^ m ^ ^ ^ K ^ n L ^ ^ ^ “ Quite a discussion some of the boys were having down at iodge meeting last night, know, in the anteroom before the election of officers.” “ Sure w a s...a n d H erb was dead wrong. The alcoholic beverage industry does ac count for more taxes than any other indus try. I checked the figures in my office this morning. W h y the figure on alcoholic bev erages is pretty close to a billion and a half dollars a year. Lucky thing we haven’t got prohibition or the government would have to make up the money some other way. And there’s only one answer to that— more taxes. You know what that would add up to?... about $25 more taxes a year for every man and woman in the country. In other words you and Sue would have to pay about $ j 0 more in some form of tax. I guess about the only ones who’d come out ahead on that deal would be the bootleggers and gangsters.” Cemfrreme of A koket* — - /n j u w «#*, /* 3