Page 4 Fridav, January 22. 10-13 B E AVE R TO N ENTE R PR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon ì Classified Rates l’ WO Cents a word per Issue. Minimum 25c CA9H with copy Minimum Charge on Classified ^ Ads not paid at Time of Inser­ tion— 50c. tVe Fulillsh the BEAVERTO N E N T E R P R IS E M ULTNOM AH PKKSM T K .A K U SE N T IN E L ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial respon­ sibility for errors which may ap­ pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will ) reprint that part of an advertise­ ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. W A N TE D K A MBITS Stve gas and tires by buying^ yout rabbit fl'yer or old rabbit M-iplcwood Rabbi try. 4363 SW Vermont Phone CH. 1030. Call between 8 a m. 8 p. m. Not after 8 p. m. Will pick them up. Amanda Nelson et ux to Peter R Gieen et al, 5 acres sec 34 T3N R3W. J. W. Holt et ux to Bu id el la H W il­ A LO H A ASSEMBLY OF GOD liams ,lot 46 Virginia Place. Albert Keelm et ux to Herbert A Sunday School 10 a. m. Keehn et ux part sec 6 TIS R1W. Worship 11 a. m. Suburban Develop. Co., Inc, to John Young people 6 30 p. m. Petroff Boyt et ux tract 45 Old Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Meadow Farm. o Prayer and Bible study 7 45 p. m. V G Dawson et ux to Eskil F Ling ! | Thuisday. et ux lot 32 Millard A Van Schuyver Tr. ---------------V -------------- . The Maccabees to Herbert R Lynch AJ.OILY COM M UNITY et ux lot 6 Evelyn. B A P T IS T CHURCH Herbert R Lynch et ux to Tenet B. Marcus Godwin, pastor Mtg Co. lot 6 Evelyn. Sunday School 10 a. m. S C Kurdy et ux to Eva M Massey Morning worship at 11. et al, 2 acres. B. Y. P. U. 7 p. m. Mark T Cox to C M LeValley et ux Prayer meeting 8 p. m. Wednesday, property in Gaston. W A N T E D -30 gal hot water tank. A. Litvin. R3 Bx 22. Beaverton W A N T E D Good cleaning woman, j good wages, carfare, at Sylvan, i AT. 5035, collect. Twin bed springs, also Phone Beaverton 2313. W A N TE D mattress Real Estate Transfers For Excellence in Investment W ANTED SWAN ISLAND Graveyard “ D" nite Roamers Rest Nite, 10 pm Durham, Tigard, Greenberg, Garden Home, Sylvan, Swan Island, Otto Brock- hans. Phone Tigard 2477 V ----- —— C N LaValMy <•' ux to John E KEED V1LLE COM M UNITY PR E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto George. Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. Young People's C. E. 7 p m. i Prayer Meeting and Bible study, Thursday, 7 p. m. Women's Miss So. 4th Thuisday of each month, 2 p. m. Harry Hampton, Student-Pastor Blum et al. property in Gaston. St 18 oi Ore to Orville A Tobey, m M ISCELLANEOUS NOTICE *ots 13, 14, 15, 16, 36 A 37 Oak Park subdi.. Laborers wanted at once. TV....J stock picked up free of Shcppeid Inv. Co to E Johnson et charge anywhere. Call , Immediate job placement! al £ acres sec 13 T2S R2W. collect. UN. 1221; night call Percy D Hillis to James Dwight Apply week davs only. CH. 2403 or UN. 0449 D E N LE Y j Harleman et ux lot 3 blk 3 Pleasant- JDERING 0 0 „ Portland. HOD CARRIERS view add Cornelius AND Ida Glaske et vir to Lawrence HIDES * \\OOI„ < \S< \RA—A l Glaske et ux 60 acres sec 25 T IN BUILDING LABORERS specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW’ R2W. Clay, Portland. A tw ater 5334. Union Local No. 296 Marie A Kirk et vir to W F Drahn ROOM 215 B EAV ER TO N CHURCHES I lots 2 A 15 blk 2 Sherwood Acres. TOR TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E I ! Wm Lampke et ux to Chas F Guy­ MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. j LABOR TEMPLE L U TH E R A N CHURCH ton et ux .lot 4 blk 6 Sherwood. SW 4th AT JEFFERSON BEAVERTO N W L Marsh et al to Clarence E POULTRY HEADQUARTERS Regular Lutheran services every Sunday morning 11:30 in Kiwanis McCulley et ux lot 12 Nichols add Highest prices paid. Ask about | ) Real Estate W anted hall. Lutherans of this vicinity and Garden Home. our pick-up service. KEAI. ESTATE W AN TED others with no church affiliations H O Meachan to Théo H Olesen et „ . PO U LTR Y A D A IR Y I ( inirh's y In^i h y A. w mimet Have buyer for two to five acres ux, part sec 4 T3N R3W. n o rth w e s t pro d u cts co . are urged to worship with us. THE MOST YOU CAN BUY IS THE LEAST YOU CAN DO Jack Meier et ux to Loren C Carl- in Beaverton dist. Also buyer for 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon I Rev. E. W. Himrichs sen. lot 16 Tract 3 Boulevard Hghts. farm of 15 acres or more. I ________________ - _____________________ EA. 5141 --------------- V ---------------- M ARDEN INV. CO. Chas Edgar Stone et ux to Roy ST. CECELIA CHURCH 3256 NE Broadway. Portland, Or Noreen Allyn and- Miss Pearl Cooke. Chain, part sec 1 T1S R5W. L IB R A R Y NOTES R Brick, Tile, Masonary Masses 8:30 and 10:30 a. m. GA. 1257 ________ _ Visiting at the home of Mr. and Headhunting in the Solomon Is-; — V —— --------- Mrs. John E Ericson of Beaverton is lands by Caroline Mytinger, tells a 1 N A Z A R E N E CHURCH Mrs. Allan Jarnagin of Craik. Saskat- fascinating story of an unorthodox B e a v e rto n N e w s W. P. KEEBAUGH, Pastor chawan She expects to stay until j expedition made by two young wo- SEE YOUR D E A LE R the last of February. I men to sueh places as the Solomon . Sunday School 9 45 a. m. Preaching Service 11 a. m. JEAN CAMERON Islands and New Britain in the terri- C o lu m b ia Brick W orks Young Peoples 6:30 p. m. RE PO R TE R Mrs H A Alexander is convalesc- tory of New Guinea, in the Southern Evangelistic service 7:30 p, m. ing at her home after returning last Pacific to paint portraits of the na- 1320 SE Water—Portland Beaverton 2514 ------- ------_ V --------------- week fiom the Portland San.tarium. live headhunters who inhabit these Kilns at Orcsham-Sylvan-Salem h ih regions. Miss Mytinger gives color- B E TH E L the Burke home The ladies of the Kiwanis neld a I f ui pictures of exotic island life of, A fire*destroyed C O NG R EG ATIO N AL CIIUKCI1 Ion Allen avenue about 5:30 a m. tea at the home of Mrs. Jay Gibson jungles and plantations, of native! P A IN T S Willard B. Hall, Minister (Monday morning. Most of the furni- last Satuiday In honor of Mrs. Dew- customs, and villages. IF YOU NEED 9:45 a. m. Church School. AN A LA R M CLOCK l ture was saved. The Beaverton fire ( ey Drorbaugh, wife of the new Ki- It is an instructive as well as 11 a. m. Worship. Imlay’s Fresh j departmentfwas called but the water wanis president. There were about amusing story, to which Miss Mytin- ! See 6:30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. I froze as it was thrown on the flames 20 ladies present. ger’s excellent portraits of the black Mixed Feeds S M I T H --------------- V --------------- I Miss Janet Spencer has returned Next Wednesday night will be la- natives add the final vivid touch. FISHER THORSEN PAINTS M ETH O D IST CHURCH The Jew eler ------ -------- V--------------- from a trip to San Francisco, Cal. dies night at the Kiwanis. There For quality, fair price and Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister C H R IS T IA N SCIENCE CHURCH Bank Bldg. Beaverton Marvin Myers who Is enrolled In will be pot luck dinner, service 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Truth is the subject of the Lesson- the Army Reserve in the University 11 a. m. Preaching service. A1 Jannsen returned home Thurs-1 Sermon in all Churches of Christ, J. B. Imlays & Sons of Oregon spent last week end at W. S. C. S. meets Thursday. I day from California and is much im- ■ Scientist, on Sunday, January 24. To relieve R K E D V ILLE ALOHA. ORE i home l£~BMV«rton All day meeting. j proved in health. The Golden Text is Teach me thy Misery of Receiving congratulations on the i , way O Lord; I will walk in thy i PERSONALS birth of a baby daughter Suzanne D , I Clarence Lai ond left for Pearl .................... truth: unite my heart to fear thy Liquid Tableta .. ................. . C H U R C H O F CH R IST W IL L CARE FOR Pre-School born Jan. 6 are Mr. and Mrs Robert Harbor last Thui sday where he has | namp , Ps H6:11) Salve G. W. Springer, Pastor a new position. Among the citations which com­ children, while mother works. G. Shepherd of Beaverton. Nose Drops Morning worship and preaching I^>sson-Sei mon is „ the fo l-: .service 9:45 a. m. Beaverton 2729. Cough Drops • fo .ic . entertained the .. . . . . prise . the , .. Topic Spiritual Fisher The proud parents of a baby i Mrs. Helen club last Friday with dessert °w mg tout * e Bible. Because I Q ,owth. Following the sermon, the Try “ Kuo-My-Tism”— daughter Donna M., horn January io Cheerio FOR SA LE 1 1 Publ,sh thf name. of th* L°«Vd, Lord's supper will he observed, \ Wonderful Uniment luncheon and bridge. are Mr. and Mrs Albert S Ellison. ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He BibIe g ^ , n a m. _ , FOR SALE Light* furniture: dres- Dinner guests at the home of Mrs j Speeding the week end with Mr. is the rock, his work is perfect: for Christian Endeavor and teachers U b ll | U I i oektt S2 SO: M C. McKercher Sunday evening I f " d Mrs B F Alexander was Mrs. al 1 his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and I*'a*n*nK 6.30 p. m. chair $1 50. A Litvin, R3 Bx 22, were Mr. and Mrs. John Prescott. | Woody of Bellingham. light is he (Deut. 32:3,4.) Evening worship 7:30 p m Beaverton, 1 blk E and 1 S off ----- -—V--------------- The Lesson-Sermon also includes Midweek Bible sttulv Wed 8 p. m. Spencer ave, on Farmington Rd. Mr *nd Mrs. Ralph Nickerson are KINTON the following correlative passages M,s Springer is teaching the mid- the parents of a son. David W , born from the Christian Science textbook, week **rvlce in a ,!,udv of thc book FOR SALE ( iood wood range, January 11. The cold weather which hit our . Science and Health with Key to the of Revelation. Everyone is wel- Montague, Ivory and white, $50. . . Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: rome Charlea I^aurens, son of Mr. and Phone Beaverton 2411. several electric pumps out of com­ McChesney Mis. Fred Mathis of Spirit. Life. Truth, Love, combine as --------------- V ------------- < Headquarters for mission and Sunday was a clay of one. and are the Scriptural names FOR BA1 (B Dry Planer end* * i road, has joined the Navy and left thawing out water pipes. WEST IIIL L S OREGON MOTOR STAGES for God . . . Truth, spiritually Blocks, cut in 1 ft and 18 inch, Monday for training, L U TH E R A N CHURCH and discerned, is scientifically understood. SW Canyon Rd neai Sylvan lengths Immediate delivery. ( Mrs. Tom McHugh of McChesney I Mrs. D. J. Ward received word this It casts out error and heals the sick HOME-COOKED GOOD EATS Werner J. Fritz, Pastor Phone CH. 1542. week that her son Herbert had bro­ Modern Fountain Service Road, is 111 In a Portland hospital 3rd Sunday after Epiphany ken the record for cable splicing at *P- 275), ' for Hot Weather Relief WOOD Green 4 ft slab wood, no January 2ith Malcolm Clements Jr., son of Mr. I the Robertson Aviation school, Lam- edgings, $7 per crd., delivered in 3 and Mrs. Malcolm Clements, cele belt Field. St. Louis Sunday School 9:45 a m. The record L Y L E C. T A Y L O R $20,750 Suit Filed erd loads, only. C. J. Staser, !»•: brated his fifth birthday Tuesday, I was 12 minutss and his time was 11 Classes for all age groups. Damages of $20,750 are asked in a 373, Carlton, Oregon. OPEN 7 A M. to 9 P. M. Morning service 11 a. m., Sermon while in bed with the measles I minutes. personal injury action filed in circuit W’hat the Church rieeds Today. court by Donald Simonson, 14, FOR SALE WhNte Leghorn pul­ Mrs E P. Hedberg entertained the Mrs. Charles Owens received some A cordial welcome to everyone. lets $150; Barred Rock $2. God Tuesday Bridge club ut her home newspaper clippings from her broth through his guardian adliterry Myrtle Broome, against W Potter and Jane durds Hatchery, Newberg ,1730W. Mrs. A M. Jannseni was a geust of er, John Van Horn telling of a foot Doe Potter, doing business as the W O T SLOPE Doy Gray held hall game John took part in July 4 g . aver statp dai FOR SALE 4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord 1 the club and Mr The complaint C OMMUNITY ( III Ki ll between the Army and the Navy on ■ lots) Write J. O. Johnson, Bx 584, | high score. W. E. PEGG U NITED P R E S B Y T E R IA N I a cncket field somewhere in Austral- » ° at ' ba< tb* bov' was injured Carlton, Oregon. M O R TIC IAN school at the Cedar ; ta There was a picture of John in August 21. 1942, when be . " . a® SW’ Gabel Lane _________________________ There Is no Beaverton. Oregon Rev. H. A. Armitage, Pastor cked_ o ff. a .t,uckload of baled FOR SALE Hurhank Potatoes 2’s Mill grammar school, because of bad action nd his name was mentioned | hay as the truck was moving under jj a. in. Service. Subject "Till |Estab, 1910- Serving 32 years 0 pcr cwl l - $3 pm <•" 1 Les I weathei. which caused broken pipes In the w t ite-up. the Ross Island bridge. He was Ho Comes ter M Davies, R1 Bx 330 A B eav-' Receiving congratulations on the The Red Croce sew ing club groups I helping to transport the hay to the i 6 30 m youth meeting Murray PH O N E B EAVER TO N 3411 erton. Or birth of i( daughter, Mary E . Dorn j will meet January 28. Mis W. K e f defendants’ premists at the time, it is Rugsen ieafiing. January 6, are Mr. and Mis. Robert fer will entertain the ladies near her asserted. and the group have pajamas to I W. Teschner. make. Mrs. O. T Murphy will have | Mrs. Albert Htghbee, her mother. the group near Katpstein Cornets (Shingle Tow) Mis C. O Hanes of Haley. North meet at her home Mrs. J H. Aten Eor liiMiilatitMi— Poultry U tter— ! Dakota, and Mrs Highbee’s sister. will have the Pleasant Valley group. THE OLD JUÙGE S A Y S ... U vcdock, Dog ti Uat Bedding— ! Mrs. Beulah Bele of Montana, at- Mrs. Albert Scott, president of the! — Nursery Parking 1 tended the Hillsboro Business and Red Cross club announced she had 12 EAST ST. JOHNS SH IN G LE CO. Professional Womens club last Fri surgical gowns and 8 suits to send to 1054)1 N. Portland Road ' day evening. headquarters which were completed j Portland, Oregon tfN. 0670 Miss Wilmeth Truenhaeh enter this month. tatned the teachers of the Oedai Mill Mr. and Mrs Vernon Steele and LOST & F O U N D school at het home in Huber Tuesday I dau^htel Aulith of Munson, Wash . Special guest was Mrs. i _f___ >pept ___ u ____ ,.,,k v . i g it in K Mrs Steeles »ek old male Pig Re afternoon ..... ward Return to Charles Runes. | James Schuhan, who was presented j g[gteJ. Ml s j j j^pher McMillan ave.. Beaverton R 2, i with a lovely gift The other guests Brick & Building Tile *. y o u c a n f) èH ELPy COLDS 666 GREYHOUND Coffee Shop Baled Cedar Shavings ---- ----------- --------- SHIPYARD PAINTERS Feed Birds, Reminds Humane Society Head Feed birds, Harry Daniel president! of the Oregon Humane society, re­ minds Oregonians Hills around Portland are crusted with snow and feathered cieatuies are dependent upon householders for food. Experienced lor Steady Work Rain or Shine ALSO Inexperienced M a y be Trained Union Wages FOR BETTER FRYERS A N D BROILERS A •VitOdW.n |olo-R#a*U#d m p«ll«t ♦ orm r o p 'd growth f* 0 d ond ♦ • r bottor hoolth Por botto? p r o fit« from APPLY ^ -------- , I r t d t r i a a d fr y o r» o»à PAINTERS’ UNION Room 207 L abor Temple bw .lt to *w pply g r o « ' * f § r * t l« r t wsitK »K# Portland Too agio trotto« tolto« TRIA N GLE M IL L IN G C O . iN X t llU U N M ST o »««« i vY ; IM h I RAMI "Judjrr, I didn't realirr till the other ni^ht r hen i ran aero« an article in the pa}ier * sat a whale of a lot of tndu»tral alcohol it.“ government needs for the war.” "1 «hould say it doe*. Chet I understand ’ ¡ aa erase distillers around the country are ;« ngatsxjt 240.00n.UX)Kallorsot tndiis- " ’• alcohol this year for ammunition, tires. and other things. I d say it’s mightv fortunate these distilleries are available to do tin- job. Otherwise, if we still had pn hibition. the government would have had to spend mil- hons of dollars and use up a lot of critical rratmrls to build say nothing of all the tin r it would take. It might have been just another ca«e of ’ too little, too late’." » • * «* • ' 4 fc »* H K 0 n r > f . I n é m l 'M t . «